MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham

Page created by Samantha Nichols
MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham
 AUGUST 2019

MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham
Chippenham Museum
Museum opening hours              Access
Monday to Saturday 10am – 4pm     The Museum is fully accessible from
                                  the High Street. All guide and assistant
Contact                           dogs are welcome        Free admission
01249 705 020
9–10 Market Place, Chippenham     Yelde Hall opening hours
Wiltshire, SN15 3HF               Friday & Saturday 10.30am – 3.30pm
                                  Special opening times for events and                 on request

Neeld Community                   Booking
and Arts Centre
                                  Our concession tickets
                                  Under 16s, over 60s and students.
Box office
                                  Access patrons are entitled to a free
Opening hours                     assistance ticket (this ticket should
Monday to Thursday 9am – 4.30pm   be used when accompanying an
Friday 9am – 4pm                  access patron). All guide dogs and
Saturday 9.30am – 3pm             assistance dogs are welcome
Box office open on show nights
from 6pm until show start time    Access
                                  The Neeld is fully accessible from
Contact                           the High Street. If you require any       specific assistance, please contact
01249 446699                      us on 01249 446699 or email
High Street, Chippenham
SN15 3ER                          Family ticket
                                  Two adults and two children                       (under 16)
MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham

 Where:    Chippenham Museum
 When:     Saturday 4 May – Saturday 27 July
 Cost:     Free entry

Join us for our new annual Artspace season,
a programme of exhibitions celebrating
local artists and makers. An opportunity
to see a changing display in a variety of
different styles and medium.
MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham

                  Morgan & West
                  Magic Show
                   Where:    Neeld Community
                             and Arts Centre
                   When:     Sunday 12 May
                   Time:     2pm
                   Cost:     £10

                  Time travelling magicians
                  Morgan & West present a jaw
                    dropping, heart stopping, brain
                     busting, opinion adjusting,
                      death defying, mind frying,
                       spirit lifting, paradigm
                        shifting, outlook changing,
                        furniture rearranging
                        magic extravaganza!

                  Witness a mountain of
                  mysterious magic, a hatful of
                  hyper-reality, and of course
                  a truck full of tricks and tea.
‘Hilarious       Mixing brain boggling illusion
  and good        and good old fashioned tom-
                  foolery, Morgan & West present
  for all ages’   a show for all the family, where
Primary Times     magic and silliness abound! Fun
                  for ages five to 105!
MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham

Derek Acorah
 Where:     Neeld Community
            and Arts Centre
 When:      Saturday 18 May
 Time:      7.30pm
 Cost:      £21.50

2019 sees Britain’s best loved and most      Now comes your chance to
entertaining medium take to the stage        experience just what makes
across the UK and Europe with his all        Derek one of the foremost
new ‘The Eternal Life’ Tour.                 names in the world of
                                             Psychic phenomena, as well
Derek is something of a phenomenon.          as a celebrity, author and
A truly modern medium whose appeal           accomplished live performer
crosses the generations to young and old     like no other.
alike, he remains the forerunner in the
field of paranormal and spiritual matters.
MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham

An Evening with
Graham Gooch

 Where:     Neeld Community
            and Arts Centre
 When:      Tuesday 21 May
 Time:      7.30pm
 Cost:      £19

Join us in the build-up to the ICC         Over a lifetime in top level
Cricket World Cup 2019 for an evening      cricket he has gained many
with former England captain Graham         stories to tell. In this special
Gooch OBE.                                 evening at the Neeld, Gooch
                                           will be speaking about his
Graham Gooch has acquired vast             career, his fellow England
experience in the cricket world as a       team mates and the best
player, captain and a coach. In all,       cricketers he has played
Gooch led the England side 34 times        against in the world, plus
and was captain in the 1992 World          various stories about his
Cup final. His coaching career has         cricket experiences. The
led to highlights including being the      evening will also include
England batting coach when they            a Q&A session.
became the number 1 Test side in the
world. Gooch was also awarded an
OBE for his services to cricket in 1991.
MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham

Get Creative –
Half Term Holiday
 Where:    Chippenham Museum
 When:     Tuesday 28 May &
           Thursday 30 May
 Time:     10.30am – 2.30pm
 Cost:     £2

Join us and ‘Get Creative’ in our artist
led holiday workshops. Drop in sessions
from 10.30am until 2.30pm on Tuesday
and Thursday.
MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham

The Commitments
 Where:    Neeld Community         They will be putting their own
           and Arts Centre         spin on the music from the
 When:     Thursday 30 May         amazing film with many classic
 Time:     7.30pm
                                   soul numbers thrown in besides.
 Cost:     £17.50
                                   So get your drinks, take your
                                   working class seats and prepare
The Commitments film took
                                   for an incredible evening as
the country by storm back in
                                   ‘the hardest working band in
1991 with soul bands forming
                                   the world’ hits the Neeld with
left, right and centre as people
                                   everything it’s got. Expect
re-discovered the unmistakable
                                   horns, backing singers, keys,
sound of artists like Wilson
                                   bass, drums and of course some
Pickett, Sam Cooke, Otis
                                   rocking guitar as the saviours of
Reading and James Brown.
                                   soul show you what the working
                                   man’s rhythm really is!
On 30 May, we welcome
The Commitments Experience
to the Neeld Community and
Arts Centre.
MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham

We’ll Meet Again
 Where:    Yelde Hall
 When:     Monday 3 June – Saturday 6 July
 Cost:     Free entry

6 June 2019 marks the 75th anniversary of The D-Day
Landings – one of the most remarkable Allied wartime
operations. A momentous occasion to celebrate peace,
liberty and reconciliation. Don’t miss this special
exhibition curated by local historian Richard Broadhead.
MAY TO AUGUST 2019 - The Neeld, Chippenham

Alfie Moore:
Fair Cop Unleashed!
It’d be a crime to miss it!

 Where:    Neeld Community    Relive with him the thrilling ups and
           and Arts Centre    downs of the night a mysterious clown
 When:     Saturday 1 June    came to town and more than one
 Time:     8pm
                              life ended up in the balance. It was
 Cost:     £16
                              no laughing matter – but this show
                              certainly is! Enjoy Alfie’s unique brand
Join BBC Radio 4’s            of police-based humour hilariously
Cop-turned-comedian           woven together with his personal
Alfie Moore for his latest    insights into his life on the front-line
stand-up tour show.           of the police force.

Money for
 Where:    Neeld Community
           and Arts Centre
 When:     Friday 7 June
 Time:     7.30pm
 Cost:     £20

Money for Nothing was formed         Featuring all the hits from
in 2000 as a tribute to one of       their first ever single Sultans
the world’s premier rock bands,      of Swing to Brothers in Arms,
Dire Straits.                        Walk of Life and their last
                                     single released in 1992 The
The Money for Nothing stage          Bug – also the legendary
show has been performed all over     Money For Nothing (ft Sting)
Britain, Spain, UAE, and the Gulf,   which was the first ever video
at all types of venues & events –    played on MTV.
from music festivals to theatres
and venues. The abundant energy
and the excellence and musicality
of their performance makes
Money for Nothing a must see
for any rock enthusiast or Dire
Straits fan.

 Pride &
Join friends and family for an
evening of stunning theatre, basking
in the glow of this timeless classic.

  Where:     Neeld Community and Arts Centre
  When:      Thursday 13 June
  Time:      7.30pm
  Cost:      Adult £17 | Child £12
             Family £48 (2 adults and 2 children)

 When Elizabeth Bennet meets the terse
 and abrupt Mr. Darcy, she loathes him
 at first sight. But is there more to him
 than meets the eye? Brought to life
 by award-winning writer Laura Turner,
 this adaptation has been a favourite of
 Chapterhouse Theatre Company audiences
 for years and will be performed in the
 company’s 20th year of touring.

   Where:    Neeld Community and Arts Centre
   When:     Thursday 20 June
   Time:     7.30pm
   Cost:     £20

Coldplace are a tribute     The band are firmly established in many
band whose quality          of the UK’s top tribute venues with
and experience on the       repeat bookings year after year. They
tribute scene are second    regularly tour Europe and have played in
to none. In 12 years the    22 different countries worldwide. Their
band have over 600 gigs     adventures have lead them to appear on
under their belts across    Sky News, BBC Radio One and Two and The
the length and breadth      Gadget Show and to have played at major
of the UK and abroad        festivals alongside Bob Geldof, KT Tunstall,
in over twenty different    Ringo Starr, The Kaiser Chiefs, Razorlight
countries worldwide.        and Roxette to name but a few.

