Last call for Newlon Star Awards!

Page created by Eduardo Mcguire
Last call for Newlon Star Awards!
Home Owners’ Newsletter                                                               Autumn 2015

                              Last call for Newlon Star Awards!
What’s inside...
                              It’s your last chance to nominate an exceptional resident who has made
Events in your area           a difference to their community, or helped us improve how we are run.

Forum update                                If the person you nominate wins an award you will
                                            be entered into a prize draw to win £300 in vouchers.
You said, we did
                                            It will only take a short while to complete the nomination
Kids’ quiz                      STAR        form. The deadline to nominate is Sunday, 4th October.
                                            Go to
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       at @NewlonHT
Last call for Newlon Star Awards!
Residents’ Forum
    Martin Hughes, Chair, writes:
    At the last Forum a number of topics were discussed:
    l Wates Living Space, the new repairs and maintenance contractor, introduced themselves
       and explained how they would improve the repairs service. Their contract is based
       on seven promises, including increased resident satisfaction. Although it is early days,
       satisfaction has improved.
    l Since the restructure the Service Centre has been handling more housing related calls
       rather than passing them to other teams. The Knowledge Base, with articles about
       common queries, is also available on Newlon’s website.
    l The latest performance update showed that the percentage of repairs completed on
       time has increased, although it is still below target. It is hoped this will improve with the
       new repairs contract.
    l The Forum agreed an expenses and support policy for residents who get involved with
       Newlon, making it clearer how they can claim and to reduce barriers to involvement.
       It was agreed that Newlon would provide care costs to enable residents with caring
       responsibilities to participate.
    l An update was provided about progress on Newlon’s Digital Inclusion Strategy. Its aim is for
       most residents to engage with us digitally and it set out how we would try to achieve that.

      Good news about our new way of working
      In April 2015 we introduced our new way of working. As                 satisfaction since April. Satisfaction with the helpfulness
      part of this we changed from having Housing Management                 of staff and that enquiries have been dealt with first time
      Officers to introducing specialist teams to work on specific           has increased significantly. This is supported by the data
      service areas – such as estate inspections and lettings. We            we collect from our new software which shows that since
      also increased the number of staff in our Service Centre and           April more than 830 enquiries which previously would have
      invested in new software so that we can record, track and              had to be passed from our Service Centre to another team
      allocate resident’s enquiries more effectively.                        have been dealt with at the first point of contact. This saves
                                                                             time for residents and ensures our staff can spend more
      The good news is that the new approach is working well.                time working on delivering services rather than handling
      We regularly carry out satisfaction surveying with our                 enquiries passed from one department to another.
      residents and this has shown a considerable increase in

    You said, we did                                                         Readers’ Panel feedback
    Online involvement                                                       Our Readers’ Panel were given copies of recent editions of Newlon
                                                                             News to let us know what they liked, and ways to improve it. As a
    Newlon are piloting ways to involve                                      result of their feedback we have included the following:
    residents online. Residents told us this
    was the best way to encourage them                                       l	In the last edition of the Home Owners’ newsletter there was
    to have a say. They told us that their                                      a longer ‘events in your area’ section compared to previous
    biggest barrier to getting involved was working full-time.                  editions. This was supposed to be a one-off, summer special.
                                                                                However, after positive feedback we will continue dedicating
    These were two compelling reasons to explore new ways of online             more space to events.
    involvement. So we’ve used the ‘Meetup’ mobile app to arrange a
    planning meeting for a small number of Hackney residents living          l	Any essential information will be at the start of the
    in the same block, who wanted to explore resident involvement               newsletter, with events and less vital information later on.
    opportunities and a possible gardening project.
                                                                             l	We are pleased that the new design has gone down well,
    You can download the app from iTunes or Google Play – it’s a useful         so we will maintain this style.
    way to organise meetings and get in touch with other residents.
                                                                             If you have a good command of the English language
    We think there are benefits for both residents and us with               and an eye for detail, then you can join the Readers’ Panel.
    online involvement like this. We’ll let you know in future how           Please contact Judith Perry at
    things progress.                                                         or on 020 7613 6892.

