School plan 2018-2020 - Southern Cross School of Distance Education 4659 - AWS

Page created by Lloyd Yates
School plan 2018-2020 - Southern Cross School of Distance Education 4659 - AWS
School plan 2018-2020
   Southern Cross School of Distance Education 4659

Page 1 of 9                      Southern Cross School of Distance Education 4659 (2018-2020)   Printed on: 11 April, 2018
School background 2018–2020

    School vision statement                                            School context                                                         School planning process
     We are a catalyst for change, inspiring learners to reach         Southern Cross School of Distance Education is a K–12                  This plan was developed through ongoing consultation of
     their full potential and to continue to support the whole child   school committed to the wellbeing and engagement of our                staff, students and community.
     providing flexible quality teaching and learning programs         students, creating a dynamic learning community, and
     that are accessible and engaging.                                 developing a culture of learning in distance education. Our
                                                                       school contributes to the lifelong learning of a diverse
                                                                       range of students and their communities with a focus on                A planning team was established to manage this process
                                                                       excellence and equity. Our school is built on the land of the          including Danny Henman, David Thick, Sharon Hodgson,
     We build supportive relationships with our school                 Traditional Custodians, the Aboriginal peoples of various              Kim Morris, Tiffeny Cox and Rob Roberts.
     community and develop partnerships that support learning,         nations with our main campus being on the country of the
     wellbeing and engagement.                                         Bundjalung nation, providing educational services for
                                                                       students south to the Coffs Harbour area, west to the
                                                                       Inverell area and north to the Queensland border.                      Our context presents a significant challenge for the
                                                                                                                                              involvement of our community in making decisions and
     Our staff is innovative and dynamic, working collaboratively      The school current has 34 learning hubs, 3 campus' and a               contributing to educational improvement. Such as a wide
     to inspire and support our students to be lifelong learners       special programs unit to cater to the needs of students in             geographical spread of students, parents/carers and staff,
     who are active and informed citizens.                             various locations. Our staff are professional and dedicated            diversity of students, changing nature of enrolments and
                                                                       to supporting students, their families and their educational           staff working in many disciplines.
                                                                       needs and wellbeing.

     Our core values are Opportunity, Wellbeing and
     Engagement                                                                                                                               The school undertook a detailed collaborative process to
                                                                                                                                              combat these challenges. Data collections and surveys
                                                                                                                                              occurred at staff meetings, on School Development Days,
                                                                                                                                              through the school newsletter, using electronic means and
                                                                                                                                              1:1 with students/parents on visits.

                                                                                                                                              The planning team analysed the information to identify the
                                                                                                                                              school strengths, goals and areas for improvement. Three
                                                                                                                                              strategic directions and purpose statements were

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School strategic directions 2018–2020

                       STRATEGIC                                                      STRATEGIC                                                           STRATEGIC
                      DIRECTION 1                                                     DIRECTION 2                                                        DIRECTION 3
                Wellbeing and Engagement                                            Culture of Learning                                                Dynamic Community

     Purpose:                                                   Purpose:                                                               Purpose:

     To ensure the wellbeing of our students and staff, their   To create a stimulating teaching and learning environment              Increase community participation with the school, learning
     engagement in the best possible educational pathway to     underpinned by high expectation relationships and                      hubs and learners to create partnerships within the school
     equip students with lifelong skills to become active and   to ensure Teaching and Learning is designed and                        and across all our enrolment areas.
     informed citizens.                                         implemented to develop successful learning
                                                                outcomes through quality instruction and assessment. .

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Strategic Direction 1: Wellbeing and Engagement

