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Serving: Carvel, Darwell, Drayton Valley, Duffield, Entwistle, Evansburg, Fallis, Gainford, Parkland County, Seba Beach, Tomahawk, Wabamun, Wildwood, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain. January 5, 2021 CANADA SUMMER JOBS 2021 EMPLOYER APPLICATION PROCESS OPENING DECEMBER 21, 2020 Submitted by Gerald So- application period for CSJ employers with 50 or few- roka, MP for Yellowhead 2021 will open on Monday, er full-time employees can December 21, 2020, and start preparing their appli- OTTAWA: Gerald Soro- close on Friday, January 29, cations now to hire a young ka, Member of Parliament 2021. Not-for-profit organi- Canadian. for Yellowhead is pleased zations, public-sector em- to announce the employer ployers, and private-sector Continued on Page 2 FIRST NATIONS SIGN HISTORIC AGREEMENT WITH ALBERTA Submitted by Govern- on which we stand. And the • education ment of Alberta protocol agreement we’re • justice signing today is key to mak- • economic development “The recovery we are driv- ing that happen.” - Jason • culture and tourism ing for this province, after Kenney, Premier “I’m proud to walk a path unprecedented economic The Alberta-Confederacy of reconciliation with Con- and social challenges, will of Treaty Six First Nations federacy of Treaty Six First not be complete without Protocol Agreement out- Nations. We will work to- Indigenous involvement. lines a formal process for gether in a spirit of respect It’s a great moral imperative ministers, chiefs and coun- and partnership to move – ensuring Alberta’s oppor- cils to meet several times forward our shared social tunities and prosperity are throughout the year. Meet- and economic priorities.” shared with First Nations ings will focus on six prior- – the first peoples, the first ities: entrepreneurs and the first • land and resources Continued on Page 2 stewards of this rich land • health care
Page 2 CommunityVOICE January 5, 2021 OPENING THE WORLD TO TRADES Submitted by GYPSD dents across the province. Foundations program for stu- trade and technology careers Each participating school dents. as a rewarding career choice. Niton Central School’s Grade received a toolkit with pow- Principal Lorne’s goal is to With the generous donation 8 and 9 students were excit- er tools and equipment from inspire his junior high students of the legacy gift of tools and ed to participate in this year’s sponsors valued at over to connect their skills and in- resources, we look forward to Skills Canada Alberta Explo- $4,000, which serves as a leg- terests through interactive, offering more opportunities to ration Days which was hosted acy gift to enhance the growth hands on experiences. “We advance our CTF program.” virtually for hundreds of stu- of a Career and Technology hope to promote the value of Canada Summer Jobs 2021 Employer Application Process Opening December 21, 2020 Continued from Page 1 for-profit organizations will do not have an account on the continue to receive 100 per- secure Government Grants Similar temporary flexibili- cent); and Contributions Online Ser- ties introduced for CSJ 2020 • an extension to the end date vices portal are encouraged to will be applied this year to for employment to February create one prior to the launch help small businesses operate. 26, 2022; and of the application process. These include: • allowing employers to hire Registration is a one-time pro- • a wage subsidy, so that pri- staff on a part-time basis. cess that allows employers to vate and public-sector em- Employers interested in ap- submit their applications for ployers can receive up to 75 plying for CSJ 2021 funding are CSJ funding and other funding percent of the provincial or encouraged to prepare their opportunities offered through territorial minimum hourly applications in advance of next Employment and Social Devel- wage for each employee (not- week’s launch. Applicants who opment Canada. First Nations Sign Historic Agreement with Alberta Continued from Page 1 cern. plementation. The agreement The agreement also commits will remain in place for as long “I couldn’t be more proud to to an annual meeting between as both parties wish to keep it sign the first agreement be- the chiefs of the Confederacy active. tween Alberta’s government of Treaty Six First Nations and Quick facts and the Confederacy of Treaty Premier Jason Kenney. • In September 2019, the Six First Nations since 2008.” - The Confederacy of Treaty Blackfoot Confederacy re- Rick Wilson, Minister of Indig- Six First Nations includes 16 newed their protocol agree- enous Relations First Nations that span central ment with Alberta’s govern- The protocol agreement gives Alberta. ment. Alberta and the Confederacy of In 2020-21, Alberta’s govern- • In October 2020, gov- Treaty Six First Nations a way ment will provide the Confed- ernment signed the Alber- to have meaningful discus- eracy of Treaty Six First Na- ta-Stoney Nakoda-Tsuut’ina sions, share information and tions with a $300,000 grant to Tribal Council Protocol Agree- explore issues of mutual con- support the agreement’s im- ment.
