We come t THE VALLEY RESTAURANT - Breakfast Lunch Dinner - Val de Vie
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b i t m o r e a b o ut us a As the name implies, our Pearl Valley Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course truly bears the stamp of the world’s preeminent golf course designer. South Africa’s Top 100 Golf Courses, the definitive golf course ranking, placed the Pearl Valley Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course as the second best in the country for 2021. The championship course has been ranked amongst the top ten courses in South Africa by Golf Digest Magazine every year from 2006 up to and including 2015 and as one of the top five in 2018/2019. PLEASE INFORM YOUR WAITER/WAITRESS OF ANY DIETARY REQUIREMENTS D Dairy F Fish G Gluten N Nuts A Alcohol
R E S TAU R E VA L L E Y AN TH T BREAKFAST SERVED FROM 08:00 - 11:30 VALLE Y RIS E ( D, G ) | R75 avo c a do , f e ta a nd ba sil p e sto o n r ye /s e e d e d l o a f HO NE Y AND C INNAMON OATS (D) | R65 cooked with milk, ho ne y, c inna mo n a nd s e a s o n a l fr u i t s TOA S TED G RAN OL A AND S E AS ONAL F RUITS (D) | R75 s er v e d with p la in Gre e k yo g u rt a nd a b e r r y co u l i s ME DIT E RRAN E AN T WIS T ( V) | R 90 ch ickpea f a la f e l, g rille d to ma to , le ntils a nd a v o ca d o h u m m u s EG G S B E NE DIC T 2 poach ed e g g s, smo ke d sa lmo n, p o ta to ha sh b ro w n a n d s p i n a ch se r ve d with ho lla nda ise sa u c e (F ) | R105 OR 2 poach ed e g g s a nd ba c o n o n a n Eng lish m u ffi n s e r v e d w i t h ho lla nda ise sa u c e (G ) | R 8 5 OME LE T T E ( D) | R 7 5 fille d with ba c o n a nd c he dda r c h e e s e C RU MP E T S ( D) | R 7 5 s er ved w ith mix e d be rr y c o mp o te , ho ne y an d cre a m ch e e s e RICOT TA FRE NC H TOAS T (G) | R 70 r ye/low GI bre a d, ric o tta c he e se , ba c o n, ba na n a a n d a h o n e y d r i zzl e MIN C E ON TOAS T (G ) | R 70 se r ve d with a f rie d e g g BREAD OPTIONS Rye , Lo w G I, White o r Brow n
R E S TAU R E VA L L E Y AN TH T CLUBHOUSE FAVOURITES C HIC KP E A AND LE NT IL S AL AD (D) | R95 legume s alad with f e ta , to ma to , c u c u mbe r, re d o n i o n a n d a h e r b d re s s i n g G R I L L ED H ALLOU MI AN D AVOC AD O SA L A D (D) | R12 0 h alloumi, av ocad o , f re sh g re e ns, re d o nio ns a nd a ci t r u s m o l a s s e s d re s s i n g L EM O N AND H E RB C H IC KE N S AL A D (N) | R 115 s teamed brocco li, f e ta , e g g, c a she w nu ts, sp ic y c o r n a n d a l i m e d re s s i n g CRIS P Y C A JU N C AL AMARI (F ) | R 14 5 cris py c a la ma ri with c hilli a nd lime stir-f r i e d v e ge t a b l e s M US HR O O M A ND C H IC KE N LIV E R B RU SCH E T TA (D, G) | R 85 pan ko cru mbed ch ic ke n live rs o n ho me ma de bre a d w i t h ch u n k y m u s h ro o m s a u ce C A P E MAL AY P RAWN B IS Q U E (F ) | R115 Cape Ma la y fl a vo u re d bisqu e se r ve d with t o a s t e d b a gu e t t e B ONE MARROW P OT P IE (G) | R85 beef an d bone ma rro w p ie , c a u lifl o we r p u ré e an d a b o rd e l a i s e s a u ce S H AWARMA C H IC KE N WRAP (G) | R 110 Mediterrane a n c hic ke n, le ttu c e a nd to ma to i n a t o r t i l l a w r a p C HI C KEN OR B E E F MINC E NAC H OS (D, G) | R 95/R110 n ach os , avocado , c ha ka la ka , c ru mble d f e ta a nd ch e d d a r ch e e s e gr a t i n a t e B E E F B U RG E R ( D, G ) | R95 1 80g grilled be e f p a tty, le ttu c e a nd to ma to o n a s e s a m e s e e d b u n se r ve d with c hip s TR A D I TI O N AL B AT T E RE D FIS H AND C H IP S (G, F ) | R13 0 1 80g h ake fille t, ma she d p e a s a nd c hip s se r v e d w i t h t a r t a r s a u ce
