Parish Magazine - St Anne's, Syston - JANUARY 2021 40p

Page created by Raul Brewer
Parish Magazine - St Anne's, Syston - JANUARY 2021 40p
Parish Magazine - St Anne’s, Syston
JANUARY 2021                                        40p

                      Photo: Dyrham Park, The National Trust

Parish Magazine - St Anne's, Syston - JANUARY 2021 40p
        Role                     Name          Telephone, Email & Address
                                               0117 9672724
                               The Rev.
     & Acting
                            Jeremy Andrew      The Vicarage, Church Avenue, Warmley,
                                               BS30 5JJ
        Hon.                      The Rev.     0117 9561551
       Curate               Jillianne Norman   74 Blackhorse Road, Mangotsfield,
    Lay Minister                               0117 9405086
                             Leslie Willcox
    & Treasurer                                29 Neville Road, Kingswood
        Lay                                    0117 9679478
                              John Sibley
      Minister                                 94 Cock Road, Kingswood
                                               0117 956 5331
    Church Bells             Mervyn Gibbs
                                               8 Shepherds Close, Staple Hill, BS16 5LE
                                               0117 937 2692
Church Hall Bookings,
  Magazine Editor,           Pam Gardner
                                               1 Langton Cottage, Syston, Mangotsfield,
   PCC Secretary
                                               BS16 9LT
Safeguarding Officer
                              Deb Denny        0117 957 4443
Safeguarding Officer
                        Catherine Bendrey      0117 961 0933
 (Vunerable Adults)
   Churchwarden                 Vacant

   Church Flowers               Vacant

       Group                                          Committee
                              Rev. Jeremy Andrew (Chair)
     St Anne’s                                                       Roger Newman
                               (Acting Church Warden)
     Parochial                                                       Edgar Webb
                              Catherine Bendrey (Safeguarding)
      Church                                                         Leslie Willcox
                              Deb Denny (Safeguarding)
      Council                                                         (Treasurer)
                              Pam Gardner (Secretary)
      (PCC)                                                          Paul Woolcock
                              Mervyn Gibbs
                              Rev. Jeremy Andrew (Chair)            Jessica Maggs
                              Pam Gardner (Secretary)               Julie Maggs
  Fete Committee
                              Carole Grover                         Pam & Steve Sweet
                              Fiona Hill                            Jenny Weston

Parish Magazine - St Anne's, Syston - JANUARY 2021 40p
                                      Page                                       Page
St Anne’s Contacts                      2        Uganda Link News                   8
Benefice Letter                        4-6       Church Service Details             9
RSPB Birdwatch 2021                     6        Adverts                         10-16
Poetry Page                             7

           The deadline for articles for the February Parish Magazine
                              is Friday 22nd January.
         email: Telephone: 0117 937 2692
           Address: 1 Langton Cottage, Syston, Mangotsfield, BS16 9LT

 E U General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
 The PCCs of this Benefice hold password protected information on electoral rolls
 and in other PCC authorised records which includes names, postal and email
 addresses and phone numbers. This is held under 'legitimate interest' and we will
 not release your information to any third party without your permission. Should you
 wish all or any of the information relating to yourself to be removed from our records
 please notify your PCC Secretary by post or email.
 Syston PCC Secretary:       Pam Gardner
 Telephone:                  0117 937 2692
 Address:             1 Langton Cottage, Syston, Mangotsfield, BS16 9LT

 Magazine Printing and Delivery
 Please note - Parish magazines will not be printed and delivered until the
 advice from the Church of England changes. Some studies suggest Coronavirus
 can live on paper and cardboard surfaces for up to 24 hours, and so any paper
 delivery represents a transmission risk. Local hand-deliveries also mean that
 delivery volunteers will touch gates and letterboxes and may come into close
 proximity with those who may be shielding. For these reasons, parishes have been
 encouraged to look to digital communication and telephone calls to keep in touch.
 Do please forward this magazine to others that may enjoy it.
 The magazine is also available online at:

Parish Magazine - St Anne's, Syston - JANUARY 2021 40p

This month’s article comes from the Rev’d
Jillianne Norman, who is a hospital chaplain
for the Bristol area.