Page 4 CommunityVOICE January 5, 2021 REMOVING FINANCIAL BARRIERS TO ADDICTION TREATMENT Submitted by Govern- enough to pay privately. Improving access so that ral to services. The toll-free, ment of Alberta “For the first time in Alber- people can get the help they confidential helpline oper- ta’s history, publicly funded need, without worrying ates 24 hours a day, seven Alberta’s government has addiction treatment will be about the financial cost, will days a week. eliminated user fees for all extended to all Albertans. change people’s lives, espe- Quick facts Albertans accessing public- Previously, people strug- cially during a time of eco- • The elimination of ly funded addiction treat- gling with addiction could nomic uncertainty. This will user fees applies only to Al- ment beds. only access residential ad- help Albertans get the sup- bertans accessing publicly Historically, Albertans diction treatment if they port they need now and into funded addiction treatment were charged a $40 per received Alberta Supports the future.” - Kim Turgeon, beds. day user fee for residential or paid privately. We are executive director, Aventa • The RATA supports addiction treatment, often giving all Albertans – re- “Over the years that PEP were accessed by clients paid for privately or covered gardless of their financial has supported family re- in the Assured Income for by Alberta Supports. This situation – the opportunity covery, we have heard nu- the Severely Handicapped change, for example, would to recover and build a better merous stories of life-time (AISH) and Income Support save patients participating life. Recovery is for every- savings being depleted and programs. in 60-day publicly funded one.” Jason Luan, Associate homes being re-mortgaged • The RATA benefit residential addiction treat- Minister of Mental Health to provide for a loved one’s was previously accessed by ment roughly $2,400 that and Addictions step into treatment and re- about 200 AISH and 2,500 they would have paid out of This change drastically ex- covery. The financial strain Income Support clients pocket. pands access to residential also impacts the family’s each year. This cost prohibited many addiction treatment for all health and wellness in too • In 2019, Alberta’s Albertans from accessing Albertans, transforming the many ways to mention. The government licensed all residential addiction treat- system to make treatment magnitude of this shift in treatment providers under ment, including students, accessible to everyone. access and support to Al- the Mental Health Services senior citizens, and peo- “It’s hard to see people bertans is huge.” - Lerena Protection Act. ple in the workforce who who need treatment have Greig, executive director, • Last year, the pro- make too much to qualify to make difficult decisions Parents Empowering Par- vincial government an- for Income Support, but not about how to pay for it. ents (PEP) Society nounced $140 million over In lieu of requiring user four years to enhance the fees from Albertans, the mental health and addiction Alberta government has care system and treat 4,000 introduced a new standard- more individuals. ized funding program for • Alberta’s Recovery licensed agencies providing Plan provides a total of $25 publicly funded addiction million in capital funding to treatment services. This will build five recovery commu- result in better outcomes nities across the province. for Albertans as well as The five recovery commu- more consistent and stable nities will add 400 public- funding for operators. ly funded treatment beds Albertans struggling to the province, which will with addiction can contact have the potential to help the Addiction Helpline at more than 3,200 Albertans 1-866-332-2322 for sup- over two years. port, information and refer-