The Summer                 This Summer Solstice Fayre
                           features readers, healers
Solstice Oak               and a variety of stalls from
                           aura photography, tarot,
Fayre                      reiki, reflexology, pagan
                           wiccan goods through
                           to herbal remedies…
Where:   Neeld Community
         and Arts Centre
                           Come along to browse the
When:    Sunday 23 June
Time:    11am – 4pm        fabulous stalls, talk to the
Cost:    Free entry        amazing readers and relax
                           with the Magickal healers.
                           You can also enjoy a cup of
                           tea or coffee and a bit of cake,
                           with donations supporting
                           Doorway Chippenham.

Jive Talkin’
 Where:     Neeld Community and Arts Centre
 When:      Friday 5 July
 Time:      7.30pm
 Cost:      £20

Returning to the Neeld after a       Wherever the group play they
sell-out performance in 2018, this   receive superb plaudits; ‘The sound
is the only Bee Gees tribute show    alike quality is quite sensational’
that have actually performed with    (The Stage), ‘Amazing similarity
the original Bee Gees! In 1997       to the real Bee Gees’ (Wakefield
Gary & Darren from Jive Talkin’      Express), Absolutely Brilliant
performed live on Heart FM with      (Maurice Gibb), WOW (Barry Gibb).
The Bee Gees and received great
compliments from both Maurice        For a truly amazing experience and
and Barry Gibb.                      an opportunity to hear all the great
                                     Bee Gees hits including Tragedy, Night
                                     Fever, Massachusetts, Stayin Alive, Jive
                                     Talkin, and more in a 2 hour explosion
                                     of music and vocal harmony, this is a
                                     night not to be missed!

                                      An Evening
                                      with Eddie
                                      ‘The Eagle’

                                       Where:     Neeld Community
                                                  and Arts Centre
                                       When:      Tuesday 9 July
                                       Time:      7.30pm
                                       Cost:      £19

Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards is Great    This was ultimately due to his lack
Britain’s first Olympic Ski Jumper.   of success, but more importantly
Eddie was ranked 55th in the world    his pure determination and ‘have
which qualified him as the only       a go’ attitude.
GB applicant for the 1988 Winter
Olympics in Calgary. With the UK      Eddie’s speech will be an
firmly backing the plasterer from     inspiration to all people on how to
Gloucestershire, Eddie took to the    succeed against all the odds. Eddie
slopes followed by a whirlwind of     is perhaps the best example of a
international press and media.        heroic failure, whose perseverance
Eddie competed in the 70m and         and achievement was – it should
90m jump events, but unfortunately    be stated – gained without any
came last in both events. Although    funding. For that, and for many
he did not win an Olympic medal,      other reasons, Eddie is more
he did win a place in the hearts of   hero than failure, and his story
spectators all around the globe.      continues to win over audiences.

90s Night
Spice up your              Oasis or Blur?
                           Or more of an S Club 7 fan?
life at our first
                           The brand new night will
ever 90s Night!            feature a huge range of 90s
                           music to keep the dancefloor
Where:   Neeld Community   full, from the pop hits of
         and Arts Centre   Steps, Backstreet Boys and
When:    Friday 26 July    *NSYNC to the classic Britpop
Time:    7.30pm            anthems! Our 90s Night Video
Cost:    £8                DJ Eventimate will not only
                           be bringing the best 90s party
                           tunes, but will also play the
                           nostalgic music videos from
                           the era!

  Summer Holiday
 Where:     Chippenham Museum
 When:      Every Tuesday and Thursday
            during the school summer holiday
 Time:      10.30am until 12pm and 1pm until 2.30pm
 Cost:      £2

Join us for our fun summer
holiday activities including:

Arty Fun!                   30th July and 1st August
In the Stocks –             6th and 8th August
Medieval Punishments!
Pirates Ahoy!               13th and 15th August
Stand & Deliver –           20th and 22nd August
Stop, Thief, Police!        27th and 29th August

Summer Fun Activities
 Where:      Neeld Community and Arts Centre
 When:       Every Tuesday throughout the
             school summer holiday
 Time:       10am – 1pm
 Cost:       £5

This summer, the Neeld Community and Arts
Centre will be offering fun circus skills sessions
with Clare’s Circus!

There will be lots of exciting activities for children,
and parents will be very welcome to join in with
the fun and games! Clare’s Circus can teach you to
juggle, you can learn tricks with spinning plates and
diabolo and there will be stilt walking and pedal
go’s, as well as soft play for the little ones and a
tightwire for thrill seekers.

In addition, there will be a great craft making
table and the chance to make balloon animals
with Mr Twister, the best balloon twister this
side of the River Avon!

