The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -

Page created by Shannon Deleon
The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -
The Devil’s Advocate
                                      May 2022

Designed to race at the Nürburgring, the Michael May 550 looks right at home on California's Highway 1.
                                                      Photo from

                     Providing a welcoming and engaging community that
                     enriches our member’s Porsche ownership experience.
The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -
2022 Diablo Region Board of Directors

President                             Brian Adkins                   
Vice President                        Bob Hilton                     
Secretary                             Michael Alexander              
Treasurer                             Pam Richards                   
Director-At-Large                     Adam Cipriano                  
Director-At-Large                     Juan Fernandez                 
Director-At-Large                     Kirk Doberenz.                 

                                                      Special Advisors to The Board

Past President                        Carlos Bocanegra               
Zone 7 Representative                 Collin Fat                     

                                                Committee Chairs and Other Positions

Charity Coordinator                   Carol Dixon                    
Communications Chair                  Carolyn Wong                   
Concours Chairs                       Marc Giammona                  
                                      Robert Hilton                  
DE Program Chair                      Adam Cipriano                  
DE Motorosportreg Registrar           Carolyn Wong                   
Dealer Liaison                        Ed Won                         
Eventbrite Coordinator                Carolyn Wong                   
Historian                             Ingrid French                  
Membership Chair                      Rowena/Juan Fernandez          
Name Tag Chair                        Pam Richards                   
Newsletter Editor                     Maiko Woodson-Mendoza          
PCA Junior Chairs                     Russel Scott
                                      Tim Soelkner
Social Media Chairs                   Brian Adkins                   
Sponsorship                           Ed Won                         
Test Drive Chair                      Rowena/Juan Fernandez          
Tour Chair                            Susan George                   
Webmaster                             Anthony Mendoza                
Club Photographers                    Brian Adkins
                                      Al Arrivas
                                      Carlos Bocanegra
                                      Kelly Guglielmo
                                      Ed Won

© 2022, Porsche Club of America, Diablo Region
Mailing Address: Diablo PCA, P.O. Box 1676, San Ramon, California 94583-6676
The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -
2022 Calendar of Events
                                                 (Diablo Region & National)
   Diablo PCA strives to have a social calendar with “standing” events (such as our weekly Saturday breakfast at The Buttercup),
           DE/track days, tours (daytime, weekday and overnight), and special events (such as our annual Oktoberfest).

                *** We are currently following city, county, and state guidelines to guide our events calendar ***

                                  NOTE: Events with “TBD” dates are currently being finalized.

Please check the Diablo Calendar page ( for the most current and accurate calendar
                                                          of events.

May                                                            September
5/8 - Porsche and Pastries #3 @ KarPark, Pleasanton            9/11 - Porsche and Pastries #7 @ KarPark, Pleasanton
5/16 - Diablo DE @ Laguna Seca                                 9/14-9/18 – Fall Treffen @ Bend, OR
5/19 - Monthly Diablo Dinner @ Faz                             9/15 - Monthly Diablo Dinner @ Faz
5/26-5/29 - Monaco Grand Prix                                  9/23 - Diablo DE @ Thunderhill (3-Mile)
5/29 - Annual Car Show @ Danville Livery                       9/17-10/3 - Oktoberfest 2022
                                                               TBD - Moaning Caves Day Tour, Calaveras County
                                                               TBD - Moss Beach Distillery Day Tour
                                                               TBD - Lodi/Murphy’s Area Day Tour

June                                                           October
6/9-6/13 - Zone 7 Shasta Tour                                  10/9 - Porsche and Pastries #8 @ KarPark, Pleasanton
6/12-6/18 - Porsche Parade 2022 @ The Poconos, PA              10/16 - Diablo hosts Concours #6 @ Blackhawk Automotive
6/12 - Porsche and Pastries #4 @ KarPark, Pleasanton                Museum
6/16 - Monthly Diablo Dinner @ Faz                             10/20 - Monthly Diablo Dinner @ Faz
6/18 - Yankee Hill Cooking School Day Tour                     10/27 - Diablo DE @ Laguna Seca
6/25 - Napa Day Tour                                           TBD - Grass Valley & Nevada City Overnight Tour
                                                               TBD - Apple Hill Day Tour, Sierra Nevada Foothills
                                                               TBD - Paso Robles/Hearst Castle Overnight Tour

