Page created by Ricardo Newman
                                                     April 19, 2021
     Apr. 19-23 – IOWA Assessments
                                                       Monday, MAY 3
  Apr. 29 – Spirit Night at Smokin’ Moon
            May 3 – No School                           NO SCHOOL
         May 11 – 1pm Dismissal
                                            CAMP INVENTION
IOWA ASSESSMENTS                Spark your kid’s creativity and confidence with
   APR. 19-23                          our new Camp Invention® program!
St. Paul uses this                 At St. Paul the week of June 14, campers in
standardized test to view            grades K-6 will collaborate in hands-on
scores compared to others         activities exploring fun STEM concepts! Visit
throughout the nation. It        invent.org/mylocalcamp to secure your spot!
helps us see where each
child is at compared to
others their age. This is NOT           SCRIP CONTEST!
a high-stakes test and has no
bearing on grades. Students                  Apr. 12 – 30
will take these tests April       Stop in the office and buy your
19-23. If your child is                      gift cards!
learning from home, they         The classroom that sells the most overall
would need to come on-           gets an ice cream party. For every order
campus to take the test.          brought in thru the 30th, name will be
Please contact Mrs. Perez to         entered for a $25 gift card. More
make arrangements for this.       information is being sent home today.

                     HEALTH & SAFETY REMINDERS
 Students, teachers, and staff at St. Paul will continue wearing masks in
the building and social distancing. We have been blessed to have a safe
  and healthy campus and we will continue to take the precautions to
                 ensure that safety for all. Thank you!
Things to Remember:
o   Make sure your child can login to Notebook and Teams from home! These tools
    are essential if we have to close a classroom due to illness.
o   Please write your child’s name in all outerwear. It’s much easier to find when it
    gets left behind somewhere!
o   No items may be dropped off during the school day – this includes birthday
    treats and forgotten homework. Please help us limit exposure in the front office.

           From the Principal’s Desk
                                         Rank Rank
If someone wanted to get rid of you (or prevent your winning a public office), what
would they say about your thoughts, words, and deeds to prove you’re of rank rank?
Whatever it is, you would be among the best in bad company—or maybe it’s the
baddest in the best company. At the very least, you wouldn’t be a perfect, shining
example of spiritual or even social purity. Consider these personages reported in
• Adam and Eve—the first of our kind—also the first with ungodly ambitions—first eviction too
  (Gen. 3)
• Abram—considerably reduced his hero-of-faith status by passing off his wife as his sister to save
  his own life—later had a legal name change (Gen. 12)
• Moses—powerful and effective leader—wanted for murder (Ex. 2)
• David—warrior, poet, adulterer, murderer (2 Sam., Psalms)
• You— a Christian, and who knows what else, which might cause others to question your rank
  (John 15:16)
So being among those going down among the famous and heroic in history, could it
be that you would just go down? NO… God was in Christ, offering peace and
forgiveness to the people of this world. And he has given us the work of sharing his
message about peace (2 Cor. 5:19). As famous or infamous as those God chose to
serve Him, the only pure hero was and remains Jesus Christ. Then God chose you to
be one of His ambassadors. The only way this could happen is because He made you
a forgiven sinner. He knows your sins and He did what you should do: Forget them!
Like all the repentant believers and leaders of the past, God forgave your sins for
Jesus’ sake. Like all the repented and forgiven sinners, you have the task of telling
others what Jesus did for them—despite your ongoing skirmishes with and
sometimes surrenders to sin. Nothing need prevent you from serving God. He has
centuries of experience in forgiving and empowering His people to serve. His gift of
faith is sufficient to take you beyond the rank of guilty sinner to the blessing of
servanthood. What God does through His power does not depend on your power.
(taken from LEA weekly devotion)                                          ~Mrs. Perez
                                                            April 19, 2021
19-23 de abril - Evaluaciones de IOWA
                                                             Lunes 3 de mayo
29 de abril - Noche de espíritu en Smokin ’Moon
3 de mayo - No hay clases                                     NO HAY CLASES
11 de mayo - 1pm Salida

                                         INVENCIÓN DEL CAMPAMENTO
                                   ¡Encienda la creatividad y la confianza de sus hijos con
   EVALUACIONES DE                       nuestro nuevo programa Camp Invention®!
        IOWA                       En St. Paul, la semana del 14 de junio, los campistas de
                                    los grados K-6 colaborarán en actividades prácticas.
      ABR. 19-23
 St. Paul usa esta prueba          actividades que exploran conceptos divertidos de STEM!
 estandarizada para comparar los   Visita invent.org/mylocalcamp para asegurar tu
 puntajes con otros en todo el                             lugar!
 país. Nos ayuda a ver dónde se
 encuentra cada niño en
 comparación con otros de su
 edad. Esta NO es una prueba de       ¡CONCURSO DE SCRIP!
 alto riesgo y no influye en las
 calificaciones. Los estudiantes         12-30 de abril
 tomarán estas pruebas del 19 al      ¡Pasa por la oficina y compra tus tarjetas
 23 de abril. Si su hijo está                         de regalo!
 aprendiendo desde casa, deberá       El aula que vende más en general recibe
 venir al campus para tomar el
                                        una fiesta de helado. Por cada pedido
 examen. Comuníquese con la Sra.
 Pérez para hacer los arreglos         recibido hasta el día 30, se ingresará el
 necesarios.                          nombre de una tarjeta de regalo de $25.
                                       Hoy se enviará más información a casa.