Page 6 CommunityVOICE January 5, 2021 INFLUENZA A (H1N2)V: CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH AND CHIEF PROVINCIAL VETERINARIAN Submitted by Govern- “A confirmed case of vari- “The virus was detected “Health officials, in con- ment of Alberta ant Influenza A (H1N2)v in mid-October after an Al- junction with Alberta Agri- has been detected in cen- berta patient sought medi- culture and Forestry, have Dr. Deena Hinshaw, chief tral Alberta. This currently cal care with influenza-like launched a public health medical officer of health, appears to be one isolat- symptoms. The patient ex- investigation to determine and Dr. Keith Lehman, chief ed case and there is no in- perienced mild symptoms, the source of the virus and provincial veterinarian, is- creased risk to Albertans at was tested and then quickly to verify that no spread oc- sued the following state- this time. This is the only in- recovered. There is no ev- curred. The Government of ment on Influenza A (H1N2) fluenza case reported in Al- idence at this time that the Alberta will continue work- v in Alberta: berta so far this flu season. virus has spread further. ing closely with Alberta Health Services, the Public Health Agency of Canada and other partners across Canada. “AHS will proactively of- fer influenza testing to res- idents in parts of central Alberta if they are present- ing for COVID-19 testing at an AHS assessment centre. This testing will be optional and supports our ongoing influenza surveillance in the region. “We are taking this seri- ously, but Albertans should know that sporadic cases of variant influenza have been reported over the past decade in North America. Variant Influenza A (H1N2) is rare with only 27 cases re- ported globally since 2005, and no cases in Canada pri- or to this one. “H1N2 is not a food-relat- ed illness. It is not transmis- sible to people through pork meat or other products that come from pigs and there is no risk associated with eat- ing pork. “We will keep Albertans informed of the outcomes of the public health inves- tigation.”
Page 10 CommunityVOICE January 5, 2021 CRA ANNOUNCES TEMPORARY FLAT RATE METHOD TO CLAIM HOME OFFICE EXPENSES FOR THOSE WORKING FROM HOME DUE TO COVID Submitted by Gerald So- method to simplify claims for imum amount any individual get a completed and signed roka, MP for Yellowhead home office expenses. can claim for the temporary Form T2200S or Form T2200 Those that worked more than flat rate method is $400. from your employer and keep Gerald Soroka, Member of 50% of the time from home for This method can only be used documents to support your Parliament for Yellowhead, a period of at least four con- for the 2020 tax year. claim. would like to inform constitu- secutive weeks in 2020 due Those that have larger claims For more information visit: ents that the Canada Revenue to COVID-19 can claim $2 for can still choose to use the de- Agency (CRA) has announced each day worked from home tailed method to calculate em- space-expenses a new temporary flat rate during that period. The max- ployment expenses. To do so, MALE CHARGED IN SERIES OF HISTORICAL ROBBERIES Submitted by Alberta four robberies with a weapon, were working alone at rural forensics and statements from RCMP multiple counts of possession stores or hotels and were bear over a dozen victims and wit- of firearms and other weap- sprayed by the suspect during nesses. A 12-month investigation into ons as well as several break the robberies. Bitzer was already custody nine different robberies and and enters, theft and breach The local RCMP detachments on other matters when he was break and enters that occurred charges. These charges stem utilized the RCMP General In- charged. He remains in cus- between December 30, 2019 from a spree of robberies and vestigation Section (GIS) to tody and his matter has been and Jan. 30, 2020 has led to break and enters committed coordinate the complex in- set over to Dec. 17, 2020 in charges against an adult male. in the towns of Devon, Ash- vestigation into all the occur- Fort Saskatchewan Provincial Mitchell Curtis Bitzer (35) is mont, Alberta Beach, Andrew, rences, and as a result linked Court to speak to bail. No oth- charged with 56 counts includ- Thorhild, Blue Ridge and Fort the suspect responsible. The er suspects are being sought in ing one robbery with a firearm, Assiniboine. In several of investigation entailed search relation to the above incidents. three assaults with a weapon, these robberies the victims warrants, production orders,