R E S TAU R E VA L L E Y AN TH T MAIN MEALS C H ILLI B E E F P E N NE PAS TA (G, D) | R95 ten der be e f strip s in a c hilli to ma to a n d ga r l i c s a u ce S PAG H E T T I B OLOG NAIS E (G, D) | R10 0 s low cooke d be e f minc e in a ric h to ma to sa u ce , s p a gh e t t i a n d p a rme sa n c he e se S PAG H E T T I C ARB ON ARA ( D, G) | R14 5 with bacon an d mu shro o ms in a c re a my bé c ha me l s a u ce , p o a ch e d e gg a n d p a rme sa n c he e se WI L D PO R TOB E LLO MU S H ROOM RIS OT TO (A , D) | R 175 truffled v in bla nc he rbe d mu shro o m riso tto with Gr a n a Pa d a n o s h a v i n g R OA S T E D B U T T E RN U T RATATOUIL L E | R12 5 pumpkin an d bu tte rnu t in a Pro ve nç a l ra ta to u i l l e w i t h zu cch i n i fr i e s H ARIS S A L AMB WONTONS (G) | R175 curried brais ed la mb in c risp y f rie d wo nto ns o n a b e d o f l e n t i l r i ce w i t h f re sh c o ria nde r B E E F S T ROG ANOF F ( D) | R175 ten der beef in a smo ke d p a p rika , p o rto be llo mu sh ro o m a n d m u s t a rd cre a m s au c e , p o ta to g no c c hi a nd p a rme sa n s h a v i n gs THA I COCON U T C H IC KE N C U RRY (G) | R13 5 ch icken s trips in a f ra g ra nt c o c o nu t c u rr y sa u c e , b a s m a t i r i ce , s a m b a l s a n d ho me ma de bre a d P ORK LOIN S T IR-FRY ( D) | R155 ten der pork s trip s stirre d in c hilli, so y, g a rlic a nd gi n ge r s a u ce s e r v e d w i t h j u lie nne ve g e ta ble s a nd e g g noo d l e s 2 0 0 G B E E F FILLE T (G ) | R195 grilled beef fillet a nd c hip s se r ve d with c re a me d sp i n a ch , s m a s h e d b u t t e r n u t , o nio n ring s a nd a bo rde la ise s a u ce
R E S TAU R E VA L L E Y AN TH T PIZZA FOC ACC IA | R 6 0 p iz z a ba se , o live o il, g a rlic a nd h e r b s MARG H E RITA | R 70 p iz z a ba se with mo z z a re lla c h e e s e C LU B H OU S E FAVOU RIT E | R 155 c hic ke n, f e ta , p e p p a de ws a nd a v o ca d o G M’S FAVOU RIT E ( F) | R 150 a nc ho vie s, o live s a nd c a p er s H AWAIIAN | R 1 10 ha m a nd p ine a p p le REG IN A | R 1 3 0 ha m a nd mu shro o ms ME AT Y P IZZA | R 1 50 sa la mi, stre a ky ba c o n a nd bo lo gn a i s e S ID N E Y ’S P IZZA | R 1 65 s a la mi, c a ra me lise d o nio ns, f e ta a n d a v o ca d o KID S MEA LS C H IC KE N G OUJON S | R50 pan ko c ru mbe d c hic ke n strip s se r ve d w i t h ch i p s KI D D IE S S PAG H E T T I B OLOG NA ISE | R55 s pagh etti in na p o lita na be e f minc e sa u c e wi t h ch e d d a r ch e e s e
