Remote Learning Program Spring 2020 - International School ...
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Table of Contents: I. Introduction ...................................................................................................................3 A. Goals ..................................................................................................................................... 3 B. Duration................................................................................................................................ 3 II. Expectations ...................................................................................................................3 A. Leadership Team................................................................................................................... 3 B. Teachers ............................................................................................................................... 4 C. Students................................................................................................................................ 4 D. Parents.................................................................................................................................. 4 III. Student Health ...........................................................................................................5 A. Screen Time .......................................................................................................................... 5 B. Physical Movement .............................................................................................................. 5 C. Social Connection ................................................................................................................. 5 D. ISC Counseling and Support .................................................................................................. 5 IV. Learning Platforms and Tools.....................................................................................5 A. Google Classroom ................................................................................................................. 5 B. ManageBac ........................................................................................................................... 6 C. Google Meet ......................................................................................................................... 6 D. Email ..................................................................................................................................... 6 V. Remote Learning Procedures .........................................................................................6 A. General ................................................................................................................................. 6 B. Grades 1 - 4 ........................................................................................................................... 7 C. Grades 5 - 9 ........................................................................................................................... 8 D. Grade 10 ............................................................................................................................. 10 E. Grade 11 (IB) ....................................................................................................................... 10 VI. Learning Support ......................................................................................................10 A. Access to devices ................................................................................................................ 10 B. Access to internet ............................................................................................................... 11 C. Technical Support ............................................................................................................... 11 VII. Appendix ..................................................................................................................12 A. Weekly Schedule: Grades 1-10............................................................................................ 12 B. Weekly Schedule: Grade 11 (IB) .......................................................................................... 12 April 2020 2
I. Introduction A. Goals The goal of the ISC Remote Learning Program is to provide the highest quality educational experience possible given the circumstances and limitations of the current COVID-19 pandemic. ISC will undertake every effort to ensure that all students have equal access and support to the full resources and staff of the school during their remote learning. While the expectations for learning goals and progress during remote learning must be realistically adjusted, ISC is committed to ensuring that students are capable of achieving the necessary grade-level competencies in order to be prepared for the start of the next school year. Lastly, in keeping with our identity as a school built around project-based and social-emotional learning, we are also committed to providing innovative and creative courses for our students in a way that delivers on the full mission of ISC. B. Duration The Ministry of Education has set May 4th as the target date upon which the school will begin a slow return to normal operations. This step-by-step return to on-campus learning will take place at different times depending on the student’s age. ISC will communicate grade-specific plans to the community as the information and guidelines for doing so are published by the Ministry of Education. As such, the duration of the remote learning program remains unclear. For some students, the majority of the rest of the school year may be completed via remote learning. II. Expectations A. Leadership Team The circumstances of the current pandemic require a significant adjustment in the main manner in which the school delivers on its mission and vision in service to its families. As such, the Leadership Team holds itself responsible for the design, implementation, and adjustment of a new learning program that is faithful to our mission. This includes presenting clear directives for teachers on how and what material to cover, students on how to engage in learning, and parents in how to support their children. Central to this responsibility is adopting a practice of continuous learning informed heavily through the collection of feedback from all community stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, staff). The Leadership Team is also accountable for the healthy, orderly, and responsible transition of the community both into and ultimately out of the Remote Learning Program. April 2020 3
