Workers' Compensation Conference - 19th Annual - June 1-2, 2020

Page created by Christina Padilla
Workers' Compensation Conference - 19th Annual - June 1-2, 2020
19th Annual
           Workers’ Compensation

June 1-2, 2020
Hershey Lodge & Convention Center
Hershey, Pennsylvania

                 Tom Wolf | Governor
Workers' Compensation Conference - 19th Annual - June 1-2, 2020
Conference Information

Fee                                                   Credit Information
Conference registration is $250 per person and        The Pennsylvania Bar Institute is providing
includes admission to conference workshops,           continuing legal education credits. Also, various
exhibits, lunches, morning/afternoon breaks (on       continuing education credits are available from
June 1-2), and dinner on June 1. To register,         the PA Association of Rehabilitation Professionals
see page 2.                                           and Preferred Systems Inc. Please contact these
                                                      credit organizations directly for credit information
Cancellation Policy                                   and cost. These costs are in addition to the
Cancellations and refund requests must be             conference registration fee. To register for
received by the bureau no later than May 22,          credits, please visit the credit websites:
2020. No refunds will be made after this date
due to the bureau’s financial commitment to           PBI:
the convention facility for food, beverages,          PARP:
meeting rooms and services. There will be no          Preferred Systems Inc.:
exceptions to this refund policy.
                                                      This activity has been submitted to AAOHN for
Walk-In Registration                                  approval to award contact hours. AAOHN is
Walk-in registrations will not be accepted            accredited as an approver of continuing nursing
without contemporaneous payment.                      education by the American Nurses Credentialing
                                                      Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Lodging/Reservations                                  The continuing nursing education credits for
Reservations for overnight accommodations at          this activity are sponsored by the Pennsylvania
the Hershey Lodge must be made by contacting          Association of Occupational Health Nurses
the lodge on or before May 1, 2020, at                (PAAOHN). Participants may receive partial credit
855-729-3108 or visit:                                (from 1.25 to 8.75 contact hours) depending on                  the number of sessions attended. The cost for
                                                      CNE credits is free for PAAOHN members and
When making your reservations, advise the             $40 for non-members. If you have any questions,
lodge that you are attending the “Bureau of           please feel free to contact
Workers’ Compensation Conference June                 Ann Marie Loiseau, DNP, RN, CSN, CCM at
1-2, 2020” to get the conference room rate of, or
$205, plus 11 percent tax per room, per night.        Donna Sponaugle, BS/ED, RN, COHN-S, at
If you are attending and exhibiting, make the         717-299-1265 or
lodge aware of that as well.

Hershey Lodge & Convention Center
West Chocolate Avenue & University Drive
Hershey, PA 17033

Workers' Compensation Conference - 19th Annual - June 1-2, 2020
General Attendee Registration
 General Attendee Registration

 Questions/Special Accommodations
 Questions/Special Accommodations                             Check your
                                                                    your affiliation:
 IfIf you
      you require
                     accommodationdue   dueto to
                                               a a
 disability, have                                                Case management
                                                                 Case management
 disability,  haveaaspecial
                                       needrequest  or
 or      anyany
       have  questions, call call
                 questions,  the bureau’s  helpline:
                                  the bureau’s                   Claimantattorney
                                                                 Claimant attorney
  • Toll free inside PA: 800-482-2383                            Court reporting
                                                                 Court  reporting
  •• Local
     Toll free
             andinside  PA:
                  outside PA:800-482-2383
                                                                 Defense attorney
                                                                 Defense  attorney
  •• People
     Local and withoutside
                    hearing PA:
      toll free with
   • People     inside PA: TTY
                     hearing    800-362-4228
                              loss only:                         Employer
                   inside PA:
                          PA: TTY
                                    800-362-4228                 Government
      email:    and outside PA: TTY 717-772-4991
         email:                        Health &&Safety
                                                                 Health   Safety
 To Register Online:                                             Health care
                                                                 Health  careindustry
 To Register
 Register      Online:
           online at:, click on
 Register  online
 Businesses,   nextat:,
                    click               click on
                          on Workers’ Compensation               Insuranceindustry
                                                                 Insurance industry
 Services, andnext
                thenclick  on Workers’Seminars,
                       on Conferences,                           Investigator
 Training.        Services and then on
 Conferences, Seminars, Training.                                Labor
 To Register by Mail:                                            Medical products
 To Register By Mail:                                            Medical
 Mail your check or money order for $250, payable
 to theyour check or money
                        of PA,order     $250,
                                    for completed                Nurse
        Commonwealth           and this                          Third-party administrator
 payable  to the
 form by May   22,Commonwealth
                   2020, to:      of PA, and
 this completed form by May 24, 2019, to:                        Third-party administrator
         Bureau      Workers’  Compensation
                             Compensation                        Translation
                   Attn: Conference
                 Attn: Conference                                Transportation
                                                                 Utilization review
          1171  S.Cameron
             Harrisburg,  PA17104-2501
                             17104-2501                          Utilization rehabilitation
                                                                 Vocational  review

 Provide all information
                                       below                     Vocational
                                                                 Other      rehabilitation
 Provide all                                 (or(or
 attach a business
 a business            card). Incomplete
              card). Incomplete  forms willforms
                                            not bewill           Other (specify):
 not be accepted.
 accepted.            One registration
            One registration   per form;per  form;
                                         please   make
 please make
 copies as       copies as needed.





