Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and Their Families Who Received Jesus For the First Time

Page created by Rick Franklin
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and Their Families Who Received Jesus For the First Time
Congratulations to the
                          Class of 2021 and Their Families
                        Who Received Jesus For the First Time

Michael Adamo           Thomas Fussaro    Andrew Malysz        Lucas Rooney
Nora Allison            Izabella Gach     Elin Mazur           Wil Rooney
Lindsey Bane            Thomas Gambla     Jacob Meltzer        Caroline Schmiege
John Bielski            Andrew Goebel     Macy Kate Merz       Noah Seiler
Isabella Bloom          Robert Haass      Leonardo Mon         Nolan Skiba
Thomas Bremner          Paul Hare         Andrea Mugnolo       Evan Smith
Avery Brennan           Lexi Henry        Bennett Murphy       Brennan Smith
Julia Bryjak            Tory Hunley       Luke Murray          Lucas Spatara
Emily Bugaj             Reid Jacobsen     Daniel Nedumgottil   Marie Stone
Ivan Burt               Tomas Jameikis    Charles Nguyen       Quinn Sullivan
Ava Burton              George Jeka       Tobey Nguyen         Nathan Thangamani
Killian Byrne           Daniel Jessopp    Patrick O'Brien      Elijah Trombly
Cameron Cady            Matthew Kalish    Marco Oliverio       Riley Van Milligen
Sebastian Christensen   Madeleine Kane    Grant Omiecinski     Belle Vayuvegula
Michael Costello        Amelia Kerestes   James Pack           Brooks Vayuvegula
Bowen Cuculich          Macy Kieninger    Owen Parry           Vera Vula
Andrew Daibis           Jude Kline        Thomas Perkowski     Marcel Wencel
Liam Daly               Veronica Kline    Jacob Perona         Ruby Williams
Ema Dauksys             Zander Kryscio    William Perona       Alexander Yang
Connor Dawravoo         Lily Lane         Ivan Pervan
Nicholas De La Garza    Theodore Lange    Mary Phelps
Victor De Martino       Frank Levato      Nataly Quevedo
Sofia DeBoni            Grant Lidstone    Sophia Quil
Dominic DeGuzman        Carson Malinas    Isabella Robles
Matthew Engle           Connor Malloy     Alyssa Rodriguez
Reagan Fore             Julian Malorny    Valeria Rodriquez
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and Their Families Who Received Jesus For the First Time
Page Two                                            May 2, 2021

