E-Commerce Platforms and Supply Chain Management - Functionalities Study

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37075/EA.2020.2.04                               Economic Alternatives, 2020, Issue 2, pp. 250-261

E-Commerce Platforms and Supply Chain
Management – Functionalities Study

Nikolay Dragomirov*1                                             Introduction

Abstract                                                              T  wo decades ago, e-commerce was
                                                                         quite an exotic undertaking, but since
                                                                 then it has become familiar and widespread
    The rise of e-commerce worldwide
represents an indisputable and sustainable                       all over the world, and today it is a real
                                                                 alternative to classic trading processes. There
process of transformation of previously
                                                                 is a strong trend of transformation of online
known market relationships. It has led to the                    shopping into a sustainable practice for many
development and continuous improvement of                        consumers in Europe and around the world.
a number of processes related to the efficient                   Now, e-commerce is growing mainly because
management of material flows in the supply                       of the increased internet access, but this
chain. E-commerce platforms can in general                       is not the only reason and there are other
be considered as specialised software                            factors. Some of these are the increased
solutions that, in addition to presenting                        proportion of buyers who are using mobile
products in digital space, can play a significant                phones to access the internet and the fact
                                                                 that the main volume of e-commerce trade
role in organising logistics, marketing and
                                                                 comprises small orders (PostNord, 2017).
financial processes. This complex logistics                      These facts are important because they affect
management problem can be studied through                        the parameters of modern e-commerce. Now,
several indicators related to integration of the                 customers have complete freedom when they
inner supply chain and to the management of                      do their shopping and they can send and
relationships with product suppliers, buyers                     receive their orders in any way they prefer.
and trade partners, and logistics services                       Any other business model is inadequate.
providers. The article outlines the results of                   There are some quantitative measurements
a study of the logistics functionalities of some                 of the e-commerce market that could be
                                                                 discussed. In the EU-28 (European Union of
leading e-commerce platforms and reveals
                                                                 28 countries), during the period 2008 to 2016,
some trends in their evolution and their
                                                                 the percentage of enterprises that had e-sales
readiness for supporting some of the supply                      increased by 7% and company turnover
chain management processes.                                      realised from e-sales increased by 6%
    Keywords: SCM, logistics, e-commerce                         (Eurostat 2017). Unfortunately, there is a wide
    JEL: M15, M19                                                variance in the proportion of e-sales among
    University of National and World Economy - Sofia, Department of Logistics and Supply Chains

     250                                                                                 Economic Alternatives, Issue 2, 2020
countries and in the proportion of enterprises        are hundreds of solutions to do that and it is
conducting e-sales and in the turnover from           impossible to cover the variety of all platforms.
e-sales according to enterprise size - small,         In general they can be classified according
medium and large (Eurostat, 2017).                    to several criteria, mainly by the functionality
                                                      of the platform and the ownership of the
E-commerce Platforms                                  supporting infrastructure. The e-commerce
    This process of market transformation             solutions can be classified as (Retail Sector
cannot be implemented without e-commerce              Group of Enterprise Europe Network, 2018,
platforms that are responsible for the                pp. 11–13):
automation of a lot of trade and customer                y Open-source e-commerce software and
service functions. They make it possible for                 self-hosted platforms.
digital marketplaces to work 24 hours a day              y Hosted e-commerce platforms.
and seven days a week, even without human                y E-marketplaces.
support. However, this is not enough for a                 In the first two cases the seller has his
successful business model; an adequate                own domain name, which is redirected to a
supporting infrastructure for the management          hosting account where the software solution is
of the logistics activities is needed to ensure the   physically located. There are plenty of software
movement of the material flows (Dragomirov,           products based on this principle. The open-
2014) in the supply chain. It is important to         source platforms are particularly important
mention that e-commerce is not just a new             due to their numerous advantages. Some of
distribution channel; it is a change which in         them are WordPress and Joomla that can be
a revolutionary way impacts warehousing               used to create fully functional e-commerce
processes and inventory management (Żurek,            platforms by upgrading with additional cart
2015).                                                plugins to add functionalities for transaction
    Clearly, easy internet access and users           processing, for example, the former platform
having the necessary devices are very                 can be upgraded with WooCommerce and
important but there is something else which           the second one with Virtuemart. There are
can solve the problems related to the                 also many software alternatives which are
management of the virtual marketplace. It             fully operational solutions and they are not
can be done by the information platform for           based on this upgrade principle. They are
the e-commerce that connects the buyer                tightly focused on e-commerce and in their
and the seller in the digital space. Then we          basic installations cover the main trading
can go further with the management of real            processes. For instance, we could mention
processes, mainly the logistics of material           Magento, PrestaShop, Opencart etc.
