The - Holy Week & Easter April 2022 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church

Page created by Tammy Pearson
The - Holy Week & Easter April 2022 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church


                                            Holy Week & Easter
                                             April 2022
The - Holy Week & Easter April 2022 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
• H.S. Youth Group (Saturday at 4:00 pm): "Sun-
  day School" for High School Youth.
• Saturday Night (5:30pm): A relaxed and joyful
  celebration of God’s presence among us.
• First Light (Sunday at 8:00am): Our Saviour’s
  early morning service is short and meditative,
  with music played on organ, piano, cello or even
• Sunday School for Children and Adults (Sunday
  at 9:00am)
• Holy Communion Class (during Lent) Sunday
  at 9:00am
• Organ & Choir (Sunday at 10:30am): Our fullest
  and most popular service.

  is April 17.

The - Holy Week & Easter April 2022 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Wednesday, 6 April at 6pm
 We will share a simple meal and then worship together. Pastor
 Michael will offer a meditation on poetry and prayer.

April 10-17
  Palm Sunday (9-10
  April, Saturday and Sun-
  day services)
  Jesus enters Jerusalem
  Maundy Thursday
  (14 April, 7pm)
  A celebration of the Last
  Supper & Communion
  Class Blessing
  Good Friday (15 April,
  Noon and 7pm)
  Spoken prayer at noon,
  and the Service of Dark-
  ness in the evening.
  The Great Vigil of Easter (16 April, 5:30pm)
  A journey through the history of salvation.
  Easter Sunrise Matins (17 April, 6:30am)
  As the sun rises in the east, we rejoice in the rising of Christ.
  Easter Communion (17 April, 8 & 10:30am)
  Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

The - Holy Week & Easter April 2022 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
 Please join us for a Special Easter Sunday Social Hour, be-
 tween services on April 17 from 8:45am-10:15 am. You
 supply the food and we'll provide the fun and fellowship, as
 we celebrate the Risen Christ together. No need to RSVP;
 just come and bring your favorite finger food to share. The
 Fellowship committee is looking forward to seeing everyone

And Activities for the Children
 On Easter (April 17), the Sunday School will have an Easter
 Egg Hunt for the children along with other Easter related ac-
 tivities from 9-10 am. The egg hunt will take place outside if
 weather allows; if inclement weather, the egg hunt and other
 activities will be held indoors.

The - Holy Week & Easter April 2022 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Feast of New Life
A Youth-Led Event on April 23-24
 To enhance our worship as well as allow our youth to grow and
 shine, we are offering a new opportunity for youth to lead the
 church: a dramatic presentation of the Passion and Resurrec-
 tion of Our Lord on April 23-24.
 Our youth in 6th-12th grades are preparing a dramatic reading of
 the story of the suffering, death and rising of Jesus. They have
 written and will perform a paraphrase of the biblical story accord-
 ing to St. Luke at the 5:30 pm service on Saturday, April 23 and
 the 10:30 am service on Sunday, April 24. (This will not replace
 our traditional reading of the passion according to St. John dur-
 ing our Tenebrae service on Good Friday.)
 The play is inspired by the medieval tradition of parish “Miracle
 Plays,” fun-filled local festivals in which the Bible stories were
 enacted for a popular audience.
 This is an excellent time to invite friends, so it helps us spread
 the good news of God’s love to our community.
 This is also an exciting opportunity to develop new leaders
 among our youth, as well as to help the entire congregation dig
 deeper into the story of Christ.
 For more information or to help in any way, contact Pastor Terri

The - Holy Week & Easter April 2022 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church

Last night, Doug, the local weatherman predicted “warm dry
winds are coming in from the West.” He continued, warning
us “don’t be surprised if the warm moist humid winds ap-
proaching from the South, take over.” So go the winds sur-
rounding us.
Is the fresh air in our lives in the hands of the trained mete-
Smokey, smelly, hot, muggy, foggy, hazy, or stale, we dwell
in this world with whatever weather we are given. It follows
us no matter where we go. Unless we dare to move and
take our chances somewhere colder, hotter or dryer. We re-
alize we are exposed and vulnerable at times. And we can’t
change the fact that living with the weather pattern is one of
the most fragile parts of our lives.
 Or are we?
“You know well enough how the wind blows this way and
that. You hear it rustling through the trees, but you have no
idea where it comes from or where it’s headed next. That’s
the way it is with everyone born from above by the winds of
God, the Spirit of God.” In John 3:8 Jesus teaches Nicode-
mus about the weather of the Kingdom.
We are no strangers to this breath. It is the core of our life.
Reread Genesis 2:7. We are filled with the wind of the Spirit.
It turns out our bodies, minds, souls and spirits were formed
from the dust under our feet and the breath of God.

