SLSpy: Python-Based System-Level Controller Synthesis Framework
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SLSpy: Python-Based System-Level Controller Synthesis Framework Shih-Hao Tseng and Jing Shuang (Lisa) Li Abstract— Synthesizing controllers for large, complex, and implementable controllers can present significant challenges distributed systems is a challenging task. Numerous proposed to control practitioners who are not theory experts. From methods exist in the literature, but it is difficult for practitioners the users’ perspective, it is more accessible if the synthesis to apply them – most proposed synthesis methods lack ready-to- use software implementations, and existing proprietary compo- methods work as a black box: given the system information nents are too rigid to extend to general systems. To address this and goals, derive a time-domain controller that takes the arXiv:2004.12565v3 [eess.SY] 29 Sep 2020 gap, we develop SLSpy, a framework for controller synthesis, input x(t) and returns the control u(t). This can be realized comparison, and testing. via a software implementation. Most methods described in SLSpy implements a highly extensible software framework the literature do not come with a ready-to-use software which provides two essential workflows: synthesis and simu- lation. The workflows are built from five conceptual compo- implementation. For those that do, the software may be nents that can be customized to implement a wide variety of proprietary and expensive and/or extend poorly to general synthesis algorithms and disturbance tests. SLSpy comes pre- systems. equipped with a workflow for System Level Synthesis (SLS), Even when the software is available, it often comes in the which enables users to easily and freely specify desired design form of toolboxes, which, though easy-to-use, are difficult objectives and constraints. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SLSpy using two examples that have been described in to customize. Different toolboxes contain different sets of the literature but do not have ready-to-use implementations. tools with different logical dependencies among them. Intro- We open-source SLSpy to facilitate future controller synthesis ducing new features involves fighting through these tangled research and practical usage. dependencies. Meanwhile, different toolboxes could contain I. I NTRODUCTION similar components, e.g., linear system models, but imple- mented in different manners. Modifying such components Many of the systems we seek to control are large, com- could bog the user down in various logical threads behind plex, distributed, and multi-agent. Controlling such systems the toolboxes and become an error-prone nightmare. is a nontrivial task, and there is a rich body of work To avoid these hurdles and facilitate customization, we surrounding this topic, with numerous proposed controller instead seek a framework for controller synthesis. A frame- synthesis methods [1]–[6]. Mostly, the methods deal with work is a structure that defines some conceptual components some mathematical program in the following form and dictates the dependencies among them – the work- min g(x, u) flows. To use it, the users provide customized component s.t. u = K(x), (x, u) ∈ S instances, which are then invoked by the framework to fulfill designated purposes of the workflows. Customization where g is the objective, x the input signal, u the control of components can be done via inheritance in software, and signal, and S the feasibility constraints (including state customized components are easily used in conjunction with dynamics, internal states, etc.). The synthesis methods then existing components thanks to the predefined workflows. produce the desired controller map K. Thus, frameworks provide a natural and easy way to extend Although mathematically rigorous, these synthesis meth- and compare various algorithms and methods; they are used ods are often inaccessible to engineers and control prac- in domains such as robotics [8]–[10] and networking [11]. titioners who want to test them out, customize them, or In this paper, we introduce SLSpy: an open-source frame- compare them with other methods. For instance, many syn- work for discrete-time controller synthesis, which expedites thesis methods utilize frequency domain signals x to obtain the implementation and comparison of various synthesis controller K and control signals u, usually in the frequency methods. Although we provide SLSpy as a Python-based domain as well. In practice, the raw input signal x(t) the implementation, our proposed framework can work with engineers have access to is in the time domain, and the components implemented in any other programming lan- control signal u(t) should also be in time domain. Mapping guage (or even hardware) as long as the components obey the the frequency domain controller K(x) to a time-domain framework with an appropriate interface to exchange time- implementation is not trivial. Furthermore, a recent study [7] domain signals. The framework provides two key workflows shows that there exist multiple ways to implement the same – synthesis and simulation – and can accommodate any frequency domain controller, each leading to different system synthesis algorithm that follows the workflow described in properties. Thus, translating controller synthesis theories into [7]. We demonstrate how SLSpy facilitates implementation Shih-Hao Tseng and Jing Shuang (Lisa) Li are with the Division of Engi- neering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, and customization of synthesis methods through implemen- CA 91125, USA. Emails: {shtseng,jsli} tations of System Level Synthesis (SLS) and Input-Output
