MEDIA INFORMATION 2021 - Deutsches Ärzteblatt ä - Deutscher Ärzteverlag
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MEDIA INFORMATION 2021 Die Zeitschrift der Ärzteschaft Gegründet 1872 Deutsches Ärzteblatt 31–32 │ 2020 Deutsches Ärzteblatt ä Job Market and Classified Adverts 31 32 COVID-19 Invasive und nichtinvasive Beatmung Seite 528 E-Health Gesundheits-Apps auf Rezept ab August Seite 1480
TABLE OF CONTENTS | 2 Contacts | 3 Journal Profile | 4 Circulation and Distribution Analysis | 6 Job Market Print | 7 Job Market Print Image | 9 Job Market Online | 10 Job Market Print/Online Combination | 11 Job Market Online Banner | 13 Job Market OPERATION KARRIERE | 16 Classified Advertisements | 17 Delivery | 18 Schedule | 20 Terms and Conditions | 22
CONTACTS | 3 JOB MARKET AND CLASSIFIED ADVERT SALES PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Area Manager SALES MANAGEMENT JOB MARKET PC 8 & CH Head of product area Marcus Lang Stefan Pankalla Anja Steiling PC 0, 2 & Abroad Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-236 Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-302 Alfred Friedrich Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-516 Mobile +49 (0) 152 54616942 Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-247 PC 7 & Product Manager Operation Karriere VERKAUF Classified Adverts (nationwide) Isabel Stüttgen PC 1 & AT Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-479 Sebastian Getz Birgit Schäfer Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-443 Head of Sales & KAM Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-246 North Region (0–5) EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Michael Laschewski Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-252 PC 3 & 6 ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT Mobile +49 (0) 173 5415651 Nadine Maiwaldt Reference Digital Job Market Editor-in-Chief Deutsches Ärzteblatt Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-206 Anne Luise Anderlohr Egbert Maibach-Nagel Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011 - 593 Phone +49 (0) 30 246267-0 KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Fax +49 (0) 30 246267-20 JOB MARKET PC 46-48, 9 nationwide Ann-Christin Steinke Ad Management Job Market Konstantin Degner Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-345 Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-220 Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-224 Mobile +49 (0) 172 2363754 PC 4 & 5 Ad Management Classified Market Media (nationwide) Saskia Krupp Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-290 Kevin Jonas Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-396 Phone +49 (0) 2234 7011-392 Mobile +49 (0) 172 2413054
JOURNAL PROFILE | 4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION TARGET GROUP The German Medical Journal is the official publication of the German Medical All employed physicians in the Federal Republic of Germany. Association (Association of German Chambers of Physicians) and the National These are addressed with the following allocation options: Association of the Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. ▪ A: Practice allocation (registered physicians) It is the only title in the specialist medical press to address all working physi- ▪ B: Clinic allocation (hospital physicians) cians in the Federal Republic of Germany. ▪ C: All other physicians The aim of the editors is to inform physicians competently and objectively. The editorial content in particular offers: For non-employed, retired and other physicians working in other non-medical ▪ current reports on professional, health and social policy areas there is a different monthly edition M. There are separate media data ▪ current, practice-oriented medical education available for this. ▪ scientific contributions to medicine ▪ notifications from the publisher PUBLISHING AUTHORITY ▪ current, practical reports on industry and pharmaceutical research German Medical Association (Association of German Chambers of Physicians) ▪ f urther contributions on management topics from clinic and practice and