Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio - September 19, 2021 "We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ

Page created by Chad Bradley
Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio - September 19, 2021 "We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ
Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio

                  September 19, 2021

”We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ
    by living, loving, and serving in union with Him!“
Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio - September 19, 2021 "We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ
Scripture Readings
Mass Schedule and Intentions                                                                                Prepare your heart for next
September 19-25, 2021                                                                                    Sunday’s Mass, September 26, 2021
Sunday, September 19                                                                                               Nm 11:25-29
    8:30am    † Steve Elmlinger ......................................................... OLSH                       Jas 5:1-6
   10:30am    † Ed & Gert Eling .......................................................... SSPP                Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

Monday, September 20
   8:30am    † Mary & David R. Lucas, Jr. .......................... OLSH (Chapel)

Tuesday, September 21
    8:30am    † Andrea Gertz ............................................................. SSPP
                                                                                                                 Please pray for the repose
Wednesday, September 22                                                                                                of the soul for
   8:30am    † Robert “Gary” Schoenberger...................... OLSH (Chapel)
                                                                                                             Laurence T. George
Thursday, September 23                                                                                    & Deacon James Geraci
    6:00pm     Clara Gilpin and family ............................................... OLSH
                                                                                                     May their souls and all the souls of the
Friday, September 24                                                                                 faithful departed, through the mercy
   12:00pm     † Wolf Scholz ................................................................ SSPP            of God, rest in peace.

Saturday, September 25
    8:30am     † Marilyn J. Bennett ..................................................... SSPP       Sacrament of
               † Florence Albrinck ....................................................... SSPP
               † Andy & Rose Morrissey ............................................ OLSH
                                                                                                     Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Campus
The Holy Rosary is prayed approximately thirty minutes before each Mass                              Thursday at 6:30 pm
                                                                                                     Sts. Peter and Paul Campus
                                                                                                     Saturday at 9:00 am   , O,

                                                                                                     or call the Parish Office for an


    Please Pray...†                                      Ronald Hartman
                                                         Lisa Koch
                                                                                                     Emily Verwest
                                                                                                     Dan Wagner
    For our parishioners who are sick,                   Ken (Herb) Lattire                          Lois Wiehe Martin
    in the hospital, recovering from an                  Steve Lehrter                               Caleb Zimmer
    illness, or going through                            Dave Margella
    treatments.                                          Mary Jo Melvin                              For our military members
    Aileen Adams                                         Kathy O’Malley                              and their families:
    Carol Antenucci                                      Ken and Loretta Pfennig                     Fire Controlman Seaman
    Dave Apke                                            Sheryl Phillips                             Andrew Caudill
    Grace Benning                                        Becky Reynolds                              Sergeant Jonathon Ehret
    Andrea Brosch                                        The Rack/Bemmes Family                      Lt. Colonel Jennifer Ford
    James Fitzpatrick                                    Kathy Schmidt O'Shea                        Specialist Eric Jacob Greer
    Al Eling                                             Mike Schweitzer                             Corporal Matthew Paul Greer
    Steve Grippa                                         Jodi Smith                                  Master Sergeant Shane Hatfield
    Jean Hartman                                         Gloria Sulfsted                             Technical Sergeant Jeff Shelton
    Jane Hanna                                           Judy Sullivan

2                                      Our Lady of the Valley Parish • Reading, Ohio • (513) 554-1010
Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio - September 19, 2021 "We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ
A Message from Fr. Matt about our New Parish Logo
Thank you to all who submitted a logo in our logo contest. There were more than 40 entries submitted. After consultation
with parish and finance councils and the Worship Commission, I would like to congratulate Jeff Lichtenberg for his winning
design. The design, as found on the front cover, consists of the letters O, L and V in a decorative script. The OLV is crowned
and surrounded by twelve stars. The crown is representative of Our Blessed Mother, Mary Queen of Heaven as
represented in the Our Lady of the Valley painting that was miraculously painted on a column in the Church built by
Dionysius in Sicily, Italy. The twelve stars reflect the image of Mary in the Book of Revelation ,12:1, in which she is seen in
the heavens with twelve stars around her head. The stars represent the twelve apostles and the universality of the Catholic
Church. Our parish colors of metallic gold and dark shade magenta also flow from the miraculous painting of Our Lady of
the Valley and can also be found within the Saints Peter and Paul Church stained glass windows. Please check out our new
parish logo on the parish website at www.catholicolv.org or on our new parish spirit wear at the spirit wear booth at the
festival this weekend. Thanks to Jeff and all who participated! God Bless, Fr. Matt