TABLE I Parametrization (IOP) [12]–[14] in the framework. This is S TATE - OF - THE -A RT C ONTROL & S IMULATION S OFTWARE the first open-source implementation of IOP, and is the first Python-based implementation of SLS; we previously Properties Software developed a MATLAB toolbox for SLS, SLS-MATLAB Purpose Open-Source Framework [15]. SLSpy includes additional functionality for SLS not Simulink [16] general found in SLS-MATLAB, such as output feedback and LQG PSpice [17] circuits objectives, and as a framework, allows for much easier SOSTOOLS [18] optimization √ customization than SLS-MATLAB. CVX [19] optimization √ The main contributions of SLSpy are to introduce a frame- ACADO [20] optimization √ work for general discrete-time controller synthesis, and to pyRobots [8] robotics √ create the first Python implementations of SLS and IOP with SMACH [21] robotics √ modularized objectives and constraints. We define and further V-REP [9] robotics √ √ motivate the necessity and extensibility of a framework, and temporal logic √ TuLiP [22], [23] describe the benefits of modularized objective and constraint planning design in Section II. The architectures of the framework and SLS-MATLAB [15] controller √1 the modules are described in Section III. We then demon- synthesis controller √ √ strate the usefulness of SLSpy in Section IV through two SLSpy synthesis examples: controller synthesis via IOP and output-feedback LQG. Finally, we summarize and list open questions and extensions for future work in Section V. parameters: g S h C gγ S A. Notation SynthesisAlgorithm conceptual component Let RH∞ denote the set of stable rational proper transfer inherit matrices, and z −1 RH∞ ⊂ RH∞ be the subset of strictly myAlgorithm g S proper stable transfer matrices. Lower- and upper-case letters myAlgorithm g S instantiate (such as x and A) denote vectors and matrices respectively, myAlgorithm h C while bold lower- and upper-case characters and symbols inherit (such as u and Φu ) are reserved for signals and transfer instantiate matrices. We use Φu [τ ] to denote the τ th spectral element theirAlgorithm gγ S theirAlgorithm gγ S ∞ of a transfer function Φu , i.e., Φu = z −τ Φu [τ ]. For P specific components instances τ =0 ub simplicity, we write (x ∗ [t] as a shorthand notation for y)lb ub Fig. 1. An example of customization via inheritance. The first specific component (myAlgorithm) inherits from the conceptual component (Syn- the discrete-time finite convolution P x[τ ]y[t − τ ]. thesisAlgorithm) and adds detailed behavior to create a usable algorithm. τ =lb We can then use this specific component in code by instantiating it, i.e. II. M OTIVATION AND BACKGROUND by calling it with some specific parameters. Here, we have two instances of myAlgorithm, each with different parameters. Another specific compo- We begin with the preliminaries of frameworks and Sys- nent (theirAlgorithm) can inherit from myAlgorithm and add customized tem Level Synthesis (SLS). We describe the inversion of behavior of its own on top of the original algorithm. control concept, which differentiates a framework from a toolbox/library, and explain why a framework is more ex- There are several ways to pack algorithms/methods tensible than a toolbox/library. Additionally, we illustrate into software. Two major options are frameworks and li- how modularization can make SLS more accessible and braries/toolboxes. A framework defines some workflows, customizable. which govern how various conceptual components (e.g. A. Towards Framework: Inversion of Control system model, controller model) interact. The users can then customize the workflows of interest by defining specific Software is a crucial tool in the synthesis and design components (e.g. a linear system with system matrices A, of controllers for large-scale systems. It allows synthesis B, C, D) from the conceptual components or other specific algorithms to be distributed and used without the overhead of components via inheritance, a mechanism in software that learning them in detail and implementing them. We summa- allows a “child” component to include behavior from its “par- rize some state-of-the-art control and simulation software in ent” component while also adding customized behavior of its Table I. Overall, most of the available tools for controller own. Finally, the user instantiates the component with some synthesis are proprietary, which are hard to extend and parameters (e.g. specific system matrices for some plant of usually require license (and cost) to use. There are multiple interest) to obtain desired behavior. This is demonstrated in open-source alternatives, but they do not directly serve the Fig. 1. On the other hand, a library/toolbox consists of several purpose of controller synthesis and are often domain-specific. We aim to develop an open-source general purpose software 1 Although SLS-MATLAB is open-source, it requires MATLAB, which for controller synthesis. is proprietary.
