May 29, 2022 - ST. GABRIEL OF OUR LADY OF SORROW - Parishes Online

Page created by Derek Medina
May 29, 2022 - ST. GABRIEL OF OUR LADY OF SORROW - Parishes Online
May 29, 2022
St. Gabriel’s Church                   1                    Elma, New York

                       5271 Clinton Street Elma, NY 14059
May 29, 2022 - ST. GABRIEL OF OUR LADY OF SORROW - Parishes Online
St. Gabriel’s Church                                  2                                      Elma, New York

                                                                       HAPPENING THIS WEEK

Monday, May 30, 2022
                                                           HNS Board Meeting - 7:30pm - PC
Memorial Day
 9:00AM Alphonse Predko by Wife, Chris, Children
                                                           Ladies Guild General Meeting - 7pm - FMR
        & Grandchildren
                                                           Growth in the Spirit - 7pm - PC
Tuesday, May 31, 2022                                      Boy/Cub Scouts - 6pm - Pavilion
 8:00AM Sue Shaul by Bob, Lisa & Carrie                    6/3/22
11:30AM Michael Repko by Wife & Children                   Mother’s & Munchkins - 9am - St. Gabe’s House
                                                           Cub Scout Sleepover - 6pm - St. Gabe’s House
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
 8:00AM For St. Gabriel’s Parishioners by Fr. Walter
11:30AM James Tomaszewski by Tomaszewski
                                                                                 2022 FR. LEN MEMORIAL
Thursday, June 2, 2022
 8:00AM Janice Korzeniewski by Hank & Karen
                                                                                 This scholarship is given in
                                                                                 memory of a man who gave self-
11:30AM Leonard Romance by Bill & Sharon Bergler
                                                                                 lessly throughout his life. It is
                                                                                 open to students who are mem-
Friday, June 3, 2022                                       bers of St. Gabriel’s Parish and will be attending a
 8:00AM Ronald F. Piskorz by Rita Piskorz & Family         Catholic High School in the fall of 2022.
11:30AM Norman Ratajczak by Loving Wife, Irene
                                                           Three $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to three
Saturday, June 4, 2022                                     students from the list of qualified applicants at the Ho-
 8:00AM Norbert Skrzypczyk by Rich Downey &                ly Name Society’s Father’s Day Breakfast on June 19,
         Karen Wojcik                                      2022. Applications are available in the rectory or on
                                                           the bulletin board in the rear vestibule of the church
                                                           and must be returned by the close of business on
Sunday Vigil                                               Wednesday, June 1, 2022 to the rectory.
 4:00PM Special Intention of St. Gabriel’s Ladies
 6:00PM Sigmund & Helen Garney by Jerry & Karen

Sunday, June 5, 2022
 6:00AM Dr. James Murphy by Kamholz Family                          SANCTUARY LIGHT
 8:00AM Theodore & Mary Machinski by Family
10:00AM Bernard Fronczak by Enright Family                 The Sanctuary Light that is always burning
12:00PM Leonard & Sophie Savage by Daughters               by the Blessed Sacrament can be offered
                                                           for different intentions. For this week, the
                                                                candle is lit in loving memory of:
                                                                      Mary Ann Krupski
                                                                      Jerry & Karen Oczek

                                                                   WEDDING BANNS

                                                                                Bann I
                                                                    Brittany Maciejewski & Jeffrey Barber

