January 2021 "Voice of Faith" - This is my Son with whom I am well pleased - Faith Lutheran Church

Page created by Veronica Peters
January 2021 "Voice of Faith" - This is my Son with whom I am well pleased - Faith Lutheran Church
Voice of Faith Newsletter
Faith Lutheran Church and Preschool
 2012 Sullivan Trail, Easton PA 18040

 This is my Son with whom I am well pleased.
                                                    Matthew 3:17

                     January 2021
                      “Voice of Faith”

      Our Mission: “Reaching, Teaching, Serving, and Sharing Christ”
January 2021 "Voice of Faith" - This is my Son with whom I am well pleased - Faith Lutheran Church
       Interim Pastor Rev. David Demera
    Director of Christian Education Alex Lillis
Office Administrator   Jean Wehrle
Office Hours:          8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Phone:                 610-253-1625
Email:                 faithlcms@outlook.com       NOTE: Meeting dates, times and location may change.
Head Elder             Gary Sandt                        Please call the contact below to confirm.
Council President      Eric Himmelwright             Due to Pandemic all meetings are tentative
Vice President         Steve Baas
Council Secretary      Nancy Smith                YOUNG ADULT BREADBREAKERS
Financial Secretary    Kyle Garon                 Eric & Becky Himmelwright
Treasurer              Steve Fogt
                                                  PAUL MACHER’S BREADBREAKERS
Worship Committee      Gary Sandt
                                                  3:00 PM 3rd SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH in FELLOWSHIP HALL
At-Large Cong. Members Lori Brewer
                                                  STEVE BAAS’ BREADBREAKERS
                       Lorraine Varela
                                                  Sally and Steve Baas
   Boards                                         MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST (Ted Cheung)
Preschool                 Elisabeth Brune
                                                  8:00 AM 1st SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH - Go-to-Meeting
Education                 Elisabeth Brune
Finance                   Steve Fogt              THRIVENT (Gloria Miller)      ___ _____________
Facilities/                                       CHOIR (Brenda Cavella) _____________________
Property Management       Craig VanPell           7:00 PM TUESDAYS in CHANCEL on hold