AB Φ0x parameters: CD system g S synthesizer Φx Φu controller other parameters: gγ S synthesizer Φ0u controller framework framework inherit & AB SystemModel mySystem AB mySystem CD instantiate CD workflow inherit SynthesisAlgorithm myAlgorithm g S myAlgorithm g S theirAlgorithm gγ S Φ0x ControllerModel myController Φx Φu myController Φx Φu myController Φ0u toolbox toolbox AB Φx = tool function AB , g S Φx Φu = my algorithm function CD , g S Φu CD Φ0x AB Fig. 2. Comparison between a framework and a toolbox. A framework Φ0u = their algorithm function CD , gγ S pre-defines some workflow that users can follow. The users inherit and instantiate each conceptual component and execute the workflow. In contrast, a toolbox provides some tools that help the users obtain some results of Fig. 3. Frameworks are highly extensible as we can reuse existing interest. The users maintain the parameters and call the tools when needed. components in a new workflow instance. In this example, we are able to reuse the system model instance and controller model component (in different instances holding different parameters) while modifying the syn- thesis algorithm component via inheritance. In contrast, extending a toolbox functions/tools that perform specific actions. The users plan requires directly modifying existing tool functions or introducing new tool their workflows and choose the functions that fit in their functions, which is more involved. schemes. A key property that distinguishes frameworks from li- Fig. 3 shows an example in which we want to customize braries/toolboxes is the inversion of control [24], [25] (also some aspect of an existing synthesis algorithm. Given some dubbed the Hollywood Principle – “Don’t call us, we’ll call existing specific components (myModel, myAlgorithm, my- you”). We illustrate this in the controller synthesis example Controller), only the algorithm component (myAlgorithm) shown in Fig. 2. needs to be customized. We customize the existing syn- To synthesize a controller, a possible workflow defined by thesis algorithm to obtain the new synthesis component a framework consists of three phases: establishing a system (theirAlgorithm). This new component outputs some new model, specifying the synthesis algorithm, and calculating parameters that are easily fed into the existing controller the controller model. These are embodied by the conceptual model (myController) by the predefined workflow. components SystemModel, SynthesisAlgorithm, and Con- Consider the use case where we want to compare the trollerModel. To use the framework, the user customizes new synthesis algorithm with the original one. As they both the conceptual components to create the specific components synthesize controllers for the same system, we only need myModel, myAlgorithm, and myController; then, the user in- one system instance. The two different controller algorithms stantiates the specific components with some parameters. The then generate two sets of parameters, which are fed into two pre-defined workflow then feeds myModel into myAlgorithm instances of the myController component for comparison. to calculate the desired controller model (myController). Overall, the framework allows us to reuse the myModel On the other hand, using a toolbox that contains some instance and the myController component. suitable tool (tool function), users maintain their system and As demonstrated in the above example, customization in a synthesizer parameters and obtain the controller parameters framework is less involved as a large portion of existing code via tool function. The two procedures differ in which entity can be reused, and the customized components can be easily controls the flow of the program; under a framework, the embedded thanks to the framework’s predefined workflow. workflow is predetermined by the framework itself, whereas Conversely, in a toolbox, one would need to directly edit the a toolbox allows the user to control the workflow. Therefore, source code or introduce a new toolbox function, which are control of the program is “inverted” from the user to the more involved and likely to introduce code repetition. framework. C. Modularized System Level Synthesis B. Framework-Enabled Extensibility Synthesizing an optimal controller for a networked cyber- A framework’s component-based architecture enables a physical system is challenging. The recently proposed Sys- user to easily customize select components as shown in tem Level Synthesis (SLS) [12], [13] method provides a Fig. 1. Once this component has been customized, it is solution for the following system: also easy to use alongside existing components, thanks to x[t + 1] = Ax[t] + B1 w[t] + B2 u[t], the framework’s predefined workflow; little additional effort z[t] = C1 x[t] + D11 w[t] + D12 u[t], from the user is required to interface customized components with existing components. We demonstrate this in Fig. 3. y[t] = C2 x[t] + D21 w[t] + D22 u[t],