    Purpose                                         People                                                     Processes                                         Practices and Products
     To ensure the wellbeing of our students        Staff                                                       Teacher Professional learning and                Practices
     and staff, their engagement in the best                                                                    Accreditation
     possible educational pathway to equip          Staff are involved in structured professional                                                                  • TPL opportunities for all staff to
     students with lifelong skills to become        learning to increase knowledge and                          Student Leadership                                   achieve best practice for the wellbeing
     active and informed citizens.                  awareness in meeting the personalised                                                                            of our students and staff. Primary
                                                    needs of students. Staff wellbeing                          Student Opportunities                                initiatives, one per term
    Improvement Measures                            opportunities.
                                                                                                                Promotion of student and school
     Due to the diverse nature of our students      Community Partners                                          achievements.                                      • Staff to assist students in
     social, emotional and learning needs,                                                                                                                           increasing participation in co– curricula
     their wellbeing is to be a major priority of   Collaboration and consultation with external                                                                     and student leadership roles.
     any strategies                                 agencies in providing holistic care to                                                                         • Expansion of the Student leadership
                                                    students.                                                  Evaluation Plan                                       team, initiate a peer mentoring program.
     Evidence of the Social, Emotional and
     Learning needs of students embedded into       Students                                                      • TPL monitoring by executive staff              • Teachers deliver a range of strategies
     teaching and learning programs                                                                               • Annual review of school leadership               specifically designed to Improve the
                                                    Students make positive leadership                               team                                             outcomes for Aboriginal students
     Tell them from me or other survey results      contribution to the school through sporting,
     indicate that students feel a sense of pride   academic, performing arts leadership and                      • Merit system review                            • Students have a pattern of study that
     and belonging in their school and education    learning                                                                                                         provides a pathway to post school
                                                                                                                  • Records of alternate and transition              options.
     by having a voice in their future direction                                                                    programs eg "Yes", TAFE, white card
                                                    Staff                                                           etc                                            • Enrolment and wellbeing team maintain
     All student achievement is recognised.                                                                                                                          close relationship with external
                                                    Promote and celebrate student                                 • Monitoring publicity of events and digital       agencies
     Improved recognition of students, abilities    achievements through various media                              platforms
     and achievements in a variety of contexts                                                                                                                     • Refinement of the Skills for Work and
     and forums as measured by feedback on                                                                        • Monitor attendance and engagement
                                                    Staff                                                                                                            Vocational Pathways course to prepare
     canvas and learning materials, student                                                                       • Wellbeing survey results                         students for work readiness.
     awards at presentation days.                   Mentoring and advising students of
                                                                                                                  • Executive evaluation of teaching               • Leaving destination survey
                                                    transitional pathways for post school
     A greater range of post school options are                                                                     programs
                                                    options and linking them to external support                                                                   • Promotion of activities and
     accessed by students.                          and educational institutions                                  • Leaving destination survey                       achievements on internal digital
     Creativity, collaboration and innovation are                                                                                                                    platforms
     employed to enhance student learning and                                                                                                                      • External media agencies used for
     wellbeing and maximise student post            Consider use of high school hubs for upper                                                                       publicity
     school career options.                         primary students
                                                                                                                                                                   • K–12 Awards ceremonies and
     How do we measure?                                                                                                                                              presentation days
                                                                                                                                                                   • Merit system
     Increased attendance and engagement            Staff
                                                    Maintain contact with students & families at
                                                                                                                                                                 Relevant information regarding school
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Strategic Direction 1: Wellbeing and Engagement

                             People                                                                                     Practices and Products
                              least weekly through video lessons, as well                                               practices and decision making processes.
                              as emails, Google for Education etc
                                                                                                                        Trained knowledgeable staff in student
                              Parents/Carers                                                                            wellbeing practices.

                              Positive relationships a priority to gain                                                 Implementation of valuable support
                              access to student                                                                         programs.

                              Community Partners                                                                          • Active student leadership team

                              Transition program similar to high school                                                   • Students participation in external
                              facilitated                                                                                   collaborative forums
                                                                                                                          • Conduct presentation days
                                                                                                                          • Representation at community events eg
                              Liaise with high school to ensure                                                             ANZAC Day
                              consistency across school

                                                                                                                          • Increase percentage of parents/carers
                                                                                                                            completing the wellbeing survey up to
                                                                                                                            75%, to provide community voice and
                                                                                                                            feedback on DE practices.
                                                                                                                          • Increased participation in school camp.
                                                                                                                          • Staff to use set systems to refer
                                                                                                                            students to possible support including
                                                                                                                            LaST, Enrolment and Wellbeing teams.
                                                                                                                          • Embedding Aboriginal cultural practices
                                                                                                                            into everyday procedures
                                                                                                                          • Kid's Club, Rainbow Gallery programs
                                                                                                                          • Every student has a pattern of study
                                                                                                                            that provides a pathway to a credential