July                                                           November
7/9 - Roaring Camp Day Tour                                    11/13 - Porsche and Pastries #9 @ KarPark, Pleasanton
7/10 - Porsche and Pastries #5 @ KarPark, Pleasanton           11/17 - Monthly Diablo Dinner @ Faz
7/21 - Monthly Diablo Dinner @ Faz                             TBD - Morro Bay Overnight Tour
7/24 - Summer Picnic & New Member Appreciation Day @
      Chapel Lawn, St. Mary’s College
TBD - SUV Backroads Day Tour
TBD - Lake Tahoe Overnight Tour

August                                                         December
8/12-8/21 - Monterey Car Week 2022                             12/11 - Porsche and Pastries #10 @ KarPark, Pleasanton
8/14 - Porsche and Pastries #6 @ KarPark, Pleasanton           12/15 - Monthly Diablo Dinner @ Faz
8/18 - Monthly Diablo Dinner @ Faz                             12/10 - PCA Diablo Holiday Party @ Soda Center, St. Mary’s College
8/19 - Werks Reunion @ Monterey Car Week
TBD - Mullen Auto Museum Overnight Tour, Oxnard
TBD - Sawmill Day Tour
The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -
In the Zone
                                                    May 2022
                                                  By Collin Fat
                                                Photos by Collin Fat

PCA National Upcoming Events:
For those planning on attending Parade 2022 at the Kalahari Resort in the Poconos, registration is now open for phase
II events which includes banquets, competitive events such as concours, autocross, TSD rally, and the popular
tours. Phase I registration has closed and only those who have registered for Phase I can register for Phase II.
Attendance was limited based on the availability of hotel rooms, according to Parade chair, Ron Gordon. For more
information visit:

Fall Treffen will be held at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs from April 17th to May 1st. The event is sold out and many
members from Zone 7 who have successfully registered will be making the 2,400-mile round trip journey. For more
information go to:

Werks Reunion will be returning to the Monterey Peninsula on August 19th with registration opening May 25th. This is a
highly anticipated event happening during Monterey Car Week along with the event of the week, the Pebble Beach
Concours D ’elegance. The Monterey Historic races will also be held that week with PCA planning a hospitality tent on
August 20-21st in conjunction with the race.

Porscheplatz at the IMSA Hyundai Sports Car Challenge will be held on April 30th and May 1st. The event will be held at
Laguna Seca Raceway and the hospitality tent is being sponsored by Porsche Cars North America. PCNA will feature guest
speakers, pit tours of the IMSA race team paddocks, and a Parade lap. Tickets are required for parking in the Porsche Corral
but any PCA member with proof of membership or a Porsche owner with key fob may enter the hospitality tent.

Parade 2023 will be held at the La Quinta Resort in Palm Springs from June 18-24th. The hotel is a five -star rated
property that has a famous history of being the hangout for movie stars and the Hollywood elite during the 1940’s.
The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -
Zone Autocross and Concours Series Update;
The first two events of the Zone Autocross series were held on March 12th and 13th at Crows Landing near Patterson,
California. The March 12th event was sponsored by Golden Gate Region and had over 60 drivers participating while the
March 13th had around 50 drivers and was hosted by Loma Prieta Region. The next events in the Zone Series will be held on
May 14th and 15th and Thunderhill Raceway Park with Sacramento Valley Region hosting the event on May 14th and
Redwood Region hosting the event on May 15th. Registration is currently open.

