Approach to the Adult Patient with Fever of Unknown Origin

Page created by Pauline Price
Approach to the Adult Patient
with Fever of Unknown Origin
ALAN R. ROTH, D.O., and GINA M. BASELLO, D.O., Jamaica Hospital Medical Center,
Mount Sinai School of Medicine Family Practice Residency Program, Jamaica, New York

Fever of unknown origin (FUO) in adults is defined as a temperature higher than
38.3°C (100.9°F) that lasts for more than three weeks with no obvious source despite
appropriate investigation. The four categories of potential etiology of FUO are classic,
nosocomial, immune deficient, and human immunodeficiency virus–related. The four
subgroups of the differential diagnosis of FUO are infections, malignancies, autoim-
mune conditions, and miscellaneous. A thorough history, physical examination, and
standard laboratory testing remain the basis of the initial evaluation of the patient
with FUO. Newer diagnostic modalities, including updated serology, viral cultures,
computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging, have important roles in the
assessment of these patients. (Am Fam Physician 2003;68:2223-8. Copyright© 2003
American Academy of Family Physicians.)

                                           dult patients frequently pre-          and changes in disease states, such as the emer-
                                           sent to the physician’s office         gence of human immunodeficiency virus
                                           with a fever (temperature              (HIV) infection and an increasing number of
                                           higher than 38.3°C [100.9°F]).1        patients with neutropenia. Others contend that
                                           Most febrile conditions are            altering the definition would not benefit the
                           readily diagnosed on the basis of presenting           evaluation and care of patients with FUO.4
                           symptoms and a problem-focused physical                   The four categories of potential etiology of
                           examination. Occasionally, simple testing              FUO are centered on patient subtype—clas-
                           such as a complete blood count or urine cul-           sic, nosocomial, immune deficient, and HIV-
                           ture is required to make a definitive diagnosis.       associated. Each group has a unique differen-
                           Viral illnesses (e.g., upper respiratory infec-        tial diagnosis based on characteristics and
                           tions) account for most of these self-limiting         vulnerabilities and, therefore, a different
                           cases and usually resolve within two weeks.2           process of evaluation (Table 1).5
                           When fever persists, a more extensive diagnos-
                           tic investigation should be conducted.                 CLASSIC
                           Although some persistent fevers are manifes-              The classic category includes patients who
                           tations of serious illnesses, most can be readily      meet the original criteria of FUO, with a new
                           diagnosed and treated.                                 emphasis on the ambulatory evaluation of
                                                                                  these previously healthy patients.6 The revised
                           Definitions and Classifications                        criteria require an evaluation of at least three
                              The definition of fever of unknown origin           days in the hospital, three outpatient visits, or
                           (FUO), as based on a case series of 100 pa-            one week of logical and intensive outpatient
                           tients,3 calls for a temperature higher than           testing without clarification of the fever’s
                           38.3°C on several occasions; a fever lasting           cause.5 The most common causes of classic
                           more than three weeks; and a failure to reach a        FUO are infection, malignancy, and collagen
                           diagnosis despite one week of inpatient investi-       vascular disease.
                           gation. This strict definition prevents common
                           and self-limiting medical conditions from              NOSOCOMIAL

See page 2113 for          being included as FUO. Some experts have                  Nosocomial FUO is defined as fever occur-
definitions of strength-   argued for a more comprehensive definition of          ring on several occasions in a patient who has
of-evidence levels.        FUO that takes into account medical advances           been hospitalized for at least 24 hours and has

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Classification of Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO)

Category of FUO           Definition                                              Common etiologies

