PARENTS' GUIDE TO UNIVERSITY 2021 - Monash University
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YOUR SUPPORT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE It’s a decision that will shape the rest of your child’s life. But if you haven’t attended university yourself, or your study days feel like a lifetime ago, how do you guide them to make the best decision for their future? This guide will bring you up to date with the ins and outs of university, equipping you to support your child through the exciting journey that awaits. 1 Grattan Institute 2012 2 Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016
WHY STUDY AT UNIVERSITY? Higher earning potential More opportunities Personal development University study provides a significant Not all careers require a university degree, and lifelong skills boost to your child’s long-term earning but many do – particularly professional With university comes a greater level of potential. Those with bachelor degrees earn careers such as teaching or nursing. freedom and independence as your child over 70 per cent (nearly $1 million) more University graduates have access to a wider moves away from the defined structures in their lifetime than those who complete range of job opportunities, and possess the of secondary school. This can help young Year 12 but don’t go on to further study1. research and collaborative skills required people become more self-reliant and Earning potential can dramatically increase to excel in entrepreneurial ventures. A resourceful, and equip them with the ability with each level of education achieved. university degree will prepare your child for to use their own initiative. University can also the future world of work, which will demand help with forming meaningful connections adaptable employees who can apply broad with others who share their interests, skills to a wide range of jobs2. and build skills in teamwork, analysis, communication and critical thinking. 1
WHY MONASH UNIVERSITY? Our flexibility allows students to better match their studies to their interests, or get a broader education that will lead to a huge range of options. Double-degrees Comprehensive Specialist courses Double-degrees allow you to study towards courses Specialist courses allow students to two degrees at the same time – for example Comprehensive courses are all about concentrate on a particular area of study commerce and engineering, or science developing expertise, and offer maximum from day one, giving them the focus and and law – graduating with two separate flexibility and choice. depth required for entry into many careers. qualifications. There are many benefits of undertaking a double degree such as keeping your career options open, keeping A positive student Practical outcomes your options open, developing expertise in experience Monash students graduate with a greater different but complementary areas, or simply sense of purpose, a global outlook, and Our students are at the centre of everything pursuing two areas of interest in-depth. the skills and confidence to make positive we do. New ways of teaching and learning change – to their own lives, and to the are constantly developed, tested and lives of those around them. Leaders from integrated into our courses to ensure the world’s most successful companies students get the best university experience. TOP TIP And with small class sizes and helpful consistently rate Monash as a preferred Today’s workforce will university from which to hire graduates. tutors, your child will be fully supported likely see people change throughout their university journey. career paths several times Fair entry and over their working life. We encourage our students Study skills and financial support to explore the full breadth support services We understand your child’s academic of their interests to prepare achievement might not reflect their true them for a world of work The decision to study at university is ability to succeed at university. We operate that’s constantly in flux. exciting, but it’s also a big adjustment. two entry schemes and a range of pathway We care about your child’s wellbeing and programs, which you can find out about on offer transition programs, peer networking, pages 5 and 6. mentoring and study skills workshops to help them settle in and adjust to uni life. We also have a comprehensive range Scholarships of support services, including medical, We want as many bright minds as possible counselling and mental health services, to benefit from a Monash education and we support for Indigenous students, the Ally have one of the most generous scholarship Network (LGBTIQ), disability services, programs in the country. Some of our childcare, Career Connect/graduate scholarships are awarded for academic merit employment and financial assistance. PARENTS’ GUIDE TO UNIVERSITY (based on your child’s Year 12 results), some are equity based, and others are awarded based on a combination of merit and equity. For more information visit, scholarships 2
