February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...

Page created by Frances Vaughn
February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
February 6, 2022 † Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                                                              WEEKEND MASSES
                                                                                    Saturday: 4:00 pm
                                                                                      Sunday: 7:00 am,
                                                                                     9:00 am, 11:00am

                                                                              WEEKDAY MASSES
                                                                                 Monday: 8:00 am
                                                                                 Tuesday: 8:00 am
                                                                               Wednesday: 8:00 am
                                                                                Thursday: 8:00 am
                                                                                  Friday: 8:00 am

                                                                          HOLY DAY OBLIGATION
                                                                            Eve of Holy Day: 7:00 pm
                                                                                    Holy Day Masses:
                                                                                9:00 am and 7:00 pm

                                                                                   SACRAMENT OF
                                                                           Saturdays: 3:00—3:45 pm
                                                                                 and by appointment
                                                                                 Communal Penance
                                                                                   celebrated during
                                                                                    Advent and Lent

                                                                              Weekdays before Mass
                                                                                Sundays at 6:35 am

                                                ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
               A diocesan parish served by the Congregation of the Resurrection

2 3 0 2 W. C H U R C H S T. |      J O H N S BU R G, I L 6 0 0 5 1 |       (815) 385 -1477
Fax (815) 363-3333 | www.stjohnsjohnsburg.org | find us on myparish app
February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
2                                                                                         Welcome to St. John the Baptist, Johnsburg, IL
                                               BUSINESS HOURS                               Gospel meditation
                                 Monday & Tuesday: 8:30 am—3:00 pm                          5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                 Wednesday: 12:00 pm—6:00 pm
                                 Thursday: 8:30 am—3:00 pm                      “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man,” these
                                 Friday: 8:30 am—Noon                           words, uttered by Simon Peter, can be found on any