B. Teachers Teachers are responsible for the design and implementation of remote learning at the individual course level, following the established, relevant curricular content and learning goals. Teachers commit to follow the schedule communicated by the school. Teachers will communicate the method and content by which students will be evaluated, including all the timely publication of assignments and their deadlines. Teachers are responsible for being easily accessible through email and video calls, responding promptly to student and parent contact. Teachers will deliver all material promptly through the appropriate platform. Most importantly, teachers will provide individualized, timely feedback to students on their work in order to guide each student’s progress. C. Students Students will earnestly engage with all remote learning material in both the morning program and the afternoon program (where appropriate) with the goal of understanding the material presented. Students agree to follow the daily schedule as communicated by the school. Students also endeavor to engage in the digital community of learners, being present and engaged in video calls and seeking opportunities to connect with their classmates to collaborate in their learning. Students commit to complete all tasks or activities assigned by their teachers and submit all required materials in accordance with their due dates. Students understand that the work they submit must still adhere to all academic honesty policies established in the ISC Student Code of Conduct. Students understand that their remote learning work and participation will be evaluated and included in their overall grades for their final report cards. D. Parents Parents agree to support their children in their remote learning as much as possible, with the understanding that they are also balancing their own professional and personal responsibilities. Parents agree to create a physical and emotional environment in the home that is conducive to remote learning, including the provision of all materials detailed in V.A.3. below. Parents agree to support the school in balancing each student’s daily exposure to screen time and engagement in physical activity as detailed in III.A. & B. and V.A.2. below. April 2020 4
III. Student Health A. Screen Time While the use of technology is a powerful tool for remote learning, excessive screen time can be extremely detrimental to the health of students. The ISC course schedule is designed to abide by the recommendations from the IBO that screen time is consistently limited and does not affect physical activity. We would like to request that parents recognize that their children’s remote learning activities will add a substantial volume of screen time to their daily routine. As a result, other forms of screen time, such as video games, movies, or tv shows may need to be adjusted in order to maintain a healthy balance of exposure, especially in younger students. B. Physical Movement Physical exercise throughout the day is likewise vital to maintaining student health. Ideally, every student’s activity would include a minimum of 30 minutes with an elevated heart rate. ISC will provide a daily exercise routine in which we strongly recommend that all students participate. In addition to this option, we recommend that students aim to add one outdoor break every school day. C. Social Connection ISC strongly recommends that students proactively connect with their fellow classmates on an individual basis. Video chats, phone calls, or even remote collaboration or shared activities and past times can provide a healthy and welcome connection in a time of social isolation. D. ISC Counseling and Support The ISC Primary and Secondary student coordinators as well as the college guidance counsellor and all other members of the student life team are available for contact and conversation. We strongly encourage students and parents to utilize these individuals as resources for working through any relevant concerns or issues. IV. Learning Platforms and Tools A. Google Classroom Google Classroom is the central learning platform for students in Grades 1-10. Most, if not all, important educational content will be located centrally in Google Classroom, including digital materials, assignments, discussions, and links to live classes. Students in Grades 1-10 are expected to access their Google Classroom account on a daily basis. All student work product is to be uploaded to Google Classroom. Assignments submitted via email will not be counted. April 2020 5
B. ManageBac ManageBac is a platform used exclusively in the IB Diploma Programme. Teachers will use this platform to communicate all relevant course material to their students, including assignments and their due dates. IB students are expected to access ManageBac daily. Students receive training on how to access and utilize the platform at the start of their IB studies. Please contact the IB Coordinator with any difficulties in accessing educational content through the platform. C. Google Meet All recorded and live video sessions will be conducted through Google Meet. Links to these calls should not be shared outside of the ISC Community. Links to calls will be posted in either Google Classroom or ManageBac. We ask that you adhere to the following expectations during video calls: 1. Mute your microphone unless actively speaking 2. Turn on your camera (when a camera is available) 3. Join the call a few minutes early D. Email Email will remain an essential communication tool for teachers, students, and parents. Students of all ages are expected to ensure that they know how to access their accounts from home and should check their inbox daily. V. Remote Learning Procedures A. General 1. Schedule: In an effort to simplify the complexity of various tasks and themes addressed in a single school day, only one subject will be addressed per day in Grades 1- 10. This will allow students a chance to access, process, and internalize the information more easily given the constraints of remote learning. Example schedules are provided below. IB students will maintain the same weekly schedule as normal with live video sessions occurring at the normal times for each course. Please see the appendix at the end of this document to reference the weekly timetables. All remote learning courses in Grades 1-10 will be planned in two-week cycles. Teachers will communicate to students the material, assignments, and schedule for each two-week cycle no later than the last day of the current cycle. April 2020 6
2. Balancing Work and Break Times Maintaining a balance between periods of study and taking a break is vital to both mental health and sustained productivity throughout the day. We recommend that students work for no more than 60 minutes at a time before taking a break. The ISC daily schedule follows this approach. 3. Resources and Materials at Home a) All students will need access to the following resources at home: 1) A dedicated (not-shared) tablet, laptop, or PC. (Students may request temporary use of a school-owned iPad if needed). 2) All supplies listed in the annual school supplies list provided by the school at the beginning of the year, such as notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. 3) A dedicated work space free from loud noises, distraction, or social interactions with other household members. (Shared work spaces are acceptable, but a “library atmosphere” should be observed). b) Special or Uncommon Resources: 1) For projects that require resources or materials not commonly found at home (especially for afternoon courses), the school will organize resource packets that can be picked up from the school at the start of each new project 2) Printing needs: In the event that parents do not have access to a printer, they are able to request that the school print certain documents and can pick them up during business hours. Please email with printing requests. B. Grades 1 - 4 1. Morning a) Curriculum: The Primary School morning curriculum will be adjusted in keeping with the guidelines from the Ministry of Education as they are published and updated. To begin, we will teach the following courses for the corresponding periods per week: 1) English (4 periods) 2) German (4 periods) 3) Mathematics (4 periods) 4) Science/Social Studies (4 periods) April 2020 7
