Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences

Page created by Edgar Webb
Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences
Bringing people together
for holidays full of fun, friendship
and new experiences
Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences
Welcome to the
    Sense Holiday
    brochure 2019!
                                                     	Here’s why our Holidays
    	      Holidays are unique:                       are special:
     sometimes lively, sometimes                     •	Over 40 years experience delivering holidays
     chilled, but always fun and                        for people with multi-sensory impairments.
     focused on the needs of each                    •	A personalised approach – each holiday
     individual holidaymaker.                           is planned around the needs and interests
                                                        of the holidaymakers.
                                                     •	Experienced and trained holiday leaders.
                                                     •	Trained, skilled and passionate volunteers.
                                                     •	OFSTED registered with a ‘Good’ rating
                                                        (for our under 18s Holidays).
    Our holidays give children, young people and       Our holidays are offered to:
    adults the opportunity to have fun and try
    new activities – whether that be snow tubing,    •	Children and young people, up to the
    indoor skydiving or swimming in the sea! They       age of 18.
    offer a chance to meet new people and to         • Adults aged 18 and over.
    develop connections with fellow holidaymakers
    and volunteers. This year, we have 21 holidays   	There is no age limit to applying for a Sense
    on offer, including some old favourites and        Holiday. We aim to group people together
    others that are new for 2019.                      who are similar ages and have shared
                                                       communication styles and interests.
    Every year we strive to meet the needs of
    our holidaymakers, carefully looking at what
    people have said they would like to see more
    and less of. This year, we are offering more
    holidays at a number of key locations.
    This will give holidaymakers the chance
    to meet a wider range of people and take
    part in a greater choice of activities.           “The break meant we could rest and relax,
                                                        we knew our son was being well looked
    As before, the number of people on each             after by an awesome team with a wealth
    holiday will vary, so that holidaymakers who        of experience.”
    prefer a quieter experience can choose this.
    Each holiday will continue to have one or two      Parent
    leaders depending on the needs of the group.

Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences
Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences
Why choose a
    Sense holiday?

Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences
Each holiday is managed by one or more
  of our experienced leaders. They have a
  specialist understanding of how to provide                  “You all put so much energy and
  personalised group holidays for people who                    thought into the planning and we are
  are deafblind and may have additional                         very lucky to have such a fantastic
  needs. Leaders will work closely with                         charity supporting families like us”
  holidaymakers and their parents/carers to
  create a holiday that is right for the individual.
  This leads to a memorable and enjoyable
  holiday for each and every person.
	Sense has considerable experience of
  providing volunteer-led services and creating          at least one downstairs bedroom and may
  a safe environment where holidaymakers                 be suitable for occasional wheelchair users.
  and volunteers build relationships, explore            If you have any question please contact us.
  new environments and step outside
  of their comfort zone.
                                                       	Applying for a Sense Holiday
	On a Sense Holiday, holidaymakers
                                                       	Our holidays are extremely popular therefore
  can expect:
                                                         we are unable to offer a place to everyone
•	A safe and fun environment.                           who applies. This is why we ask you to provide
•	To be listened to and respected.                      as much detailed information about your
                                                         needs and interests as you can – including
•	Personalised support.                                 your first, second and third holiday choices
•	Opportunity to have new experiences                   and when you would be able to come on a
                                                         holiday. We may be able to offer you a place
•	Opportunity to be sociable and to make                on an alternative holiday or a holiday group
   new friends                                           more suited to meet your needs.
                                                       	We give priority to people who are deafblind;
	Holiday Venues and                                     and for our adult holidays, to those living
  Accessibility                                          at home with their families.
                                                       	As well as sending you this brochure we
	Every year we return to some of our
                                                         have also emailed you an application pack.
  holidaymakers’ favourite venues, as well
                                                         If you wish to apply for a Sense Holiday,
  as adding a few new ones. We visit all new
                                                         please complete and email back to us
  holiday venues to ensure they meet the needs
                                                         by Sunday 10 February. After this date,
  of our groups. In this brochure, we have
                                                         any applications we receive will be placed
  marked the venues as either wheelchair
                                                         on our waiting list.
  accessible or easy walker. The wheelchair
  access icon means the venue has been adapted
  for someone who is a wheelchair user and
  meets the Sense standard of accessibility.
	However, the level of access does vary: from             Contact the
  purpose-built accommodation to venues that
  offer minor adaptations, such as wider doorways          Holidays team
  and ramps. Venues with ceiling track hoists in
  at least part of the venue can be identified
  by the hoist symbol. Where a holiday is
                                                           Tel: 0300 330 9250
  identified as wheelchair accessible and doesn’t          Text: 0300 330 9252
  have this symbol we may be able provide
  mobile hoists. All easy walker venues have
Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences
Holiday map
                                                  1 Frank Chapman A
                                                  2 Frank Chapman B
                                                  3 Frank Chapman C
                                                  4 Frank Chapman D
                                                  5 Beamsley A
                                                  6 Beamsley B
              19           5
         20                                       7 Bewl Water A
                                                  8 Bewl Water B
              14 15                               9 Macaroni Wood A
                                                  10 Macaroni Wood B
                                                  11 Oak Lodge
                            12 13                 12 Cedar Lodge
                      2                           13 Chestnut Lodge
                  4                               14 Peel Park Quarter A
                                    16            15 Peel Park Quarter B
                          9 10
                                                  16 Lee Valley London
                          17 18                   17 Conygre Farm A
                                         7        18 Conygre Farm B
                                                  19 Brickhouse Farm A
                                                  20 Brickhouse Farm B
                                                  21 Turkey and Tinsel

