Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish

Page created by Patrick Zimmerman
Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish
Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish

                        Worship Sites

   Our Lady of the Ridge                 Saint Linus
  10836 S. Oxford Avenue          10300 S. Lawler Avenue
  Chicago Ridge, IL 60415           Oak Lawn, IL 60453
         708-425-3800                   708-422-2400
      Fax: 708-425-2792              Fax: 708-422-2707
Website: ourladyoftheridge.org   Website: stlinusoaklawn.org
Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish
From Fr. Mark’s Desk:

Easter Sunday: “Then the other disciple also went in, the one who had arrived at
the tomb first, and he saw and believed.”

   Walking through any cemetery, one no ces and perhaps observes the graves
and monuments. The bigger monuments or tombs are a perpetual reminder of
the significance of a person’s life. If there are pictures at the grave or tomb, it can
further enhance our interest in the life of the one who is ‘at rest’ there.
   Jesus was laid in a tomb. It was thought that, now dead, He would rest there.
But we know the tomb, the grave is not the end for Jesus. Jesus will not be at rest;
He will resurrect and walk among His people again.
   The energy behind this resurrec on is the desire of God to re-energize us. The
energy of our spirit and soul in this life, and the energy of our eternal soul in the
kingdom of God.
    For the Chris an, there is an an cipa on walking past a tomb, knowing that at
the end of me, the dead shall be raised.
    Every human being in a sense is a living monument to what is possible when
we allow the one who is raised, to raise us too! Lord, raise us to a new and more
abundant life.
   “Here might I stay and sing, No story so divine; Never was love, dear King, Nev-
er was grief like thine. This is my friend, In whose sweet praise, I all my days could
gladly spend.” (My Song is Love Unknown v7)
    This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!

  Happy Easter
  Fr. Mark Walter

~Next Sunday, there will be a Divine Mercy Holy Hour (no Mass or confessions) at
the Our Lady of the Ridge site at 3pm. There will not be a service at the St. Linus
Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish
Mass Schedule for April 16—24, 2022                                                       We pray for members of our
At STL: Saturday 4:00PM; Sunday 8:00AM, 10:00AM;                                          parish family who are home-
          M - F 6:00AM Comm. Service; 7:30AM Mass                                         bound, or in hospitals, nursing
At OLOR: Saturday 5:00PM; Sunday 9:00AM, 11:00AM;                                         homes, rehab centers and
         M - F 8:30AM Mass                                                                hospice. Names may be sub-
Saturday, April 16, 2022 Holy Saturday                                                    mitted to this list through ei-
Noon      Blessing of Baskets at Our Lady of the Ridge                                    ther church rectory. This list
6:30PM Mass of Resur r ection / Easter Vigil at St. Linus    will be frequently revised. We remember especially:
Sunday, April 17, 2022 Easter Sunday of the
          Resurrection of the Lord                                     Linda Sartori, Joanne Blackwell, Judy Rafferty
8:00AM People of Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus
9:00AM People of Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus
10:00AM People of Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus
11:00AM People of Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus          PRAYER OF THE WEEK
12 Noon People of Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus
Monday, April 18, 2022 Monday within the Octave
                                                             Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
7:30AM Mary McNicholas, Elizabeth Themann                    At the Mass during the Day
8:30AM Henry Gniadek                                         O God, who on this day,
Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Tuesday within the Octave            through your Only Begotten Son,
7:30AM Marty Gallagher, Felicidad Ampongan,                  have conquered death
          Nemencia Jonson                                    and unlocked for us the path to eternity,
8:30AM James Joyce
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 Wednesday within the               grant, we pray, that we who keep
          Octave                                             the solemnity of the Lord’s Resurrection
7:30AM People of Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus,          may, through the renewal brought by your Spirit,
          Margaret & Frank Kirincich                         rise up in the light of life.
8:30AM Leroy Golab, John Michael Lape, Ed Keane,             Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
          Poor & Forgotten Souls in Purgatory
Thursday, April 21, 2022 Thursday within the Octave          who lives and reigns with you
7:30AM Ron Dusek                                             in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
8:30AM Lois Rockett                                          God, for ever and ever.
Friday, April 22, 2022 Friday within the Octave
7:30AM Robert & Helen Walter                                 Reflection question:
8:30AM Gniadek & Kloc Families
Saturday, April 23, 2022 Saturday within the Octave
                                                             How can I keep the solemnity of the Lord’s Resur-
4:00PM Edward R. Lee, George ‘Bud’ Lamoureux,                rection in my daily life?
                                                             Collect text from the English translation of The Roman Missal, © 2010, International Commission on
          Dante Miotti, Patricia Kowalski                    English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
                                                             Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company, Inc.
5:00PM Joe Donofrio, Richard Tranowski,
          Richard & Bernadette Greenfield,
          Raymond Rafferty
Sunday, April 24, 2022 Divine Mercy Sunday
8:00AM Larry Schmit, Maria Biel, Dan Marshall
9:00AM Spl. Int. 24th Anny. of Diaconate Ordination of
          Deacon Ed, Bill Devane (95th Birthday),
          Mary Stortz, Kathleen King
10:00AM Carl & Emily Strehmann, Tony Errico,
          Joseph Jankiewicz
11:00AM Charles Maurer, Sr., Zofia Karwaczka,
          Edward Ficek, Gloria Gonciarczyk
3:00PM Divine Mer cy Holy Hour at Our Lady of the                            Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them,
          Ridge (no Mass or confessions) no service at STL                              O Lord