Classic                   Temperature > 38.3°C (100.9°F)                          Infection, malignancy, collagen vascular disease
                          Duration of > 3 weeks
                          Evaluation of at least 3 outpatient visits or 3 days
                            in hospital
Nosocomial                Temperature > 38.3°C                                    Clostridium difficile enterocolitis, drug-induced,
                          Patient hospitalized ≥ 24 hours but no fever or           pulmonary embolism, septic thrombophlebitis,
                            incubating on admission                                 sinusitis
                          Evaluation of at least 3 days
Immune deficient          Temperature > 38.3°C                                    Opportunistic bacterial infections, aspergillosis,
  (neutropenic)           Neutrophil count ≤ 500 per mm3                           candidiasis, herpes virus
                          Evaluation of at least 3 days
HIV-associated            Temperature > 38.3°C                                    Cytomegalovirus, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare
                          Duration of > 4 weeks for outpatients, > 3 days          complex, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia,
                            for inpatients                                         drug-induced,Kaposi’s sarcoma, lymphoma
                          HIV infection confirmed

HIV = human immunodeficiency virus.
Adapted with permission from Durack DT, Street AC. Fever of unknown origin—reexamined and redefined. Curr Clin Top Infect Dis 1991;11:37.

not manifested an obvious source of infection that could                  assessed for three days without establishing an etiology for
have been present before admission. A minimum of three                    the fever.5 In most of these cases, the fever is caused by
days of evaluation without establishing the cause of fever is             opportunistic bacterial infections. These patients are usu-
required to make this diagnosis.5 Conditions causing noso-                ally treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics to cover the
comial FUO include septic thrombophlebitis, pulmonary                     most likely pathogens. Occult infections caused by fungi,
embolism, Clostridium difficile enterocolitis, and drug-                  such as hepatosplenic candidiasis and aspergillosis, must
induced fever. In patients with nasogastric or nasotracheal               be considered.9 Less commonly, herpes simplex virus may
tubes, sinusitis also may be a cause.7,8                                  be the inciting organism, but this infection tends to present
                                                                          with characteristic skin findings.
   Immune-deficient FUO, also known as neutropenic                        HIV-ASSOCIATED
FUO, is defined as recurrent fever in a patient whose neu-                   HIV-associated FUO is defined as recurrent fevers over a
trophil count is 500 per mm3 or less and who has been                     four-week period in an outpatient or for three days in a hos-
                                                                          pitalized patient with HIV infection.5 Although acute HIV
                                                                          infection remains an important cause of classic FUO, the
                                                                          virus also makes patients susceptible to opportunistic infec-
The Authors                                                               tions. The differential diagnosis of FUO in patients who are
ALAN R. ROTH, D.O., is chairman and program director of the Jamaica       HIV positive includes infectious etiologies such as Mycobac-
Hospital Medical Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine Family Prac-      terium avium-intracellulare complex, Pneumocystis carinii
tice Residency Program, Jamaica, N.Y. He is also associate professor of
community and preventive medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medi-          pneumonia, and cytomegalovirus. Geographic considera-
cine. Dr. Roth received his medical degree from the New York College      tions are especially important in determining the etiology of
of Osteopathic Medicine, Old Westbury, N.Y., and completed a family       FUO in patients with HIV. For example, a patient with HIV
medicine residency at the Jamaica Hospital Medical Center.
                                                                          who lives in the southwest United States is more susceptible
GINA M. BASELLO, D.O., is assistant director of the Jamaica Hospital      to coccidioidomycosis. In patients with HIV infection, non-
Medical Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine Family Practice Resi-
dency Program, and clinical instructor of community and preventive med-   infectious causes of FUO are less common and include lym-
icine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She received her medical     phomas, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and drug-induced fever.9,10
degree from the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine and com-
pleted a family medicine residency at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center.
                                                                          Differential Diagnosis
Address correspondence to Alan R. Roth, D.O., Jamaica Hospital Med-         The differential diagnosis of FUO generally is broken
ical Center, Family Practice Residency Program, 89-06 135th Street,
Suite 3C, Jamaica, NY 11418 (e-mail: Reprints         into four major subgroups: infections, malignancies,
are not available from the authors.                                       autoimmune conditions, and miscellaneous (Table 2). Sev-

