From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...

Page created by Travis Saunders
From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...
From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller
                Unitarian Universalism is a       neighbors/members who are most
                religion that comes into          impacted by oppression and injustice. We
                being through relationship        aim to mentor our children and youth, as
                and through covenant. It is       well as be mentored by them, so we all
                not about moral                   grow wiser, more compassionate, and
                philosophizing in the             more resilient.
                abstract or simply about
                personal theological beliefs.     Why do we do these things and aim to
                Practicing Unitarian              grow in our ability to do them? Because
                Universalism is about co-         these collective actions and aspirations
creating the beloved community together in        help us fulfill the promise of being
our congregation and with our partners in         Unitarian Universalist and open up our
the wider world. Each of us has a role to         community to new people who long to
play.                                             have what we offer in their lives.
Spiritually alive, multigenerational,             Everything we do together… Everything
inclusive, caring, and justice-centered           members, friends, ministers, staff, and
communities don’t exist in the abstract.          YOU do in our community together is
They exist if and when and where a group          made possible because we share our
of people offer their lives in service of love.   collective time, talents, and treasure
Our members, friends, ministers, and staff        with one another. We co-create the
have been doing this together for over 66         Morristown UU Fellowship.
                                                  We are launching our Annual Budget Drive
Each year, we build on the hard work of           this month with a theme of “Weaving the
those in the previous years to respond to         Gifts of Our Community.” You are an
what love calls us to do in our time. We          important strand in the tapestry we
find ourselves at an exciting moment. We          weave, and I hope you will join the
are about to break ground on a new                campaign. Remember, we ask that people
Addition, which hasn’t happened on our            give generously of their time, talents, and
property since 1969. The Addition will            treasure here and according to their
provide spaces that we have needed since          ability to do so. What you can contribute
long before my arrival.                           makes a difference as to what we are
                                                  able to offer to each other and the world.
However, let us focus for now on what we
do together in our buildings, our virtual         Thank you for all the ways you help to
spaces, and in the world. It is our collective    nurture our faith and our Fellowship this
deeds that matter. We aim to co-create            year and in past years. We are stronger
worship and spiritual practices that nourish      and more resilient in the wake of the
our bodies, minds, and spirits. We aim to         pandemic because we rise hand in hand
grow our networks of care, so that people         together now with an awareness of our
may find companions on a difficult road.          community’s history of rising together to
We aim to re-establish and also re-imagine        challenges of the past.
what welcoming looks like post-pandemic,
so that we can grow in hospitality and in         In Faith,
diversity. We aim to grow in our ability to
make a difference in Morris County (and
beyond) by supporting and empowering our
From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...
Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
                                        21 Normandy Heights Rd, Morristown, NJ 07960
                                                  April 2022 Newsletter
                                                      Mission and Covenant
                                                          We, the members of the
                                                         Morristown Unitarian
                                                        Universalist Fellowship,
                                                  mindful of the rich diversity and essential
                                                  oneness of human experience, covenant to
                                                   weave the fabric of community from the
                                                        strands of our separate lives.

          MEET OUR STAFF
                                                         This is our pledge:
    Rev. Alison B. Miller………
                                                   To create for ourselves and our
    Administrator                                  children a spiritual home which will
    Katy Julich………………………            nurture, challenge and offer us
    Director of Lifespan Religious                 renewal
    Nick Wallwork………………………             To seek what is true even as we
    Director of Music Ministries                   celebrate the mystery of existence
    Stearns Matthews…
    Director of Communications & Digital
                                                   To reach out to all who share our
    Strategy                                       liberal religious values and participate
    Zoey Best…………          in the broader Unitarian Universalist
    Affiliated Community Minister
    Rev. Allen Wells………………
                                                   To work for social justice and the
    Custodians                                     well-being of our planet Earth
    Sergio Lopez-Rojas & Marili Quintos Alejos,
    Yeili Rodriguez

In This Issue...                                   7………………….....Environmental Justice Cont.
3……………...…………………...From Our DRE                    8…………….…..….Staying Healthy This Spring
4……………………………Annual Support Drive                   9…………………………..…..Fellowship Updates
5……………………...Milestones and Passages                10…………………………………...……….Events
6...…………………………Environmental Justice                11…………………………...………….…Calendar

From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...
April 2022 — Volume 67, No. 4