Easter Sunday April 17 Masses
8:00am, 10:00am, 12 Noon at St. Linus                                                                   Marilyn Mulowski
9:00am, 11:00am at Our Lady of the Ridge
                                                                                                       Geraldine L. Krause
                                                                                                         Eileen Turcich
                                                                                                       John W. Marquardt
Divine Mercy Sunday April 24                                                                             Lucia D. Roach
3:00pm Holy Hour at Our Lady of the Ridge
(no Mass or confessions) no service at St. Linus
Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish
Eucharistic Adoration

                                                           STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE

                                            COLLECTION FOR: (OLOR)              COLLECTION FOR: (STL)
 Rejoice! Alleluia! He is Risen!              Sunday, April 3, 2022              Sunday, April 3, 2022
 This is the time we all celebrate            Collection      $ 8,708.10          Collection    $11,762.00
Jesus. We invite you to come and              E-Giving:       $ 1,360.00          E-Giving:     $ 884.00
    spend time with the Lord.                 Total:          $10,068.10          Total:        $12,646.00

  Tuesday 5-7PM at St. Linus
                                                   Thank you for your continued financial support
 Friday 5-7 PM at Our Lady of
            the Ridge

           Rectory Hours (for both sites)
            Holy Thursday 9a.m. - Noon
            Good Friday CLOSED                                 Mother McAuley High School Honor Roll
            Holy Saturday CLOSED
            Easter Sunday CLOSED                              Monica Alifantes            Hana Mulcrone
            Easter Monday CLOSED                               Janibeth Arroyo            Madeline Obrzut
                                                                Grace Celauro               Erin Pascua
         *Regular business hours resume
            Tuesday, April 19 at 9a.m.
                                                                Sofia Dueñas               Madeline Perz
             Answering Service monitors                        Elena Fernandez           Genevieve Ramirez
                 emergency calls                              Lauren Gallagher             Riley Rascop
                                                                Erin Gillfillan            Katarina Rios
                                                               Claire Gilhooly             Angelina Rizzi
                                                               Sarah Gilhooly              Isabella Rizzi
                                                                Grace Gondela              Alyssa Romo
                                                               Kailey Hamilton            Ava Grace Sales
       The St. Vincent de Paul Society
                                                                Riley Kolarik             Cadence Stemen
             LOVE IN OUR WORK                                 Gabrielle Lenihan           Hannah Stepek
Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter, like Mary             Mia Luckett               Isis Swanborg
Magdalene and the disciples, we find the challenge             Bianca Martinez            Julianna Sweiss
of also seeing and believing the Resurrec-                     Caitlin McGrane            Aurora Weimer
tion.©svdpusa.org                                             Madeline McGrane

              Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference will
              be accep ng gently used spring/summer         COR      All high school teens of Our Lady of the
              clothing items at our “Bundle Weekend”        O        Ridge - St. Linus are invited to join us:
              on April 23/24. Dona ons can be brought       R
              to the St. Linus parking lot, 15 minutes      N                Watch this space for
              before and a er Masses.                       E                upcoming events!!
              THANK YOU to all who donated to
              our monthly nonperishable food col-           THANK YOU to everyone who donated food items
              lection for our food pantry. You                         for the COR teen retreat.
              helped your brothers and sisters expe-        THANKS ALSO for the overwhelming response to
              rience the love and joy of Easter.                our request for Easter basket supplies.
                                                                Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish
Alleluia!                                    MORNING OFFERING
                                                   O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I
                                                  offer You my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of
          Christ is risen from the dead!          this day for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart,
                                                      in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
      We have walked the way with Christ,
                                                  throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for
     To his suffering and death on the cross;     the intentions of all my relatives and friends, and in
        We now hear in the echoing tomb               particular for the intentions of Pope Francis:
            A never-ending “Alleluia!”
                   This is the day
          You have made for us, O Lord,          For health care workers: We pr ay for health car e
           To praise you and thank you,          workers who serve the sick and elderly, especially in
           To bless you and glorify you          the poorest countries; may they be adequately sup-
         For raising Christ from the dead.       ported by governments and local communities.
                                                 Pope Francis’ 2022 Monthly Prayer Intentions

                 This is the day
          You raise us from the dead,
       Born anew in the waters of baptism,
         Risen with Christ to life eternal,
               Now and forever.                                                     We welcome to our
                                                                                     Faith Community
                     Amen.                                                        those recently bap zed:
                                                                                    Violeta Ana Gonzalez

   Faith is the beginning and the end is love.
—St. Ambrose
Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish
                           “IT’S A GREAT DAY TO BE A HAWK!”
                            CELEBRATING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS

Here are three of our 2nd graders working on a      We had a dress down day for Ukraine and raised over
science project comparing fruits and vegetables     $1100 to send to Catholic Relief Services who are do-
and their characteristics. Finn O’Grady, Zoey       ing great work in Ukraine. Way to go St. Linus com-
Zawacki and Dominick Turwon.                        munity.