flows. E-commerce platforms are information                The last alternative for e-business is to
products that give the sellers solutions to           use an e-marketplace where the seller can
offer their products and services in the digital      find everything needed. In this case the
space, and if there is interest expressed by          information infrastructure is already built and
the buyer to support the selling process by           the seller uses the solution in most cases as
closing the sale and finishing the transaction.       it is, without customisation or any adoptions
The availability of products and services in          for his business model needs. A popular
e-commerce makes customers change their               example of this approach is Ebay. No domain
preferred form of trading and choose internet         name and hosting account is needed; the
sales (Kadłubek, 2015). In practice, there            only requirement is that a transaction fee is
E-Commerce Platforms and Supply Chain Management –
  Articles                                           Functionalities Study
paid for a real order received. Also the selling        Nevertheless, the different types of
process is protected by the privacy and legal       e-commerce platforms are important for
regulations in the different countries. All of      many logistics and supply chain management
these functionalities are included and offered      activities including these for the internal and
to the online seller.                               external supply chains. This approach for
     There are other interesting aspects of         dividing the supply chain into internal and
e-commerce sales. One of them is the ability        external supply chains is used in different
to add selling capabilities to any website          research frameworks (Rakovska, 2011;
that has no selling cart functionalities. This      Rakovska, Stratieva, 2018) and in all of these
process is usually simple and adoptable for         parts of the supply chain the management
any website, but unfortunately it has many          of the information flow for management of
limitations. One of these popular solutions is      material flow is a metric for the level of supply
giving online sellers the ability to add selling    chain management integration. Information
functions to (BigCommerce Pty., 2019a):             is a key element that holds together the
   y Facebook, Instagram and Google                 structure of all businesses (Evans, Wurster,
       shopping.                                    1997). Supply chain management is an
   y Any web page by adding buy buttons.            important evolution stage of the competition
                                                    and could be reviewed as the management of
     In fact it is possible to find the most        upstream and downstream relationships with
appropriate solution for every specific             suppliers and customers in order to deliver
business need and for any trading case.             superior customer value at less cost to the
It could be mentioned that there is a trend         supply chain as a whole (Christopher, 2011,
towards the integration of many sales               p.3). The e-commerce platforms are also
channels into one platform, as seen in the          a significant resolution to the appearance
integration possibilities of Ebay, Amazon,          problems of digital firms. These companies
Facebook, online messengers, points of sale         could be defined: in which nearly all of
etc., which are common functionalities for the      the organisation’s significant business
leading platforms, such as Shopify (Shopify,        relationships with customers, suppliers,
2019). It could be questioned whether               and employees are digitally enabled and
platforms that resemble free classified ads         mediated, and core business processes
and do not process transactions, but also           are accomplished through digital networks
offer functionality related to the preparation of   spanning the entire organisation or linking
bills of lading to courier organisations, which     multiple organisations (Laudon, 2013, p.41). In
is a form of integration with a logistics service   many practical cases the main collaborative
provider. Another very forward-looking and          processes for these companies and the other
promising trend in e-commerce is using an           supply chain members can be managed
outsource fulfilment service, which usually         through e-commerce platforms.
