Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA

Page created by Erik Fleming
Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA
Hull Trinity House Academy

                                                  Prospectus 2022 / 23


   D E LTA
     Hull Trinity House
Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA
Core values

Honesty and trust
Courtesy and
Responsibility and
Consistency and
Mutual respect and
                                                     D E LTA
fairness                                                   Hull Trinity House

                                        A foreword from the Principal
                                        Welcome to Hull Trinity House Academy’s 2022 prospectus.
                                        It provides prospective students and parents / carers with a clear outline of our
                                        unique educational offer.
                                        We are proud of the school’s maritime history and traditions. They remain at
                                        the heart of our ethos.
                                        Our motto ‘Spes Super Sydera’ (Hope Beyond the Stars) encapsulates our
                                        ambitions for our young people.
                                        Our mission statement – striving together to achieve excellence in everything
                                        we do – similarly reflects our determination, and that of Delta Academies Trust,    A message from Delta Academies Trust’s CEO
                                        to provide a first class education.
                                        We will work with parents / carers to enable and empower all our young people       I am excited about the future of Hull Trinity House Academy.
                                        to achieve their potential and realise aspirations and ambitions.
                                                                                                                            But, in planning that future, we are      Over the next five years, student
                                        Our Academy traditions, developed over the last 234 years, are part of our          incredibly mindful of the school’s        numbers will grow gradually.
                                        duty and a means by which we maintain the academy’s significant reputation          historic place in the educational
                                                                                                                                                                      High quality staff will be recruited
                                        in, and beyond, the City of Kingston upon Hull.                                     landscape of Hull and the wider
                                                                                                                                                                      to ensure all students continue to
                                        Our founders, The Brethren, continue to play a key role on our governing body,                                                receive the first class education the
                                        supporting our future ambitions while being guardians of our historic past.         Next September, the school will           school is renowned for.
                                                                                                                            move to a purpose-built location,
                                        Every student and adult are valued and supportive of each other, underwritten                                                 The changes will ensure more
                                                                                                                            with new investment creating
                                        in our core values.                                                                                                           young people across Hull and East       They must not be observers as
                                                                                                                            much-improved facilities for our
                                                                                                                                                                      Yorkshire can experience its unique     others are recruited into the
                                        I look forward to welcoming you to a special place.                                 students and staff.
                                                                                                                                                                      offer. But its ethos, centred on a      area.
                                        G. Moffatt                                                                          The switch to Beverley Road               proud maritime history, will remain.
                                        Principal                                                                           (above) will enable us to offer an                                                Paul Tarn
                                                                                                                                                                      We      are  determined  young
                                                                                                                            enhanced curriculum with first                                                    Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                                                                      people can benefit from the
                                                                                                                            class sports facilities, specialist                                               Delta Academies Trust
                                                                                                                                                                      region’s    economic    growth,
                                                                                                                            performance areas and state-of-the-
                                                                                                                                                                      driven by opportunities in the
                                                                                                                            art technology.
                                                                                                                                                                      renewables sector and other
                                                                                                                            The school will be co-educational for     industries.
                                                                                                                            the first time in its history, offering
                                                                                                                            places in Year 7 to girls as well as

        Ofsted (February, 2020) says:                                                                                       Ofsted says:
        Hull Trinity House Academy continues to be a good school. Pupils are enthusiastic to learn                          The school is well led and managed. The Principal is supported and challenged by governors
        and want to succeed. Teachers have high expectations and aspirations for every pupil.                               and the Trust. Staff are very proud of their school and they enjoy working there.