                      What do the symbols mean?

Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences
Timetable for
 Please send your completed holidaymaker              •	Communication: cost of interpreters and
 application form to the Holidays Team by                transcription.
 Sunday 10 February 2019.
                                                      •	Project costs: Planning and administering the
  Please email to:                 holidays, monitoring and evaluating safety
                                                         procedures, equipment and resources.
	Any late applications will be added to our
  waiting list.                                       	Payment could come from local authority
                                                        budgets, individual budgets, Direct Payments
	We then carefully review all holiday
                                                        or personal funds. Payment may be made
  applications and put together holiday groups.
                                                        via cheque, debit / credit card, and we also
	In March, we will write to you and let you            offer payment schemes to spread the
  know if we are able to offer you a holiday.           cost throughout the year.
  We ask that you confirm your place as soon
                                                      	Please contact one of the Holidays Team if
  as possible. Failure to do so may mean
                                                        you require more information about payment
  your place is withdrawn and offered
                                                        options or require support.
  to someone else.
                                                      	We appreciate your support, which means
                                                        that we can continue to reach as many
                                                        people and their families as possible.
	Sense works very hard to raise money from the
  public for our holidays. However, in order for us
  to continue providing our personalised holiday
  experiences, we now require a contribution          	We do not offer support with travel to and
  from each Holidaymaker.                               from holidays, so please keep this in mind
                                                        when making your choices.
	The average cost of each holiday is
  approximately £2,500, and we ask that               	However, in exceptional circumstances, where
  each holidaymaker contributes £800                    no other support is available from family,
  when they accept a place.                             friends or social services we will try to offer
                                                        travel assistance. Decisions on this will be
  These costs include:                                  made on a case-by-case basis. Please note
                                                        that we will ask for a financial contribution
•	Holiday cost: accommodation, food
                                                        for any support provided.
  and activities for holidaymakers.
•	Staff and leaders: salaries and expenses
  for holiday leaders including travel,
  accommodation, food, activities and training.
•	Volunteers: travel, accommodation,
   food, activities and training
•	Travel: Hiring mini-buses for the duration
  of the holiday and enabling leaders and
  volunteers to travel to and from holiday
Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences
Holidays for
     children and
    young people
Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences
Frank Chapman A                                                    Cost: £800                   NEW
                                                                                                FOR 2019

DATE                            LOCATION                           GROUP SIZE
27 July to 3 August 2019 Bewdley, Worcestershire                   5 young people

                                                                              “It was very good.
                                                                                I really enjoyed
                                                                                myself. I liked
                                                                                the volunteers.
                                                                                I enjoyed all of
                                                                                the activities.
                                                                                Thank you all for
                                                                                a good holiday!”

