CCE SECURITY PROJECT - Chartwell Country ...

Page created by Arthur Romero
CCE SECURITY PROJECT - Chartwell Country ...

 Ch a rt w e l l
                 COUNTRY ESTATES
                         FEBRUARY 2021 NEWSLETTER

                                                             Chartwell Country
                                                             Estates (CCE) has
                                                             earmarked the corner
                                                             of 1st road and Seven
                                                             oaks as a hotspot for
                                                             criminals entering and
                                                             exiting Chartwell. The
                                                             CCE has formulated a
                                                             plan to fence off this
                                                             open piece of land with
                                                             access control that will
                                                             include a pedestrian
                                                             turnstile and motor
                                                             vehicle gate to allow
                                                             security vehicles access
                                                             onto the land below
                                                             Cedar creek estate. The
                                                             pedestrian turnstile
                                                             will allow us to monitor
                                                             who is coming into
                                                             Chartwell and will give
                                                             us the ability to lock the
                                                             turn style if there is an
                                                             incident in Chartwell
                                                             which will limit the exit
                                                             points for Criminals.
                                                             Once the security
                                                             fence has been erected
                                                             we will embark on a
                                                             landscaping exercise
                                                             to clean that corner
                                                             up and deal with the
                                                             soil erosion during
                                                             the rainy season. This
                                                             CCE security project
                                                             has been done in
                                                             conjunction with the
                                                             Sweepstakes, who has
                                                             generously donated the
                                                             funds to achieve most
                                                             of the project.

  NEWSLETTER BY - BLUE LEAF & CO -                         1
CCE SECURITY PROJECT - Chartwell Country ...

 THE GREATER                                                         Aunty
  LANSERIA                                                        Maureen tells:
 MASTER PLAN                                                         Chartwell’s Funny Bunnies

   UPDATE                                                              By Maureen Dalglish

                                          Most people who have come to live        threatened to sue him for damages.
                                          in Chartwell have some latent desire     A couple of weeks later at the
        By Ryan Woodley
                                          to farm … be it vegetables, flowers or   Chartwell AGM he stood up and
The Greater Lanseria Master Plan          livestock!                               apologised – his excuse being that he
as outlined by Cyril Ramaposa is                                                   thought it would be cute to have lots
well underway. CCE Board members          Often the desire is never pursued, but of pretty bunnies hopping around
attended a briefing with planners to      in some cases the young energetic        Chartwell. The Chairman of the
understand the goals and impact on        farmer has allowed his enthusiasm to meeting demanded to know how he
the residents of Chartwell.               overshadow common sense only to          intended to rectify his madness – and
                                          end up costing him lots of money …       some suggested to try to catch the
Very little has been left out of          and moreover, in this particular case, rabbits and to have them neutered
the plans for building the newest         much embarrassment.                      – but trying to catch a rabbit was a
smart city, from the fastest fiber                                                 hopeless exercise.
infrastructure to Gautrain stations,      His plan was to breed rabbits for the
special economic zones, and               pet shops.                               The domestic rabbits eventually
thoughtful green policies. All of this                                             mixed with the local hares of the
is great but how does this affect the     Firstly, a huge portion of his land was area and even today, 40 years later,
residents of Chartwell?                   levelled and the floor was concreted. odd looking bunnies are seen in
                                          Drainage furrows ran along the           Chartwell – some with long ears and
 There are plans for certain              outside and the wire mesh cages          patchy fur and some others with very
infrastructure upgrades in and            were well-fitted with gates. Trees       peculiar markings, even stripes…
around Chartwell Country Estates and      were planted for shade, taps were        So the question – what is a typical
Farmall. Initial plans cover rectifying   fitted to each drinking bowl and         Chartwell bunny?
waterworks and possible road              bright lights were erected for security.
upgrades.                                 All was now ready for his farming
                                          venture. From an advert in Farmers                      CHARTWELL
As it says in the plan "An important
aspect of the city economy is its
                                          Weekly magazine he bought his first
                                          20 rabbits, the sexes of which were                    SWEEPSTAKES
                                                                                     What an exciting evening! Three Draws
infrastructural investment, not simply    unknown. The 20 settled in well and
                                                                                     for December, January and February
in how it is funded and delivered         fairly soon became 40, then 60, then
                                                                                     when we were unable to meet due to
but also the inclusion of myriad up-      80 and more.
                                                                                           lockdown restrictions.
stream and down-stream aspects                                                             Ticket 025 won by Eve Quin
of its economic chain. Much of the        He hadn’t worked out a marketing                 Ticket 097 won by Cobus Visser
contemporary thinking regarding           strategy yet! The cages were filling             Ticket 08 won by Maureen Dalglish
urban sustainability recognizes this as   up rapidly and his food bill was rising
well as the more obvious aspects of       daily. He was overwhelmed by his                 And an excellent presentation on
                                          success and in fact he panicked!                 tattoos given by Tattoo Artist, Wayne
energy-efficiency and the striving for
                                          The only solution that came to mind              Pictor. Tattoos from 300BC, tattoos
carbon-neutral systems."                                                                   given to seamen, and to prisoners and
                                          was to open the cages and let the
                                                                                           then more modern tattoos done with
 The CCE is focused on making sure        rabbits run free.
                                                                                           needles instead of sharpened bone.
these plans benefit the community
without taking away from what makes       This they happily did – they gorged              The 20 minute talk became an hour
Chartwell so special. Watch out for       themselves on the neighbours’                    and only ended when Wayne was
news right here as plans unfold.          vegetables and anything else that was            dragged away from all the questions.
                                          green in the area.                               As promised to all those contemplating
 Check out the plan for yourself!                                                          a tattoo – Wayne’s contact number is
                                          Residents nearby were furious at                 061 522 4983.
                                          this irresponsible behaviour and                 NB: Never have a tattoo whilst under                                                                           the influence of liquor – it lasts for life!!