Sunday, May 2, 2021–Fifth Sunday of Easter
7:30 AM-The Hallock Family
9:00 AM-Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Tworok-                          Dear Parish Family,
         50th Wedding Anniversary                               The month of May is traditionally dedicated to the
10:30 AM-For the Parish Family                              Blessed Virgin Mary. After the Ascension of the Lord
12:00 PM-Nick Emanuele                                      Jesus into Heaven, as they awaited the outpouring of the
Monday, May 3, 2021–Easter Weekday                          Holy Spirit, the Apostles must have been comforted by
7:00 AM-Maurice Veolkin                                     the presence of the Mother of Jesus. Certainly Her
5:00 PM-John Blyskal                                        maternal care must have been a great blessing to the
                                                            followers of the Lord. Likewise, because of the love She
Tuesday, May 4, 2021-Easter Weekday                         has for Her children, the Church has always held her in
7:00 AM-BJ Chimeniti                                        high esteem, accorded Her great honor, and pride of
5:00 PM-Raymond Dufor                                       place in the heart of the Church. She is the Mother of
Wednesday, Sunday, May 5-Easter Weekday                     Jesus — the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church,
7:00 AM-George Dietrich                                     and mother to each and every one of us.
5:00 PM-Marvin Wesely                                           While we continue on in our celebration of Easter,
Thursday, May 6, 2021-Easter Weekday                        we begin this beautiful month dedicated to the honor of
                                                            the Blessed Virgin Mary. What a wonderful gift God
7:00 AM-James Guinn                                         has given us in so beautiful a Mother — given to us by
5:00 PM-Richard Pabst                                       Christ as He hung in crucifixion for our salvation. How
Friday, May 7, 2021-Easter Weekday                          much He must love us to give us His own mother as our
7:00 AM-Fr. Richard Wojcik                                  own. Do something in your home to honor our Mother
5:00 PM-Robert Bauer                                        this month. Perhaps hang a picture of Mary in your
Saturday, May 8, 2021–Easter Saturday                       house, put a statue of the Virgin somewhere in the
8:00 AM-Beverly Boehling                                    house for all to see. Decorate her images with flowers
                                                            during this beautiful month. Say the Rosary, perform
4:30 PM-Lee Navara                                          acts of kindness and charity for love of Mary, do
Sunday, May 9, 2021–Sixth Sunday of Easter                  whatever you can to grow in your devotion for the
7:30 AM-JoAnn Buggele                                       Mother of God during this month dedicated to her
9:00 AM-Wanda Zumpano                                       honor.
10:30 AM-For the Parish Family                                  Although we are still in the midst of the
12:00 PM-Helen Sanelski                                     Coronavirus pandemic, and restrictions are in place,
                                                            May will certainly be a busy time around the parish with
                                                            “end of the year” events, First Communion, graduation,
                                                            and May Crowning. There are always so many
                                                            wonderful events to celebrate this time of year. I hope
Flame of Faith                                              you enjoy all of these important moments in the lives of
Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Chapel             your family and friends as “Mary’s month” unfolds.
    Six candles burn perpetually around the Blessed             This weekend, as we begin the month dedicated to
Sacrament in the Saint John Paul II Eucharistic             Her, we honor Mary, the Mother of the Eucharist. On
Adoration Chapel. Intentions listed below are               Saturday our second graders and their families
remembered for ONE WEEK [Sunday to Sunday]. The             celebrated the reception of their First Holy Communion.
burning candles serve as a constant prayer before the       Father Twaruzek and I invite the entire parish to join us
Lord, present in the Blessed Sacrament. Envelopes for       in offering our prayers and congratulations as our young
you to have your intentions remembered and prayed for
are available in the lobby of the Adoration Chapel. The     people receive Jesus, really and truly present — body
candles will burn this week for the following intentions:   and blood, soul and divinity — in the Holy Eucharist for
♦ For my granddaughter’s recovery                           the first time! Each year, when we celebrate First
♦ For my friends family, The Smith/Makos                    Communion, it’s my hope and prayer that all of us will
                                                            rekindle in ourselves the same faith, innocence, belief,
♦ For my son to succeed in his new job                      excitement, and desire the children have on this day for
♦ For my health to improve                                  the Eucharist. What a beautiful place our parish would
♦ For Christopher Viggiano                                  be if every parishioner were renewed in our faith, love,
♦ For those afflicted with COVID                            and desire for Jesus in this wonderful gift of Himself.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and Their Families Who Received Jesus For the First Time
May 2, 2021                                      Page Three

     Mary offers us the “model” to follow. Her love and
faith is perfect. Her discipleship, Her following of the
Lord, is complete. By carrying the “person” of Jesus                         Reverend Thomas Tivy
Christ in Her womb, she became the FIRST Tabernacle                      Brother of Reverend Gerald Tivy
— the first receptacle of the Body of Christ. Throughout                          Carol Kupetis
Her life on earth, and from Her place in Heaven,                             Mother of Tom Kupetis
everything about Her points to Her Son: To Jesus                      Please pray for our beloved deceased
through Mary. Devotion to our Blessed Mother will lead                        and for their families
us to deeper faith, and a greater, more faithful witness to
Christ. Let’s go to Mary, ask Her intercession, and
seek to follow Her in faith so that we, like Her, may         READINGS FOR THE WEEK
grow in our love and in our desire for God.
                                                              Monday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5;
     May God bless you, and Mary, the Mother of the
                                                                         Jn 14:6-14
Eucharist, keep you always in her love and care!
                                                              Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21;
Father De Salvo                                                          Jn 14:27-31a
                                                              Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
                                                              Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11
                                                              Friday:    Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-
                                                              Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21
                                         April 24, 2021       Sunday:    Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4;
               Olivia Charlotte Phillip                                  1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17
        Daughter of Melissa and Franklyn Phillip                         or Jn 17:11b-19
            We welcome this child into our
               church family of faith.

Father Larry Dreffein, OFM     For a coworker’s daughter
       Guy D’Amico                    Joanne Ash
         Glen Goy                     Carol Musial
       Brad Zwetzig

                ONLINE GIVING
 Our parish provides Online Giving as an electronic
tool for contributions so you can give via the ‘web.’
   Online Giving helps you maintain your giving
 especially while you cannot be here at Mass. This
   also helps the parish streamline our cash flow,
especially during this time when Mass attendance is
 not allowed or bad weather or vacation times keep
            us from attending our church.