   The Frank Chapman Centre is a vibrant, exciting, woodland
   centre providing a welcoming, personal approach to our
   group. We are sure that you will find plenty of activity and
   fun here with the outdoor adventure course, bush craft                         Camping      Countryside
   around the camp fire, on-site caving, cycling, archery
   and much more with the possibility of an off-site
   adventure in the Wyre Forest!                                                Large group    Easy walker

                                                                                Young people
   Holiday highlights                           Facilities
   • High ropes and low ropes                   •	Good on-site bathroom access: roll-in showers,
                                                   non-slip flooring, toilet and support rails
   • Archery & bush craft
                                                •	The group will sleep in Glamping Pods on the
   • Climbing & abseiling
                                                   ground floor. The pods do not have any special
   • Mountain bikes                                adaptions or electricity. There is limited access
                                                   to electricity in the kitchen and main building.
                                                •	Meals around Orchard picnic site and evening
                                                   meals will be eaten in the main building
Sense Holidays 2019 Bringing people together for holidays full of fun, friendship and new experiences
Frank Chapman B                                                       Cost: £800                  NEW
                                                                                                        FOR 2019

       DATE                                LOCATION                         GROUP SIZE
       27 July to 3 August 2019 Bewdley, Worcestershire                     5 young people

       opportunity for
       our daughter to
       interact with
       peers and
       allowed her to
       enjoy activities
       she would not
       normally do”

       There’s plenty of the great outdoors to explore at Frank
       Chapman! There will be opportunities to go on a trek and
       navigate through the wood, learn about the environment and
       yourself through art, creating things from our woods and the                  Camping      Countryside
       local area! Accommodation is in an insulated glamping pod
       set around a central barn; a fantastic outdoor residential
       experience, basic but with a touch of home comforts!                         Large group   Easy walker

                                                                                   Young people
       Holiday highlights                             Facilities
       • Orienteering                                 •G
                                                        ood on-site bathroom access: roll-in showers,
                                                       non-slip flooring, toilet and support rails
       • Camp fires & bush craft
                                                        he group will sleep in Glamping Pods on
       • Collecting items and making art
                                                       ground floor. The pods do not have any special
       • Music                                         adaptions or electricity. There is limited access
                                                       to electricity in the kitchen and main building.
                                                        eals around Orchard picnic site and evening
                                                       meals will be eaten in the main building
Frank Chapman C                                                   Cost: £800                  NEW
                                                                                              FOR 2019

DATE                            LOCATION                          GROUP SIZE
27 July to 3 August 2019 Bewdley, Worcestershire                  5 children

                                                                            “My son looked
                                                                              forward to the
                                                                              holiday for so
                                                                              long and had
                                                                              such a lovely
                                                                              time, just so
                                                                              happy that he
                                                                              is happy, and
                                                                              very grateful.”

   All the activities at Frank Chapman are on site so you can
   get stuck in straight after breakfast with your friends and
   volunteers! This will be a fun week getting involved in
   new adventures that are also wheelchair friendly. In the                   Activity centre Countryside

   evenings you’ll have lots of chances to enjoy hot chocolate
   and marshmallows around the camp fire! Our volunteers
   and instructors will be there to help you have a fantastic                                 Wheelchair
                                                                               Large group
   week away.                                                                                  access

  Holiday highlights                           Facilities
   • Outdoor activities                         •G
                                                  ood on-site bathroom access with an
                                                 accessible wet room style bathroom, roll-in
   • Drama
                                                 showers, non-slip flooring, toilet and
   • Textural arts                               support rails
   • Dance                                      •M
                                                  obile hoists and a wheelchair accessible
   • Music                                       lift are available
Frank Chapman D                                                       Cost: £800                    NEW
                                                                                                          FOR 2019

      DATE                              LOCATION                            GROUP SIZE
      27 July to 3 August 2019 Bewdley, Worcestershire                      5 children

     “We loved seeing
       the diary he
       came back
       with, the lovely
       and photos.”