                                                                                                                          • active users on all digital platforms
                                                                                                                          • Media articles

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Strategic Direction 2: Culture of Learning

    Purpose                                     People                                                       Processes                                    Practices and Products
     To create a stimulating teaching and       Students                                                      Individualised support for students         Practices
     learning environment underpinned by high
     expectation relationships and to ensure    Build skills to self assess utilising rubrics,                Evidence informed teaching and learning     Teaching and learning focuses on the
     Teaching and Learning is designed and      literacy and numeracy progressions to                         programs, especially in numeracy and        learner through adjustments, quality
     implemented to develop successful          improve learning.                                             literacy                                    assessments tasks and feedback both from
     learning outcomes through quality                                                                                                                    and to the student.
     instruction and assessment. .              Staff                                                         Opportunities for students
                                                                                                                                                          Primary LAST spread sheet updated and
    Improvement Measures                        Teaching staff will develop expert skills in a                Creating continuity of learning K–12        monitored
                                                range of learning pedagogies and
     Majority of students in Year 12 meet HSC   technologies to produce teaching and                         Evaluation Plan                              Teachers implement the 5 elements of the
     minimum standards in Literacy and          learning programs that are student centred                                                                Literacy and Numeracy Strategy 2017
     Numeracy                                   and improve student learning outcomes                         Process towards improvement measures        –2020.
                                                                                                              will be evaluated through:
     Decrease number of N determinations in     Leaders                                                                                                   Teachers apply HOW2Learn and Stronger
     Stage 5                                                                                                    • student engagement reviews              Smarter strategies to increase effective
                                                Leaders create a shared vision of                               • faculty reviews and plans               engagement in learning
     Increased value added data of students     curriculum implementation and embrace
     enrolling in SCSoDE                        varied pedagogical practices                                    • analysis of school based and external   The school has processes in place to
                                                                                                                  student assessment data                 support teacher's consistent,
     Improved academic outcomes, measured       Leaders                                                                                                   evidence–based judgement and
     in PLAN data and primary campus                                                                            • analysis of success of school teams
                                                                                                                                                          moderation of assessments.
     assessments                                The school executive adopts a coordinated                       • review of professional learning
                                                approach to literacy where the teaching of                                                                Learning sequences personalised for each
                                                literacy skills is valued and there is an                     Learning plan evaluated by student,         student
                                                expectation of improvement in literacy                        teacher and supervisor at the end of each
                                                standards across the school.                                  cycle.                                      Seven Steps writing used throughout
                                                                                                                                                          Feed back on assessment tasks to be
                                                Parents/carers develop their skills as                                                                    received by student within a week (after
                                                supervisors to support student engagement                                                                 receipt from teacher), delivered by most
                                                in learning.                                                                                              appropriate technology.

                                                Community Partners                                                                                        This will be achieved through the schools
                                                                                                                                                          focus strategies of HOW2Learn and
                                                Collaboration with external agencies to                                                                   stronger smarter as well as the NSW
                                                create learning alliances to enhance                                                                      Department of Education Literacy and
                                                student outcomes and supporting high                                                                      Numeracy Strategy 2017–2020. and NESA
                                                expectation relationships                                                                                 Stronger HSC Standards

                                                Students                                                                                                  Products

                                                Use the language and practices of Growth                                                                  Teaching and learning programs are
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Strategic Direction 2: Culture of Learning

                               People                                                                                   Practices and Products
                                Mindset & High Expectations                                                             dynamic, showing evidence of adjustments
                                                                                                                        to meet student needs and revisions based
                                Staff                                                                                   on feedback.

                                Professional development in HOW2Learn,                                                  Assessment supports student learning, is
                                Stronger Smarter, technology andLiteracy                                                accessible and meets individual personal
                                and Numeracy (Rip it up Reading, Seven                                                  and cultural needs enabling students to
                                Steps writing)                                                                          readily attain educational outcomes.

