The Salvation Army National Youth Strategy - March 2015
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The Salvation Army National Youth Strategy March 2015 THE SALVATION ARMY NEW ZEALAND, FIJI & TONGA TERRITORY
Introduction Background The Need for an Integrated Strategy Numerous youth strategic plans have been We have no common vision for youth ministries developed in the past, focusing on the across New Zealand. Territorial Youth Mission Department Youth services are typically being provided supporting corps-based youth ministries. within service stream silos, with minimal The need for a National Youth Strategy, sharing of expertise, duplicated effort and incorporating all Salvation Army youth services inconsistent services. More could be achieved was identified in 2009. working together. Dr Greg Coyle prepared a discussion paper in An integrated strategy and nationalised service 2010 which was distributed amongst Quality would better place The Salvation Army to Improvement Working Party (QIWP) members secure Government funding and so financially and other representatives for comment. strengthen youth work. Progress stalled until 2014 when a new working Research suggests that churches are losing 65- group was established to complete this work 90% of their young people by the age of 231. and develop an integrated youth ministry Society is changing. Are we still offering the strategy. services youth require? We can do better for our youth. 1 Young Adults in New Zealand Baptist Churches Research Report, Nigel Cottle, 2009 2 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Introduction Scope This document presents a strategy for the next 3-5 years for Salvation Army youth work across New Zealand. A strategy for Fiji and Tonga is to be completed separately. The focus is on our ministry for youth (12-24) – with emphasis on 13-18 year olds. There is a crossover with our separate children’s ministry and young adults strategies. The strategy incorporates all Salvation Army ministries targeting youth, including: Corps-based youth work Community Ministries youth work and youth services Education & Employment youth programmes Supported accommodation and Alcohol and Other Drug addiction treatment services for youth. This document uses the term ‘faith community’ as a generic term for a group of believers, such as a corps, plant, recovery church, messy church, second congregation or home group. 3 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Current Situation – Services Provided Youth leaders: Youth services provided: The Salvation Army employs approximately 75 Youth discipleship people to work specifically with youth. Of these Youth groups (note: individuals often work in multiple Education and employment services services): Alcohol and other drug (AOD) services 23 work in churches (an additional 26 churches have volunteer youth ministry leaders) Gambling addiction services 40 work in Community Youth Services Chaplaincy, mentoring, youth development 30 work in Education & Employment or Advocacy Addictions services. Early intervention Youth: Life skills, Positive Lifestyle Programme (PLP) Together they work with: Activity based learning (including our Blue 1000 youth in church based ministries, Mountain Adventure Centre) across 81 churches Accommodation 600 youth in Education and Employment Community meals services, across 14 locations Community development 1000 youth in community based youth services Family support programmes 200 people aged under 20 assisted by our Leadership development Addictions services in 2014 Youth worker training 100 youth in supported accommodation. 5 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Current Environment – PEST Analysis PP olitical Environment EE conomic Environment In 2014, The National Government started its The New Zealand economy entered recession in third term. Some of their stated priorities will early 2008, exacerbated by the Global Financial have a significant impact on youth 1 : Crisis that set in later that year 2, resulting in higher unemployment, financial pressure on “Increasing the proportion of 18 year olds with many families, and less money available for NCEA level 2” – highlights a focus on education Salvation Army support services. over employment for under 18s. New Zealand has a relatively high gap between “Reducing the number of young people on a rich and poor, ranked 9th worst in the OECD. benefit by 40% by 2017” and “more intensive Adult unemployment is holding at around 5%, management of young people on benefits”– but unemployment rates for 15-19 year olds, will provide more wrap-around support but also while improving, is much higher at 19.3% (Sep make it increasingly difficult for youth to obtain 2014, Statistics NZ). Some of the explanations a benefit. for this include: No separate minimal youth wage “Reintroducing the youth wage” – has the More people of retirement age working possibility of both reducing youth unemployment and increasing youth Record numbers of youth from overseas on employment abuse. working holidays or studying in New Zealand 3 90 day work trials. The average student loan on leaving study continues to rise, up to $16,900 in 2012 14. 