I have recently been told the ancient Indian story
of the blind men and the elephant.
A group of blind men are led to an elephant and
are asked to explore the part of it nearest to them with their hands, and then
describe to the others what they think this animal looks like. The man at the
tail end describes a rope like tail, the man near a leg describes something
the size and shape of a tree trunk. The man near to the ear describes a
large fan, and the man near to the trunk describes it as a hose pipe.
Between them and the small bits they can feel and describe, they cannot put
together a picture of this strange creature, it just seems to preposterous.

Covid is the elephant in all our rooms at the moment, yet for everyone the
only bit of this disease and its impact we can understand is that which is
directly in our experience. We can read of other peoples experiences of the
disease and its effects, and we can build up a picture, but frankly a lot of the
pictures do not seem to lock together to make a complete picture that we can
understand. As with the descriptions of the elephant there are many parts of
this story which are currently out of our grasp, and will not be seen or told for
many years yet.

The beginning of the first lockdown produced an immediate reaction in the
hospital as patients were transferred out and the wards emptied to take the
expected Covid cases, which in the case of Bristol did not really come in the
numbers expected. There were several weeks when the hospital was eerily
quiet as we waited with baited breath for the rush to happen. Even before
we realised that the expected numbers of people with Covid were not going
to come, we wondered where all our patients were. I cannot imagine that the
A&E Department missed the drunks and the fight victims who haunt the
place on a regular Friday and Saturday night, but where were the frail elderly
with their multiple co-morbidities, where were the cancer patients, where
were the Heart Institute patients?

Parish Magazine - St Anne's, Syston - JANUARY 2021 40p
As with all places of worship our Sanctuaries (Chapels) closed immediately,
and we spent a lot of time discussing how we could reopen them for private
prayer in a sensitive and safe manner. In particular in the BRI, where we are
providing a prayer space for different faiths, who have different requirements
for praying, from the Christian chair to the Muslim mat via the Buddhist
cushion we came up with socially distanced spots on the floor. As long as
people are on spots with whatever their prayer arrangements are, then they
are the required 2m apart.

We have had time in the Chaplaincy office over the last few months to
discuss and share our experiences, both of the churches we are linked to,
and what is happening within the hospital. One big question has been ‘What
is a gathered community?’ It is a really big issue for our Imam that the
brothers are not gathering together on a Friday for Friday Prayers. They are
a religious obligation for all Muslim brothers. For our Roman Catholic
Deacon the struggle has been that the Catholic church mandates that every
Catholic should attend Mass weekly to be a good Catholic. In all religious
communities people have been gathering on line. It is all we have been
allowed to do, but is this a gathering of the people? I had a conversation
with a senior clergyman for whom an on line service is an anathema. The
congregation is not gathered in the building that is dedicated to God, they are
not raising up their praises to heaven together in one place, they are not
meeting together and supporting each other. I did suggest that meeting on
line was meeting, that by live streaming they were probably reaching more
people than would set aside time to come to the building. He countered by
saying that they had no idea how many people were actually staying for the
whole service, and getting the full experience. I thought that any time spent
with God was good, particularly if it was more than they would spend
otherwise, and perhaps we needed to make each moment of each on line
service count. For some patients in hospital during these last few months,
the on line services have been a God send, literally, allowing them to see
their friends and their churches and remain as part of the gathering of the
people in their own churches.