2224      AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN                               VOLUME 68, NUMBER 11 / DECEMBER 1, 2003
Fever of Unknown Origin
Common Etiologies of Fever of Unknown Origin

Infections                        Autoimmune conditions
Tuberculosis (especially          Adult Still’s disease
  extrapulmonary)                 Polymyalgia rheumatica
Abdominal abscesses               Temporal arteritis
Pelvic abscesses                  Rheumatoid arthritis
Dental abscesses                  Rheumatoid fever                 common in this population, malignancy has become a com-
Endocarditis                      Inflammatory bowel disease       mon etiologic consideration in elderly patients. Malignan-
Osteomyelitis                     Reiter’s syndrome                cies that sometimes are difficult to diagnose, such as chronic
Sinusitis                         Systemic lupus erythematosus     leukemias, lymphomas, renal cell carcinomas, and meta-
Cytomegalovirus                   Vasculitides                     static cancers, often are found in patients with FUO.12
Epstein-Barr virus                Miscellaneous
Human immunodeficiency virus      Drug-induced fever               AUTOIMMUNE CONDITIONS
Lyme disease                      Complications from cirrhosis
                                                                      Rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic fever are inflam-
Prostatitis                       Factitious fever
Sinusitis                         Hepatitis (alcoholic,
                                                                   matory diseases that used to be commonly associated with
Malignancies                        granulomatous, or lupoid)      FUO, but with advances in serologic testing, these condi-
Chronic leukemia                  Deep venous thrombosis           tions usually are diagnosed more promptly. At this time,
Lymphoma                          Sarcoidosis                      adult Still’s disease and temporal arteritis have become the
Metastatic cancers                                                 most common autoimmune sources of FUO because they
Renal cell carcinoma                                               remain difficult to diagnose even with the help of labora-
Colon carcinoma                                                    tory testing.
Hepatoma                                                              Multisystem inflammatory diseases such as temporal
Myelodysplastic syndromes                                          arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica have emerged as the
Pancreatic carcinoma
                                                                   autoimmune conditions most frequently associated with
                                                                   FUO in patients older than 65 years.15 Elderly patients who
                                                                   present with symptoms consistent with temporal arteritis
                                                                   associated with an elevation of the erythrocyte sedimenta-
eral factors may limit the applicability of research literature    tion rate should be referred for temporal artery biopsy.16
on FUO to everyday medical practice. These factors
include the geographic location of cases, the type of insti-       MISCELLANEOUS
tution reporting results (e.g., community hospital, univer-           Many unrelated pathologic conditions can present as
sity hospital, ambulatory clinic), and the specific subpopu-       FUO, with drug-induced fever being the most com-
lations of patients with FUO who were studied. Despite             mon.11,14 This condition is part of a hypersensitivity reac-
these limiting factors, infection remains the most common          tion to specific drugs such as diuretics, pain medications,
cause of FUO in study reports.3,11,12                              antiarrhythmic agents, antiseizure drugs, sedatives, certain
                                                                   antibiotics, antihistamines, barbiturates, cephalosporins,
INFECTIONS                                                         salicylates, and sulfonamides (Table 3).
   Of the many infectious diseases that are associated with           Complications from cirrhosis and hepatitis (alcoholic,
FUO, tuberculosis (especially in extrapulmonary sites) and         granulomatous, or lupoid) are also potential causes of
abdominal or pelvic abscesses are the most common.13               FUO.12,13 Deep venous thrombosis, although a rare cause
Intra-abdominal abscesses are associated with perforated           of FUO, must be considered in relevant patients, and
hollow viscera (as occurs in appendicitis), diverticulitis,        venous Doppler studies should be obtained.17 Factitious
malignancy, and trauma. Other common infections that               fever has been associated with patients who have some
should be considered as the source of FUO include suba-            medical training or experience and a fever persisting
cute bacterial endocarditis, sinusitis, osteomyelitis, and         longer than six months.18 Failure to reach a definitive diag-
dental abscess.11,13 As the duration of fever increases, the       nosis in patients presenting with FUO is not uncommon;
likelihood of an infectious etiology decreases. Malignancy         20 percent of cases remain undiagnosed. Even if an exten-
and factitious fever are more common diagnostic consid-            sive investigation does not identify a cause for FUO, these
erations in patients with prolonged FUO.14                         patients generally have a favorable outcome.19

