Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton

Page created by Bob Fletcher
Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton
Savanna Bishop
                            Savanna is the CEO and Founder of a local non-profit charity, Mid
                            Town Moms, whose mission focuses solely upon making sure that
                            kids have the vital essentials of childhood, such as birthday cakes
                            and presents, school supplies, and Christmas gifts. Savanna is
                            dedicated to empowering women by assisting them in time of need
                            may it be helping with their child’s birthday parties, school supplies
                            or just simple support in advocating for student rights in schools.
                            Savanna proudly represents her community and stands firmly in her
                            beliefs to ensure that every child and family has a fighting chance in
                            today’s world.

Leah Becoat
At the age of 17, Leah Becoat began using her gifts of writing
and storytelling to serve her church as well as at risk youth in
her neighborhood. She created stories and plays which
focused on the experiences of black and brown girls, filling a
void that existed in our community. She uses theater
productions to provide plays for the community with social
justice themes. Leah’s stories give black and brown girls a
healthy voice. Each summer she conducts an annual youth
summer program which culminates in a theatrical
production. Using art to engage audiences and encourage
them to address difficult social justice issues is not a new
idea, but Leah is the one who made this concept a reality
here in the Alton area.
Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton
Yvonne Campbell
                     Ms. Campbell believes it is her mission to support local youth from low-
                     income areas who may lack opportunities. She is a teacher and mentor,
                     and supports her employees in the restaurant by encouraging them to
                     believe in the power of their dreams. She is a testament that Alton youth
                     can achieve their dreams as well, with the support of mentors and
                     organizations such as the YWCA. She shares her success story with area
                     youth, telling them, “It is possible, no matter where you live, and no
                     matter what you look like, you can be what you want to be.” Yvonne is a
                     warm, nurturing, and above all, generous human being. She freely gives
                     of herself, her time and her resources. The support that she received is
                     something that she is now passing on, and thereby enriching the

Lanea P. DeConcini
Through her in-depth knowledge in education and her
firm beliefs, Lanea DeConcini understands first- hand the
importance of empowering women and children and
establishing a strong educational system. With over 25
years as a current Administrator and former Educator in
the Alton School District, Lanea has worked diligently in
eliminating racism, empowering women and encouraging
youth while supporting them to be the best they can be!
She believes in striving for Diversity Awareness and
Equality among races. She believes that one must first
address the basic needs of a child in order to fully
comprehend and understand the components needed to
fully engage in that learning process. Through her passion
coupled with her strong leadership skills and professional
demeanor, Lanea has truly been an array of hope uplifting
women and children in this community.
Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton
Amy Gabriel
                                      A lawyer with the Gori Law Firm, Amy Gabriel started out
                                      her legal career as an assistant prosecuting attorney with
                                      the Madison County State’s Attorney office. Her work with
                                      the State’s Attorney’s office led her to the decision to use
                                      her energy and resources to further work to achieve safer
                                      environments for young children and teens. She has spent
                                      11 years working with the Child Advocacy Center in
                                      Madison County, an organization formed to provide
                                      professional intervention and supportive services to fight
                                      child abuse. In her current professional life at the Gori firm,
                                      Amy continues to seek justice for women. Her practice
                                      focuses on representing women who have been injured by
                                      medical devices that were represented to be safe and
                                      dependable, but which proved otherwise.

Jennifer Gottlob
A lifelong resident of Alton, Jennifer Gottlob embodies the YWCA’s
mission and is highly involved in improving the community of
Alton. An Occupational Therapy assistant who is currently
working on a freelance basis, Jennifer makes a difference in the
lives of her patients on a daily basis. She has been involved in
multiple volunteer events including the Alton citywide clean up,
the Salvation Army Thanksgiving meal, Community Hope Center,
being a shopper for the Junior League Locker (buying clothing for
children in need),. She has donated her time and numerous items
to other organizations including the Oasis Women’s Center, All
God’s Children Shall have Shoes and Head Start. She has an
incredibly positive outlook on life, and typically has a smile on her
face, says hello to all and has never met a stranger. She does not
meet strangers, but makes new friends, and is blessed to have
friends of all ages and races.
Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton
Cameo C. Holland
                                          As an extraordinary leader and a compassionate
                                          member of the community, Cameo C. Holland has
                                          truly exhibited her leadership abilities and given
                                          back to her community. Through her community
                                          labors and diligent volunteer work, she proves her
                                          loyalty and enthusiastic passion for the community
                                          of Alton. She has been a member of the YWCA Board
                                          of Directors since 2017, and currently she serves as
                                          the Board President. Cameo’s desire to be involved
                                          keeps her engaged in the community. Cameo
                                          continues to be transparent in her devotion for her
                                          community through her passionate work and labor
                                          in whatever component she is needed to ensure
                                          Alton continues to thrive!

