St- Ihomas-D'Aquin St. Thomas Aquinas - Parish - Saint Thomas ...

Page created by Vincent Richards
St- Ihomas-D'Aquin St. Thomas Aquinas - Parish - Saint Thomas ...
srl Semainier     paroissial                             P_a_r_is_h_W_e_e_k-=-ly

                                      St- Ihomas-D'Aquin
                                      St. Thomas Aquinas
                                              413, Main St.,
                                           Hudson, Qc, JOP tHO
                                               450 458-5322

                                         Roland Demers, Cure / Pastor
                                        Robert Girard, Diacre / Deacon
                                        Hector J. Avellaneda Sanabria,
                                           Seminariste / Seminarian
                                              Carolyn Schoonen,
                                             Secretaire / Secretary

                           MESSES • MASSES
  Samedi / Saturday :          17h15 (5h15 pm)      Bilingue / Bilingual
  Dimanche / Sunday :          10h Francaise        11: 15 am English

15 novembre 2015                                   November 15 2015

                Consultez votre semainier en ligne
                   Consult your weekly online
St- Ihomas-D'Aquin St. Thomas Aquinas - Parish - Saint Thomas ...
 Samedi: 17h15               14 novo     BILINGUE         21 novo Samedi: 17h15
 Saturday: 5: 15pm          Nov. 14 BILINGUAL             Nov. 21 Saturday: 5: 15pm
 Patricia Barbone                         Lectures                Jacqueline Samperi
 Patricia Barbone                        Readings                 McDonald Smith
 Patrick Bourke                          Animation                Patrick Bourke
 Nancy Bourke                              Ushers                 Liz Rozon
 Harold Bourke                            Accueil                 Robert Rozon
 Dimanche: 10h               15 novo    FRANCAIS          22 novo Dimanche: 10h
 Francine Girard                          Lectures                Viviane Lauzon
 Jean Dorval                             Animation                Helene Lauzon
 Helene Lauzon                            Accueil                 Florent Daoust
 Viviane Lauzon                                "                  Marie-Jeanne Daoust
 Sunday: 11:15              Nov. 15      ENGLISH          Nov. 22 Sunday: 11:15am ~
 Sofia Lamas                             Readings                 Richard Poole
 Carol LaRonde                           Animation                Mark Serre
 Carolyn Villeneuve                        Ushers                 Peter Snell
 Jack Sinclair                                                    Gail Best
                                     *************** ****
Sunday, Nov.15 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
                 First Communion Preparation - Gathering 4 - 10:00am .
                 First Reconciliation Preparation - Gathering 4 - 12:30 noon
Dimanche 15 novo 33eDimanche du Temps Ordinaire
                 Pratique de la chorale - 8h45

Monday, Nov. 16 ·AA meeting inK of C Hall- 8:00pm
Lundi 16 novo           Rencontre des AA - Salle des C de C - 20h

Tuesday, Nov. 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary- No Mass
                 AA meeting in K of C Hall - 8:00pm
Mardi 17 novo    STE Elisabeth de Hongrie - Pas de messe
                 Rencontre des AA - Salle des C de C - 20h

Weds. Nov. 18    Ladies Auxiliary workshop in K of C Hall - 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Mercredi 18 novo Atelier des Dames Auxiliaires - Salle des C de C - 13h30 - 15h30

Thursday, Nov. 19 No Mass - AA meeting in K of C Hall- 8:00pm
Jeudi 19 novo     Pas de messe - Rencontre des AA - Salle des C de C - 20h

Saturday, Nov. 21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Samedi 21 novo     Presentation de la Vierge Marie
COMING - A VENIR         .~
Sunday, Nov.22 Christ the King - Family Mass
                 Junior choir practice - 10:00am
                 WWJD - Youth Group Gathering -10:00am
                 First Communion Preparation - Gathering 5 - 11:OOam
Dimanche 22 novo Le Christ, Roi de l'Univers

 Tuesday, Nov. 24 St.Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest and Companions, Martyrs - No Mass
 Mardi 24 novo    St Andre Dung-Lac, Pretre, et ses compagnons, Martyrs
                                                                 - Pas de messe
Thursday, Nov. 26 No Mass
Jeudi 26 novo     Pas de Messe