       It’s time to get arty! At Frank Chapman there are plenty of
       opportunities to explore your creative side. You could be involved
       in creative activities based around the woodland, making art with
       the resources you find – you might even make a mud and clay                  Activity centre Countryside

       sculpture! There is also the opportunity to go on a storytelling
       walk, which brings to life the story with the textures, smells
       and even tastes around you in the woods. You might even                                      Wheelchair
                                                                                    Large group
       say hi to the chickens!                                                                       access

       Holiday highlights                             Facilities
       • Outdoor activities                           •G
                                                        ood on-site bathroom access with
                                                       an accessible wet room style bathroom,
       • Arts & crafts
                                                       roll-in showers, non-slip flooring, toilet
       • Camp fire & bush craft                        and support rails
       • Music sessions                               •M
                                                        obile hoists and a wheelchair accessible
       • Drama                                         lift are available
Beamsley A                                                              Cost: £800

DATE                                  LOCATION                          GROUP SIZE
2 to 9 August 2019                    Skipton, North Yorkshire          5 children

                                                                                     “I did things
                                                                                       I don’t get to
                                                                                       do so often –
                                                                                       swimming, farm,
                                                                                       campfire and
                                                                                       songs, sailing!
                                                                                       I didn’t stop!”

   At Beamsley you might go an accessible sailing boat and race
   over the waves or rocket down a dry ski slope. You might ride
   a steam train or explore the back and paddle in the sea. This
   is big sociable holiday so you are sure to make some great                          Cottage      Countryside

   friends. The volunteers will support you to get involved in
   each activity and get the most out of the holiday. The venue
   is accessible for full-time wheelchair users with ceiling                          Large group   Ceiling track
   track hoists, an accessible bathroom and roll in showers.                                            hoist

   Previous holiday highlights                       Facilities
   • Test your skiing skills at the dry ski slope   • Venue is very accessible for wheelchair users
   • Enjoy a trip to Blackpool beach                 •G
                                                       ood bathroom access: roll-in shower
                                                      and toilet, non-slip flooring
   • Meet and feed some llamas
                                                     • Ceiling track hoist in fully accessible bathroom
   • Slip down the slides at the Space Centre
                                                     • Wheelchair accessible lift
Beamsley B                                                               Cost: £800

      DATE                                LOCATION                             GROUP SIZE
      2 to 9 August 2019                  Skipton, North Yorkshire             5 young people

     “Going to the
       beach was
       awesome. I loved
       the waterpark,
       especially the
       slides and having
       lots of jokes
       with the team!”

       Located in Yorkshire, Beamsley in an accessible centre with
       ceiling track hoists. You will be able to visit sensory rooms,
       animal parks and ice skating rinks, and might even visit the
       beach, were you can paddle in the shallows, fly kites and                         Cottage       Countryside
       eat ice cream. Our trained volunteers will provide a safe
       and supportive environment where you can broaden
       your horizons and enjoy a wonderful break.
                                                                                        Large group    Ceiling track

                                                                                        Young people
       Previous holiday highlights                      Facilities
       • Sensory tractor rides                          • Venue is very accessible for wheelchair users
       • Go bowling                                     •G
                                                          ood bathroom access: roll-in shower and toilet,
                                                         non-slip flooring
       • Go swimming
                                                        • Ceiling track hoist in fully accessible bathroom
       • Slip down the slides at the Space Centre
                                                        • Wheelchair accessible lift
Bewl Water A                                                       Cost: £800

DATE                            LOCATION                           GROUP SIZE
10 to 17 August 2019            Bewl, Kent                         5 young people

                                                                              “My daughter
                                                                                was happy and
                                                                                enjoyed the
                                                                                holiday, she was
                                                                                well cared for.
                                                                                Thanks for your
                                                                                kindness and the
                                                                                lovely holiday

   At Bewl Water, get ready for plenty of adventures! An
   accessible activity centre in the countryside, you’ll get to
   spend your days enjoying a selection of brilliant water based
   activities, many of which are accessible for wheelchair users.               Activity centre Countryside
   You can try sailing, paddling or kayaking, and you might want
   to check out the playground and crazy golf site nearby. This is
   a big sociable group so you’re sure to make lots of new friends!
                                                                                Large group    Wheelchair
   The volunteers and on-site instructors will make sure you                                    access
   have an amazing time.

                                                                               Young people
   Previous holiday highlights                  Facilities
   • Abseiling                                  • Venue is accessible for wheelchair users
   • Mountain biking                            • Ensuite and ground floor bedrooms
   • Speedboats                                 • Accessible wet-room style bathrooms
   • Cooking and baking
Bewl Water B                                                          Cost: £800

      DATE                              LOCATION                            GROUP SIZE
      10 to 17 August 2019              Bewl, Kent                          5 young people

     “I loved making
       new friends! It
       was good doing
       new activities
       and visiting
       new places,
       and playing.
       Thank you!”