National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians ▪ supplements and special pages on various topics (see publication schedule) PUBLISHER The German Medical Journal is by far the most widely read of all the specialist German Medical Association (Association of German Chambers of Physicians) medical journals. Its excellent media performance values recommend it as the and National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians leading advertising media for advertising to physicians as a target group. The respective allocation options can be booked separately or in combination. PUBLISHING HOUSE The jobs and classified adverts section is laid out the same way. Deutscher Ärzteverlag GmbH By combining it with zm – Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen from the same publisher, Dieselstraße 2 | 50859 Köln (Germany) your advertising can simultaneously reach all employed physicians and dentists Postfach 40 02 54 | 50832 Köln (Germany) in Germany. WEB
JOURNAL PROFILE | 5 VOLUME BOOKBINDING PROCEDURE Volume 118, 2021 Perfect binding with head lay PUBLICATION FREQUENCY JOB AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT SECTION weekly Appears uniformly in each allocation options. The publication of advertisements (double issues in January, May, July, August, and December, with a total of less than 100 mm takes place exclusively in the classifieds sec- see publication schedule) tion. This also applies to the publication of all advertisements whose content relates to classifieds. MEMBERSHIP LA-MED, IVW, AGOF BANK DETAILS Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank Köln FORMAT Account no.: 0 101 107 410, BLZ 300 606 01 207 × 280 mm IBAN DE28 3006 0601 0101 1074 10 BIC DAAEDEDD TYPE AREA Editorial advertisements: 173 mm wide; 254 mm high Postbank Köln Classified adverts: 186 mm wide; 260 mm high Account no.: 1 9 250 506, BLZ 370 100 50 IBAN DE83 3701 0050 0019 2505 06 BLEED BIC PBNKDEFF 3 mm on each side to be trimmed TERMS OF PAYMENT BASIC FONT Payable net immediately upon receipt of invoice 7 point Helvetica Neue. Compressed for classified adverts, only headlines bold AGENCY COMMISSION PRINTING PROCESS 10 % of customer’s net Offset printing (max. 60 lines/cm, for adverts in the classified section max. 48 lines/cm). VALUE ADDED TAX There are no extra costs when sending files suitable for exposure for offset The legal amount of value added tax is included in all prices. printing.
CIRCULATION AND DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS | 6 CIRCULATION ANALYSIS Average number of copies (2nd quarter 2020) Gesamtbelegung German Medical Journal – Clinic allocation (RPI range) Print run 377,267 0 20 40 60 80 100 Actually didstributed issues (ADI) 375,833 64.6 % Paid circulation 374,025 61.1 % Circulation sent abroad 136 71.6 % Subscribed copies 373,963 All hospital physicians Member portion of circulation 373,233 Ward and resident physicians Retail sales – Head and senior physicians Other sales 62 LA-MED specialist study 2020 Free copies 1,808 Remaining and archive copies 1,434 Source: IVW, satus: 2nd quarter 2020
JOB MARKET PRINT | 7 TARGET GROUP Reduced mm price for job adverts b+w, 2/3/4 colours*: Employed physicians Job offers** Physicians € 13.10 PRINT RUN 377,267 copies Management € 13.10 Science/research € 13.10 RANGE 64.6 % of all hospital physicians Abroad € 13.10 71.6 % of all head and senior physicians Image/job advert combination – 61.1 % of all ward and resident physicians Personal image advert € 15,200.00 two pages (LA-MED specialist study 2020) Agency offers** € 13.10 ADVERT DEADLINE Job/Agency Wednesday 10 a.m. Commercial € 13.10 requests*** Please note holiday-related rescheduling. (minimum size 1/2 page vertical or Online job markets** € 23.90 FINAL DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF PROOF PRINTS horizontal) 1 working day before the advertisement deadline Top-Job placement as a teaser in the table of contents of € 370.00 PHYSICIAN JOBS (ÄRZTESTELLEN) TYPE AREA 186 mm wide; 260 mm high The above prices include additional publication of the advertisement on 1 column = 45 mm; 2 columns = 92 mm; 3 columns = 139 mm; 4 columns = 186 mm Please note that an online charge will be made for the Job Vacancies and Agency Offers sections for advertisements
