MR. JOHNSON'S FOURTH GRADE CLASS - 2020-2021 "Getting Back on the Track for a Successful Year!"

Page created by Jesus Barber
MR. JOHNSON'S FOURTH GRADE CLASS - 2020-2021 "Getting Back on the Track for a Successful Year!"
“Getting Back on the Track for a
       Successful Year!”
MR. JOHNSON'S FOURTH GRADE CLASS - 2020-2021 "Getting Back on the Track for a Successful Year!"
School Starts Week of August 24th
-Group B Students come Tuesday and Thursday of this week
(Typical Days)
-Group A Students come Wednesday and Friday of this week
(Typically, Mon. & Wed.)
-Short-Day Schedule for all days this week
-Bring Suggested Supply List Items
-Line up at 4th grade doors for entry
-Exit outside through 4th grade doors
(Walkers and Vehicle Riders)
-Bus riders go through school halls to bus loop
MR. JOHNSON'S FOURTH GRADE CLASS - 2020-2021 "Getting Back on the Track for a Successful Year!"
Classroom Schedule
-Two days in-person, two days remote learning days,
and Friday hybrid school day:

  -Group A Remote Days (Tues. & Thurs.)
  -Group B Remote Days (Mon. & Wed.)
  -Friday Remote Day for all students: This day will
  consist of team calls in small groups and
  individuals, whole class zoom meetings, individual
  student and small group appointments at school in
  the classroom, re-teaching, interventions, and
MR. JOHNSON'S FOURTH GRADE CLASS - 2020-2021 "Getting Back on the Track for a Successful Year!"
4th Grade Papers
To Be Returned:               Online Forms Sent:
   -Email me at                  -Suggested Class Supplies         -Introduction Letter
   anything you want me to       -Class Syllabus
   know about your student       -Other Class Information
   -Suggested Class Money
   Donation in envelope or    Class Resources brought home from school:
   online                        -Ipad
   -Classroom Behavior Contract -Subject Assignment Resources
   Paper Copy                    -Usernames/Passwords
   -Computer Release On-line
MR. JOHNSON'S FOURTH GRADE CLASS - 2020-2021 "Getting Back on the Track for a Successful Year!"
-7 Habits/Digital Citizenship      Consequences:
-Respect For Self, Others,        -Verbal Warnings/New
and The Environment               Seat Placement/Lose
                                  Computer Privileges/Pay
-Positive Praise & Rewards        Classroom Money
-Online Classroom Money           -Behavior Reflection
-Table/Row Points/Rewards         Worksheet
-Friday Online Class Activities   Off-Task Behavior
                 BEHAVIOR         -Student Sent To Office
                CONTRACT          And/Or A Phone Call
                signed and        Home
                 returned!        -Conference/Contract
                                  -School Case
                                  Management Team
MR. JOHNSON'S FOURTH GRADE CLASS - 2020-2021 "Getting Back on the Track for a Successful Year!"
Using District Grade Book (Encore)
& Canvas grades imported:

  -Total Points Possible
  -Total Percent Correct
  -Complete or Incomplete
  -Yes or No
  -Rubrics (3 2 1)
  -Total Percent Completed
MR. JOHNSON'S FOURTH GRADE CLASS - 2020-2021 "Getting Back on the Track for a Successful Year!"
Other Grading Tips…….
-Late work and Absent work needs to be turned
in by the following Friday:
    (Can be worked on Fridays)
-Check mark or stamps on an assignment means
full credit.
-Scores below 50%-Student may be asked to
redo assignment and tests.
-If student has late work, he or she may miss
incentive activity until late work is finished.
-Absent Folders-Students pick one up with notes
and/or work in it when returns. Return
-Certain Assignments/Tests can be retaken.
MR. JOHNSON'S FOURTH GRADE CLASS - 2020-2021 "Getting Back on the Track for a Successful Year!"

                       Backpack Daily:
-Take Home Folder back and forth
   School Work and Office Notes
-Monthly Reading Calendar (Read 20 Minutes each Night)
   Signed each month
-Corrected Paper Work Back
-Emails to Parent and to Students about work at school/on-
                  Canvas Online Program:
-See Weekly Online Schedule/40 minutes per 4 core subjects
-Link to Clever which takes you to other programs
-Link to TEAMS
-Subject Content Modules (Lessons and Tests/Quizzes)
MR. JOHNSON'S FOURTH GRADE CLASS - 2020-2021 "Getting Back on the Track for a Successful Year!"
Fourth Grade Activities…
1. 4th Grade Class Utah State     4. Assignments During The
Fair                              Year:
   -County Float (Sign up for a      Monthly Book Reports
   County at school)                 Spotlight Opportunities
   -Float instructions will be          Person Of Week
   sent home online                     Birthdays

2. 4th Grade Level Mountain        Note: Class Parties
Man Rendezvous                     throughout the Year:
                                   -Fall Classroom Party
3. 4th Grade Classroom
Presentations (Science and
                                   -Winter Classroom Party
Social Studies)                    -Spring Classroom Party
   -Parties, Classroom Activities,
   and Academic Help

   -Sign-ups can be made
   through sign-up genius emails
   you will receive at a later
First part of School Year: We will be practicing
a lot of skills needed to help students be
successful for the hybrid schedule.
Last Thoughts: Bring a filled water bottle and a mask daily. Plan
on washing your hands often. There are 12 students in Group A
and 14 students in Group B. We will be practicing social
distancing in all areas of the school.

Thank you for participating in our online Back To
 School Format! “I am so looking forward to see
  your Burton students return to school and be
      apart of my classroom”-Mr. Johnson
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