       Bewl Water is an accessible activity centre, right next to the
       biggest stretch of open water in South East England. Here you’ll
       get to put on a wetsuit and enjoy plenty of activities on the
       reservoir; from speedboats to sailboats, paddle boarding to                  Activity centre   Countryside
       kayaks, there’s something for everyone. All activities are on
       site so we can jump straight into the fun. There are also plenty
       of opportunities to chill out with movie and popcorn nights,
       games, arts and crafts and baking.                                           Large group

                                                                                    Young people
       Previous holiday highlights                    Facilities
       • Playground adventures                        • Venue is accessible for wheelchair users
       • Film nights                                  • En-suite and ground floor bedrooms
       • Paddle boarding                              • Accessible wet-room style bathroom
       • Windsurfing
Macaroni Wood A                                                      Cost: £800

DATE                              LOCATION                           GROUP SIZE
16 to 23 August 2019              Eastleach, Gloucestershire         5 children

                                                                               “The most
                                                                                 valuable week
                                                                                 of the year
                                                                                 for us as
                                                                                 a family!”

   At Macaroni Wood there is so much choice you can make
   about what adventures to have! In the morning you can
   collect eggs from the chickens and give the pigs their
   breakfast of apples and potatoes. The group will visit local                     Cottage     Countryside
   attractions which could include swimming, snow tubing,
   rides on a steam train or visits to the seaside! Our volunteers
   will help you to access the activities, communicate with
   everyone and enjoy your adventure to the full.                                 Large group

   Previous holiday highlights                   Facilities
   • Legoland!                                   • Venue is accessible for wheelchair users
   •	Build a bonfire and toast some             •G
                                                   ood bathroom access: roll-in showers,
      marshmallows                                non-slip flooring
   •	Have a party in the sensory room           • E quipment available: profile beds,
                                                    bed sides and mobile hoists
                                                 • Rooms on ground floor
                                                 • Fully equipped sensory room
Macaroni Wood B                                                      Cost: £800

     DATE                                LOCATION                         GROUP SIZE
     16 to 23 August 2019                Eastleach, Gloucestershire       6 children

 “Go karting was the
   best, swimming
   was cool, sailing
   was fun, bowling
   was amazing!”

     Macaroni Wood is an amazing accessible venue in the heart of
     the Cotswolds. You’ll be staying in Bazley House which has its
     very own games room with a pool table. Holidaymakers will have
     access to the go-karts, bikes and trampolines on site. Each day                Cottage     Countryside
     is a new and exciting adventure, and with the support of our
     volunteers you will be able to visit local attractions and try
     swimming, snow tubing and rock climbing and maybe
     even meet the animals at the zoo!                                            Large group   Easy walker

     Previous holiday highlights                    Facilities
     • Trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park              • Rooms on the ground floor and first floor
     • Swimming at the hydro pool                   • Games room, large kitchen and living space
     • Movie night!                                 • Safe and secure site
     • Sailing at South Cerney
Oak Lodge                                                                     Cost: £800

DATE                                  LOCATION                                GROUP SIZE
23 to 30 August                       National Forest, Derby                  3 young people

                                                                                           “I didn’t worry,
                                                                                             because I knew
                                                                                             my son was
                                                                                             having a

                                                                              Accommodation                          Age group
   There are so many activities on offer at Oak Lodge, an
   accessible venue in the National Forest. You could try
   abseiling, obstacle courses and high and low ropes. There’s
   plenty to do on site, one day you might go play on the           Cottage       Camping   Lodge              Children
                                                                                                            Countryside   Young p

   accessible playground and the next even meet the hawks and
   owls in a falconry class! Our volunteers will help you to try new
   things and form relationships with your fellow holidaymakers.  Holiday village Boat       Activity
                                                                                          Small group
                                                                                                 centre     Wheelchair

                                                                                    Horse riding
                                                                                      centre Young people
   Previous holiday highlights                           Facilities
   • Conkers Activity Centre                            • Spacious venue
   • Swimming                                           • Rooms on one level
   • Llama trekking                                     • Wet room
   • Alton Towers!                                      • Mobile hoists are available
Cedar Lodge                                                                  Cost: £800

