School Charter, Strategic and Annual Plan 2019-2021 -

Page created by Nicholas Jackson
School Charter, Strategic and Annual Plan 2019-2021 -
School Charter,
Strategic and Annual
School Charter, Strategic and Annual Plan 2019-2021 -
Strath Taieri School
                             People Who Care to Learn, Learn to Care.
                               Strath Taieri School values the development of the holistic child,
                                      academically, physically, socially, and emotionally.

Our Vision:                                               Our Values:
Through our influence, example and efforts, we aim to       Key values for Strath Taieri School;
help our students to
  • Be competent to communicate effec=vely in a             ★ Respect
    range of situa=ons                                     ★ Being Proud - Kia Kaha
  • Be proficient in fundamental literacy and numeracy
    skills; ask ques=ons and inquire about the world       ★ Responsibility
    around them.
  • Become life-long learners who are able to;             ★ Aiming High
     - enjoy learning, take risks and accept challenges    ★ Community
     - set and achieve goals
     - have high expecta=ons of themselves
     - value and evaluate new ideas
  • Be confident and capable in working independently      Fostered as Individuals and
    and coopera=vely                                      as a members of a group.
  • Develop an understanding and acceptance of New
    Zealand’s cultural diversity
  • Be self disciplined
School Charter, Strategic and Annual Plan 2019-2021 -
Strath Taieri Context:
Strath Taieri Community
The Strath Taieri Valley is mainly given over to farming, especially sheep, deer, caVle and some grain. The
Middlemarch Township has a popula=on of about 200 and is serviced by a general store, postal agency, hotel, Cycle
Surgery, Trail Journey, cafés and some farm related agencies. The area is undergoing a number of changes in
regard to farming, tourism and holiday housing, increasing the demand for housing, and reducing the availability of
housing stock. This has had an effect on the nature of the community and number of children in the district.

The community has a covered swimming pool and community hall that are well used by the school. There is a
strong interest in spor=ng and leisure ac=vi=es. Due to our rela=ve size of the community limited spor=ng and
leisure ac=vi=es can be accessed within the community, parents travel to access compe==on or a range of
ac=vi=es within wider Dunedin.

Our School
Strath Taieri is a full primary school (Y0-8) employing four teachers including a teaching principal.
Ancillary staff include school secretary and support staff. We are a decile 5 school with stable
roll. Strath Taieri School is situated on Highway 87 in Middlemarch and is rela=vely isolated
being 65 km from Mosgiel and 84 km from Dunedin.

The school was first opened in 1880 and has always been a focal point in the community. In 1969
it became a full primary and since then the area’s secondary students have either travelled to
the Taieri High School in Mosgiel or have aVended boarding school. Most boarders aVend
schools in Oamaru or Dunedin.
The school enjoys extensive grounds and the development of these is on going for the Board of Trustees and the
community. All classrooms on the school site are older but well maintained. The Middlemarch Play Group occupies
a classroom in the school and has an established fenced playground on site. The Play Group is an extended part of
our school community.

Maori Students Statement of Intent
Strath Taieri School recognises New Zealand’s cultural diversity and, in par=cular, our Maori dimension.
The school:
  • Acknowledges through curriculum implementa=on the unique posi=on of Maori, the dual cultural heritage
       of New Zealand and New Zealand’s cultural diversity
  • Will provide Maori programmes that reflect the needs and skills of students and will cover aspects of =kanga
       maori and te reo maori
  • Will con=nue to consult with the school’s Maori community (children, caregivers and local extended family)
  • Will seek to iden=fy iwi affilia=on on enrolment of iden=fied Maori students and will consult with local iwi
       when iden=fied
  • Undertakes to provide, subject to available resources, further learning opportuni=es in
       =kanga maori and te reo maori on request
  • Such request would be - referred to Resource Teachers of Maori for advice and assistance
                               - referred to Correspondence School for available courses.
Strategic Goals 2019-2021

    Goal 1            Goal 2            Goal 3              Goal 4
All students will   All students,  All students will   All students will
   be ac=vely     staff and board be supported in        develop digital
  engaged and     will explore and their learning      fluency through
achieving to the      embrace        through the       a passion based
  best of their   modern learning        ac=ve         curriculum that
   ability (full     prac=ce to    engagement of       focuses on real-
 poten=al) in an enhance student    our parents/         life relevant
  environment      achievement       whanau and        problem solving
that values each                         wider
    individual                       community
Goal 1
All students will be ac=vely engaged and achieving to the best of their
ability (full poten=al) in an environment that values each individual
2019                                     2020                                     2021
1.                                       1.                                       1.
