MINUTES ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING - MONDAY 4 APRIL 2016 at 7.30pm of the held on - City of Port Lincoln
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MINUTES COMMITTEE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING DATE Monday 4 April 2016 LOCATION COUNCIL CHAMBERS, LEVEL 1 60 TASMAN TERRACE, PORT LINCOLN FILE REF MIN201619 1. PRESENT Deputy Mayor Starke Councillor Bartlett Councillor Broadfoot - arrived at 7.33pm Councillor Davis Councillor Davies Councillor Jolley Councillor Mantle Councillor Mislov Councillor Papazoglov Also in Attendance Mr Rob Donaldson – Chief Executive Officer Mr Nigel Melzner – Manager Community Infrastructure Ms Anna Bell – Minute Secretary 2. OPENING STATEMENT “The City of Port Lincoln acknowledges and respects the diversity of cultural heritage and beliefs within our community. As a Council we are committed to serving the best interests and needs of all people in our city, and we endeavour to discharge our duties conscientiously to the best of our ability.” 3. APOLOGIES Mayor Green 4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING CO 16/049 Confirmation of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting Moved: Councillor Davis Seconded: Councillor Bartlett That the Minutes of the Previous Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 21 March 2016 as per copies supplied to members be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting. CARRIED 1|P a g e N:\Scan\Anna.Bell\ 20160404 MINUTES PUBLIC.docx
City of Port Lincoln 4 April 2016 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 5.1. COUNCILLOR BARTLETT – PORT LINCOLN INDOOR AQUATIC FACILITY PROJECT BOARD CO 16/050 Port Lincoln Indoor Aquatic Facility Project Board – Committee Decisions Moved: Councillor Broadfoot Seconded: Councillor Bartlett That Councillors meet in an informal gathering with consultants for the Indoor Aquatic Facility refurbishment, for discussion and clarification of the capital, depreciation/replacement and operational cost estimates of the expanded project scope included in the current NSRF and Recreation and Sport grant proposals. CARRIED 6. COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS Nil 7. COMMUNITY QUESTION TIME Nil 8. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST This Agenda item is for Members to give consideration of their obligations under the Local Government Act Sections 73 and 74 as to whether there is an item within this Agenda that may give rise to a Member forming the view that they have an interest which is to be disclosed and whether it is an interest that requires that they not take part in the discussion, voting or be present in the Chambers. A Member may form the view that they have an interest that requires disclosure under Section 74(1) and (2), but does not require them to take any further action under Section 74(4) if Section 74(4b) applies. A Member may also form the view that they have an association with a matter but not to the extent that they believe they are required to disclose an interest in an Agenda item matter, and as such would like their association recorded in the Minutes. All disclosures are recorded in the Minutes. The CEO advised that the amendments to the Local Government Act made by the Local Government (Accountability and Governance) Amendment Act 2015, together with the new regulations setting out matters for the purposes of the new Conflict of Interest provisions came into effect on 31 March 2016. The CEO also advised that the recent changes to the Local Government Act 1999 (Chapter 5, Part 1, Division 2, Section 70 – Inspection of Register) requiring Councils to publish a Register of Interests of Elected Members on a website determined by the CEO, also came into effect on 31 March 2016. 7.55pm Councillor Mislov left her chair 7.55pm Councillor Mislov returned to her chair 2|P a g e N:\Scan\Anna.Bell\ 20160404 MINUTES PUBLIC.docx
City of Port Lincoln 4 April 2016 9. MOTIONS ON THE TABLE Nil 10. MAYORAL REPORT 10.1. MAYOR’S ACTIVITY REPORT - 17 MARCH – 4 APRIL 2016 11. DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT Nil 12. COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS & NOTICES OF MOTION 12.1. COUNCILLOR MISLOV - CHRISTMAS BANNERS AND DECORATIONS CO 16/051 Christmas Banners and Decorations Moved: Councillor Mislov Seconded: Councillor Papazoglov 1. That Council receives a report on possible options and costings for lighting the CBD, in particular the foreshore, with a focus on the Norfolk Pines for a trial period between Carols on the Foreshore 2016 until the conclusion of Tunarama 2017. 2. That the report considers options that may be sustainable, eg solar laser lights, and that the options may consider some longer term use, for other events or themes that Council could run, at other times during the year. CARRIED 12.2. COUNCILLOR MISLOV Councillor Mislov reported attending the Melanoma March on Sunday 20 March 2016, the Multi Cultural Awards presentation at Government House on Tuesday 22 March 2016 and the welcome function for the Ambassador of Croatia, Dr Damir Kusen on Friday 1 April 2016. 12.3. COUNCILLOR PAPAZOGLOV Councillor Papazoglov reported attending the Chamber of Commerce meeting on Wednesday 23 March 2016. 12.4. COUNCILLOR BROADFOOT Councillor Broadfoot reported attending the Mental Illness Fellowship of South Australia Close the Gap Morning Tea at Port Lincoln Aboriginal Community Council, and the Eyre Writers Awards Ceremony and Book launch at the Port Lincoln Library, on Wednesday 30 March 2016. 3|P a g e N:\Scan\Anna.Bell\ 20160404 MINUTES PUBLIC.docx