1 2 Treasury Report ( 3 4 Statistics New Zealand – Student Loans and Allowances: 2013 tables 6 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Current Environment – PEST Analysis SS ocial Progress in NCEA achievement is stalling for Māori New Zealand has more than 200 ethnicities, and the secondary school students and students at lower growing Asian and Indian communities will likely out decile schools 4. number Māori by 2027 1. This is leading to more Many would claim that youth are growing up subcultures and an increase in ethnic-based youth within a culture of entitlement, leading to gangs, while New Zealand European kids often feel unrealistic expectations. they have no culture. Auckland’s rapid growth is creating issues unique In general, people are staying in education longer, to Auckland and a growing sense of animosity from and having families later. the rest of New Zealand. While a couple with children is still the most common type of family (41.3%), an increasing number of children are growing up in alternative T echnological T family structures 2. New Zealand is becoming an increasingly technological society, with 70% of New Zealanders Youth are facing increased pressure and more liberal aged 15–65 now owning a smart phone, and this is attitudes, leading to an increase in issues related to expected to increase to 90% by 2017. The main use alcohol and other drugs, relationships and sexual is mobile media, social networking, online health. The youth suicide rate in 2011 was the second shopping, video and music access 5. highest in the OECD .3 Technology has made it easier to connect with In 2013, New Zealand had its lowest teenage people socially, but high level engagement in social pregnancy rate in 22 years. This might indicate networking can separate people from real social changes in behaviour, attitudes or medical practice 4. interaction and distract them from study. General & violent offending by young people has New Zealanders spent more than $300 million on declined sharply since 2008/09. BUT young Māori games in 2013. Gaming is increasingly being used are much more likely to be apprehended & for training and directing behaviour 6. prosecuted for an offence for non-Māori youth . 4 1 NationalEthnicPopulationProjections_HOTP2006-26.aspx 2 3 4 The Salvation Army State of the Nation Report, A Mountain all can Climb, 2015 5 7 6 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Current Situation – Youth Trends Based on the PEST analysis and experience, we have identified the following general trends regarding New Zealand youth: Youth of today have enormous capacity to make a On the other hand: positive difference in the world. Youth need a sense of “personal significance”, They will have more formal education than any but often feel undervalued and voiceless. This is previous generation one driver for our high rates of youth suicide. They have unprecedented access to a global Youth need a sense of belonging, yet often feel world, through the advances in technology disconnected from adult society. Ability to connect with others through Youth often have unrealistic expectations, social media especially around work, future income and Access to instant global information from standards of living, resulting in debt and anywhere disappointment. Many youth will struggle to find employment. Second nature to express their concerns and ideas through social media Youth face extreme peer pressure, especially in the form of alcohol and other drugs, anti-social They can be disaffected with the capitalism and behaviour and sexual activity. greed they see around them, which drives them toward being more socially and Youth live in an increasingly secular society and environmentally responsible. fail to realise that a relationship with Jesus and involvement in a faith community can resolve these issues. 8 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Current Situation – Youth Services SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses • Faith based services • Silos; lack of coordination across services • Salvationist and Christian employees • Corps lacking community impact and community • High standard of specialist youth services services lacking faith impact • Access to a range of support services • Discipleship training • Heritage and reputation • Coaching and mentoring of youth workers in • Solid organisational financial resources corps • Safe practice • Training for corps-based youth leaders • Good Ministry of Social Development relationships • Not all corps have the same standards • Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit • Not strong where Government wants providers • Firezone website • The Salvation Army is perceived as risk averse • 33 corps/plants are rated as having good or • Remuneration for youth workers with families excellent youth ministries • Lack of longevity of youth workers • 48 corps/plants rated as struggling or no youth Opportunities ministries • Access Government funding through coordinated • Youth ministries often first cut when facing and consistent services financial constraints • Make more use of our support services • Lack of Māori youth workers • Connect with Māori and Pasifika, especially those Threats accessing our social services • Develop youth missional leadership stream • Losing youth leaders and workers (e.g. to other • Encourage innovation churches, other vocations, officership) • Train up – help senior leaders understand modern • Reliance on Government funding; potential community based youth work future conflict with Government not supporting • Identify and report on measures that highlight the faith based offerings effectiveness of youth work • Internal competition for funding with other • Ensure youth work practice is being monitored services 9
