Church of St. Mary Magdalene -

Page created by Roger Cole
Church of St. Mary Magdalene -
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE                                            NOVEMBER 21, 2021

        Solemnity of Christ the King

"Are you the King of the Jews?" Jesus
answered, "My kingdom is not from this
world. If my kingdom were from this world,
my followers would be fighting to keep me
from being handed over to the Jews. But as
it is, my kingdom is not from here." Pilate
asked him, "So you are a king?" Jesus
answered, "You say that I am a king. For
this I was born, and for this I came into the
world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who
belongs to the truth listens to my voice."
(John 18:33, 36-37)

 Rev. Edward P. McNulty
 Pastor                                                       ∙ Mass Schedule ∙
 Deacon Ralph Skiano                                     Monday - Saturday mornings 7:45 a.m.
                                                Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m., Sunday 7, 9, 11 a.m., 6 p.m.
                                                              Holy Day 7:45 a.m., 6 p.m.
 Church of St. Mary Magdalene
 1945 Illion Street                                    ∙ Sacrament of Reconciliation ∙
 San Diego, California 92110                                 Saturday 4:00pm - 5:00pm
 Tel (619) 276-1041                                                 or by appointment
 Fax (619) 276-0144
Church of St. Mary Magdalene -
PAGE 2                  OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE                  NOVEMBER 21, 2021

PARISH STAFF                                      St. Mary Magdalene Mission Statement
                                              We, the Eucharistic Community of St. Mary Magdalene,
                                                      are called to conversion in Jesus Christ.
Rev. Edward P. McNulty                        Our community life and worship are based on the Bible,
(619) 276-1041 ext. 100                     the Sacraments, and the teachings of the Catholic Church.               Living the love of Christ impacts our moral, intellectual, and
                                        religious life, and makes us a caring community that brings hope
Deacon Ralph Skiano
(858) 776-7151
                                     • P        O      H                  • S               M
                                       Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.      Call the Parish Office at least
                                       (closed from 12 noon-1:00 p.m.)      nine months in advance.
School of the Madeleine Principal
Jean Coleman                         • T B            R                 • S                R
(619) 276-6545                                                            Saturday,   from 4:00-5:00p.m. in
                                       Stop by the Parish Office during   the church or call the Parish
Office Manager                         regular business.                  Office for an appointment.
Katie Moreno
(619) 276-1041 ext. 101              • F          P -P                     • S                    S              Arrangements for a funeral            In  event   of serious illness or
                                       liturgy may be made in advance.       medical emergency, anointing of
Secretary                              Contact the Parish Office.            the sick and Eucharist may be
Anita Branch                                                                 arranged by contacting the
(619) 276-1041 ext. 102              • M            /O                       Parish Office.             To become involved in a parish
                                       ministry, call the ministry contact • S                B
                                       found on page seven of this           Baptismal preparation classes
Director of Music                                                            are required of all parents and
Tess Nelson                                                                  godparents. Call the Parish
(619) 276-1041 ext. 103                                                      Office for an appointment.            • E               A             H
                                     • First Fridays from 4:00pm-
Director of Religious Education        5:00pm       in    the     Blessed • R            C
Gerry Barlow                           Sacrament Chapel.
(619) 276-1248                                                               Those who are interested in                                              becoming Catholic, or those
                                     • R            E
                                       Classes are held on Sunday            baptized Catholics, who wish to
Director of Youth Ministry             mornings at 10:15 a.m. Contact        become fully initiated in the
Kia Scott                              the     Director    of    Religious   Church, should call the Parish
(619) 276-6814                         Education for more information.       Office.

                                                                      We joyously welcome the newest
                                                                      members of our faith community.

                                                                         Fletcher Laine Danson

                                                                      Lilliana Hope Cruz Padron
                                                                          You who have been washed
                                                                     in the fountain of life, have the hope
                                                                             of heaven’s kingdom.