where x[t] is the state, w[t] the noise, u[t] the control, z[t] SLS: state feedback output feedback ControllerModel SystemModel the regulated output, and y[t] the measurement at time t. SLS min aims to synthesize a controller, the transfer function K that maps the state x or the output y to the control u, subject to s.t. SLS constraints some system-level objective g and constraint S. To do so, SLS introduces a new parametrization such that by solving locality my constraint robustness H∞ LQ L1 min g(Φx , Φu ) Φx (1) Fig. 4. We automate the synthesis process and modularize objectives s.t. zI − A −B2 = I, Φu and constraints so that users can focus on selecting, customizing, or even combining the modules according to their needs without learning and Φx , Φu ∈ z −1 RH∞ , implementing the underlying theories of System Level Synthesis (SLS). Φx ∈ S, Φu desired objective and constraint modules. The framework for a state-feedback system and then carries out the synthesis and generates the controller min g(Φxx , Φux , Φxy , Φuy ) model for the users. Through modularization, we aim to Φxx Φxy make SLS more accessible to not only researchers but also (2a) s.t. zI − A −B2 = I 0 , control practitioners. Φux Φuy III. A RCHITECTURE Φxx Φxy zI − A I = , (2b) Φux Φuy −C2 0 We design SLSpy, a software framework for system-level Φxx , Φux , Φxy ∈ z −1 RH∞ , Φuy ∈ RH∞ , controller synthesis. Our framework addresses the controller synthesis problem at the system level; component-wise de- Φxx Φxy ∈ S, tails are omitted and the system is described by a map Φux Φuy between its sensors and actuators. for an output-feedback system, we can derive the controllers The extensibility of a framework relies on the ability to of the corresponding systems by customize components via inheritance. For this reason, we state-feedback: u = Φu Φ−1 implement our framework in Python, an objected-oriented x x, output-feedback: u = Φuy − Φux Φ−1 language with good support for inheritance. An additional xx Φxy y. benefit of Python is that it is open-source and commonly For simplicity, we denote by Φ the set of SLS parameters, used, which makes our framework more accessible. We i.e., {Φx , Φu } or {Φxx , Φux , Φxy , Φuy }. remark that the concepts in this paper are not Python-specific; We refer the interested reader to [12], [13] for details, our framework can be implemented in any programming where the motivation, derivation, and benefits of the SLS language that supports inheritance or some equivalent in- parametrization are thoroughly discussed. stantiation process. A key feature of SLS is that it enforces the constraint Below, we illustrate the details of our framework and its S explicitly through the optimization. As such, it decouples SLS modules. the solving procedure from the structure of constraints. This entanglement greatly confined the capability of legacy meth- A. Framework Overview ods, e.g., [26]–[28], to approach only certain constraints and To design a framework for system-level controller syn- systems. With SLS, we can now specify the constraints freely thesis, we focus on two essential workflows: synthesis and and let the corresponding convex program determine the simulation, as shown in Fig. 5. We further partition the feasibility. To facilitate the usage of SLS, we have developed workflows into five core conceptual components: System- and released the SLS-MATLAB toolbox [15], [29]. However, Model, SynthesisAlgorithm, ControllerModel, NoiseModel, the toolbox does not easily extend to novel or custom SLS- and Simulator. The synthesis workflow takes a SystemModel based methods, which often require edits to the core code and synthesizes a desired ControllerModel. The simulation of the toolbox; here, again, we seek a framework to enable workflow allows users to verify the behavior of the resulting customization. ControllerModel fed back to the SystemModel, and examine From a practical perspective, users of SLS care more the impact of external disturbances from the NoiseModel. about obtaining a controller that meets their specifications We design the simulation workflow to lie in the time than about the details of the underlying optimization. User- domain. As a result, all conceptual components should specified requirements on the controller correspond to objec- handle and produce time domain signals with the excep- tives and constraints in the SLS problem. Motivated by this, tion of SynthesisAlgorithm. This design decision allows the we propose to automate the synthesis process and modularize components to collaborate with real cyber-physical systems. the objectives and constraints as shown in Fig. 4. This allows For example, with appropriate hardware-software interfaces, the users to specify the synthesis type (state-feedback or a ControllerModel can generate control signals to control a output-feedback) and select, customize, or even combine their real system; a physical controller can be tested with different