      Go to our parish website at
                to get started today.
 Our deepest thank you to all who
 have already signed up for Online
     It truly has been such a help
         to us during this time.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and Their Families Who Received Jesus For the First Time
Page Four   May 2, 2021

                   Mass Intentions Still Available for 2021
                        Ordinarily, the “Mass Book” for the Parish fills quite
                   quickly with Mass intentions once it opens up after Easter
                   each year. Because of the three month shut-down [March
                   through June, 2020], and the restrictions we have seen,
                   people have not been able to have access to the Rectory
                   Office to reserve Mass intentions as usual. As a result,
                   there are a number of masses STILL AVAILABLE for
                   2021. The 2022 Mass Book opens after Easter. If you
                   would like to book mass intentions, please contact the
                   Rectory Office in person, or call the office at 630/323-
                        Having Masses offered for the living and for the
                   repose of the souls of our beloved dead is an important,
                   time honored and scripturally based tradition in the
                   Catholic Church. Every Mass is offered for the whole
                   Church, the whole world, the living and the dead. Even
                   should he wish to do so, no priest could narrow down that
                   worldwide embrace. When the priests accept a Mass
                   offering they accept, according to Church law, and our
                   traditional theology, the responsibility to include that
                   intention [among his many] as his primary intention in his
                   offering of a particular Mass. Obviously, therefore, no
                   one buys major ownership, as it were, in a particular
                   offering of the Eucharist. Whether or not an intention is
                   mentioned is purely a matter for the priest/celebrant to
                   decide. The names we see published in the bulletin week
                   after week let everyone know what the primary intention
                   [among his many intentions] the Priest is remembering at
                   that particular Mass.
                        Mass intentions may be made for both the dead and
                   the living, and to commemorate "special" occasions in
                   peoples' lives, such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc..
                   Continue the Catholic tradition, make a habit of regularly
                   remembering your beloved dead: birthdays, anniversaries
                   — especially of death, and other significant dates to you
                   and your family regarding the deceased are most
                   appropriate. Most especially, when attending a wake, you
                   may want to arrange to have a Mass offered for the
                   deceased, and bring the Mass Card with you when you go
                   to the wake, thus bringing comfort and consolation to the
                   family. Contact the Rectory Office for details.
                        Having Mass offered for a specific intention is a
                   beautiful way to remember the living and the dead... a
                   special event, date, or anniversary. There is no better way
                   to offer tribute, and no better prayer you can offer for
                   those you love.

                   It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for
                          the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.
                                        2 Maccabees 12:46
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and Their Families Who Received Jesus For the First Time
May 2, 2021                                              Page Five