                                                                                one of our lips. What real significance do I have in the
                                                      CLERGY                    big picture of God’s Divine plan? Even though we try
                                 Pastor: Rev. Jacek Junak, CR, EXT. 202         our best to hide it, we all suffer from a lack of faith.
                                 Deacon: Mr. Jerry Giessinger                   We get tired, confused, and often lack any sincere
                                 Deacon: Mr. Dave Gillespie                     desire to put anything into our relationship with God.
                                                                                It’s easier to simply reap whatever benefits the world
                                                  PARISH STAFF                  has to offer and call it a day. Floating along on the
                                 Reception:                                     superficial currents of life doesn’t require much
                                  EXT. 200 stjohnsreception2302@gmail.com       effort and seems to get us through the day. Confron-
                                 Secretary: Annie Muich                         ting our own infidelity, apathy, weakness of spirit,
                                  EXT. 203 stjohnjohnsburgsecretary@gmail.com   and doubt in God’s providence, how can we even
                                 Business Manager: Kasia Placek                 remotely be considered a worthy vessel of God’s
                                  EXT. 204 stjohnbusinessmanager@gmail.com      presence or credible voice for His message?
                                 Religious Ed. Director: Stephanie Eldridge
                                  EXT. 201 stjohnreyouth@gmail.com              This is the irony of faith. God doesn’t seek the per-
                                 Bulletin Editor: Anna Rose Zakrzewski          fect vessels. He likes the broken ones. There is some-
                                  EXT. 223 stjohnbulletin2302@gmail.com         thing to be said about living honestly and sincerely,
                                 Music Ministry: Mary Jo Schwontkowski          and wrestling with sin, imperfection, and weakness
                                  EXT. 1   mjschwontkowski@sbcglobal.net        rather than skipping through the peripheries of life
                                                                                with pretention, arrogance, and mendacity. If we
                                      ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST SCHOOL               believe ourselves to be our own “god” and serve
                                 2304 W. Church Street                          only ourselves, we close the door to ever being used
                                 Johnsburg, IL 60051                            by the real and only True God. But, if we at least ack-
                                 (815) 385-3959 www.stjohnschool.com            nowledge that there is One greater than ourselves,
                                                                                then even in our deepest poverty and lowliness, God
                                         PARISH INFORMATION                     can enter.
BAPTISMS: Parents must be registered parishioners.
Parishioners call Fr. Jacek Junak, CR at (815) 385-1477,     Lessons are best learned from those who suffer. Only
EXT. 202 for information, requirements, and scheduling for   someone who has been lonely and lost can attest to
baptism preparation classes.                                 the beauty of both Divine and human friendship.
RCIA: Adults seeking baptism and/or entry into the           Only those who have really lost their way know what
Catholic Church are invited to participate in the RCIA (Rite happens when they are found. Only those who are
of Christian Initiation of Adults) Program. Please call Fr.  afraid know what it is to be calmed by God. The
Jacek Junak, CR for more information.                        Gospel is messy because life is messy. There are no
CEMETERY: Please call Annie in the parish office at          black and white solutions to problems and challen-
(815) 385-1477, EXT. 203 to purchase cemetery plots and      ges that are hazy and gray. When our hesitancy to
niches in columbarium.                                       encounter God gets replaced by friendship with God,
MARRIAGES: Please call Fr. Jacek Junak, CR at                we become more aware of our dignity and the fact
(815) 385-1477, EXT. 202 for appointment, requirements,      that we are loved just as we are. We cannot be afraid
and a desired wedding date of at least 6 months in advance. to share our struggles, reservations, fears, and sinful-
PRAYER LIST: Please call Anna Rose in the parish office at   ness with others. Our genuineness and sincerity will
(815) 385-1477, or email stjohnbulletin2302@gmail.com to speak of the God who blesses us in our weakness.
be placed on the bulletin prayer list.
REGISTRATION: Please call Annie in the parish office
(815) 385-1477, EXT. 203 to register as a parishioner.
February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
February 6, 2022 † Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                          3
                    Prayer Requests                                                     Mass Intentions
  Alexandria Arber       Joanne Hoy                     Lester Reick
                                                                           One must never forget the infinite graces that flow from the