(1) Review and Report on Curriculum      (1) Review and Report on Curriculum      (1) Review and Report on Curriculum
    as per the triennial review plan         as per the triennial review plan         as per the triennial review plan
(2) Fully implement the Board work       (2) Fully implement the Board work       (2) Fully implement the Board work
    plan                                     plan                                     plan
(3) Provide Professional Learning and    (3) Provide Professional Learning and    (3) Provide Professional Learning and
    Development for our staff to assist       Development for our staff to assist       Development for our staff to assist
    their learning goals                     their learning goals                     their learning goals
(4) Maori Achievement Plan reviewed      (4) Maori Achievement Plan reviewed      (4) Maori Achievement Plan reviewed
    using the Hautuu tool (or                and the appropriate staff and             using the Hautuu tool (or
    equivalent) and the appropriate          board professional development           equivalent) and the appropriate
    staff and board professional              undertaken                               staff and board professional
    development undertaken               (5) The Pasifika Plan is implemented          development undertaken
(5) The Pasifika Plan is implemented if       if required                          (5) The Pasifika Plan is implemented if
    required                             (6) Staff review and implement the            required
(6) Staff implement the Special               Special Educa=on plan and            (6) Staff implement the Special
    Educa=on plan and con=nue to             con=nue to monitor students              Educa=on plan and con=nue to
    monitor students                                                                  monitor students
Goal 2
All students, staff and board will explore and embrace modern learning
prac=ce to enhance student achievement
2019                                         2020                                       2021
2.                                           2.                                         2.
(1) All students are Fully involved in MLP   (1) All students are fully involved in MLP (1) Review this goal at end of 2020 to
    in current classroom environments        (2) Students are ac=vely involved in           see if MLP is s=ll a relevent focus
(2) Students are ac=vely involved in             determining and assessing their own        area for Starth Taieri School. If it
    determining and assessing their own          learning. This process is reviewed.        isn’t, replace goal with a new focus
    learning.                                (3) MLP is embedded to enhance student         that addresses the new direc=on of
(3) All staff will con=nue to develop and         learning throughout the schools            Strath Taieri School.Do this by
    enhance MLP in adapted classroom         (4) Staff, Management and Board will            consul=ng staff and possibly
    environments                                 receive appropriate PLD                    community.
(4) Staff, Management and Board will          (5) The Principal will monitor and
    receive appropriate PLD                      measure the outcomes and report to
(5) The Principal will facilitate the            the board
    implementa=on and report to the          (6) The board will monitor the impact
    board                                        MLP has had on student learning and
(6) The board will monitor the                   the property project
    development and ini=ate the
    property project
Goal 3
All students will be supported in their learning through the ac=ve
engagement of our parents/whanau and wider community
2019                                      2020                                     2021
1.                                        1.                                       1.
(1) Review and further develop and        (1) Review and further develop and       (1) Review and further develop and
    implement a community                     implement a community                    implement a community
    engagement plan                           engagement plan                          engagement plan
(2) Con=nue to develop a rela=onship      (2) Con=nue to develop a rela=onship     (2) Con=nue to develop a rela=onship
    with our Maori Whanau                     with our Maori Whanau                    with our Maori Whanau
(3) Con=nue to promote and                (3) Con=nue to promote and               (3) Con=nue to promote and
    par=cipate in School-wide events          par=cipate in School-wide events         par=cipate in School-wide events
(4) Maintain and/or improve strong        (4) Maintain and/or improve strong       (4) Maintain and/or improve strong
    rela=onships with the wider               rela=onships with the wider              rela=onships with the wider
    community to promote and grow             community to promote and grow            community to promote and grow
    STS and its community through             STS and its community through            STS and its community through
    consulta=on                               consulta=on                              consulta=on
(5) Further enhance rela=onship with      (5) Further enhance rela=onship with     (5) Further enhance rela=onship with
    our local marae, whole school visit       our local marae                          our local marae, whole school visit
(6) Digital/online sharing of learning    (6) A partnership is further developed   (6) Evaluate the effec=veness of how
    is cemented in our prac=ce and            between both home and school             parents/caregivers are ac=vely
    parents/caregivers are ac=vely            so parents/caregivers are ac=vely        engaged in their child’s learning
    engaged in their child’s learning         engaged in their child’s learning
Goal 4
All students will develop digital fluency through a passion based
curriculum that focuses on real-life relevant problem solving
2019                                       2020                                     2021
1.                                         1.                                       1.