JOB MARKET PRINT | 8 PRICES AND SIZES (WIDTH × HEIGHT) JOURNAL SIZE TYPE AREA BLEED SIZES 186 × 260 mm Switch to greater value to increase 207 × 280 mm (including 3 mm bleed margin) Total of 1,040 mm 1/1 page = 213 × 286 mm responses! The job offer with an addi- 1 1/2 page = 317 × 286 mm tional upgrade at a special price. BLEED COLUMN WIDTH 2 pages 420 × 286 mm For more information, call 3 mm on each side to be trimmed 1 column = 45 mm; 2 columns = 92 mm; +49 (0) 2234 7011-250 3 columns = 139 mm; 4 columns = 186 mm 1/1 page vertical 1/2 page vertical 1/2 page horizontal b+w/2c/3c/4c b+w/2c/3c/4c b+w/2c/3c/4c in the type area in the type area in the type area 186 × 260 mm 92 × 260 mm 186 × 128 mm € 13,624.– € 6,812.– € 6,707.20 1/3 page horizontal 1/4 page corner 1/4 page horizontal b+w/2c/3c/4c b+w/2c/3c/4c b+w/2c/3c/4c in the type area in the type area in the type area 186 × 84 mm 92 × 128 mm 186 × 62 mm € 4,401.60 € 3,353.60 € 3,248.80
IHRE VORTEILE ▪ Redaktioneller Charakter Starke Präsenz Ihrer Klinik JOB MARKET PRINT IMAGE | 9 ▪ ▪ Höherer Informationsgehalt und Mehrwert für den Kandidaten ▪ Aufmerksame Platzierung Ihrer Themen im Print-Stellenmarkt des Deutschen Ärzteblattes, sowie Online auf ▪ Glaubwürdige Positionierung der Arbeitgebermarke ▪ Stärkung Ihres positiven Images KONDITIONEN JOB INSIGHT Aufbau: ▪ Das Thema wird in einem tabellarischen Raster dargestellt Format: 1/2 Seite quer ADVERTORIAL “IM FOCUS” ▪ Job Insight offers you the opportunity to place your clinic profilePlatzierung: as a supple- ▪ weit vorne im Stellenmarkt des Deutschen Ärzteblattes und auf der Startseite ment in the high-quality editorial environment of the German Medical Preis: Journal/ ▪ The(zzgl. 3.900,– € Einzelpreis Advertorial “Im Focus” MwSt., Mengennachlässe offers you a content-oriented and attention-grab- auf Anfrage) clinic edition. bing form of communication with hospital doctors! Placed prominently in the AUFBAU job market, it strengthens your employer branding in addition to your medical job advertisements in the German Medical Journal. Hinweis auf Advertorial Integration des Logos und Klinik-Name Headline mit dem Fokusthema Variable Bausteine zu den Redaktionell aufbereitete individuellen Fokusthemen Texte zu den einzelnen Bausteinen SCOPE AND PRICE SCOPE AND PRICE ▪ Editorial creation of a 2- or 4-page supplement by a journalist including layout ▪ Editorial preparation of your topic including layout design in a tabular grid design ▪ Correction and release loop ▪ Correction and release loop ▪ Placement: Prominently in the job market of the German Medical Journal as ▪ Printing and publication of the supplement (194,000 copies) in the clinic edi- well as online on the homepage tion of the German Medical Journal (Deutsches Ärzteblatt) ▪ Format: 1/2 page horizontal, unit price: € 3,900 (quantity discounts on ▪ Additional special print possible for your individual use request) ▪ Price: 2-page clinic profile: € 14,950, 4-page clinic profile: € 22,125
JOB MARKET PRINT/ONLINE COMBINATION | 10 PRICES AND FORMATS TO GET MORE ATTENTION Online job market Duration Price Online first job advertisement* – in HTML format already 2 days after advertising deadline on 6 weeks Included in print price Additional online advertisement – For job advertisements with several positions, one position is included in the price. Each additional position is charged additionally. 2nd position 6 weeks € 575.– 3rd position 6 weeks € 1,399.– Top-Job – Your premium placement on the start page and in the result list as well as in the newsletters 6 weeks € 370.– Refresher – date update during runtime: Your online job ad is again well ahead of the result list, price per position after the 15th day € 460.– Premium employer profile – Advertise with your employer benefits and present yourself individually 12 months € 1,200.– in text, picture and/or video! Link to your job advertisements on inclusive. The online job advertisement can be provided as pdf or html. * Online only one position per advertisement is possible.