Mary Month of May”                                              Gospel accounts of the Annunciation and the Visitation
by: Peter J. Lynch                                              from Luke’s Gospel .We then have the Mysteries of the
from: “Spirituality for Today”                                  Rosary that recount the great mysteries of our redemption
                              Not so many years ago, a little   in Christ. Being the greatest Scriptural prayer the Church
                         girl had come of the age to take       has in her treasury, taken as a whole it is easy to see that
                         her turn at pasturing the sheep that   it reveals Mary’s place in our lives in relation to Christ.
                         her family owned. Her two little       Just like Mary herself, the Rosary points to the Gospel of
                         cousins, whom she had played           Christ, leading people to Jesus through the preaching of
                         with every day until this time,        the Gospel message. The Rosary itself is a sermon! What
                         sought permission from their           better way to come to Jesus than through his Mother, who
                         parents to allow them to go with       he so honors and loves as to grant her whatever she asks?
                         her. The three would meet every        And it only takes ten to fifteen minutes to pray five
                         morning. One day, as they were         mysteries of the Rosary each day! As the prayer of Our
                         shepherding their flock, they saw      Mother, which leads us to her Son, we can see how
                         what seemed to be lightning, so        powerful it is as the Gospel Prayer of the Family.
                         they decided that they should try           We should learn to “put on” the Heart of Mary, to
to get the flock home before it began to rain. As they          love Mary and to imitate Her holiness and virtuous life.
made their way down a slope, they only went a short             There is an even more profound reason we practice
distance when there was another flash of light. When they       devotion to the Virgin: This reason is found in
looked up they saw before them a Lady dressed all in            considering a simple question. W hat heart has ever loved
white. "She was more brilliant than the sun, and radiated       Jesus so intimately, and so purely, and so perfectly as the
a light more clear and more intense than a crystal filled       Immaculate Heart of Mary? In our devotion to her
with sparkling water, when the rays of the burning sun          Immaculate Heart, our heart grows in imitation and
shine through it." Astounded, they stopped. Their life was      comes to love Jesus by the Heart that loved him so well.
never the same. This occurred on the May 13, 1917, in a         May we too love Jesus with the Immaculate Love of the
small village called Fatima, in Portugal. The Blessed           Heart of Mary. During this month of May, the month
Mother would come to visit Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco         dedicated to Mary, let us all grow in holiness, in our love
every 13th of the month for six months to give these little     for the Blessed Virgin Mary, who leads us to Jesus.
children, in this little known place, a message for the
     What was the message that Our Lady gave those                Please remember our church in your will.
children? It is a message of conversion. She calls the
world to turn back to God, be reconciled, and reform our                  Contact Tony Brandolino
lives according to the Gospel. To accomplish this she                         at 630-655-5523
calls us to turn to the Sacraments, prayer, and penance.
She said that by these practices we can make reparation               for information on how you can
for the offenses committed against the Heart of Jesus and              include St. Isaac Jogues Parish.
her own Immaculate Heart.
     In this month of May, one of the months dedicated to
Our Blessed Mother, we can renew our devotion to the            BEARING FRUIT
Mother of Our Savior in several ways. Three of the                   Few of us, even when we meditate on the image of
greatest devotions we can have to the Queen of Heaven,          the vine and branches, stop to really think about how God
who always points to her Son, are the daily recitation of       “prunes” us. For some there is the danger of thinking that
the Rosary, devotion to her Immaculate Heart, and               we are already producing fruit for the kingdom, in deed
consecration to Mary according to the formula as found in       and truth as John says, perhaps raising a family, being
True Devotion to Mary, by St. Louis De Montfort. This is        active in our parish, and so on. But even those branches
the formula was a favorite of Saint Pope John Paul II.          which are bearing fruit, the Gospel tells us, can be pruned
     The Rosary is one of the most powerful prayers of the      to produce still more. Today Saul, freshly “pruned” by his
Church. From the time of the early Church the Rosary            conversion, arrives in Jerusalem and meets resistance.
was always prayed in some form or another. The basic            Since he had been persecuting Christians, this was only
form that we have today was given to the Church in an           natural. But even after he is accepted and begins to bear
apparition to St. Dominic in 1214. Our Lady revealed to         fruit, he meets further adversity, and his letters are filled
him that the Rosary is the “weapon the Blessed Trinity          with many accounts of how his trials “pruned” him to
wants to use to reform the world.” The Rosary is                produce greater fruit for the kingdom. Like him, as long
powerful because it is like praying the Gospel. Consider        as we remain in Christ we will continue to bear fruit and,
the prayers of the Rosary: The Our Father was given by          when the will of the Father determines it is time to prune
Christ himself when asked by his disciples how we are to        us, the strength of the true vine must enable us to endure
pray. The Hail Mary contains the very words of the              it.                           Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and Their Families Who Received Jesus For the First Time
Page Six                                               May 2, 2021

                Pope Saint John Paul II
                Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
                The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us!

                     The Pope Saint John Paul II
                 Eucharistic     Adoration     Chapel is
                 available for Perpetual Adoration of the
                 Blessed Sacrament seven days a week, 24
hours a day! Frequent visits to the chapel are encouraged.
Everyone is welcome at any time.
    We live in troubling times with many worries and
decisions. Who better than Jesus to bring them to? Stop in
any time of the day or night in the Adoration Chapel
[located in the church building — “behind” the sanctuary.
Enter the Chapel directly to the west of the Rectory
Office, on the east side of the church. The path is clearly
    Make a visit any time. In addition, regular,
committed adorers are always needed. You can sign-
up for ANY HOUR of the day or night... more adorers
are always welcome and needed. Sign-up as an
individual, or as a family/group. Commit to a specific
weekly hour of adoration, and then, simply make sure
someone is there from the family/group to fulfill the
commitment. By making a “public” commitment to
“be there,” the obligation becomes easier to keep,
because others are counting on you. Jesus is waiting
for you... don’t disappoint Him! We are always in
need of more people to make the sacrifice of time and
effort, to be with HIM in Eucharistic Adoration.