minimises the costs associated with logistics
and can allow more time to be dedicated             Methodology
to marketing, branding, etc. (Kawa, 2017).              The main purpose of the article is to
In this case the company outsources the             research the current status of the leading
logistics to another company, and this form         e-commerce platforms and to evaluate
of collaboration is not covered by the current      their ability to integrate logistics and supply
research.                                           chain management processes. The research
  252                                                                   Economic Alternatives, Issue 2, 2020
covers mainly the platforms designed for self-          Each solution was installed in a hosting
hosting and maintenance without covering            account covering the system requirements
the complete solutions offered as SaaS              for these products - PHP up to 7.2, MySQL
(Software as a Service). The selection of           up to v.5.7 (MariaDB v10.2), 50GB disc
                                                    space, 1GB RAM and 3000 min/m CPU time.
the e-commerce platforms to include in
                                                    The functionality of the products was studied
the research is based on analysis of the            by considering different indicators related
platform’s market share in the web space            to the internal and external supply chain
(BuiltWith 2019; Statista 2017). The research       management covered by the e-commerce
focus is set on the main platforms that cover       platform:     1)     Customer        relationship
more than 50% of web shops in the digital           management; 2) Relationship management
space. These are:                                   with trade partners; 3) Integration with logistics
                                                    service providers; 4) Integration with payment
  y   Magento                                       systems; 5) Relationship management with
  y   Opencart                                      suppliers and 6) Integration of internal supply
  y   Prestashop                                    chain processes as represented in Figure 1.
  y   Virtuemart/Joomla                             The research was conducted at the end of
  y   Woocommerce/Wordpress                         2018.

Figure 1. Research framework for e-commerce platforms and supply chain management
    For the customer relationship management        for future research projects on the marketing
indicator there are two important interfaces -      side of the problems and for integration with
logistics and marketing. While marketing            payment systems.
includes analysis of markets, product                   The research also considers an important
development, communication and sales,               aspect of e-commerce platform customisation -
logistics must ensure that materials flow in an     the availability of extensions for upgrading
efficient way along the supply chain, complying
                                                    the systems. Most of the solutions offer a
with customer requirements, at reduced cost
(Dragomirov 2015) and the marketing and             central database to find appropriate software
logistics interaction is very important for the     and some of them reveal the number of
success of the business organisation. In the        active installations. This metric discovers the
current research the focus is mainly directed       extension popularity within the online stores,
towards the logistics and supply chain              which is relevant to the real market needs for
management side and this reveals alternatives       such solutions.
E-Commerce Platforms and Supply Chain Management –
  Articles                                            Functionalities Study

Results and Discussion                               better security, following new trends, etc. (Hill
                                                     2017; Noyes, 2010).
    After conducting a detailed study of the
                                                         Definitely all the solutions in the
covered e-commerce platforms, it is possible
                                                     e-commerce platforms market can satisfy
to conclude in general that they cover the
                                                     most of the needs of online sellers. Also,
main processes for e-commerce. This is the
                                                     they are able to cover the variety of problems
reason why they have a leading position in the
                                                     encountered in the different evolution stages
market. Although there are several variations
                                                     of e-commerce in a business organisation
in the functionality of the different platforms,
                                                     (Dragomirov, 2014, p. 254) as represented in
there are also some common trends in their
                                                     Figure 2. They are able to represent products
                                                     and services, process orders, achieve
Customer Relationship Management                     integration with logistics service provides and
                                                     finally integration with suppliers.