      DATE                                  LOCATION                               GROUP SIZE
      23 to 30 August 2019                  National Forest, Derby                 3 young people

     “I always find
       out my daughter
       can do things
       I didn’t know
       she could”

                                                                                 Accommodation                        Age group
       Cedar lodge is situated in the National Forest. Each lodge is
       accessible, safe and comfortable. You will have the freedom
       to play and enjoy the sunshine and enjoy the beautiful woods
       around the venue, where you can enjoy sensory walks, adventures Cottage      Camping      Lodge          Children
                                                                                                             Countryside   Young people

       on the accessible playground and maybe even archery! Our
       volunteers will support you to have fun and engage with
       each activity in your own way.                                Holiday village Boat       Activity

                                                                                   Horse riding
                                                                                     centre Young people
       Previous holiday highlights                         Facilities
       • Tractor rides                                    • Spacious venue
       • Sensory walks                                    • Rooms on one level
       • Go swimming                                      • Wet room
       • BBQ in the sun!                                  • Mobile hoists are available
Chestnut Lodge                                                        Cost: £800

DATE                            LOCATION                             GROUP SIZE
23 to 30 August                 National Forest, Derby               4 young people

                                                                                        “The holiday
                                                                                          helped me to
                                                                                          see my daughter
                                                                                          is able to cope
                                                                                          outside of home
                                                                                          and that she
                                                                                          had a wonderful
                                                                                          time doing
                                                                                          exciting things”

                                                                           Accommodation                             Age group
   Chestnut Lodge is a wheelchair accessible venue located
   in the National Forest in Derbyshire. There’s so much to do
   in the area, whether you want a chilled-out break enjoying
   swimming, trips to cafes and sensory music sessions, or an      Cottage         Camping      Lodge          Children
                                                                                                            Countryside   Young p

   active one with rollercoasters, abseiling and ice-skating.
   Our volunteers will be on hand to support you to choose
   your activities, express yourself and make new friends.       Holiday village    Boat       Activity

                                                                               Horse riding
                                                                                 centre Young people
   Previous holiday highlights                  Facilities
   • Tractor rides                             • Spacious venue
   • Go ice skating                            • Rooms on one level
   • Enjoy horse-riding                        • Wet room
   • Boat trips                                • Mobile hoists are available
     for adults

Peel Park Quarter A                                                 Cost: £800                    NEW
                                                                                                  FOR 2019

DATE                                LOCATION                        GROUP SIZE
3 to 10 August 2019                 Salford, near Manchester        4 adults

                                                                               “I really enjoyed
                                                                                 the holiday and
                                                                                 made some
                                                                                 great friends,
                                                                                 we all got on
                                                                                 well. Everything
                                                                                 was good, it
                                                                                 was so special
                                                                                 to me.”

   Brand new for 2019, Peel Park quarter is a block of student
   flats located in Salford, a 10 minute train journey away from
   central Manchester. The group will get around using public
   transport, by train, tram and bus. With the support of our                       Apartment     City break

   volunteers you’ll enjoy everything Salford and Manchester
   has to offer, from wandering by the canals and enjoying a bite
   to eat to day tripping to Southport for a day by the seaside.                   Medium group   Wheelchair

   Holiday highlights                            Facilities
   •	Enjoy a swim and a sauna in the on-site    • Single rooms with an en-suite toilet and shower
      leisure centre
                                                 • Step free access to the flats
   •	Explore Manchester on a hop on hop
                                                 •	Some accessible bedrooms with en-suite
      off bus
                                                    wet rooms
   •	Visit the set of Coronation Street!
                                                 • On site gym
Peel Park Quarter B                                                    Cost: £800                  NEW
                                                                                                         FOR 2019

       DATE                              LOCATION                            GROUP SIZE
       3 to 10 August 2019               Salford, near Manchester            4 adults

     “I felt refreshed
       and relaxed
       having a break
       like this which
       I have never
       had before.”