MALIGNANCIES                                                       Evaluation of the Patient with FUO
   Because of a substantial increase in the elderly population,      The initial approach to the patient presenting with fever
as well as advances in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases     should include a comprehensive history, physical examina-

DECEMBER 1, 2003 / VOLUME 68, NUMBER 11                            AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN     2225
Agents Commonly Associated
with Drug-Induced Fever

Allopurinol (Zyloprim)            Meperidine (Demerol)
Captopril (Capoten)               Methyldopa (Aldomet)
Cimetidine (Tagamet)              Nifedipine (Procardia)
Clofibrate (Atromid-S)            Nitrofurantoin (Furadantin)
Erythromycin                      Penicillin                       a thoughtful and focused investigation, inappropriate tests
Heparin                           Phenytoin (Dilantin)             might be performed.
Hydralazine (Apresoline)          Procainamide (Pronestyl)            The preliminary evaluation helps in the formulation of
Hydrochlorothiazide (Esidrix)     Quinidine                        a differential diagnosis and guides further studies that are
Isoniazid                                                          more invasive or expensive. These preliminary investiga-
                                                                   tions should include a complete blood count, liver func-
                                                                   tion test, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, urinalysis, and
tion, and appropriate laboratory testing. As the underlying        basic cultures. Simple clues found during initial testing
process develops, the history and physical assessment              often will guide the clinician toward one of the major sub-
should be repeated. The first step should be to confirm a          groups of FUO. The decision to obtain further diagnostic
history of fever and document the fever pattern. Classic           studies should be based on abnormalities found in the ini-
fever patterns such as intermittent, relapsing sustained,          tial laboratory work-up and not represent a haphazard use
and temperature-pulse disparity may prove to be useful             of costly or invasive modalities.
but rarely are diagnostic.20                                          Skin testing for tuberculosis with purified protein deriv-
   In taking a history from a patient with FUO, particular         ative (PPD) is an inexpensive screening tool that should be
attention should be given to recent travel, exposure to pets       used in all patients with FUO who do not have a known
and other animals, the work environment, and recent con-           positive PPD reaction. However, a positive PPD reaction
tact with persons exhibiting similar symptoms. In patients         alone does not prove the presence of active tuberculosis. A
returning from areas where tuberculosis and malaria are            chest radiograph also should be obtained in all patients to
common, the index of suspicion for these diseases should           screen for possible infection, collagen vascular disease, or
be elevated. In patients who have had contact with pets or         malignancy. If this initial assessment does not disclose the
other animals, diseases common to animal handlers must             source of fever, more specific investigatory techniques,
be suspected.                                                      such as serology, sonography, computed tomography
   The family history should be carefully scrutinized for          (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear
hereditary causes of fever, such as familial Mediterranean         medicine scanning should be conducted, based on clinical
fever. The medical history also must be examined for con-          suspicion.
ditions such as lymphoma, rheumatic fever, or a previous              Abdominal sonography, pelvic sonography, or CT scan-
abdominal disorder (e.g., inflammatory bowel disease), the         ning should be performed early in the diagnostic process to
reactivation of which might account for the fever. Finally,        rule out such common causes of FUO as intra-abdominal
drug-induced fever must be considered in patients who are          abscess or malignancy, depending on the primary evalua-
taking medications.19                                              tion.17 This testing, including directed biopsies, has greatly
   Diagnostic clues often are not readily apparent on phys-        reduced the need for more invasive operative studies.23
ical examination; repeated examination may be essential.              MRI should be reserved for clarifying conditions found
Careful attention to the skin, mucous membranes, and               through the use of other techniques or when the diagnosis
lymphatic system, as well as abdominal palpation for               remains obscure. The use of radionucleotide scanning,
masses or organomegaly, is important. The physician’s              such as gallium 67, technetium Tc 99m, or indium-labeled
choice of imaging should be guided by findings from a              leukocytes, is warranted for detecting inflammatory condi-
thorough history and physical examination21 (e.g., a car-          tions and neoplastic lesions that often are underdiagnosed
diac murmur in the presence of negative blood cultures             by CT scans; however, these tests tend not to detect colla-
should be investigated with a transthoracic echocardio-            gen vascular disease and other miscellaneous conditions24
gram or, if needed, transesophageal echocardiogram)                (Table 4).
rather than strictly following the stepwise approach out-             Endoscopic procedures may be helpful in the diagnosis
lined in Figure 1. Also, Duke’s clinical criteria include two      of disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease and sar-
major and six minor criteria that help determine the like-         coidosis. The newest diagnostic technique in the evaluation
lihood of endocarditis.22 [Evidence level A, validated clini-      of the patient with FUO is positron emission tomography
cal decision tool] A cost-effective individualized approach        (PET). This modality appears to have a very high negative
is essential to the evaluation of these patients, and without      predictive value in ruling out inflammatory causes of fever.