                                                                                Bann II
                                                                     Kelly Kieffer & Corey Loomis
May 29, 2022 - ST. GABRIEL OF OUR LADY OF SORROW - Parishes Online
St. Gabriel’s Church                                       3                                    Elma, New York
                   “When Tragedy Strikes                          NEWLY MARRIED
                   We Respond With Love”
              It is hard to believe that there has al-          Mr. & Mrs. Brad Zattosky were
              ready been 3 months of brutal aggres-             married on May 28, 2022 and
              sion on Ukraine by the Russian Federa-            have now begun their journey
              tion.                                             together in love and faith.
We are all watching with broken hearts, tears, anger,
and concern about such horrible destruction, pain and                Congratulations!
suffering of the Ukrainian people. Right from the be-
ginning, we responded with generous hearts, financial
aid and prayerful support for this suffering nation.
In the beginning I just wanted to involve my niece,
Marlgosia and her husband, Lukasz Sztolf to be my                                               PENTECOST
ambassador - helping the refugees coming to Poland.                                              SUNDAY
I underestimated the development of the situation.
When hundreds of thousands of people were entering                                        Sunday, June 5th is Pente-
the city of Przemysl, she required more people to                                         cost Sunday.
serve a growing number in need. She involved border
patrol officers, priests, women in religious orders like:                                 Please wear red so we can
Felician, Servants of Mary, Michalitki, Sercanki, Serv-                                   fill the church with the
ants of Jesus, Carmelite Fathers and their parish of                                      flames of the Holy Spirit.
St. Benedict, Cyril & Methodius. They all worked to-
gether from many different perspectives. Emergency
food: over 22,000 sandwiches, all kinds of children’s
food, water, juices, diapers, hygiene products,
strollers, shoes, clothing, sleeping bags, blankets,
bedding, children’s books, toys, backpacks, medica-
tion etc.
They were helping not only Przemysl, but also 3 other
border crossings where thousands of women with
children crying from exhaustion, were waiting a few
days for customs service.
There were many supplies were transported into
Ukraine - just 8km (about 5 miles) from Mariupol.
Several carriers were used containing medical sup-
plies, food and basic necessities.
As I learned more about such tremendous tasks,
Marlgosia and Lukasz were no longer my ambassa-
dor's. They became the “Angels of St. Gabriel” repre-
senting all of us who supported this mission so gener-
ously. Your kindness and charity exceeded my wild-
est dreams, I will write more about this in my future
bulletin articles. We involved so many others, Reli-
gious Women and Priests in Poland and Ukraine.
They are taking care of the orphan children, mothers
with children and people in Ukraine.
At this time I would like to thank Marlgosia and Lukasz
their generous heart and working overtime on our be-
half. Both of you along with all involved are Our He-
roes. In addition to your full-time work, you did so            To the families and friends affected by the tragedy on
much, organizing, traveling, shopping, and taking care          the East Side of Buffalo, We are praying for healing,
of so many people.                                              and God’s blessings in this time of sadness and sor-
May the Lord bless you all, may the Lord reward you
for all that you have done.                                     May God bless you.
May the Lord bless all people for your financial gifts
and sacrifices.                                                 You are in my heart and
You are all in my heart and my prayers,                         my prayers,

Yours,                                                          Fr. Walter
Fr. Walter
May 29, 2022 - ST. GABRIEL OF OUR LADY OF SORROW - Parishes Online
St. Gabriel’s Church                                       4                                     Elma, New York

                                                                        BABY SHOWER THANK YOU!

FAITH FORMATION GRADES 1 – 5                                    The Respect Life Committee would like to thank all
                                                                who generously donated to the St. Gianna Pregnancy
Dear Families, we are so happy to see you continuing            Center Baby Shower. The mothers who receive your
to attend Mass, and look forward to seeing you                  gifts are so very grateful for the much needed baby
throughout the summer. Thank you for setting a good             items. The monetary donations are used to purchase
example for your children by following the 3rd Com-             larger items such as car seats which are needed to
mandment.                                                       bring their babies home from the hospital. Thank you
“Blessed are those who dwell in your house, ever                for sharing God’s love with these moms and their ba-
singing your praise” Psalm 84:4                                 bies.
Please note: Faith Formation Summer Office hours                Thank you and God bless you.
are 9am-1pm, Monday – Thursday.
In prep for next year, please be sure to be a regis-
tered and active parishioner. Please call the rectory at
Grades 1-5 HomeSchool: Please return books to the
office ASAP. Work must be completed before Regis-
tration for next year.
Grade 1 – 8: If your child did not participate in FF this
year or last year, you may call the office to complete
Home Study lessons over the summer. This way your
child will not fall behind.
Grades 6-8: All remaining lessons should be turned in
by June 6th.                                                                             WORLD YOUTH DAYS
Please pick up your child’s completed Home Study                                            PILGRIMAGE
lessons during FF summer office hours by June 6th.
May the Lord bless you and your families, and may
                                                                                         Fr. Jozef Dudzik, pastor of Our
you always stay close to Jesus!
                                                                                         Lady Help of Christians, St.
Anyone wishing to become a volunteer teacher for                                         Johaphat, and Resurrection
next school year, if you haven’t already, please regis-                                  parishes invites all youth ages
ter for the Virtus Training session                                                      16-50 to participate in World and go to “First Time Regis-                                     Youth Days Pilgrimage. In the
trant”. You need only attend this training one time.            past, Fr. Jozef has organized similar pilgrimages with
Those who have already had it, need not register for it         the youth to Australia, Spain, Poland, and Germany.
again. The Virtus Training session will be held on Sat-         The trip runs from July 28 - August 9, 2023. We will
urday, June 18, 2022 at 9:00am in the Parish Center.            visit many historic places of Spain and Portugal in-
                                                                cluding Fatima and participate for one week of World
                                                                Youth Days in Lisbon with Pope Francis.
   CATHOLIC CHARITIES                                           For more information, email Fr. Jozef at:
                                                       or call OLHC parish office at
The countdown is on! We are now                                 716-276-9288. Deadline to send the first payment is
approaching the final month of Cath-                            July 31, 2022.
olic Charities Appeal 2022. If you
have made a gift to the Appeal, we
offer our sincere thanks. If you
haven’t made a donation or pledge yet, now is the
time. It is important to note that Catholic Charities
has been serving the East Side of Buffalo for decades
and we will continue to do so. Our data estimates that
25% of East Side residents benefit from one or more
of our services. We also are supporting the efforts to
meet immediate needs in the community now, includ-
ing extending hours at our Rich Street Food Pantry
and providing food at the mobile distribution site. Do-
nations can be made securely online at or by calling 716-218-1400.
Thank you for all you are doing to support and deliver
the important work of Catholic Charities on the East
Side of Buffalo and all across Western New York.
May 29, 2022 - ST. GABRIEL OF OUR LADY OF SORROW - Parishes Online
St. Gabriel’s Church                                       5                                     Elma, New York
happening June 8, 15 & 22, 2022 at
6:30 pm at St. Gabriel Parish Cen-
ter, 5271 Clinton St., Elma, NY
14059. This Seminar is for those
who have already made a “Life in                                Are you looking for a part time job? We are hiring a
the Spirit” Seminar in the past. The                            part time Maintenance worker.
cost is $15. Registration and checks to:
Sandy Swiech, 5036 Pittsburg St., Hamburg, NY                   Please contact the rectory at 668-4017 for more infor-
14075, cell: 716-864-5583, email:                               mation or to apply.
We will be offering a “Life in the Spirit Seminar” in the
Fall at St. Mary of the Lake Parish Center.