Friday, Nov. 27    Junior choir to sing at the Hudson Festival of Lights - 6:00pm

St- Ihomas-D'Aquin St. Thomas Aquinas - Parish - Saint Thomas ...
SEMAINE 16 - 22 NOVEMBRE                WEEK - 'NOVEMBER 16 - 22     2015

           POUR-      FOR                          PAR- BY

           SAMEDI14 NOVEMBRE                       SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14
 5:15pm    Clare Westcott                          Quintin et Louise Finlay      7360
           Joh n D'Errico                          The Family                    7363

         DIMANCHE 15 NOVEMBRE                      SUNDAY,NOVEMBER15
 10:00am Membres defunts de l'Age d'Or             Le Club                       7145
         Lionel Denis et Huguette Chevrier         Francoise et les enfants      7192
         Sylvia Langlois                           une amie                      7373

 11:15am Tadeusz Swiech                            Offrandes aux funerailles    4974
         Grace Borrelli                            The Borrelli Family          7347

           LUNDI16 NOVEMBRE                        MONDAY,NOVEMBER16
8:00am     Irene Menard Major                      Offrandes aux funeraijes      7257

           MARDI 17 NOVEMBRE                       TUESDAY,NOVEMBER17
 7:00pm    Pas de messe                            No Mass

           MERCREDI18 NOVEMBE                      WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18
8:00am     Louise Poirier                          Offrandes aux funerailles     7218

           JEUDI 19 NOVEMBRE                       THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19
; 7:00pm   Pas de messe                            No Mass

           VENDREDI20 NOVEMBRE                     FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20
8:00am     Madeleine Perreault Poirier             Offrandes aux funerailles    7201

           SAMEDI21 NOVEMBRE                       SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21
 5:15pm    Thomas Benson                           Offrandes aux funerailles    3310
       -   Ginette Sareault                        Mag                          6030.;

           DIMANCHE 22 NOVEMBRE                    SUNDAY,NOVEMBER22
 1.0:00ani Pierre +ienry                           Offrandes aux funerailles    4039
           Helene Boudreau                         Carmen Boudreau              7376

 1.1:15am Marga Ulmer                              Offrandes aux funerailles    4675
          Greg McNally                             The Yeldon Family            7252
          Scott Kennedy                            Dennis & Sandra Meaney       7380
           ****************                        ****************
           LAMPE DU SANCTUAIRE                     SANCTUARY LAMP
           Intentions de tous les paroissiens      Le cure
           ****************                        ****************
           COLLECTES                               COLLECTIONS
           7 - 8 novembre 2015                     November 7 - 8,2015           $ 2,530
                              .~                   ****************


           Huguette Chevrier                  Geraldine Dougherty
           Rene Menard, de notre paroisse     Henry Harbinson, of our parish
           Robert Poirier                     Galina Simonova
           Fernand Cadieux                    Jacques Jean Charles St-Laurent,
                                                                          of au r parish
           Madeleine Perreault, de notre paroisse
           Irene Menard Major, de notre paroisse
           Louise Poirier, de notre paroisse Patricia Ann Marie White, of our parish
           Helene Gray, de notre paroisse     Margaret Clare Connolly, of our parish
           Denis Desjardins
                               **************** ********************
St- Ihomas-D'Aquin St. Thomas Aquinas - Parish - Saint Thomas ...
                          Resolution by the Catholic Bishops of Canada on Refugees
     WHEREAS our world today is witnessing an unprecedented crisis in which there are more
     refugees and displaced persons than at the end of World War II;
     WHEREAS many of these refugee families have no reasonable hope of returning to their
     WHEREAS the Catholic Church in Canada possesses incredible untapped potential to
     welcome and resettle many of these refugees;
     WHEREAS the CCCB President has issued a challenging Open Letter to Catholics on the
     Refugee Crisis;
     WHEREAS the CCCB Commission for Justice and Peace is currently preparing a pastoral
     letter on this dire situation;
     WHEREAS Pope Francis has recently called on every parish, religious community, and
     shrine in Europe to welcome a refugee family (d. Angelus, September 6,2015):
     The Bishops of Canada call on:
            Every Catholic parish and religious community in Canada that has the resources to
           sponsor a refugee family to seriously consider doing so, either alone or working in
           collaboration with others;
           All catholics to support refugees abroad, through agencies such as Development and
            Peace (a member of the Caritas Internationalist network), CNEWA, Aid to the Church
           in Need, or Jesuit Refugee Service;
           All Catholics to fast and pray for a peaceful resolution to the conflicts that have
           created so many refugees and displaced persons;
           The Government of Canada to expand, accelerate,and facilitate the private
           sponsorship of refugees during this time of urgent need.
     EAST MEETS WEST - A 90 minute multi-media celebration of diversity
     Come join us for a beautiful evening of music and contemplation through image, song and
     dance with choir, soloists and musical ensemble under the direction of Pierre Gallant,
     composer and musical director at Union Church.
     East meets West, Union's fifth 'Road Show', is a celebration of the intermingling of
     Eastern and Western wisdom traditions, inspired by the words of Rumi, Kahlil Gibran and
     others, and with a diverse selection of music, including that of Karl Jenkins, Georges
     Harrison and The Beaties, Donovan and many others.