u, w → x, y, z inherit SystemModel SystemModel LTI System history of x, y, z, u, w SLS Objective synthesis w SynthesisAlgorithm Simulator NoiseModel SynthesisAlgorithm SLS SLS Constraint ControllerModel ControllerModel SLS FIR Controller y→u simulation Fig. 5. The framework in SLSpy defines two workflows: synthesis and Fig. 6. SLSpy includes an implementation of SLS within the general simulation. The two workflows consist of five core conceptual compo- framework, with SLS-specific objectives and constraints. nents: SystemModel, SynthesisAlgorithm, ControllerModel, NoiseModel, and Simulator. Besides the SysthesisAlgorithm, all components work on time domain rather than frequency domain, which allows them to be ported to real system directly. algorithms may assume and target specific classes of noise (e.g. Gaussian noise), but we argue that the assumptions should be part of their synthesis parameters. We instead SystemModels; a NoiseModel can serve as a noise generator include NoiseModel in the simulation workflow, so that for robustness tests of real systems. For flexibility of the we can examine the system performance under different synthesis workflow, we allow SynthesisAlgorithm to deal external disturbances. Of course, users are free to choose with the frequency domain. Overall, our framework main- a NoiseModel that agrees with their assumptions. tains flexibility to accommodate as many future synthesis Simulator simulates time-domain system behavior for a algorithms as possible. specific system (SystemModel) and controller (Controller- We explain the functions of each component below: Model) in the presence of noise (NoiseModel), and outputs SystemModel, interfered by noise w, takes control input the resulting history of state x, measurement y, regulated u to generate state x, measurement y, and regulated output output z, control u, and noise w. Users can then analyze the z. A SystemModel could have internal states, which allows history, visualize it using our pre-written visualization tools, it to model a wide range of systems, including general linear and compare simulations from different controllers. or nonlinear, time-invariant or time-varying ones. We include the Simulator as a separate entity from the Sys- temModel for extensibility; when the system is known, the ControllerModel receives the measurement y (which coupling between SystemModel and Simulator is apparent. equals to x under state-feedback schemes) to produce con- However, for applications with plant uncertainty or related to trol input u. ControllerModel is flexible to accommodate a system identification, the SystemModel used in design is not wide range of parametrizations of the represented controller. necessarily the same as the true system, which the Simulator For example, we can parametrize the class of linear time- uses. Separating the SystemModel and Simulator also allows invariant controllers in ControllerModel by a direct map us to test a single controller on a variety of systems. K from y to u, the Youla parameter Q [26], or the SLS parametrization [12], [13], which uses closed-loop maps B. System Level Synthesis Modules from state disturbances and measurement error to the state As illustrated in Section II-C, SLS provides a new and input (i.e., Φ). ControllerModel contains procedures that parametrization for both the formulation of the synthesis turn measurement y into control u in time domain according problem and the corresponding controller models. In addition to the parameters. to the conceptual components, SLSpy also includes some SynthesisAlgorithm takes a SystemModel and synthe- pre-defined specific components to facilitate usage of SLS, sizes a ControllerModel according to its design parameters and to provide users with an example of how to use the and constraints. In conventional toolboxes, such as TuLiP framework. Fig. 6 shows how SLS is implemented within [22], [23] and SLS-MATLAB [15], the synthesis algorithm the SLSpy framework via inheritance; below, we describe and controller model are often coupled. However, for the the details of the implementation. framework, we separate the two for better extensibility and Constraints and Objectives Given an LTI System, the reduced code duplication. For example, there are many ways SLS algorithm formulates an optimization problem with to design a controller K, including LQR and pole-placement some specified objective g and constraint set S. As stated in methods. These are two separate synthesis algorithms cor- Section II-C, we want to allow the user to specify arbitrary responding to the same controller model; the code for the combinations of objectives and constraints. To this end, we controller model would be duplicated if we combined the include the SLS Objective and SLS Constraint base classes. synthesis algorithm and controller model. We then maintain two lists, as shown in Fig. 7, to keep NoiseModel models some disturbance or noise processes. track of the user-selected modules, which are derived from A key design decision we made is to exclude NoiseModel SLS Objective and SLS Constraint. Below we explain how from the synthesis workflow, and hence from the Sys- to combine those modules to form the corresponding SLS temModel and SynthesisAlgorithm. Indeed, some synthesis optimization problem.