  Ministries                                      BELL CHOIRS (Lori Brewer)
Children                 Jacquelyn Morrow         MONDAY in PRESCHOOL ROOM
Youth                    Position Open            Beginners 6:30 PM   Advanced 7:15 PM on hold
Adult, Fellowship & Social Position Open          ALTAR GUILD ( Lynn Klein)
Assimilation & Stewardship Position Open          TEAMS CHANGE MONTHLY
Evangelism               Position Open
                                                  WOMENS BIBLE STUDY (Karen Smith)
Choir Director           Brenda Cavella
                                                  2:30 PM 2nd and 4th THURSDAYS in FELLOWSHIP HALL
Handbells Director       Lori Brewer
Organist                 Sue Tucker               QUEEN BEES (Judi Rabinsky)
Ushers                   Sally Ueberroth          BOARD GAMES, CRAFTS and FELLOWSHIP
Custodians               Heather Brown            10:00 AM 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in FELLOWSHIP HALL
                         Stephanie Altner         LWML (Tracy Pioppi)
Security                 Greg Pioppi              3rd Sunday at 9:15 in the Sanctuary on hold
Scouting Program Coor. Greg Pioppi
Voice of Faith           Gaye Lowe
              Social distancing will be observed.
Many tasks take only an hour or two. Some need a special
skill that you may have. Many times volunteers are needed
when there is an emergency, for example when the                            Mark your calendars!
basement flooded during the big rain storm.                                  Friday, January 15th
Contact Craig VanPell (cvanpell@icloud.com, 484-241-7594)
and give him an idea of how you are willing to help. You are               Please submit articles, updates
so very important to Faith and our ongoing ministry.                       & notes to Gaye Lowe no later
                                                                                than January 15th for
                      NEEDED STORAGE TUBS                                          inclusion in the
                        The bigger the better
               Please contact Debbie - debio40@gmail.com                             February 2021
                  or Ed Hartzell - shihan10@yahoo.com                     Voice of Faith NEWSLETTER
January 2021 "Voice of Faith" - This is my Son with whom I am well pleased - Faith Lutheran Church
Rev. David Demera - Interim Pastor
                       HOPE IN A NEW YEAR
2020 started with much hope and expectation. February produced a blip called
COVID-19. Slowly everything began to change. This virus that started in China
slowly infected the world. Travel restriction followed as the virus spread on Cruise
line, which closed down that industry. Cases rose in Washington, California, and
New York. In these hotspots, hospitalizations and death increased. Medical personal
from all over the country came to meet the challenge of the crisis. The country and
the world were in the midst of a pandemic and panic. Businesses started to close, thousand filed for
unemployment. There were supply and food shortages in stores. Hospitals didn’t have sufficient PPEs.
People were angered and confused, clashing with one another. Gun purchases rose, as did violence and
division. National guards had to be called out to keep the peace. That was only the first wave! As we sit in
the midst of the second wave, we see loved ones dying alone. Families have had to tone down their holiday
gatherings and celebrations. Unfortunately there are some households where there are empty seats at
holiday meals because the virus has left its mark. In the midst of a time that is normally filled with joy and
hope, a dark pale of gloom and doom hovers over the country. Many have lost hope and are in a state of
despair. In the minds of many there are questions. When will this finally end? Is the vaccine a light at the
end of the tunnel? Will we survive this to see a better tomorrow?
Unfortunately this is a common story in a sinful world. There have been many other crises and we have
gotten through them by the grace of God. This has been part of our human experience. We know there is
hope in the Lord!
2000 years ago there was a week that started on a spectacular high. The Son of David had come to the city
of Jerusalem. The people of God had high hopes and expectations. The crowd was filled with shouts of,
“Blessed is He, who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna, hosanna in the highest!” It seemed like the
start of a glorious week. The tide would suddenly change as the week went on. The Son of David was
arrested on Thursday evening. He had been betrayed by one of his followers. Jesus was tried by the Jewish
ruling council, condemned and brought to the governor charged with high crimes and treason. His
followers were shaken as they watched these events unfold and were helpless to do anything about them.
They saw their Lord and master beaten and brutalized by the Romans. The witness, the crowd turn against
him, shouting, “Crucify Him, crucify Him!” Judged guilty, Jesus bore the cross to Calvary. He was then nailed
to it and raised for all to see him disgraced by Rome. Over three hours they heard his words, observed his
pain, and watched him die. His body is removed from the cross as his mother and the others weep. The
body is taken to the tomb. It is not a Good Friday for them. The Passover Seder had to have been a sad
affair. Jesus was not with them at the table. How sad it must have been when the youngest child ask the
question, “Why is this night different from all other nights?” In the follower’s minds, the thought might have
been, ‘Jesus is dead!”. The Saturday Sabbath worship must have been a matter of just going through the
motions. Had the joy of worship been ripped out of their hearts? All was lost. Hopes and dreams had been
dashed for them. Sunday morning, the women arose to do their duty for the master. The darkness of the
morning must have reflected the attitude in their hearts. They arrive at the tomb. They are dumbstruck at
the sight before them. No guards, the tomb was open and the body was gone. What is going on here? They
approached and an angel says to them, “He is not here. He is risen!” JESUS LIVES! The Christ is alive and not
dead. All their despair was replaced with a New Hope. Jesus lives! He has conquered sin, death, and the
power of the evil one. Christ has taken the despair and darkness of lost and death and replaced it with life
and hope. Our victorious Lord has all power in heaven and on earth. He gives us hope for a brighter and
better day!
We have gone through the darkness and despair of 2020. We are a people of God, who know, “in all things
God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” The Lord
is in control. We are His children. He will bless us in 2021 with a good and prosperous New Year. We give
Him all honor, praise and thanksgiving for the great things he has done, is doing and will do in the future!
                                   Severe Weather Reminder
                            Faith Lutheran Church will remain open for services
                                Use Caution - Driving conditions may vary
                                  between your home and Forks Township
January 2021 "Voice of Faith" - This is my Son with whom I am well pleased - Faith Lutheran Church
Alex Lillis, Director of Christian Education
                                                                         610-253-1625 Extension 207