The other question that has been exercising the Christian Chaplains mostly
is, how does God work through technology? There is no theology of
celebrating the Eucharist over the internet. If the service is live streamed
and someone at home has bread and wine in front of them, does it become
for them the body and blood of Jesus via the words spoken on Zoom or
whatever platform is being used? What if someone watches on YouTube
later? What if someone watches from the far side of the globe as opposed to
within the parish? The church authorities have allowed Zoom services to
Parish Magazine - St Anne's, Syston - JANUARY 2021 40p
happen, but there is no agreed theological principle. It does appear that the
on line services are meeting a need and that they are places where God is

For Chaplains providing a telephone only service outside of hours for much
of these last few months, we have not only been talking supportively with
patients over the phone, but praying with them as well, and commending
them to God at the time of their deaths. The Trust still does not allow
ministers of any faith to come into the hospital. Even outside of specific
lockdown periods, patients have only been allowed one nominated visitor
with a booked appointment. The rites and rituals of death have been
severely curtailed. I regularly tell our Nursing Assistants as I teach them
about Chaplaincy and caring for people of faith, that people only die once;
we have only one chance to get it right for them. By all that our faiths hold
holy we are failing, yet we are where we are, and we cannot do anything

Only time will tell the impact that Covid has had, on the planet, on the global
population, on the individuals who have suffered, on those who have died
and those they have left behind. For every individual there is a story, an
experience, every individual is contributing to our picture of the elephant in
the room, but it will be a long time, if ever, before we can look at it squarely
and see it for what it fully is.

Jillianne Norman

                                   RSPB BIG GARDEN
                                   29th – 31st January 2021
                                   Looking for a diversion during lockdown?
                                   How about spending an hour watching the
                                   birds in your garden and joinging in the
                                   annual RSPB Birdwatch this year.
                                   For more information go to:

Parish Magazine - St Anne's, Syston - JANUARY 2021 40p

                          CORONA VIRUS
                          Elizabeth Owen

     C is for the Crisis into which we have been hurled,
     O is for the Ordeal we all face around the world,
     R is for the Rate at which the virus can infect,
     O is for the Onward search for a jab that will protect,
     N is for the Nurses who have worked both day and night,
     A is for the Ache of loved ones lost from sight,

     V is for the Valiant way that neighbours played their part,
     I is for the Income lost through lockdown from the start,
     R is for the Risk that some unthinking people take,
     U is for the Ultra care for the oldies sake,
     S is for the Stranger who lends a helping hand,
         So that as we work together this will be a better land.


     C   is for Christ who came to earth for you and me,
     O    is the Offering of Himself upon the tree,
     R   is for the Resurrection to His reign above,
     O   is for Our answer to his constant call of love,
     N   is for the Need to tell the world of saving grace,
     A   is for the Ageless One who loves the human race,

     V is for the Voice of God who whispers in our ear,
     I is for the Impact of our words on those who hear,
     R is for the Radiant glory of the Father’s Son,
     U is for the Unity that Jesus Christ has won,
     S is for the Sovereign Lord who’s in control of all,
        He knows what we are made of and He will not let us fall.


Parish Magazine - St Anne's, Syston - JANUARY 2021 40p


In Uganda a nationwide
lockdown has been in
place since March with
all churches, schools,
bible colleges and universities closed. The Ugandan government does
not have the means to provide a furlough scheme and as clergy are
paid purely from what their congregation donate on a Sunday, many
who have no land to fall back on are struggling to eat. Bible Colleges
have struggled to support their staff.

One report from the President suggested that hospitals were unable to
cope with coronavirus cases though there have been no recent reports
so hopefully the spread has been contained. Corrie Verduyn, who was
Bitton’s mission link at Kijoko Hospital until a year ago, reports that due
to lockdown it is currently very difficult for patients to travel to the
hospital. In addition, the situation in Uganda is exacerbated by political
riots in advance of next year’s Presidential election.

Each year the Deanery invite parishes to contribute 0.25% of parish
income to the Deanery’s Uganda Fund and this we did in October.
In normal times the Fund is used to support students and to enable
Ugandans from our twinned diocese to visit the Deanery. This year
this has not been possible but the Link did want to help at a time of
crisis and sent donations totalling £2,750 to help two small Bible
Colleges to provide some pay for their staff. Both colleges have asked
that their thanks be passed on to you all.

Please continue to remember both the pandemic and political
situations in Uganda as you pray.