The - Holy Week & Easter April 2022 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Whether this air around us is forceful, gentle, breezy, blow-
ing, pure, clean, quiet, all of the above*, forecasted or not,
we embrace it firmly. “Come Holy Spirit” is on our lips as we
take in the fresh air of the Holy Spirit moment by moment.

  Prayer: God, the winds are blowing around me. Spir-
 it Wind. Fresh Air. Bring peace to our world. Help me
 ride out and survive the hurricanes present in my life.
 Holy Spirit, you’ve promised joy in the morning air. As
 I breathe in and out, in this moment give me fresh
 winds for the day. Amen.

                                               By Troy Stansell
“Do you hear God?” “Where do you hear God?” Questions
that were posed in a recent Bible Study. I suppose the easy,
first answer in my mind is the Bible. As I got to thinking
about this more, I was struggling with trying to make God
one dimensional. I see and feel God more than I can say
that I physically hear him with my ears. If we open our
hearts, ears and eyes, it’s easy to see him communicating
to us in so many ways.
Whether it’s the nudge we feel to go hug a stranger because
we see them crying or we offer our water bottle to someone
who is clearly in need of water. Maybe it’s seeing someone
smile back to you after you make eye contact and wish
them a good morning, and then get blown away when they
hand you the largest sand dollar you have ever seen so that
your daughters “can find it on the beach”.

The - Holy Week & Easter April 2022 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Maybe he’s reinforcing his biblical promises and how he is
the great provider when you are on a cold January sub 10
degree walk and notice the dried berries and crab apples
that are still on the tree that the birds are eating. Wow, what
a grand design this is, that he is “providing for the spar-
On a recent run, I was     For the first time in
reflecting how for the
first time in a long time  a long time, it feels
that it feels good to
dream, to dream about      good to dream
the future! Dreaming is
another way I think
                           about the future!
God speaks to us. My
head was literally stuck in the clouds admiring the birds fly-
ing by, the warmth of the sun and how amazing God is, and
how great it is to dream and look forward!
One thing I learned in a truly epic fashion, though, is that if
you have your heads in the clouds dreaming you should
keep one eye on the road ahead so that you see the speed
bump in front of you! I literally tripped over a random
speedbump that had no business being on this dirt road,
and completely crushed my shoulder when I impacted the
gravel road. Man did that hurt!
But I’m also learning another lesson, sometimes to recover
and move through the pain requires more pain as I’ve been
trying to stretch out and exercise my shoulder. I also think
sometimes God speaks to us through hardship allowing us
to learn and grow.
God is so multi-dimensional, and I believe he is communi-
cating to us all the time. We just have to be open and still to
see, hear, and feel his presence.

                         Psychotherapy is most effective when you
                         can be open and honest. If you've never seen
                         a psychologist before, you may have some
                         questions about privacy.
                         Will the things I discuss be kept private?
                         Confidentiality is part of psychology's code of
                         ethics. Psychologists take your privacy very
Laws protect your privacy. The Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) contains a privacy rule that creates
national standards to protect individuals' personal health infor-
mation, including information about mental health.
Can a psychologist share my private information without my
In some specific situations, psychologists can share information
without the client's written consent. Common exceptions are:
• in order to protect the patient or the public from serious harm
  — if, for example, a client discusses plans to attempt suicide or
  harm another person.
• Psychologists are required to report ongoing domestic vio-
  lence, abuse or neglect of children, the elderly or people with
• Psychologists may release information if they receive a court
  order. That might happen if a person's mental health came into
  question during legal proceedings.
This article is excerpted from the website of the American Psychological Association
( For a more complete picture, please visit
the website directly.