City of Port Lincoln 4 April 2016 13. QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILLORS 13.1. COUNCILLOR MISLOV - ADOPT A ROAD PROGRAM – MEETING HELD ON 15 FEBRUARY 2016 Councillor Mislov advised of an “Adopt a Road” program which was in place in other regional towns around the country, and enquired on the possibility of Council investigating a similar program for Port Lincoln. Investigation into program examples has commenced. A report will be provided at a subsequent meeting. 13.2. COUNCILLOR DAVIS – CAR PARKING SPACES AT THE FOODLAND SITE DEVELOPMENT Councillor Davis requested further clarification, by way of a plan, on the location of the 59 additional car parking spaces in Napoleon Street and Edinburgh Streets, which make up the 180 total number of approved car parking spaces allocated for the new Investigator Clinic development currently under construction at the site. Executive Director Development and Environment response: A copy of the plan showing the layout of the car parking spaces is unable to be provided due to copyright laws. The plans can be viewed at the Civic Centre upon request. The development approval granted is subject to a number of conditions including the following car parking related conditions: • One hundred and eighty (180) on-site car parking spaces must be provided and be line marked, in accordance with the approved plans and Australian Standards AS 2890.1:2004 and 1742.2.2009. The line marking, signposting and directional arrows must be maintained to a clear and visible standard at all times. • Free and unrestricted access must be available to both the designated car parking spaces and the vehicle access ways at all times. • Directional signs not exceeding 0.5 sqm must be erected at the front of the parking bays to indicate the location of the doctors parking and staff car parking as nominated on the approved site plan. On the approved plans, 62 car parking spaces are located on properties at 56 and 58 Napoleon Street and 39 Edinburgh Street. The remaining 118 car parking spaces are located on the property bounded by Liverpool, Porter and Napoleon Streets, the site for the proposed Medical Centre and Office and the site of the existing Pharmacy, Drake Foodland, Repco and McDonalds. All of the sites previously mentioned form part of the development approval. An application for the granting of an easement over 56 and 58 Napoleon Street and 39 Edinburgh Street in favour of the main development site was lodged with the Lands Titles Office on 9 March 2016. 13.3. COUNCILLOR DAVIES – ABORIGINAL FLAG RAISING CEREMONY Councillor Davies enquired on the arrangements for raising of the Aboriginal flag on Monday 21 March 2016 on the Nautilus Arts Centre. 4|P a g e N:\Scan\Anna.Bell\ 20160404 MINUTES PUBLIC.docx
City of Port Lincoln 4 April 2016 CEO response: The event was arranged as a simple act to raise both the Australian and Aboriginal flags on the two new flagpoles on the Nautilus Arts Centre. Mayor Green officiated, with two official guests representing BP Australia’s Reconciliation Action Plan program, assisted by three staff. The representatives of BP Australia were grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the project and participate in the flag raising. The event was kept simple and practical, consistent with the project approach that was initiated, lead and delivered by Council, with BP Australia as the sole corporate supporter. A media release was issued, inviting the community to attend, however, it is acknowledged that once event timing was confirmed - related to Harmony Day - there was little time for the media release message to circulate widely. Councillor Broadfoot reported on recent discussions with members of the Aboriginal community who had expressed concerns regarding the Australian flag flying on the Civic Centre flag pole, as well as on the new flag pole on the Nautilus Arts Centre, alongside the Aboriginal flag. On Behalf of the Aboriginal community, Councillor Broadfoot enquired whether Council will continue to fly the Australian flag on the Civic Centre building, or whether an alternative flag ie the SA State flag or the City of Port Lincoln flag could be flown instead. CEO took the question on notice. 14. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL COMMITTEES – NON CONFIDENTIAL Nil 15. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 15.1. TRANSFER OR LONG TERM LEASE OF LAND TO MATTHEW FLINDERS HOME INC Transfer of Long Term Lease of Land to Matthew Flinders Home Inc Moved: Councillor Davies Seconded: Councillor Davis 1. That the Council owned property located at 34 New West Road, Port Lincoln being whole of the land comprised in Volume 5541 Folio 800, be surveyed to adjust the boundary to incorporate Council’s drainage infrastructure with Council land at 59 Oxford Terrace, Port Lincoln, and that the remaining land at 34 New West Road be transferred to Matthew Flinders Home Inc to utilise as a car park and for future building extensions (subject to all necessary development approvals), and Matthew Flinders Home Inc meets the costs associated with such boundary adjustment and transfer. 2. That the transfer of the land from Council to the Matthew Flinders Home Inc be subject to enabling the return of the value of the land formerly owned by Council, in the event that the land is sold to a purchaser other than a not-for-profit organisation. LOST 5|P a g e N:\Scan\Anna.Bell\ 20160404 MINUTES PUBLIC.docx
City of Port Lincoln 4 April 2016 CO 16/052 Transfer of Long Term Lease of Land to Matthew Flinders Home Inc Moved: Councillor Bartlett Seconded: Councillor Broadfoot That the Council owned property located at 34 New West Road, Port Lincoln being whole of the land comprised in Volume 5541 Folio 800, be surveyed to adjust the boundary to incorporate Council’s drainage infrastructure with Council land at 59 Oxford Terrace, Port Lincoln, and that the remaining land at 34 New West Road be transferred to Matthew Flinders Home Inc to utilise as a car park and for future building extensions (subject to all necessary development approvals), and Matthew Flinders Home Inc meets the costs associated with such boundary adjustment and transfer. CARRIED 15.2. NATIVE TITLE BARNGARLA CLAIM CEO provided a verbal report in relation to the Barngarla Native Title Claim. Council staff have been asked to review Crown Land parcels to confirm their purpose and development by 15 April 2016, in order to progress a Settlement Indigenous Land use Agreement for Council consideration in June 2016. 16. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENT Nil 17. MANAGER CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Nil 18. MANAGER CIVIL OPERATIONS Nil 19. MANAGER COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE 19.1. PRIVACY FENCE ON COUNCIL RESERVE – MONTEREY DRIVE PROPOSAL CO 16/053 Privacy Fence on Council Reserve – Monterey Drive Proposal Moved: Councillor Papazoglov Seconded: Councillor Mantle 1. That in principle support is given, for the purposes of public consultation, to Port Lincoln Real Estate as Community Corporation Manager of Community Plan 26126 Inc., 1-3 Monterey Drive Port Lincoln to erect a ‘Good Neighbour’ fence with personal access gate on Council reserve, portion of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 6029 Folio 165, to the satisfaction of the Manager Community Infrastructure. 6|P a g e N:\Scan\Anna.Bell\ 20160404 MINUTES PUBLIC.docx
City of Port Lincoln 4 April 2016 2. That subject to there being no substantive and unresolved public or other comment received during the public consultation period, an appropriate 21 year lease be established over the portion of alienated land, and the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to sign and seal the lease documentation. CARRIED 19.2. RENEWAL OF LEASE – PORT LINCOLN BAPTIST CHURCH CO 16/054 Renewal of Lease – Port Lincoln Baptist Church Moved: Councillor Davies Seconded: Councillor Papazoglov That pursuant to Policy 2.63.1, Port Lincoln Baptist Church be granted a further one (1) year lease deed with two (2) one year options to renew, commencing on 23 April 2016 and expiring on 22 April 2019, for use of the Baptist Church and manse located at 12 Adelaide Place, Port Lincoln and the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 5848 Folio 892, for the weekly lease fee of $250.00 + GST per week payable quarterly in advance, with a 10% increase in years 2 and 3, and that the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to sign and seal the documentation. CARRIED 20. MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 20.1. COMMUNITY FUNDING PROGRAM CO 16/055 Community Funding Program Moved: Councillor Davies Seconded: Councillor Papazoglov That Council approves the allocation of funds in the Community Funding Program for the proposal of the Port Lincoln City Band for the 2016 FAME Awards, based on the Regional Category criteria set out in Policy 2.63.3, in the amount of $500.00 plus in-kind support of up to $400 in discounted ticket handling fee. CARRIED 20.2. SUMMARY OF APPROVALS 21. SENIOR FINANCE OFFICER Nil 22. TABLED PUBLICATIONS AND CIRCULARS Nil 7|P a g e N:\Scan\Anna.Bell\ 20160404 MINUTES PUBLIC.docx