R E S TAU R E VA L L E Y AN TH T DESSERT C HO COL AT E B ROWNIE S U N DAE (D, G, N) | R65 rich ch ocolat e f u dg e se r ve d with c he rr y syru p a n d v a n i l l a i ce cre a m DAT E MALVA P U D D IN G ( D) | R 60 s er ve d with g o o se be rr y c o u lis a nd va n i l l a i ce cre a m A L M OND ORANG E C AKE ( D, G, N) | R65 s er v e d with c rè me f ra ic he a nd c itru s f r u i t co m p o t e C H OCOL AT E S P RING ROLL ( D, G) | R 65 ch ocolate g a na c he fille d sp ring ro ll se r ve d w i t h fr u i t co m p o t e a nd va nilla ic e c re a m B AKE D B AN AN A ( D) | R60 s er ved with gla z e d p ine a p p le , c o c o nu t c a ra me l a n d v a n i l l a i ce cre a m
DRINKS Wine Liqueurs Milkshakes Hot Beverages
R E S TAU R E VA L L E Y AN TH T WINE LIST VAL DE VIE WINES GLASS / BOTTLE CUVÉE DE VIE MCC | R95 / R325 55% Chardonnay, 30% Pinot Noir, 15% Pinot Meunier A shimmering wine with a soft-green tinge. There is a zesty vibrancy capturing gentle citrus aromas that finish in mildly lingering caramel, toast and nougat. The palate reveals a red berry sparkle with white peach and apple, elegantly supported by secondary yeast flavours. THE PERFECT HOST CHENIN BLANC (WOODED) | R83 / R230 A full bodied and layered wine with flavours of ripe white peach that follow through on the palate, supported by a lively citrus-like acidity and well balanced by oak-like spices. THE EPIC BLEND | R56 / R130 (Cape Blend) 50% Pinotage, 50% Shiraz A layered wine with well-integrated cherry, plum and blackberry with hints of nutmeg and pepper flavours. VAL DE VIE VALLEY OF LIFE | R112 / R297 (Signature Blend) 85% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Merlot, 5% Malbec Full bodied and oak aged with a deep royal colour. A lingering finish of earthy blackcurrant nuances with notes of sweet-spice flavours make this wine a great companion to hearty dishes. *Winner of The Sommeliers Selection 2018 - Elegant and Classy Reds VAL DE VIE RYK NEETHLING | R420 (Premium Blend) 50% Grenache Noir, 20% Cinsault, 30% Shiraz A layered, full bodied wine with elegant tannins that give structure and a lingering aftertaste. **Val de Vie Flagship
L L E Y R E S TAU R A E VA NT TH WINE LIST VAL DE VIE POLO CLUB RANGE GLASS / BOTTLE POLO CLUB SAUVIGNON BLANC | R45 / R117 A fresh, crisp, medium-bodied wine made in a new-world style. POLO CLUB CHARDONNAY PINOT NOIR | R45 / R117 A modern interpretation of Burgundy’s best, with aromas of red fruit, raspberry and frangipani, perfectly balanced with fresh, soft yellow fruit such as apple and citrus. POLO CLUB MERLOT | R52 / R132 Prominent red fruit aromas of mulberry and dark plum with subtle hints of toasted almonds and nutmeg. SPARKLING GLASS / BOTTLE VAL DE VIE CUVÉE DE VIE MCC | R95 / R325 55% Chardonnay, 30% Pinot Noir, 15% Pinot Meunier. A shimmering wine with a soft-green tinge. There is a zesty vibrancy capturing gentle citrus aromas that finish in mildly lingering caramel, toast and nougat. The palate reveals a red berry sparkle with white peach and apple, elegantly supported by secondary yeast flavours. LEOPARDS LEAP SPARKLING CHARDONNAY PINOT NOIR | R260 This vivacious Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot Noir bursts with bubbly flavours of strawberry, raspberry and citrus. Elegant and well-rounded with the perfect balance between freshness and fruit. VEUVE CLIQUOT YELLOW LABEL | R1700 The signature champagne of the House. Dominated by Pinot Noir, it offers a perfect balance of structure and finesse.