Ken Gibson
Benefice representative, Deanery Uganda Link


      Sunday 3rd January:               No Morning Service               6.30pm
The Second Sunday of Christmas             at St Anne’s              Evening Prayer
      Sunday10th January:                    10.30am               No Evening Service
      The Baptism of Christ               Morning Prayer              at St Anne’s
     Sunday 17th January:               No Family Worship                6.30pm
The Second Sunday of Epiphany              at St Anne’s             Holy Communion
     Sunday 23th January:                    10.30am               No Evening Service
  The Third Sunday of Epiphany            Morning Prayer              at St Anne’s
     Sunday 31st January:                    10.30am               No Evening Service
 The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany           Holy Communion               at St Anne’s

     Sunday 7th February                No Morning Service               6.30pm
The Second Sunday before Lent              at St Anne’s              Evening Prayer
    Sunday 14th February                     10.30am               No Evening Service
 The Sunday Next before Lent             Holy Communion               at St Anne’s
    Sunday 21st February                No Family Worship                6.30pm
   The First Sunday of Lent                at St Anne’s             Holy Communion
    Sunday 28th February                     10.30am               No Evening Service
  The Second Sunday of Lent               Morning Prayer              at St Anne’s
          Please note: Services may sometimes be subject to change.
For those who are unable to attend church or those who enjoy our services online,
for the foreseeable future the links will still be available at:
 St Anne’s page on the Church of England’s A Church Near You
     Just click ‘Show All Events’, find the date of the service would like to watch and
     click on ‘More about this event’
    St Anne’s Syston Facebook Page

                    SISTON PARISH COUNCIL
                    Serving at the Heart of the Community

Andrew Stacey        12 Mitchell Walk,                      0117 960 3553
                     Bridgeyate, BS30 5XY
Alan Bryant          Deanery Lodge, 7 Deanery Road,          0117 983 3028
                     Kingswood, BS15 9JA.
Jon Gadsden          12 Charles Avenue,                      07900 352753
                     Warmley, BS30 5JJ
Pippa Gibbs          30 London Road,                         0750 393 6005
                     Warmley, BS30 5JH
James Hackett        Cherry Orchard Farm,                    0758 862 2372
                     Goose Green, Siston Hill, BS30 5LT
Johnathan Maytham    30 London Road,                         0797 107 3731
                     Warmley, BS30 5JH
Gloria Smith         22 Lawrence Close,                      0117 9475948
                     Kingswood, BS15 4AH


Clerk to Siston Parish Council -
Ali Adams             32 The Pines                          0794 685 8048
                      Siston, BS16 9QY
                           Full Council Meetings:
                     Day: Third Thursday of every month
                                Time: 7.30pm
                     Venue: Warmley Community Centre
    All members of the public are welcome to attend and talk directly to
   Councillors for up to 5 minutes about any matter of interest or concern.


           & NEWSHOP
                 3 Shortwood Rd, Pucklechurch, BS16 9RA

                    Post Office             Newshop
                 (0117) 9372046          (0117) 9373358

  Full range of Post Office services available: Personal & Business Banking,
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     Confectionary, Drinks, Crisps, Fresh Sandwiches, Milk, Ice Creams,
                             Cards and Stationary.

         Friendly and reliable service on your doorstep

2 Cossham Street, Mangotsfield, BS16 9EN (0117) 9562834

            We are at your service 24 hours a day
       We will help and guide you every step of the way
     We will guide you through our choice of funeral plans
        We can help and advise you choose a memorial
We are members of the National Association of Funeral Directors

  Our other Bristol businesses can similarly help you -

        Roy Preddy – Kingswood (0117) 944 6051
      TB & H Pendock – Hambrook (0117) 9566774
      Stenner & Hill – Shirehampton (0117) 9823188
   R.Davies & Son – Westbury-on-Trym (0117) 9628954
        R.Davies & Son – Horfield (0117) 9424039
     R.Davies & Son – Bishopsworth (0117) 9641133
       Whitchurch FS – Whitchurch (01275) 833441
         Part of Dignity Ltd, A British Company

                                AVON ALPACAS
                            High quality alpaca products and
                               pedigree alpacas for sale.