          January Youth Events:
          January 8th-10th Winter Youth Retreat
          January 17 - Youth Night - 6pm-8pm
          January 24 - Youth Night - 6pm-8pm

Greetings and Blessings!

I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my
heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. – Psalm 16:8-9

The year 2020 was absolutely crazy, but by God’s grace, we are now entering a new year. As we step into
2021, may we also, as David writes in Psalm 16, set the LORD always before us, by keeping Him the focus of
everything we do. We know that He is always with us and this knowledge of His presence brings us security
and peace. We confidently trust in our God to be with us and take care of us no matter what 2021 brings!
In Him we rejoice with our whole being and our hearts are glad.

A new year is a great excuse to get more involved in our Sunday Bible Class opportunities! We have Sun-
day School Classes for ALL ages! Our Preschool and Elementary Classes are hearing all about God’s love
for us in learning a bunch of different stories from the Old Testament. Our Youth Class is learning how to
defend the faith by answering many important faith questions. Our Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class is
digging deep into the Gospel of Matthew and what it means for us today. No matter your age, join us each
Sunday from 9:15am to 10:15am as we read from the Bible and learn together!

Our Confirmation Classes will resume on January 5th after taking a break for Christmas. We are in our
third unit, which is all about the Apostles Creed. We have been having a lot of fun dissecting the Creed and
learning the meaning behind everything we confess in it. Each class includes Bible readings, discussions,
videos, and engaging activities to help the lesson stick.

Our December Youth Events were filled with Christmas fun! We had two different Christmas Party Youth
Nights at church. These included fun Christmas games, hot chocolate, candy, a Christmas gift exchange,
and a special Christmas surprise challenge. Coming up in January, we have our Winter Youth Retreat at
Rock Mountain Bible Camp from January 8th-10th. Following this, our January Youth Nights are on January
17th and 24th. I hope you will join us for some more fellowship and fun!

We have a Summer Youth Mission Trip to Virginia Beach from July 11th-17th, 2021. On this trip, we will
do home repair for struggling families and community members. Along the Virginia coast, there are many
beautiful beaches and coastal towns, but you don’t have to look too far inland to find communities that are
struggling. In these areas, the homes of many elderly people and families on fixed incomes sit in disrepair.
This July, we will provide help to get their homes repaired and maintained, and offer hope by reaching out
in Christian service. Work will include general home repair, painting, and deck and wheelchair ramp con-
struction. Please consider donating to our Summer Youth Mission Trip to help us as we go to serve
others in Virginia. Youth, please consider joining us! The deadline to sign up for the Summer Youth
Mission Trip is January 1st. This is a great opportunity for fellowship, fun, and spiritual growth. You won’t
regret it!

Alex Lillis
Director of Christian Education
January 2021 "Voice of Faith" - This is my Son with whom I am well pleased - Faith Lutheran Church
Join Us for Fun
 and Fellowship

         The yellow “Special
       Mission Offering”
       envelopes in your 2020
       offering envelope boxes
       will be dedicated for the
       Director of Christian
       Education program here
       at Faith. If you are giving
       on line through our
       e-giving program you
       may designate to do the
       same on line with your
       monthly special gift.
January 2021 "Voice of Faith" - This is my Son with whom I am well pleased - Faith Lutheran Church
Welcome New Member                                  Men’s Prayer Breakfast
               Seva Aralikatti                                 8:00 am Saturday, January 2