Gospel Reflections by Deacon Tom
The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me;
 and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.” (Mk. 9:37)
Saying that the way to gain honor is to receive those who are without honor (a child) goes against the logic of the ancient
society. The Kingdom of God assesses and assigns value differently than the human realm. We seek status through cars,
clothes, houses, titles, and electronics. Actions we take every day may have ramifications on “the least” that we might
never consider. Mark’s gospel should cause us to consider those with whom we socialize, what food we eat, and whether
we ought to want power and prestige more than the Kingdom of God.

                     Parish Bible Study:
                     Genesis to Jesus: Journey Through Scripture,
                     Monday evenings beginning September 20 7:00 - 8:00 pm SSPP Cafeteria
                     What is the Bible, where does it come from, and what is its purpose?
                     How are Catholics supposed to read the Bible and what story does it tell?

These are the ever-important questions answered in Genesis to Jesus. Discover the basic Catholic principles for reading
Scripture and survey the principal covenants that God made with his people through figures such as Adam, Noah,
Abraham, Moses, and David. This study also shows how each of these covenants points forward to, and is fulfilled by, Jesus
Christ and His Church. In this study, participants will see a panoramic vision of salvation history and humanity’s place in the
story. Participation Workbooks that were ordered in advance will be distributed at the first class. While optional,
workbooks enhance the bible study experience, there will be a few workbooks available to purchase on September 20th
for $27 each.

  Vocation View                                                              Welcome Children of God
  For those who are called, Jesus promises only one
                                                                                    Aaliyah, Maria & Vincent
  thing: the Cross. If one seeks power and prestige in                                      Baldazin
  this world, there will be no reward in the Kingdom of                                Baptized on September 12th
  Heaven. (Mark 9:30-37)
  If you want to talk about your discernment, please contact                      Congratulations parents, godparents
  Fr. Dan Schmitmeyer, dschmitmeyer@catholicaoc.org.                                          and family!

