Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island

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Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island
     Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace
    Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island
    Phone:              2866 WEST 17TH STREET                 Fax:
(718) 266-1612           BROOKLYN, NY 11224             (718) 301-2281
                     FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT
                         March 29, 2020
Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island
Fifth Sunday of Lent - March 29, 2020

   Mass intentions will still be honored and remembered          Sun. MASS FROM THE CO-CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOSEPH
     in the private celebration of the Mass every day.           03/29 11AM—English; 12 noon—Polish; 1:30PM—Spanish
                                                                 Mon. MASS FROM THE CO-CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOSEPH
9:30 AM                                                          03/30 8AM—English; 9AM—Spanish; 5PM—English (encore)
11:00 AM Rafael Hernandez r/b Ana Fuentes (PRIVATE MASS)         Tue.  MASS FROM THE CO-CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOSEPH
                                                                 03/31 8AM—English; 9AM—Spanish; 5PM—English (encore)
         Angelita Sanchez r/b daughter and family
12:30 PM                                                         Wed.  MASS FROM THE CO-CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOSEPH
         (PRIVATE MASS)
                                                                 04/01 8AM—English; 9AM—Spanish; 5PM—English (encore)
                                                                 Thu.  MASS FROM THE CO-CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOSEPH
8:30 AM                                                          04/02 8AM—English; 9AM—Spanish; 5PM—English (encore)
                                                                 Fri.  MASS FROM THE CO-CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOSEPH
8:30 AM                                                          04/03 8AM—English; 9AM—Spanish; 5PM—English (encore)
                                                                       Lenten Friday (Abstinence from meat)
          Happy Birthday, Michelle Garcia r/b DRE & Catechists
6:30 PM                                                          Sat. PALM SUNDAY VIGIL MASS FROM
          (PRIVATE MASS)
                                                                 04/04 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH (Jamaica, Queens)
8:30 AM
                                                                                  APRIL MEMORIALS
8:30 AM                                                                   FLOWERS TO THE BLESSED MOTHER
                                                                             In memory of Theresa Land
                                                                               r/b John Lane, husband
8:30 AM
                                                                                  SANCTUARY LAMP
6:30 PM Fernando Rodriguez (PRIVATE MASS)                                In memory of Ralph Frigenti r/b P. L.
                                                                                  BREAD AND WINE
          Our Lady of Solace Purgatorial Society
9:00 AM
          (PRIVATE MASS)
                                                                                   ALTAR CANDLES
         Rosalina, Beloved Mother; and Luis, Beloved Son                              Available
9:30 AM
         r/b Awilda Mayas (PRIVATE MASS)
         Marta Eugenia Sotomayor r/b familia                             AN ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION
11:00 AM
         Mana Alejandra Rosa r/b familia (PRIVATE MASS)                                   My Jesus,
12:30 PM                                                                       I believe that You are present
                                                                                in the Most Holy Sacrament.
          SACRAMENTAL CARE                                                   I love You above all things, and
               PRAY FOR OUR SICK                                          I desire to receive You into my soul.
                                                                               Since I cannot at this moment
                                                                                 receive You sacramentally,
                                                                         come at least spiritually into my heart.
                                                                      I embrace You as if You were already there
                                                                             and unite myself wholly to You.
                                                                   Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
                                                                          ACTO DE COMUNIÓN ESPIRITUAL
                                                                                     Creo, Jesús mío,
                                                                              que estás realmente presente
                                                                          en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar.
                                                                             Te amo sobre todas las cosas y
                                                                               deseo recibirte en mi alma.
                                                                   Pero como ahora no puedo recibirte sacramentado,
                                                                      ven a lo menos spiritualmente a mi corazón.
                                                                             Como si ya te hubiese recibido,
                                                                              te abrazo y me uno todo a Ti.
 PRAY         FOR VOCATIONS!                                        No permitas, Señor, que jamás me separe de Ti.
Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island
Fifth Sunday of Lent                          Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma

             AS OF FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2020,                       A PARTIR DE VIERNES, 20 DE MARZO DE 2020,
                    AND FUNERAL MASSES                               QUINCEAÑERAS Y MASAS FUNERARIAS
               ARE SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY.                             SE SUSPENDEN INDEFINIDAMENTE.
           (A small memorial service at the gravesite            (Un pequeño servicio conmemorativo en la tumba
         may be requested in lieu of a Funeral Mass.)           puede ser solicitada en lugar de una misa de funeral.)
   Please follow our website and
   our online parish bulletin for continuing information.
    In the event of an emergency, call our parish phone at   En el caso de una emergencia, llame a nuestro teléfono de
             (718) 266-1612 and leave a message.                la parroquia al (718) 266-1612 y dejar un mensaje.