                                FROM NICK, OUR DRE
                    I was watching West Side Story the         As the Director of Lifespan Education and as
                    other day. In it, there is a non-binary    a professional who has been doing this work
                    character named Anybodys by Susan          for some time, my lens is always on how we
                    Oakes. The character tries to hang         can educate people. We can never learn
                    out with the Jets, but they all push       enough. I have also had many different con-
                    Anybodys away. This is in the 1961         versations in one on one and group meet-
                    version of the movie. In the 2021 ver-     ings, which leads me to believe that we
                    sion, that same character screams at       adults need OWL as well.
                    another Jet, “I ain't no girl!” So the
                    question of a gender spectrum is cer-      Part of our programming next year will in-
                    tainly not a new one.                      clude OWL classes. There are three units
                                                               (and we may spit it up even more). There
In our children and youth RE classes, we have at least one     are classes for Young Adults, Adults, and
child in each class that identifies as non-binary. Religious   Older Adults. Again these are age-
Educators have been talking about this for years. The          appropriate about sexuality. These will help
UUA is writing all of its OWL (Our Whole Lives) curriculum     adults “build an understanding of healthy
to be more inclusive of all children no matter where they      sexual relationships, affirms diversity, and
fall on the spectrum. We, as Alison mentioned in her ser-      helps participants accept and affirm their
mon, have an All Genders bathroom on the first floor. So       own sexuality throughout their lives.” It
I was confused when there were questions about the op-         would also help us look at the complexity of
tion to place pronouns on name tags.                           sexuality and gender to help us become a
                                                               more welcoming and open congregation.
When I looked up the wiki for Anybodys, it states that
“Anybodys is a tomboy (or trans man in the 2021
film)...” (Check out this article) So yes, trans people
have been with us for a long time (there is actually a lot
of history of trans people throughout history, but that is
for another article). And yes, we have trans people in our     On Donations for our Classrooms
midst (and probably have for a long time) and we are
working towards being more inclusive. But perhaps the          Thanks to our thoughtful members,
difficulties here is a matter of language as mentioned in      we are now at capacity for toys and
the West Side Story wiki. What was once called "tomboy"
can now be non-binary.                                         other resources in our RE classrooms!

Right now our children are in the middle of their OWL          Therefore we can no longer accept
programs. Next year we will be running that program for        donations of toys and art supplies
High Schoolers (the year after that will be Middle             (unless explicitly requested by our
School). It is an intricate part of our children's and         teachers or staff.)
youth’s education. In these classes, they talk about their
own sexuality in age-appropriate ways. They also talk          The children’s classrooms at the Fel-
about LGBTQQIP2SAA (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, pansexual,          lowship are blessed to have many
two-spirit (2S), androgynous and asexual) issues.              learning resources and toys!

From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...
Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

                               ANNUAL SUPPORT DRIVE

It’s hard to believe, but it is once again time for our Annual Support Drive!
Our theme for the 2022 – 2023 drive is Weaving the Gifts of Our Community –
We have been so blessed with all the time, treasure and talent our members and staff have given
throughout the pandemic. Despite the pandemic, we have a new Strategic Plan and are entering the fi-
nal phase of the Building Project. It is now the time to weave all of this together!
The Annual Support Drive is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023. The
Committees and Staff have put together budget asks reflecting their priorities for the next fiscal year.
These include:
· More guest speakers and programming for Adult Education
· Extending OWL to Adults
· Increased Young Adults programming/events
· A Religious Education assistant
· Partner Church funding for a Christmas gift and Council dues
· 8th Principle funding for a partnership with the National Initiative to End   Racism
· Increased funding for Communications – new tools, social media boosts, street fairs
· Increase funding for Membership to allow for more events and outreach
· Salary increases for staff
On April 10th, there will be some special treats at coffee hour and you will be able to pick up a personal-
ized letter requesting that you pledge for the year. We ask that you be generous so that we can fund this
important work.
If you have any questions on this, please reach out to Candice Donaldson at
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support!

    Get involved with the Fellowship this Spring!
    A wide range of great volunteer opportunities on Sunday Mornings are available such as…
    -Sunday Service Ushers - Speak with an usher on Sunday or e-mail
    -Welcoming Help—Speak with members at the Welcoming table or e-mail
    -Camera Operators—Speak with the Camera Operators on Sunday, or Gabor Kiss
    -Hospitality Coordinator—Contact Katy at
    Thank you for bringing your time, talent and treasure to this spiritual community!