                                    NEWSLETTER BY - BLUE LEAF & CO -                                         2
CCE SECURITY PROJECT - Chartwell Country ...

                                                InScent K9
                                                      By Ryan Gibbs
Ryan Gibbs is a long time resident       two prestigious reserves. The adventure ANS: Our mentor and INBTI
of Chartwell. After a recent             never ends!                               (InterNational Bloodhound Training
spate of crime in the area, which                                                  Institute) Instructor Jackie De Sousa
unfortunately affected Ryan and his      QU: When did you learn to train dogs?     taught the method to us and has
family personally, it came to light      Is it a passion and how did you figure    guided us through our training. Since
that Ryan has his own tracking dog       out it was something you wanted to do? then, we have trained and operated
that has been incredibly trained. We                                               with several other organisations
asked Ryan a few questions to get to     ANS: In 2017 my brother and I found       like Kilo 9 Kennels, Wild Response,
know him better and get a deeper         Diego and Bagheera but had not            and Phalaborwa Natural Heritage
look into his dog training history and   yet decided that we wanted to train       Foundation in conservation projects, as
how helpful a well trained dog can be    them up as working dogs. Initially we     well as Ground SAR, Off Road Rescue
when trying to track down criminals.     just wanted them as pets but being        Unit, Community Policing Forums and
Ryan has also shared some good tips      adventurous at heart and spending a lot SAPS in search and rescue operations.
and interesting related stories he has   of time outdoors we decided that we
picked up over the years.                wanted to get involved with Search and QU: What sort of training do you do?
                                         Rescue using the dogs to find missing     (search and rescue, tracking...)
QU: About you and your family? How       people. We joined K9 SARA Gauteng
long have you lived in Chartwell? And    and met Jackie De Sousa from Detection ANS: Our training is very specialised,
any special memories you have of living Hut who introduced us to Mantrailing       and we aim for a minimum of
in the area?                             and The Kocher Method. From day one three sessions per week on the
                                         we were hooked, and it has been one       Mantrailing component alone. This
ANS: Our family has lived together in    epic adventure from there on.             type of training involves controlled
Chartwell for almost 20 years and has
always enjoyed the country lifestyle     QU: Do you train other people's dogs as
of Chartwell while being close to the    well as your own?
convenience of the city.
                                         ANS: Yes, we do, but it is not as simple
QU: A brief story about your dogs and as just training other people’s dogs. The
their training?                          method requires just as much handler
                                         training as it does K9 training, if not
ANS: K9 brothers Diego and Bagheera      more. It is critical for the handler to
(two Australian Shepherds cross          build a bond with their dog and to learn
Labrador Retrievers) were not bred as a about their dog’s behaviour in addition
working bloodline, but even as puppies to learning the intricacies of Mantrailing exercises for the dogs to develop
they showed a lot of potential to take   for them to become a successful team. their abilities and for the handlers to
on the many challenges of the working My brother and I have started our own have a better understanding of trail
K9 industry. With incredibly high drive business called InScent K9 where we       behaviour by observing their dog’s
and very capable noses they had the      offer specialised workshops/seminars     reactions and indications in controlled
necessary aptitudes to be trained up     and private training in The Kocher       environment exercises. The complexity
as working dogs and have excelled in     Method.                                  of this training evolves with the K9 and
their discipline of Mantrailing. We have                                          Handler’s abilities, but we always keep
a unique bond with each other and our QU: Do you have a training partner?         up with the foundations. Initially we
K9 partners that makes us an effective                                            focused on training to aid and assist in
team in training and out in the field.                                            search and rescue operations, but later
The dogs go wherever we go, and we                                                in our career we were exposed to anti
have been lucky enough to have the                                                poaching and conservation operations
experience of flying in helicopters,                                              in the Greater Kruger region.
working through the bush in big five
territory, searching over mountains,                                               QU: Where do you do your training?
and going on the best road trips with
our K9 partners. Their next trip is set                                           ANS: We train in a wide variety of
for the Eastern Cape where we will be                                             urban and wilderness environments
working with anti-poaching units in                                               from multistorey buildings, office parks,