JOB MARKET Online | 11 JOB MARKET ONLINE Our service for your online job advertisement on www.ä Range of services Basic (Self-Service) Online Plus Premium 30 days runtime ü ü ü Date update after 15 days (Refresher) ü ü Optimized for Google for Jobs ü ü ü E-mail dispatch via JobMail Service ü ü ü Range extension by Jobbox in the editorial area on aerz-, ä and in the newsletters ü ü ü Individual branding ü ü Personal consultation & advertisement optimization ü ü Reporting on the performance of your job ads ü ü ü Premium placement in the search results (Top Job) ü Social Media reach booster (Facebook) ü unique Term extension (30 days) incl. refresh ü Price excl. VAT € 1,149.– € 1,399.– € 1,949.–
JOB MARKET Online | 12 Additional offers Basic (Self-Service) Online Plus Premium unique Term extension (30 days) incl. refresh € 475.– € 475.– incl. Premium placement in the search results (Top Job) € 370.– € 370.– incl. Date update after 15 days (refresher) € 460.– incl. incl. Competition analysis by StellenChecker € 390.– € 390.– Premium employer profile (12 months) € 1,200.– € 1,200.– € 1,200.– Teaser ad in the print edition of the German Medical Journal (1/4 page) € 1,949.–
Online Banner | 13 CHARACTERISTICS IN BRIEF (WWW.AERZTEBLATT.DE) In addition, German Medical Journal offers various newsletters that provide in- formation by e-mail about current events in politics, medicine, the medical pro- fession, universities, foreign countries and news from the German Medical Jour- nal's website. HITS AERZTEBLATT.DE of which smartphone apps 10,031,585 page impressions 621,980 page impressions 5,636,591 visits 112,692 visits 2,990,000 unique users (AGOF 06/2020) June 2020 ONLINE ADVERTISEMENT COMPLIANT TO HWG (GERMAN DRUG ADVERTISING ACT) HWG compliant banner delivery for prescription drugs (HWG § 10) is possible on request – on as well as in the newsletters The responsive Internet offer of the German Medical Journal is directed to all CATEGORIES physicians. It complements the contents of the title and extends them by nu- Home, Online training CME, Archive merous offers in the areas of information and service. The portal offers up-to- News, Topics, Politics, Medicine, DÄ plus the-minute news, the possibility of certified online training CME, discussion fo- rums, blogs, an online archive of all editorial articles since 1973 as well as a current job market with targeted search functions and application options. In addition to the responsive website, two free iPhone or Android apps are of- fered. The app provides a reduced content offer in order to be able to call up relevant information quickly and in a targeted manner while on the move.In the German Medical Journal app, registered users will be provided with the issues and supplements as ePaper.
Online Banner | 14 DISPLAY ADVERTISING Bannerformat Desktop Tablet/Smartphone Price classified booking Price website rotation (RoS) 728 × 90 px 300 × 150 px Superbanner € 100.– TKP € 80.– TKP max. file size 50 kb max. file size 50 kb 120/160 × 600 px 300 × 150 px Skyscraper € 100.– TKP € 80.– TKP max. file size 50 KB max. file size 50 kb 300 × 250 px 300 × 150 px Medium Rectangle € 130.– TKP € 95.– TKP max. file size 50 KB max. file size 50 kb 300 × 600 px 300 × 150 px Halfpage Ad € 145.– TKP € 115.– TKP max. file size 50 KB max. file size 50 kb 728 × 90 px/ 300 × 150 px Wallpaper 120/160 × 600 px € 145.– TKP € 115.– TKP max. file size 50 kb max. file size 40 kb per file 775–920 × 250 px 300 × 150 px Billboard € 145.– TKP € 115.– TKP max. file size 80 kb max. file size 50 kb HWG-compliant banner delivery possible on request. Formats: HTML, GIF, JPG, PNG A banner campaign is always named after its main format (banner format on desktop) and includes alternative formats for playout on mobile devices (tablet and smartphone). Therefore, the delivery of additional advertising media with their respective technical specifications for tablet and smartphone is required. The number of ad impressions booked refers to the entire cam- paign.
