Teeswater Community Calendar - January 2020 (130th Edition) - Municipality of South Bruce

Page created by Elaine Steele
Teeswater Community Calendar - January 2020 (130th Edition) - Municipality of South Bruce
You are probably saying to yourselves… a pipe
      Teeswater Community                                band in concert in the Town Hall– that will be way
           Calendar                                      too loud!!! – We’ve thought of that and can assure
                                                         you that while there will be some musical numbers
                                                         featuring the great highland bagpipes and drums
January 2020 (130th Edition)                             we will limit the number of players; in the interests
                                                         of your eardrums…. and ours. While we normally
Donations from Service Clubs, Businesses and             play as a full band with 12+ pipers and 3 snare
individuals help to cover the distribution costs. If     drums - bass and tenor, we do that because we are
you would like to help with a donation, you are
                                                         outside and also because there is safety in
invited to contact Lisa Pennington
                                                         numbers … just like a choir … each of us feels that
(calendar@wightman.ca) or Phyllis Ireland
                                                         we are part of the group and that we can hide and
(rjireland@wightman.ca). Please make cheques
                                                         nobody will notice us. For the concert, performing
payable to Community Calendar and send to:
Community Calendar, c/o Phyllis Ireland, R3,             as small groups means that each performer feels a
Teeswater, ON N0G 2S0. We are open to                    lot more exposed so we are working hard to
suggestions and appreciate the positive comments.        improve our comfort level while playing in small
Please support our local businesses that make this
publication possible. The Community Calendar is          As well as the numbers featuring our regular pipes
provided free of charge to our readership – it’s a       and drums there will be performances with our
non-profit project and the advertising pays for the      concert pitched instruments including small pipes,
printing of our local information paper.                 silver chanters (well, aluminum, actually) and
                                                         muted drums accompanied by guitars and possibly
If you would like to submit information, please be       other instrumentation. In addition to performances
sure to have it in by the 10th day of the month          by the band members, we have invited some very
previous. To view online, see Municipality of South      talented musical friends to come and favour us with
Bruce website, under the NEWS tab.                       their music. And, of course, we plan to have a bit
                                                         of fun on stage but you’ll have to be there for that.

                                                         At the close of the concert, true to the Burns’
          Five Star Quilters Guild                       tradition we will present and address the Haggis
                                                         with appropriate ceremony. After we adjourn the
President: Pat Townsend                                  musical program, you are invited downstairs for
                                                         refreshments and an opportunity have a taste of
The next meeting for the Five Star Quilters’ Guild       Haggis and other treats.
will be on Wednesday January 22, 2020 at 10:00
am. On this day we will be working on various            As the story goes, a camel is a horse designed by a
comfort committee projects. Guests are welcome at        committee – we hope you will come out and
no charge on this day. You can contact the guild         observe/enjoy our concert designed by a committee
by email at 5starquiltguild@gmail.com for any            (we think it is turned out much better than the
further information.                                     average camel). As part of the proceedings, each
                                                         committee member will introduce and describe
  Teeswater Highlanders Pipe Band                        some of the musical numbers.

                                                         There will be music, fun, ceremony and
January 25 1759 is the birthday of Robert Burns,         refreshments for your enjoyment. Please plan to
also known familiarly as Robbie Burns, the National      attend our concert on January 25 th at 8:00 pm in the
Bard, Bard of Ayrshire and the Ploughman Poet            Teeswater Town Hall – proceeds go to the town
and various other names and epithets, was a              hall committee for renovation and restoration of the
Scottish poet and lyricist. He is widely regarded as     building.
the national poet of Scotland and is celebrated
worldwide. The Teeswater Highlanders Pipe Band           Please contact Bruce MacDonald 519-392-6322 or
and friends are celebrating his 261 st birthday with a   kbmacd@wightman.ca. If you have comments or
concert at the Town Hall.                                questions about classes, the pipe band or about its
Teeswater Community Calendar - January 2020 (130th Edition) - Municipality of South Bruce
Teeswater Kinsmen                            November 27th. Always great to see "this guy"
                                                          show up!
President – Craig Meyer – 519-901-3392