 State, ZIP:





I Iwill
                          June3:1:         YES
                                          YES            NONO
First-time    attendee:                    YES
                                          YES            NONO
Workers' Compensation Conference - 19th Annual - June 1-2, 2020
Exhibitor Registration

Exhibits                                                 Exhibit Schedule
Exhibit registration is $750 per booth.                  • Sunday, May 31, 5 p.m.–9 p.m.
                                                           On-site registration in the Great American
Fee Includes:                                              Lobby outside Exhibit Hall (Red, White & Blue
    •    Conference registration for two people            rooms) and setup in the Exhibit Hall.
    •    Meals and breaks as indicated on the
                                                         • Tuesday, June 2, 1 p.m.
         conference agenda
                                                           Door prize announcements (Names of
    •    One 8x10 foot exhibit space
                                                           prize winners will be displayed in the Great
    •    One 110v electrical outlet
                                                           American Lobby.)
    •    One 6-foot table, draped
    •    Draped side rails and backdrop                  • Tuesday, June 2, 2 p.m.–5 p.m.
    •    One name sign (7 inches x 44 inches),             Tear down (Exhibitors who tear down before 2
         includes booth # and company name                 p.m. will be placed at the bottom of the list for
    •    Two chairs                                        exhibiting at the next Workers’ Compensation
    •    One trash can                                     Conference.)
    •    Wall-to-wall carpeting
    •    Limited security during lunch breaks
    •    on June 1-2 (room will be locked
         during lunch breaks)
    •    24-hour roaming security

To Register:
Register online at:, click
on Businesses, next click on Workers’
Compensation Services, and then on
Conferences, Seminars, Training.

All exhibitors are required to register online and
pay the fee of $750 with a credit card by May
22, 2020.

Booths are assigned on a first-come, first-
served basis, so please submit your registration
as early as possible. No booth will be reserved
without submission of the registration, the fee,
the exhibitor’s Certificate of Liability and a
Requirements Acknowledgement form signed
by the two exhibit booth representatives
(acknowledgement form is available at:, click on Businesses, next
click on Workers’ Compensation Services and
then on Conferences, Seminars, Training or
by emailing:
Upon receipt of payment and documentation, a
confirmation letter will be forwarded. A separate
notice with floor plan and booth assignment will