    Each of the platforms, including the different
upgrade versions, is mainly focused on the
sales and customer relationship management
- these are core elements. All of them can
represent products in the virtual space and
they can process transactions. Their evolution
and functionality improvement is a significant
milestone which is a result of common
technical trends such as using mobile devices,
social media integration and mixed-reality
(Augment, 2016). An important alternative
for the platforms is the possibility to upgrade
every solution using plugins/extensions. This        Figure 2. E-commerce evolution within the
gives a great opportunity to the seller to add
other additionally needed functionality. This is         This model reveals strong potential for
important because the extension market offers        expanding the logistics activities that can be
thousands of alternatives for customisation.         integrated and automated by the e-commerce
For WooCommerce, for example, there are              platform. In the first stages, the organisation
thousands of active plugins on the market            point of view and focus on e-commerce is
and some of them have thousands of real              traditional, and the software is used only to
installations. With these upgrade options,           represent the products like in an e-catalogue,
every e-commerce platform could be                   and for processing transactions. In the future
transformed into a fully functional customer         stages the organisation will look for better
relationship management system. The plugins          efficiency in the supply chain activities,
market is very competitive and this makes            mainly regarding backward integration with
it possible for every seller to customise the        the product suppliers. Presenting products
platform in the needed way. This freedom             is an important basic functionality for all of
to upgrade with many alternatives is very            the researched platforms. They do so by
common for all open-source solutions, where          classification of products into categories and
the user is totally independent on the software      they also add the ability to process customers’
developer and there are also other benefits          orders for these products. In the basic
related to the lower budgets for development,        installations of the platforms, there are no
  254                                                                    Economic Alternatives, Issue 2, 2020
significant differences between the platforms      there are many delivery practices, especially
for the product’ presentation, but for the         in the final stage that is called Last-mile
orders we can find variations, usually related     Logistics. This is a part of the supply chain
to user registration, anonymous orders, one        which links directly to the end user, and
click checkout, wish lists, etc.                   according to the results of logistics activity the
                                                   consumer assesses logistics services that he
Relationship Management with Trade                 receives from both his supplier and the entire
Partners                                           supply chain (Kochubei, Lysa, 2018). The
    A specific functionality evolution is when     main alternatives in the distribution channel
the e-commerce platform is integrated with         could be classified as (Lim, Srai, 2015):
other platforms and the purpose is to reach           y Push-Centric System: N-Tier Direct to
more potential customers. This is innovative             Home.
partnership in the supply chain which is              y Pull-Centric System: Customer Self-
based on different practices for information             Help – taking the delivery from a
integration, usually called drop-shipping. As            collection point.
                                                      y Hybrid system – N-Tier to Customer
a result these integrated platforms process
                                                         Self-Help Location.
the customers’ orders and they trigger the
movement of the material flows in the supply           For the self-service systems there is an
chain. These partners work only with data          important alternative – using parcel lockers
and information and they do not have direct        that reshape the delivery and return process
access to the management of the material           and create value for the customer (Vakulenko
flows in the supply chain. These cases could       et al., 2018). These automated systems give
                                                   a variety of benefits and opportunities for
be described as customer service activities
                                                   improving the delivery and return processes
that could be carried out by other supply chain
                                                   and they could be seen as marking the
partners (Hayes, Youderian, 2013, p.8). The
                                                   beginning of automated delivery systems.
benefits of this approach of collaboration are
                                                       After receiving the order an important task
many, and the e-commerce platforms can be
                                                   is to ensure the on-time delivery because the
upgraded to support the data and information
                                                   success of the online seller is correlated with
interchange. Unfortunately, in practice, e-mails   the logistics capabilities to do that (Wu, Lin,
are widely used because of their simplicity but    2018). For some product groups such as FMCG
they can offer only transactional exchange         (fast moving consumer goods), although they
which has many negative aspects and is not         currently represent a relatively low proportion
an efficient solution in modern logistics.         of the e-commerce market (Nielsen, 2017),
Integration with Logistics Service                 the delivery process is the main objective
                                                   and challenge (Saskia et al., 2016). Also,
Providers and Payment Systems
                                                   in e-commerce the consumer behaviour is
    Integration with logistics service providers   dynamic, which motivates sellers to develop
is very important for the logistics management     Omni-channels (multi-channel sales) which
because it is related to the management            provides easy switching between online and
of the physical material flows in the supply       offline (Kateva, 2017). These channels are
chain to ensure that the product will reach the    working with each other (Atanasov, 2016) and
customer. Today, when the internet markets         multichannel retailers are more efficient in
are growing and they are very competitive,         logistics than pure players (Zeng, Bolz, 2017).