MAKING AN INFORMED CHOICE School leavers today face more choices than ever before, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the possibilities. The best choice is an informed choice. As a parent or caregiver, you play an important role in helping your child gather and make sense of all the information available. Ready to kick off the conversation? Here are some useful starting points. What does your child What else is on offer? love doing? What are As well as the courses available, you should At Monash Open Day, you can they good at? also consider what else is on offer at each chat with staff who are experts in of the universities your child is considering. helping students choose the right Start by exploring their passions, strengths course. Current students are also For example: and goals. Which subjects do they enjoy at on hand, and are an excellent n Would your child be eligible for a school? Do they have any hobbies outside source of information about school that they’re passionate about? scholarship or grant? options and uni life in general. n A re there support services for your child Find out more: to access? How could your child n Does the university provide leadership use their skills in the and mentoring programs? future? n Is there suitable and reasonably priced Help them match their skills and interests accommodation nearby, and good to areas of study and career opportunities. transport links? n Is the campus welcoming, with a calendar Creative thinking can help here – for example, a passion for design could lead of social activities that will help your child TOP TIP not only to a fine arts degree, but also to make connections? Reassure your child that while architecture, engineering, animation or (Monash can proudly respond ‘YES’ to all the decisions they make now occupational therapy. of these!) are important, it’s not the end of the world if they decide Encourage them to talk to their teachers to take a different path once and school careers adviser – they know How can we find out they’ve started their degree. your child well and can help them think objectively about how their interests might more? Our flexible courses allow students to apply to transfer translate into a career. Often, the best way to find out which from one course to another, university course will suit your child is to and they’ll usually gain some speak with current students, past students credit for the subjects they’ve and academics. Monash runs many events already studied. throughout the school year so that students can get the inside story on what it’s really like to study at Monash. University websites and brochures are also a great source of information and inspiration. 3
APPLICATIONS AND OFFERS How to apply Change of preference Selection, entry Students must apply online through the Your child can change their course requirements and Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) preference during specified periods. prerequisites for most undergraduate courses in Victoria: Keep an eye out for the Monash Change Selection to most Monash courses is based of Preference Expo in December – it’s on your child’s Australian Tertiary Admission a great chance for students to find out It’s not necessary to apply to each university Rank (ATAR). The ATAR requirement can more about their options after receiving individually, as VTAC will share your child’s increase or decrease each year depending their results. information with all the Victorian universities on demand for the course. they nominate. All Monash courses also have prerequisites Your child can apply for up to eight courses, Offers – subjects your child must have completed and must list them in order of preference. Offers are released by VTAC. Your child during years 11 and 12 in order to be will receive one offer, for the course for eligible for admission. Your child may need which they’re eligible that’s highest on their to carefully consider their subject choices in preference list. There may be additional Year 10 to make sure they meet the entry TOP TIP offer rounds where your child may get an requirements. Encourage your child to carefully offer for a course that is higher on their Some courses have extra requirements consider the order of their preference list, but we always recommend that must also be met. These may preferences, as they’ll only your child accept their first offer. include interviews, auditions or folios. receive an offer for the course that they’re eligible for that is Our online course guide lists prerequisites highest on their list. They should and extra requirements applicable to list their dream course first, NOT each course: the course they think they’re most likely to get an offer for. Application dates The table below outlines the general schedule for VTAC application dates. Head to for the current 2020 dates. Early August VTAC course, SEAS and scholarship applications open Late September Timely course applications close Early October SEAS applications close Mid-October Scholarship applications close Early November Late course applications close (late fee applies) Early December Very late course applications close (very late fee applies) PARENTS’ GUIDE TO UNIVERSITY Mid-December VCE results and ATARs released – change of preference period Mid-January Offers released 4
ENTRY SCHEMES We know that By considering your child’s circumstances as part of their application, we create a level playing field for everyone who your child’s aspires to an exceptional education. ATAR might not We operate two schemes – the Monash Guarantee and the accurately reflect Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) – that can help your child their ability. Life enter their preferred course, even if their ATAR is below the can be a bumpy clearly-in. road, and there The Monash Guarantee Special Entry Access are all sorts of The Monash Guarantee can get your child Scheme (SEAS) into a Monash course even if they don’t circumstances that reach the course’s clearly-in ATAR. Your SEAS adjusts your child’s ATAR in recognition of circumstances that may have can get in the way child could be eligible for the Monash Guarantee if they: affected their education. This gives your child a better chance of