                                Leaders                                                                                 Literacy and Numeracy progressions inform
                                                                                                                        staff and enable them to individualise
                                Develop relationships with high school and                                              learning materials to build skills.
                                other distance education schools for
                                pooling of resources
                                                                                                                        Collaboratively developed project based
                                Parents/Carers                                                                          learning sequences including

                                Professional learning for supervisors eg                                                  • clearly communicated learning goals,
                                SMART goals, growth mindset, literacy                                                       negotiated with student and/or family

                                Community Partners                                                                        • explicit instruction, including live lesson
                                                                                                                            opportunities preferably via video
                                Families encouraged to incorporate local                                                    conferencing and worked examples
                                experiences and discuss changes with                                                      • multiple practice opportunities with
                                teacher                                                                                     some choice of activities and options for
                                                                                                                            peer interaction
                                                                                                                          • assessment tag points, success criteria,
                                                                                                                            self–assessment opportunities
                                                                                                                        contextual formatting

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Strategic Direction 3: Dynamic Community

    Purpose                                        People                                                     Processes                                       Practices and Products
     Increase community participation with the     Students                                                    Data analysis and student outcomes             Practices
     school, learning hubs and learners to
     create partnerships within the school and     Students are engaged in school life through                 Partnerships and community Alliances.          Communication through newsletters and
     across all our enrolment areas.               their learning and interactions with the                                                                   publications, community engagement days,
                                                   wider school community via our                              Professional learning                          reporting and Annual Report.
    Improvement Measures                           communication methods, mini schools,
                                                   outreach program and learning hubs.                         Holistic community                             Communication through online sources and
     A larger number of Community Partners                                                                                                                    social media, phone contacts, morning
     providing opportunities for students.         Opportunities that help engage students in                 Evaluation Plan                                 conversations during student pickups and
                                                   school life such as, being part                                                                            drop offs
     Increased parent and carer interaction in     of representative sporting teams,                           Evaluation to be conducted though use of
     surveys and planning processes.               leadership and mentor programs.                             online surveys, phone calls and written        Regular surveys and analysis of these to
                                                                                                               opportunities for all to provide feedback on   provide data and inform executive and
     Improved community perspective of the         Staff                                                       how well the school is providing for           school teams.
     school and our students. measured through                                                                 students and student outcomes in our
     parent/teacher interaction.                   Staff actively make contact with students,                  circumstances and method of delivery.          Specific practices targeting different
                                                   parents, community partners, mentors and                    Also on the opportunities provided for         enrolment categories
     Enrolment enquiries dealt with as the need    their peers to promote learning. Teachers                   students and any recommendations or
     requires in a consistent and timely manner.   sourcing and supporting programs to                         ideas that they may have.                      mini–schools for Isolated & sometimes
                                                   ensure student engagement.                                                                                 travellers
     Weekly Articles/posts in school newsletter                                                                Ask enrolling families how they heard about
     and Facebook promoting activities within                                                                  us.                                            online collaboration for all
     the school
                                                   Regular communication through school                        Survey on bottom of leavers form: What         Products
                                                   newsletters, meetings and visits to the hubs                worked for you? How could we improve?
                                                   and programs.                                               Any other comments?                            Regular updates from the community in a
                                                                                                                                                              package that can be presented to staff and
                                                   Filtering information to Teachers and                                                                      used for the AR.
                                                   Student on a daily weekly basis. Staff
                                                                                                                                                              Monthly primary Facebook posts &
                                                                                                                                                              contributions in every newsletter

                                                   Parents are encouraged and
                                                   supported to make contact seek advice,
                                                   clarity and monitor the progress of their
                                                   children through SCSoDE.

                                                   Parents and carers share information that
                                                   will help teachers be more effective in the
                                                   implementation of educational programs.
                                                   Keeping open lines of communication.

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Strategic Direction 3: Dynamic Community

                             Community Partners

                             Actively work with the school to provide and
                             promote opportunities for students to
                             access and excel.

                             Working with community to create
                             opportunities and a learning culture
                             through connections with community Elders
                             and family.


                             Student voice expressed in Kids’ Club


                             Active participation in community and


                             AP to attend NR Network meetings and join
                             other relevant networks


                             Invited to contribute skills at mini–schools
                             eg older families mentoring new families

                             Community Partners

                             Engage local experts for learning at
                             mini–schools eg emergency services

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