City of Port Lincoln 4 April 2016 23. URGENT BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE Nil 24. CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS PURSUANT TO SECTION 90 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 Mr Nigel Melzner, Manager Community Infrastructure, members of the media and public gallery, left the meeting at 8.44pm. Mr Rob Donaldson, having disclosed a personal interest in Items 24.1 Chair of CEO Review Committee Report – CEO Performance Review 2014-2015 and 24.2 Chair of CEO Review Committee Report – CEO Remuneration Review, due to his current position as the Chief Executive Officer of the City of Port Lincoln, left the meeting at 8.44pm. CO 16/056 Confidential Order – CEO Performance Review 2014-2015 Moved: Councillor Davis Seconded: Councillor Broadfoot That pursuant to section 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999 the Council orders that all members of the public, except the Minute Secretary be excluded from attendance at the meeting for Agenda Item 24.1 - Chair of CEO Review Committee Report - Chief Executive Officer Performance Review 2014-2015. The Council is satisfied that, pursuant to section 90(3)(a) of the Act, the information to be received, discussed or considered in relation to these Agenda Items is information the disclosure of which would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information concerning the personal affairs of the Chief Executive Officer, in that details of his performance criteria and review report will be discussed, which are sensitive and are details only known to those who have participated in the review preparation process. The Council is satisfied that the principle that the meeting be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed in the circumstances because details of the Chief Executive Officer’s performance review are his personal affairs until such time as his contract of employment with the City of Port Lincoln is concluded. CARRIED 24.1. CHAIR OF CEO REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT – CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER PERFORMANCE REVIEW 2014-2015 CO 16/058 Confidential Order to Remain – CEO Performance Review 2014-2015 Moved: Councillor Broadfoot Seconded: Councillor Jolley That having considered Agenda Item 24.1 Chair of CEO Review Committee Report - Chief Executive Officer Performance Review 2014-2015 in confidence under section 90(2) and (3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council, pursuant to section 91(7) of that Act orders that the attached document provided by McArthur relating to the Chief Executive Officer’s Performance Review Final Report, Agenda Item 24.1, be retained in confidence until such time as Mr Rob Donaldson’s contract as the Chief Executive Officer is concluded. CARRIED 8|P a g e N:\Scan\Anna.Bell\ 20160404 MINUTES PUBLIC.docx
City of Port Lincoln 4 April 2016 CO 16/059 Confidential Order – CEO Remuneration Review Moved: Councillor Davis Seconded: Councillor Broadfoot That pursuant to section 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999 the Council orders that all members of the public, except the Minute Secretary be excluded from attendance at the meeting for Agenda Item 24.2 - Chair of CEO Review Committee Report - Chief Executive Officer Remuneration Review. The Council is satisfied that, pursuant to section 90(3)(a) of the Act, the information to be received, discussed or considered in relation to these Agenda Items is information the disclosure of which would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information concerning the personal affairs of the Chief Executive Officer, in that details of his possible remuneration will be discussed, which are sensitive and are details only known to those who have participated in the review preparation process. The Council is satisfied that the principle that the meeting be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed in the circumstances because details of the Chief Executive Officer’s Remuneration Review are his personal affairs until such time as he has been informed of and accepted the review outcomes. CARRIED 24.2. CHAIR OF CEO REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT – CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER REMUNERATION REVIEW CO 16/061 Confidential Order to Remain – CEO Remuneration Review Moved: Councillor Davis Seconded: Councillor Jolley That having considered Agenda Item 24.2 Chair of CEO Review Committee Report - Chief Executive Officer Remuneration Review in confidence under section 90(2) and (3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council, pursuant to section 91(8) of that Act orders that the Report and Minutes in relation to the Chief Executive Officer’s remuneration relevant to Agenda Item 24.2 be retained in confidence until Mr Rob Donaldson has accepted the remuneration and conditions of service for the following twelve month period as Chief Executive Officer. CARRIED 25. MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES – IN CONFIDENCE Nil 26. NEXT MEETING Monday 18 April 2016 at 7.30pm 27. CLOSURE There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed at 8.56pm 9|P a g e N:\Scan\Anna.Bell\ 20160404 MINUTES PUBLIC.docx
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