  Jakey Baldassano     Richard Jastre                  John Robbins
                                                                                Sacrifice of the Mass which benefit ones soul.
     Kinsley Bentz      Jim Johnston                  Nancy Roberts
     Larry Blaney         Judy Jonas                      Roz Ruiz
      Susan Boeck      Michael Jonas                  Sheila Salemme      Saturday, Feb. 5: St. Agatha
       Dick Bowe      Jameson Justen                   Jerry Schillaci    4:00 PM † Jonnie Vickery, Birthday
 Joe & Betty Burke      Jerome Kehl                   Gretchen Short                   (Gena Beck)
    Stanley Butski     Alfred Kohler                    Judy Spears
 Carmelita Caifano      Kristen Kory                   Robert Spears      Sunday, Feb. 6: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
    Jeanne Caifano   Connie Kucharski                  Bill Spellman      7:00 AM       Parishioners, Friends, &
     Serenity Carf     Janet Lacerda                     Peter Spitz                    Benefactors of St. John the
    Toddi Conway    Richard Laskowski                   Kayla Stefka                    Baptist (Fr. Jacek, CR)
Mike & Sharon Coyle Joanne Laskowski                   Benny Taylor       9:00 AM † Clarence Holmes, Jr.
     Mary Decman        Eloise Leight                    Ben Theis                      (Christine Marulewski)
 Lawrence DiPrima     Dean & Sandra                    Ralph Torres       11:00 AM † Sabrina Cavanaugh
   Timothy Duffek           Lenard                   Christine Turner                   (Barb Lehecka)
        Suzy Ely       Carol Madigan                   Karen Walker
    Paulette Elsey    Robert Madsen                     Rich Weeks        Monday, Feb. 7
      Peter Feyen   Ron Marulewski, Jr.              Walter & Florence    8:00 AM † Nancy Thielsen
       Shirley Fix       Jill McLean                      Weidner                      (BVM Sodality)
     John Ferraro     Sr. Carol Mecko                    Gina Wierz
     Mark Fischer      Aaliyah Meyer                  Alice Zabawski      Tuesday, Feb. 8: St. Jerome; St. Josephine
     Tina Fosnacht       Bill Nowak                  Joanne Zaremba       Bakhita
    Glenda Fussell       Dan Oleksa                     Brian Zinkel      8:00 AM † Tadeusz Orlos
       Carol Gall        Bob Osborn                  Diane Zyskowski                   (Donna Zygorski)
      Debbie Glen     Robert Phillips
       Flo Gofron      Edward Pipta                    Our Beloved        Wednesday, Feb. 9
     Agnes Grams        Kathy Posey                     Deceased:         8:00 AM † Therese Stanek
   Richard Gunther       Karen Pratt                   Theresa Wajs                   (Schopen Family)
 Amy Hershenbach      Ross Randazzo                  Florence Weidner
     We will keep names on the list for eight weeks, and then remove.
                                                                          Thursday, Feb. 10: St. Scholastica
     If you would like the name of your loved one to be on the list for   8:00 AM † Tony Malnaric
              longer than eight weeks, please call to renew.                           (Maria Muich)
                    Thank you for your understanding.
                                                                          Friday, Feb. 11: Our Lady of Lourdes
                    Weekly Readings                                       8:00 AM † William Etten, Birthday
Sunday:      Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8 [1c]/1                            (Sue LaFontaine)
             Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11/Lk 5:1-11
Monday:      1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13/Ps 132:6-7, 8-10/Mk 6:53-                  Saturday, Feb. 12
             56                                                           4:00 PM S.I. Michelle Mercado Flores, Birthday
Tuesday:     1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30/Ps 84:3, 4, 5 and 10,                                (Mercado Family)
             11/Mk 7:1-13                                                 Sunday, Feb. 13: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wednesday: 1 Kgs 10:1-10/Ps 37:5-6, 30-31, 39-40/Mk
                                                                          7:00 AM       Parishioners, Friends, &
                                                                                        Benefactors of St. John the
Thursday:    1 Kgs 11:4-13/Ps 106:3-4, 35-36, 37 and 40/
                                                                                        Baptist (Fr. Jacek, CR)
             Mk 7:24-30
                                                                          9:00 AM † Edward & Elsie Guara,
Friday:      1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19/Ps 81:10-11ab, 12-13,
             14-15/Mk 7:31-37                                                           (Family)
Saturday:    1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34/Ps 106:6-7ab, 19-
                                                                          11:00 AM † Eleanor Wroblewski, Anniversary
             20, 21-22/Mk 8:1-10
                                                                                        & Theodore Wroblewski
Next Sunday: Jer 17:5-8/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4, 6 [40:5a]/1 Cor
             15:12, 16-20/Lk 6:17, 20-26
February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
4                                                        St. John the Baptist, Johnsburg, IL