Vision and Values Our vision is expressed as: In achieving this vision, we will not compromise on our values – that our youth services: The Salvation Army inspires and equips youth Are faith based and work best out of a faith to follow God, connect well with others, find community. personal significance, and make a positive Focus on relationship building within difference in their world community. Have trained and qualified youth workers; safe Inspires and equips – through building practice. relationships, role modelling and training. Partner with specialists (e.g. AOD, Education & To follow God – making and growing disciples. Employment, Supportive Accommodation, To connect well with others – healthy positive Counselling and external providers). relationships, emotional maturity. Uphold the Treaty of Waitangi. To find personal significance – through a Recognise the role of parents and families in relationship with God and following His the development of the young person. purpose for your life. Are good stewards. To make a positive difference in their world – active citizens, modelling the values of the Kingdom of God. 12 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Mission Youth Ministries are an integral part of the mission Reforming society of The Salvation Army – caring for people, Providing opportunities for youth to serve transforming lives and reforming society, by God’s others and fight for justice power. Working closely with other agencies Caring for people Active in community groups. Ensuring youth feel they belong, are By God’s power listened to and valued A reliance on prayer and desire to worship. Providing access to support services as needed (e.g. advocacy, social support, accommodation). Transforming lives Helping youth develop the capacity to address their concerns Education, employment, addictions treatment, life skills, resilience. Helping youth progress in their faith journey Teaching youth they are loved by God Linking to faith communities Discipling youth. 13 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Strategy In developing a strategy for youth ministry within SIX PRINCIPLES OF YOUTH DEVELOPMENT The Salvation Army, we started by looking at some Positive youth development: of the considerable research conducted into youth 1. Is shaped by the ‘big picture’: the values and development. beliefs systems within which youth grow up. Two theories in particular have been chosen as 2. Is about youth being connected: having fundamental to this strategy: positive connections with others in society. 3. Is a consistent strengths-based approach: 1. The Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa building on youth’s capacity to resist risk (2002): prepared by the Ministry of Youth factors and enhance protective factors in their Affairs who identified six principles of youth lives. development (see opposite). It is easy to see 4. Happens through quality relationships. how The Salvation Army is well-placed to meet these principles. 5. Is triggered when youth fully participate: need opportunities to actively participate and engage. 2. Circle of Courage: a model of positive youth 6. Needs good information: any strategy needs development that helps build resilience and to be evidence-based. self-esteem among youth. Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa, 2002 14 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Circle of Courage The Circle of Courage is a strengths based When youth feel they belong, develop approach to youth development, developed by competence, make good decisions (based on Martin Brokenleg and Larry Brendtro. Christian values), and choose to help others, They studied how traditional indigenous cultures underpinned by a solid faith in Jesus, they will were able to raise respectful, responsible children thrive and grow. without resorting to coercive discipline and identified four essential human needs. Generosity / Contribution These needs have been validated by contemporary “I have a purpose for my life” research and the model Atawhai is in widespread use across the world. These basic needs fit well within a faith community: Independence / Belonging (John 1:12) Belonging Responsibility Mastery (Col 3:23-24, Prov 22:29) “I have the power to / Identity make decisions” “I am loved” Independence (Gal 6:4-5) and Whanāu Mana Motuhake Generosity (Matt 22:39). Mastery / Competence “I can succeed” Pukengatanga 15 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Applying the Key Principles All services need to help youth: “Young people grow to maturity by being around those 1. Progress in their faith journey: people who have such maturity themselves.”Margaret Mead Help youth discover a life changing 3. Participate actively: relationship with Jesus. Provide opportunities to actively participate Equip youth with good decision making and engage. skills by modelling and training Christian Give responsibility. values. 4. Offer opportunities to develop and serve: Grow dynamic disciples. Help youth to identify and develop their 2. Develop significant relationships: strengths. Within community, in a welcoming place Give them opportunities to succeed. that is safe and secure. Encourage and affirm their development. Connect youth in positive relationships with Recognise milestones. other youth. Provide opportunities for youth to serve Develop intergenerational relationships. God and others in satisfying ways. Provide at least one significant adult 5. Access services: relationship (e.g. a mentor). Provide access to relevant support services. Strengthen relationships in the home. Support and encourage parents. “The strongest predictor of resilience was an adult mentor outside the immediate family – grandmother, minister for example – who gave them a sense of being loved and important.” Emmy E Werner 16 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Applying the Key Principles FAITH PROGRESS • Exposure to • Link to faith • Christian • Dynamic gospel community values discipleship SIGNIFICANT SERVICE AND RESOURCING / PARTICIPATION RELATIONSHIPS • Belonging STRENGTHS CONNECTION • Within community • Active participation • Identify and develop • Access to relevant • Positive peers • Developing skills strengths support services • Intergenerational, and • Taking responsibility • Serve God and others at least one significant in meaningful ways adult • At home The key principles can be thought of as four pillars covered by an umbrella of faith. 