Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com

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Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com
Our Lady of the Lake
Catholic Church
Faith Community and Fatima Shrine

                                                      WELCOME TO OUR PARISH!
                                                                  MISSION STATEMENT
                                                        As parishioners of Our Lady of the Lake
                                                     and as members of the Body of Christ, we will
                                                    seek to love God with all our hearts, souls, and
                                                    minds, through the liturgy and tradition of our
                                                   Church, through fellowship with each other, and
                                                   through communal and individual prayer. Out of
                                                    this love for God we will seek to love others by
                                                     searching out and responding to the spiritual,
                                                   emotional, and material needs of the members of
                                                    our Parish and the community at large. We will
                                                    offer a warm welcome to every parishioner. We
                                                    will encourage each member to share his or her
                                                    God-given gifts and talents with the rest of our

                                                  CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST
                                                          Start your day with Jesus.
                                                               Join Father Mike
                                                         Monday—Friday 8am Mass
                                                             and Rosary following
                                                         First Saturday of the month
                                                          8am Communion Service
                                                   (does not fulfill Sunday Mass obligation)

                                                   Saturday 6:00pm English, 7:30pm Español

                                                       Sunday 9am, 11:30am Family Mass
                                                        Mon.– Fri. after 8am Mass.
                                                          Saturday 2pm - 3pm
                                                    First Friday of the month 8:30am - 8pm
                                                                 HOLY DAYS
                                                   All Holy days 6:00pm Vigil Mass , 11:30am
                                                       Mass (no 8:00am if on a weekday)

     27627 Rim of the World Drive , Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352
           Mailing Address Box 1929, Lake Arrowhead, CA, 92352
          www.ollakearrowhead.org | 909.337.2333 | Fax 909.337.5041
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com
                                                              TK - 5th grade (Must be enrolled in TK): Scheduled 1st & 3rd
                                                              Sundays from 10am-11:15am in the hall.

                                                              YOUTH MINISTRY
                                                              High School B.A.S.I.C. (Grades 9-12): meet on every other
                                                              Tuesday from 6 –7:30pm in the YC/Hall
Father Michal Osuch,C.R.                                      Middle School G.A.P. (Grades 6-8): meet every other Tuesday
                                                              from 6 - 7:30pm in the YC/Hall
(Congregation of the

STAFF                                                         SACRAMENTS
                                                              This is a two-year program. The first year is consistent attend-
                                                              ance in our Religious Education (RE) program. The second year
DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: GIGI HORAN                   is continued attendance in RE program and enrollment in the
                                                              Sacramental Preparation Program (SP).
PARISH MINISTRIES                                             CONFIRMATION
Altar Server Training: Tony Godlewski                         The Diocese of San Bernardino requires a two-year program and
                                                              active membership in the Youth Ministry program.
Annulment Advocate: Kelly Salbato
Baptism Preparation in English: Jan Stein
Baptism Preparation in Spanish: Raul Chairez,
                                                              Please call the parish office for information and scheduling.
Miguel Andrade, Arturo Sifuentes
                                                              Godparents must be Confirmed and practicing Catholics. Bap-
Bible Study: Deter Heuser, Kelly Salbato
Bingo: Knights of Columbus
                                                              tisms in English are celebrated on the last Sunday of the month
Cenacle: Penny Galuszka                                       during the 11:30am Mass.
Church Environment: Shelley Smith, Elaine Horan & Eve Perez
Columbiettes: Helen Seagull                                   CLASES PREBAUTISMALES
Dynamic Catholic Ministry: Margaret Mueller                   Para más informacion llame a la oficina. Los Bautismos en es-
Eucharist Minister Training: Gigi Horan                       panol se celebrarán el último sábado de cada mes durante la
Fatima Shrine: Frank Hoeschler                                Misa en español.
Funeral Hospitality: Gigi Horan
Gift Shop: Kathy Howe                                         MARRIAGE
Hispanic Liturgy: Jose Guadalupe Martinez
                                                              Arrangements should be made with Fr. Michal at least six
Knights of Columbus: Peter Venturini
Life, Dignity and Justice: Shauna Smith                       months before the marriage date. At least one must be an active
Marriage Prep Spanish: Esteban & Joanna Huidor                member of the Catholic Church. Our church is available for
Marriage Prep English: Gary & Peggy Hastings                  other Catholics from other parishes.
Ministry to the Sick: Margaret Mueller
Ministry Schedule: Gigi Horan                                 QUINCEANEARA
Hispanic Choir: Roberto Loera                                 Las Quinceañeras se celebrarán el 1er sábado de cada mes a las
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Manuel Castillo                        11am solamente. Existe la posibilidad de quinceañeras en
Parish Fundraising: Mary Kay Bachman, Margaret Mueller        grupo.
Prayer List Outreach: Judith Reilly
Preventative Maintenance: Joe Lopez
Prevencion y Rescate: Joanna Huidor
Quinceañera: Maricela Moreno                                  ONLINE
Restorative Justice: Tim Montgomery
RCIA in Spanish:                                              Website: www.ollakearrowhead.org
RCIA in English: Gigi Horan
Young Family Ministry:                                        Online bulletin: www.ollakearrowhead.org/bulletin
PASTORAL COUNCIL                                              California Catholic News: www.cacatholic.org
Chair: Bridgett Johnstone
Vice-Chair: Ben Lopez                                         USA Catholic News: www.usccb.org or
Secretary: Maxine Beck
FINANCE COUNCIL:                                              FORMED: www.formed.org/sign-up
Gary Hastings
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com
                         FEBRUARY 26, 2023 | FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT

REMINDERS                                                                                    EVENTS AND GIVING
This Friday is the first Friday of the Month We will have Adoration of the Blessed           We will continue our simple Lenten Soup Supper this Friday,
Sacrament. Come spend some time with our Lord during this Lenten season. Please
sign up in the back of the church to ensure that Jesus is not alone.                         March 3rd in the Hall beginning at 5:00pm-5;45 followed by
This Saturday is the First Saturday of the Month we will have a communion service at         station of the Cross in the Church at 6:00 followed by a video
8:00am followed by a rosary. (Weather permitting)                                            series for Lent in the church from 6:30-7:00pm. Come join us!
Need some inspiration during lent? Go onto FORMED. It is full of inspirational talks,
podcasts, movies, daily lenten reflections and even children's programs. It is all free      Look for a Knight in the back of the church if you would like to
through our parish. Look on the website and scroll down to the formed logo. It is as         purchase script. They accept cash, check and venmo for immedi-
easy as putting in your parish name and your email. That's it, and you are connected         ate purchase.
to all catholic programming to inspire all of us to search deeper into our faith. There is
also an insert in the bulletin.                                                              Please stop in the gift shop to see some of our new items
                                                                                             that include Large print bible in english and spanish, our
A LENTEN PRAYER CALLED THE PASSION                                                           lady rosaries and and Our lady of Guadelupe medals.
Dear Lord Jesus,
by Your Passion and Resurrection                                                             OPPORTUNITES
You brought life to the world.
But the glory of the Resurrection                                                            If you would like to be a reader for one of the Fridays during Lent
came only after the sufferings of the Passion.                                               please see the signup sheet in the back of the church. We will need one
                                                                                             English volunteer speaker and one Spanish volunteer speaker for each
You laid down Your life willingly                                                            week.
and gave up everything for us.
Your body was broken and fastened to a Cross,
                                                                                             Sacred Heart Retreat located in Big Bear Lake has an immediate open-
Your clothing became the prize of soldiers,                                                  ing for a kitchen Manager/Cook. Responsibilities for this full time posi-
your blood ebbed slowly but surely away,                                                     tion include all duties related to food preparation and kitchen safely for
and Your Mother was entrusted to the beloved disciple.                                       the Retreat Camp. For more information, go to:
Stretched out on the Cross,                                                                  www.sacredheartretreatcamp.com
deprived of all earthly possessions and human aid,
                                                                                             Mothers of Young Children Bible Study
You cried out to Your Father that the end had come.
You had accomplished the work given You,                                                     Feb 27th—April 3 Meets in Crestline
and You committed into His hands,                                                            Mondays from 10-11:15am
as a perfect gift,                                                                           Contact: Mariana.potthast@gmail.com
the little life that remained to You.                                                        If you desire to grow in your faith, Walking With Purpose is so much
                                                                                             more than a bible study. Come as you are!
Lord, teach me to accept all afflictions
after the example You have given.
Let me place my death in Yours                                                               OFFERATORY
and my weakness in Your abandonment,
Take hold of me with Your love,                                                              In order to meet our financial obligations, we need to col-
that same foolish love that knew no limits,                                                  lect $7,150.00 each week. This past weekend we received
and let me offer myself to the Father                                                        $4107.36.
with You so that I may rise with You to eternal life.
                                                                                             The tradition of the weekly offertory collection has been
CATECHIST CORNER                                                                             made easier for you to donate to the church with secure
                                                                                             electronic giving through Weshare. With Weshare, you
High School Youth Group: Tuesday February 28th 6:00-                                         have the ability to set up a one-time reoccurring payment
7:30pm in the HALL                                                                           or select the specific collection you wish to give at any
Middle School Youth Group - Tuesday March 7th, 6:00pm-7:30 –YC                               time. It’s easy to edit your donation or view your financial
                                                                                             records. We appreciate your continued stewardship as we
R.E Classes – (Grade TK –5th) Sunday, March 5th 10am-11:15                                   keep up with the future changes in an ever fast paced
Confirmation: Year 2 ONLY - Sunday March 5th 12:45-2:30pm                                    world. Please consider secure electronic giving through
First Holy Communion (Grade 2nd-5th) - Tuesday, March 7th                                    WeShare for your donations.
                                                                                             Go to Olllakearrowhead.org to get started.
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com