Please note: All children must be accompanied
by a responsible adult.

Crime and
                                 This exhibition explores crime and
Punishment                       punishment from the Saxon period
                                 through to the present day. It marks
                                 180 years of Wiltshire Police (the
Where:   Chippenham Museum       first and best!) and will include loans
When:    Saturday 3 August –     from their historic police collection,
         Saturday 28 September   including early uniforms, handcuffs
Cost:    Free                    and shackles!

Historic Walks

 Where:    Meet in the Buttercross
 When:     Every Wednesday in August
 Time:     2pm – 3pm
 Cost:     £4

Our regular guide to the history
in your high street and the
surrounding streets. Find out
about the history of Chippenham
from King Alfred until now.
Walk & Talk

 These events are part of the
 Crime and Punishment season

Doing Time in
Wiltshire – with
John Girvan
 Where:    Chippenham Museum
 When:     Saturday 10 August at 2pm and
           Thursday 26 September at 6.30pm
 Cost:     Free entry
           (booking essential)

Meet local historian John Girvan to hear
about how Chippenham’s offenders were
treated in the past, see Chippenham’s
old lock up and discover some weird and
wonderful tales from Wiltshire’s history.
Meet at the Yelde Hall.

   Pirate Day
  Where:     Chippenham Museum
  When:      Saturday 17 August
  Time:      10.30am until 3pm
  Cost:      Free entry

Join the museum for a Pirate packed
day of high adventure. Best dressed
pirate parade, make your own Jolly
Roger, Treasure Trail and much more!

                                       Police Day
                                        Where:     Chippenham Museum
                                                   and Market Place
                                        When:      Wednesday 28 August
                                        Time:      10.30am until 3pm
                                        Cost:      Free entry

                                       Find out about your local
                                       police force, the work they
                                       do and their history at the
                                       museum’s Police Day.

The Beach Boys
Tribute Show
 Where:     Neeld Community and Arts Centre
 When:      Friday 30 August
 Time:      7.30pm
 Cost:      £21

Let us take you on a journey through time and space, back to the 1960s
and across to the sunny shores of the Golden state of California where
the surf sound was conceived. Whether you are coming back to see
them again or coming for the first time, the show is exhilarating as
ever, filling the auditorium with glorious, rich vocal harmony, the five all
singing, all playing boys that are Beach Boyz Tribute Band continue to
amaze, astound and defy belief in their recreation of America’s biggest
and longest selling pop rock band The Beach Boys®. No other tribute act
can provide a lively fun packed show showcasing over 30 hit records
that are performed 100% live.
Coming up next season
                                                                SEP – DEC 2019
 Heritage Open Days
 Where:     Throughout Chippenham
 When:      Friday 13 September – Sunday 22 September
 Time:      See council website for details
 Cost:      Free entry

Celebrate Chippenham’s places and stories both past and
present with a host of free events during Heritage Open Days.
The programme, organised by Chippenham Museum, includes
the opportunity to step inside some of Chippenham’s most
intriguing and celebrated buildings and places.

Chippenham’s programme of events will be announced in the
summer with details available from Chippenham Museum
and also on the national Heritage Open Days website.
Strange &
Wonderful Beings:
The Work of Clifford
& Rosemary Ellis

 Where:     Chippenham Museum
 When:      Saturday 5 October 2019 –
            Friday 31 January 2020
 Time:      10am – 4pm
 Cost:      Free entry

A chance to see highlights from the popular exhibition
recently held at Victoria Art Gallery, Bath. This exhibition
celebrates the work of Clifford and Rosemary Ellis, whose
artistic partnership included many iconic book cover and
poster designs. Clifford Ellis is perhaps best known for
his work as head of the pioneering Bath Academy of
Art, based at Corsham Court.

The exhibition will include loans from the Art and Design
Collection of Bath Spa University and the Ellis Family
Archive that was given to the Victoria Art Gallery in
2016 and shared with the Bath Record Office.
Bye Bye Baby
 Where:     Neeld Community and Arts Centre
 When:      Saturday 12 October
 Time:      7.30pm
 Cost:      £22.50

Bye Bye Baby are a jaw-dropping tribute to the musical phenomenon Jersey
Boys and the timeless, iconic music of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons.