                      Event #              Date          Host Region            Location
                         1         March 12, 2022        Golden Gate        Crows Landing
                         2         March 13, 2022        Loma Prieta        Crows Landing
                         3         May 14, 2022          Sacramento         Thunderhill
                         4         May 15, 2022          Redwood            Thunderhill
                         5         July 9, 2022          Sacramento         Thunderhill
                         6         July 30, 2022         Loma Prieta        Cow Palace
                         7         July 31, 2022         Golden Gate        Cow Palace
                         8         October 8, 2022       Sequoia            Madera Airport
                         9         October 22, 2022      Sacramento         Thunderhill
                        10         October 23, 2022      Redwood            Thunderhill

                                      Carl Winkler of Sacramento Valley in action
The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -
Early model 944 transaxle Porsche in Action

Zone 7 Concours Series Update:
The Zone concours team completed its Phase I school via Zoom on April 10th that was attended by more than 60 students
and was led by Zone Concours chairs, Roy Schauben and Simone Kopitzki. It was very well organized, and the students
received an update on some clarifications of the current Zone Concours rules as well as tips on how to judge and prepare
cars for competition. Phase II training will be held on May 1st at Porsche Stevens Creek as well as at Hi Tech Automotive in
San Rafael followed by another Phase II training session sponsored by the Sacramento Valley Region on May 22nd in Shingle
Springs just east of Sacramento.

The first concours of the season will be held in Sacramento at Porsche of Rocklin on June 5th with registration now open on at the following link:
The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -
Autocross                        Concours
March 12/13 -- Crows Landing          June 5 - Rocklin
  May 14/15 -- Thunderhill        June 26 -- Gardnerville
     July 9 -- Thunderhill        July 17 -- Carmel Valley
  July 30/31 -- Cow Palace       August 7 -- Redwood City
 October 8 -- Madera Airport    October 2 -- Ledson Winery
 October 22/23 -- Thunderhill      October 16 -- Danville
                                   October 30 -- Fremont
     (a total of 10 AX's)
                                    Concours Schools
                                      April 10 - Zoom
                                  April 24 - Redwood City
                                 May 1 - HiTech Automotive
                                  May 22 - Shingle Springs

                                For more information visit the
                                     Zone 7 website at
The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -
Hands on training class held at Porsche Redwood City
The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -
PCA West Coast Club Race Series:
The first two club races of the West Coast Club Race series were held at Thunderhill Raceway Park in Willows, Ca. on
April 3-4th, and was attended by 34 drivers. This was a very good turnout especially considering it was the first two
events of the series and there were several other club race events on the same weekend. The club racing series is
divided into several different classes including 911Cup, GTA, GT2, GT3, and Spec Boxster with Spec Boxster being the
most popular among club racers. The weekend featured several qualifying sessions and 3 sprint races. The results of the
first sprint race on April 4th are below:

PCA-GGR Spring Classic Thunderhill Raceway Park
                                                                                                    April 4-5, 2022
Results of Club Race - Sprint 1