Vacation Bible School at OSLC will be June 6-10, 2022. Due to
the current times, there will be some minor changes or accom-
modations from previous years.
Classes will be for children who will enter kindergarten through
fifth grade in the 2022-2033 school year.
A special preschool will be limited to younger siblings, children
and grandchildren of OSLC VBS staff.
Protocols will be in place to assure health and safety measures,
which may include limited class sizes, as many outdoor activities
as possible, cleaning protocols, etc.
More information to follow soon, including the theme, registration
link, training events, and more.
Your help is needed and most appreciated! Please consider vol-
unteering for leadership opportunities and/or support staff.
~ Debbie Henson

High School Youth Dark-Games Night – Date & Time TBD
Youth in grades 9-12 and their friends are invited to hang
out at Our Saviour for an evening of fun and games—mostly
in the dark! This event will pull out some old favorites and
introduce some new ones. Look for more news to come on
the church website (And for the light-up Easter Eggs when
you get here!)

 •    Ladies' Bible Study Tuesdays at 10:00 am in the church li-
      brary — all ladies of the church are not only invited but en-
      couraged to join. “What’s said at Ladies Bible Study, stays at
      Ladies Bible Study!”.
 •    Dave's Thursday Morning Class – Thursday at 10:00 am.
      The class will meet using a hybrid method – both in person at
      the church (Rm.#6) and on Zoom. See our website for more
      information and link to join class online if that’s what you so
 •    Pr. Michael's Thursday evening Bible study at 5:00 pm via
      Zoom. The link is at the event post on our website for Zoom
      link, or write Pr. Michael at prchurch@gmailcom.
 •    High School Youth Group Saturdays at 4:00 pm "Sunday
      School" for High School Youth in the church’s youth room off
      the fellowship hall.
 •    Sunday School for all ages Sundays at 9:00 am in-person
      at the church and via Zoom.
       •    Communion Classes for 5th-6th Grade
       •    Sunday School for Children & Youth
       •    Adult Sunday School: Witness to the Cross

           NEW Adult Sunday Study: “Ever Ancient, Ever New.”
                Based on the book by Winfield Bevins
                        Led by Pastor Michael
     Young Evangelicals are seeking Christian traditions rooted in
     the historic faith – the liturgy, the creeds, the patterns of the
     Christian year. Can the Lutheran Church offer what this gen-
     eration of seekers is looking for, or have we ourselves lost sight
     of why tradition matters? Let’s talk! (Begins April 24)

February-March 2022
Bags of Food: 7 (Feb)
Bags of Cleaning & Personal Items: 9 (Feb)
Gas Gift Cards: 12 (Feb)

Fauquier County Food Distribution Coalition:
      •    95 households
      • 145 individuals:
             o 128 adults
             o    17 children
      •    15 boxes of food were delivered to local motels

People Helping People:
   • $ 14,825 for rent, mortgage, motels, and utilities
   • OSLC volunteer hours — 59 (Feb)
   • Other information not yet available

                    April Activities:
   (1) Collection for support of Culpeper
       SAFE House;
   (2) Fundraising for OSLC’s Quilt Ministry.
   Check for notifications in the weekly announcements and on Our
   Saviour’s website for more info on activities listed above or other
   activities not listed above.

                                  NEED AND IT’S STILL
                             The Fauquier County Food Distribution
    Coalition has been giving away food since 2003 but can no
    longer continue without new volunteers and a new Board of Di-
    The Food Distribution is a 501(c)3 non-profit. It has been one of
    OSLC’s community ministries since its inception.
    Help is needed once a month at Warrenton United Methodist Church:
•    Week before Sat. distribution: Order food from Blue Ridge Area
     Food Bank and submit monthly reports.
•    Thursday, 10am-noon (before the third Saturday): Strong backs to
     unload food truck, separate food items and bag produce.
•    Friday, 4pm (before the third Saturday): To box up food and set up
     for Saturday.
•    On the third Saturday 8:15am: Set up computers to input new clients
     and check off those who have come before. Need three data entry
•    Also, on third Sat: Need 10 people to load boxes of food onto carts
     and take out to client’s cars.
•    Clean up and prepare the hall for church the next day.
•    Data entry person(s) to collect input from the day and prepare a re-
     port to Blue Ridge Area Food Bank in a timely manner.
•    Board of Directors consists of: President, Vice-President, Treasurer,
     Secretary, and Gift Card Chair; board meets monthly.
    If you would like to hear more about the opportunities to serve,
    please contact Dave Raecke through your church directory or by
    getting his information from the church office.