          Teeswater Curling Club
The 2019/20 curling season is off and
running! There are 8 teams playing every Tuesday
evening in the Recreational Curling league. This is
a fun league where competition takes a back seat
with very experienced curlers and complete rookies
taking part. The first half of this league will wrap up
in January so if you are looking to curl for the
remainder of the winter, let us know.
The Wednesday night Skips Choice League is also              The club also had a great turn out for their 50th
running with 7 teams this year. There is an               Anniversary Dance on November 13th. Certificates
opening for another team if there is someone              were received from the South Western Square
looking to get involved in slightly more competitive      Dance Association, The Ontario Square and Round
curling.                                                  Dance Federation, and the Canadian Square and
                                                          Round Dance Society. The original Club president
Junior Curling will begin on Friday, January 10 at        June Gilcrest from Lucknow was present as were
7pm til 8:30pm. Children of any age are welcome           other former dancers. Recognition was given to
to come and receive coaching on how to play the           Elaine and Ross Errington, who have been dancing
game and have some fun. Just dress for the cooler         members with the club for 49 years.
temperature on the ice surface and bring a clean
pair of shoes. This program will run for 5 weeks.
The Huron Bay Co-op Bonspiel has been running
for many years and will happen on Saturday,
January 25. This is a full day of curling that is
geared towards having fun rather than stiff
competition. There are two great meals served and
everyone goes home with a prize. Please contact
Tammy Fischer if you would like to enter a team or
you are an individual looking to join a team.
If you would like to try curling or have any questions
please contact James Elphick at 519-392-6910.
                                                          Square dancing will start up again at Brookside PS
                                                          on January 8th - weather permitting. It is known as
                                                          our "formal dance" as we celebrate the New Year
   Huron-Bruce Swingers - Brookside PS                    and dress in New Year "formal" attire (it's optional).
                                                          There is always room to welcome new
Modern Square Dance Club                                  dancers. Dances will be weekly (Wednesday
Teeswater Contact: Elsie and Gerald Schuler               evenings) until the season end in May. Come and
                                                          see what fun we have.
Happy New Year!

    The dance did not occur on December 4th due                              Thank You
to the weather as it was cancelled. Like those            To everyone that purchased decorations
winter weather challenges in Bruce and Huron              $425 dollars was raised for the food bank.
counties! So the square dancing ended at the end          Susan Bell
of November 2019. But Santa Claus did visit the
club at their annual Christmas pot luck dinner on
Teeswater Community Calendar - January 2020 (130th Edition) - Municipality of South Bruce
Did You Know ………...by Ron Hill                                In 1983, a new roof was installed, followed by
                                                           repairs and replacement of windows. Around this
                                                           time a grand piano was purchased from a Concert
                                                           Hall in Waterloo. The piano and its purchase is a
                                                           whole story in itself. Flora Nabrotzky was largely
                                                           involved in this venture. In 1995 a volunteer
                                                           committee went to work, raised money and
                                                           installed new seats in the upper auditorium. In
                                                           2003, a new steel roof was installed. A year or two
                                                           ago part of the roof blew off in a high wind storm.
                                                           Fortunately it had quit raining when it happened
                                                           and they were able to get the roof repaired before
                                                           damage to the interior occurred.
                                                                In 2016, a Fire Prevention Officer deemed that
                                                           the Town Hall failed fire code regulations in about
    Last month I finished my little account about the
                                                           five different categories. As a result the town hall
Teeswater library. This month I am simply crossing
                                                           was off limits for about two years. During the
the street to give a short history on the Teeswater
                                                           closure extension, considerable renovations
Town Hall. The first things the early pioneers
                                                           occurred and the fire code defects were
looked after when they came here to settle was to
                                                           corrected. The cost was over $210,000. Public
clear the land, erect buildings, open roads,
                                                           donations amounted to over $166,000 and the
etc. Culross officially became a township in 1856
                                                           Municipality received a donation of $44,500 from
and by 1869 the ratepayers were checking with
                                                           Nuclear Waste Management. Check the list of
Council over the need for a meeting place, a town
                                                           donors and the amounts on display in the kitchen of
hall. Council passed a motion to erect a hall, and
                                                           the Town Hall. It was officially re-opened on June 2,
the successful tender of S. & A. Kirkland for
$1656.00 was chosen. The building was to be a
                                                                One thing I failed to mention was that in 1976
two story one, measuring 34 by 60 feet.
                                                           the village purchased a service station on the main
    Alex Gibson had donated land to the township
                                                           street and turned it into the new fire station for all
where the library now stands and Peter Brown did
                                                           fire trucks and equipment. That was a big load off
likewise across the street where the town hall and
                                                           the hall in daily activity.
cenotaph are located. Teeswater was incorporated
                                                               Ten or twelve years ago I was sitting up stairs
as a village in 1875, so in 1890 Culross sold the
                                                           enjoying a concert. In the backrow, where I was
town hall to Teeswater for $1300.00. The
                                                           sitting, I talked to the man in charge of the acoustic
agreement allowed both municipalities to use the
                                                           equipment. He said to me, "Of the many places in
building. The present land where the town hall and
                                                           which I have set up sound equipment, this hall has
the library stand was known as Edmond Square. It
                                                           some of the best acoustics I have seen anywhere".
also went to Teeswater as part of the agreement.
                                                               The province of Ontario in 1981 declared the
    In 1888, a 560 lb. bell was installed in the town
                                                           Town Hall to be a "Heritage Building". That's
hall and shortly after a fire alarm was added. A
                                                           another good reason to cherish and take good care
Mechanics Institute, the forerunner of the library,
                                                           of it. Who would ever have thought a hall costing
was formed in 1883. It used the hall as a meeting
                                                           $1656.00 to build would see so many changes and
place and to store the books.
                                                           cost so much money in the next 150 years to
    In 1915 extensive renovations occurred. In the
upper auditorium, the stage was moved to its
present position and a sloped floor installed. A
large hose tower was erected and the building was
covered with red brick purchased in Milton. In
1949, the fire hall was enlarged and a basement
installed under it. The old hose tower placed there
in 1915 was removed. Men's and ladies'
washrooms were installed and a new heating
system put in as well. In 1963, village council
added a room to the south side of the building. It
supplied kitchen facilities, a cloakroom, toilet
facilities as well as the installation of a new lighting
Teeswater Community Calendar - January 2020 (130th Edition) - Municipality of South Bruce
Red Hat Ladies - T's H2O Lilies                       South Bruce Fire Rescue Station
"Queen" Lorraine Riley 519-392-6088