                                                                           Welcome to the family!
Church of St. Mary Magdalene -

                                                                     OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST,
                                                                     KING OF THE UNIVERSE
                                                                         A Scriptural Reflection
Saturday, November 20
    7:45 AM - Shirley Lovelady Longobardo                            Reflecting on God’s Word
    5:30 PM - Joseph Kein                              Political power meets spiritual power in today’s
                                                        conversation between Jesus and Pilate. “Are you
Sunday, November 21                                     the King of the Jews?” Pilate asks Jesus (John 18:33).
    7:00 AM - Parishioners of St. Mary Magdalene        Pilate is concerned about whether Jesus is a threat
    9:00 AM - Jerry Brousseau                          to Roman rule, just as the Jewish leaders see Jesus as
   11:00 AM - Leo Padalino                             a threat to their authority. Jesus is thus either guilty
    6:00 PM -                                           of fomenting insurrection as a militant messiah or of
Monday, November 22                                    speaking blasphemy by presenting himself as one who
   7:45 AM - M. Therese Southgate                      inaugurates the reign of God.
Tuesday, November 23                                    Jesus, however, speaks not about himself as a king but
    7:45 AM - Daniel Fulton                            about a kingdom that “does not belong to this
                                                       world” (John 18:36). This kingdom may not be of
Wednesday, November 24                                  this world but it is in this world. God’s kingdom is present
   7:45 AM – Frank Morales                             in Jesus as one who comes to bear witness to the truth.
Thursday, November 25                                   And what is this truth? That “God so loved the world
    7:45 AM - Clair and Josephine Southgate            that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes
                                                        in him might not perish but might have eternal
Friday, November 26                                     life” (John 3:16).
    7:45 AM - Bob and Steve Wise 
                                                        Jesus is the Word become flesh who made his dwelling
Saturday, November 27                                   among us, so that we might see his glory, “the glory
    7:45 AM -                                           of the Father’s only Son, / full of grace and truth” (John
    5:30 PM - Clair Southgate                          1:14). The hour of glory was the hour of the cross, the
Sunday, November 28                                     hour not of political power, but God’s power shining
    9:00 AM - Mary Jeanette Lindebak                    through human weakness, bringing light into the
   11:00 AM - Joe & Rita Zumello                       darkness, revealing self-sacrificing love so that we might
    6:00 PM - Parishioners of St. Mary Magdalene        have life.
                                                        Political power tends to be an upward climb into
                                                        dominance and authority that must be protected at
          Nz!Tbwjps!boe!Nz!Ljoh!                        all costs. It frequently leads to isolation and abuse, to
                                                        clinging to power as its own end. Spiritual power is
                                                        having the strength to trust God and surrender so that
                                                        God can reign, not by conquest or political alliances, but
              Readings for the Week                     through human weakness and surrender to God.
                                                                                      —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Monday:      Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4                         Copyright © 2013, World Library Publications. All rights reserved

Tuesday:     Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11
                                                                         Our Liturgical Music
Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67;    Processional Hymn: BB 719
           Lk 21:12-19                                   Alleluia! Sing To Jesus
                                                         Responsorial Psalm: Page 230
Thursday:    Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lk 21:20-28         The Lord is King, He is robed in majesty
Thanksgiving Day, Suggested: Sir 50:22-24;               Memorial Acclamation: BB 877
            Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19        We Proclaim Your Death
                                                         Communion Hymn: BB 575
Friday:      Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33          Worthy Is The Lamb
Saturday:    Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36         Recessional Hymn: BB 723 / 577
                                                         To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King /
Sunday:      Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14;          Soon And Very Soon
             1 Thes 3:12 — 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36       Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal BB 872-881
Church of St. Mary Magdalene -

                                                                              (continued from previous column)