L L E Y R E S TAU R A E VA NT TH WINE LIST WHITE GLASS / BOTTLE POLO CLUB SAUVIGNON BLANC | R45 / R117 A fresh, crisp, medium-bodied wine made in a new world style. VAL DE VIE THE PERFECT HOST CHENIN BLANC (WOODED) | R83 / R230 A full bodied and layered wine with flavours of ripe white peach that follow through on the palate, supported by a lively citrus-like acidity and well-balanced by oak like spices. LA MOTTE SAUVIGNON BLANC | R67 / R210 With its natural acidity and acute texture, this Sauvignon Blanc wine pairs beautifully with seafoods, seafood pasta and spicy foods such as Chinese and Thai dishes. LA MOTTE PIERNEEF SAUVIGNON BLANC | R355 This elegant premium Sauvignon Blanc white wine harmonises beautifully with seafoods, seafood pasta and spicy foods such as Chinese and Thai dishes. Also excellent with fresh, fruit-based green salads and dishes containing semi-dried tomatoes. MULLINEUX KLOOF STREET CHENIN BLANC | R235 This wine has a nose of sun ripened pears and wet granite. The palate has a vibrant acidity balanced by a soft, round texture and some pithy character. The wine has a fresh, mineral finish. LEOPARD’S LEAP UNWOODED CHARDONNAY | R47 / R140 A voluptuous medium-bodied, unwooded Chardonnay made in a new-world style. Well-rounded, the palate reveals flavours of ripe melon and lemon zest, accompanied by lovely biscuit nuances that leave a lingering after taste.
L L E Y R E S TAU R A E VA NT TH WINE LIST DELAIRE GRAFF SUMMERCOURT CHARDONNAY | R390 Sumptuous and opulently juicy, the Summercourt Chardonnay offers bright, zesty white peach and tropical fruit which plays harmoniously on the palate and finishes with a refined minerality NEDERBURG CHARDONNAY | R175 Understated typical citrus aromas that vie with stone fruit such as nectarine and white peach. The palate reveals flavours of nectarine, quince, pear and citrus. TERRA DEL CAPO PINOT GRIGIO | R179 This wine has a brilliant, diamond bright attractive colour. Peach, nectarine and stone fruit with a light brush of dust on the nose. The palate is light, vibrant and succulent, packed with the same peach, nectarine and stone fruit flavours. VREDE EN LUST ANNI SAUVIGNON BLANC | R185 The Sauvignon Blanc shows typical cooler climate aromas with flint notes and an abundance of flavours including grass, granadilla, gooseberry and hints of blackcurrant. The wine is perfectly balanced with intense minerality and a smooth finish. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE RIEBEECKSRIVIER CHENIN BLANC | R318 Attractive dried stone fruit, yellow apple and ripe mango on the nose, with subtle hints of vanilla and wild flowers. The palate has ripe peach and apricot richness, seamlessly woven into a well-rounded and creamy mouthfeel. BLUSH GLASS / BOTTLE POLO CLUB CHARDONNAY PINOT NOIR | R45 / R117 A subtle peach/pink wine with a light pinkish hue. Vibrant Red Fruits of Raspberry and Strawberry and slight Candy Floss on the nose. A fruity and fresh palate with well defined notes of citrus. .