                        Psalms: 91, 2-4                                              Salmos 91, 2-4
Say to the LORD, “My refuge and fortress, my God in          Diré yo al SEÑOR: “Refugio mío y fortaleza mía, mi Dios,
whom I trust. He will rescue you from the fowler’s snare,    en quien confío. Porque El te libra del lazo del cazador y de
from the destroying plague, He will shelter you with his     la pestilencia mortal”.
pinions, and under his wings you may take refuge; his
faithfulness is a protecting shield.”
                                                                               (Pause por un momento)
                            (Pause for a moment.)
Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages        Jesucristo, tú atravesaste pueblos y villas "curando toda
“curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the     dolencia y toda enfermedad." Por tu mandato, los enfermos
sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of    fueron curados. Acude a nuestra ayuda hoy, en medio de la
the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may            propagación global del coronavirus, para que podamos
experience your healing love. Heal those who are sick with   sentir tu amor curativo. Cura a todos los enfermos con el
the virus. May they regain their strength and health         virus. Que puedan recuperar sus fuerzas y sanar mediante
through quality medical care. Heal us from our fear, which   un buen cuidado médico. Sánanos de nuestros temores, los
prevents nations from working together and neighbors         cuales no permiten que las naciones trabajen unidas y que
from helping one another. Heal us from our pride, which      los vecinos se ayuden unos a otros.
can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows
no borders.
 1 Our Father… 1 Hail Mary… 1 Glory be to the Father…
℣. Holy Mother, Help of the sick,       ℟. Pray for us.
℣. St. Michael the Archangel,           ℟. Pray for us.      ℣. San Miguel Arcángel,               ℟.                    .
℣. St. Sebastian,                       ℟. Pray for us.      ℣. San Sebastian,                     ℟.                    .

            Prayer for Health Care Workers                               Mass Readings for the Week
                                                             Monday:       Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62];
   God of everlasting goodness, you sent your Son among us                 Psalm 23:1-6; John 8:1-11
            to bring healing, peace, and reconciliation
                        to our weary world.                  Tuesday:      Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 102:2-3, 16-21;
                                                                           John 8:21-30
        Be with all health care workers
               and their assistants                          Wednesday: Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Daniel 3:52-56;
  in this time of the Coronavirus pandemic.                                John 8:31-42
   As they continue Jesus’ ministry of care,                 Thursday:     Genesis 17:3-9; Psalm 105:4-9: John 8:51-59
    renew them in mind, body, and spirit.                    Friday:       Jeremiah 20:10-13; Psalm 18:2-7; John 10:31-42
                                                             Saturday:     Ezekiel 37:21-28; Jeremiah 31:10, 11-13;
            Keep them safe from infection and illness,
                                                                           John 11:45-56
      and may Christ’s healing presence flow through them
             as they serve those entrusted to their care.    Sunday:       Matthew 21:1-11 (procession); Isaiah 50:4-7;
                                                                           Psalm 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Philippians 2:6-11;
            We ask this in his name, Christ the healer,
                                                                           Matthew 26:14 — 27:66 [27:11-54]
               who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.           Full Mass readings are accessible through our website
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
                                                    under “Mass Readings” from the menu.
Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island
Fifth Sunday of Lent - March 29, 2020

                                                                                                                         April 2020

                                                            4 reasons to be hopeful right now
                                                     It’s hard not to worry these days        strong and of good courage, do not
                                                   with reports of viruses and financial      fear… for it is the Lord your God who
                                                   concerns. Yet we in God’s family           goes with you; he will not fail you or
 St. Catherine of Siena                                                                       forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6). Just
                                                   have more reasons to be hopeful no
   Born in                                                                                                             when life looks
                                                   matter how
 Siena, Italy,                                                                                                         bleak, God can
                                                   uncertain the
 St. Catherine                                                                                                         surprise us.
                                                   world …
 was a doctor
                                                     God, our                                                            He will
 of the
                                                   Father, knows                                                       never abandon
 Church. A
                                                   what we need.                                                       us. “You, Lord,
 mystic from a
                                                   “If you then,                                                       are near to all
 young age,                                                                                                            who call upon
                                                   who are wicked,
 she had regular conversations                                                                                         you…” (Psalm
                                                   know how to
 with Jesus. At age sixteen, she                                                                                       145:18). Know
                                                   give good gifts
 joined the Third Order of St.                     to your children,                                                   that he is
 Dominic and served the sick                       how much more                                                       always close.
 and the poor. For her                             will your                                                             Worrying
 reputation for holiness and                       heavenly Father                            won’t do any good. “Can any of you
 wisdom, she was called on to                      give good things to those who ask          by worrying add a moment to your
 be a peacemaker and                               him” (Matthew 7:11). He will take          lifespan? If even the smallest things are
 counselor, even by popes! She                     care of us when we trust him.              beyond your control, why are you
 is credited with coaxing Pope
                                                     He can work miracles when we             anxious about the rest?” (Luke 12:25).
 Gregory XI back to Rome from                      ask. “Know that the Lord works             Don’t waste energy on worrying
 Avignon, France.                                  wonders for the faithful; the Lord hears   about what is beyond your control.
 Necessary choice                                  when I call out” (Psalm 4:4). “Be          Enjoy your blessings.
   Rather than a day to catch up
 on errands and chores, God
 intends Sunday to be a day of
 contemplation and of rest.                                                 Why do Catholics celebrate
 Sunday is the day we set aside
 for God and moments of praise                                              Easter on different dates?
 and worship.
                                                     Although celebrating                                   on the exact date or on
    “He said to them, ‘Do not be                   Easter on a different day                                the nearest Sunday?
 amazed! You seek Jesus of                         every year isn’t strictly a                              At the Council of
 Nazareth, the crucified. He has                   Catholic practice, the                                   Nicaea (325 A.D.), it
 been raised; he                                   reason why we do this                                    was decided that
 is not here’”
                                                   has its roots in the                                     Easter Sunday would
 (Mark 16:6).
                                                   Church’s history. There                                  be celebrated the
                                                   was a dispute in the                                     Sunday after the first
                                                   second century about                                     full moon after the
                                                   the date of Easter:                                      Vernal (Spring)
                                                   should it be celebrated                                  equinox.
© Copyright 2020 Success Publishing & Media, LLC
Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island
Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma - 29 de marzo de 2020