                      MEMORIAL DAY

          The Office will be closed on Monday, May                                         ST. GABRIEL’S CAREER
          30th for the Memorial Day holiday.                                                   OPORTUNITIES
          There is only a 9am Mass on that day.
                                                                                           We are looking to hire one or
                                                                                           two faith filled people to
                                                                                           coordinate grades 6-8 and
                                                                                           grades 9-10 Faith Formation
               “JUNK IN THE TRUNK”                                                         programs. Duties include
                                                                planning curriculum and sacramental celebrations,
The Ladies Guild will be sponsoring their annual “Junk          responsible for weekly bulletin articles, communicate
in the Trunk” flea market on Saturday, July 23, 2022.           effectively with families and parish staff, integrate
                                                                service opportunities, have basic knowledge of Word,
For more information, or to reserve a table please call         emailing, and willing to learn new skills. Please
Sally at 716-685-3986.                                          contact Emma at 716-668-2070 for more information.

                                                                   Lauren Reese, A
                                                                Special Intention, R&R
                                                                Grabowski, Jan Parent,
                                                                   Donald Cloy, Kim,
                                                                   Sr. Joseph Marie,
                                                                Donna Sopczyk, Ady Cvetkovski, Stella Rose Curtin,
                                                                   James Refermat, Carol Stenzel, Kathy McGee,
                                                                 Renee Rozanski - Branem, Norm Benjamin, Laurel
            OUR OFFERING TO GOD                                   Cieslak, Chet Pawlowski, Karen Doyle, Jim Corey,
                                                                Sharon Styborski, Richard J. Wolicki, Freitas Family,
       “Honor the Lord with all your wealth                       Dave Denk, Eileen Dougherty, Karen Bordonaro,
      With the first fruits of all your produce.”               Arlene Litwin, Racheal Lombardo, Jeffrey Pieczynski,
    Your sacrificial gift presented at the Offertory:              Jim Moore, Shay Mikalonis, Peyton Mae Keith,
                                                                 Kimberly Stribing, Jill Riccioni, Richard and Dorothy
May 14/15, 2022            $17,309.01                           DeSantis, Rita Menno, Lorraine Aloisio, James Bach,
Online                     $ 2,932.00                           Peter J. Ziembiec, Samuel Petix, Joe Kelly, Elizabeth
Total                      $20,241.01                             Keenan, Linda Wiley, Dan Florkowski, Bill Richter,
                                                                David Komisarof, Joseph Orsene, Valerie Suto, Rich
                                                                 Benson, Judy DeTrask, Louise DeJames, Matthew
May God reward you a hundred-fold for every act of              Pluta, Gregory Jakubczak, Bernard Blocho Jr., Mary
generosity to our parish. We are grateful to each of             Jane K., Edward S., Phyllis Wainwright, Lisa Leach,
you for every donation. May our appreciation for the              Mrs. Arlene McCusker, Grace Lipczynski, Timothy
treasure that is St. Gabriel’s parish be expressed in             Popielski, Alexander Bielecki, Annette Ptak, Gary
our unselfishness and self-sacrifice. Thank you to all              Durys, Diane Johnston, Joe & Patricia Coffta,
our generous parishioners and friends for the support           Lorraine Jarczyk, John Redman Jr., Jim Wier, Loretta
of our parish. GIVE TO GOD WHAT IS RIGHT, NOT                                            Harvey
May 29, 2022 - ST. GABRIEL OF OUR LADY OF SORROW - Parishes Online
Daniel R.
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Gold Standard
Jennifer Fedus
Licensed RE Agent
164 Quaker Road • East Aurora
                                                                     THIS SPACE IS
     Each Office is Independently
        Owned and Operated                Parishioner