Get Your Tickets
for this Amazing
 To help offset rising
 costs of sheets, batting and supplies, plans are underway to sponsor a
 fundraiser drawing for two (2) of our beautiful Quilts in April.
 Tickets will be available at a table in the Narthex before and after ser-
 vices April 9 through April 30 and the drawing will be after Saturday
 service on April 30. Tickets will be $5/ticket or $20/5 tickets and par-
 ticipants can bid on either one or both of the Quilts.
 Our Saviour’s Quilt Ministry serves the mission of Lutheran World Re-
 lief, brining help to people in need worldwide.
 For any questions or to volunteer to help in this fundraising event,
 please reach out to Andrea Mutterer using your church directory or by
 getting her contact information from the church office.

 Coming Saturday, April 30th and Sunday, May 1st, the Holy Land Chris-
 tian Solidarity Cooperative will be with us. They will share their hand-
 crafted olive wood carvings, made by our brother and sister Christians
 in Bethlehem, for purchase.
 For centuries, Bethlehem Christians have been using the olivewood to
 make religious crafts. They rely on selling them to Christian pilgrims for
 their livelihood. Due to persecution, conflict, and COVID-19, tourism
 has plummeted. Unemployment has reached its highest, and Chris-
 tians families are struggling to get daily bread. Unfortunately, many
 Christians are leaving the Holy Land. For the first time since Jesus’s
 resurrection, the Christian population of the Holy Land is less than 1%.
 Please join us at the Saturday evening service, with a potluck to follow,
 and again on Sunday morning between services, for an opportunity to
 support this ministry. For more information about the Holy Land Chris-
 tian Solidarity Cooperative visit their website at

A Note from Betsy Springman
 As per the request of information during the February congregational
 meeting, I am pleased and proud to report OSLC members donated
 $5,575.00 in 2021 for rebuilding after the flooding of that area late Au-
 gust 2021. We are still collecting funds via our Sunday School class
 and will send that money to them at the end of June 2022.
 The director of Hurley Community Center, Teresa Christenson, wanted
 to relay her heartfelt and sincere thanks for our generosity.
 Also, at this time we are exploring sending a group of members
 back to Hurley this June (2022)!!
 Anyone who is or will be going into 9th grade and up in the fall, or any
 adult, is eligible to go. We would encourage this to be a family event.
 All adults are welcome, skilled or unskilled! All you need is a good atti-
 tude and a willing heart to help those in need.
 If this is something you, your family or youth would be interested in do-
 ing, please let the office know and we will determine if this is the year
 to continue this life changing mission.
 Contact Betsy Springman with questions or to donate.

About Hurley:
Since 1995, Hurley Com-
munity Development has
served the deeply impover-
ished residents of Buchan-
an County, in Virginia’s
southwest Appalachian re-
Our Saviour has partnered
with HCD for years, and
organized many mission
trips there. We have built
strong friendships while
serving as Jesus taught us.

July 14-16 at Roanoke College in Salem VA
 Come to learn about new trends in Christian formation with Dr. Beth
 Lewis, the President and CEO of 1517 Media, the publishing arm of the
 Lutheran church. Bible studies will be led by the Rev. Dr. Rick Rouse,
 and many, many worskshops will be offered.
 Power in the Spirit is a 3-day learning, worship and fellowship oppor-
 tunity on the campus of Virginia’s Lutheran college. For registration in-
 formation, visit or speak to Pastor Michael.