                                    NEWSLETTER BY - BLUE LEAF & CO -                           3
CCE SECURITY PROJECT - Chartwell Country ...
shopping centres, to the forests in          while trailing, and a 7m-10m Biothane with little to no leads, but Diego and
Swaziland, Magaliesberg mountains,           lead that we make ourselves to suit   Bagheera worked together, leading
and big 5 reserves in the bushveld           our needs.                            us to the victim in time and saved a
of the Greater Kruger. Although we                                                 life. An unforgettable experience that
have regular training venues for             QU: The best age and breed of dog to keeps us motivated to keep doing what
most of our sessions, we do our best         train?                                we do.
not to train in the same area too
frequently, we want as much exposure         ANS: It is best to start developing           QU: 5 tips or pieces of advice for
to new environments for the dogs             a dog from a young age, building              people who would like to start training
and handlers in training to prepare          their drive, shaping behavior, as             their dogs?
them for the real thing. We need to          well as socialisation and exposure
train for every possible distraction,        to a wide variety of environments,            ANS:
environment, and challenge the dogs          situations, and people. Mantrailing           1. Build a strong bond with your dog
and handlers might face, to give             is not limited to any specific breed.         and earn their trust.
them the best possible chance of a           The bloodhound’s attributes make it
successful mission. If we have not           a proficient dog for the task but there       2. Socialise your dog to all
trained for it, we will not deploy for       are many other breeds that make               environments and a wide variety of
it. We are always looking for new and        excellent working dogs. No breed or           people and situations.
challenging environments to train at.        individual dog is automatically a great
                                             trailing dog and you must be prepared         3. Learn to read your dog’s behavior,
QU: What is your preferred method            to move on from an individual dog if          understand them, and learn as much
of training? Do you use any specific         it does not perform. Before taking on         as you can about your individual
training equipment?                          a new dog and handler for training we         dog as well as their breed. Working
                                             always assess the dog’s suitability for       bloodlines DO NOT always make good
ANS: Our preferred method of                 Mantrailing before accepting them             pets, they are not bred to sit around
training is a method called The Kocher       into our program. It is also advised to       and look pretty, they are bred to work
Method. We love this method because          avoid breeds that sight hunt.                 and be stimulated, ALL THE TIME. If
this is the best game the dogs can play,                                                   you do not have time for a dog, do not
and they have the best time doing            QU: Your fondest memory or funny/             get one.
it. The method teaches the dogs to           Interesting story you have about/
follow the scent of a human. What            during training dogs?                   4. Learn as much as you can about the
differentiates a trailing dog from a                                                 effective training methods that have been
tracking dog is that the trailing dog        ANS: On a recent operation in Pretoria, developed in the many years of working
is allowed to follow the human scent         Diego and Bagheera were deployed to dogs and find one that works for your
naturally, rather than being trained         assist on a missing persons operation individual dog. Dogs are not machines
in a head down or tracking position.         where together they successfully        that you can turn on and off when it is
In other words, the dog is taught            found the victim alive three days       convenient for you, behavior must be
to follow the scent, but is allowed          after he went missing from his home     shaped, and drive must be channeled.
to do it instinctively rather than           in Wonderboom. Collectively, Diego
mechanically, following the freshest         and Bagheera trailed a total distance   5. If you are not capable of achieving
scent trail. The dogs are also taught        of 10km through the Wonderboom          the above, find a trusted professional
to scent discriminate, meaning that          Reserve to where the victim was         who can help you. Not all dog trainers
they will follow the scent of a specific     found. The search was challenging       are good trainers.
human and not just any human. This
is achieved by presenting the dog with
a target odor in the form of a scent
article. This trailing behavior is taught
to the dogs through game play and
fun. During the game, the dog receives
an article with a specific human's scent
on it. This person then hides, and
the dog must find them. If the dog is
successful in finding the person, they
receive a reward. The reward is the
most important piece of equipment
we use, and the dog gets to choose
what it is. We also use well designed
harnesses that do not restrict the dog