Pos PIC No.          Name           Class Laps      Diff   Best Tm                Color        Description      Region
 1    1     3 SCOTT WINDERS        GT3       17            1:52.899     3   YELLOW         87 911                GG
 2    2    44 BRIAN LOWRANCE       GT3       17      7.227 1:53.429    3    WHITE          69 911                GG
 3    3   416 ALEX STEELE          GT3       17     58.485 1:56.800     6   WHITE          76 911                GG
 4    1    17 JIM RAPPAPORT        GT2       17   1:35.752 1:58.119    4    BLUE/SILVER    19 718 CLUBSPORT     SNV
 5    1    27 ALLEN WILT           911CUP    17   1:44.762 1:59.815    3    YELLOW         SPEC 72 911           GG
 6    1   153 JOHN BALL            GTA1      17   1:49.945 2:00.405     8   WHITE          05 GT3 RSR CUP        SDO
                                                                                           SPEC 86 911
 7    2    76 PAUL GEORGESON       911CUP    17   1:51.299 2:00.135    9    RED                                  SNV
 8    3     8 SEAN VAN GELDER      911CUP    17   2:01.751 2:00.279     4   BLACK          SPEC 86 911           SVR
 9    1   666 DAN CARUSILLO        GT4       16      1 Lap 2:03.401    8    RED            76 911                SDO
10    4     7 DAVID STOMP          911CUP    16      1 Lap 2:03.426    8    BLUE           SPEC 76 911           GG
11    5    12 NED BACON            911CUP    16      1 Lap 2:02.901     8   BLACK/GREEN SPEC 88 911              SNV
12    6    59 MICHAEL CULLINAN     911CUP    16      1 Lap 2:03.398    9    GREEN          SPEC 77 911           GG
13    7    36 KAREN HOLMES         911CUP    16      1 Lap 2:03.069    12   CHARTRUESE SPEC 73 911 T            SVR
14    8    68 ANDY SIMPKINSON      911CUP    16      1 Lap 2:03.589    9    WHITE          SPEC 68 911           SVR
15    9    64 WILLIAM HARVEY       911CUP    16      1 Lap 2:02.516    11   GRAY           SPEC 80 911           SNV
16   10    61 BILL RAMSEY          911CUP    16      1 Lap 2:03.068    11   AUBERGINE      SPEC 73 911           SNV
17   11    40 DAVID HIGGINS        911CUP    16      1 Lap 2:04.054    7    ORANGE         SPEC 75 911           SVR
18    1   681 MARK SMITH           SPB       16      1 Lap 2:05.185     4   MAROON         SPEC 98 BOXSTER       GG
19    2    10 HEATH SPENCER        SPB       16      1 Lap 2:05.256    7    RED            SPEC 97 BOXSTER       GG
20    3   106 TEDDY FRAMHEIN       SPB       16      1 Lap 2:05.295    7    BLUE           SPEC 99 BOXSTER       GG
21    4    07 TIM SMITH            SPB       16      1 Lap 2:06.290    5    BLUE           SPEC 98 BOXSTER       GG
22    5    58 DOUG BOCCIGNONE SPB            16      1 Lap 2:07.788    5    BLUE/PURPLE SPEC 97 BOXSTER         DIA
23    6    62 DAN ZITTER           SPB       16      1 Lap 2:07.920    7    RED            SPEC 98 BOXSTER       GG
24    7    39 GREG CHIOCCO         SPB       15     2 Laps 2:08.757    14   SILVER         SPEC 97 BOXSTER       GG
25    8   210 THOMAS MAK           SPB       15     2 Laps 2:08.288     5   BLUE           SPEC 98 BOXSTER       GG
26    9    14 ANDREW FORREST       SPB       15     2 Laps 2:08.442    15   IVORY          SPEC 99 BOXSTER       GG
27   10 103 JOHN MAI               SPB       15     2 Laps 2:08.517     5   WHITE          SPEC 99 BOXSTER       DIA
28   12    81                      911CUP    15     2 Laps 2:09.845    3    RED            SPEC 75 911 SC        GG
29   11    19 KRIS FOSTER          SPB       15     2 Laps 2:12.645    10   WHITE          SPEC 99 BOXSTER       GG
30   12 314 JOHN SEIDELL           SPB       14     3 Laps 2:08.922    4    YELLOW         SPEC 97 BOXSTER       GG
DNF DNF 313 WALTER NILSEN          GT3       15       DNF 2:00.331     11   SILVER         07 CAYMAN S           GG
DNF DNF    35 CHARLES KOLSTAD      SPB       11       DNF 2:09.579     6    GRAY           SPEC 99 BOXSTER       GG
The Devil's Advocate May 2022 -
The PCA Club Racing Series is organized by the Golden Gate Region and is headed by Jim McClelland. The series is
generally run in conjunction with a GGR sponsored DE event, Drivers Education, that is open to all PCA members and
provides instruction as part of the registration fee. Novices and first- time drivers are always welcome.

                               Spec 911 cars on Grid

                    Racers hitting turn 11 at Thunderhill Raceway Park
Events of Interest:
1) Poscheplatz April 30th to May 1st Laguna Seca, VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
2) Zone 7 Shasta Tour, June 9-13th, SOLD OUT
3) Porsche Parade at the Kalahari Resort, Pennsylvania, June 12-18, Registration closes May 14th;
4) PCA Werks Reunion, August 19, Monterey,
5) PCA Fall Treffen, September 14-18, Sunriver Resort, Bend, Oregon;

Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little as one hour due to their popularity. Registration
for the Treffens typically opens 3-4 months prior to the event.