                                    3-D-4-3                 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                                                                                          14-0423
St. Gabriel’s Church                                                         6                                             Elma, New York
                     List of Ministries                                                               OFFICE: 668-4017
                                                                                                       FAX: 656-0616
                     & Organizations                                                              Secretary: Toni Wittmeyer
                                                                                                  Bookkeeper: Kris Iwankow
                                                                                                     FAITH FORMATION
Faith Formation Coordinator - Emma Dus 668-2070                                                     Coordinator, Emma Dus
Youth Ministry - Jean Czerniak 668-2070                                                          Secretary, Gerrie Cvetkovski
Director of Music - Emma Dus 668-2070                                                              Youth Minister, Jean Czerniak
St. Vincent De Paul - Dan 424-8928                                                              Edge Coordinator, Anna Updike
Folk Group - Paul Bloom 512-5650                                                                       Summer Hours
Prayer Group - Ron Karwick 997-9277                                                          Hours: Mon. -Thurs. 9:00am - 1:00pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Ann Bauman 684-1732                                                                668-2070
Prayer Cloth Ministry - Judy Sipior 668-3020                                        
Holy Name - David Herzog 681-2574                                                                              MUSIC
Ladies’ Guild - Sally Herzog 685-3986                                                                   Director, Emma Dus
Usher - Bob Shaul 668-4362
Eucharistic Ministers - Richard Luczak 572-5520
                                                                                                 Mike Tulumello, Dan Florkowski,
Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick - Rectory 668-4017
                                                                                                          Joe Wolanin
Lectors - Michele Ziegler 510-5677
Altar Servers - Matt Wachala 507-5977                                                                       TRUSTEES
Bereavement - Rectory - 668-4017
                                                                                                           Kathy Moriarity
Parish Council - Jim Wier - 598-1829
                                                                                                           Tom Henninger
Respect Life - Mark Bittner 901-0595
Boy Scouts - Tom Greier 256-9573
Cub Scouts - Darrell Jones 867-3790                                                                        Pastor:
Counters of Collections - Rectory 668-4017
Marriage Help? - Retrouvaille - Carol - 474-9371                                                         Jesus Christ
                                                                                                        Rev. Walter Grabowski
                                                                                                          Senior Associate:
                                                                                                           Rev. John Mitka
                                                                                                        Deacon on Sabbatical:
                                                                                                        Deacon Gregory Moran

                       MASS SCHEDULE                                                                   SACRAMENTS
     Monday–Friday ........................... 8:00am & 11:30am
     Saturday ................................................. 8:00am Mass                                BAPTISM
     Saturday Evening Vigil ...................... 4:00 & 6:00pm                    Following the 12 Noon Mass. Baptism preparation class
      Sunday 6:00, 8:00, 10:00am & 12:00pm                                         required for first time parents prior to Sacrament. Baptisms
       Rosary - Monday-Saturday……………7:30am                                         are held one Sunday of the month. Call the Rectory to make
                 PARISH OFFICE HOURS
               Monday–Friday: 9:00am – 4:30pm                                                        RECONCILIATION
              (Weekend & evenings by appointment)                                                Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 7:50am
                        716-668-4017                                                               First Friday: 11am - 11:15am
                                                                                                    Saturday: 3:15pm - 3:45pm
                                                                                   Appointments are to be made one year PRIOR to wedding
                          ADORATION                                                day. Attendance is required at a Marriage Preparation
                 (First Friday of the Month)                                       Program.
            Immediately following the 11:30am Mass
                  Through 6pm Benediction                                                 LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION
                PARISH REGISTRATION                                               Letters of recommendation can be issued to members of our
New Parishioners are requested to register at the Parish Office                   parish who are registered at least three months, regularly attend
during office hours as soon as possible, in person or by                          Mass, and receive the Sacraments. Regular use of envelopes
telephone. Please notify the Parish Office when moving out of                     indicates attendance at Mass. Sponsors are to be Baptized,
Parish or changing address.                                                       Confirmed, and if married, have done so in conformity with the
                                                                                  laws of the Church.
                LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
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