                                                                                   Dates to Remember

                                                                    April 25-School Resumes

                                                                    Thank you Parish Family for supporting St. Linus
                                                                    School financially and
                                                                    spiritually! We are blessed.

                                                                    For more information or to
                                                                    schedule a tour contact:

                                                                    Margaret Hayes, Principal
                                                                    @ 708-425-1656

                                                                    Linda Delisi, Secretary
                                                                    @ 708-425-1656
During Religion class Mrs. Romo took her 7th grade class to
church for Adoration of the Eucharist with Fr. Ryan. The
students spent over 30 minutes in silent prayer. It was a
beautiful time for all.
Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish
Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish
Cardinal Blase Cupich                                                      Most Reverend Andrew Peter Wypych
                      Archbishop of Chicago                                                          Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago

                        PARISH DIRECTORY                                                              EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS

Church:   Our Lady of the Ridge                                                              SUNDAY SCHEDULE: (at St. Linus): Saturday, 4:00 PM;
          10836 S. Oxford Ave. Chicago Ridge, IL 60415
                                           708-425-3800                                      Sunday, 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
          Saint Linus                                                                        (at Our Lady of the Ridge): Satur day, 5:00 PM;
          10300 S. Lawler Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL 60453                                         Sunday, 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM (with Facebook) Live Stream
                                           708-422-2400                                      MONDAY-FRIDAY: 6:00 AM Communion Service (at STL)
Parish Website: www.ourladyoftheridge.org                                                    MONDAY-FRIDAY: 7:30 AM Mass (at STL)
                 www.stlinusoaklawn.org                                                                           8:30 AM Mass (at OLOR)
                                                                                             HOLY DAYS: See the bulletin for Mass schedule.

St. Linus School: 10400 S. Lawler, Oak Lawn, IL 60453
............................................................................. 708-425-1656   SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: (Confession)
                                 www.stlinusschool.org                                       Saturday 12:00 to 1:00 PM in Saint Linus Church or by ap-
Office of Faith Formation:                                                                   pointment.
                  10300 S. Lawler, Oak Lawn, IL 60453
............................................................................. 708-636-4373
Faith Formation Center:                                                                      EUCHARISTIC ADORATION:
                   10859 S. Ridgeland Ave. Chicago Ridge, IL 60415                           Tuesday evening from 5-7 PM in Saint Linus Church
         www.stlinusoaklawn.org/ReligiousEducation                                           Friday evening from 5-7 PM in Our Lady of the Ridge Church
                                                                                             MARIAN DEVOTIONS: The Rosary
                                                                                             Each weekday after the 7:30 AM Mass at STL.
Parish Fax: 708-425-2792 at Our Lady of the Ridge
            708-422-2707 at St. Linus                                                        Each weekday at 7:45 AM before Mass at OLOR.

Office Hours:                  Monday thru Thursday, 9am—4pm
                               Friday, 9am—3pm                                               BAPTISM:
                               Weekend—CLOSED                                                Baptism will be scheduled by appointment only. To make
                                                                                             arrangements, please call the rectory.
PARISH STAFF:                                                                                Please contact Fr. Mark or Fr. Ryan to arrange the date and
PASTOR:           Rev. Mark Walter                                                           time of your marriage celebration at least four months prior to
ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. Ryan Brady                                                            the date.
RETIRED PRIEST:   Rev. Peter Cyscon

                                                                                             SPRED: (SPecial REligious Development)
SCHOOL PRINCIPAL:        Margaret Hayes                                                      Ministry to developmentally disabled children and adults.
FF DIRECTOR:              Cheryl Antos, D. Min.                                              Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:00 PM at OLOR.
FF COORDINATOR:           Barbara Zickterman
PERMANENT DEACON:         Robert Cislo                                                       SEEKING WISDOM PRAYER GROUP:
PERMANENT DEACON:         Edwin Hill                                                         Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM in the Cardiff Center at STL.
PERMANENT DEACON:         John Orzechowski
MUSIC DIRECTOR:           Peg Mooney                                                         AA MEN’S DISCUSSION GROUP:
MUSIC MINISTER:           John Black                                                         Saturday morning at 10:00 AM in the Parish Center at OLOR.
BUSINESS MANAGER:         Joseph Dillon                                                      Sunday evening at 7:00 PM in the Cardiff Center at STL.
FAMILY MINISTRY:          Joan Hickey                                                        NA GROUP:
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Kim Geissler                                                       Monday evening at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center at OLOR.
YOUTH MINISTER:           Teresa LeCompte                                                    NEW PARISHIONERS:
MAINTENANCE OFFICE:       Bob Clark                                                          New parishioners are welcome to register at the rectory as soon
MAINTENANCE OFFICE:       Bob Powers                                                         as possible.
Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish
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Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish
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