17 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Key Strategic Issues for The Salvation Army 1. Youth leaders (attracting and retaining, 7. Retaining youth as they transition from training, remuneration, career progression, children’s ministries, and again when leaving youth pastor or youth worker, call to high school. officership). 8. Growing our service reputation (maintaining a consistency of service while incorporating 2. How to organise ourselves (nationally volunteers; best practice but driven by managed programmes and divisions versus a Christian mission and values; marketing). national youth team; ability to deliver 9. Sustainability (on-going financial support, nationalised services; bureaucracy). reliance on Government funding). 3. How to raise the passionate spirituality of our 10. Embracing diversity (Māori and Pasifika, youth (discipleship, Biblical literacy, special needs, Fiji, Tonga) and the Treaty of understanding of what they believe and the Waitangi. distinctives of The Salvation Army). 11. Connecting services and sharing expertise 4. How to provide welcoming, relevant faith (especially corps, community ministries, communities (some are unwelcoming, have addictions, parenting, budgeting, external negative perceptions of youth and lack agencies). intergenerational relationships). 12. Working towards all faith communities being involved in their community, and all 5. How to plant faith seeds and help youth community services coming out of a faith transition from receiving social services to community. joining a faith community. 13. A desire for innovation within an organisation 6. Perceived low importance of youth ministries, culture that is largely risk averse. and event planning being more tangible than relationship building. 18 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Strategic Goals 1. Make, grow & retain youth disciples 2. Recruit, develop & retain youth leaders 3. Offer consistent and well-resourced services 4. Work together These strategic goals tie in closely with The Salvation Army’s Territorial Strategic Mission Plan (TSMP): 19 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Goal 1: Make, Grow & Retain Youth Disciples Objective Focus areas / actions To grow dynamic youth disciples who are 1. Develop and implement a clear youth totally committed to following Jesus within The discipleship training strategy. Use technology Salvation Army – risk taking, incarnational and to support its implementation. committed to the salvation of the lost. 2. Encourage radical discipleship, outworked as a soldier in The Salvation Army. 3. Build intergenerational faith communities that Issues are relevant to youth, by promoting: A perceived lack of passionate spirituality and 1. The criticality of youth ministries wonder at the gospel amongst some of our 2. How to be a welcoming community youth. 3. Intergenerational worship A general lack of Biblical knowledge, a Biblical 4. Adults developing significant relationships worldview and knowledge of Salvation Army with youth doctrine. 5. Supporting youth as they transition to and We are losing a large percentage of our youth from high school. 4. Work with parents as primary caregivers. Some are losing their faith 5. Engage youth in service opportunities. Some are going to other churches, which 6. Work with Māori and Pasifika ministries to leaves a hole in the corps. develop a plan for improving our work with A lack of desire to share the gospel in many of Māori and Pasifika youth and their whanāu. our social services (and corps). 7. Ensure all youth services are linked to or come out of a faith community; then inspire and resource to plant faith seeds in the youth they are working with. 20 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Goal 2: Recruit, Develop and Retain Youth Leaders Objectives Focus areas / actions Ensure every youth service have trained, 1. Develop organisation-wide youth worker competent youth leaders. career pathway. Retain our experienced youth leaders. 2. Address remuneration. 3. Re-introduce training programme for corps- Issues based youth workers and volunteers. Retention 4. Review the Youth Work Apprenticeship scheme to ensure it is producing the youth Remuneration workers The Salvation Army needs. Lack of progression 5. Understand and resolve youth worker Call to Officership frustrations and provide opportunities to Love The Salvation Army but find it difficult activate change. to find appropriate spaces to voice their 6. Inspire leaders to lead differently. Encourage concerns. innovation. Training 7. Promote Academic Scholarships and Mission Lack of training for volunteers and corps- Leader Scholarships. based youth workers 8. Develop missional leadership training. Poor perception of Youth Work 9. Support youth leaders in starting new faith Apprenticeship Scheme (LAB programme). communities. 