 Happy New Year - it is a new year and a new
decade! Hope it is a good one for all!

  The Red Hat Ladies ended the year with a                 Lorraine Riley on behalf of the Teeswater Red Hat
wonderful Christmas dinner at Boomer's Cozy                Ladies, presented Fire Chief Chuck Lobsinger, with
Restaurant. Thank you again to Cheri and Brooke            a generous donation of teddy bears for children to
for this delicious meal. (You know Cheri is one of         comfort them in the event of a tragedy to the South
"us" now.) And "our gifts" this year was to bring a        Bruce Fire Rescue, Teeswater Station.
stuffed toy which will be given to a charity." A
friendly stuff toy can be of great comfort to a child in
a time of need.
    The New Year will start off with a PJ party at the         Teeswater-Culross Horticultural
Cozy on January 8th. We will try not to shame the                         Society
men at the Cozy enjoying their morning coffee. But
then you never know what "shape" we will be in             President: Colleen Moran @ 519-392-8202
when we arrive! Men just don't get it.
   So all the best for 2020. If you are over 50 and
want to see what the T's H2O Lilies do, come and
join us for a time. We are here for fun and                    Teeswater Agricultural Society
                                                           Contact: Kathie Emke Secretary/Treasurer –
                                                           President: Marjan Ireland
                                                           Email – teeswaterfair@gmail.com
                                                           Website – www.teeswaterfair.org
                                                           Twitter - @teeswaterfair
Teeswater Community Calendar - January 2020 (130th Edition) - Municipality of South Bruce
Teeswater Sacred Heart School                        Contact: Sharon A. McDonald

                                                         “Every day is a fresh beginning. Every morn is a
                                                         world made new.”

                                                         Happy New Year and may 2020 be a new
                                                         beginning for all.

                                                             The UCW wishes to thank all those who
                                                         attended the Christmas Dessert Tea at the end of
                                                         November, As expected, the Christmas pudding
                                                         was very popular and enjoyed by many. It was a
                                                         successful event for the UCW.

                                                            The UCW held their year-end meeting in
                                                         December and there will be no change in the
November 7th, 2019, OPP Internet Safety                  meeting structure. Our numbers are getting smaller
Presentations to students and parents                    but our faith and purpose as United Church Women
                                                         continues. It is a new year and a new decade - we
The Grade 4-8 students at Sacred Heart School            send our blessings for a good, peaceful and loving
were excited to host an internet safety presentation     world.
with OPP Constable Mark Merritt on Thursday,
November 7th. Constable Mark spoke to the                   Reminder that church services for January for
students about how to use the internet and various       Salem and Teeswater UC will be held at Teeswater
apps appropriately as well as how to stay safe           United Church.
when online. He asked all students to “THINK”
before they post anything online. Is it True, Hurtful,              Sacred Heart Church
Illegal, Necessary and Kind? A presentation was          Fr. Michael Anderson     Parish Office 392-6935
also done for parents that night. Parents were
                                                         Sun Mass @ 9 am.
informed about some safeguards that can be put in
place such as turning off location markers for
various apps as well as the potential risks of           Sacred Heart Teeswater Catholic Women’s
posting pictures and personal information                                League
online. We would like to thank Constable Mark
Merritt for speaking to both students and parents!       President Lucy Luyten
                                                         New members always welcome. Meetings are the
Christina Miltenburg, for Sacred Heart School            first Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm. immediately
                                                         following Mass.