     For more information regarding the Chapel
      and/or specific hours of adoration contact:
          Linda Lannert at 630/408-9567 or

     Sign-Up for a Specific Hour of Adoration
       Fill out this form and return to the Rectory

Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________
                                                                            Please join the St. Isaac Jogues
Phone: __________________________________                                       Women’s Golf League!
I prefer (circle one): Sunday Monday Tuesday
      Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday                       Our season starts on Wednesday, May 5th and goes
List your specific hour on the hour . . .                      until Sept. 22nd. Tee times are open from 8:00 a.m.
    Morning (6am-Noon) _________                               to 10:00 a.m. Beginners welcome! Join with friends
    Afternoon (Noon-6pm) ________                                     you know or come and make new ones.
    Evening (6pm-Midnight) ______
    Night (midnight-6am) _________                             We play at Twin Lakes Golf Course in Westmont.
                                                                            A 9 hole par 3 course.
______I will also substitute                                               Contact Jenny Froiland –
______Contact me regarding specific needs for adorer         
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and Their Families Who Received Jesus For the First Time
May 2, 2021                                Page Seven

                       Weekly News
       Over the past two weekends the St. Isaac Jogues school and church community has
been hard at work for our annual service project, Seeds of Service. We had 80 volunteers
dropping off bags at front doors throughout town the first Saturday. 200 volunteers worked
this past weekend retrieving bags, sorting the donations, packing donations and loading trucks
for delivery. About 2,000 bags were packed with donations for the Little Sisters of the Poor,
the Missionaries of Charity, the Franciscans of the Eucharist and People’s Resource Center.
Thank you to all the students and families that worked so hard to make this year's event such
a huge success!!
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and Their Families Who Received Jesus For the First Time
Page Eight                                         May 2, 2021

                          Wine Tasting Benefit – Couples Ticket
                                May 14, 2021 - 7:00 pm
                                                                       Let’s Pour Out Our Hearts
                                                                        For Mayslake Ministries
                                                                 If you are trying to book a SINGLE ticket –
                                                                           please go to our website,

                                                                  Friday, May 14 , 2021 — 7:00pm- 9:00pm
                                                                At Home Virtual Wine Tasting Benefit

              Join Us As We Kick Off Our 30th Anniversary Year Celebration For Mayslake Ministries
                                   With An At Home Virtual Wine Tasting Benefit.
       Our Host: St. Supery Estate Vineyard And Winery Is One Of Only Seven 100% Estate Wineries Located In
                           Napa Valley. We Will Sip, Swirl, And Taste Six of Their Exclusive
                       Estate Wines As We Take A Virtual Tour of Their Vineyard and Winery.
                                    Tickets: $100 Per Couple —$75 Per Person
                  All Proceeds Raised From This Event Supports The Work Of Mayslake Ministries
                                 Wine Tasting Samples Provided By Our Friends At:
                                              Cellar 406 Wine Shop
                                                 406 75th Street
                                               Downers Grove, Il
     Wine Tasting Sample Kits Will Be Available For Pickup At The Cellar 406 Wine Shop in Downers Grove on
                                      Thursday And Friday, May 13th And 14th.
              Each wine tasting kit includes six 6 oz. Bottles of St. Supery wine (enough for 2 people),
                     personalized wine tasting glasses, and a gift bag filled with surprise goodies.
                       Wines will be available for order through the 406 cellar door wine shop.
                Mayslake Ministries will receive 10% of all sales generated from the evening event.
               Call your friends, invite them to bring their laptops, and host a party at your own home.
           Let’s get together and raise our glasses to support the wonderful work of Mayslake Ministries,
                a 501.c.3 Not For Profit Organization founded in 1991 by Fr. Jonathan Foster, OFM

                                                       Life goes on during this pandemic. The Elizabeth Ministry may
                                                   be without their rose bud vase by St. Anne’s statue in the SIJ
                                                   church. But, as we know, our prayers have not been “quarantined”.
                                                   We would like to renew our mission to pray for those who need
                                                   prayers during the challenges facing people during these family
                                                   building years.

    The Elizabeth Ministry at SIJ is based on the support Mary gave her cousin Elizabeth during her pregnancy. We are
a group of women who support other women and families who are facing challenging times related to building their
families. These times may be:

  infertility — child loss — healthy pregnancy — adoption hopes — grandparent concerns
    We have evolved to become a Prayer Ministry only. Before the pandemic, we received your prayer requests from
the rose bud vase and would send those requests to our 50+ members who would remember you in their prayers. We
have many wonderful stories to tell about infertile women who had healthy babies. Please text your prayer requests to
Pam at 630.269.2334. Please begin “EM prayer request…” We will then send your prayer requests to our 50+ members.
May Mary’s love and blessings be with you.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and Their Families Who Received Jesus For the First Time
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