                P             ’ M                            The Acts of the Apostles tells us that the first Christians
                                                             "devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and
                                                             to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to
Dear Parishioners:                                           the prayers" (Acts 2:42). By its very nature the Eucharist
                                                             is the fulfillment to which our shared life in union with
Believe it or not the holidays are upon us. This week, as    Christ tends--it fortifies our common faith, nurtures the
we celebrate Thanksgiving, I invite you to start your day    communal bond of love, and increases our holiness
by joining us for Mass. Our parish will celebrate on         within the one body of Christ. As the Catechism of the
Thanksgiving morning with Mass at 9:00 a.m.                  Catholic Church teaches: "The Eucharist is `the source
This weekend we will be participating in the Collection      and summit of the Christian life.' “
for National Needs. This annual collection supports
the following programs and ministries: Black and Indian      Fr. Ed McNulty
Missions, Campaign for Human Development, Catholic                   Pastor
Communications Campaign, Catholic Home Missions
and The Catholic University of America. Your support
for and generosity toward these important national                                   Mass Schedule Changes
needs is greatly appreciated.                                                  Beginning next weekend, November
                                                                               28th, our new Mass schedule will be:
This weekend as we bring to a close another liturgical
year with the celebration of the Feast of Christ The King,                     Saturday (Vigil): 5:30pm
I thought it might be good to share with you a brief                           Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am & 6:00pm
passage from a document on the Eucharist entitled                              (No 7:00am)
Happy Are Those Who Are Called to His Supper: On
                                                                               Tuesday - Saturday: 7:45am
Preparing to Receive Christ Worthily in the Eucharist.
                                                                               (No Monday)
This document was issued by the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops back in 2006. The
Bishops wrote: Holy Communion is a sharing in the
Eucharist in which Christ is truly present. The priest,
recalling the words and actions of Jesus at the Last                          Parish Office Closure
Supper, consecrates the bread and wine, which are             The Parish office will be closed on Thursday,
changed, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into the            November 25th and Friday November 26th for
Body and Blood of Christ. This is why the Church has          Thanksgiving.
traditionally employed the word "transubstantiation" to
describe the change that takes place. The substance
(what something is) of bread and wine is totally changed
into the substance of Christ's Body and Blood. While the
appearances of bread and wine remain, the Risen Lord
Jesus is actually present, and so it is he who is actually
received in Holy Communion--Body and Blood, soul and
divinity. We call our reception of Christ in the Eucharist
"Holy Communion," for through our reception of his Body                     Thanksgiving Day Mass
and Blood we come into communion with him who
                                                              You are invited to join us for mass Thanksgiving
is All-Holy. The Son of God came to share in our
                                                              morning at 9:00am. We welcome you to bring a loaf
lowly humanity that we might come to share in his holy
                                                              of bread and/or bottle of wine to be blessed and then
divinity. When we receive Christ in Holy Communion,
                                                              enjoyed at your Thanksgiving meal.
we are united to the Risen Christ and come to share in
his divine life. Thus, through Christ's indwelling, we are
likewise united, in the Holy Spirit, to God the Father,
the source of all holiness….Through Baptism and our
shared faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we become
members of the visible Church, under the apostolic
authority of the pope and bishops. The celebration
of the Eucharist expresses and enacts this communion
in Christ. With few exceptions, only those who are
members of the Catholic Church may receive Holy
Communion at a Catholic Eucharistic liturgy. Being           We are asking for all who can help put covers on the
baptized and sharing in the Church's faith are, therefore,   new Missals and replace the ones in the church. Your
conditions for full participation in the Sacrament of the    presence is requested on Tuesday, November 23rd at
Eucharist, which culminates in the reception of Holy         8:15am in the Conference Room. This is a perfect
Communion….                                                  opportunity for teens who need Service Hours.
                     (continued on next column)
Church of St. Mary Magdalene -

                                    Around the
                                                                  Ministers of the Word (Lectors) and
                                                                Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound
                                                            The Lector Workbooks for the new Liturgical Year and
                                                            the Celebrating the Eucharist books, both beginning
                 Text/Email SCAM!!!                         November 28th, are available in the sacristy. Please
A text / email scam is out there again. Supposedly          stop in and pick up your book(s).
Fr. Ed is asking you to purchase gift cards to help
cancer patients. This is a scam. Fr. Ed would not ask
this of you. Keep an eye out for such a text / email and
DO NOT respond to it.
                                                                              Children’s Liturgy
                                                                           During the Sunday 9am Mass, children
                                                                           in Grades K-2nd will be called to the
                                                                           Conference Room to read the Sunday
              Communion for the Homebound                                  Gospel together and have a child friendly
           If you have an incapacitated loved one who       discussion on it. No registration or fee is required.
           is unable to attend Mass and would like to       Masks are required. Questions? Contact Mrs. Gerry
           receive The Holy Eucharist at home, please       Barlow, Director of Religious Education at 619-276-1248
           contact the parish office at (619) 276-1041      or
           or Deacon Ralph at (858) 776-7151.                            “He must increase; I must decrease” John 3:30