E-Commerce Platforms and Supply Chain Management –
  Articles                                         Functionalities Study
    The usual delivery practice is to deliver     Supplier Relationship Management
to the customer’s preferred location using
                                                      Certainly, only order processing and
a logistics service provider. In that case the    integration with trade partners and logistics
integration with this partner is very important   service providers is not enough for success.
because there are several alternatives for        Modern competition has created new
communication, especially for the generation      business rules for efficient logistics and
of the postage label. It can be done manually     material management in the supply chain.
or automatically. In both cases the order         This explains why some of the platforms have
details about the recipient must be sent to the   focused on efficient inventory management
logistics service provider, but with the former   and supplier relationship management.
method, human interaction is needed, which        As regards this functionality none of the
results in more time and more possibilities       e-commerce platforms are very well organised
for errors, while with the latter method we       in their basic installations, which is common
have fully automatic communication between        for the other research indicators mentioned
the two systems which is fast, efficient and      in the article. A positive aspect is that this
error free. When receiving a new order, the       functionality can be added if it is necessary
e-commerce platform can communicate               to satisfy the logistics needs. For the Magento
with the logistics service provider systems       platform, for example, it is possible to find a
for obtaining actual delivery costs and when      complete solution that covers functionalities
the order is fulfilled it can send all of the     such as managing suppliers and assigning
data needed to ensure the delivery process        products to them, sending product quotations,
proceeds smoothly.                                creating orders, tracking orders, managing
    For the research indicator integration        payment methods used to work with supplies
with logistics service providers and payment      etc. (Magestore, 2019). These features of
systems it is possible to conclude that the       the software give the Magento e-commerce
e-commerce platforms are very flexible            platform a functionality that is typical of
                                                  enterprise resource planning software (ERP).
because they offer a variety of alternatives
                                                      Another example of such integration of
for upgrade. They can be extended with many
                                                  logistics functions and transformation into
additional functionalities for collaboration
                                                  ERP systems is the platform Prestashop which
with logistics service providers and payment
                                                  can be upgraded through many modules
systems. In the basic installations there are     named Third-party Data Integration CRM
mainly alternatives for working with global       (Customer relationship management) and ERP
leaders like UPS, FEDEX, PAYPAL etc. but          (Enterprise resource planning) (Prestashop,
using an API (Application Programming             2019). When following this approach for
Interface) they can be integrated with any        upgrading and integrating the systems the
other system. APIs allow different groups of      possible solutions are endless and the price is
developers, both internal or external, and        the greatest benefit the store owners receive.
partners to gain access to enterprise systems     There are plenty of other examples and they
in a simple way (HCL, 2014). In practice the      differ according to the business model of the
local logistics service providers develop         developer. The important conclusion here
free extension modules for the most popular       is that in the future, e-commerce platforms
e-commerce systems to integrate them within       will be better prepared for integration with
their systems.                                    other information systems and technologies
  256                                                                 Economic Alternatives, Issue 2, 2020
because the future will see high usage of            Integration of Internal Supply Chain
connected networks such as the IoT (Internet         Processes
of Things), Big Data analyses and cloud                  In the context of supply chain management,
technologies (Yu et al., 2016). From a logistics     logistics serve to move and position inventory
point of view the link between material and          to achieve desired time, place, and possession
information flows throughout the chain is of         benefits at the lowest total cost (Bowersox
paramount importance (Rakovska, Stratieva,           et al., 2002). To do that the related logistics
2018). This future will require massive data         activities are: (1) order processing; (2)
and information interchange between the              inventory; (3) transportation; (4) warehousing,
supply chain participants for efficient material     materials handling, and packaging; and (5)
management, which is a typical external              facility network design (Bowersox et al., 2002).
supply chain integration practice.                   Some of the order processing problems were
    The informational integration of the             discussed previously in the research. For
information systems of the supply chain              the integration of the internal supply chain
members is definitely a prerequisite for supply      processes research indicator from the point
chain management. This is an important               of view of e-commerce platforms, the main
evolution stage because successful supply            research areas are transport management,
chain management requires cross-functional           warehousing and inventory management.
integration within the firms and across the              The main conclusion for the internal supply
networks that comprise the supply chain              chain integrations is that the functionalities of
(Lambert, 2008). Some of the most integrated         e-commerce platforms are not sufficiently
areas in the business reality now are CRM            developed for the management of transport,
                                                     warehousing and inventory activities. Again
and ERP systems, logistics services and
                                                     the focus of the platforms is generally on
payment gateways, client portals, Point of
                                                     the process of presentation of the products
Sale (POS), and Electronic Data Interchange
                                                     and receiving orders. If any functionality for
(EDI) solutions (Cross, 2018; Pirinsky, 2018).