Online Banner | 15 NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING The following newsletters and placement options can be subscribed to at Medium Rectangle Content Breaking Ad Advertorial Teaser 300 × 250 px 600 × 150 px 300 × 150 px max. 99 kb max. 99 kb max. 99 kb** Newsletter 1. Banner 2./3. Banner 1. Banner 2./3. Banner 1. Banner 2./3. Banner News service € 110.– TKP € 95.– TKP € 110.– TKP € 95.– TKP € 110.– TKP € 95.– TKP ePaper Notification/ WebApp* € 110.– TKP € 95.– TKP € 110.– TKP € 95.– TKP € 110.– TKP € 95.– TKP Diabetology Newsletter* € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP Cardiology Newsletter* € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP Neurology Newsletter* € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP Oncology Newsletter* € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP Pneumology Newsletter* € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP Urology Newsletter* € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP € 175.– TKP € 155.– TKP All prices per thousand subscribers
OPERATION KARRIERE | 16 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS The Operation Career Congresses support medical students, graduates and res- personal career advice. In addition, our users will find informative and helpful idents in their career planning at every stage of their careers. At the largest ca- content for their career planning in the four sections “Medical studies”, “Assis- reer congress, prospective and young physicians get information about their tant doctor”, “Application & career start” and “Doctor by profession”. professional perspectives at the accompanying career fair. Here, highly moti- vated candidates meet their future employers from clinics, companies, the Advertisements of vacant positions for assistant doctors/physicians in further health care industry and associations and lay the foundation for their profes- training, Famulatur and practical year on ä are published also on sional future in a personal exchange. and so complete the entire congress offer. In addition, the congress website provides information For further information about participation in the congress as an exhibitor about all future congress dates. Congress participants can register here and please refer to the separate media data of Operation Karriere. view the free supporting program with lectures, discussions and workshops in advance. All congresses are accompanied by a free application photo shoot and Reserve or book your exhibition stand for the following locations and dates: Dates Venue Registration deadline Sa 30.01.2021 Frankfurt am Main (+ MTA next) CANCELLED Campus Westend Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Fri 30.10.2020 Fri 18.06.2021 Hamburg University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf Fri 19.03.2021 Fri 02.07.2021 Göttingen CANCELLED Alte Mensa Fri 02.04.2021 Sa 23.10.2021 Essen (+ MTA next) Haus der Technik Fri 23.07.2021 Sa 13.11.2021 Köln KOMED Conference area im MediaPark Fri 18.08.2021 Sa 27.11.2020 Ulm University Ulm Fri 27.08.2021 Sa 11.12.2021 Berlin (+ MTA next) dbb forum Friedrichstraße Fri 10.09.2021 It is recommended to register your stand early. As a rule, stand space is allocated well before the registration deadline. Further information can be found at and the detailed exhibitor documentation can be obtained from