  Los estudiantes, maestros y personal de St. Paul continuarán usando
 máscaras en el edificio y distanciamiento social. Hemos tenido la suerte
  de tener un campus seguro y saludable y continuaremos tomando las
     precauciones para garantizar esa seguridad para todos. ¡Gracias
Cosas para recordar:
•    ¡Asegúrese de que su hijo pueda iniciar sesión en Notebook y Teams desde casa!
    Estas herramientas son fundamentales si tenemos que cerrar un aula por enfermedad.
•   Escriba el nombre de su hijo en toda la ropa de abrigo. ¡Es mucho más fácil de
    encontrar cuando se queda atrás en alguna parte!
•   No se pueden dejar artículos durante el día escolar, esto incluye golosinas de
    cumpleaños y tareas olvidadas. Ayúdenos a limitar la exposición en la oficina principal.

    Desde el escritorio del director
Rango Rango
Si alguien quisiera deshacerse de usted (o evitar que gane un cargo público), ¿qué diría
sobre sus pensamientos, palabras y hechos para demostrar que tiene un rango de rango?
Sea lo que sea, estaría entre los mejores en malas compañías, o tal vez sea el más malo en
la mejor compañía. Por lo menos, no serías un ejemplo perfecto y brillante de pureza
espiritual o incluso social. Considere estos personajes reportados en
Sagrada Escritura:
• Adán y Eva, los primeros de nuestra especie, también los primeros con ambiciones impías,
  también el primer desalojo (Génesis 3).
• Abram — redujo considerablemente su estatus de héroe de la fe al hacer pasar a su esposa por
  su hermana para salvar su propia vida — más tarde tuvo un cambio de nombre legal (Gn. 12)
• Moisés, líder poderoso y eficaz, buscado por asesinato (Éxodo 2)
• David: guerrero, poeta, adúltero, asesino (2 Sam., Salmos)
• Tú, un cristiano, y quién sabe qué más, lo que podría hacer que otros cuestionen tu rango (Juan
Entonces, estando entre los que caen entre los famosos y heroicos de la historia, ¿podría
ser que simplemente cayeras? NO… Dios estaba en Cristo, ofreciendo paz y perdón a la
gente de este mundo. Y nos ha encomendado la tarea de compartir su mensaje sobre la
paz (2 Cor. 5:19). Tan famosos o infames como aquellos que Dios eligió para servirle, el
único héroe puro fue y sigue siendo Jesucristo. Entonces Dios te eligió para que fueras uno
de sus embajadores. La única forma en que esto podría suceder es porque Él te hizo un
pecador perdonado. Él conoce tus pecados e hizo lo que debías hacer: ¡Olvídalos! Como
todos los creyentes y líderes arrepentidos del pasado, Dios perdonó sus pecados por amor
a Jesús. Como todos los pecadores arrepentidos y perdonados, usted tiene la tarea de
decirles a los demás lo que Jesús hizo por ellos, a pesar de sus continuas escaramuzas con
el pecado y, a veces, de su rendición. Nada debe impedirle servir a Dios. Tiene siglos de
experiencia en perdonar y capacitar a su pueblo para que sirva. Su don de fe es suficiente
para llevarlo más allá del rango de pecador culpable a la bendición del servicio. Lo que
Dios hace a través de Su poder no depende de tu poder.
(tomado de la devoción semanal de LEA)                                          ~ Sra. Pérez
Dear St. Paul Families,
Starting Monday, April 12, St. Paul will be having a gift card
fundraising contest. The classroom with the highest sales between
April 12 – April 30, 2021 will receive a class Ice Cream Social!
Orders can be turned in on Mondays and will be sent home with
your student later in the week. You can also stop in the office
anytime to buy from our current in-stock cards. The last day to turn
in orders for the contest is Friday, April 30, 2021. This is a great
opportunity to purchase cards for graduates, Mother’s Day,
birthdays, and even summer traveling.
What is Scrip? Scrip is simply a word that means “substitute
money” – in other words, Scrip is gift certificates from national and
local retailers. They’re the same gift certificates that you buy at the
store. Many popular retailers participate in our Scrip program
including HEB, Wal-Mart, Pizza Hut, Red Lobster, Sprouts, and many,
many more.
How does this benefit the school? It’s simple – Scrip retailers agree
to sell gift certificates to our organization at a discount. Families like
yours buy the certificates for full face value, they redeem them for
full face value, and our school keeps the difference as revenue. And
Scrip is exciting, because everybody wins:
• The retailer gets cash up front and repeat business
• You get a powerful fundraising alternative that involves no selling
• Our school gets a regular source of revenue.
The beauty of Scrip is that you put your regular household shopping
dollars to work. You earn money for our school without spending a
single additional penny. Just spend your regular shopping dollars
with Scrip at the stores that participate in the program! And Scrip
can be used for just about any household purchase including food,
clothing, entertainment, gasoline, and even dining out.

~ Reyna Willingham, SCRIP Coordinator
~ Nichole Perez, Principal
April Scrip Fundraiser

            Hop into Spring
There will be 2 drawings and 1 classroom ice cream
Here is how it will play out:
• First week: April 12 – 16 for every $100 in sales,
  school students will earn a free dress day. If a child
  brings in $200 in sales, then 2 free dress days will
  be awarded, $300=3 days, etc…
All Sales from April 12 – April 30:
• The classroom with the highest sales will have an
  ice cream party.
• There will be 2 drawings for $25 gift card. For
  every order placed, your student’s name will be
  entered into a drawing!
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