From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...
April 2022 — Volume 67, No. 4

                          MILESTONES AND PASSAGES

Hello Fellowship Community,
In our services on March 27th, I shared an important announcement.
After a lot of soul searching, my husband Michael and I have decided
to move to Philadelphia, which means I’ll be leaving you at the end of
the summer. I’m feeling more and more called to my teaching job at
University of the Arts, where I’m currently commuting three days a
week. On a personal level, Michael and I are feeling our hearts pulled
to the place where we met and fell in love at 19. For us, this feels
like going back home.
I have loved my time here at MUUF. I’m proud of the work we’ve
done together, and humbled by all you’ve taught me. I really am a
lucky guy - what other church musician can say they did an entire
service of Muppet music at their job?
In case you’re wondering, yes, there is a UU congregation in Center
City Philadelphia. BUT I’m also looking forward to sleeping in on
Sundays for the first time since I was 15 (really!). I’ll be here through
August, so we have plenty of time to sing and celebrate.
In gratitude,

                                                                                “You are not alone”
                                                                              The Caring Hub is here for
                                                                               anyone who needs sup-

On March 4th 2022, Ilia Evans, who grew up at the Fellowship, passed
away after a tragic accident. Our hearts go out to his Parents Bob and

On Saturday, April 23 there will be a Memorial Service at 2:00 PM,
           followed by a reception at the Fellowship                           Look
                                                                               for us
More information on how to attend the service virtually will be pro-           online:
vided closer to the service date.

From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...
Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

                   THE INTERDEPENDENT WEB...

                               After the Fellowship’s World Water Day Sunday service on March 20,
                               the Green Earth Ministry kicked off a big push for the NJ Green
                               Amendment bill (ACR72/SCR15), one of the three action issues select-
                               ed by our UUFaithActionNJ environmental committee this year. De-
                               spite a four-year struggle and strong support from 58 legislative co-
                               sponsors to bring this bill to a vote, it has yet to be
                               prioritized for a hearing this legislative session.
                               If you missed writing a postcard or texting the action during the cof-
                               fee hours, you can still help – and your UU voice is really needed!
                               Send a message to Speaker Craig Coughlin, State Senate President
                               Nicholas Scutari, and Assembly Environment Committee Chair James
                               Kennedy to start hearings this Spring for your right to clean water and
                               air! Use the form below to quickly submit a pre-written letter.

                               For more information, contact Jo Sippie-Gora, member of UUFaith-
                               ActionNJ’s Environmental Justice Task Force (EJTF). Thank you.
                               Watch the World Water Day Service on youtube at https://

                                                        Green Earth Ministry
                                                            Needs YOU!
                                  Our small committee has been very active through the pandemic
                                            and would love to have additional members!
                                             We meet monthly (currently on Zoom) and
                                                  have a “retreat” each year.
                                        GEM’s goal is to encourage earth-friendly practices,
                                raise awareness of environmental issues and injustices, encourage
                                  community and government action; generating commitment to
                                      sustainable lifestyle choices; and building a connection
                                   between spiritual practice and environmental consciousness.
                                       Activities include writing letters or signing petitions,
                                     recommending/hosting Earth-centered book discussions;
                                maintaining a Facebook-based group to enable environment-related
                                communications among members; and supporting partners such as
                                 UU Faith Action NJ and UU Ministry for Earth through advocacy.
                                      Please reach out at coffee hour or e-mail Linda DeLap or
                                                  Jo Sippie-Gora to find out more!

From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...
April 2022 — Volume 67, No. 4

                                   ...OF ALL EXISTENCE

How is the Green Amendment Different from Other Green
Movements: the Rights of Nature ~ Green New Deal ~ Youth
Climate Litigation? …and more
      During the next few Sunday coffee hours, GEM members will be
     available to answer your questions and assist you in advocating for
                      a New Jersey Green Amendment.
     All of the above-mentioned green movements are important, but
     they are distinctly different in substance, strategy and impact.

     The Rights of Nature movement is changing the way people think
       about their relation to the natural world.

     The Green New Deal offers aspirational environmental and eco-
       nomic goals.

     Youth Climate Litigation has inspired a new generation of climate
       activists and underscored the need for constitutional environ-
       mental protections.