List of SLS Objective s −D22 customized L1 gmul H2 β y ⊕ Φ̃xy ⊕ z −1 Φ̃ux ⊕ u List of SLS Constraint s 2 Φx min 2 SLS kΘkE1 + kΦx kL1 + α C1 D12 Φu H2 Φ̃xx s.t. SLS feasibility: Φ ∈ SSLS MyC Φuy my constraint: {Φ, Θ} ∈ SMyC locality: Φ ∈ SLoc Fig. 8. Block-diagram realization of SLS output feedback controller, where Loc Φ̃xx = z(I − zΦxx ), Φ̃ux = zΦux , and Φ̃xy = −zΦxy . Fig. 7. SLSpy maintains two lists of user-selected SLS modules derived from the base classes SLS Objective and SLS Constraint. We then iterate are generally applicable except in the case of robust SLS through the lists to create the objective function and the list of constraints using the modules. Since SLS Constraint modules might introduce new [30]. Some SLS problems (e.g. robust SLS) are defined variables and regularize them in the objective, SLS Constraint inherits from using a combination of new variables defined via equality SLS Objective in our design. constraints, and regularization terms on these new variables in the objective. In these cases, the constraint must be defined before the objective; for this reason, SLS Constraint inherits A naive assumption for combining objectives is that the from SLS Objective. overall objective P g(Φ) is the sum of objective modules gi , i.e., g(Φ) = gi (Φ). However, this is not the most general Controllers SLS proposes controller realization in block i expression, and may lead to issues with more complex ob- diagrams, which are in the frequency domain.1 The block- jectives. We instead make the more general assumption that diagram realization of the SLS output feedback controller is the objective modules can modify the cumulative objectives shown in Fig. 8. However, as described in Section III-A, the from previous modules. Specifically, ControllerModel requires functionality in the time domain. This necessitates the translation of Fig. 8 into time-domain g(Φ) = . . . g3 (Φ, g2 (Φ, g1 (Φ, 0))). equations for implementation. To demonstrate the flexibility of this structure, we consider Fig. 8 corresponds to the time-domain equations the following objective as an example. Consider u[t] = (I + Φuy [0]D22 )−1 (u0 [t] + Φuy [0]y[t]) (3) Φx 2 2 g(Φ) = α C1 D12 + kΦx kL1 , Φu H 2 where the internal states are which can be decomposed as T T u0 [t] = (Φux ∗ β)1 [t − 1] + (Φuy ∗ y)1 [t − 2] , g(Φ) = g3 (Φ, g2 (Φ, g1 (Φ, 0))) T T β[t + 1] = − (Φxx ∗ β)2 [t − 2] − (Φxy ∗ y)1 [t − 1] , where y[t] = y[t] − D22 u[t]. 2 Φx g1 (Φ, h) = C1 D12 + h, SLSpy implements the output-feedback SLS controller in Φu H2 time domain as defined in (3), as well as the state-feedback g2 (Φ, h) = αh, standard SLS controller in [7]. 2 g3 (Φ, h) = kΦx kL1 + h. Besides Φ and h, each objective module can also take its IV. E XAMPLES own parameters to cover a larger class of objectives, e.g., Through the following examples, we demonstrate how gH2 (Φ, C1 , D12 , h) = g1 (Φ, h), gmul (Φ, α, h) = g2 (Φ, h). SLSpy can help the user perform and study controller We obtain g by iterating through the SLS Objective synthesis with ease. All codes used for the examples are list and performing function compositions. Correspondingly, available online at [31]. SLS Objective must include a function for function compo- sition. A. Setup Combining arbitrary constraints is trivial; we maintain a list of constraints and allow constraint modules to add For all examples, we use a 10-node fully-actuated chain- to the list. Correspondingly, SLS Constraint should include like system, as shown in Fig. 9, with the following tridiagonal a function that adds its constraint to the list. The core SLS feasibility constraints ((1) for state feedback and (2a), 1 We differentiate the “realizations” (block diagrams) from “implementa- (2b) for output feedback) can be included as modules; they tions” (hardware/software architectures) of a controller according to [7].