Workers' Compensation Conference - 19th Annual - June 1-2, 2020

Day 1 / Monday, June 1, 2020                            Learn about the IRE process from the time an IRE
                                                        can be requested, through the receipt of the IRE
                                                        determination, and how the IRE determination
7 a.m. Registration (Chocolate Lobby)
                                                        impacts liability for a claim.
Continental Breakfast (Exhibit Hall)
8:30 a.m. Welcome/Opening Remarks: Jerry                10:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. Break/Exhibits
Oleksiak, Secretary, PA Dept. of Labor &                (Exhibit Hall)
Industry (Chocolate Ballroom)
                                                        11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Breakout Sessions
9:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Breakout Sessions
                                                        Basic WC Law – Part 2
Basic WC Law – Part 1                                   Basic
Basic                                                   Moderated by: Elizabeth A. Crum, WC Office of
David B. Torrey, WCJ, WC Office of                      Adjudication (retired), Harrisburg
Adjudication, Pittsburgh                                Stephen S. Bloomburg, Esq., Post & Schell PC,
Previously offered as WC 101, Workers’
                                                        Nariman P. Dastur, Esq., DeAngelis, Dastur &
Compensation Judge David Torrey provides
                                                        Associates PC, Pittsburgh
a basic overview of workers’ compensation               Marie Ehling, School Districts Insurance
in Pennsylvania, including a discussion on its          Consortium, North Wales
history, basic entitlements, wage loss, course
of employment and disability/partial disability.        This detailed discussion will follow the flow of
                                                        the claim process from the moment of injury until
Legislative Process                                     the final adjudication. Speakers will address
Intermediate                                            frequently asked questions about the workers’
Moderated by: Adrienne Breslin,                         compensation law and will give basic information
Lackawanna Insurance Group, Wilkes-Barre                about what the law is and what it does.
Jonathan C. Greer, Insurance Federation of PA
                                                        Legal Updates
Inc., Harrisburg
                                                        [Repeated Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.]
Thomas Previc, Pennsylvania Association for
Justice, Harrisburg                                     Intermediate
                                                        Moderated by: Barbara L. Hollenbach, Esq.,
Hear from experienced and respected “Hands              Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, Allentown
on the Hill” who will provide a brief overview          Barbara E. Holmes, Esq., Blaufeld, Schiller &
of the legislative process and discuss pending          Holmes LLP, Pittsburgh
or recently enacted workers’ compensation               Terry W. Knox, WCJ, WC Office of Adjudication,
legislation.                                            Reading
                                                        Peter J. Weber, Esq., Weber Gallagher,
Wearable Technology in the Workplace                    Philadelphia
                                                        An annual favorite, join in this discussion of the
Zach Craft, One Call Medical, Jacksonville, FL
                                                        leading cases and current, potentially problematic
Learn how new technology may not only reduce            issues facing workers’ compensation practitioners.
work injuries, but also help to reduce financial,
operational and legal challenges associated             Adjusterology
with workplace injuries, building a healthier           Basic
workforce and a safer workplace.                        Moderated by: Susan M. Emmet, Eastern
                                                        Alliance Insurance Company, Lancaster
Healthcare Services Review Division Update              Stephen P. Dalansky, Metz Culinary
Basic/Intermediate                                      Management, Dallas
Moderated by: Marianne H. Saylor, Director,             Gregory J. Fischer, Esq., Carpenter, McCadden &
Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Harrisburg             Lane LLP, Wexford
Patricia Clemens, Bureau of Workers’                    Steve Reich, Eastern Alliance Insurance
Compensation, Harrisburg                                Company, Lancaster
Karla Henneman, Bureau of Workers’
Compensation, Harrisburg
Discuss and learn best practices from claim             Employers Unplugged
inception to ensure effective management of the         Basic
claim and achieve most favorable outcomes.              Moderated by: Gregory J. Fischer, Esq.,
                                                        Carpenter, McCadden & Lane LLP, Wexford
WCAIS-New Tips and Tricks                               Joseph C. Rietmulder, TE Connectivity,
Intermediate                                            Middletown
Moderated by: Susan B. Caravaggio, WCJ,                 Jane LaGreca, Safety & Risk Specialists,
Office of Adjudication, Williamsport                    Doylestown
Stevi Leech, WC Office of Adjudication,                 Anthony Lauro, Vanalt Electrical Construction,
Johnstown                                               Inc., Yeadon
Harte Pricer, Bureau of Workers’ Compensation,
                                                        These experienced large, medium, and small
                                                        employers will address evolving challenges and
Learn tips and tricks on how to effectively and         topics such as workforce education, pre-injury
productively utilize the WCAIS system.                  training, post-injury medical care and the claims
                                                        management process. The panel will discuss
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Lunch (Chocolate                 coordination between the adjuster, employer,
Ballroom)                                               medical providers and counsel to support a
                                                        successful modified duty and return to work
1:45 p.m. – 3 p.m. Breakout Sessions
Managing Pain through Alternatives to
                                                        Gig Economy
Opioids (not Medical Marijuana)
                                                        Moderated by: David B. Torrey, WCJ, WC Office
Moderated by: Donna K. Sponaugle, Y&S
                                                        of Adjudication, Pittsburgh
Candies, Lancaster
                                                        Joseph C. Huttemann, Esq., Martin Law,
Kenji Saito, MD/JD, MaineGeneral Health,
Augusta, ME
                                                        Bradley Smith, Esq., Galfand Berger LLP,
Alternative pain management will be identified to       Philadelphia
assist patients with effective pain control while       Justin D. Beck, Esq., Thomas, Thomas, and
empowering them in their own treatment plan.            Hafer, Pittsburgh
                                                        An update to the 2018 presentation due to the
As the Claim Turns – Part 1
                                                        fast-paced changes in this area of the law. The
Basic                                                   panel will provide a briefing on the trend towards
Moderated by: Daniel Snyder, Esq, WCJ, WC               workers laboring in the gig economy with a focus
Office of Adjudication, Allentown                       on employment status, safety, and insurance
Deborah J. Schwartz, Esq., Bureau of Workers’           implications.
Compensation, Office of Chief Counsel,
Harrisburg                                              3 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Break/Exhibits (Exhibit Hall)
Jason Woodruff, Lackawanna Insurance Group,             3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Breakout Sessions
Aimee Hernandez, Chic-Fil-A, Pittsburgh                 Workers’ Compensation Game Show
John J. Beichert, Esq., Haggerty, Goldberg,
Schleifer & Kupersmith, Reading
                                                        Edward R. Carpenter Jr., Esq., Carpenter,
Heather Zambelli, Esq., Cipriani & Warner,
                                                        McCadden & Lane LLP, Media
                                                        Christopher A. DiMeo, Esq., Carpenter,
This year’s session will focus on a WC claim            McCadden & Lane LLP, Media
from start to finish. We will focus on issues           Marla A. Joseph, Esq., Law Offices of Marla A.
regarding employment in the 21st century                Joseph LLC, Jenkintown
workforce, including issues with the gig                John W. McTiernan, WCJ, WC Office of
economy and contingent workforce.                       Adjudication, Philadelphia
                                                        Test your workers’ compensation knowledge. This
                                                        fun & informative session takes the attendees
                                                        through the nuances of WC in PA.