            2022 PCA West Coast Race Series Schedule
With Federal and State directives pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Club Racing schedule is very fluid and subject to
change on a day-to-day basis. The racing schedule shown below will be frequently updated with the latest official status of each
of our races.
Dates        Event                       Status     Enduro

Apr 02-03    Thunderhill              Opens 02/07

May 14-15    Buttonwillow             Opens 03/28

Jun 11-12    UMC                     Opens 04/25

Aug 27-28    Sonoma                   Opens 07/11

Sep 17-18    High Plains Raceway     Opens 08/01

Sep 24-25    Thunderhill             Opens 08/08

Oct 08-09    Sonoma                  Opens 08/29
PCA Diablo gained 20 new members in March 2022!

William M & Susan K (Boxster S)
James L (Cayman GTS)
Alessandro B (718 Spyder)
Osaide O (911S & GT3)                                        PCA Diablo By The Numbers:
Michael N (911S)
Samuel S & Gina S (Cayenne GTS)                              Total Primary Members: 1134
Richard K (911 & GT3)                                        Affiliate Members: 534
Eric J & Megan J (Cayenne GTS)                               Total Region Membership: 1668
Wendell A (944)                                              PCA Juniors: 84
Tom M (911 Turbo)                                            Total Cars: Not enough!
Fred A (911)
Byungjin B (911 Cab)
Sabah Y (718 Cayman GT4)
Inderpreet P (GT3)
Katy L (Boxster)
Dino T (911 4S Cab)
Ryan D (911 Targa 4S)
Orin K (911 Cab)
Dustin F (911 Turbo)
Marvin P (Taycan 4S)

              Click here to order your name badge!

              (If you wear it to our weekly Saturday breakfast you might get some PCA swag ….)
Diablo Porsche Club Invites You to Tuscan Cuisine

                                           in the Sierra Foothills

                                     Join us Saturday June 18, 2022

   Your Hosts: Ron Erickson –Winemaker, Chef and Instructor at the Yankee Hill

              Winery & Cooking School, 11755 Course Gold Lane Columbia, CA

                        Your tour hosts are: Susie George and Tom Geary

Cost: $40, which includes the 3-hour cooking lessons, and food ingredients, with a gratuity you pay on your
own if you wish to our instructor and staff at Yankee Hill Cooking School.
Menu: Tuscan menu: Tuscan chicken, fresh pasta, sauce for pasta, vegetable dish, salad, portabello mushrooms
on ciabatta bread, bruschetta, chocolate lava cake for dessert. Wine and hors d’oeuvres served there. You can
also bring your own wine to share; no beer allowed as Yankee Hill does not have a license for beer.
Start/time: Meet 7:30 a.m. from IHOP, 4567 First Street, Livermore, CA 94550. Driver’s meeting at 7:45 a.m.
and depart at 8:00 a.m. We will have a bio break in Farmington, CA. We anticipate arriving at the Yankee Hill
Cooking School at 10:30 a.m.
Maximum 40 participants and no more than 20 cars due to facility size and parking constraints.
Registration via Eventbrite
We will follow the CDC guidelines and request that everyone have proof they received their two Covid
and Booster vaccines.
Deadline to Sign Up: June 12, 2022
Please note: This is an approximately three-hour long class (from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.) and is NOT gluten-
free. Those with dietary restrictions may not want to participate. Not all participants are required to cook, but
are encouraged to cheer, observe (or heckle) their partner or fellow PCA member. No food fights allowed.
Weekly Saturday Morning Breakfast
  Start your Saturday with good food and conversation EVERY SATURDAY in Walnut Creek! Have
  breakfast with fellow Club members then head to the parking lot to kick tires. It's a great way to
  catch up with your Porsche friends and find out what is happening in the Club.