RECORDATORIOS                                                          EVENTOS Y DONACIONES
Este viernes es el primer viernes del mes Tendremos Adoración al       Continuaremos con nuestra sencilla cena de sopa de
Santísimo Sacramento. Ven a pasar un tiempo con nuestro Señor          Cuaresma este viernes 3 de marzo en el Salón a partir
durante esta temporada de Cuaresma. Regístrese en la parte de          de las 5:00 p. m. a 5:45 p. :30-7:00pm. ¡Ven y únete a
atrás de la iglesia para asegurarse de que Jesús no esté solo.
Este sábado es el primer sábado del mes tendremos un servicio de
comunión a las 8:00 am seguido de un rosario. (El tiempo lo per-
mite)                                                                  Busque un Caballero en la parte trasera de la iglesia si
                                                                       desea comprar un guión. Aceptan efectivo, cheque y
¿Necesitas inspiración durante la Cuaresma? Vaya a FORMADO.
Está lleno de charlas inspiradoras, podcasts, películas, reflexiones   venmo para compra inmediata.
diarias de cuaresma e incluso programas para niños. Todo es gratis
a través de nuestra parroquia. Busque en el sitio web y desplácese     Pase por nuestra tienda de regalos antes o después de la misa para to-
hacia abajo hasta el logotipo formado. Es tan fácil como ingresar el   dos sus necesidades católicas. Las ganancias de la tienda de regalos
nombre de su parroquia y su correo electrónico. Eso es todo, y estás   benefician directamente a la parroquia de Our Lady of the Lake.
conectado a toda la programación católica para inspirarnos a todos
a buscar más profundamente en nuestra fe. También hay un inserto
en el boletín.                                                         OPORTUNIDADES
UNA ORACIÓN DE CUARESMA LLAMADA LA PASIÓN                              Si desea ser un lector para uno de los viernes durante la Cuaresma, con-
                                                                       sulte la hoja de inscripción en la parte posterior de la iglesia. Necesi-
                                                                       taremos un hablante voluntario de inglés y un hablante voluntario de
Querido Señor Jesús,
                                                                       español para cada semana.
por Tu Pasión y Resurrección Trajiste vida al mundo. Pero la
gloria de la Resurrección vino sólo después de los sufrimientos        El Retiro del Sagrado Corazón ubicado en Big Bear Lake tiene una va-
                                                                       cante inmediata para un Gerente de cocina/Cocinero. Las responsabi-
de la Pasión.
                                                                       lidades de este puesto de tiempo completo incluyen todos los deberes
Diste tu vida voluntariamente y lo dejó todo por nosotros. Tu          relacionados con la preparación de alimentos y la cocina segura para el
cuerpo fue partido y atado a una Cruz, Tu ropa se convirtió en el      campamento de retiro. Para obtener más información, visite:
premio de los soldados, tu sangre menguó lenta pero segura-
mente, y tu Madre fue encomendada al discípulo amado.                  Estudio bíblico para madres de niños pequeños 27 de febrero al 3 de
                                                                       abril Se reúne en Crestline Lunes de 10 a 11:15 Contacto: Maria-
Tendido en la Cruz, privado de todas las posesiones terrenales y       na.potthast@gmail.com Si desea crecer en su fe, Walking With Purpose
de la ayuda humana, Clamaste a tu Padre que había llegado el           es mucho más que un estudio bíblico. ¡Ven tal como eres!
fin. habías cumplido la obra que te había sido encomendada, y
Tú encomendaste en Sus manos, como un regalo perfecto, la
poca vida que te quedaba.                                              OFERTORIO
Señor, enséñame a aceptar todas las aflicciones siguiendo el           Para cumplir con nuestras obligaciones financieras,
ejemplo que has dado. Déjame poner mi muerte en la tuya y mi           necesitamos recolectar $7,150.00 cada semana. Este fin
debilidad en tu abandono, abrázame con tu amor, ese mismo
amor tonto que no conocía límites, y déjame ofrecerme al Padre
                                                                       de semana pasado recibimos $4107.36.
contigo para que pueda resucitar contigo a la vida eterna.             La tradición de la colecta semanal de ofrendas se ha