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time • September 19, 2021                                                                          3
Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio - September 19, 2021 "We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ
And the Start of a New                      The Gospel at Home
                                   “PREP” Year                                 For Families
                                    As designated by the US Catholic           From pflaumweeklies.com
                                    Conference of Bishops, this Sunday is      This Sunday’s Gospel: Mark 9:30–37
                                    Catechetical Sunday. At each of our        This Sunday, Jesus teaches that his highest
                                    Masses this weekend, those who will        value is service. He puts his arms around a
serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their          child to show that welcoming others, even
ministry. This day is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that      children, is welcoming him. Jesus wants
each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and           his followers to be warm and welcoming
being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for       to everyone, no matter who it is, as if that
all to rededicate ourselves to this mission as a community of faith.           person were Jesus himself.
Appropriately, our Parish Religious Education Program for public grade         Exploring the Gospel Message
school students (PREP) begins on Monday, September 20th at 6:45pm in           Explain to your child that Jesus wants all
the Sts. Peter and Paul School Building. Thank you to those who have           His followers to welcome and serve
volunteered to teach our children!                                             others. That is how everyone can be Good
Please contact Beth.Pettigrew@catholicOLV.org, or 513-554-1010, ext.           News for others; that is how we can “be”
23 for more information about PREP, including information about the            the Church. Talk about ways your family
PREP home school option.                                                       can welcome and serve others
A note to PREP Parents: Why not join our Parish Bible Study and learn          Agree on one specific thing to do and then
                                                                               act on it.
more about your faith while your children are learning about it too?
                                                                               Help your child to recognize the Church as
                                                                               the assembly—the Body of Christ. Take
                                                                               some time as a family to review your
SafeParish The New Child Protection                                            experience of Sunday Mass. Make a list of
Platform for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati                                     ways that your family can more actively
Important Instructions for All Volunteers & Staff please take note!            participate in the Sunday assembly.
By now all volunteers and employees should have received an email from         Pray Together
SafeParish inviting them to register for their SafeParish account. If you      When you complete your conversation
did not receive the email, please check your spam or junk mail folders.        about this Sunday’s Gospel lesson, pray
You can also find a copy of the SafeParish registration instructions by        together in your own words that God will
going to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Safe Environment webpage at             help your family grow in faith throughout
https://catholicaoc.org/offices/safe-environment. Click on “Top                this year.
Resources” then click on the link for “SafeParish”. All new volunteers and     Gospel Table Talk
employees should follow the SafeParish registration instructions for           • Read this Sunday’s Gospel
creating a SafeParish account. During the registration process, new            • Remind your children how Jesus needs
volunteers and employees will be invited to complete their background             us to serve Him by serving others (You
check and child protection training online.                                       could look up Saint Vincent de Paul
Weekly Emails - Each Tuesday SafeParish sends an email regarding the              and read about his life).
updated child protection and workplace safety articles that are posted on      • Each of us has been called to serve
the SafeParish website. These articles are NOT required but are                   others through the Sacrament of
recommended reading.                                                              Baptism. Although Jesus summons us
Quarterly Bulletins - The first bulletin was issued on September 10th.            to work for Him, we have choices. We
Emails will come from AoC SafeParish notifying users of the quarterly             can follow His call or decide not to.
training which will also appear in their account under training that is due.      Nevertheless, we must seriously
Users can check for training that is due after logging into their SafeParish      consider what He is asking us to do.
account by going to the Training Tab and click on the ‘Due’ link to see           How does your family respond to this
which bulletins are due and their due date.                                       call?
               Completion of quarterly training is required.

4                                      Our Lady of the Valley Parish • www. catholicOLV.org
Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio - September 19, 2021 "We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ
Our New Director of Music,
                                                         This Week In Our Parish
Terry Wenninger                                          Sunday, September 19 • Catechist Blessing at all masses
Terry Wenninger is our new Director of Music.            Festival 12-8pm ......................................................... SSPP (School)
She will join us on October 1st. Learn more              Linen Care, Christine Todey ......................................OLSH (Church)
about Terry in next week’s bulletin.
                                                         Monday, September 20
                                                         PREP, 6:45pm ........................................ SSPP (School classrooms)
Our Parish Story in                                      Genesis Bible Study, 7pm ...................................... SSPP (Cafeteria)

The Catholic Telegraph                                   Tuesday, September 21
The soon to be released October issue of The             RCIA, 7:00pm . .............................................. OLSH (Parish Center)
Catholic Telegraph features the story of our
parish merger. The article can be found online           Wednesday, September 22
now at www.thecatholictelegraph.com, search              Mission Commission, 6:30pm ........................... SSPP (Conf. Rm. B)
for “Our Lady of the Valley.”
                                                         Friday, September 24
                                                         Church Cleaners, Team 4 ..........................................OLSH (Church)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word                           Hildebrandt/Henlein Wedding Rehearsal, 5pm .......OLSH (Church)
During the 10:30am Mass, Sts. Peter and Paul
                                                         Saturday, September 25
This is a wonderful way for small children to
                                                         Fall Flower & Plant Pick Up, 9am-noon .............. SSPP (Parking Lot)
learn what happens in Church and why it is so
                                                         Hildebrandt/Henlein Wedding, 1:30pm ...................OLSH (Church)
important to attend Mass and listen closely.
During Children’s Liturgy of the Word, children
                                                         Sunday, September 26
will hear their own message from the Gospel.
                                                         Fall Flower & Plant Pick Up, 9am-noon .............. SSPP (Parking Lot)
Parents are always welcome to come and see
                                                         St. Vincent DePaul Commissioning..................................................
what takes place. All children from age four
                                                         T2M’22 Meeting, Noon ......................................... SSPP (Cafeteria)
through fourth grade are encouraged to join us.
Children will be called forth in Church before the
Readings and will return after the Homily.                               Remember to pick up your
     An additional team of Children’s Liturgy                            Fall Flower & Plant orders!
       Catechists is needed. Please contact:
        Beth.Pettigrew@catholicOLV.org or                             next weekend, Saturday & Sunday,
 513-554-1010 extension 23 to volunteer or for                           9am to noon, SSPP parking lot
                 more information.                        Thank you for your support of the “Trip to the Mission 2022”