(1) Principal to lead a review of school   (1) Review of school curriculum plan     (1) Review of school curriculum plan
    curriculum plan with staff and              with staff and board                      with staff and board
    board                                  (2) Further developments shared with     (2) Shared with parents/caregivers
(2) Developments shared with                   parents/caregivers and wider             and wider community the
    parents/caregivers and wider               community along with what                outcomes and success stories had
    community                                  outcomes have been had by                by students and teachers
(3) Staff PLD plan to reflect and assist         students                             (3) Staff PLD plan to reflect and assist
    development in this area               (3) Staff PLD plan to reflect and assist       development in this area
(4) Community rela=onships                     development in this area             (4) Community rela=onships
    developed to assist with sourcing      (4) Community rela=onships                   developed to assist with sourcing
    real-life relevant problems                developed to assist with sourcing        real-life relevant problems
(5) Students to be more involved in            real-life relevant problems          (5) Students to be more involved in
    deriving the content and direc=on      (5) Students are ac=vely involved in         deriving the content and direc=on
    of their learning                          deriving the content and direc=on        of their learning
(6) A shio from developing digital             of their learning                    (6) Digital fluency is a known term
    literacy to digital fluency             (6) Digital fluency becoming a natural        used by all
                                               part of student learning
Annual Plan
Strategic Goal 1: All students will be ac=vely engaged and achieving to the best of their ability (full poten=al) in an environment that values each individual
         Strategic Aim                                      Specific AcFons                              Responsibility        Resources             Timeline to be
(1) Review and Report on           • Review the Curriculum Plan and English & Mathema=cs                                 Principal Sabba=cal     Term 1 – Curriculum
    Curriculum as per the            Statements, Emma to share findings from sabba=cal and make                            MoE funded PLD         Overview and Cross
    triennial review plan            changes with staff                                                  Teaching Staff        PLD Budgets              curricular
                                   • With staff review Assessment schedule                                                 Allocated Time in     End of Term 2 - Maths
                                                                                                                            Staff Mee=ngs              & English
(2) Fully implement the Board      • Review policies and procedures as per the cycle within the                            School website
    work plan                        board work plan                                                    Board Chair           Edge SMS
                                   • Follow curriculum repor=ng plan                                    and Principal    Solu=ons & Services
                                   • Con=nue with improved financial repor=ng to the board
(3) Provide Professional           • All teachers have personal goals that align with the schoolwide                                             Goals set by end of
    Learning and Development         strategic aims – MLP, Wri=ng and Digital Fluency                   Principal and      Appraisal Docs              March
    for our staff to assist their   • AVend cluster days with colleagues as part of our PLD              Teaching Staff         online
    learning goals                 • The apprasial process allows for peer observa=on and regular                                                  TOD within Year
                                     feedback                                                                              Timetabled Plan
                                   • Re establish the ‘Teacher as Inquiry’ process                      staff to lead                                Follow plan
                                   • The professional learning and development plan is developed                          Allocated Time in     established in term 1
                                     from the annual and appraisal goals                                  Principal        Staff Mee=ngs

(4) Maori Achievement Plan         • Review the 2018 Plan as a staff, create the 2019 plan               Principal and        2019 Maori         Plan developed early
    reviewed using the Hautuu      • Iden=fy Maori students and monitor their progress                  Teaching Staff     Achievement Plan          Term 1, 2019
    tool (or equivalent) and the   • Board to inves=gate the use the Hautu tool and establish if                            and Kahiki=a
    appropriate staff and board       more professional development needed                                  Board                                      On-going
    professional development
(5) The Pasifika Plan is            • Review plan so available if and when a Pasifika student enrols      Principal and      MoE resources        Term 2 or sooner if a
    implemented if required          at STS                                                             Teaching Staff                              student enrols

(6) Staff implement the Special • Review and re-write a 2019 Plan as a staff                              Principal and       2019 Special          Plan early Term 1,
    Educa=on plan and          • Iden=fy both students with learning needs and those with               Teaching Staff    Educa=on Plan and              2019
    con=nue to monitor           special abili=es and monitor their progress                                                 monitoring               On-going
    students                                                                                                                 templates
Annual Plan
Strategic Goal 2: All students, staff and board will explore and embrace modern learning prac=ce to enhance student achievement
         Strategic Aim                                       Specific AcFons                             Responsibility        Resources           Timeline to be
(1) All students are Fully          •   Self managing tasks promoted when not working with teacher                        Spaces, Furniture
    involved in MLP in current      •   Different learning spaces available                                                  and ICT tools
    classroom environments          •   Op=ons to present learning in variety ways encouraged                             MoE Funded PLD