     Saturday, November 21, 2015 - 8:00pm or Sunday, November 22, 2015 - 2:00pm
     Union Church, 24 Maple, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue

     InfolTickets ($20): Jack Brown 450 455-2764
     A portion of the profits will gP to support Syrian refugees.

     RENCONTRE ENTRE I'ORIENT et I'OCCIDENT - Un concert multi-media qui celebre
                                       .~              diversite          .
     Vous etes cordialement invite(e)s une soiree de musique et de contemplation
     qui allie images, chansons et danse gestuelle, sous la direction de Pierre Gallant,
     compositeur et directeur musical de I'eglise Union. Le spectacle, d'une duree de
     90 minutes, met en vedette plusieurs solistes, choristes et musiciens qui vous feront
     decouvrir la musique de Karl Jenkins, George Harrison, Donovan, des Beatles et
     plusieurs autres, inspires par les grands maTtres spirituels orientaux tel Rumi et Kahlil
     Le spectacle (en anglais) aura lieu Ie samedi 21 novembre a 20h et Ie dimanche
                    a      a                                    a
     22 novembre 14h I'eglise Union, 24 rue Maple Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue.

     Info/billets (20$): Jack Brown 450 455-2764
     Une partie des profits servira a venir en aide aux retugies syriens.
                                                                                            1153 md
St- Ihomas-D'Aquin St. Thomas Aquinas - Parish - Saint Thomas ...
Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish / Paroisse Saint- Ihomas-d'Aquin
                  413, Main St., Hudson, Qc JOP IHO
Office Hours                Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
                            from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Heures de bureau            Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi et Vendredi
                            de 9h a 16h
Pastor / Cure                                       Roland Demers                      450458-5322
Deacon / Diacre                                     Robert Girard                      450202-1511
Seminarian / Seminariste                            Hector J. Avellaneda Sanabria      450458-5322
Secretary / Secretaire                              Carolyn Schoonen                   450458-5322
Sexton / Sacristain                                 Hugh O'Rourke                      450458-0578
Wardens                                             MarguiIliers
Carol LaRonde                       450458-7051     Peter Snell                        450458-4787
Paul Abbass                         450458-9571     Sanjay Machado                     450424-5102
Stan Belczowski                     450458-2966     James Ruddy                        450458-5476
Emergency, accident, sickness, death                Call pastor                        450 458~5322
Urgence, accident, maladie, mortalite               Appelez Ie cure                    450458-5322
Visit to the Sick / Visite aux malades              Call pastor / Appelez Ie cure      450458-5322
Baptism / Bapteme                                   Rectory / Presbytere               450458-5322
Confessions                                         Before each mass and by appointment
Confessions                                         Avant chaque messe et sur rendez-vous
Marriage                                            Advise pastor six months in advance
Mariage                                             Avisez Ie cure six mois a l'avance
St. Thomas Ladies Auxiliary                              Les Dames auxiliaires de St-Thomas
President / Presidente                                   Pauline Poirier                 450458-5668
Sec. Treas. / Sec. Tres.                                 Lise Dorval                     450 458-0364
Liaison                                                  Muriel Baggott-Vinette          450458-5413
English Choir (Thursday 7:45 pm)                         Chorale francaise (dimanche 8h45)
Phyllis Matte                     450 458-1043           Suzanne Desjardins              450 458-7289
Karen Cromar                      450458-1208
Emmanuel Group (Sunday)                                  Nova Hudson
Jane Blais                        450458-3306            Judy Tellier                       450458-5727
Pregnant? Scared?                                        Enceinte? Peur? Inquiete?
Call: Birthright                  418922-7015            Mouvement Pro-Vie                  418 922-7015
Ready to help you 24 hours a day.                        Pret a VOliS aider 24 heures par jour.
Youth Group (W. W.J.D)
Grace Machado                     450424-5102
Altar Servers
Ramona Briffett                   450451-4960
                              Nouveaux paroissiens I New Parishioners
Nom/Name:                                                                                                 _
Adres~/Address:                                                                                           _
                   ______________________________                 Code Postal Code:                       _
TeL I Tel. :                       Courriel I E-mail :                                               _
Nombre d'enfants   vivant it la maison - Groupe d'age             filles              garvons        _
Number of children living at home - Age group                     girls               boys            _
Deposezdans Iepanier de la quete                                             Leave in the collectionbasket