Last call for Newlon Star Awards!
Handy information
for Home Owners
Lease extensions
                                                                Hale Village Summer
If you are a Leaseholder and you have 80 years
or less remaining on your lease, we would                       Party a success!
encourage you to think about extending it.                      Hundreds of residents and their families
For further information and advice you can also visit           came along to the Hale Village Summer and read their information on lease        Party on Saturday 8th August. Organised by
extensions. It is also worth seeking independent financial
                                                                the Engine Room, community groups and
advice before you consider a lease extension.
                                                                residents, with part-funding from Newlon,
If you would like to extend your lease then please contact      it was a big success on a sunny day.
Olubukola Adedokun-Abiiba on 020 7613 7480, who will
be able to guide you through the process. You can also          Staff from both our Resident Involvement team and
email                             Newlon Fusion, our community regeneration partner,
                                                                set up stalls to promote their support and employment
                                                                advice work and ways to get involved with Newlon.
Making home improvements                                        There was a host of other activities on the day, including
                                                                face painting and a bouncy castle, and Living Under
                                                                One Sun provided some very tasty food.

                                                                In addition we announced the Balconies in Bloom
                                                                competition winners. The results are as follows:

                                                                Best small balcony
                                                                – Angela Christian

                                                                Best large balcony and most innovative balcony space
                                                                – Angela Cairns

If you are planning on making improvements                      Best edible balcony space and best overall design
to your home you should seek our permission,                    – Ruth Gidley

to ensure you are not breaking any building                     Want to find our more about getting involved
regulations and to make sure you meet the                       and activities we are running?
requirements of our insurance policy.                           Email
We will usually agree to improvements being carried out
to your home as long as:
l The work does not break any condition of your lease.

l It is carried out by an appropriately qualified contractor.

l	We have received a full schedule of the planned work
   and drawings were necessary.
l	You have got planning permission where appropriate
   and keep to building regulations.
l	The structure of your home will not be endangered
   by the planned work.
l	We are allowed to come to inspect during the works
   or after completion.
l The works are carried out during reasonable hours.

If you are planning to make improvements please
contact the Service Centre on 020 7613 8080 or
Get involved Case study:
    with us!         A day in
    Resident Liaison
    Representative   the life of a
    Newlon is looking for individuals that would like
    to become a Resident Liaison Representative
    (RLR). The RLR accompanies a staff Estate
    Inspector and carries out monthly or quarterly                     In the Concierge office every day provides
    estate inspections.                                                various challenges for Phil and his team
                                                                       to tackle.
    You can inspect your own estate, but if you live on an estate
    or street where there are no regular inspections you can           A typical day begins at 8am where the handover from the night
    inspect neighbouring estates. For completing a one hour            staff takes place. Any issues which have occurred overnight are
    inspection you will receive £25 in gift vouchers.                  discussed. The Concierge are then able to follow these up and
                                                                       report back to Newlon if further action is required.
    This is a great way to take a leading role in the assessment
    of your estate and draw attention to things important to you.      The day is mainly comprised of patrols to ensure the smooth
    Your involvement is a vital part of ensuring where you live is     running of the site and to prevent and deal with any problems
    a safe and clean place to call home.                               which may arise. When Phil is not out on patrol he can be found
                                                                       in the Concierge office monitoring the large number of CCTV
    The next Resident Liaison Representative training course           cameras in operation.
    will be held on Monday 19th October, from 10am to 1pm,
    at Newlon House, 4 Daneland Walk, Hale Village, N17 9FE.           The team also carry out daily and weekly health and safety
                                                                       checks across the site to ensure residents, visitors and
                                                                       staff remain safe and secure, and place orders for any
                                                                       communal repairs.
    Mystery shopping                                                   On top of all of this the team have to manage any deliveries to
                                                                       the site and assist contractors to ensure they have access to
    At Newlon we take customer satisfaction very
                                                                       everything they require. This dynamic role requires interaction
    seriously. As a result we are looking for residents                with a wide range of residents. Phil finds the most rewarding
    who want to become Mystery Shoppers.                               aspect of the job is helping these people to resolve any
                                                                       problems they have.
    As a Mystery Shopper you will measure how well we deliver
    our customer service through telephone calls or via email.         The most demanding aspect of the job for Phil is dealing
    This is all done from the comfort of your home. The feedback       with anti-social behaviour. He needs to be quick thinking
    you provide will be used to improve the services we provide.       and resourceful to ensure the wide ranging issues are
                                                                       dealt with effectively and efficiently.
    Mystery Shoppers must be able to recall the customer
    experience they received and keep an open mind when                If you have any queries relating to the Concierge team, then
    evaluating things. It is important to be professional, objective   email our Service Centre at or
    and non-biased when evaluating the service.                        call 020 7613 8080.