     The Green Amendment advocates for a self-executing Green
       Amendment in the Bill of Rights section of state constitutions.
       These can protect water, air, climate, and ecosystems and pro-
       vide legal strength to protect the environmental rights and ex-
       pectations of all people for generations to come. New Jersey’s
       Unitarian Universalist legislative action group, UUFaithActionNJ,
       is participating in the movement for a New Jersey Green Amend-
       ment. The movement will produce systemic change that includes
       everybody in the common cause of environmental protection and

    Registration for the UU@UN Annual Spring Seminar hosted by the Unitarian Universalist
    Association Office at the United Nations in partnership with the Unitarian Universalist
    Ministry for Earth and UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service Committee) is now open until
    April 3, 2022.
    The theme this year is “Displacement and Human Rights: All In for Climate Justice.”,
    continuing the climate justice theme from last year. The Seminar will take place April 22 -
    May 1, 2022 and aims to instill in Unitarian Universalist youth and adults a commitment to
    global engagement and the skills to take action locally to address global issues.
    The bulk of the program will be online again, but with the possibility of local gatherings as
    well, to supplement the online experience.

    Go to for information and
    All are welcome but youth are particularly encouraged to attend.

    Contact Gabor Kiss (UU@UN Envoy) with questions
From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...
Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

                      STAYING HEALTHY THIS SPRING

To Mask or Not to Mask - a personal choice.
While The Fellowship has lifted its requirement for wear-
ing masks indoors, this doesn't mean we
require bare faces! If you are more comfortable wearing
a mask, please do so. We welcome all, masked or un-
Please remember that folks have their
own reasons for masking, so if some-
one is masked, please don't question
or pressure them into taking their
mask off.
Thank you to everyone for your con-
cern for others and the safety of all!

From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...
April 2022 — Volume 67, No. 4

                                                         We are so close to fully funding our amazing
                                                         Addition and Mansion Repairs.
                                                         Since last September, we have raised a total of $3.66
                                                         million of the total $4 Million additional funds re-
                                                         quired for our plan. Thanks to all who have contrib-
                                                         uted for the first time or added to your prior contri-
                                                         butions. Your generosity is truly amazing. Our Cam-
                                                         paign Team is still reaching out to Members, Friends,
                                                         and Alumni.
                                                         Our planned Building Addition and East Parking are
                                                         designed with our aspirations for Inclusion and Green
                                                         Design including accessibility, solar electricity, heat
                                                         pumps with zero emissions, and returning storm wa-
                                                         ter to the ground. This great work will provide an
                                                         amazing space for us to meet together in fellowship.
                                                         Join us in contributing to this final phase of fundrais-
                                                         ing and thank you all for your support. Please reach
                                                         out by email at
                                                         Thank you!
                                                         Your Deeper Roots Wider Wings Moving Forward
                                                         Capital Campaign Committee

    An update from our Immigration Justice Ministry
    President Biden has proposed to welcome 100,000
    Ukranian refugees. At this time, however, the
    Zamani and Taheri families from Afghanistan
    continue to be the center of our efforts.
    Baby Zamani’s multiple health problems are being
    addressed with the kind attention of Beth
    Hayward and Steve Parker and a team of
    drivers. The Zamani adults attend daily ESL
    classes with the volunteer drivers from Toby
    Tyler's team and have tutors at home. The family
    has been approved for benefits from the county
                       Office of Temporary Assistance
                       and generous                       Future Book Club Books:
                       donations have provided a
                       man’s bike, another baby car-      April 18, 2022 Up from Slavery
                       riage and a sewing machine.        by Booker T. Washington

                       There is still a need for a        May 16, 2022 The Ride of Her Life
                       woman’s bike.                      by Elizabeth Letts
                       The next hurdle will be
                       finding pro bono legal             June 20, 2022 The Painted House
                       assistance for the family’s im-    by John Grisham
    migration status. For more info or to volunteer,
    please reach out to Joan Belz at                      July 18, 2022   Madam Secretary: A Memoir by                                 Madeleine Albright
                                                          We Zoom at 1:30 pm on the 3rd Monday of each
        Thank you for your continued support!             month. All are indeed welcome.

From Our Minister, Rev. Alison Miller - Morristown Unitarian Universalist ...
Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

                              UPCOMING THIS MONTH

                                                             Lunch With your Principles every Monday
      COMMUNITY PASSOVER SEDER                                     from noon to 12:45 on Zoom
         Monday, April 18th 5:30 - 8 pm                  A weekly 45 minute virtual meeting to discuss es-
                                                         sential issues impacting the Unitarian Universalist
YOU are invited to participate in a community Passo-     movement and free thought.
ver Seder led by the Miller-Snedden family (Rev. Ali-    Organized by Donald H. Marks and Gabor Kiss
son, David, and Asher). Children, Youth, Adults, El-
ders - All Ages Are Welcome! You are welcome                            Join with Zoom:
whether you celebrate the holiday with your own       
family, or whether this will be your first ever seder.      pwd=SHJOZ0YzRXVQRFkvMjFRRExVb3hpUT09