  Teeswater & Salem United Church                          Immaculate Conception, Formosa
                                                         Fr. Michael Anderson            Parish: 367-5341
Everyone welcome - All services at 10 am
Contact for a Minister 519-392-6815                      Mass Times: Sat. at 7 pm & Sunday at 11 am
Contact for Church Hall bookings 519-392-6489
                                                         CWL meetings are held the first Tuesday of the
Services at Teeswater United Church                      month from March to December at the Community
No services at Salem United Church                       Centre.
January 5 Bonnie Mair
January 12 Diane Eaton
January 19 Diane Eaton
January 26 Bonnie Mair                                               Knox Presbyterian Church
   Teeswater United Church Women                         Minister: Rev. Owen Kim 519-507-9876
                                                         Contact: Wanda Inglis   519-392-8768
Teeswater Community Calendar - January 2020 (130th Edition) - Municipality of South Bruce
Sun Jan 5th - Worship Service @ 10:30,
Sunday Worship Services start at 10 am.                Lunch @ 12:00 Community Centre
Childcare and Drop-in Kid's Program during the         Tue Jan 7th - Blood Donor Clinic,
services. Refreshment and fellowship after the         Community Centre
services.                                              Mon Jan 13 - NWMO info meeting @ 7:30
                                                       Small Hall
For up to date information about our activities        Mon Jan 20 - Chamber Meeting @ 7:15 pm.
                                                       Small Hall
check out the website knoxteeswater.ca
                                                       Mon Jan 20 - Arena Board Meeting @ 8:00
                                                       Small Hall
     Kinlough Presbyterian Church
                                                       Belle Haven Euchre Results Nov. 30th
Minister: Rev. Owen Kim 519-507-9876
Contact: Don Reid       519-395-2290                   High Lady    Doreen Schiestel
                                                       2nd High     Doris Hays
Sunday Services: 11:30 am.
                                                       High Man     Jim Renwick
                                                       2nd High     John Schill

       Belmore Community Events                        Next Euchre Party Jan 25th @ 2 pm

                                                       Community Sponsored Free Public Skating
...is available for Meetings, Weddings,                     Belmore Community Centre
Anniversaries, etc. Ice time is also available for
rent and don't forget curling.
                                                       Please thank and support our sponsors for
Contact phone numbers:
                                                       community free skate on Sundays in December
Belmore News - Kim Harris: 519-327-8063 or             from 3 – 5 pm.
519-889-0326 email: belmorerentals@gmail.com
Hall/Meeting Room (Kim) … 519-327-8063                 Sunday, January 5, 2020 3:00-5:00PM sponsored by
Curling ……………………….. 519-335-3360                       The Hammell Family
Ice     ………………………… 519-881-7651                        Sunday, January 12, 2020 3:00-5:00PM sponsored by
Rental Calendar (Availability) and price list can be   Cargill Auction Market
viewed on our website                                  Sunday, January 19, 2020 3:00-5:00PM sponsored by
belmorecommunitycentre.ca                              Alan and Nadine Anstett
                                                       Sunday, January 26, 2020 3:00-5:00PM sponsored by
                                                       Dickson Farms

       Belmore Community Centre                        McIntosh & Mildmay United Churches
         Belmore Chamber of Commerce                         Sunday Worship at St. Paul’s Mildmay
                                                             10:00 a.m. all of January and February
                      Presents                               (because of greater safety concerns at
                                                              McIntosh with winter road conditions.)
                                                             You are welcome at any or all services!

            Friday, February 21, 2020                                McIntosh contacts:
                                                                Dave Mawhinney 519-392-6710
      Belmore Community Centre Auditorium                       Deanne Dickson 519-335-3748
Teeswater Community Calendar - January 2020 (130th Edition) - Municipality of South Bruce
Belmore Presbyterian Church                       The Formosa Lions and Lioness Parks are two
                                                       places to relax and enjoy a beautiful day any time
Join us for Worship Service at 9:30 am                 of year. The Horseshoe Park with entrance off
Everyone is welcome!                                   Bruce County Rd 12 (the main street) has 4
                                                       horseshoe pits and a small covered pavilion with
Contacts: Rev. Carel Grundlingh       226-222-0051     washrooms. Washrooms are not available
carel.grundlingh@gmail.com                             during the winter months.