      ButtercuP Diner & Bar
      660 Ygnacio Valley Road (between N. Broadway & N. Civic Drive), Walnut Creek, 94596

      Every Saturday starting at 7:30AM

                             For something simple:
                             Buttermilk pancakes

                                                                 One of their specialties - Frosted Cinnascuit
                                                                 (House made biscuit dipped in cinnamon sugar, baked &
                                                                 topped with a cream cheese frosting)

                                                     Vegetarian Eggs Benedict for our
                                                     vegetarian members

**COVID Guidelines for Contra Costa County (As of 4/26/2022):
 • Contra Costa’s “Path to Zero” seeks to stop all preventable COVID deaths by making sure everyone in
   our community knows about treatment options and how to access them. For more information please
 • Please follow the Buttercup’s guidelines for masking and social distancing -- we want to come back next
 • Please respect individual choices regarding masking and social distancing.
Porsche Club of America - Diablo Region
   38th Annual CAR SHOW
Sunday, May 29th, 2022 (Memorial Day Weekend)

   Livery Shopping Center, 400 Sycamore Valley Rd West, Danville

                                   9AM - Registration
                                  10AM - Show Starts
                         Noon - “Street Tacos” From Luna Loca
                                     1PM – Awards
                                     SHOW FAVORITE,
                          Voted on by PCA JUNIORS* (Not Judged)

                   Register: $25 per car (includes 2 lunches)
              Diablo Members not showing & guests $10 for lunch

        ALL registration and raffle proceeds donated to charity
        Paws for Purple Hearts
                            info at
      Brian Adkins 510-695-5030
*Any child under 18 registered by a current PCA member can participate & it’s FREE
Driving Tour to Roaring Camp Railroad and Picnic Lunch
                       July 9, 2022

Join us for a drive on Highway 17 to Roaring Camp Railroad. The tour will start at Raley’s
  on Sunol Blvd in Pleasanton at 9 am. Parking at Roaring Camp Railroad will be on the
  lawn by the Deer Creek Right picnic area at no charge. The picnic area is available to
      participants until 5 pm. Participation is limited to 50 people, so sign up early.
           Event tickets include the picnic lunch, served at 11:30, as follows:
                             Chicken and rib platter - $32.00
                              Veggie burger platter - $24.00
                         Kids hot dog & chips lunch – no charge
Meal selections will be made when you sign up on Eventbrite. Meal platters include side
salad, western-style ranch beans, sourdough roll, seasonal vegetables, and soft drinks.
          Participants can bring coolers, appetizers, beer, wine, desserts, etc.

  After lunch, participants can take advantage of other attractions on a pay-as-you-go
basis at Roaring Camp Railroad. The Forest Train, a 75-minute ride to the summit of Bear
    Mountain, departs at 12 noon, 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm. The Santa Cruz Beach train
  departs at 12 noon and 2 pm. More information about the train rides is available at
    Participants are advised to SEPARATELY PURCHASE TRAIN
                    TICKETS ONLINE IN ADVANCE
        Save $4.00 per ticket: USE PROMO CODE: 20Diablo22
Why Join Diablo Threads & Treads
                                                  Make New Friends

                                      Learn New Skills or Brush Up On Old Ones
                                        (knitting, crocheting, stitching, crafts)

                                       Work On Community Out-Reach Projects

                                               Fun, Fun, and More Fun!
       Award Winning
  Nationally Recognized

        Meet Us                                        Contact Us
     Every 2nd & 4thTuesday                              Vern Thomas
             7:00-8:00 pm                 

     Check Via ZOOM                                      Ingrid French
    the la he PCA Di
Contact   test in
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put on the email list reand      we arthe
ZOOM information will be sent
to you prior to the meeting.

Date and Time:
       Saturday, June 25th
       Meet at 9:15 AM, Fairfield Costco 5101 Business Center Drive, Fairfield, CA. 94534. We will meet in the
       parking adjacent to the Costco Gas pumps.
       Driver’s Meeting: 9:30
       Depart at 10:00 AM

        Join us for a tour through Solano county’s Wooden Valley into Napa County and up to Lake Berryessa,
        through Pope Valley and Angwin and into the Napa Valley where we will lunch at Gott’s Roadside.