                                                         Call Nominating Committee:
                                                        Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all
                                                     you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and
                                                     the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
                                                     Psalm 117:1-2. Praise the Lord for all of the
                                                     progress that has been made in our search for a
                                                     new pastor! The Committee was able to
                                                     complete the entire Self Study document, all
                                                     180 pages of it, in December. We extend our
                                                     heartfelt thanks to all who helped in the process
                                                     by providing information or offering insights
                                                     into the community here at Faith. Thank you,
                                                     also, to all who took the time to respond to the
                                                     congregational survey last month. Answers to
                                                     the survey questions were used to assist in
                                                     completing a number of questions throughout
                                                     the Self Study document. Now that the Self
                                                     Study is complete, it will be reviewed by Council
                                                     and then sent to President Wicher, who will read
                                                     it and use it to pull together a pool of pastoral
                                                     candidates. If there are no delays in that
                                                     process, President Wicher has informed us that
                                                     it should take two to four weeks for the
                                                     Committee to receive that list. Please continue
                ALTAR FLOWERS                        to pray for the Committee during this time of
                                                     waiting, as well as for President Wicher. The
         Cut flower bouquets beautify the altar
                                                     Lord is faithful; He will provide a pastor for our
      while reminding us of the fragility of life.
                                                     congregation. We need only to be prayerful and
      See signup sheet on bulletin board.
                                                     patient! In Christ,
         You may wish to give the flowers “in
      honor of”, or “in memory of” loved ones
      or a special family occasion.                               John the Baptist
        Please write your $15 check payable to:         John wore a camel hair shirt. Camels have a
                “Faith Lutheran Church”
                                                     dual coat. The under coat is very fine and is used
                 Memo - Altar Flowers                in the manufacture of fine jackets and coats. The
                                                     outer coat is very coarse and scratchy. John’s
                                                     shirt was made of this outer coat and was very
                                                                       I wear a cross around my neck.
                    The Childcare Room is now                       To some it is just a piece of jewelry.
                    open for parents to accompany                   This is strange as it is as much a
                    their child ages 5 and younger                  sign of execution as an electric
                    during both Sunday worship                      chair. I wear it because it reminds
services. Please note: toys have been locked away                   me every day of my Savior’s love
to prevent the spread of any germs; plan to bring                   and what He gave to claim me as
your own toys.                                                      His child. Thanks be to God!
January 2021 "Voice of Faith" - This is my Son with whom I am well pleased - Faith Lutheran Church
Prayers are offered for
                   ALL the families of Faith Lutheran Church
                                                                         Remember Our Shut-ins
               Please include the following families in your
               prayers this month. The families below will be
                                                                         with Prayers and Cards
               remembered in a special way during our Sunday
                                               Our Military                     Visitation team
                 Faith Families                and their Families                Liz Chronister
                                                                                  Tracy Pioppi
        1/3      Don & Jean VanDyke            Tom Heller
                                                                                   Gary Sandt
                 Bob & Joan Vanover            Spencer Muhlbach
        1/10     The VanPell Family            Brandon Read
                 Lorraine Varela                                          Ruth Belkey
                                               Sean Sargent               729 Frost Hollow Road
        1/17     Carl & Donna Varga
                 Paul Varga                    Stephen Sargent            Easton, PA 18040
                                               Vincent Franchino          Naomi Peckenschneider
        1/24     Ted and Bertha Varga
                 Kristine Villavicencio        Jef Spangler               174 W North St, Apt 109
                                                                          Nazareth,, PA 18064-1432
        1/31     Beverly Walton                John Pekol
                 Erik Wendt &                                             Kathy Troxell
                                               Joanne Gabl
                 Kimberly Macher                                          100 Grand View Drive
                                                                          Apt. 314A
         Please email the church office with CURRENT information          Easton, PA 18045
         for the military families listed above:
          Names of their immediate family members                        Donn Ernst
          Their connection with Faith Church                             1100 Cornwallis Drive
          Branch, Rank, and where they are currently serving             Easton, PA 18040
          (and an end date if known)
          Home and Deployed addresses
          Email, and Phone Numbers