                                                     Altar Flowers

                        Sts. Peter & Paul Campus                  Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Campus

                  Given by Pam Gibbons & Jackie Flege                 Given by Bob & Nancy Boehner
                              In Memory of                                    In Memory of
                            Jim & Julie Flege                           Bud & Ginny Woebkenberg

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time • September 19, 2021                                                                                          5
Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio - September 19, 2021 "We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ
6   Our Lady of the Valley Parish • Reading, Ohio • (513) 554-1010
Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio - September 19, 2021 "We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time • September 19, 2021   7
Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio - September 19, 2021 "We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ
This Weekend!!                                                                           Saturday
                                                                                    Festival Hours: 4pm – 11pm
                                                                                    The Whammies, 7pm – 11pm
                                                                                  Texas Hold’em Tournament, 7pm
                                                                                (walk in registration starts at 6:00pm)

Parking Access from West Vine Street, between the school and church
Fried Chicken Dinner                                                               Festival Hours: 12pm – 8pm
With special thanks to the Jim Kroeger Family                                 Chicken Dinner by The Kroeger Family,
Sunday, September 19th ,                                                      11:30am - 6:30pm, while supplies last
11:30am to 6:30pm                                                             SPPA Dance Team, 12:00pm
                                                                              Reading High School Band 1:00pm
(or until we’re out of chicken!)
                                                                              Dejavu, 4pm – 8pm
Sts. Peter and Paul cafeteria
All You Can Eat!! Adult $10
                   Child (under 12) $6                                       We are so thankful to all of the volunteers,
Start with : Adult-2 pieces/ Child-1 piece, with corn or green beans,        including those working behind the scenes,
                                                                             for their time and contributions to
applesauce or coleslaw, mashed potatoes and gravy, dinner roll, drink
                                                                             SEPTEMBERFEST. From chairing a booth,
(iced tea, lemonade, coffee water) and dessert                               organizing volunteers, running all of the
Carry-out chicken dinner– Adult 3 pieces/Child 1 piece                       electric, placing food and supply orders,
CALL FOR CARRYOUT 513-293-0782 DURING DINNER HOURS                           moving equipment around, managing the
                                                                             money and paying bills, running parking,
        Don’t Miss the Our Lady of the Valley Welcome Center Booth!          cleaning up afterwards and much, much
          Get an Our Lady of the Valley magnet, decal or tumbler!            more, it really is a team effort. Thanks to
             Enter to win an Our Lady of the Valley travel mug!              EVERYONE that helps make it happen!
                    Buy an Our Lady of the Valley T-Shirt!!

Thank you to                       We are grateful to the businesses and families who are sponsoring Septemberfest
our Sponsors!                              Silver                                       Bronze