            Special Bingo Events 2021                               2021 Collection for National Needs
St. Mary Magdalene will be hosting four Special Bingo                 This weekend has been designated for the
Events during Advent benefitting different organizations.             2021 Collection for National Needs. Special
Come and play, bring your friends and mark your                       envelopes will be available for the collection,
calendars! The doors open at 4:00pm and games will                    which supports the Black and Indian
start at 6:30pm on each of the following dates:             Missions, the Catholic Home Missions, the Catholic
                                                            Communication Campaign, the Catholic Campaign
             •Tue.,   Nov. 30th for CCSA                    for Human Development, and the Catholic University
             •Tue.,   Dec. 7th, for Birthline               of America.
             •Tue.,   Dec. 14th, for Father Joe's Village
             •Tue.,   Dec. 21st, for Catholic Charities
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact
Patty Chouinard (858) 829-7005 or Rachel Freeman                      Your Gift of Treasure for the
(619) 669-8114.                                                      Weekend of November 14, 2021
                                                              With gratitude for the gifts we have received, visitors
                                                              and parishioners made a joyful return to the Lord of:
              Birthline of San Diego                             eGiving:            $ 17,210.00
         Birthline of San Diego thanks you for your              Plate:              $ 1,652.00
         generous donations and financial support.               Envelopes:          $ 1,410.00
                                                                 Total Offertory:                           $ 20,272.00
                                                                 Budgeted Income:                           $ 12,745.88
                 Moms’ Catholic Book Study                       Difference:                                $ 7,526.12
                                                                 YTD Budget vs Collection                   $ 20,365.00
          On December 1, 2021, a new study will begin.
          Join us as we read In the School of the Holy           Registered Families: 1664
          Spirit by Jacques Philippe. The study is seven         eGiving Families:     203
          weeks and we meet each Wednesday from                  Envelope Families:    155
          10am to 12pm in the Conference Room and           Average Budgeted Income is the minimum amount
          via zoom. All are welcome!                        needed each week for ministries & maintenance of our
For further information, visit our website at               parish (liturgies, sacraments, utilities, repairs, ongoing or contact Diane           maintenance, and salaries & benefits for our staff.
Kenney at                              Does not include major projects.)
Church of St. Mary Magdalene -

                                                                   Prayer List for Deployed Military
                                                          As a faith community let’s pray for all those who
          Ministers of the Word and                       serve our country during these troubled times. We
   Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist               pray    especially for those of our parish who are
                                                          deployed or will soon be deployed:
           Schedule: November 28, 2021
                                                                   Lynn Doras          Joseph Nason
                                                                  Corey Garcia           Elizabeth P.
                                                                    Philip Ho         Sebastian Paloma
                                                                 Daniel Mateos         Jorge Ramirez
                                                               Dominic McCarron        Miguel Valverde

                                                          Almighty God, be their constant companion and
                                                          strength in every adversity. May they always
                                                          experience your presence, love and comfort.
                                                          If you have a friend or relative who is serving in our
                                                          military, please contact the Parish Office.
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.

       Harry Bucon

Sunday, 6:00 p.m.                                                    Religious Education Classes
                                                          Our Religious Education Program offers faith formation
       Rachel Freeman                                     classes for public school children in grades Kindergarten
                                                          through 6th. Classes are on Sundays from 10:15am to
                                                          11:30am in the Parish Hall. There will be NO CLASSES
                                                          on Nov. 28, 2021, Dec. 26, 2021 or Jan. 2, 2022.

              Culture of Life Ministry                                         Pass It Forward!
         Our meetings are held in the Conference          Thank you to those who have answered the call to teach.
         Room on the 2nd Saturday of each month                         We continue to welcome volunteers for
         from 9:30am to 10:30am. Our next meeting                       Religious Education to support our
         will be December 11, 2021.                                     teachers. Please contact us if you are
                                                                        able to “pass it forward”.
If you are interested in being part of our team, please
contact or visit the website                    For more information on
at for more         St. Mary Magdalene Religious Education Contact:
                                                           Mrs. Gerry Barlow, Director of Religious Education
                                                             (619) 276-1248
                    Youth Ministry                                    “He must increase; I must decrease” John 3:30
Jr. High School Youth Group
(1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 7pm – 8pm)
                                                              Remember to Support Our Advertisers!
Registration is still open!                               The JS Paluch Company arranges for the bulletin to be
Register online at     supported through the generosity of the businesses that
                                                          you see advertised on the back cover. Most of these
High School Youth Group (Mondays 7pm - 8:30pm)            advertisers are members of our local community, and
November 22nd - Potluck                                   many belong to our parish.
November 29th - Core Team Meeting
High School Confirmation (Sundays)
                                                            Reporting Allegations of Sexual Misconduct
November 21st – Year 2 Sponsor Night                      The Diocese of San Diego treats all allegations of sexual
                                                          misconduct seriously and deals with them in a prompt,
            For more information contact:                 confidential, and thorough manner. Contact the Victim
        Kia Scott, Director of Youth Ministry             Assistance Coordinator, Mary Acosta, (858) 490-8353 or
                (619) 276-1041x132               to report sexual misconduct                 including abuse.
Church of St. Mary Magdalene -