R E S TAU R E VA L L E Y AN TH T WINE LIST VREDE EN LUST JESS ROSÉ | R150 The playfully pink Jess rosé has a delicious bouquet and over-delivers on quality. Light bodied and bursting with aromas, this wine is characterized by its crisp style and fruity palate. QUOIN ROCK NAMYSTO ROSÉ | R295 Aromatic, a perfume with hints of musk. Attractive red berries and boiled sweets. Fresh, vibrant and well balanced. Beautiful fleshiness and texture on the palate with the persistent fruit on the finish that lingers well. An absolutely beautiful wine, perfect on its own, but also an ideal partner to most seafood dishes RED POLO CLUB MERLOT | R52 /R132 Prominent red fruit aromas of mulberry and dark plum with subtle hints of toasted almonds and nutmeg. VAL DE VIE VALLEY OF LIFE SIGNATURE BLEND | R112 / R297 85% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Merlot, 5% Malbec. Full bodied and oak aged with a deep royal colour. A lingering finish of earthy blackcurrant nuances with notes of sweet-spice flavours make this wine a great companion to hearty dishes. *Winner of The Sommeliers Selection 2018 - Elegant and Classy Reds THE EPIC BLEND | R56 / R130 (Cape Blend) 50% Pinotage, 50% Shiraz. A layered wine with well-integrated cherry, plum and blackberry with hints of nutmeg and pepper flavours VAL DE VIE RYK NEETHLING PREMIUM BLEND | R420 50% Grenache Noir, 20% Cinsault, 30% Shiraz. A layered, full bodied wine with elegant tannins that give structure and a lingering aftertaste. **Val de Vie Flagship LEOPARD’S LEAP CABERNET SAUVIGNON / MERLOT | R62 / R190 80% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot. The wine boasts a well defined round and elegant structure and lush red berries, ensuring intriguing and juicy tannins. It reveals the best of both varieties in the blend and finishes in a soft, lingering after taste.
R E S TAU R E VA L L E Y AN TH T WINE LIST LEOPARD’S LEAP CULINARIA PINOT NOIR | R357 Leopard’s Leap Culinaria Pinot Noir is a delicate wine with an interesting combination of red and darker fruit nuances, made in a more classic style. Subtle aromas of cranberry, hints of raspberry and cherry with delicate undertones of tobacco. LA MOTTE MILLENNIUM | R68 / R268 52% Merlot, 30%, Cabernet Franc, 10% Petit Verdot, 8% Malbec. A dusty, earthy nose with raspberry and mulberry fruit, cinnamon spice and a hint of mint, promising a complex wine. TOKARA CABERNET SAUVIGNON | R259 This wine has a beautiful garnet colour. There are berry aromas of cassis, red currant and blueberries on the nose complimented by underlying notes of cocoa, fresh herbs and tobacco. VREDE EN LUST RED LADY MERLOT | R240 The delicacy of the red fruit aroma of Merlot will entice your nose and palate. DE GRENDEL MERLOT | R339 Bright ruby in colour with a light red rim. A melange of aromas permeates the nose, showing truffles, forest floor, violets, plums and cherry. The palate is medium-bodied, reeling juicy fruit, wonderful texture, fine grained tannins and a silky finish. DELAIRE GRAFF SHIRAZ | R330 This juicy, ripe and approachable Shiraz with its ruby colour and purple tints has a spicy white pepper undertone as well as lavender and dark red fruit aromas of mulberries. ANTHONIJ RUPERT SYRAH | R1250 Understated fynbos edge to plump black plum and vanilla spice with a hint of violets on the nose. Complex and intriguing. The palate is simultaneously plush-textured and svelte but multi-faceted with plum-, blueberries-, ink and spice notes. L`AVENIR HORIZON PINOTAGE | R302 Medium-bodied, with fine-grained, silky tannins. The palate is smooth and offers seductive notes of crushed pomegranate, juicy plums and black cherries. Refined and sophisticated, with a delicate balance, showcasing the finesse and restrained power of a modern Pinotage.