                                                                                                        Teaching Staff    Online learning and         On-going
                                    •   ICT tools available
                                    •   Staff share prac=ce and together create and try new ideas and                     digital technologies
                                         programmes                                                                            websites
(2) Students are ac=vely            • Goal sesng interviews and 3 Way Interviews mid year                                Repor=ng to parents
    involved in determining         • Senior students have input to wriVen reports eg next learning                            Policy
    and assessing their own         • Student can ar=culate goals, next learning and success criteria                     Report Templates
    learning.                         and can show evidence to support these
                                                                                                        Teaching Staff    Inquiry School wide         On-going
                                    • Students to have a choice/voice with in our Inquiry learning
                                      process                                                                                    Plan
                                    • ICT tools used to gain further voice and create peer discussion                       Seesaw, blogs,
                                      and/or parent/teacher feedback                                                       Google Platorm
(3) All staff will con=nue to        • Readings and research shared with all staff                                        Staff mee=ngs            Have =me in staff
    develop and enhance MLP                                                                             Principal and Appropriate readings      mee=ng each term
                                    • Teachers visit and view MLP in other schools when possible        Teaching Staff
    in adapted classroom            • Vary MLP, share and discuss trials as a staff                                    Appraisal documents          On-going
(4) Staff, Management and            • Establish what is on offer for developing understanding of MLP     Principal and         PLD PLan          Establish in Term 1
    Board will receive                                                                                  Teaching Staff        PLD Budget             On-going
                                    • Engage in appropriate PLD                                             Board
    appropriate PLD
(5) The Principal will facilitate   • Establish a learning community with Staff/Board where this
    the implementa=on and                                                                                                Principal reports to
                                      Strategic Goal is reported and discussed monthly at staff and        Principal                                  On-going
    report to the board                                                                                                         Board
                                      termly at board mee=ngs
(6) The board will monitor the      • Staff and board to con=nue to discuss design of Room 1/2/3         Principal and                           Discuss design with
    development and ini=ate           MLE project so it is ready for next 5YA funding                   Teaching Staff         10YP plan            staff as PLD is
    the property project                                                                                    Board                                   undertaken
Annual Plan
Strategic Goal 3: All students will be supported in their learning through the ac=ve engagement of our parents/whanau and wider community
       Strategic Aim                                       Specific AcFons                              Responsibility         Resources         Timeline to be
(1) Further develop and         • Review plan with staff and present reviewed plan to Board               Principal           Community         Website a priority
    implement a community       • Create a new STS website and publish on school website              Teaching Staff/      Engagement Plan       Term 1, 2019
    engagement plan                                                                                    Admin Staff          School Website
(2) Con=nue to develop a        • Consult with Maori Community                                                                                      Term 3
    rela=onship with our                                                                              Principal, Board                           End of Term 1
                                • Work with Kapahaka commiVee to con=nue our Kapahaka group            Teaching Staff        Whanua Hui
    Maori Whanau                • Further develop our Maori Taonga in the school grounds                                  Kapa Haka Group
                                                                                                         Kapa Haka
                                • AVend Maori and Pasifika Fes=val                                                                                 On-going
                                                                                                           Group                                  Sept 2019
(3) Con=nue to promote          • Promote opportuni=es for STS to be involved in sports and extra-     Principal and      OPPSA Events and
    and par=cipate in             curricular ac=vi=es                                                  Teaching Staff     other school events
    School-wide events          • Promote  and support PTA events                                          Board            Sport Otago            On-going
                                • Regularly add to STS facebook page                                   Principal and          Facebook
(4) Maintain and/or             • Share a summary of board reports and surveys to board eg
    improve strong                curriculum, consulta=on results                                                        NewsleVer and extra
                                                                                                         Principal        community reports
    rela=onships with the       • Offer  casual get togethers eg community ‘welcome back to 2019’
    wider community to                                                                                                      Administra=on
                                  BBQ                                                                    Principal,                                On-going
    promote and grow STS                                                                                                    through Office
                                • Assist parents with fundraising events and opportuni=es              Teaching Staff         Community