                                                           An updating listing of sessions can be found at:

Dinner will be simple, but delicious (given that we
are without a stove in the Fellowship kitchen). The
retelling of the story of deliverance from slavery to
freedom will inspire.
Please make a $15 - $20 donation per adult, $7.50—
$10 per child, children 6 and under are free, to de-
fray the costs.
       Register in Realm or contact

            Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
                                                                          Sunday Worship Services                                              Organizations we share our space with:
                    April                                                       9:30 and 11:15 am                                                      AA                    AA Meditation

                                                                            In Person and Live Stream                                            AA Meditation               Ardor Learning
                                                                                                                                                    GAAMC                     Folk Project
                    2022                                                          Visit for links                                         Men to Men

            Sunday                   Monday                      Tuesday                  Wednesday                    Thursday                     Friday                    Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                    1                           2
                                                                                                                                                                    1                           2
                                                                                                                                                10 am Gentle Yoga

                            3                           4                          5                            6                          7                        8                           9
      9:30 am Worship Service
     11:15 am Worship Service                               10am Parkinson Support         7pm Welcoming                                        10 am Gentle Yoga
        12:45 pm Meditation     12 pm Lunch With Your               Group                   Congregation
          1:00 pm Odyssey             Principles                                       7 pm Finance Committee
                                                                                        7 pm Compassionate             6:30 pm Men's
                                     7 pm BUTN                7 pm Worship Arts           Communications            Consciouness Raising
                           10                       11                            12                       13                          14                           15                        16
      9:30 am Worship Service
     11:15 am Worship Service   12 pm Lunch With Your                                                                                           10 am Gentle Yoga
     12:45 pm Meditation              Principles

                                                                                                                       6:30 pm Men's
                                      7 pm GEM                                         7 pm Board of Trustees       Consciouness Raising
                           17                       18                            19                       20                          21                           22                        23
     9:30 am Worship Service
     11:15 am Worship Service   12 pm Lunch With Your                                                                                           10 am Gentle Yoga
         Easter Egg Hunt              Principles                                                                                                                         2 pm Ilia Evans Memorial
       12:45 pm Meditation       1:30pm Monday Book                                                                                                                                Service
                                        Group                                                                          6:30 pm Men's
                                5:30 pm Passover Seder                                                              Consciouness Raising
                           24                       25                            26                       27                          28                           29                        30
     9:30 am Worship Service
     11:15 am Worship Service   12 pm Lunch With Your
       12:45 pm Meditation            Principles

                                                                                                                       6:30 pm Men's
                                                                                       7 pm Board of Trustees
                                                                                                                    Consciouness Raising        10 am Gentle Yoga
                                                                                                                                                                                                    April 2022 — Volume 67, No. 4
Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
21 Normandy Heights Road
Morristown, New Jersey. 07960-4611
April, 2022
Vol. 67, No. 4

                     Sunday Worship at the Fellowship — April 2022
          Our Services will be in-person and streamed live at:

Sunday April 3rd at 9:30am & 11:15am -
“Pilgrim on the Road of Love,” led by Rev. Alison Miller
Our annual theme is “Keep On Moving Forward! or ¡Sigamos Adelante!” As travel begins
to open up this spring and summer, let us explore the role of pilgrimage in moving us
forward on the journey of healing and transformation.
Sunday April 10th at 9:30am & 11:15am -
“Weaving the Gifts of Our Community,” led by Rev. Alison Miller
Unitarian Universalism has historically held a tension between privileging the individual
vs privileging community. In our Fellowship, we learn time and again, it is our collective
wisdom, talents, inspiration and aspirations that take us to greater heights than are
possible on our own.
Sunday April 17th at 9:30am & 11:15am -
“New Life Bursting Forth,” led by Rev. Alison Miller and Nick Wallwork
All are invited to join our Annual Multigenerational Easter Celebration, which will
include an Easter Egg Hunt between services. Let us notice where in our lives we find
ourselves stuck in a tomb of sorts. Morning has come! It is time to roll away the stone.
Sunday April 24th at 9:30 & 11:15am -
“Karmic Consciousness,” led by Rev. Allen Wells
Albert Einstein famously wrote that “We cannot solve a problem with the same
consciousness out of which we created it." I would like to reflect upon Einstein’s wisdom
and apply it to our current climate crisis where I see a desire for control and the
disregard for limits having led us.

You can also read