    St. Josephine Bakhita | February 8
    The story of St. Josephine Bakhita (1869-1947) is a story that many people taken
    into slavery have experienced. Born in the Darfur region of Sudan, she was kid-
    napped at the age of 8 and sold into slavery many times. As she passed from own-
    er to owner, she experienced the moral and physical humiliations associated with
    slavery. It was only at the age of 13 that her suffering was alleviated after she was
    bought for the Italian Consul in Sudan. It was here that she was fortunate to re-
    ceive kindness, respect, and peace from her new master.

    She was later handed over to the Canossian Sisters when she made the case that
    slavery had been outlawed in Italy for years. She was baptized and confirmed in
    the Catholic Church in 1890, where she took the name Josephine. She later en-
    tered the Institute of St. Magdalene of Canossa in 1893 and made her profession
    three years later.

    St. Josephine Bakhita’s next 50 years were spent serving people through cooking,
    sewing, embroidery, and housekeeping. She was a source of encouragement and
    her constant smile won people’s hearts, as did her humility and simplicity. Today
    she is known as the patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human traffick-
    ing. St. Josephine Bakhita, pray for us!
February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
February 6, 2022 † Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                 5

February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
6                                                             St. John the Baptist, Johnsburg, IL

    Early on in my work in parish ministry, I
    had to deal with a tough human re-
    sources situation, letting some staff
    members go and stepping into a role that
    demanded more of my time and energy.
                                                     January Blessings
    In moments like this, stewardship can          Welcome New Parishioners
    feel burdensome. Things take a turn we
    didn’t expect, perhaps in spite of our best       Alexander & Rosie Galera
    efforts. Maybe more is asked of us than         Skipper & Sally Cunningham
    we want or feel prepared to give.
                                                         Harold & Mary Weil
    But that’s when we need to remember            Eric & Julia Schopen and Family
    that stewardship isn’t a job that we apply
    for. It’s a gift bestowed directly from God,
    the Creator of all, and that can be scary            Newly Baptized
    all on its own, if we are preoccupied with
    our own unworthiness. What we might              Waylon Michael Schabow
    want to do is fall on our knees like Simon
    Peter and announce, “Depart from me,
    Lord — I am sinful.”                           Those Buried from Our Church;
                                                      May They Rest in Peace
    But what if we stop looking in the mirror
    and look instead to God?                                Stephen Link
    All those years ago, when I was faced
                                                           Nancy Thielsen
    with that ministerial challenge, I asked               Tadeusz Orlos
    my wife to join me. What started as a
    tough situation turned into a decade of
    shared ministry with her — an experience
    I wouldn’t trade for anything. It was a
    burden that became a gift.

    We must remember that God knows
    what He is about. In His mercy, He gives
    us what we need as everyday stewards.
    When God calls out, “Whom shall we
    send?” we — in all our sinfulness — are
    allowed to cry out “Send me, Lord!” And
    He sends us out and behold — our nets
    tear with the bounty we harvest in His

               — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
February 6, 2022 † Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                        7

                         Ministry news and announcements

Check out the bulletin insert to sign up for your subscription or order online.

                                                                           Seeking Volunteer RN!
                                                                           Focus Women’s Center in

                                                                                  ~Flexible hours~

                                                                        - Meeting with patients
                                                                        - Performing urine,
                                                                          pregnancy, and
                                                                          STD testing

                                                                        Send inquiries to:

                                                                           SHOPPING EXPRESS NEWS

                                                                           The first Shopping Express
                                                                                raffle has begun!

                                                                         Our first raffle for February is
                                                                         Grocery Stores. We have three
                                                                           cards that qualify entry into
                                                                          the raffle. For every $25 card
                                                                         you purchase for use at Jewel,
                                                                           Meijer, or Walmart, you will
                                                                           get one entry into the raffle.
                                                                         The first drawing will be held
                                                                         on March 1st. Winner need not
                                                                           be present. Raffle prize is a
                                                                           $10 reload to your gift card.

                                                                         Looking forward to everyone’s
                                                                           continued support of our
                                                                          Shopping Express program!
February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
8                                                              St. John the Baptist, Johnsburg, IL
                             Ministry news and announcements

                                                  The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality will
                                                  meet Tuesday, February 8th at 1:00 pm
                                                  in the Parish Office.

                                                  All women of St. John’s are welcome to
                                                  join us for fellowship and activities.

Please Consider Donating to the
  Society of St. Vincent de Paul                                    WHAT WILL
Returning home from the hospital                                   YOU BECOME
after surgery, a single-mother discov-
ered that her teenager had Covid,                                  BY DAY 91?
they didn't have much food and her
electric bill was overdue. Feeling over-
whelmed, she reached out to St.
                                                                 Join thousands of men
Vincent de Paul for help. Vincentians
delivered bags of food to restock their
                                             P R AY E R         around the world in the
shelves and refrigerator; SVdP also                                2022 Lent Exodus.
paid the overdue amount directly to
ComEd. This assistance greatly eased                               Beginning January
this family's worries at a time when                             17 and ending on April
they were struggling. St. Vincent de        ASCETICISM            17 – Easter Sunday.
Paul deeply appreciated your dona-
tions which make this help possible.
This month, donations of toilet tissue                           If you are interested,
is also appreciated.                                                 please contact
                                            FRATERNITY                Deacon Jerry
                                                                  via the Parish Office
     "Let each of you look not only to
     his own interests, but also to the                          for more information
    interests of others." Phillipians 2:4                          at (815) 385-1477.

                                            90 DAYS                    Check out
February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
February 6, 2022 † Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                     9

                          Ministry news and announcements

                                                    Do you still have your blessed palms?
                                                      Bring them in to the parish office
                                                     in preparation for Ash Wednesday.
                                                     All palms must be received no later
                                                   than Friday, February 18th. Thank you!

 The Bereavement Group will
 meet Monday, February 7th at
 5:00 pm in the Parish Office.