    Good communication skills are essential, you must be a
    good listener and will need to report back to us by filling
    in a survey after each exercise. Each exercise will last about
    one hour, for which you will receive £30 in gift vouchers.

    Before you can become a Mystery Shopper you will need
    to come along to a training event. The next one will be
    held on Wednesday 21st October, from 6pm to 8.30pm
    at Newlon House.

    To find out more about these opportunities contact
    Judith Perry by emailing
    or calling 020 7613 6892.

Events in your area
   Big Fish Little Fish spooky
   themed Family Rave
   When? 18th Oct
   Where? Shapes, Hackney Wick, E9
   Cost? £8.50 (adult); £5.50 (child); pre-walkers free

   Warehouse venue Shapes plays host to a Halloween themed
   family rave. Big name DJs play grown-up dance music on the
   multi-sensory dancefloor with glitter cannons, bubbles and giant
   parachute dance. Includes Happy Monkey craft tables with giant
   mural, themed crafts, playdoh table, a play area with tents and
   tunnels, and a baby chillout space with mats and a small ball pool.

   The event also has a licensed bar, a cake stall and savoury food,
   with free transfers, glowsticks and goodie bag at the end.

Archway with Words                                                       African, Caribbean &
When? 10th – 18th Oct 2015                                               cultural family fun day
Where? Archway, N19
Cost? Prices vary                                                        When? 24th Oct
                                                                         Where? Bruce Castle Park Pavilion, N17
Archway with Words is an annual nine-day festival featuring              Cost? Free
acclaimed authors, eminent scientists, historians, poets,
comics, film-makers, singers, rappers and musicians.                     This event is open to the community to come together, learn
                                                                         and celebrate black history. There will be local businesses,
The work of young and emerging artists are also showcased,               organisations, charities, designers and artists providing
plus there are opportunities to get involved, meet the                   information, stalls, arts, crafts and decorative items. There will
participants and let your creativity blossom in writing                  also be raffle prizes and refreshments, and live entertainment
workshops and singing opportunities.                                     from unsigned artists.                                                 Email
                                                                         for more information

Of Riders and
Running Horses                                                           Handa’s Surprise
                                                                         When? 26th – 30th Oct
When? 18th October
                                                                         Where? Jackson’s Lane, N6
Where? Bernie Grant Arts Centre, N15
                                                                         Cost? £9.95
Cost? £20 (£10 for Tottenham residents)

Performed outdoors at night, Of Riders and Running Horses                As part of Little Angel Theatre, travel to Kenya follow in Handa’s
draws viewers into an exhilarating and visceral ad hoc                   footsteps as she journeys to see her best friend Akeyo, in the
ceremony. It conjures up a new kind of old dance to animate              next village. Handa is taking 7 delicious fruits as a surprise –
city spaces.                                                             but 7 different animals have 7 very different ideas.