2226      AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN                        VOLUME 68, NUMBER 11 / DECEMBER 1, 2003
Fever of Unknown Origin

                                           Diagnosis of Fever of Unknown Origin

                                             Complete history and physical assessment

                                                            Positive findings     Yes        Order appropriate and specific
                                                                                              diagnostic testing.


                                       CBC, electrolytes, LFT, blood culture, urinalysis,
                                        urine culture, ESR, PPD skin test, chest radiograph

                                                            Positive results      Yes        Order appropriate follow-up
                                                                                              diagnostic testing.


                                                  CT of abdomen/pelvis with contrast

                                                    Assign to most likely category.

Infection                                    Malignancies                          Autoimmune conditions          Miscellaneous
Urine and sputum cultures                                                          Rheumatoid factor, ANA         Order appropriate
  for AFB, VDRL, HIV test;                                                                                         diagnostic tests based
                                                                                   Diagnosis clear?
  serology for CMV, EBV,                                                                                           on information from
  ASO titer (geographically                                                                                        the history.
                               Hematologic               Nonhematologic
  specific testing)
                               Peripheral smear,         Mammography, chest
Diagnosis clear?                                                                                No
                                 serum protein            CT with contrast,
                                 electrophoresis          upper/lower
                                                          endoscopy, bone
                               Diagnosis clear?                                       Temporal artery biopsy,
      No                                                  scan, gallium 67 scan
                                                                                        lymph node biopsy
                                                         Diagnosis clear?
TTE/TEE, lumbar puncture,
  gallium 67 scan, sinus                                          No
  films (radiography or CT)   Bone marrow biopsy

                                                  MRI of the brain, biopsy of suspicious
                                                   skin lesions or lymph nodes, liver
                                                   biopsy, diagnostic laparoscopy

FIGURE 1. Algorithm for the diagnosis of fever of unknown origin. (CBC = complete blood count; LFT = liver function test;
ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate; PPD = purified protein derivative; CT = computed tomography; AFB = acid-fast
bacilli; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; CMV = cytomegalovirus; EBV = Epstein-Barr virus; ASO = antistreptolysin-O
antibodies; ANA = antinuclear antibody; TTE = transthoracic echocardiography; TEE = transesophageal echocardiography;
MRI = magnetic resonance imaging)

DECEMBER 1, 2003 / VOLUME 68, NUMBER 11                                     AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN    2227
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2228      AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN                              VOLUME 68, NUMBER 11 / DECEMBER 1, 2003
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