                                                                       hecho más fácil para usted para donar a la iglesia con
                                                                       donaciones electrónicas seguras a través de Weshare.
ESQUINA DEL CATEQUISTA                                                 Con Weshare, tiene la capacidad de configurar un pago
Grupo de Jóvenes de Secundaria - Martes 28 de febrero 6:00-            recurrente único o seleccionar la colección específica
7:30pm en el SALÓN                                                     que desea dar en cualquier momento. Es fácil editar su
Grupo de Jóvenes de Escuela Intermedia - Martes 7 de marzo,
                                                                       donación o ver sus registros financieros. Apreciamos su
6:00pm-7:30 –YC                                                        administración continua mientras nos mantenemos al
                                                                       día con los cambios futuros en un mundo cada vez más
Clases R.E – (Grado TK –5to) Domingo, 5 de marzo 10am-11:15
                                                                       acelerado. Considere la posibilidad de realizar
Confirmación: SOLO año 2 - Domingo 5 de marzo 12:45-2:30pm             donaciones electrónicas seguras a través de WeShare
Primera Comunión (Grados 2-5) - Martes 7 de marzo 5:00-6:30            para sus donaciones. Vaya a Olllakearrowhead.org para
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com
FOR THE RETURN OF GOOD HEALTH                                        MASS INTENTIONS
Thomas Metzger, Roy Hood, Nancy Newman, Dennis Duvall,               Saturday February 25th-
Jerry Voce, Dawn L Duckwork Ouellet, Carol Hale, Melissa                    6:00pm -+Christina Engtai (J. Hightower)
King, Mary Lubisich, Linda Holsten, Diane Hoeschler, Barbara                 7:30pm- +Monsignor Tom Wallace (Parish)
Blessington, Joe Stein, Danny Gallagher, Justin Smith, Cheryl &
Barry Robinson, Penny Galuszka, Elizabeth Lee, Bernadette &          Sunday February 26th-
Mike Fuller, Renee Caccavale Zambel, Josie Brito, Maureen                  9:00am- Int. Andrew & Alyssa Johnson (K. Salbato)
Nunez, Elliotte Mumm, Jeanne Schroeder, Kimberly Kopsho,
                                                                           11:30am- +Jerry & Carol Cara (K. Richards)
Chad Smith, Gaja Gorczynski, Lucy Gardynik, Rusty Miller,
                                                                     Monday February 27th -
John & Dot Bernardi, Paulette Gilbert, Owen Labou, Remmy
                                                                          8:00am- +Albin Engtai (J. Hightower)
Labou, Terry Miller, Tina Guzik-Staros, Sheila Leahy, Ron Hit-
tle, Sr. Kathleen Daly, Trevor Garus, Melanie Hopkins, Ricky         Tuesday February 28th-
Pesquera, Francine Coyne, Gabriel Garcia, Nancy & Bill Nolan,              8:00am- +Denise Twomey (B. Twomey)
Koa Pesquera, Jeff Jones, Alan Reilly, Kent Jones, Laura Castillo,
Pat Peterson, Helen Despart, Jeannette Dangleius, Steve Fox,         Wednesday March 1st-
Artie Pesquera, Maurine Gerrard, Bill Witter, Sandy Ends, Fr.             8:00am– +Charles Sullivan (M. Tansey)
Paul Smith, Sarai Kiser, Adriane Hallek, Lu Mastriano, Philip
Tansey, Veda Godwin, Sebastia Sandoval, Fr. Michal Osuch,            Thursday March 2nd-
Paul Corona, Minnette Gregg, Ed Morey, Mary Livingston, Ana                8:00am– Int. Richard Martinez (E&C Jacobson)
Christina O’Connor, Reece Holzer, Bill Menegatti, Chunie Baca,
Kate Helfrich, Rose Roy,Ashley Witter, Debra Chase, Mike and         Friday March 3rd-
                                                                            8:00am- Int. William Silas Hightower (J. High-
Shannon Matthews, Patty Smith, Christine Jankey, Jamie Smith,
Blake and Tatum Rider

Katie Lawrence, Erin Ashdown, John, Linda Budano, Barbara
Yellen, Kurt Kauffman, Bob Buhrle, Michelle Alvarez, Matthew
Smith, Jon, Leo Sommers, Belinda and Sam Walker, Megan Till-

Sergio Bacio, Mark Radovicic, Joe Neilligan, Zee Salva and Kar-
la Bevard

Those we have lost this year:
Charles Callaci, Alexandra Heitz, David Randolf, Monsignor
Tom Wallace, Betty Harker
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com
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Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Faith Community and Fatima Shrine - e-churchbulletins.com
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