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Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA
Curriculum                                                                                                      Admissions
An enhanced curriculum will                                                                                     Applications for the admission of             3. Have a sibling attending the
be offered at the Academy                                                                                       students to Year 7, at age 11+, in               academy at the time they would
                                                                                                                September, 2022, should be made                  be eligible to take up a place in
from September 2022.
                                                                                                                via the Local Authority (LA). There              year 7. Students with a sibling
Key Stage 3 (Years 7 – 9) students                                                                              are 240 places available.                        at the Academy will be offered
receive the National Curriculum                                                                                                                                  a place providing an application
entitlement of English, Mathematics,                                                                            We strongly suggest Hull Trinity
                                                                                                                                                                 is made and the procedure is
Science, ICT, Technology, French,                                                                               House Academy is put as the first
History, Geography, Art, PE, Music,                                                                             named Academy in your list of three
and EPC (Ethics, Philosophy and                                                                                 equal choices. This being the case,           4. The     applicant    living   the
Citizenship).                                                                                                   the LA will give students a place if             furthest distance from their ‘oo-
                                                                                                                one is available.                                educational secondary’ school**
In addition, they study food                                                                                                                                     (using the shortest home to
technology and maritime studies.                                                                                Parents must understand, when
                                                                                                                                                                 school route, given by Bing maps,
                                                                                                                making their preference, the
All students learn to sail, spending                                                                                                                             in kilometres).
                                                                                                                Academy has a clear nautical ethos
a minimum of 2 days per year at                                                                                 and strict uniform policy.                    5. The applicant living the nearest
Welton Waters.                                                                                                                                                   distance to Hull Trinity House
                                                                                                                A panel will use the following
At Key Stage 4, the core                                                                                                                                         Academy** (using the above
                                                                                                                criteria, listed in rank order, when
examination courses followed by                                                                                                                                  method)
                                                                                                                considering applications:
all students are English Language,
English Literature, Mathematics                                                                                 1. Is the student a “looked after
                                                                                                                   child” or has Hull Trinity House           * Information on ‘Zones’ available at the
and Combined Science, alongside                                                                                                                               Academy’s office.
the non-examined subjects of EPC                                                                                   Academy been named on a child’s
                                                                                                                   EHCP.                                      **Refer to Hull Learning Services ‘A
(Ethics, Philosophy and Citizenship)
                                                                                                                                                              Parents’ Guide to Secondary Admissions
and PE.                                                                                                         2. The applicant’s Cognitive Ability          2022/2023’
                                                                                                                   Test score band and ‘Zone’* in
Key Stage 4 options                                                                                                which they usually live.** Used
                                                                                                                   to ensure we offer places to an
          GCSE Courses:                      Non-GCSE Courses:                Future Developments                  equal number of students from
                                                                                                                   each zone and at each ability
•   Art                                • Marine Engineering              Next September at our improved,           band.
•   Business Studies                     comprising Level 2              larger location, we will be adding
                                         Engineering and Level 2         the subjects of Food Technology,
•   Computer Science
•   Design and Technology
                                         Maritime studies – including
                                         Royal Yachting Association
                                                                         Music and Performing Arts to the
                                                                                                                Cognitive Ability Test
    (graphics)                           accreditation of Sailing;
                                                                         We keep the curriculum under           All applicants will be required to sit
•   Design and Technology                Powerboating; Diesel Engine                                            a Cognitive Ability Test (CAT).
                                                                         constant review to ensure that our
    (Resistant Materials)                Maintenance; Essential
                                                                         students are properly equipped to      It is not a ‘pass or fail’ test; neither is
•   Electronics                          Navigation & Seamanship;
                                                                         take their next steps in education     it something that can be revised for.
•   French                             • NCFE Engineering                or training and to provide them        We use it to put every student into
•   Geography                          • NCFE Health and Fitness         with the tools to succeed. As the      an ability band, to ensure we take
                                       • Level 1 & 2 Functional Skills   expansion progresses and the 2022      the same number from each and are,
•   History
                                         English, Mathematics            intake moves through the school,       therefore, not selective.
•   Photography                                                          we expect even more options to be
•   Extra Science to convert                                                                                    We are a fully comprehensive,
                                                                         added to respond to students’ career
    combined science to three                                                                                   inclusive Academy.
                                                                         interests and aspirations.
    separate GCSEs: Biology,
    Chemistry and Physics

             Ofsted says:
             Pupils show respect for each other and their teachers. Pupils are well mannered and
             courteous. Adults support pupils effectively so that they achieve well.