L L E Y R E S TAU R A E VA NT TH WINE LIST . TERRA DEL CAPO SANGIOVESE | R215 Subtle spice and perfume aromas overlay the rich cherry and blackberry fruit. A lovely “Italianate” dryness permeates the palate - along with the ripe succulent black cherries and berry fruit vibrance. MULLINEUX SYRAH | R720 This perfumed Syrah has notes of spicy citrus rind, refined black fruit, violets and lilies. The palate is elegant and restrained with a silky texture balanced by a fresh, natural acidity. The finish is long with supple tannins. MARRAS PIEKENIERSKLOOF GRENACHE | R212 Partially natural fermented and matured in older oak barrels for 10 months. Hints of ripe cherry and wild strawberry. VREDE EN LUST BOET ERASMUS | R450 This elegant new-world style Bordeaux blend incorporates the classic varietals and showcases abundant fruit that is well-balanced with oak. ANTHONIJ RUPERT OPTIMA | R430 51% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Merlot, 23% Cabernet Franc, 1% Petit Verdot. The palate is soft and spicy with a velvety texture and powdery fine tannins. It is simultaneously rich, rounded and refined, softly appealing and structured from sympa-thetic oaking which is harmoniously integrated. QUOIN ROCK NAMYSTO SHIRAZ / CABERNET SAUVIGNON | R330 51% Shiraz, 36% Cabernet Sauvignon, 13% Merlot. Initial aromas of red berries with hints of green peppercorn leads through to layered profiles of tobacco and leather, rounding off into a plummy richness on the mid-palate and finishing off with soft, velvety tannins. LA MOTTE PIERNEEF SYRAH / VIOGNIER | R620 95% Shiraz and 5% Viognier. This Syrah Viognier red-and-white wine blend with its rich, fruity style is a versatile partner to food, as the structure and spice of the Syrah red wine, as well as the floral nuances of the Viognier red wine, allow it to complement beef, venison and charcuterie, aromatic curries, game birds such as quail and duck, as well as reduced fruit flavours.
L L E Y R E S TAU R A E VA NT TH WINE LIST NEDERBURG PINOTAGE | R215 Generous aromas of succulent blueberry and juicy red fruit with a subtle hint of oak. Cinnamon spice and ample lively blue and red berry fruit compote in a tasty, succulent package. Poised and energetic with good frame and balance. DE TOREN DELICATE | R298 Redolent of roses and ripe-for-the-picking strawberries, the refreshing De Toren Délicate is an elegant red blend. Medium-bodied and immeasurably gentle, it offers up an abundance of juicy fruit and velvety, smooth tannins that lead to a sophisticated finish. KEVIN ARNOLD SHIRAZ | R580 Complex red and dark fruit with earth and cold stone leads the aromatics of this Stellenbosch Shiraz, accompanied by plum fruit and leather spice undertones. Natural acidity and classic granular tannins are characteristic to the nature of a Stellenbosch Shiraz. NON-ALCOHOLIC WINES LEOPARD’S LEAP NATURA CLASSIC WHITE | R165 Crisp and refreshing with tropical fruit flavours and an integrated palate. Versatile, health-conscious and delicious. Low in calories and vegan friendly. LEOPARD’S LEAP NATURA CLASSIC RED | R165 Red berries and sweet spice intrigue and follow through for a smooth mouthfeel and lingering aftertaste. Delightful on its own and an outstanding partner on the dinner table. Low in calories and vegan friendly.