        Platinum            Augie’s Tavern                      Air Plus Heating & Cooling   Reading Beer Drive Thru
                            Fay Fischesser                      Atlas Vac Machine            Reading Democrat Club
 A-All Valley Plumbing                                          Bill Ward                    Reading Floral Boutique
                            Hirschberg Steel & Recycling
 The Jewish Hospital        Knights of Columbus                 Bob Eveleigh                 Reading Heating &
                                                                Deacon Charlie                      Air Conditioning, Inc
                                   Council 14665
                                                                Dr. Alan Laub, DDS           Reading Republican Club
                            Larry’s Lock & Safe
                                                                Family of Joseph Bain        Stall Wiggins Family
         Gold               Mihovk-Rosenacker                   The Freson Family            Stiney Vonderhaar &
    Gertz Pony Keg          Schappacher Family                  Fricke & Company                    Diane Redden
    River City Tents        Sharefax Credit Union               Gertz Law                    Sts. Peter & Paul Academy PTC
    ST Custom Signs         Spring Grove Funeral Homes          Haskamp Electric             Sts. Peter & Paul Athletic Assn.
                            Valley Metal                        Holthaus Plumbing            Sts. Peter & Paul Cemetery
                            Vonderhaar’s Catering               Kyler Moore Insurance        Theis Motor Company
                                                                Netherland Rubber            Tom and Dee Lynd
                                                                Quality Sports               Valley Central Bank

8                                         Our Lady of the Valley Parish • www. catholicOLV.org
Our Lady of the Valley Parish, Reading, Ohio - September 19, 2021 "We are a Roman Catholic family, striving to radiate Christ
Men’s Annual Retreat                                                   Special Collection Next Weekend
October 22-24th                                                        for Hurricane Disaster Relief
Fr. Peter Bernardi, SJ will be your retreat director                   September 25th and 26th at all Masses
and will lead you through a spiritual renewal as you                   There will be a special collection next weekend for the
immerse yourself in the Spiritual Exercises of St.                     USCCB Emergency Disaster Fund to help those in need
Ignatius of Loyola.                                                    who have been severely affected by Hurricane Ida.
                                                                       Because of the storm, lives have been lost and many
On retreat you will immerse yourself in silence,                       church properties, along with homes and businesses,
participate in daily Eucharist, celebrate the                          have been severely damaged or destroyed.
sacrament of Reconciliation, spend time in prayerful
                                                                       Any checks should be made payable to Our Lady of the
Adoration, visit with a qualified spiritual director and
                                                                       Valley Parish, please indicate “hurricane disaster relief”
listen to the movement of the Holy Spirit within your
                                                                       in the notation. At Sts. Peter and Paul, there will be a
life. Register now on line at
                                                                       second collection. To donate to the hurricane relief fund
www.jesuitspiritualcenter.com. We look forward to
                                                                       at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, place your donation in
seeing you on October 22nd.
                                                                       an envelope marked for Hurricane Ida Disaster Relief and
If you have questions about the retreat contact
                                                                       drop in the collection box or place your donation in the
Harry Schneider at 513-706-0976.
                                                                       baskets held by ushers as you leave Mass.

                                                                Parish Website www.CatholicOLV.org
                                                                Facebook Page www.facebook.com/OLVReading/
                                                                Instagram OLVReading
                                                                and please use the Parish Staff’s new
                                                                Email Addresses First Name.LastName@catholicOLV.org
  Our Lady of the Valley Parish offers
  online giving allowing parishioners to                   Our Stewardship
  give either one time or recurring gifts.
  Your offering can be automatically                                                              This
  sent from your checking account or                          Weekend of September 4/5            Week       Year to Date
  credit card. This is easily done online
  by going to:                                             Weekly Offering                        10,141           89,174
                                                           Electronic Giving                       2,235           25,630
  Click on Make a Donation and then
  Recurring Donation. The screens will walk
                                                           Stock Donations & IRA distributions       250            8,375
  you through setting-up your online
  giving.                                                  Holy Days                                   3            1,863

  If you have any questions, contact                       TOTAL OFFERING                         12,629         $125,197
  Angie Touvelle, Parish Business
                                                           OTHER ENVELOPES
  Manager, at:513-554-1010 x 04. or
  Angie.touvelle@catholicOLV.org .                         Archdiocesan 2nd Collection                               160