       Located in Salford, close to central Manchester, Peel Park Quarter
       has plenty of potential adventures close by. The newly built
       flats are the perfect base to explore the sights of Salford and
       Manchester. There’s plenty to do on site and nearby as well,                     Apartment   City break

       with a cinema room, gym, swimming pool and sauna all close
       by. The group will get around using public transport, by train,
       tram and bus, and with the support of our fantastic volunteers               Medium group    Wheelchair
       you’ll have a wonderful city break!                                                           access

       Holiday highlights                             Facilities
       •	Day trip to the seaside                     • Single rooms with an en-suite toilet and shower
       •	Explore Manchester on a hop on hop          • Step free access to the flats
          off bus
                                                      •	Some accessible bedrooms with en-suite
       •	Pub lunches and city walks                     wet rooms
                                                      • On site gym
Lee Valley London                                                             Cost: £800                    NEW
                                                                                                            FOR 2019

DATE                                  LOCATION                                GROUP SIZE
16 to 23 August 2019                  Cheshunt, London                        7 adults

                                                                                             “After the holiday
                                                                                               I realise my
                                                                                               daughter needs
                                                                                               time away from
                                                                                               me as well; she
                                                                                               needs to be free
                                                                                               and with others
                                                                                               of similar age to
                                                                                               enjoy herself.”

   London Lee Valley is situated in Cheshunt, which is a 20 minute Accommodation                                     Age group

   train ride from central London. This holiday is a great mix of city
   sightseeing and local activities. One day you might be having a
   wander around London Zoo or the British Museum, and the next     Cottage      Camping    Lodge           CityChildren
                                                                                                                 break     Young p

   going for a bike ride in Lee Valley Regional Park! Accommodation
   is a large and cosy lodge and with a big group of holidaymakers,
   there will be plenty of chances to make new friends. The lodge Holiday village Boat       Activity          Adults
                                                                                         Large group
   is a 2 minute walk from the local train station, and the group                            centre          access

   will get around by tube, train or bus. We will use step free access
   where possible, but we do anticipate some walking and stair use.
                                                                                    Horse riding
                                                                                      centre       Adults

   Previous holiday highlights                           Facilities
   •	Explore London’s world famous museums              • Ground floor bedrooms
   •	Visit Camden market and buy some                   • Ensuite toilets and showers in each bedroom
                                                         • No other specialist adaptations
   •	Go white water rafting
Conygre Farm A                                                          Cost: £800

       DATE                              LOCATION                             GROUP SIZE
       6 to 13 September 2019            Pewsey, Wiltshire                    4 adults

     “I enjoyed
      talking to
      people, their
      signing skills
      were excellent!”

       Situated in beautiful natural surroundings, the farm is a perfect
       base to explore Wiltshire. You might visit a theme park and ride
       a rollercoaster, visit a science museum, or meet the animals at
       Longleat. Plus, with your very own on site swimming pool, we’re               Cottage      Countryside

       sure you’ll enjoy a splash around every single day! Our volunteers
       will support you to have fun and to take part in the activities
       you choose.                                                                 Medium group   Easy walker

       Previous holiday highlights                    Facilities
       •	Sailing                                     •	Ground floor rooms
       •	Bowling                                     •	Open plan design
       •	Trip to a science museum                    •	On site swimming pool
       •	Fruit picking
Conygre Farm B                                                      Cost: £800

DATE                                  LOCATION                      GROUP SIZE
6 to 13 September 2019                Pewsey, Wiltshire             4 adults

                                                                               “I truly enjoyed
                                                                                 going on a
                                                                                 holiday more
                                                                                 catered for
                                                                                 my needs
                                                                                 and got to be

   There’s plenty to do at Conygre Farm, whether you want a
   chilled-out break enjoying swimming in the onsite pool, trips
   to local cafes and pubs and countryside walks, or an active
   one with rollercoasters and speed boat rides! Our volunteers                    Cottage     Countryside

   will be on hand to support you to choose your activities,
   express yourself and make new friends.
                                                                                 Medium group Easy walker

   Previous holiday highlights                     Facilities
   •	Trip to Salisbury Cathedral                  • Ground floor rooms
   •	Canal boat ride                              • Open plan design
   •	Afternoon tea at a local cafe                • On site swimming pool
   •	Visit to Longleat
Brickhouse Farm A                                                      Cost: £800

       DATE                              LOCATION                            GROUP SIZE
       6 to 13 September 2019            Blackpool                           4 adults

     “I loved every
       minute of it and
       had a fab time!
       I came home
       feeling so much
       better and more
       positive for it.”