0 log10 (|y|) log10 (|u|) 10 9 10 10 8 −1 8 8 7 Space Space 6 6 6 −2 4 4 5 4 2 2 w[0] 3 −3 0 5 10 0 5 10 2 Time Time 1 −4 0 5 10 Fig. 10. We implement Input-Output Parametrization (IOP) using the Time SLSpy framework in only 282 lines of code. The plot shows the system response to an impulse disturbance at the center of the chain; the IOP Fig. 9. In the examples, we consider a 10-node fully-actuated chain-like controller successfully stabilizes the system. Plots show the log magnitude system. At time 0, an impulse disturbance w[0] = 10 hits its center, and of the measurement y and the control u. we plot the time series of the quantities of interest in log scale. Each row of the plot shows the log-magnitude of the relevant signal (state, control, or log10 (|y|) log10 (|u|) measurement) of a single node over time; each column of the plot shows the log-magnitudes of all the nodes’ signals at a single moment in time. 10 10 8 8 Space Space A matrix: 6 6 0.4 0.1 0 ... 0 4 4 .. .. 2 2 . . 0.1 0.3 0 5 10 0 5 10 .. .. .. A= 0 . . . (4) 0 Time Time . .. .. . 0.3 0.1 Fig. 11. We implement LQG using output feedback SLS, and simulate the 0 ... 0 0.1 0.4 system response to an impulse disturbance at the center of the chain, with no measurement noise. The system is successfully stabilized. Plots show The system is stable, with a spectral radius of 0.5. We zero- the log magnitude of the measurement y and the control u. initialize the system and disturb it at time t = 0 with an impulse disturbance w[0] = 10. Under different controller models, we record the quantities of interest and plot their C. Output Feedback LQG time series in log scale. We implement an LQG controller with nonzero expected B. Input-Output Parametrization measurement noise. The SLS formulation of LQG can be found in [32]. Since the framework decouples the expected The design of SLSpy framework allows the user to imple- noise (which is a parameter for controller synthesis) and ment novel synthesis algorithms with ease. For example, a the actual noise (which is used in the simulator), we can new parametrization – Input-Output Parametrization (IOP) – simulate the response of the controller to noises it was is proposed in [14] for the following system: not designed for. We include a simulation of the LQG y = Gu + Pyw w, z = Pzu u + Pzw w controller in a system with no measurement noise in Fig. 11, and a simulation of the same controller in a system with where y, u, and w are the measurement (system output), measurement noise in Fig. 12. control, and noise, respectively. Given a transfer function Compared to the IOP controller, the LQG controller allows G, IOP obtains the controller K = YX−1 for u = Ky by the disturbance to spread more in both time and space. solving Since the LQG controller expects measurement noise, it does not act as aggressively on sensor information as the IOP min Pzw + Pzu YPyw X W controller, which expects no measurement noise. A fairer s.t. I −G = I 0 comparison would be comparing the IOP controller with Y Z the LQR controller, and in that case, we find that the two X W −G 0 = controllers are identical, which matches the discussion in Y Z I I [33]. X, W, Y, Z ∈ RH∞ . V. C ONCLUSION We implement IOP in SLSpy with only 282 lines of code, and we demonstrate the effectiveness of the IOP controller We propose a software framework for controller synthesis in Fig. 10. Fig. 10 shows a simple example where the and implement it as SLSpy in Python. Our framework serves disturbance hits the center of a chain-like system of 10 nodes. as a platform for comparison of different discrete-time con- While the disturbance spreads, the IOP controller reacts and troller synthesis methods. We describe the architecture of the stabilizes the system. framework and its supported workflows, and use it to deploy
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