getting an offer for of their academic n have experienced financial disadvantage the course they want. Your child will receive additional points depending on the severity n live in a low socio-economic area achievement. n are an Indigenous Australian of their circumstances. n attend a Monash-listed under- Your child may be eligible for SEAS if they represented school. satisfy the criteria for one or more of the following categories: Every Monash course has a Monash n financial disadvantage Guarantee ATAR, which is lower than the expected clearly-in for that course. For most n Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait courses, if your child meets the eligibility Islander criteria, achieves the published Monash n home or school location Guarantee ATAR and completes all course n born outside Australia in a non-English prerequisites, they’ll be eligible for a place speaking country and arrived in Australia at Monash. after 1 January 2015 n experienced difficult personal circumstances n disability or medical condition n aged 21 or older on 1 January 2021. TOP TIP Check out our online calculator to find out what your child might be eligible for: 5
OTHER PATHWAYS TO MONASH There’s more than one way to become a Monash student. If your child doesn’t achieve the ATAR they need or meet entry requirements for their dream course, a pathway can get them on the right track. Visit our website for more information about the following pathways: Diploma of Tertiary Pathways to law Monash College Studies (DoTS) This pathway is for students with an ATAR After completing a Monash College diploma, DoTS is a one-year program delivered at our of 90+ who identify as an Indigenous your child could pathway into the second Peninsula campus for students with an ATAR Australian, live in a low socio-economic year of a Monash degree in art and design, of 50+. On successful completion, they can area or have experienced financial hardship. arts, business, engineering, information get up to one year of credit towards a range Students enrol in an arts, commerce or technology or science. Diplomas are full-fee- of Monash courses in business, business science law pathway and enter the second paying, but scholarships to cover tuition fees administration, education and nursing. year of the Bachelor of Laws (Honours) or are available for eligible domestic students selected double degrees after one year of who have experienced disadvantage. study (subject to achieving the required Diploma of Higher average grade). Education (DoHE) TAFE pathways Some Monash courses may recognise DoHE is a one-year program delivered at our Access for Indigenous TAFE studies so if your child successfully Clayton campus for students with an ATAR Australians completes a Certificate IV, Diploma or the of 60+. On successful completion students PARENTS’ GUIDE TO UNIVERSITY The Monash Indigenous Access Program first-year of an advanced diploma, they could can get up to one year of credit towards a and Indigenous Non-Award Pathway qualify for a place at Monash and be eligible range of Monash courses in science and (INAP) are programs designed to support for some credit towards their course. education. Indigenous Australians to successfully Find out more: transition to university. 6
GLOSSARY University has a language all of Domestic student Prerequisite subject its own. Here are some of the A student who is an Australian citizen or A specific Year 11 or Year 12 subject main terms you will encounter. permanent resident, New Zealand citizen, that students must complete for entry or holder of an Australian Permanent into a degree. Humanitarian Visa. Australian Tertiary Study score Admissions Rank (ATAR) Faculty A score between 0 and 50 that measures A numerical rank that measures your child’s An academic division within a university, the performance of a student in a particular overall achievement in years 11 and 12. focused on a specific subject area. subject against others in the same year. Monash has 10 faculties: Art, Design Indicative ATAR and Architecture; Arts; Business and Unit Economics; Education; Engineering; The ATAR requirement for entry to a course in Information Technology; Law; Medicine, A unit is the basic component in which a a given year. Each year the ATAR may change Nursing and Health Sciences; Pharmacy and student will enrol to undertake study in a due to a range of factors so the ATAR on our Pharmaceutical Sciences; and Science. particular course. All courses are made website and course guides list the indicative up of several units and generally take up ATAR for the previous year as a guide only. to one semester of study to complete. The indicative ATAR for the current year might be higher or lower than this. HECS-HELP A government loan scheme that allows Victorian Tertiary Commonwealth students to defer payment of their tuition Admissions Centre Supported Place (CSP) fees until they’re in the workforce. (VTAC) The organisation that processes applications CSPs are offered to all domestic students. for tertiary institutions in Victoria. CSP fees are subsidised by the Australian Government. 7
Further information Telephone: 1800 MONASH (666 274) Email: The information in this brochure was correct at the time of publication (April 2020). Monash University reserves the right to alter this information should the need arise. You should always check with the relevant faculty office when considering a course. Produced by Strategic Marketing and Communications, Monash University, April 2020: 20-A17101. CRICOS Provider: Monash 00008C. Monash College 01857J.
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