    and its community           • Draw on community resources and exper=ses eg swimming,                 and Board
    through consulta=on                                                                                                       Exper=se
(5) Further enhance             • Whole school visit and overnight at Puketeraki Marae                   Principal,                              End of Term 1
    rela=onship with our                                                                                                  Puketeraki Marae         On-going
                                • Invite tutors to visit the school                                    Teaching Staff
                                                                                                                             and Tutors
    local marae                 • Invite input into Maori learning and Kapahaka                          and Board
(6) Digital/online sharing of   • Goal sesng mee=ngs early Term 1 and 3 way Interviews in July
    learning is cemented in     • Con=nue anniversary repor=ng for Year 1-3 students                                                            Week 4 Term 1
    our prac=ce and                                                                                                      Repor=ng to Parents
                                • Consult on topics and curriculum areas if a need arises                Principal,            Policy
    parents/caregivers are      • Encourage informal chats and phone calls to parents                  Teaching Staff                               On-going
    ac=vely engaged in their    • Feedback through online learning platorms
    child’s learning                                                                                                         documents
                                • Involve parents in learning programmes where possible                                    Parent Evenings
                                • Hold a ‘how can I help at home with my child’s learning’ evenings                                              Term 2, 2018
Annual Plan
Strategic Goal 4: All students will develop digital fluency through a passion based curriculum that focuses on real-life relevant problem solving
                                                                                                                                                    Timeline to be
       Strategic Aim                                      Specific AcFons                                Responsibility         Resources

                               • Emma to complete sabba=cal which includes visits to other                                  TeachNZ Award
(1) Principal to lead a
                                 schools, research, online learning and possibly a conference or                                 funds
    review of school                                                                                    Principal and                              Term 1 2019, then
                                 workshop                                                                                    Principal PLD
    curriculum plan with                                                                                Teaching Staff                                  on-going
                               • share findings and make changes with staff to the pedagogy behind                                budget
    staff and board               our school curriculum                                                                      Staff Mee=ngs
(2) Developments shared     • Emma to share findings and outcomes through snippets in                      Principal           NewsleVer            On-going through
    with parents/caregivers   newsleVer                                                                 Principal and          Website               Term 1, 2019
    and wider community     • Hold a night to share new direc=on for school curriculum                  Teaching Staff       Parent evening           Term 2, 2019
(3) Staff PLD plan to reflect    • PLD plan shared with board early Term 2                                                                           Term 1 - 27 hours
                                                                                                        Principal and      MoE funded PLD
    and assist development     • MoE funded PLD, 27 hours to use in Term 1 and then apply for                                                         Applica=on
                                 Digital Technologies funding                                           Teaching Staff       PLD Budgets
    in this area                                                                                                                                   submiVed in April
(4) Community
                               • Show case a real-life problem solved by the students and then call      Principal and
    rela=onships developed                                                                                                                           Term 2 2019
                                 for other possible problems within our community that the              Teaching Staff
    to assist with sourcing                                                                                                   Community
                                 students could assist with                                             Board/Parents
    real-life relevant         • Start with working Board members and Parents of our school                                                          Term 3, 2019
(5) Students to be more        • Following on from Strategic Aim 2.2, students to help source real-       Students
                                                                                                                             Rich Learning
    involved in deriving the     life relevant problems in areas they are interested in (passion        Principal and
                                                                                                                              Experiences           Term 3/4 2019
    content and direc=on of      based)                                                                 Teaching Staff
    their learning             • Look at new ways to gather and share informa=on and findings
(5) A shio from developing • Staff to have a digital technologies focus within MoE funded PLD                               MoE funded PLD
                                                                                                        Teaching Staff
    digital literacy to digital • Online learning being completed with staff mee=ngs                                          Sabba=cal                 On-going
    fluency                      • Terms and learning shared with board so they develop also                                Online learning
Student Achievement Targets
Strategic Goal 1: All students will be ac=vely engaged and achieving to the best of their ability (full poten=al) in an environment
that values each individual.