                                       NEWSLETTER BY - BLUE LEAF & CO -                                   4
CCE SECURITY PROJECT - Chartwell Country ...

A reminder to all Chartwellians that it is the North-Western border of this site            The meeting was chaired by the
illegal to burn any rubbish or refuse on in Orleans Rd. The management style                region’s new SAPD commander
your property.                             of this criminal operation is to BURN            Brigadier Arikum, the Douglasdale
                                           the new waste as it is delivered and             Station Commander Lt.Col. Kriel,
The CCE has been in discussions with       it is then ‘levelled out’ by appointed           PIKITUP regional manager, Dept.
various communities surrounding            ‘unemployed’ labour from the local               of Health senior officials, JMPD
Chartwell in connection with the illegal settlement. The increased influx of                law enforcers and representatives
landfill site in Bloubosrand, and the      dump trucks caused the proliferation of          from the Johannesburg’s Mayoral
Blou statement was issued after a          other related businesses like shebeens           committee. After a presentation
meeting was held at the Douglasdale        and food vendors that also include SEX           was given by myself on the situation
Police station on the 22nd February        trafficking.                                     and operation of the dumpsite it
2021. The following article was put                                                         was unilaterally agreed upon by all
together by Bokka Du Toit, on the topic At any time of the day or night an                  parties in attendance that the site,
of the Kaya Sand dumpsite.                 average of at least five to six huge             and as a matter of urgency, had to be
                                           burning bon-fires can be found here              finally closed down. The challenges
The ‘BURNING’ issue of the Kaya Sand       that expels great volumes of toxic               and legal implications presented in
dumpsite                                   smoke that is compressed into the                following through with this planned
                                           larger valley along the river of the             action were discussed in great detail.
Brief summary of the situation –           dump site. Depending on the weather              Immediate action was commanded
compiled by Bokka du Toit.                 conditions and the wind this toxic               by Brig. Arikum that required a ‘zero
                                           smoke is distributed throughout the              tolerance’ approach to be adopted
One of the largest ‘illegal’ dumpsites     Kaya Sand, Fourways and Chartwell sub-           by both the SAPD and the JMPD that
in Gauteng has remained a ‘burning         regions.                                         included impounding the vehicles
issue’ for many years and it is still                                                       of offenders, restricting access to
burning, literally and now rapidly         It is important to note that the                 the site and arresting the offenders.
expanding with the addition of highly      Johannesburg Northern territories                Brig. Arikum also said that the ‘Green
toxic waste. An average of at least 40     have a number of official Industrial/            Scorpions’ could be included in
dump trucks ranging from the larger        Manufacturing zones that create a large          dealing with this matter should that
registered waste removal companies         volume of toxic waste material that              be required. JMPD and Douglasdale
to the ‘cheap’ privately owned rubble      ranges from oils, lubricants, plastic,           SAPD would immediately dedicate two
removal operators arrive in Kaya Sand      polystyrene, fibreglass and many other           patrol vehicles to initiate this action. All
daily to dump their waste. Waste           hazardous materials that are all found           participants at the meeting would meet