  Those unable yet to return to Mass                       Tuition Assistance                        205            1,653
  may also mail their donation to
  Our Lady of the Valley Parish Office,                    St Vincent de Paul                        437            2,574

  330 West Vine Street,                                    Candles                                    33             983
  Reading, Ohio 45215
  or drop it in the locked mailbox.                        St. Mary Mission                                          738

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time • September 19, 2021                                                                             9
Our Lady of the Valley                                                                  Parish Registration
                                                                        Welcome to the Our Lady of the Valley Parish Community!
Reading, Ohio                                                        If you would like to register , please contact the Parish office or
                                                                              register on our website: www. catholicOLV.org
Our Lady of the                                                         Our staff & Parish leaders are here to be of service to you.
Sacred Heart Campus
                                                                   Call The Church Offices To Arrange For:
177 Siebenthaler Avenue
Reading, OH 45215                                                  Sacrament of Baptism
513- 554-1010                                                      Sacrament of Marriage
                                                                   Sacrament of Anointing
Sts. Peter and Paul Campus                                         Communion to the Sick and Homebound
330 West Vine Street
Reading, OH 45215
513- 554-1010                                                     Society of St. Vincent de Paul
                                                                  If you are in need of financial assistance please call
Office Hours                                                      513-588-1656 and leave a voicemail message.
Monday - Thursday                          9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday ....................................9:00 am - 12:00 pm     Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference works under the
The church office serves both campuses, and is
                                                                  direction of and in conjunction with the St. Vincent de Paul Society
located at 330 West Vine Street.
                                                                  of Cincinnati.
No Face Covering or Mask required .

Clergy and Staff
Pastor ............................ Rev. Matthew J. Robben

Deacon .......................... Deacon Charles Roemer

Deacon ...............................Deacon Thomas Lynd            Important Information for All Parishioners!
                                                                    All in our Parish have free access to FORMED– Catholic videos,
Business Manager ........................ Angie Touvelle            audio talks, books, documentaries and studies for all age
Angie.Touvelle@catholicOLV.org                                      groups.

Pastoral Associate ....................... Beth Pettigrew           Available on any internet connected device
Beth.Pettigrew@catholicOLV.org                                      To Register on FORMED –(signing up as a parishioner)
                                                                    ► Go to FORMED.org/signup
Director of Music as of 10/1/21Terry Wenninger                      ► Enter our Parish zip code 45215, or our Parish name, Our
                                                                    Lady of the Valley
Bookkeeper ............................... Mike Schweitzer
Mike.Schweitzer@catholicOLV.org                                     ► Enter your name and email

Parish Secretary ........................ Nancy Feverston           Already have a FORMED Account?
Nancy.Feverston@catholicOLV.org                                     ► Visit FORMED.org
                                                                    ► Click Sign In
Part Time Staff ................................ Sally Dietrich     ► Enter your email
Sally.Dietrich@catholicOLV.org                                      ► Click the link in your email
                                                                    ► You're in! No more passwords!

10                                                     Our Lady of the Valley Parish • www. catholicOLV.org
Liturgical Ministers
               Sts. Peter and Paul                           Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
 Saturday, September 25 ● 3:00pm                        Saturday , September 25 ● 5:00pm
 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:             Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
         Rose & Don Lindeman, Fay Fischesser                     Laurie Hoffman, Janet Seeberger
 Lector: Brenda Owens                                   Lector: Ken Hoffman             Server: John Beckstedt
 Usher: Bonnie Rack                                     Usher: Russ Wernke
                                                        Greeter: Kathy Plummer

 Sunday, September 26 ● 10:30am                         Sunday, September 26 ● 8:30am
 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:             Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
          Ed Tierney, Gail Dorsey, Tim & Joyce Hoerst            Jeanne Berns, Karen Stevenson
 Lectors: Tom & Susan Digon                             Lector: Joe Berns               Server: Evan Blubaugh
 Usher: Jeff Lichtenberg                                Ushers: Frank Gallenstein, Tom Harrow
                                                        Greeters: Judy Klefas, Reyes Family, John Staat
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