As the Claim Turns–Part 2
                                                       Day 2 / Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Moderated by: Daniel Snyder, WCJ, WC Office            7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast (Exhibit Hall)
of Adjudication, Allentown
Deborah J. Schwartz, Esq., Bureau of Workers’          8 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Kids’ Chance Presentation
Compensation, Office of Chief Counsel,                 (Wild Rose)
Jason Woodruff, Lackawanna Insurance Group,            Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania…We are all
Wilkes-Barre                                           about the Kids!
Aimee Hernandez, Chic-Fil-A, Pittsburgh                Elizabeth A. Crum, President, Kids’ Chance of PA
John J. Beichert, Esq., Haggerty, Goldberg,
                                                       The mission of Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania Inc.
Schleifer & Kupersmith, Reading
                                                       (Kids’ Chance of PA) is to provide scholarship
Heather Zambelli, Esq., Cipriani & Warner,
                                                       grants for college and vocational education to
                                                       children of Pennsylvania workers who have
                                                       been killed or seriously injured in a work-related
Continuation of Part 1.
                                                       accident resulting in financial need. For the
                                                       2019-2020 school year, Kids’ Chance has granted
A Physician Speaks: Treatment & Evaluation
                                                       $179,000 in scholarships to 57 deserving college
of the Injured Worker
                                                       students. Join Elizabeth Crum, Kids’ Chance
Intermediate                                           President, to learn more about the organization
Co-Moderated by: Adrienne Breslin,                     and how you can help us spread our mission to
Lackawanna Insurance Group, Wilkes-Barre,              reach more students in need of our scholarship.
and Joseph C. Huttemann, Esq., Martin Law,
Philadelphia                                           8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Breakout Sessions
Robert W. Mauthe, MD, Office of Robert
Mauthe, MD, PC, Center Valley                          Active Shooter
Hear from a well-respected physician who treats
                                                       Lt. Kerby L. Young, PA State Police, Harrisburg
injured workers and provides IME’s on behalf of
injured workers and insurance companies.               Valuable information for all attendees concerning
                                                       steps necessary to protect yourself and
UEGF/Compliance Updates                                others during an active shooter situation. This
Basic                                                  presentation from the PA State Police is cutting
Moderated by: Joseph DeRita, Director, WC              edge training, providing each attendee with the
Office of Adjudication, Harrisburg                     knowledge for saving lives during the chaotic
Kimberly D. Mazin, Esq., Bureau of Workers’            moments active shooters present.
Compensation, Office of Chief Counsel,
Harrisburg                                             Role of the Nurse Practitioner & Physicians’
Jeffrey S. Gross, Esq., Gross & Kenny LLC,             Assistant in Treatment of the Injured Worker
Philadelphia                                           Advanced
Michael D. Schaff, Esq., Schaff & Young, PC,           Moderated by: Donna K. Sponaugle, Y&S
Philadelphia                                           Candies, Lancaster
                                                       Kim Olszewski, Mid-State Occupational Health
Review of practical considerations since Act 132
                                                       Services Inc., Lewisburg
                                                       George Chistakoff, Premise Health, Reading,
                                                       Wesley J. Rish, Esq., Rish Law Office, LLC,
                                                       John W. McTiernan, WCJ, WC Office of
5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Dinner (Chocolate Ballroom)
                                                       Adjudication, Philadelphia
                                                       Identify the roles, responsibilities, and scope of
                                                       practice of these professions. Describe the
                                                       qualifications of NPs and PAs to diagnose and

treat work-related injuries and illnesses, as well        Lewis L. Wolfgang, Esq., Cipriani & Werner,
as work restrictions or modified duty. Discuss            Pittsburgh
proposed bills in past and current sessions in            Kelly Hemple, Esq., Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo
the PA legislature.                                       Law, Pottstown
                                                          Harriet A. Gaither, CM Regent, Mechanicsburg
Employment Law Interaction with WC: A                     Steven Minnich, WCJ, WC Office of Adjudication,
Case Study                                                Pittsburgh
Advanced                                                  Leslie Reyes, Mediquest Staffing & Homecare,
Robert J. Baker, Esq., The Chartwell Law                  Inc., Lancaster
Offices, Harrisburg                                       You will get 50 tips in 50 minutes in this fast-paced
Sean A. Casey, Esq., Casey Legal, Pittsburgh              presentation. Hear from leading participants in the
This session will address proper and effective            WC system some of the most unique tips from their
administration of a workers’ compensation                 areas of expertise. There will be time for questions
claim in the context of issues raised by the              at the end.
ADA, FMLA, COBRA, the Unemployment
Compensation Law and privacy issues.                      Medical Cost Regulations – Part 1
Avoiding Litigation                                       Intermediate
Intermediate                                              Moderated by: Adrienne Breslin, Lackawanna
Moderated by: Linda G. Millas, J.P. Mascaro &             Insurance Group, Wilkes-Barre
Sons, Audubon                                             Patricia Clemens, Bureau of Workers’
Gregory J. Fischer, Esq., Carpenter, McCadden             Compensation, Harrisburg
and Lane, LLP, Wexford                                    David B. Torrey, WCJ, WC Office of Adjudication,
Michael Quatrini, Esq., Quatrini Rafferty Law,            Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh                                                Linda A. Lengle, Hoover Rehabilitation Services,
Laurie Heagy, East Penn Manufacturing/Deka                Inc., Mechanicsburg
Batteries, Lyon Station                                   Considerations and procedures following receipt
In this session, the panel will present                   of a medical bill; proper submission of bills
collaborative strategies and insights to facilitate       and documentation; legal sufficiency, repricing
the WC claim process and avoid adversarial                and downcoding, and regulatory and statutory
outcomes.                                                 provisions.

9:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.                                    EDI Practices and Pitfalls
Break/Exhibits (Exhibit Hall)
10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Breakout Sessions                 Moderated by: David A. Cicola, WCJ, WC Office
                                                          of Adjudication, Johnstown
Workplace Security                                        Hendrick I. Penn, IV, Esq., Weber Gallagher,
Basic                                                     Pittsburgh
Moderated by: Joseph DeRita, Director, WC                 Harte Pricer, Bureau of Workers’ Compensation,
Office of Adjudication, Harrisburg                        Harrisburg
Lt. Kerby L. Young, PA State Police, Harrisburg           Learn to comply with EDI protocols and navigate
This session provides proactive informational             the issues involved with EDI transactions to
steps on securing your workplace to minimize              decode the EDI system and avoid potential
exposure to workplace violence situations.                penalty situations.
Included will be diffusion techniques that can            11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Lunch (Chocolate
be utilized to deescalate potentially violent             Ballroom)
behaviors and save lives.
                                                          1 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Breakout Sessions
50 Tips in 50 Minutes
Moderated by: Shawn Gooden, Esq., Weber
Gallagher, Harrisburg

Legal Updates [Repeat]                                    employer resources, and evidence-based
Intermediate                                              practice. Participants will have an opportunity to
Moderated by: Barbara L. Hollenbach, Esq.,                practice mindfulness.
Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, Allentown
Terry W. Knox, WCJ, WC Office of Adjudication,
Peter J. Weber, Esq., Weber Gallagher,                    2:15 p.m. Conference Adjourns

Judges Unplugged
Moderated by: Lawrence R. Chaban, Esq.,
AlpernSchubert PC, Pittsburgh
Elizabeth A. Crum, Retired WCJ, Hanover
Beverly Doneker, Retired WCJ, Shippensburg
Mary Kathleen Vallely, Retired WCJ, Pittsburgh
Karl K. Baldys, Retired WCJ, Williamsport
Come and hear unvarnished opinions and
candid discussion from some of the most
experienced, retired workers’ compensation

Medical Cost Regulations – Part 2 (Issues in
Moderated by: Adrienne Breslin, Lackawanna
Insurance Group, Wilkes-Barre
David B. Torrey, WCJ, WC Office of
Adjudication, Pittsburgh
Patrick M. Donan, Esq., Steiner, Segal, Miller &
Donan, Philadelphia
Shawn Gooden, Esq., Weber Gallagher,
Attend this session to gain an understanding of
the processes and current issues in fee review
appeals; the evidence required; the burden of
proof, evidentiary issues, practical tips, avoiding
common errors, and understanding the statute
and regulations.

Mental Health Issues
Moderated by: Ann Marie Loiseau, DeSales
University, Center Valley
Beth Smith, Fox Chase Cancer Center,
Jonathan Grau, Work Solutions Lead National
Council for Behavioral Health, Washington DC
This session will cover the definition of
depression and the impact on health. The
session will also cover the impact of depression
in the workplace, potential employee and

Tee Off for the Kids!
              Tee Off for the Kids!
  Celebrate the 15th Annual Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania Golf Outing

              Tee Off for the Kids!
  Sunday, May 31, 2020                                                                                Golfer Registration Opens: 11:00am
 Celebrate the 15th Annual Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania Golf Outing
  Hershey Country Club                                                                                Recognition Luncheon: 12:00pm (For Partners/
  1000 E. Derry Rd • Hershey, PA 17033                                                                Scholars/Friends and Golfers)