A Celebration of Service
 In place of our annual business meeting, the Virginia Synod will hold a
 Synod-wide gathering this summer, on July 15-16, in conjunction with
 Power in the Spirit. We will celebrate ministries of service from around
 the state.
 Everyone can attend. Unlike an Assembly where the number of partic-
 ipants is limited, anyone in the Virginia Synod can attend the Synodical
 Gathering. Congregations are encouraged to send at least two leaders,
 but anyone who is interested can register.
 Registration will open on April 4. The registration website will go live
 on April 4 and more information about registration will be shared soon.
 If you attend Power in the Spirit, you are automatically registered
 for the Synodical Gathering. Everyone registered for Power in the
 Spirit (which begins on July 14) will be registered for the Synodical
 Be a part of a Festival Worship Service at College Lutheran Church
 on Friday, July 15 at 7:30 PM. Even if you aren't registered for the
 gathering, you are invited to attend the worship service where we will
 also recognize our Serving Boldly Award recipients for 2022.

                       FINANCE CORNER
         Prior 3 Months 2021/2022 Income and Expenses
                   (General Operating Budget)
                                TOTAL                 TOTAL
                               OFFERING            EXPENDITURES
DECEMBER 2021              $   54,072              $ 37,816
JANUARY 2022               $   31,846              $ 35,450
FEBRUARY 2022              $   28,944              $ 32,189
YTD                        $   60,790              $ 67,639

AVERAGE MONTHLY OFFERING NEEDED: $ 37,000. (This amount is
the total MSP for 2022 divided by 12 months.)
In looking back over the last 10 years of income and expenses, only
twice was the income greater than expenses during the month of Febru-
ary! But unexpectedly, we received an unbelievable donation from Melvin
Giles’ will to the Memorial/Endowment Fund of approximately $85,000.
This now brings the balance of that account to ~ $216,000.
Additionally, a grant from the Synod allowed us to upgrade our Member-
ship, Contributions and Expenses software (Shepherd’s Staff) as well as
purchase a subscription to Sign-Up Genius to help committee chairman
with the scheduling of volunteers. As usual with technology, we must be
trained! But as is obvious, God continues to provide!
FYI – Requests for Gas Cards have increased dramatically since the
pandemic began and while the office gives out only 1 card per month to
those who request them, the demand remains high. Offerings from Ash
Wednesday and the 5 mid-week Lenten services have been designated
to the Pastors’ Emergency Assistance Fund to support this community
For those who prefer to give online, Troy Stansell and Sandy Benfit were
able to add a special tab labeled as such to make this donation easier.
As always, thank you so much for your donations.

                                           Jerry Hoke, President
                                       Renee Breeding, Secretary

At this meeting:
   • Bob Springman was approved as the church liaison to
     the Boy Scouts.
   • A small group is working to complete the Values, Vision
     and Ministry statement.
   • The date for the November 2022 Congregational Meeting
     was set: November 6, following the 10:30 AM service.
   • It was decided that future congregational meetings will be
     held on the last weekend in February and the first
     weekend in November each year.
   • Approved a request to host the Holy Land Christian Soli-
     darity Cooperative to come to our church for a presenta-
     tion on the situation facing Christians in Bethlehem and
     to sell items carved from olive wood from the holy land.
   • Accepted a report from the group working to hire a sex-
     ton or cleaning service. There should be more infor-
     mation on this next month.
   • Had a discussion on changes to the live streaming of
     worship services and technology for live streaming.
   • Received the Finance and Treasurer's reports.

Local churches doing local mission together
 Our Saviour is ex-
 cited to join with
 Warrenton United
 Methodist Church
 and several other
 local congrega-
 tions for a local
 youth mission
 “trip” this sum-
 On June 20th-24th,
 middle and high
 school youth will
 help local agen-
 cies such as
 Community Touch
 and the Fauquier
 Community Coali-
 tion to serve our
 neighbors in
 need—and grow
 closer to each and God as they do so. The organizers need
 a count of participants, funding, and potential adult volun-
 teers to help in a variety of ways, including construction
 leaders, runners, and meal packers.
 Are you or your youth interested in participating? Let us
 know! Contact Pastor Terri, Mark Knisely, Betsy Wilco, or
 Rick Ducharme for more information. Details to come soon!

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