disposal has become a thriving             dumped at Kaya Sand. In some cases               again on 3/2/21 at the Douglasdale
business for the reckless WASTE LORD this toxic waste can be identified and                 Police Station to evaluate the progress
criminals, mainly foreign nationals,       traced back to their places of origin            made and to adjust a ‘checks and
that have taken the Municipal function being the manufacturers. When                        balances’ strategies where required in
of WASTE MANAGEMENT into their             confronted with this evidence they               the final closure of this site.
own hands – and for profit only. It is a   simply claim that their appointed and
win-win situation for both the private     paid waste ‘contractors’ deal with their         As a concerned and directly affected
waste contractors (registered or un-       waste material once it leaves their              local resident I will be critically
registered) that conveniently dump         premisses and it is of no concern to             monitoring and evaluating this
their waste at a fraction of the official  them, or their responsibility where it           unfolding process in direct consultation
cost being charged at other ‘legal’        ends up.                                         with Clr. Sbusiso and Superintendent
municipal facilities that are available                                                     Phamla. It is my suggestion that
in the region - and ultimately for the     During the month of February 2021                an interim and overseeing steering
WASTE LORDS.                               I have managed to bring this matter              committee is formed by one
                                           to the attention of both the relevant            representative from each of the active
The old Kaya Sand landfill dumping         Ward Councillor (Ward 95) Mr. Sbusiso            and affected community organisations
site that was officially closed some       and the region’s JMPD Superintendent             in this ‘smoked out’ Zone A and E area
years ago was re-opened by the             Phamla. Both these concerned officials           of the North-western Johannesburg
opportunistic WASTE LORDS that             visited the dumpsite on various                  sub-region.
control the three primary access           occasions and this resulted in an
points to this large track of quarry       important landmark meeting that was              Bokka du Toit (073 450 5151)
land. Two additional dumpsites were        held at the Douglasdale SAPD on 22/2/21
recently (January 2021) opened along       that was initiated by both these officials.

                                       NEWSLETTER BY - BLUE LEAF & CO -                                     5
CCE SECURITY PROJECT - Chartwell Country ...

                      BUSINESS DIRECTORY
Symbolic Ware (PTY) LTD                                         Maureen Dalglish Real Estate
Manufacturers of: metal & plastic name badges;                  Professional Principal Agent (NQFS)
cufflinks; tie slides; key rings; medals; school badges.        Tel: 083 228 1753
Tel: 011 792 8777                                               Office: 011 708 328 3297
Email:                                                          Email:                                              Website:

Sirius Electronic Systems CC
For all your bookkeeping needs: from the box of in-
voices to Trial Balance.
Contact Jenni Brown on 082 950 2335 or
Blue Leaf & Co.
Graphic design company. Newsletters, flyers and any
printing and stationery needs.
Contact Hannah Warren on 071 199 7754 or
The Fitness League Gym Class
Venue: the dance studio, Runnymead Road
Day: Monday and Thursday
Time: 8:30 am
Contact Maureen on 083 228 1753
Looking for a part time gardening job.

Contact Leonard on 062 066 4552

Electric Fencing
Installation and repairs.
Compliance Certificates

Sarel 084 487 7171
                                                     TO ADVERTISE

                                   NEWSLETTER BY - BLUE LEAF & CO -                     6
CCE SECURITY PROJECT - Chartwell Country ... CCE SECURITY PROJECT - Chartwell Country ... CCE SECURITY PROJECT - Chartwell Country ...
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