Trish R. Holmes
Trish Holmes volunteers her time with many organizations
that focus on women’s issues. She spends time with these
organizations to learn about their needs and programs, and
to raise awareness about their work, and what needs to be
done to improve the economic status of women in the area.
Trish leads by example in all her interactions and presents
herself in a professional and respectful manner; she is an
advocate for authenticity. She gives back to the community
is myriad ways. She truly sees the importance of mentorship
and giving young people accessible adults with whom they
can communicate. Trish is truly a role model and inspiration
for young women of the community and is making a
difference in the community.
Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton
Lacy Spraggins McDonald
Lacy S. McDonald recognizes the power of education
to improve lives and open doors. She works for the
Hayner Genealogy and Local History Library in Alton
and uses her position to educate the Alton area on
diversity, inclusion and history. One of her most
recent projects at Hayner Library was creating a
collection of picture books about immigration as
well as American Indians and descendants of
enslaved people. Taking the term “herstory” to
heart, Lacy works to include the often-overlooked
lives and stories of women in the library’s
collections, as well as in conjunction with other local
projects. Lacy has gone to great lengths to find and
include often overlooked genealogy research
materials for African Americans and other
underrepresented nationalities.

                                   Marie Nelson

                                   As a long time, dedicated employee of the Madison County
                                   Housing Authority (MCHA) where she serves as Program
                                   Director and a prominent leader in the community, Marie
                                   Nelson has become a role model and community activist.
                                   She has devoted 42 years of employment with the MCHA and
                                   she volunteers countless hours of her time to both the
                                   elderly and the youth. Marie has been duly recognized in her
                                   efforts and has received various awards for her outstanding
                                   service and commitment, including awards from Southern
                                   Illinois Healthcare Foundation, 100 Black Men of Alton,
                                   NAACP Madison/Venice Branch, Peace Keepers MLV, and the
                                   Madison County Housing Authority. Marie’s outstanding
                                   efforts demonstrate her commitment to her community and
                                   she has been instrumental in many events. She lives by her
                                   motto, “Trust in what you do, continue to do it and it will
                                   take you where you need to go”.
Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton
Carrie Schildroth
Through her work at the Alton Middle School,
Carrie Schildroth has had a big impact on the lives
of her students. Her commitment to the education
of all students has led her to be recognized by the
Illinois State Board of Education as a “Those Who
Excel” Recipient twice in her career, for her work
both in and out of the classroom. Her belief is that
every person, regardless of their gender, race, or
cultural background has something positive to
bring to their classroom community and every
person should be willing to learn from others; that
is how we help bridge gaps and develop
friendships. On her own time, Carrie will also help
the parents of these new students get their
children signed up for parks and rec programs, and
before and after school programs; again so they
can feel at home in their new community and learn
what opportunities America offers all people.

                               Starette Smith
                               As an advocate for positive social change in her community,
                               Starrette Smith devotes her life to being a positive role model
                               and ensuring that she confidently impacts families and her
                               community. She demonstrates a positive attitude and conducts
                               herself in the most professional manner through every
                               perspective. Starrette gives to her community through her time
                               and talents, as she mentors the youth helps them understand
                               the importance of daily challenges faced. Through her efforts to
                               make her community better, she volunteers her time to
                               multiple groups while supporting her family in their endeavors.
                               Starrette holds true to her compassionate manner that her
                               legacy be built on the foundation that the youth are important
                               and she will stand with them to ensure they have the
                               upbringing, the teachings, the love and support needed for
                               them to develop the best social skills, education and daily life
                               skills possible to make the most of their young lives.
Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton
Representative Katie Stuart
While State Representative Katie Stuart strives to
represent all her constituents, some of the issues she
chooses to pursue demonstrate the advantages of having
diversity in our representatives in government. Katie has
worked in the legislature to make sure that the Illinois
Breast and Cervical Cancer program is fully funded each
budget year, which is important for providing that the
most economically vulnerable women in Illinois have
access to cancer screening which is critical to early
detection, thereby saving lives and improving quality of
life. She also sponsored the Reproductive Health Act to
make sure women’s healthcare is protected. In her prior
life, Katie was a middle school and high school teacher,
and a professor at Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville. She uses her background in education to
inform her work in the legislature with regard to school

Crystal Uhe
                                        As a prosecutor who has tried cases in Madison,
                                        Jersey, Bond and St. Clair Counties, Crystal Uhe has
                                        faced down men accused of predatory criminal sexual
                                        assault and other violent acts against women, and, at
                                        the time this was written, gained convictions in every
                                        case. Knowing the importance of getting the best
                                        evidence yet protecting the young victims of abuse,
                                        Crystal volunteers on the Advisory Board of Directors
                                        of the CAC as well as the Friends Board of Directors,
                                        giving her time and experience to improve the
                                        services rendered by the agency. Having been named
                                        as the St. Louis Major Case Squad Prosecutor of the
                                        Year in 2019, she is qualified to be a role model for
                                        young women who are looking for a career in the field
                                        of law enforcement.
Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton
Sandra D. West
Sandra West has influenced the lives of hundreds of youth
in her work with the Alton School District, the Boys and
Girls Club of Alton, and in her community volunteer work.
At the Alton School District, she has worked on the School
Work Program. Sandra was instrumental in developing a
Social Justice component for this program. She has been
able to bring her unique perspective to work with a
diverse set of students. Sandra, who’s described as a
woman of unwavering character with a very warm and
caring spirit and passion for serving youth, especially girls,
has facilitated the Boys and Girls Club SmartGirls life skills
program sessions for hundreds of young women and has
mentored hundreds of youth in her role as Mentor
Coordinator. She believes that all youth in the Alton area
have a voice that needs to be heard, and that by giving
young people a voice, it will ultimately strengthen and
improve the Alton community.
Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton Savanna Bishop - YWCA Alton
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