                                                     integration of internal supply chain processes
Collaboration and information integration is
                                                     is available in the basic installation version,
important also for the outsourcing of logistics      in most cases it needs to be upgraded
activities such as inventory management and          by the installation of extension modules.
order shipping. Once a customer makes a              Unfortunately, it is not so easy to do that
purchase, the outsource partner information          because the market for such logistics
systems will know and they can send the              solutions is not very large and there are only
package out quickly (BigCommerce Pty.                a limited number of plugins with restricted
2019b). All of this means that there is additional   functionalities, which is not the case for
potential for building more competitive models       marketing solutions where the market offers
based on information systems. An important           hundreds of alternatives. For Woocommerce
problem for the information integration is           the number of inventory management plugins
the level of automation; unfortunately not           is very low percentage of the overall number
all e-commerce platforms are ready for this          of active plugins according to the data on the
because many of the integration models               installations, although it is common for the
require human assistance and management              other platforms.
but this could be defined as a potential area            In practice, for the warehousing processes
for future development.                              the e-commerce platforms rely mainly on
E-Commerce Platforms and Supply Chain Management –
  Articles                                                 Functionalities Study
ERP and WMS (warehouse management                        product location, automatic identification etc.
system) software integration. Nevertheless,              Using these types of solutions for information
on the extension market there are extension              collaboration is safe for the online seller
solutions mainly for order picking, and they             because the entire logistics process is
cover simple problems such as printing                   controlled by a single information point.
picking lists and integration of information
                                                              For transport problems in logistics the
technologies for automatic identification
mainly printing barcodes. The reason for that            e-commerce platforms are relying more
is that the most important selection criterion           and more on integration with other software
for warehousing systems in e-commerce is                 products, which is reasonable. The seller can
picking performance (Boysen et al., 2018)                use API integration or other database export
and picking is associated with the highest               of the customers’ locations and their orders to
proportion of warehousing costs (Richards                plan and organise deliveries. The reason for
2014).                                                   this is that the proportion of direct deliveries is
    To solve the problems related to the                 still quite small, and in most cases the delivery
integration of internal supply chain processes           is outsourced.
on the e-commerce solutions market there
are several trendy software solutions that               Summarised research results
specialise in integrating the world's biggest
e-commerce         platforms,    marketplaces,               Based on this study of e-commerce
shipping couriers, and accounting platforms              platforms, it is possible to summarise that
(Veeqo, 2018), and their features cover                  they can satisfy the basic needs of online
a variety of warehousing activities and                  sellers for logistics management, and the
problems, including multiple warehouses,                 main findings can be represented in Table 1.
Table 1. E-commerce platforms and functionality coverage in the basic installations
                                        Functionality coverage
 Customer relationship management       Fully covering the most popular sellers’ needs
 Relationship management with trade     Not fully supported in the basic installations but upgradable with
 partners                               plugins/extensions
 Integration with logistics service     Integration support available with the leading logistics service
 providers and payment systems          providers and payment systems
                                        Additional upgrade is needed for local providers and systems
 Supplier relationship management       Only some platforms offer built-in supplier relationship management
                                        Upgradable/Low assortment of plugins available
                                        Possible integration with ERP systems or addition of ERP capabilities
                                        to the e-commerce platform
 Integration of internal supply chain   Available with limited functionalities
 processes                              Additional upgrades available for the basic inventory and
                                        warehousing needs, mainly picking and labelling
                                        Basic integration with barcode systems

    Most of the e-commerce platforms are                 Their main advantage is that they can be
focused primary on the product’s presentation            upgraded by using external extensions. This is
in the web space and receiving orders, and               a basic approach for most of the open-source
not so much on the related logistics activities          products and it has many benefits. The market
and their management in the supply chain.                for such solutions is very competitive and
  258                                                                           Economic Alternatives, Issue 2, 2020
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