                                      Tee Off for the Kids!
 Sunday, May 31, 2020                                                                                   Golfer1:30pm
                                                                                                      Tee-Off:  Registration Opens: 11:00am
 Hershey Country the
                  Club 15th Annual Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania Golf Outing                           Cocktails/Dinner  to follow Golf
                                                                                                        Recognition Luncheon:      12:00pm (For Partners/
 1000 E. Derry Rd • Hershey, PA 17033                  Scholars/Friends and Golfers)
 Sunday, May 31, 2020                                  Tee-Off:
                                                     Golfer      1:30pmOpens: 11:00am
   Celebrate        the
 Hershey Country Club
                         15th    Annual Kids’   Chance
                                      Registration        Formof Luncheon:
                                                     Recognition          to follow Golf(ForGolf
                                                                              12:00pm              Outing
 1000 E. Derry Rd • Hershey, PA 17033                Scholars/Friends
                                          Deadline 5/15/2020            and Golfers)
   Sunday, May 31, 2020                                Golfer Registration Opens: 11:00am
                                                     Tee-Off: 1:30pm
   Hershey Country Club                                Recognition Luncheon: 12:00pm (For Partners/
  Golfers                               Registration Form to follow Golf
     1000 E. Derry Rd • Hershey, PA 17033
                                                                                                         Scholars/Friends and Golfers)
   1. Captain                                                                             ____5/15/2020
                                                                                      Deadline Individual Golfer(s) @ $225 Each (Includes Lunch & Dinner)
                                                                                               Tee-Off: 1:30pm
                                                                                               ____ Hole Sponsorship(s)
                                                                                                    Cocktails/Dinner    @ $250
                                                                                                                     to follow  Each (Only one vendor sponsor per hole,
 2.                                                                      Registration  Form
                                                                                   NO splitting fee between vendors. Does not include lunch or dinner.)
                                                                                               ____ Foursome and Hole Sponsorship Package(s) @ $1,100 Each
                                                                                   Deadline 5/15/2020
 1.3.Captain                                                                                ____   Individual
                                                                                               (Includes       Golfer(s)
                                                                                                         Four Golfers,      @ $225Lunch
                                                                                                                       Hole Sponsor, Each
                                                                                                                                            Dinner)  Lunch & Dinner)
                                                                                  ____      Form
                                                                                         Hole Sponsorship(s)
                                                                                       Luncheon(s) @ $40 Each@ $250 Each (Only one vendor sponsor per hole,
  Golfers                                                     ____5/15/2020
                                                         Deadline   Dinner(s)   @ $50
                                                                       NO splitting      Each vendors. Does not include lunch or dinner.)
                                                                                    fee between
 1. Captain                                                    ____ Individual
                                                                 ____   Foursome  Golfer(s)  @ $225
                                                                                      and Hole        Each (Includes
                                                                                                 Sponsorship              Lunch @
                                                                                                                  Package(s)      & Dinner)
                                                                                                                                     $1,100 Each
    Golfers                                                    ____ Hole    Sponsorship(s)
                                                                        (Includes Four Golfers,@ $250
                                                                                                Hole    EachLunch
                                                                                                     Sponsor,  (Only and
                                                                                                                     one Dinner)
                                                                                                                          vendor sponsor per hole,
                                                                    NO splitting fee between vendors. Does not include lunch or dinner.)
 2. 1. Captain                                                   ____Individual
                                                                ____    Luncheon(s)      @ $40
                                                                                   Golfer(s)     EachEach (Includes Lunch & Dinner)
                                                                                             @ $225
        I will not be able to attend, but please accept my donation
                                                               ____  of Dinner(s)
                                                                 ____                    in support
                                                                                     @ Hole
                                                                                        $50           of Kids’
                                                                                             Each               Chance of@
                                                                                                             Package(s)       PA.
                                                                                                                                $1,100 Each
                                                                ____  Hole Sponsorship(s)      @ $250 Each                                             (Only one vendor sponsor per hole,
 4.                                                                                                       (Includes Four Golfers, Hole Sponsor, Lunch and Dinner)
 3. 2.                                                                                                      NO splitting fee between vendors. Does not include lunch or dinner.)
   Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania is a register, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
                                                                                                 Foursomeare       @tax $40
                                                                                                                  and   Hole Each
                                                                                                                        deductible and contributors
                                                                                                                               Sponsorship          will receive a letter
                                                                                                                                                 Package(s)               of
                                                                                                                                                                   @ $1,100         Each
                                                                                      ____ Dinner(s)           @ $50     Each
                      for tax purposes.                                                           (Includes Four   Golfers,  Hole Sponsor, Lunch and Dinner)
          I will not be able to attend, but please accept my donation                                of $______
                                                                                         ____ Luncheon(s)            @ $40inEach support of Kids’ Chance of PA.
                                                                                         ____ Dinner(s) @ $50 Each
     Thank   you   for  your   support.    You    may   register online  at              and  pay    by credit  card. Or fill
  Kids’ Chance
          I willofnot
                        be your    istoa register,
                             ablecheck,  attend,   tax-exempt 501(c)(3)
                                                     buttoplease        non-profit
                                                                   accept    my organization.
                                                                                   donation Inc.,ofAll$______
                                                                                                       contributions are in
                                                                                                                         tax support
                                                                                                                             deductible  andKids’
                                                                                                                                        of    contributors
                                                                                                                                                     Chance willout  this aform
                                                                                                                                                                   of PA.    letterand
                    send                     payable      Kids’ Chance    of Pennsylvania,             1231 Highland Ave.,       Fort Washington,        PA 19034
  acknowledgement for tax purposes.
  Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania
             I will not be able  is a register, tax-exempt
                                       to attend,           501(c)(3) accept
                                                       but please     non-profit my
                                                                                       donation All contributions
                                                                                                    of $______    are tax deductible
                                                                                                                            in supportand contributors will receive of
                                                                                                                                           of Kids’ Chance           a letter
  acknowledgement for tax purposes.
   Thank    you for
     Kids’ Chance     your support.
                   of Pennsylvania         You may
                                     is a register,      register
                                                    tax-exempt     online
                                                               501(c)(3)    at
                                                                         non-profit                                           and pay
                                                                                    organization. All contributions are tax deductible andby credit card.
                                                                                                                                           contributors         Or fill
                                                                                                                                                        will receive      outofthis form and
                                                                                                                                                                      a letter
     acknowledgement    foryour   check, payable to Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania, Inc., 1231 Highland Ave., Fort Washington, PA 19034
                            tax purposes.
 City:                                                                           ST
   Thank you for your support. You may register online at                         Zip Code       _________
                                                                                                                          and pay    by credit card. Or fill out this form and
Name:               send your check, payable to Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania, Inc., 1231 Highland Ave., Fort Washington, PA 19034
     Thank you for your support. You may registerEmail:
                                                  online at and pay by credit card. Or fill out this form and
Address:               send your check, payable to Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania, Inc., 1231 Highland Ave., Fort Washington, PA 19034