               Attention Thrivent Members
         It’s a new year and that means you now
       have a chance to donate your Thrivent
       Action Team Grants to many projects that                                   Bill Carner
       need funding at Faith Lutheran Church .                               Bernie & Nancy Smith
       Contact Gloria Miller or Craig VanPell for
       information.                                                               Karen Smith

         Do you know of a project that would                                       Joan Lane
       benefit from a grant? Please let us know.                               Mark & Gaye Lowe
                                                                              Carl & Donna Varga
                                                                               Steve & Teri Fogt

                                              Facility Use Form
  The Facility Use form can be downloaded from our website (Faithlcms.com) under the COVID-19
Response tab or a hard copy is available at the sign-in station outside the church office. The completed
form must be turned into the Church Office for review and approval.
  After a decision is made and the schedule is checked for conflicts, the person submitting the form will be
contacted either via email or phone. Questions can be directed to the Church Office (Jean)
January 2021 "Voice of Faith" - This is my Son with whom I am well pleased - Faith Lutheran Church
                            January 2021
January 3         8:00 am                       10:30 am
Officiant:        Rev. David Demera             Rev. David Demera
Assistants:       Ted Cheung, Steve Baas        Erik Wendt, Greg Pioppi
Readers:          Ted Cheung                    Erik Wendt
Organist:         Sue Tucker                    Sue Tucker
                                                                                           Lutheranism 101
January 10        8:00 am                       10:30 am
Worship Leader:   Gary Sandt                    Gary Sandt
                                                                                    Are you or someone you know
Readers:          Erik Wendt                    Tom Zaro                         interested in becoming a member of Faith
Organist:         Sue Tucker                    Sue Tucker                       Lutheran Church? Do you want to know
                                                                                 what we as Lutherans believe? Classes are
January 17        8:00 am                       10:30 am                         forming periodically.
Officiant:        Rev. David Demera             Rev. David Demera
Assistants:       Gary Sandt, Erik Wendt        Greg Pioppi, Steve Baas
Readers:          Gary Sandt                    Greg Pioppi                            Sally Baas or Church office
Organist:         Sue Tucker                    Sue Tucker                         to join the next Lutheranism 101
January 24        8:00 am                       10:30 am                                          class.
Worship Leader:   Gary Sandt                    Gary Sandt
Readers:          Ted Cheung                    Erik Wendt
Organist:         Sue Tucker                    Sue Tucker

January 31        8:00 am                       10:30 am
Officiant:        Rev. David Demera             Rev. David Demera
Assistants:       Gary Schleicher, Steve Baas   Tom Zaro, Greg Pioppi
Readers:          Gary Sandt                    Tom Zaro
Organist:         Sue Tucker                    Sue Tucker

                                                     In Lieu of Poinsettias
                    Jill Hegedus                                        in memory of her Father, John Sullivan
                    Nancy and Bernie Smith                              in memory of their daughter Shawn
                    John and Melanie Harper                             to the Glory of God
                    Ed and Debra Paolini                                to the Glory of God
                    John and Sonya Bronico                              to the Glory of God

                                  Thank you to everyone who helped me with my Boy Scout service project by
                               donating items for the Kindness Project. The other scouts and I really appreciated
                               your donations.
                               We were able to pack several backpacks with clothing and hygiene items for older
                               kids and baby bags for the babies. The gift cards, towel set, and board games will
                               be great gifts as well for the foster kids served by the Kindness Project.
                               Thank you all for you generous donations.
                               Dylan Dilts
January 2021 "Voice of Faith" - This is my Son with whom I am well pleased - Faith Lutheran Church
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