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | 17 TYPE AREA: Price 186 mm wide, 260 mm high; 1 column = 45 mm; 2 columns = 92 mm; 3 columns = 139 mm; Basic price (per mm) for the 45-mm-wide millimeter advert € 13.50 4 columns = 186 mm; total in millimeters: 1,040 mm EDITIONS: Reduced mm price for adverts in the following categories (b+w, 2/3/4 colours)** Complete editions: Residential establishment offers (only for cities and municipalities) € 12.90 Employed physicians Outpatient/ward cooperation PRINT RUN: Associations 377,267 copies Practice Dissolution – Clinical Practice Dissolution – Practices € 12.80 Abroad – Practice Offices – Practice Advice/Management – ADVERT DEADLINE: Practice Facilities/Needs – Practice Data Entry Wednesday at 10 a.m.; please note holiday-related deadline rescheduling Training and Further Education € 11.90 FINAL DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF PROOF PRINTS: Calendar entry up to 21 mm, b+w € 180.– 1 working day before the advertisement deadline Calendar entry up to 31 mm, b+w € 280.– Discounts on request. Leisure/Marriage/Partnership Capital market – Real estate market € 9.80 Art/Antiques MISCELLANEOUS Courses Travel – Clinics/Resorts/Sanatoriums € 9.60 Numbered advert service* € 12.– Miscellaneous – Student counselling € 10.50 In addition to the basic price for advertisement texts which are Private family adverts (congratulations, anniversaries, obituaries) € 3.95 € 2,600.– mainly an Internet address, we charge a price premium of Ads are placed and calculated according to text content. * no discounts ** M inimum size for colour adverts: 30 mm; colour printing from the Europe scale accord- ing to DIN 16539; colour sequence: black, cyan, magenta, yellow
DELIVERY | 18 DIGITAL PRINTING DOCUMENTS TRANSFER OF DIGITAL DATA COLOR SPACE Before digital advertisements can be transferred, the advertising management The data should be in the CMYK colour space. Any special colours (to be dis- must have a corresponding advertisement contract for the advertisements. The cussed with the publisher!) must be correctly named (HKS or Pantone). If you general advertising deadlines apply. A 1:1 printout is required to check the trans- would like to work in the media-neutral LAB colour space, please pay for a proof mitted ad, or in the case of color ads, a color-consistent proof or press proof. in order that the print results can be checked in advance. Since the conversion to CMYK color space requires massive intervention in your data, neither the TRANSFER OF ADVERTISEMENT publisher nor the printer can guarantee correct color reproduction without ap- File names must contain the journal name, the edition and the customer names proval for printing of this proof. Please avoid special characters, spaces and umlauts. Color profile: pso_lwc_standard.icc TRANSMISSION BY EMAIL DESIGN Please always send the data compressed as a ZIP file: Please do not add any additional texts to your document – they will otherwise Job adverts: be printed. If you would like to send us additional information, simply send it to Classified adverts: us by e-mail. Please generate the PDF without register marks for page propor- tionate advertisements. Please create full-page advertisements that are to be DATA ARCHIVING trimmed with trim marks and bleed. All data is archived, so unchanged repetitions are usually possible. However, no data guarantee is given. WARRANTY/ADDITIONAL COSTS Only the data on the data medium can also be exposed. The publisher accepts no DATA FORMATS liability for deviations in texts, images and colours. Incorrect exposures on the An unseparated PDF file must be delivered. Open data formats (e.g. InDesign basis of incomplete or erroneous files, incorrect settings or incomplete infor- QuarkXPress, etc.) should be avoided. At the very least, the file must be print- mation are still charged. This also applies for additional type or litho work as able, i.e. all fonts used must be embedded. Halftone images require a resolution well as for the creation of incorrect proofs. of 300 dpi; line art images a resolution of at least 600 dpi.