Rev. Larry Skinner 519-492-0081                        The Pavilion Park with entrance off Council Rd.
larryskinner@cyg.net                                   has a large pavilion (40 ft. x 80 ft.) with picnic
                                                       tables, kitchen room, and bar room. There is a
Abe Versteeg 519-327-8578                              separate building with washrooms. There are
                                                       horseshoe pits here as well as at the Horseshoe
                                                       Park. Beautiful playground equipment invites the
                                                       youth or adults to stay a while. The spacious Park
                                                       has 35 electrically serviced campsites with shared
                                                       water from 5 outlets. It is a great place for family
  Community Worship Service and Lunch
                                                       reunions, wedding receptions, camp gatherings etc.
                                                       Contact person Peter Evans 519-367-3492
            Belmore Community Centre
                                                       The Formosa Lions hold their dinner meeting the
             Sunday, January 5, 2020                   2nd Wednesday of each month from September to
                                                       June at the Formosa community Centre and would
       Worship service begins at 10:30 am.             warmly welcome anyone in the community
                                                       interested in coming out and seeing what they are
            Lunch will follow at 12:00.                all about. Hospitality time at 6:30 pm, dinner at 7
                                                       pm, followed by their meeting. If you are interested
    Advanced tickets are needed for the lunch.         in coming, contact Lion President Brian Knox @
                                                       519-367-5295 bknox@wightman.ca or any
  They can be purchased from Jane Raper 335-           Formosa Lion.
   6341, Ellen Underwood 392-8573 or Debbie
               Versteeg 327-8578.                      The Formosa Lioness meets the first Monday of
                                                       each month at 7 pm at the Formosa Community
Lunch cost is $10.00. Children's tickets (ages 5-11)   Centre. If there are any women interested in
                    are $5.00.                         checking out the Lioness, please contact
                                                       Lioness President Mary Nichols @ 519-367-2785
                                                       mnichols0803@gmail.com or any Formosa
                Everyone welcome.

Walkerton Knights of Columbus                          The Formosa Community Hall is the perfect spot
                                                       for Weddings, Anniversaries, Meetings, Birthday
Contact: Peter Carter 519-392-8115                     Parties and Family Reunions. This beautiful two
Hall Rental contact Bryan Huber 519-881-0757           storey hall has the best dance floor around. For
                                                       patrons’ convenience there is an elevator lift. To
Thursday, Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30     Bingo @ 7 pm.      book, call Sheryl Wilson @ 519-367-3234 for rates
                                                       and availability.
Sunday, Jan.12 - K of C Breakfast - 10 - 1 pm.
                                                       Recreation Centre:
Thursday, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27      Bingo - 7 pm.        The Formosa Book Exchange Library
                                                       The Formosa Library offers a safe comfortable
Sunday, Feb. 9th - K of C Breakfast - 10 - 1 pm.       setting for children, adults and families. A large
                                                       selection of books and movies are available. We
    Formosa Info on Community                          are now welcoming book donations once again.
  Organizations and Meeting Places                     Library is open Monday through Saturday 9 am
                                                       to 4 pm - Closed Sunday
Teeswater Community Calendar - January 2020 (130th Edition) - Municipality of South Bruce
FORMOSA LIBRARY TOY RECYCLING                            Souvenirs
PROGRAM                                                  Bar
Rather than throw out your good used toys please         Car Show
                                                         Dance and Entertainment
bring them to the table in the hallway of the Library.
There are families in need of toys who could get         Food Vendors
them, and play with them, and IF still in good shape     Meals
return them for some other child to get and play         Golf
with. Let’s keep the good used toys out of the           Sponsorship
landfill site. Just one more way of helping the          Volunteer Management
environment and the community.                           Opening Ceremonies

Thank you to all patrons of the Formosa Book
Exchange Library.

The Formosa Catholic Women’s League If you
are interested in coming to a meeting, contact
President Joan Borho @ 519-367-5894 or email


Pickleball is a great hit in Formosa. It’s held in the
upstairs of the Community Hall. For ages 14+.
Check out the schedule in the South Bruce
Recreation Pickleball or contact Kathy
Benninger@519-367-2722. Come out for fun,
laughs and fellowship.

Volunteer Sign-Up for Formosa
Homecoming 2021

We are looking for individuals interested in
volunteering for subcommittees for Formosa
Homecoming 2021.If you are interested in getting
more information or signing up to be a part of one
of the subcommittees, please email
formosahomecoming@gmail.com or contact by
phone 519-889-0065.

New Year’s Eve Dance
Clean-Up and Sanitation
Facilities and Fencing
Parking and Traffic
Children’s Activities
Recreational Activities
School Reunion
Invitation and Registration
Teeswater Community Calendar - January 2020 (130th Edition) - Municipality of South Bruce
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