City:                                                                                       ST                                  Zip Code _________
                                   My name is Malia, and I am a 2019-20 Kids’ Chance Scholarship Recipient. This is my first year receiving this scholarship and I am so
                                   grateful to have been picked for this opportunity. Being awarded this scholarship has really helped financially with my tuition. It has taken
Phone:                                                            Email:
                                   a large weight off of my shoulder  to know that                           Zip taking
                                                                                STI do not have to worry about      Codeout_________
                                                                                                                              more student loans. I am a sophomore at Widener
                                   University and I am majoring in nursing. I try my best to be an active student on campus, as I am a part of: Widener University Student
                                   Nurses’ Association, National Student Nurses’ Association, a member of Phi Eta Sigma, and a player for Widener University’s softball
Phone:                             team. I ended last semester Email:
                                                                                   ST                           Zip Code _________
                                                                with a cumulative GPA of 3.58. I made Dean’s List for both the fall and spring semesters as well. I am also
                                   in the top 20% of my class.
   Phone:                           My name is Malia, and I am aEmail:
                                   Again,  I cannot express how thankful   I am to receive this scholarship. It
                                                                     2019-20 Kids’ Chance Scholarship Recipient.will help me continue
                                                                                                                          This        achieving
                                                                                                                               is my first       my goals this
                                                                                                                                           year receiving of becoming  a and I am so
                                   pediatric registered nurse while I study at Widener University
                                     grateful to have been picked for this opportunity. Being awarded this scholarship has really helped financially with my tuition. It has taken
                                   Mya large
                                    Best, nameweightis Malia,off and
                                                                  of my   shoulder
                                                                       I am   a 2019-20 to know
                                                                                             Kids’thatChanceI do Scholarship
                                                                                                                 not have to Recipient.
                                                                                                                                worry about      taking
                                                                                                                                              This  is myout   more
                                                                                                                                                           first yearstudent
                                                                                                                                                                       receiving loans.   I am a sophomore
                                                                                                                                                                                    this scholarship    and I amatso Widener
                                    Malia              and been
                                                 to have      I am majoring
                                                                     picked forinthisnursing.      I try my
                                                                                          opportunity.         bestawarded
                                                                                                            Being    to be anthis
                                                                                                                               active   student on
                                                                                                                                    scholarship     hascampus,      as I am
                                                                                                                                                         really helped         a part of:
                                                                                                                                                                          financially      Widener
                                                                                                                                                                                        with          University
                                                                                                                                                                                             my tuition.            Student
                                                                                                                                                                                                          It has taken
                                       large       Association,
                                                weight    off
                                                  University    of my National
                                                                 School shoulder
                                                                           of      Student
                                                                              Nursing    know
                                                                                                    of  I do
                                                                                                        2022 Association,
                                                                                                              not  have  to a member
                                                                                                                            worry  about  oftaking
                                                                                                                                              Phi Etaout Sigma,
                                                                                                                                                         more      and a loans.
                                                                                                                                                                 student   playerIfor am Widener
                                                                                                                                                                                          a         University’s
                                                                                                                                                                                            sophomore     at        softball
                                         My name is Malia, and I am a 2019-20 Kids’ Chance Scholarship Recipient. This is my first year receiving this scholarship and I am so
                                   University  I ended
                                         grateful and      I last
                                                      to have
                                                                         pickedinwith   a cumulative
                                                                                  for          I try my best
                                                                                       this opportunity.
                                                                                                             GPA toofbe
                                                                                                                      3.58.  I made
                                                                                                                        an active
                                                                                                                                thisstudent   onList
                                                                                                                                                       for both
                                                                                                                                                   campus,    as the
                                                                                                                                                     has really     amfall
                                                                                                                                                                  Ihelped   andof:
                                                                                                                                                                        a part    spring   semesters
                                                                                                                                                                            financially  with my
                                                                                                                                                                                                        as well.
                                                                                                                                                                                                University         I am also
                                                                                                                                                                                                  tuition. ItStudent
                                                                                                                                                                                                               has taken
                                     in athe
                                   Nurses’     top
                                           large      20% ofoffmy
                                                     weight           class.
                                                                   ofNational   Student
                                                                      my shoulder            Nurses’
                                                                                        to know      thatAssociation,
                                                                                                           I do not have a member     of Phitaking
                                                                                                                           to worry about     Eta Sigma,
                                                                                                                                                      out moreandstudent
                                                                                                                                                                    a playerloans.
                                                                                                                                                                               for Widener    University’satsoftball
                                                                                                                                                                                     I am a sophomore          Widener
                                   team.     I   I cannot
                                                ended     last express
                                                                 semester  how   thankful
                                                                              with  a         I am
                                                                                        cumulative     to receive
                                                                                                         GPA    of  this
                                                                                                                   3.58. Ischolarship.
                                                                                                                           made   Dean’s It  will
                                                                                                                                             List help
                                                                                                                                                  for   me
                                                                                                                                                      both   continue
                                                                                                                                                            the  fall andachieving
                                         University and I am majoring in nursing. I try my best to be an active student on campus, as I am a part of: Widener University Student        my  goals
                                                                                                                                                                                    semesters    asof  becoming
                                                                                                                                                                                                     well.  I am    a
                                        the  top 20%
                                         Nurses’           of my class.
                                                      Association,   nurse   whileStudent
                                                                       National      I studyNurses’
                                                                                                 at Widener       University
                                                                                                            Association,   a member of Phi Eta Sigma, and a player for Widener University’s softball
                                   Again,      I cannot      express     how   thankful    I am    to  receive   this scholarship.   It will help   me  continue    achieving
                                         team. I ended last semester with a cumulative GPA of 3.58. I made Dean’s List for both the fall and spring semesters as well. I am also my   goals  of becoming      a
                                         in the topregistered
                                                        20% of nurse       while I study at Widener University
                                                                   my class.
                                         Again, I cannot express how thankful I am to receive this scholarship. It will help me continue achieving my goals of becoming a
                                         pediatric  University
                                                       registeredSchool       of Nursing
                                                                      nurse while     I studyClass       of 2022
                                                                                                at Widener       University
                                         Best, University School of Nursing Class of 2022
                                         Widener University School of Nursing Class of 2022
Outing Sponsor Agreement
nual Kids’ Chance of PA Golf Outing

ion Name (as it will appear on event materials)

ame                                                                                                      Title:

          Golf Outing Sponsor Agreement
          15th Annual Kids’ Chance of PA Golf Outing
                                                                                      State:                             Zip:
       Golf Outing Sponsor Agreement
       15th Annual Name
        Organization Kids’ (as
                           Chance      of PA Golf
                               it will appear      Outing
                                              on event materials)
      )                                             E-mail:
        Contact Name
       Organization Name (as it will appear on event materials)                                 Title:
mptly Address:
      submit your company’s website and your company's logo in high resolution JPEG or EPS format to
     Contact Name                                                   Title:
ce of PA office at Material received after May 15, 2020 will not appear on signa
ram. Address:
      City:                                                 State:             Zip:

        Phone: (
       City:            )                                 E-mail:                  State:                         Zip:
ship Levels:
      Please (promptly
     Phone:          ) submit your company’s websiteE-mail:
                                                      and your company's logo in high resolution JPEG or EPS format to the
      Kids' Chance of PA office at Material received after May 15, 2020 will not appear on signage or
Luncheon     (2 @  $4,000)
      in the program.
                                                                           Directory/Program Sponsor ($1,000)
             promptly submit your company’s website and your company's logo in high resolution JPEG or EPS format to the
Dinner  Sponsor
    Kids'  Chance of($3,000)                                               Audio/Visual
                      PA office at Material received               Sponsor
                                                                              after May 15, 2020 will not($750)
                                                                                                          appear on signage or
    in Sponsorship
Beverage    Carts (2 Levels:
       the program.    @ $2,000)                                           Gift Basket Sponsor ($350)
              Luncheon (2 @ $4,000)
                                                                                General Donation to Support the Program
                                                                               Directory/Program Sponsor ($1,000)
       Sponsorship Levels:
               Dinner Sponsor ($3,000)                                         Audio/Visual Sponsor ($750)
              Luncheon         (2 @ $2,000)
                           @ $4,000)                                           Gift Basket Sponsor
                                                                              Directory/Program      ($350)($1,000)
                                                                               General Donation   to ($750)
                                                                                                     Support the Program
rous   donation  will Sponsor
              Dinner  be acknowledged
                              ($3,000)        as follows:                     Audio/Visual Sponsor
              Beverage Carts (2 @ $2,000)                                     Gift Basket Sponsor ($350)
Announcement during the program and signage during                           the   event
                                                                              General  Donation to Support the Program
NameYour   generous donation will be acknowledged as follows:
       listed in the 2020 Golf Outing Program
            • Announcement during the program and signage during the event
     Chance     of PA
            • Name     website
                     listed  will
                            in the  recognition
                                     acknowledged  with  link to your website
                                         Golf Outing  follows:
              • • Announcement   during
                   Kids’ Chance of      the program
                                   PA website        and signage
                                               recognition with linkduring
                                                                     to yourthe event
              • Name listed in the 2020 Golf Outing Program
              • Kids’ Chance of PA website recognition with link to your website

g Signature
      Authorizing Signature                                                                        Date Date
        Kids’ Chance
       Authorizing    of Pennsylvania, Inc., thanks you and your organization for your willingnessDate
                   Signature                                                                       to sponsor services at the 2020 Golf
nce of Outing
       Pennsylvania,       Inc., thanks you and your organization for your willingness to sponsor services at the
              to benefit PA students in need! Please complete this agreement and send it directly to: Kids’ Chance of PA, 1231
benefit PAChance
      Highland   of Pennsylvania,
               Avenue, in need!
                       Fort       Inc., thanks
                            Washington,        you and
                                          PA 19034.    your
                                                     Any    organization
                                                         this  agreement
                                                         questions       for Lloyd
                                                                   contact   your
                                                                                   Brown          todirectly
                                                                                                     sponsor services
                                                                                                             to: Kids’at the 2020 Golf
                                                                                                                         Chance    of PA,
       Outing to benefit PA students in need! Please complete this agreement and send it directly to: Kids’ Chance of PA, 1231
Avenue, Fort Washington, PA 19034. Any questions contact Lloyd Brown at:
       Highland Avenue, Fort Washington, PA 19034. Any questions contact Lloyd Brown at:

                                                    Kid’s Chance of Pennsylvania, Inc.
                                                    1231 Highland Ave., Fort Washington, PA 19034
                                                  p. 215-302-3598
                                                 Kid’s  Chance of Pennsylvania, Inc.
                                                  e.Chance       ofFort
                                                                        Washington, PA 19034 Inc.
                                                      Highland Ave.,
                                            1231 Highland   Ave., Fort Washington, PA 19034
                                            p. 215-302-3598

             Latrisha “Lolly” Bentch, Patient Liaison for
                Pennsylvania Department of Health’s
                     Office of Medical Marijuana

    Medical Marijuana – Where Are We Now?

  Lolly Bentch, Patient Liaison
Pennsylvania Department of Health

                               Tuesday, June 4, 2019
                                 1 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
                                Chocolate Ballroom

                  *Unless indicated otherwise, the views and opinions expressed by the speakers
                    in any presentation are solely those of the speaker and do not necessarily
                 represent the position or opinion of the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Office
                         of Adjudication, Appeal Board or Department of Labor & Industry.
       Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
                               Equal Opportunity Employer/Program

LIBC-771 REV 12-19
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