DELIVERY | 19 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Any advertising material requires the coordination with Deutsches Ärzteverlag or Business Advertising. The publisher has the right to reject advertising materi- al that is not designed according to specifications, is incorrectly programmed or is aimed at misleading or massively disturbing the user. LEAD TIME AND DELIVERY Lead time for delivery of AdServer redirects/standard formats: 5 working days Delivery of advertising material: Non-Health: Health: Your contact: Non-Health/Health: FILE FORMAT AND FILE WEIGHT File type: HTML5; ClickTag support; max. weight: 120 KB Alternative graphics: GIF/JPG For technical questions please contact:
SCHEDULE | 20 Issue Date of publication print* Date of publication online Deadline for advertisements no. At 10 o’clock in each case 1/2 Mo 11.01.2021 Fri 25.12.2020 Tue 22.12.2020 3 Fri 22.01.2021 Fri 15.01.2021 Wed 13.01.2021 4 Fri 29.01.2021 Fri 22.01.2021 Wed 20.01.2021 5 Fri 05.02.2021 Fri 29.01.2021 Wed 27.01.2021 6 Fri 12.02.2021 Fri 05.02.2021 Wed 03.02.2021 7 Fri 19.02.2021 Fri 12.02.2021 Wed 10.02.2021 8 Fri 26.02.2021 Fri 19.02.2021 Wed 17.02.2021 9 Fri 05.03.2021 Fri 26.02.2021 Wed 24.02.2021 10 Fri 12.03.2021 Fri 05.03.2021 Wed 03.03.2021 11 Fri 19.03.2021 Fri 12.03.2021 Wed 10.03.2021 12 Fri 26.03.2021 Fri 19.03.2021 Wed 17.03.2021 13 Fri 02.04.2021 Fri 26.03.2021 Wed 24.03.2021 14 Fri 09.04.2021 Fri 02.04.2021 Tue 30.03.2021 15 Fri 16.04.2021 Fri 09.04.2021 Wed 07.04.2021 16 Fri 23.04.2021 Fri 16.04.2021 Wed 14.04.2021 17 Fri 30.04.2021 Fri 23.04.2021 Wed 21.04.2021 18 Fri 07.05.2021 Fri 30.04.2021 Wed 28.04.2021 19/20 Mo 17.05.2021 Fri 07.05.2021 Wed 05.05.2021 21 Fri 28.05.2021 Fri 21.05.2021 Tue 18.05.2021
SCHEDULE | 21 Issue Date of publication print* Date of publication online Deadline for advertisements no. At 10 o’clock in each case 22 Fri 04.06.2021 Fri 28.05.2021 Wed 26.05.2021 23 Fri 11.06.2021 Fri 04.06.2021 Tue 01.06.2021 24 Fri 18.06.2021 Fri 11.06.2021 Wed 09.06.2021 25 Fri 25.06.2021 Fri 18.06.2021 Wed 16.06.2021 26 Fri 02.07.2021 Fri 25.06.2021 Wed 23.06.2021 27/28 Mo 12.07.2021 Fri 02.07.2021 Wed 30.06.2021 29/30 Mo 26.07.2021 Fri 16.07.2021 Wed 14.07.2021 31/32 Mo 09.08.2021 Fri 30.07.2021 Wed 28.07.2021 33/34 Mo 23.08.2021 Fri 13.08.2021 Wed 11.08.2021 35/36 Mo 06.09.2021 Fri 27.08.2021 Wed 25.08.2021 37 Fri 17.09.2021 Fri 10.09.2021 Wed 08.09.2021 38 Fri 24.09.2021 Fri 17.09.2021 Wed 15.09.2021 39 Fri 01.10.2021 Fri 24.09.2021 Wed 22.09.2021 40 Fri 08.10.2021 Fri 01.10.2021 Wed 29.09.2021 41 Fri 15.10.2021 Fri 08.10.2021 Wed 06.10.2021 42 Fri 22.10.2021 Fri 15.10.2021 Wed 13.10.2021 43 Fri 29.10.2021 Fri 22.10.2021 Wed 20.10.2021 44 Fri 05.11.2021 Fri 29.10.2021 Wed 27.10.2021 45 Fri 12.11.2021 Fri 05.11.2021 Wed 03.11.2021
SCHEDULE AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS | 22 Issue Date of publication print* Date of publication online Deadline for advertisements no. At 10 o’clock in each case 46 Fri 19.11.2021 Fri 12.11.2021 Wed 10.11.2021 47 Fri 26.11.2021 Fri 19.11.2021 Wed 17.11.2021 48 Fri 03.12.2021 Fri 26.11.2021 Wed 24.11.2021 49 Fri 10.12.2021 Fri 03.12.2021 Wed 01.12.2021 50 Fri 17.12.2021 Fri 10.12.2021 Wed 08.12.2021 51/52 Mo 27.12.2021 Fri 17.12.2021 Wed 15.12.2021 * The date of publication indicated refers to the day two days after dispatch as press release Post Basic. The General Terms and Conditions (AGB) can be found under:
Die Zeitschrift der Ärzteschaft Gegründet 1872 PP für Psychologische Psychotherapeuten und Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeuten STUDIEREN MEDIZIN Das Magazin des Deutschen Ärzteblattes für Studierende der Medizin Die Zeitschrift der Ärzteschaft Gegründet 1872 Hessisches Ärzteblatt Online unter: Die Zeitschrift der Landesärztekammer Hessen Deutsches Ärzteblatt 31–32 │ 2020 Arbeitskultur Klinikleitungen müssen umdenken Green Hospitals Klimaschutz im Krankenhaus Foto: Andreas Mann 31 32 COVID-19 Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen SARS-CoV-2 50 Jahre Akademie für Ärztliche Fort- und Weiterbildung Invasive und nichtinvasive Apps auf Rezept können seit August Impfstoffforschung mit Beatmung Seite 528 verordnet werden Seite 348 der Landesärztekammer Hessen geeinten Kräften Seite 171 E-Health Flüchtlinge und Folteropfer Zertifizierte Fortbildung Zertifizierte Fortbildung Urteil zur Sterbehilfe Suizidalität in der Onkologie Gesundheits-Apps Aktueller Stand der Wissen- Erläuterung und Kommentar Risikogruppe Krebspatienten: Besuch im Zentrum Überleben in Berlin Behandlung von auf Rezept ab August Seite 1480 Seite 351 Sudan Allergologie Beruf + Familie Gallensteinleiden Seite 174 schaft zum Brustimplantat- assoziiertem anaplastischen zum Urteil des Bundes- verfassungsgerichts über die Welche Faktoren beeinflussen das Suizidrisiko? Welche Humanitäre Hilfe Querschnittsfach Immer ein Spagat großzelliges Lymphom – geschäftsmäßige Förderung Alarmzeichen senden Suizid- BIA-ALCL der Selbsttötung gefährdete aus? | ZFA Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin / German Journal of Family Medicine OUP Orthopädische und Unfallchirurgische Praxis Vereinigung Süddeutscher Orthopäden und Unfallchirurgen e.V. DIVI Mitgliederzeitschrift der Deutschen Interdisziplinären Vereinigung für Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin Offizielles Organ – Deutscher Berufsverband der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenärzte e. V. THEMENHEFT Wirbelsäulentherapie Schwerpunkt Aktuelle Infos zu Sepsis Aktuelle Informationen zu SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 erhalten Sie per E-Mail Mitteilungen von der Bundesgeschäftsstelle. SEITE 99 Mikrozirkulationsstörungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Anmeldung Mannheim SEITE 66 Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, ist eröffnet Ärztliche Professionalität Seite 100 OUP 4/2020 9. JAHRGANG Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., ZFA 3/2020 96. JAHRGANG DIVI 2/2020 11. JAHRGANG auf dem Prüfstand Bonn Optimierte SEITE 104 (Erreger-)Diagnostik Katastrophaler Katastrophenschutz Rationaler Antibiotikaeinsatz – SEITE 74 Seite 114 aktuelle Projekte SEITE 109 Skoliose im Kindesalter Sepsistherapie 2030 – HNO-Strategiesymposium SEITE 228 Was bringt uns die Zukunft? Heilungshindernisse und SEITE 82 Seite 134 Krankheitsgewinn Die komplizierte SEITE 132 Halswirbelsäule Schriftleitung: Covid-19-Pandemie: Schutz SEITE 237 Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-J. Welkoborsky und Erhalt der psychischen Prof. Dr. Timo Stöver Gesundheit von Mitarbeitern ISSN: 0344–9319 Endoskopische SEITE 54 Wirbelsäulenchirurgie SEITE 245 R LEBE AUFK MDDÄ001 SSEN ADRE This journal is This journal is regularly listed in This journal is regularly listed regularly listed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Scopus and CCMED/LIVIVO. in CCMED / LIVIVO. CCMED / LIVIVO. Price list No. 63 valid from 01.01.2021
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