Annual Aim: To increase the number of junior students achieving in Reading
Baseline Data: Analysis of the junior school EOY reading data iden=fied that 40% (4/10) of our junior student achieved at or
above in reading in 2018.
2019 Target Group: 6 students, who are below their expected level in reading, will make more than a years progress.
                                   Ac=ons to achieve targets                                                    Led by     Budget            Timeframe
1. Review assessment data with junior teachers and determine the par=cular learning needs of          1. Kate                         1. First 4 weeks of Term 1
    target group
2. Complete relevant IEP’s, referrals and engage any available support for students at risk           2. Kate & RTLB                  2. Iden=fy support First 4
3. Yolanda Soryl Early Words program. Interven=on program that introduces students to the             3. Kate                         weeks of Term 1, IEP’s on-
    most common High Frequency Words. Gives them both confidence and fluency when reading.                                              going
    This programme will be run 5 days a week and children will be able to share their learning with                                   3. On-going
    parents at home. Purchase Early Words 2 Book to further support students                          4. Kate
4. Monthly mee=ngs with parents to update them on students
5. Guided reading will be taught 4 days a week on the 5th day students will aVend library where                          $800         4-9. On-going
                                                                                                      5. Kate & Kirsty
    they will be encourage to pick books that interest them that they can share with family                              Budgeted for
6. Junior Teacher/s are going to work alongside Play Group Tutor to come up with a 4 year old                            Literacy, so
                                                                                                      6. Kate
    programme, we are hoping this will get the 4 year olds more “school ready”                                           part of this
7. Buddy reading with Room 3 once a week                                                              7.Miss JoweV
8. Using COEC resources to support teaching                                                           8/9. Kate
9. Work with whanāu around ways which they can support their child’s learning
10. RTLB to host a “reading at home” seminar                                                          10. RTLB                        10. Term 2
11. BOT to con=nue funding 3rd classroom 5 days a week                                                11. Board                       11. On-going
12. Purchase quality big books/poems to support love of reading (reading to, shared reading)          12. Emma & Kate                 12. Term 2
13. Analyse year-end data to inform progress and planning for the following year                      13. Emma                        13. July and Nov
Student Achievement Targets
Strategic Goal 4: All students will develop digital fluency through a passion based curriculum that focuses on real-life relevant
problem solving
Annual Aim: A shio from developing digital literacy to digital fluency
Baseline Data: With the introduc=on of the new Digital Technology(DT) Curriculum and our school and students being well
resourced with access to devices and G suite, we aim to have all students more fluent by the end of 2019.
2019 Target Group: Yr 5-8 students
                                  Ac=ons to achieve targets                                        Led by           Budget             Timeframe
1.   Develop basic level skills related to digital literacy by Yr 5 : Juniors Y0-3 can all   1. Class teachers                    1. On-going
     create pictures and videos of learning and upload entries to seesaw; Middle Y3-5
     can use the google platorm to share and gather informa=on eg gmail, drive,
     forms, slides
                                                                                                                 30% of the
2.   Focus on digital design                                                                 2. Emma and Kris                     2. Term 2
     1. Set up 3D printer
     2. Use Printer with in tech programme                                                   3. Kris                              3. On-going
3.   Digital Ci=zenship developed by using Banqer with seniors
                                                                                                                  Part of the
4.   Parents all have access to online journals and commen=ng is encouraged                  4. Parents                           4. On-going
                                                                                                                  school PLD
5.   Professional Learning Development(PLD) provided by Core, work closely with Lee          5. Core facilitators budget -        5. 27 hours Term 1/2
     Stream School.
                                                                                                                  Teachers and
6.   Apply with Lee Stream for further MoE PLD funding                                       6. Emma/Kim                          6. Term 2
7.   Principal Sabba=cal - familiarising self with DT Curriculum                             7. Emma                              7. Term 1
8.   Staff mee=ngs have a focus on DT Curriculum to develop all teachers                      8. Emma                              8. Term 2-4
                                                                                                                  Funding from
                                                                                                                  MoE PLD funds
9.   Use of Digital sooware integrated naturally across the curriculum - so it so it is      9. Kris                              9. On-going
     just what we do
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