                           Alpaca socks and other knitted items.
                         Knitting wool, and orders taken for knitting.
                     Fleeces for hand spinning & neck fleece for felting.

                JOHN & CAROLE GROVER
    Cowleaze Farm, Siston, Mangotsfield, Bristol, BS16 9LT

                 Telephone: 0117 937 2763
Court Farm, Siston, Mangotsfield, Bristol, BS16 9LU
  Telephone: 0117 937 4447 Fax: 0117 303 9299
   Specialists in Driveways – Tarmac & Paving,
         Forecourts, Drop Kerbs, Top Soil

       The Sawmills,
        Bath Road,
       Warmley Bristol

             Telephone: 0117 967 4382
                             CPH PLASTERING
                            Local - Competitive – Reliable

                         Internal plastering and painting work

                            07557 118462 / 0117 9564371


OLDLAND HOUSE                               THE MELANIE HOLLEY
   VETERINARY                                 SCHOOL OF DANCE
            Stephen Pullan                  Classes in Ballet, Tap and Jazz.
             BVSc MRCVS                        A small and caring school.
              103 High Street,
             Oldland Common,                  Please contact Miss Melanie
             Bristol, BS30 9TJ                     Tel:07801 074583
Telephone: 0117 932 3100        
        (24 hours)                         Qualified and registered teacher of
                                          The British Ballet Organization (BBO)

                     MUSIC with MUMMY
               (or Daddy, or Granny or somebody else important)
       A lively approach to music for children aged three and under.

                     For details of your nearest class
                           call 0117 9574443

         Visit our web site at

                        NIGEL CURRY
             Local Tradesman of 38 years experience

              Quality Carpentry, Painting & Decorating
                      Refurbishment & Building
                        Roofing & Plumbing
                   Gas & Electric Requirements

      11 Mangotsfield Road, Mangotsfield, Bristol BS16 9JG

       Telephone: 0117 957 1483 Mobile: 0798 910 1096

     Luxury Hand Made Chocolates
    Wedding Favours, Corporate Gifts
     Chocolate Making Workshops
      Children’s Chocolate Parties
       Talks and Demonstrations

            Nicola Eaton
                        Telephone: 07971 775682
                     6 Howard Walk, Bridgeyate, Bristol BS30 5WE

          SUNNY VIEW
                (Props: Pat & Chris Patch)

     Roomy heated kennels,
                                                      Long & short stay
     Special diets catered for,
                                                      Inspection welcomed
     Exercise areas
                                                      Collection & deliver available
     Covered runs

                         Siston Hill, Warmley, Bristol, BS30 5LT
                      Telephone: 0117 956 0664

                    Keith Bailey
                                                  WARMLEY FORGE
                    Patios, Fencing,
                    Water Gardens,              Quality ironwork & fabrications including;
                   Lawns, Rockeries,                         Gates & railings
                  Walls & Landscaping                          Balustrading
                        etc.                                  Security grilles
                                                            And so much more
  The Vale, Catybrook Road,
 Shortwood, Bristol, BS16 9NJ                     36 Stanley Road, Warmley
                                                  Telephone: 0117 967 4740
Telephone: 0117 937 2398

Philip Webb

                             FIREWOOD & KINDLING
                            Bags or Loads

                        Collection or Delivery

              Mobile: 0797 368 9165
             Telephone: 0117 937 2528

      E R & M J WEBB
       Hay and straw for sale.

Competitive prices – please telephone
    for a quote 07890398327

  We also sell free range eggs, and
        potatoes in season.

                                        ST ANNE’S CHURCH HALL
                                                   Available for hire –
                                        perfect for children’s and family parties.

                                        Skittle alley and equipment available for
                                                         hire too!

                                    To book or enquire about availability
                                                or facilities
                                    call Pam Gardner on: 0117 937 2692

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