January 5, 2021 CommunityVOICE Page 11 Classified Ads - Call 962-9228 cord, dry split firewood, Pine, 157,000 kms, Black on black, winter tires ready to go, Only Obituaries Tamarack and Birch. Small auto, Brand new tires & ever used premium fuel, and bulk volumes available, rims, Brand new serpentine Car is in amazing condition full logging truck loads, belt(have receipts), Brand for the year! $ 10,900. No delivery available, no fee if new spark plugs & ignition trades, no lowballers, serious within 80km of yard. TEXT coils, Power steering & inquiries only, Not in a rush 780-621-7200 (26)05-01 coolant flushed, No rips on to sell the vehicle, can only seats (MINT), Car sits on be viewed on week days after Vehicles coilovers, Downpipes, Tail Q 4pm & weekends anytime, if blow off valve, K&N cone air u have any questions text or 2008 BMW 335i For Sale, filters, Dinan MHD stage 1+ call 780-908-6659 (S) OG tune installed, Also a set of Schuler, Edna Edna Schuler (nee Remin) age 93 passed away on December 16, 2020 at Stony Plain, AB. Edna was predeceased in 2003 by her husband of 53 Years, Frank. Left behind to mourn are her two sons Lyle (Lynda) and Bill; four granddaughters, Niki, Katie, Kimm and Shannon; many great grand children, nieces and nephews. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. If friends desire, memorial tributes may be made to the Golden Age Interlake Club, General Delivery, Darwell, Alta., TOE OLO. (1) 05-01 Computers FREE Computer Checkup, Repairs NOT over $50. FREE repairs for single parents and low income seniors. Upgrade computers, Screens, Batteries, Parts. Saving/Erase hard drive, photos, documents. DONATE: old, used, broken computers, tablets, cameras, radios, gadgets, etc. for parts. Will clear ALL data. Call 780-892-2407 (16) 05-01 Firewood Outlaw Firewood Sales – Wood starting at $150 per
Page 12 CommunityVOICE January 5, 2021 Classified Ads - Call 962-9228 Entwistle Bldg. at 4932-50A bachelors with full kitchen Evansburg), $1050/month + Buy & Sell Avenue, DD $300. Tenant and furnished 1 bedrooms DD. All inclusive, Furnished, pays power, Smoke Free with full kitchen available. Utilities, Internet & TV. Max I Buy Gun Collections, World Bldg. Please call Ivanka 780- Starting at $950 + tax. Please 2 people, Call 780-239-0553 War 2 collectibles, Call Jay 807-1300 (4) 15-12-20 OG call for viewing, 780-967- (4) 05-01 Love for a quote 780-686- 4420 or 780-945-1723. www. 1350 Stony Plain (28) 03-11-20 Completely renovated Motel For Rent by Owner, Looking in Onoway, AB. offering daily, for like mind individual to (4) 22-12-20 OG weekly or monthly rentals. share a home 80 miles West For Rent All utilities included, 55 inch Year Round Cabins for of Edmonton, Respecting tv with Satellite. Double Rent. North of Evansburg COVID/keeping outside Available, 2 Bdrm ($795) in bedrooms, furnished on Hwy 22 (15 mins from contact within reason, $600/ month, utilities included. Call 780-305-4837 (3) 05-01 Classified Policy CLASSIFIED RATES INCLUDE GST. 1st 20 Words: First Insertion = $6.00; Subsequent insertion = $3.00 each. (Eg: 2 insertions = $9.00; 3 insertions = $12.00; 4 insertions = $15.00; etc) Each additional word is 20 cents per word, per insertion. BOLD/CAPITAL text available for an additional $1/line. Lost & Found and To Give Away (up to a max. of 25 words) are free of charge. Ads must be paid in advance either by cheque, cash, Visa or Mastercard. No Refunds Allowed on Classified Ads. DEADLINE: is Thurs. 4:00 pm (Wed. 4:00 pm on long weekends). Classified ads may be called in to the COMMUNITY VOICE office at (780) 962-9228, emailed to: classifieds@com-voice. com, dropped off at Onoway Registries, or mailed with your ad and payment to: COMMUNITY VOICE, BAG 3595, SPRUCE GROVE, AB T7X 3A8. Ads may also be placed on the web at www. htm
January 5, 2021 CommunityVOICE Page 13
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