                                             Community Announcements 

    2021 Christmas Gift Baskets
          and Gift Bags
  With the holiday season approaching
  quickly, CCSA has the following
  Christmas-giving opportunities:

   Christmas Gift Baskets for those
   in need of a Holiday meal;

   Gift Bags for homeless individuals;

   Extra Christmas Food Baskets
   for families who do not sign up for
   assistance, but come for service
   closer to Christmas.
  The success of these programs
  depends heavily on community
  support.     Our hope       is to make
  Christmas, for all who come to us for
  help, a bit brighter this year. You may
  sign-up online

                                                Parish Ministry Contacts
ALTAR SERVERS                                LECTORS                                        PRAYER NETWORK
  Parish Office            (619) 276-1041      Parish Office               (619) 276-1041     Renee Luna                    (858) 243-6077
ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL                       MARRIAGE PREPARATION                           R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
  Parish Office      (619) 276-1041           Parish Office       (619) 276-1041              Parish Office                 (619) 276-1041
BAPTISM PREPARATION                          MEN’S GROUP                                    RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
  Parish Office            (619) 276-1041      Bill Gomez                  (619) 993-3854     Gerry Barlow             (619) 276-1248
BIBLE STUDY                                  MOM’S CATHOLIC BOOK STUDY
  Jo Wise                  (619) 276-8919     Diane Kenney          ROSARY MAKERS
                                                                                              MaryAnn Armijo                (858) 292-0080
BINGO                                        MUSIC MINISTRY: Choir of The Madeleine
                                                                                              Yvette Tomcek                 (619) 913-8858
  On hiatus                                  All Masses
                                                Tess Nelson            (619) 276-1041       SACRISTANS
                                                Carole LeCren                                 Parish Office                 (619) 276-1041
  Gerry Barlow         (619) 276-1248
CHURCH CLEANING                              Contemporary Choir 6pm
                                                                                              Mark Rowland                  (619) 516-4663
  Parish Office            (619) 276-1041
                                             PARISH COUNCIL
CHURCH ART & ENVIRONMENT                     President
                                                                                              Dick Roy                      (858) 274-4546
  Carole LeCren      (619) 276-1041             Father Edward P. McNulty   (619) 276-1041
  Mia Lloyd          (619) 276-1041          Chair                                          USHERS/GREETERS
                                                Marianne Forsyth           (619) 885-1083     Call the Parish Office        (619) 276-1041
  Deacon Ralph Skiano (858) 776-7151                                                        WEDDING COORDINATOR
                                                Martin Bacich              (619) 276-1041
                                                                                             Peggy Skiano       (619) 276-1041
CULTURE OF LIFE MINISTRY                     At Large
  Gerry Barlow             (858) 342-9521       Marianne Forsyth           (619) 885-1083   YOUTH MINISTRY
  Margie Gallego           (619) 275-3966    Community Building                               Kia Scott                     (619) 276-6814                      Dianna Anderson            (858) 272-9640
                                                 Denise Mayer              (619) 990-2312
                                                                                               Outside Ministry Contacts
  Parish Office       (619) 276-1041
                                             Liturgy & Spirituality
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS                          Gerry Thompson            (619) 275-2264   CCSA
OF THE EUCHARIST                             Marriage & Family Life                           Jeanne McAlindin         (619) 276-1169
  Parish Office      (619) 276-1041             Position Available         (619) 276-1041     Marianne Forsyth (619) 885-1083
                                             Secretary                                      CENACLE
                                                Position Available         (619) 276-1041     Parish Office                 (619) 276-1041
                                             Social Outreach
  Father Edward P. McNulty (619) 276-1041                                                   DIVINE MERCY
                                                Position Available         (619) 276-1041
Co-Chair                                     Staff Representative                             Joe & Carol Pallazola         (619) 276-6637
  Position Available       (619) 276-1041       Position Available         (619) 276-1041   KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
LAYETTE MINISTRY                                                                              Miguel Bush                   (619) 246-3605
  Marianne Forsyth         (619) 885-1083
Church of St. Mary Magdalene -
858-274-4704 •
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