Created by Still House for six female dancers and a live band,           A blend of physical performance, puppetry, live music and
the performers dance to an insistent rhythm, reminding us of             song combine to create an intimate, magical production with
the exhilarating power that comes from moving together.                  audience participation. For children aged 2 – 6.               
252-of-riders-and-running-horses                                         handas-surprise

Big Fun Run 2015:                                                   EFG London Jazz Festival:
    Victoria Park                                                       Jazz for toddlers
    When? 1st Nov                                                       When? 21st Nov
    Where? Victoria Park, E9                                            Where? Discover Children’s Story Centre, E15
    Cost? £11.99 (Concessions £9.99)                                    Cost? £5

    Run for fitness, charity or fun. The event isn’t timed and is all   For children aged 2 - 5, this workshop series is led by clarinettist
    about runners getting together with friends and family, doing       Arun Ghosh alongside percussionist Nao Masuda. Proving you
    something healthy, raising money for a worthwhile cause and         are never too young to be a jazzer. Enjoy music and moves
    enjoying the great outdoors.                                        in a jazz groove, with ideas to take away and try at home.
                                                                        Workshops are approximately 50 minutes long.

    Hampstead Heath Conker
    Championship 2015                                                   Black History Comedy Night
                                                                        When? 30th Oct
    When? 4th Oct                                                       Where? Walthamstow Assembly Hall, E17
    Where? Hampstead Heath, NW3                                         Cost? TBC
    Cost? Free
                                                                        Following a sell-out night of comedy at Walthamstow Assembly
    Hampstead Heath’s annual Heritage Festival celebrates the           Hall in October 2014, this year Walthamstow Assembly Hall is
    social and natural history of the Heath, but the big event is       hosting another night of comedy and music to celebrate Black
    the world’s largest conker championship, as certified by            History Month. Full line up and ticket prices will be available
    Guinness World Records, at 3pm. Categories for all ages,            soon. Check the website for updates.
    children and adults. Other events include bee-keeping,
    spinning and weaving, wood-turning and Victorian games.   

                                                                        Urban Food Fest
    Family Day: Hallowe’en,                                             When? Every Saturday, 12pm – 12am
                                                                        Where? Euro Car Parks, 162-167 Shoreditch High Street, E1
    with Joshua Seigal                                                  Cost? Free
    When? 18th October                                                  Conveniently located near Shoreditch High Street station,
    Where? Keats House, NW3                                             the Urban Food Fest features over a dozen street food trucks
    Cost? Free                                                          and stalls which regularly change. Global gourmet street food
                                                                        is served alongside a bar with craft beers, cider, cocktails, plus
    Taking place at Keats House in Hampstead, meet performance
                                                                        live musicians and outdoor seating.
    poet Joshua Seigal at this free event for tales of ghosties and
    ghoulies, pumpkins and witches - and make up some of your 
    own. All ages welcome.
                                                                        Flamingo Fairs:
                                                                        Vintage and more
    Hoop Family Fete                                                    When? 10th Oct
                                                                        Where? Wanstead Library, E11
    When? 3rd Oct                                                       Cost? Free
    Where? 277a Upper Street, N1
    Cost? Free                                                          Bargains galore from local artists and craftspeople.
                                                                        With vintage & shabby chic furniture, haberdashery
    A day of family fun. Sparky Songs, Little Angel Theatre, Creation   and jewellery. Children welcome.
    Station, Cracking the Egg Kids Magic Show, Kids with Brains,
    and more family friendly activities will be happening all day.
    Cakes and tea will also be available.                               406952-flamingo-fairs-vintage-more-fair

    Contact for more information.

Museum of London:
   Explore Forty Hall Estate                                         Free half term events
   When? 14th Oct
                                                                     When? 24th – 31st Oct
   Where? Forty Hall, EN2
                                                                     Where? Museum of London, EC2Y
   Cost? £5
                                                                     Cost? Free
   The estate surrounding Forty Hall is of historical
                                                                     A series of events throughout half term with children aged 11
   significance and recently subject to a major restoration
                                                                     and under, involving crafts, storytelling and drama for families,
   project, funded by Enfield Council and the Heritage
                                                                     all about making do and mending through the ages.
   Lottery Fund.
                                                                     Includes Woven Creations – where you can try your hand at
   Join Principal Landscape Architect Chris Laine from LDA
                                                                     finger weaving, War time food – create a ration book and learn
   design as he tours the grounds to explain how the parkland
                                                                     about wartime recipes, and Soap and Suds – learning about
   was restored, and points out major project highlights
                                                                     how families made their own soap and creating your own.
   including the Ornamental Pond and Mound, and the
                                                                     See the website for full listings.
   18th century Pleasure Grounds.