                                                                           St. Peregrine
      Would you like the
     Sanctuary Candle to                                                  Cancer Support
      burn in honor of a                                                  Group Meeting
         loved one?
                                                                         The next meeting of the
      Several weeks are                That Man Is You! begins             St. Peregrine Cancer
        still available                 January 22nd and will             Support Group will be
     throughout the year.              meet weekly until Easter
                                         weekend, April 16th.
                                                                         Tuesday, February 8th at
   Visit the parish office for                                           10:00 am at St. Patrick’s
    details and availability.            Meetings take place               Church in McHenry.
                                       Saturday mornings from
                                       6:00 am—7:30 am in the
                                       Parish Hall (school gym).

                                    That Man is You! addresses the
                                    pressures and temptations that
                                    men face in our modern culture,
                                    especially those relating to their
                                     roles as husbands and fathers.

                                    All men of St. John’s are invited
                                   to join us on Saturday mornings.
February 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
10                                                                                  St. John the Baptist, Johnsburg, IL

                                                                         Church Finances
                                                                 Stewardship OF TREASURE
                                                             Online Contributions……….…..……….....…$          1,380.00

                                                                Diocesan stewardship 2021
                                                             2021 Diocesan Stewardship Goal _ $ 66,550.00
                                                             Pledged to Date …..…….………………..…..…..$ 60,658.00
                                                             Paid to Date .…………...………………..………...$ 58,570.19
            Week at a glance                                 Difference between goal and payments $ 7,979.81
     February 7th—February 13th
                                                                         For pledging & payment:
MON. 2/7      RE Classes                                              www.rockforddiocese.org/donate
              7:35 am         Rosary
              8:00 am         Mass                                 See if your employer participates in a
              5:00 pm         Bereavement Meeting, PO            “Matching Gift Program” to double your gift.
TUES. 2/8     7:35 am         Rosary
                                                                 Please remember St. John’s in your will.
              8:00 am         Mass
              10:00 am        St. Peregrine Cancer                Thank you for your generous giving!
                              Support Group, St. Patrick's
              1:00 pm         BVM Sodality Meeting, PO
                                                                            Save the Date
WED. 2/9      RE Classes                                     Feb. 14: RE Classes
              7:35 am         Rosary                         Feb. 15: Confirmation Class, PH—6 pm
              8:00 am         Mass                           Feb. 16: RE Classes
                                                             Feb. 16: Choir Practice, Church—7 pm
THR. 2/10     7:35 am         Rosary
                                                             Feb. 17: Congregation of the Resurrection Founders Day
              8:00 am         Mass
                                                             Feb. 17: K of C Meeting, PH—7:30 pm
FRI. 2/11     7:35 am         Rosary                         Feb. 19: That Man Is You!, PH—6 am
              8:00 am         Mass                           Feb. 20: Pack A Sack Sunday
                                                             Feb. 20: RCIA Class, PO—10 am
SAT. 2/12     6:00 am         That Man Is You!, PH           Feb. 21: NO School– President’s Day
              3:00 pm         Confession                     Feb. 21: NO RE—President’s Day
              4:00 pm         Mass                           Feb. 23: No RE
                                                             Feb. 23: Choir Practice, Church—7 pm
SUN. 2/13     6th Sunday in Ordinary Time                    Feb. 26: That Man Is You!, PH
              7:00 am       Mass                             Feb. 26: Banner’s and Breakfast, PH—9 am
              8:00 am       Children’s Choir, FS             Feb. 27: RCIA Class, PO—10 am
              9:00 am       Mass                             Feb. 28: RE Classes
              10:00 am      RCIA, PO                         Mar. 2: Ash Wednesday
              11:00 am      Mass

      PH– Parish Hall (School Gym) PO– Parish Office                             The Sanctuary lamp is burning
              FS– Father Schroeder Building                                 February 6th—February 19th
                                                                                     In Loving Memory of
                                                                          Deceased Members of the Putrim,
                                                                            Roback & Rybinski Families
                                                                               May this light which reminds us of
                                                                              Jesus’ True Presence in the Sanctuary
                                                                                    bring them eternal peace.
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		                       For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                                               St. John the Baptist, Johnsburg, IL                 A 4C 01-0378
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