b) Attendance, Grading, & Exams 1) Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each period by way of presence on the scheduled video conference. Students who join a video call later than 10 minutes after the start of a period will be considered Tardy for the period. Accumulation of Tardy arrivals carries the consequences explained in Section II.1.ii of the Student Code of Conduct. *ISC recommends that students use a clock or device to set an alarm for the start of each period as a reminder to join in the session. 2) Grading of completed student work will be done according to rubrics presented by the teachers to the students. All student work product is to be uploaded to Google Classroom. Assignments submitted via email will not be counted unless otherwise indicated by the teacher. 3) No formal exams will be held before further guidelines are published by the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Education. 2. Afternoon a) Guilds Guilds will be taught by grade level, and the teacher responsible for each class will present the project to guild students. Projects will run roughly in two week cycles. b) Electives 1) Language Lab 2) Math Boosters 3) Movement C. Grades 5 - 9 1. Morning a) Curriculum: The Secondary School morning curriculum will be adjusted in keeping with the guidelines from the Ministry of Education as they are published and updated. To begin, we will teach the following courses for the corresponding periods per week: 1) English (4 periods) 2) German (4 periods) 3) Mathematics (4 periods) 4) Science (4 periods) 5) Social Studies ((4 periods) April 2020 8
b) Attendance, Grading, & Exams 1) Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each period by way of presence on the scheduled video conference. Students who join a video call later than 5 minutes after the start of a period will be considered Tardy for the period. Accumulation of Tardy arrivals carries the consequences explained in Section II.1.ii of the Student Code of Conduct. 2) Grading of completed student work will be done according to rubrics presented by the teachers to the students. All student work product is to be uploaded to Google Classroom. Assignments submitted via email will not be counted unless otherwise indicated by the teacher. 3) No formal exams will be held before further guidelines are published by the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Education. 2. Afternoon a) Guilds 1) Choice: Students will be given the option to participate in various Guild Programs with no enrollment limits. Students can decide to participate in the same guild in which they were previously enrolled or join a new guild. Students will remain in their newly chosen guild for the rest of the school year. The list of Guild options and the registration process and deadline will be communicated to parents and students by email. 2) Projects: Each guild will decide on a theme for their projects and engage in a learning cycle of roughly two weeks in duration. b) Electives The following elective courses will take place 1 time per week. Students will remain enrolled in their current elective. 1) Grades 6-8 a) ISC Yearbook b) Programming c) Ceramics 2) Grades 9-10 a) Model UN b) MSA Prep April 2020 9
D. Grade 10 Grade 10 is in the unique situation of preparing for the Mittlere Schulabschluss (MSA) taking place between Mid-May and early June. After completion of this exam, the school year for Grade 10 will be complete, and students are no longer required to attend school. As such, the learning plan for this Grade is somewhat different than the rest of the school 1. Morning The Grade 10 Curriculum mirrors that of Grades 5-9 with one key difference. Students will receive general instruction in the subjects of German, English, and Math. They will then receive further instruction in the Sciences and Humanities in accordance with their chosen Oral Exam topics. 2. Afternoon Emphasis in the Afternoon Program for Grade 10 will be given to the MSA Preparation course already in progress. This course will receive additional hours per week in order to compensate for the lost time earlier in the school year. Participation in Guilds or elective courses is not expected from Grade 10. Students may, however, choose to engage in these projects as time allows by contacting the appropriate teacher. E. Grade 11 (IB) 1. Curriculum: Courses in Grade 11 will remain in progress without substantial alteration to the content or pace of the course. 2. Schedule: The weekly schedule for the IB program has changed significantly. Please note the following changes and adjust your schedules accordingly. The general schedule can be found in the appendix below. A complete, course- specific schedule will be sent directly to all students and parents. All sessions are live via Google Meet and attendance is required. 3. Exams: Procedures for formal exams will be sent home by the IB Coordinator in advance of any required testing. VI. Learning Support A. Access to devices ISC is committed to providing every student with access to an appropriate device that can support their remote learning. We anticipate supporting students primarily through the temporary use of school-owned iPads. Students are not required to use a school iPad, rather they are a resource if needed. Parents will pick up the device on behalf of their children. The existing “Responsible Technology Use Agreement” signed by families upon admission to the school will serve as the binding agreement under which families assume liability for damages to the iPads while used at home. April 2020 10
B. Access to internet Access to a reliable, quality internet connection is a vital resource for participating in the remote learning program. Students who suffer from infrequent, unstable, or non-existent internet access are encouraged to contact the school immediately to discuss possible methods of support. C. Technical Support Naturally, with such a heavy reliance on so many digital systems, technology problems are inevitable. ISC would like to support its students in their technology needs as much as possible. We would like to request that all technology-related questions or concerns be directed to: Messages related to technology that are sent to other ISC email accounts, including the school’s “info” account or an individual teacher’s address will not be answered. We will do our best to answer all emails within a few business hours. We would like to note that we may not be able to solve every problem remotely, especially with devices that are not owned or maintained by the school. In every case, we commit to finding a solution that allows the student to continue engaging in the necessary learning. April 2020 11
VII. Appendix A. Weekly Schedule: Grades 1-10 Period Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Daily Subject PE 9:00 - 9:30 9:30 - 9:40 Transition Per 1 9:40 - 10:40 10:40 - 11:00 Break Per 2 11:00 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:30 Lunch Per 3 12:30 - 13:15 Per 4 13:15 - 13:45 13:45 - 14:00 Break PM 14:00 - 15:00 Courses B. Weekly Schedule: Grade 11 (IB) Period Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Per 1 8:40 - 9:40 Per 2 9:40 - 10:40 10:40 - 11:00 Break Per 3 11:00 - 12:00 Per 4 12:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 13:45 Lunch Per 5 13:45 - 14:45 EE / CAS 14:45 - 15:00 Per 6 15:00 - 16:00 April 2020 12
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