Incredible four part harmonies, roof raising falsetto complete with
energetic and stylish choreography – all backed by their excellent 4-piece
band – ensures that Bye Bye Baby is a show that will make it a night to
remember! Includes 31 of Valli’s greatest hits including Sherry, December
’63 (Oh What A Night), Grease, Can’t Take My Eyes Off You, Beggin’,
Working My Way Back To You, and many more!
‘Seeing this classic tale come to
  life in the form of a ballet has
  to be the most enjoyable and
  spectacular way of viewing it’
Welwyn Hatfield Times

   Vienna Festival Ballet
   presents Snow White
  Where:     Neeld Community and Arts Centre
  When:      Tuesday 10 December
  Time:      7.30pm
  Cost:      Standard £21 | Concession £19

 Following several sold out performances at the Neeld,
 Vienna Festival Ballet return this December with their
 stunning interpretation of Snow White.

 The classic tale involving the wicked Queen and the
 seven dwarfs comes to life through storytelling dance
 and spectacular costume, and will take the audience
 on a fairy tale journey.
Classes at
Stanley Park
 For further information, please contact Paul Harvey on
 01249 463905 or email

Footie Club                            Spires Fitness –
School Years 1–3. Girls and boys       Pilates
 Date:      Tuesdays                    Date:      Fridays
 Time:      4.30pm – 5.30pm             Time:      9.30am – 11.30am

E4S Goalkeeping                        Walking Football
 Date:      Wednesdays                  Date:      Fridays
 Time:      4.30pm – 6.30pm             Time:      7.30pm – 9pm

Fast Forward                           Turn Up and Play
Fit Camp                               Over 35s football session

 Date:    Tues, Thurs & Sat             Date:      Fridays
 Time:    7pm – 8pm (Tues & Thurs)      Time:      5pm – 6pm
          9am – 10am (Sat)

 Date:      Thursdays
 Time:      7pm – 8pm
At a glance.
Your Summer 2019 event guide.
Neeld Community and Arts Centre events
Event                              When
Morgan & West Magic Show           Sunday 12 May
Derek Acorah                       Saturday 18 May
An Evening with Graham Gooch       Tuesday 21 May
The Commitments Experience         Thursday 30 May
Alfie Moore: Fair Cop Unleashed!   Saturday 1 June
Money for Nothing                  Friday 7 June
Pride & Prejudice                  Thursday 13 June
Coldplace                          Thursday 20 June
Fleetwood Bac                      Friday 21 June
The Summer Solstice Oak Fayre      Sunday 23 June
Jive Talkin’                       Friday 5 July
An Evening with Eddie              Tuesday 9 July
‘The Eagle’ Edwards
90s Night                          Friday 26 July
Summer Fun Activities              Tuesday 30th July (every Tuesday
                                   of the summer holidays)
The Beach Boys Tribute Show        Friday 30 August
Chippenham Museum events
Event                          When
Artspace@ChippenhamMuseum      Saturday 4 May – Saturday 27 July
Get Creative –                 Tuesday 28 May & Thursday 30 May
Half Term Holiday Activities
We’ll Meet Again               Monday 3 June – Saturday 6 July
Crime and Punishment           Saturday 3 August –
                               Saturday 28 September
Summer Holiday Activities      Every Tuesday and Thursday
                               throughout the school holiday
History Walk                   Every Wednesday in August
Doing Time in Wiltshire –      Saturday 10 August and
with John Girvan               Thursday 26 September
Pirate Day                     Saturday 17 August
Police Day                     Wednesday 28 August

                               Full details of each event can
                               be found on our website.

                               If you would like to discuss any of the
                               events please call 01249 446699 or
Hire our venues.
We have a wide selection of spaces
you can hire for a professional event,
wedding, party, meeting or conference.

Town Hall                                Neeld Community
The Town Hall is licensed for wedding    and Arts Centre
ceremonies offering an elegant period    The Neeld, in the heart of
location, on the High Street. The hall   Chippenham, offers a high-quality,
can seat up to 200 people and is the     flexible venue for professional shows,
most elegant of our rooms.               corporate and private functions and
                                         community events and activities.
Yelde Hall
Chippenham’s Medieval Hall is            Stanley Park
available for hire on request.           There are two rooms available to hire
                                         for meetings, training workshops or
Chippenham Museum                        seminars. This facility has free parking.
The Education room is a dedicated
space for workshops, meeting and         If you would like more information
art activities.                          or to discuss booking any of these
                                         venues, please call 01249 446699 or
                                                                                     DESIGN – ICE HOUSE DESIGN, BATH
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