       Brickhouse Farm is a collection of fully accessible cottages
       located close to the bright lights of Blackpool. You could spend
       your days exploring the adventures on offer nearby – from indoor
       skydiving to snow tubing, or have a chilled out holiday exploring              Cottage        Seaside
       the beach and enjoying trips to cafes and pubs. The cottage is
       perfect for full time wheelchair users – and there’s even a ceiling
       track hoist for the hot tub so you can relax in the bubbles under            Medium group   Ceiling track
       the stars. Our trained volunteers will support you to have                                      hoist

       an amazing break.

       Previous holiday highlights                     Facilities
       •	Day trip to Blackpool beach                  •	Ground floor bedrooms
       •	Walks and pub lunches                        •	Shower with grab rails
       •	Indoor skydiving                             •	Ceiling track hoist running from bed to wet room
       •	Swimming in the hydro pool                   • Hot tub and on site hydrotherapy pool
Brickhouse Farm B                                                     Cost: £800

DATE                               LOCATION                           GROUP SIZE
6 to 13 September 2019             Blackpool                          4 adults

                                                                                 “The place was
                                                                                   lovely and
                                                                                   people lovely
                                                                                   too, I had a
                                                                                   great time”

   Brickhouse Farm is a set of accessible cottages located near
   Blackpool with lots to do nearby, from theme parks to country
   walks. There’s plenty of space on site to enjoy BBQs, as well as
   tasty cafes and pubs for a drink or meal out. With ceiling track                   Cottage       Seaside

   hoists, this venue is very suitable for full time wheelchair users.
   Our fully trained volunteers will support you to have fun,
   choose activities and enjoy your holiday to the max!                            Medium group Ceiling track

   Previous holiday highlights                     Facilities
   •	Snow tubing                                  • Ground floor bedrooms
   •	Rollercoasters at Blackpool Pleasure Beach   • Shower with grab rails
   •	Swimming in the onsite hydro pool            •	Ceiling track hoist running from bed
                                                      to wet room
                                                   • Hot tub and on site hydrotherapy pool
Turkey and Tinsel                                                       Cost: £600               NEW
                                                                                                       FOR 2019

       DATE                             LOCATION                              GROUP SIZE
       25 to 29 November 2019           Llandudno, Wales                      10 adults

     “The holiday
       leader and
       volunteers really
       made every
       effort to make
       the holiday a
       most memorable
       and happy one!”

       Come and join us for a fun filled Christmas week in a seafront
       hotel where our lovely volunteers will help you along the
       promenade or explore the Victorian Town of Llandudno for a
       spot of Christmas shopping! Let us take you out on excursions                    Hotel       Seaside
       around Betws-y-Coed where you could browse the lovely craft
       shops for souvenirs or sit in one of the many cafes and relax!
       We will be travelling to the holiday as a group, with coach                                 Wheelchair
                                                                                     Large group
       pick up arranged from Touchbase Pears in Birmingham.                                         access

       Previous holiday highlights                    Facilities
       •	Day trips                                   •	En-suite rooms with TV
       •	Afternoon teas                              •	Cosy lounge area to relax and socialise
                                                         with a hotel bar
       •	Christmas shopping
                                                      •	Half board basis
                                                      •	Lift to all floors
Make sure you send us
your application form by
Sunday 10 February

Sense is here to offer personalised support to help
people communicate and experience the world. For
everyone living with complex disabilities. For everyone
who is deafblind. We believe that no one, no matter how
complex their disabilities, should be isolated, left out, or
unable to fulfil their potential. Our experts offer support
that’s tailored to the individual needs of each person,
whether that’s at our centres, through our holidays and
short breaks, or in people’s own homes. In addition
to practical support, we also provide information
to families, and campaign for the rights of people
with complex disabilities to take part in life.

Other formats
If you would like a copy of this brochure in any
other format, e.g. larger font, braille or audio CD,
please contact the Holidays team.

Holidays team
Sense, 101 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9LG
Tel: 0300 330 9250
Textphone: 0300 330 9252

Registered charity number 289868
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