                                                                     Chickenshed Family
                                                                     Fun Day
                                                                     When? 4th October
                                                                     Where? Chickenshed Theatre, N14
                                                                     Cost? Free entry (small charge for some activities)

                                                                     Chickenshed welcomes everyone to their annual autumn
                                                                     fundraiser – the Family Fun Day. Every year they need to raise
                                                                     money to continue making a positive change to the lives of
                                                                     many children, young people and adults.

                                                                     Come and enjoy an exciting range of activities, including a 3km
                                                                     fun run, zorbing, interactive games and prizes, a bouncy castle,
                                                                     fancy-dress competition, live music and more. Please note that
                                                                     you should register for the fun run in advance.
Centre of the Cell:                                        
Vicious Vampires,
Microscopic Monsters
and Deadly Diseases                                                    If you want to advertise an event you are holding,
                                                                       or let us know about one taking place in your area
When? 26th, 28th and 30th Oct
                                                                       that you think other residents may be interested in,
Where? Blizzard Institute, E1
Cost? Adults £7 / Children £5

This half term get ready for Halloween at Centre of the Cell.
Each session starts in a cell-shaped Pod, suspended over
the laboratories of the Blizzard Institute.

You’ll then take part the Vicious Vampires, Microscopic              Help with the Barnsbury
Monsters and Deadly Diseases show, where you will be tested
on your knowledge for defeating these Halloween nasties.             Estate community garden
Explore how vampire bats are able to suck your blood, how            Do you live on the Barnsbury estate? You may have seen
many teeth a werewolf has, how to spot disease-causing               groups of volunteers work on the green space behind the
viruses, and how Dr. Frankenstein could build a monster              Barnsbury Community Centre. The team at Barnsbury are
out of cells. Halloween costumes encouraged.                         hoping to create a community garden that will be available for
                                                                     all to enjoy. With a completion deadline for the end of October
This family event is suitable for children and teenagers aged 7 or   we are looking for resident volunteers who want to help finish it.
over. Under 14s must be accompanied by an adult. Book in advance.
                                                                     For those interested please contact Jenefa Khanom on                                       07557 433916 or
Kids’ Quiz!
    Below are 8 words which are all to do
    with Halloween. The first and last letters
    in each word are in the right place, but the
    rest of the letters are not. See if you can
    unscramble them!

    1) BOTIMORSCK                      5) HENATUD
    2) COWBEBS                         6) SOPOKY
    3) PIMKPUN                         7) VIPRAME
    4) MILOGNHOT                       8) LERTNAN

    Please email your answers to, with the
    words Kids’ Quiz in the title, along with your name, age and address.
    Or post them to Newlon Kids’ Quiz, Newlon House, 4 Daneland Walk,
    Hale Village, N17 9FE.

    You can enter the quiz if you are aged 11 or under. Answers must be
    received by Friday, 6th November 2015. All correct entries will go into
    a draw, and two lucky winners will get a £15 gift card or equivalent in
    vouchers for a high street or online store of their choice.

    Congratulations to Aysha and Harley, both from
    Islington, who won the summer newsletter
    competition, and will each receive a £15 gift card.

    Write for your newsletter
    Do you have an idea for an article for this newsletter? We welcome articles from residents of all ages. If we publish it we will
    send you £20 in vouchers of your choice! Send your article idea to, or post it to Kieran Hurley,
    Newlon Housing Trust, 4 Daneland Walk, Hale Village, London, N17 9FE.

                                                                                Newlon House, 4 Daneland Walk, Hale Village, London, N17 9FE
                                                                                                                 Telephone: 020 7613 8080
                                                                                    Email (general enquiries):
                                                                                                        Email (repairs):
                                                                                     Newlon Housing Trust is a charitable Housing Association

                                                             If you have difficulty reading this newsletter, require a different
                                                                   format or need help with translation, please contact us on
                                                                        020 7613 8091 or email

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