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Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA
activities                                                                                                                                                                                                   ETHON MATSON
Students are encouraged to                                                                                                                                                                                   I like starting the day with
participate in a wide range of extra                                                                                                                                                                         parade and we also get our
curricular activities, such as the                                                                                                                                                                           uniform inspected. I like
after school club in the Learning                                                                                                                                                                            our school motto being in
Resource Centre; the First Story
young writers’ group and Poetry
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Latin ‘Spes Super Sydera’
by Heart; the ICT club; The School
Council and The Sustainability Team.
                                          Academy dress                           Religious education                       Pastoral care
                                          For their first three years in the      The Academy is non-denominational         The broad pastoral aim is to ensure      Coordinator, who acts as the head of
All students have the opportunity to
                                          school, the cadets wear a naval style   but has strong Anglican connections       all students are provided with           student services and well-being.
participate in a residential tall ships
                                          uniform, based on the Merchant and      and considers Christian values            information, advice and guidance
voyage or one of the many other                                                                                                                                      Pastoral support is also provided,
                                          Royal Navy, with KS3 (Year 7, 8, 9)     and traditions are a worthy basis         to gain maximum benefit from their
residential trips that are available,                                                                                                                                where necessary, through outside
                                          wearing a wool jumper and beret         for life. But it recognises the need      Academy experiences.
including a modern foreign language                                                                                                                                  agencies.
                                          and KS4 wearing a blazer and school     to balance its proper concern for
trip to Paris and History trip to the                                                                                       All staff work together with a
                                          cap.                                    Christian principles with the need                                                 Safeguarding, a top priority within
battlefields of Ypres in Belgium.                                                                                           view to achieving a positive ethos
                                                                                  to foster recognition and awareness                                                the Academy, is supervised by our
                                          Parents are asked sign a Home-                                                    that recognises and values the
The Academy also has many                                                         of, and tolerance and understanding                                                Designated Safeguarding Lead and
                                          Academy Agreement, part of which                                                  contribution made by every child.
students following our thriving                                                   for, other cultural groups.                                                        Deputy Designated Safeguarding
                                          asks them to ensure compliance                                                                                                                                     KAEWAN KADER
Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.                                                                                             Responsibility for the welfare of the    Lead. They are supported by the
                                          with uniform regulations, including     Therefore the Governors endorse
                                                                                                                            students lies primarily with the form    Trust’s Director of Inclusion and       I have family that attends
Sporting fixtures with other schools      hair style and length.                  the guidelines of the Hull Authority’s
take place in football, rugby, table                                              Agreed Syllabus.
                                                                                                                            tutors, actively supported by a team     Student Support.                        Trinity. I like the traditions
                                                                                                                            of non–teaching Learning Managers,                                               and maritime uniform.
tennis, basketball, athletics and
                                                                                  During term time the school joins         supported by our Inclusion
                                          Special curricular                      the Brethren of the Hull Trinity
Students can also participate in an                                               House and the residents of the
extensive programme of extended           arrangements                            Trinity House Rest Homes in a             GCSE results
Academy activities. At Christmas,         Students with special needs are         special ‘family’ service held in the
many are involved in the pensioners’      supported by a variety of in house      Trinity House Chapel on the first                                                                       GCSE results in
                                                                                                                                                                                          2019 (the last
Christmas party providing musical         strategies, as well as a number of      Wednesday of each month.                     Students achieving at least 1 A*/A grade     70%           published by the
entertainment for pensioners from         external professional services. All                                                                                                             Department for
                                                                                  It is a long-standing tradition for the      % Grade 5-9 in both English & Maths          61%
the Trinity House Rest Homes.             programmes of support will be                                                                                                                   Education):
                                                                                  Academy to attend Church Parade
‘White Squad’, led by the Academy         discussed with parents.                 at Holy Trinity Church on three              % Grade 4-9 in both English & Maths          80%
Captain and officers, provides its        A specialist teaching assistant         Sunday mornings during the school
distinctive presence on ceremonial                                                year.                                        % Grade 5 to 9 English                       73%
                                          works with individual students
and civic occasions, augmented by a       and small groups in an accelerated                                                   % Grade 5 to 9 Maths                         67%                              ADAM ANSARI
small Drum Corps.                         learning room to support numeracy                                                                                                                                  I previously had family
                                          and literacy skills.                                                                 % Grade 4 to 9 English                       89%
Students also take part in fund                                                                                                                                                                              attend Trinity and they
raising events such as Children in                                                                                             %Grade 4 to 9 Maths                          84%                              have said I will achieve
Need, Comic Relief and Operation
Christmas Child.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             high exam grades. I like
                                                                                                                                                                                                             how Years 7, 8 and 9 have
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the same uniform.
             Ofsted says:
             Pupils wear their naval-themed uniform with pride. They are proud of the maritime
             traditions in the school.

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Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA
Ofsted says:
Pupils enjoy coming to school at Hull Trinity House. They say they feel happy and are safe.
Pupils know teachers care for them and want them to do well.

                                     D E LTA
                                            Hull Trinity House

                                  Hull Trinity House Academy
                                    Charlotte Street Mews
                                       Kingston upon Hull
                                             HU1 3BP
                                      01482 326421
Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA Hull Trinity House Academy - D E LTA
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