    Espace publicitaire disponible,
         pour informations
                  514 273-7008
    We help you see the light
   On vous aide a voir la lumiere

 L                TIERI+TA                               Deco,..       & Tissus          Se,..eniO
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  !@ 450 455.4500         ~ 450 455.6009                 67 Cameron Rd, Hudson          450853-06 5
St- Ihomas-D'Aquin St. Thomas Aquinas - Parish - Saint Thomas ...
Compliments de / Compliment of                                                     Carol La Ronde
                                                                                          Courtier immobilier affilie/Affiliated Real

     ISP~                                                                                 RE/MAX

                                                                                          RE~1"1nt\. ROYAL (JORDAN)
                                                                                          Agence irnmobiliere agree
                                                                                                                            INC. ~

                                                                                          2673. CoteSt-Charles,#200    Iel.: 450 458-7051
                                                                                          St-Lazare, Qu!be<                Fax: 450 458·7641

      •             Desjardins
                    Caisse de Vaudreuil-Soulanges
                    Manon Laberge                                                  Centre de services Vaudreuil-Dorion
                    Adjointe executive    a la direction   generate et aux         455, avenue Saint-Charles
                    communications                                                 Vaudreuil-Dorion   (Quebec) J7V 2N4

                                                                                                    Sari Medicoff
                      ATELIER DE DEBOSSELACiE                                                    60 Cameron St., Huds           .
                               PIERRE (1984) INC.
             .                    Pierre Body Shop
                                                                                         450.202.ROSE (~ .
     ~    •••••           M.;, Rood. ,_       450458-7438                                   sari@mademoiseUedi
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     8:B                                 Plumbing I Heating
                           Depuis 1949 Since                         Jr;; , ~                 MONUMENTS                                        j
                  Hudson· Tel.:450458-5350 JTeIec.:450 458-7816
         Dennis   Gobeil CPA Inc.                                    MONUMENTS                  - GRAVURE - URNES                              8•....
          Denis Gobeil, CPA-Auditor-CA
                                                                     .v;lrl#lE'i~1450373-6191 ~
                    T 450.458.4119                                     g;: ~eb~i!&ffRC/.                                                       ~
          F 450.458.5660 • 800.458.4119                                    Residence Funeraire I Funeral Home                                  2Co
     420 MAIN ROAD, HUDSON, QUEBEC JOP lHO                           434, rue Principale, Hudson, Qc

                                                                     CHAUFFAGE GILLES SAREAULT INC.
                                                                        VENTE • INSTALLATION       • SERVICE
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                                                                            PLAN PROTECTION CONFORT                                            J:
     PAND6RA                                                         Tel.: 450 458-4001 • Fax: 450 458-3586                    Hudson          ~

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