21 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Goal 3: Offer Consistent and Well-resourced Services Objective Focus areas / actions Provide consistent, high quality services that 1. Ensure all services are linked to a faith can be funded and replicated around the community. country. 2. Modify the way we organise ourselves to ensure consistent policy and guidelines, and the regular sharing of information between services. Issues Explore possibilities to hear youth voices at all A wide range of services are being offered at levels. different standards. 3. Expand the role of QIWP to include all youth We reinvent programmes instead of re-using services. what we already do. 4. Develop service packages (like Aspire) for re-use around country and develop marketing around While we have corps in most major centres, we these packages. have limited youth services, and many of these 5. Seek additional funding for package delivery. are struggling. 6. Provide training and support to corps to We are missing out on Government funding. mobilise leaders and youth to serve their We are not making the most of our in-house community in a manner consistent with our expertise and experience. professional services. Our reputation does not reflect the excellent 7. Ensure all youth workers are being supported youth services we provide. and monitored by a qualified youth professional. 8. Assign responsibility to a dedicated resource to pursue contracts and funding opportunities that will enhance our mission. 22 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Goal 4: Work Together Objectives Focus areas / actions Achieve synergies for mission. 1. Define our strategy for planting faith seeds Work in partnership with other organisations. with youth receiving social services and linking them to a faith community. Better support youth as they transition from children, through their teenage years and on 2. Review the chaplaincy function effectiveness into adulthood. and consider other models of care. Issues 3. Develop a tighter link between youth services by establishing regular communication Silo mentality mechanisms (Corps, CM, E&E, chaplains, Lack of integration mentoring). Expand role of QIWP to include all Corps not active in community youth services. Services not making the most of specialists 4. Establish links with support services (e.g. AOD, in other services. counselling, anger management, education & Chaplaincy service not always effective. employment, external agencies). We are struggling to progress youth from 5. Pilot a fully integrated youth service (faith receiving social services to joining a faith community, community ministries, E&E and community. AOD) and capture key learnings for potential future services. We are losing youth when they start and leave high school. 23 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
Action Plan Goal 2015 2016 / 2017 Ongoing 1. Disciples o Share youth strategy with o Complete youth discipleship o Quarterly communication corps & centres resources to officers and youth o Develop youth discipleship o Develop youth discipleship workers strategy app(lication) o All services linked to a o Develop Māori & Pasifika plan o Implement Māori & Pasifika plan faith community 2. Leaders o Youth worker career pathway o Reintroduce corps based youth o Promote academic and o Address remuneration work training mission leader o Review Youth Work o Implement Youth Work scholarships Apprenticeship scheme Apprenticeship Scheme o Provide space for youth recommendations workers to activate change o Develop missional leader training and encourage young leaders to attend 3. o Review how we organise o Develop service packages o All services linked to a Consistent ourselves o Seek additional funding for faith community Services o Expand QIWP service packages o Rollout Aspire o Train corps in community work 4. Work o Strategy for linking social o Establish a relationship with o Regular communication together service clients to faith another two youth service between services at all communities organisations levels o Review chaplaincy o Pilot a fully-integrated youth o Link with support service services 24
Reflection Service Reflection Personal Reflection How would a young person learn about God How much do you know about the youth you and progress in their faith journey within your come in contact with? Do you know the names service? of the youth who live in your street? How well What ‘voice’ do you give youth? Can they do you know the youth in your faith influence decisions that affect them? community? Do you regularly engage them in conversation? How do you connect youth with adults in meaningful relationships? Are you a significant adult in the lives of youth within your circle of social contact? What opportunities do you provide for youth to serve others in a meaningful way? How can you use the circle of courage as the basis to help youth belong, develop, take What milestones do you celebrate? How do responsibility and serve others? you recognise and celebrate success? How do you connect with other services in your area? “We don’t teach a kid how to become resilient. We surround them with social support and a loving and caring environment, we learn their names and greet them personally taking a few moments to talk one on one, and we develop enduring relationships with them” It Takes a Church, page 4 25 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION
For more information, please contact: Mail Territorial Youth Department The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters PO Box 6015, Marion Square Wellington 6141 Phone (04) 382 0725 Email THE SALVATION ARMY Web NEW ZEALAND, FIJI & TONGA TERRITORY
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