       Staring at the Costco in Fairfield we will travel through Wodden Valley and over the backroads to Lake
       Berryessa’s Dufer Point Visitor Center. At Dufer point we’ll have a restroom break and then enjoy a
       ranger led discussion of Lake Beryessa and the surrounding area’s history.

       We will continue along Lake Berryessa’s western edge crossing the Knoxville Pope Canyon Bridge before
       heading west through beautiful Pope Valley. Departing Pope Valley we will climb over Howell Mountain.
       You’ll notice the trees change from scrub Oaks at the lower elevation to a forest of cool green filled with
       Redwood trees.
At the top of Howell Mountain we will pass through the city of Angwin, before heading down into the
        Napa Valley. Upon entering Napa Valley we will head north along the Silverado Trail to Calistoga’s
        Lincoln Ave. We will pass down the main drag of Calistoga before turning south on Highway 29.

        We will stop at the “Welcome to The Napa Valley” sign between Calistoga and St. Helena for group and
        individual pictures before continuing south on highway 29 to our destination Gott’s Roadside. Gott’s is a
        popular roadside eatery with a diverse menu that includes vegetarian options. They have something for
        everyone. Lunch at Gott’s is out of pocket. Parking is available in the Gott’s lot as well as a lot on the
        corner of 29 and Charter Oak Ave. which is adjacent to Gott’s.

        The tour will end at Gott’s so that if you desire you can make plans to visit one of the many wineries for
        an afternoon tasting. Be sure to make reservations, since COVID most wineries will not accept walk-ins.
        You can also opt to spend the night in the Napa Valley. One good and budget friendly choice is the
        Calistoga Inn, book early because their rooms go fast. There are many other hotel choices, as well as
        Airbnb and VRBO options.

       Saturday, June 25th
       9:15 am Gather
       9:30 am Driver Tour Directions and Safety Briefing
       10:00 am Depart
       10:50 am Arrive Dufer Point visitor’s center for restrooms and ranger presentation
       11:30 am Depart Dufer Point
       12:30 pm Arrive “Welcome to Napa Valley” sign
       01:00 pm Depart “Welcome to Napa Valley” sign
       01:15 pm Arrive Gott’s Roadside
       03:00 pm Tour ends

•       This tour is FREE for PCA members.

Out of Pocket:
•       As required at Gott’s Roadside.

Please “purchase” one REQUIRED - Scenic Drive ticket (so we can collect your vehicle information)

Don't have a Diablo PCA name badge yet? Click here to order your name badge.

For information regarding this event contact: Susie George ( or Lawrence Tougas

For questions regarding registration on Eventbrite contact: Carolyn Wong (

For general questions regarding the Diablo Region PCA contact: Brian Adkins (
Monthly Diablo Region Dinner
           FAZ Danville, 600 Hartz Ave, Danville 94526

           3rd Thursday of the month @ 6:30PM

FAZ is happy to have us return for our Monthly Club Dinner. Join fellow Club members in the heart of
Danville for great modern Mediterranian food and lively conversation. This is a great opportunity to socialize
with both long-term and new Diablo members!

Order your dinner off their menu, bring your own wine to share (no corkage fee!), and the restaurant makes
it simple with separate checks.

PLEASE REGISTER via Eventbrite (link here) so we can give the restuarant a
headcount the Tuesday before our dinner.
For questions/additional information regarding this event, please contact: Brian Adkins

For questions regarding registration on Eventbrite, please contact: Carolyn Wong

For general questions regarding the Diablo Region PCA, please contact our current President, Brian Adkins

**COVID Guidelines for Contra Costa County (As of 4/26/2022):
 • Contra Costa’s “Path to Zero” seeks to stop all preventable COVID deaths by making sure everyone in
   our community knows about treatment options and how to access them. For more information please
 • Please follow the Buttercup’s guidelines for masking and social distancing -- we want to come back next
 • Please respect individual choices regarding masking and social distancing.
If you are selling or offering something your fellow Porschephiles would
appreciate & enjoy, please email to be featured in
                       the Devil’s Advocate Marketplace.
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