                                                                                                                       Abril de 2020
                                                                    4 razones para tener
                                                                esperanza en estos momentos
                                                        Es difícil no sentir preocupaciones   “Sean valientes y firmes, no teman ni se
  Santa Catalina de Siena                            estos días con las noticias de los       asusten ante ellos, porque Yavé, tu Dios,
     Aunque la                                       virus y los problemas económicos.        está contigo; no te dejará ni te
  celebración de                                     Pero en la familia de Dios tenemos       abandonará" (Deuteronomio 31:6).
  la Pascua en un                                    más razones de tener esperanza a         Justo cuando la vida parece
  día distinto                                       pesar de la                                               desoladora, Dios
  cada año no es                                     incertidumbre del                                         puede sorprendernos.
  estrictamente                                      mundo…                                                      Nunca nos
  una costumbre católica, la                            Dios, nuestro                                          abandonará. “El Señor
  razón de esto tiene sus raíces                     Padre, sabe lo que                                        está cerca de aquellos
  en la historia de la Iglesia.                      necesitamos. “Pues                                        que lo invocan” (Salmo
  Hubo una discusión en el siglo                     si ustedes, que son                                       145:18). Recuerde que
  II sobre la fecha de la Pascua:                    malos, saben dar                                          él está siempre cerca.
  ¿debería celebrarse en la fecha                    cosas buenas a sus                                          Preocuparse no
  exacta o en el domingo más                         hijos, ¡con cuánta                                        soluciona nada. “¿Y
  cercano a la fecha? Se decidió                     mayor razón el Padre                     quién de ustedes, por mucho que se
  en el Concilio de Nicea (325                       de ustedes, que está en el Cielo, dará   inquiete, puede añadir un instante al
  a.C.) que el Domingo de                            cosas buenas a los que se las            tiempo de su vida? Si aun las cosas más
  Pascua se celebrara el                             pidan” (Mateo 7:11). Él se ocupará de    pequeñas superan sus fuerzas, ¿por qué
  domingo después de la                              nosotros cuando confiemos en él.         se inquietan por las otras?” (Lucas
  primera luna llena tras el                            Puede hacer milagros cuando se lo     12:25). No desperdicie energía
  equinoccio de primavera.                           pedimos. “Sepan que el Señor hizo        preocupándose por lo que no
                                                     maravillas por su amigo: él me escucha   Podemos controlar. Disfrute de las
  Una elección necesaria                             siempre que lo invoco” (Salmo 4:4).      gracias que recibe.
    Seguir a Cristo a veces
  implica apartarnos aunque nos
  gustaría pasar desapercibidos.
  Cuando los israelitas querían
  mezclarse con sus vecinos y
                                                                   ¿Por qué celebran los católicos
  seguidores de Baal, Elías les                                    la Pascua en distintas fechas?
  pidió que eligieran una cosa u
  otra. Los israelitas eligieron a
  Dios. Nosotros debemos hacer            Aunque la celebración de                 fecha exacta o en el
  lo mismo.                            la Pascua  en un  día                       domingo más cercano
                                       distinto cada año no es                     a la fecha? Se decidió
    “Pero él les dijo: ‘No se asusten. estrictamente una                           en el Concilio de
  Si ustedes buscan a Jesús            costumbre católica, la                      Nicea (325 a.C.) que el
  Nazareno, el
                                       razón de esto tiene sus                     Domingo de Pascua se
  crucificado, no está
  aquí, ha
                                       raíces en la historia de la                 celebrara el domingo
  resucitado’”                         Iglesia. Hubo  una                          después de la primera
   (Marcos 16:6).                      discusión en el siglo II                    luna llena tras el
                                       sobre la fecha de la Pascua:                equinoccio de
                                       ¿debería celebrarse en la                   primavera.
© Copyright 2020 Success Publishing & Media, LLC
Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace - Over 119 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island
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