BEERS Jack Daniels Honey R37 Amstel R28 Jack Daniels Old No 7 R37 Black Label R29 Jack Daniels Single Barrel R65 Castle Lager R28 Jameson R43 Castle Light R29 Jameson Select R51 Flying Fish Lemon R33 Jameson IPA R47 Heineken Zero R33 Johnny Walker Red R30 Heineken R33 Johnny Walker Black R46 Windhoek Lager R33 Monkey Shoulder R54 Windhoek Light R33 Singleton R55 Windhoek Draught Bottle R35 Southern Comfort R24 Woodford Reserve R58 C ID E R S Hunters Dry / Gold R33 CO GNAC Hunters Chilled R28 A N D BRANDY Savanna Dry / Light R35 Remy Martin R85 Savanna Non Alcoholic R35 Klipdrift R20 KWV 3yr R20 KWV 5yr R25 DR AU G HT S 300ml/500ml KWV 10yr R35 Diesel and Dust Blond Ale R53 / R35 KWV 12yr R45 Diesel and Dust Gold Lager R53 / R35 KWV 15yr R85 Castle Lite Draught R44 / R35 Olof Bergh R20 Heineken Draught R48 / R33 Richelieu R20 Windhoek Draught R44 / R33 Hennessey VS R62 Stella Artois Draught R51 / R35 Loxtonia Stone Fruit Cider R45 / R32 Loxtonia Sundowner Cider R45 / R32 R UM Bacardi R27 Captain Morgan Dark Rum R27 WH IS KE Y Captain Morgan Spiced Gold R27 Bain’s R39 Havana Club 3yr R32 Ballantine’s R44 Malibu R27 Benriach 12yr R60 Red Heart R27 Bells R27 Famous Grouse R27 Chivas Regal 12yr R52 Gentleman Jack R44 Glendronach 12yr R77 Glenmorangie R45 J&B R29
VO D K A A N D C A NE Nachtmusik R31 Absolute Blue R33 Pimm’s No.1 R22 Belvedere Vodka R56 Tia Maria R36 Smirnoff 1818 R20 Apple Sours R22 Sky Vanilla Vodka R36 Butlers Peppermint R22 Cape to Rio Cane R22 Bottle/Tot Andiamo R265 / R75 G IN Beefeater R25 P OR T AND SHERRY Beefeater Pink R25 Monis Medium R28 Bombay Sapphire R34 Monis Full Cream R28 Cruxland R38 Monis Pale Dry R28 Gordons London Dry R20 Old Brown Sherry R15 Hendricks R55 Allesverloren Port R45 Hendricks Midsummer Solstice R55 Inverroche Amber R46 Inverroche Classic R46 MI X ERS Inverroche Verdant R46 Indian Tonic R24 Musgrave Pink R52 Indian Tonic Lite R24 Tanqueray R30 Lemonade R24 Tanqueray Seville R30 Ginger ale R24 Six Dogs Blue R53 Pink Tonic R24 Monkey Dry R63 Pink Tonic Lite R24 Pienaar and Son Empire R48 Bitter Lemon R24 Pienaar and Son Orient R48 Club Soda R24 Wixworth R35 Tomato Cocktail R40 Roses Kola Cordial R10 Roses Lime Cordial R10 TEQ U I L A Roses Passion Cordial R10 El Jimador Gold / Silver R35 Olmeca Gold / Silver / Aged Black R40 L I Q U E RS Tot Amarula R20 Aperol R33 Campari R33 Butlers Blue Curacao R20 Cointreau R38 Frangelico R32 Jägermeister R35
CO L D B E VE R AG ES M ILKSHAKES Coke R26 Chocolate R35 Coke Zero R26 Bubble Gum R35 Cream Soda R26 Banana R35 Fanta Orange R26 Vanilla R35 Sprite R26 Lime R35 Sprite Zero R26 Salted Caramel R35 Stoney R26 Coffee Milkshake R37 Twist Granadilla R26 DELUXE MILKSHAKES Twist Lemon R26 Crunchie R48 Boss Iced Tea Lemon R36 Kit Kat R48 Boss Iced Tea Peach R36 Peanut Butter and Banana R48 Appletiser R33 Grapetiser Red R33 Red Bull R45 HOT BEVERAGES Rockshandy R52 Americano R28 Steelworks R52 Americano Decaf R34 Cappuccino R30 Cappuccino Decaf R34 F R UI T J U I C E Cortado R30 Orange Juice R20 Macchiato R30 Apple Juice R20 Caffe Latte R31 Mango Orange Juice R20 Single Espresso R30 Double Espresso R32 Café Mocha R34 M IN E R A L WAT ER S Hot Chocolate R32 La Vie 750ml Sparkling R35 TEA La Vie 750ml Still R35 Red Cappuccino R34 La Vie 500ml Sparkling R15 Red Latte R36 La Vie 500ml Still R15 Chai Latte R37 Rooibos; Five Roses, Ceylon; Chamomile; Peppermint, English D O M P E D R O ’ S A ND Breakfast, Earl Grey, Green R26 SPECI A L CO F FEE’S Kahlua R48 Whiskey R48 Frangelico R48 Amarula R48 Nachtmusik R48 Brandy R48
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