Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church

Page created by Ann Avila
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church
May 2, 2021                                                  Fifth Sunday of Easter

                   Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
                        Catholic Church
                  150 N Elizabeth Ave Ferguson Mo 63135
                    Tel: 314-524-0500 Fax: 314-524-0744

                   Parish Mission Statement
                        We are a Catholic people,
                     joined together in the Eucharist.
                       We are carriers of God’s love
              to one another and to the greater community.
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church

                   WELCOME TO                                           READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                                 Monday:       1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14
                         RECTORY                            Tuesday:      Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21;
140 N. Elizabeth - Ferguson, MO 63135 – Tel 314 522 0275
                                                                          Jn 14:27-31a
                      PARISH OFFICE
120 N. Elizabeth - Ferguson, MO 63135 – Tel 314 524 0500    Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
                       FAX NUMBER                           Thursday:     Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11
                        Office Hours                        Friday:       Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12;
          Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:30p.m.
                                                                          Jn 15:12-17
                                                            Saturday:     Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5;
                  Rev. Tom Haley, Pastor                                  Jn 15:18-21
          Rev. Mr. Allen Love, Business Manager             Sunday:       Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4;
                       PARISH STAFF
              Jeanne Baer, Pastoral Associate                             1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17
          Leonard Bobrowski, Director of Music
        Jeff Finnegan, Director of Youth Ministry
     Sharon Heidemann, Parish Health Coordinator
 Carol Breckle, Office Manager/Child Safety Coordinator
            LaToya M. Williams, Bulletin Editor
                          SCHOOL                                            Electronic Offertory thru 4/24/2021
150 N. Elizabeth - Ferguson, Mo. 63135 Tel 314 522 3888
             Mrs. Adrienne Govero, Principal
                                                                             General Funds      $         2,592.80
                                                                             2021 WMAD          $           571.00
             Ms. June Stephenson, Secretary
                                                                             St. Vincent DePaul $            70.00
      Mrs. Millie Kimmick, Director of Children’s Liturgy
                                                                             BTC Angels         $            10.00
                                                                             School Assistance $             42.50
                                                                             Processing Fees     $           26.63
                                                                                     Total      $         3,212.93
        These are your parish council representatives for

      Bob Brandon                                                            Fourth Sunday in Easter 4/25/2021
      Bernadette Dalton -Secretary
      Miriam Gutting                                                         General Funds        $       3,194.00
      Lisa Lonero                                                            Holy Land            $          40.00
      Kathy Magrecki                                                         St. Vincent DePaul   $         595.00
      Christine Stoverink                                                    School Assistance    $          35.00
      Corin Thornton -Chair                                                  Candles$$$           $           6.00
      Margaret Toney
                                                                             Regina Cleri         $         155.00
      Jane Orlando
                                                                                      Total       $       4,025.00
      Lorenzo Robinson
      Eileen Weiskopf
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church
                                                                    BTC CHRISTIAN 8TH GRADE SERVICE WEEK 2021
                                                               What is it?
                                                               This week is an opportunity for our rising 8th graders to take a
            BTC YOUTH MINISTRY                                 deeper look into what it means to be a Christian through the
                                                               experience of putting faith into practice. We will be taking
HIGH SCHOOL TEENS:                                             Jesus’ invitation to “wash the feet” of others by engaging in
                                                               various types of service and experiencing firsthand what the
Meeting Tonight May 2nd! 7-8:30 p.m.
                                                               Church is doing in our local community. Space is limited to
                                                               first 6 students to sign up for this optional week on a day-to-
All high school teens always welcome—and your                  day “ala-carte” style.
friends—in the Parish Center for socially-distant, mask-
wearing time to get closer to God through personal input,
faith sharing and fun.                                         We will begin at BTC, and each day venturing to areas both in
                                                               our parish boundaries as well as the greater St. Louis Archdiocese.
                                                               Some of the sites we will be working at are Mother Teresa’s
                                                               Missionaries of Charity Soup Kitchen, St. Vincent Parish in Soulard,
                                                               St. Patrick’s Center, Ronald McDonald House, a local skilled
               EDGE JUNIOR-HIGH MINISTRY                       nursing home and parishioners’ homes.
                   MONDAY, May 3rd
                                6:30-8:00 P.M                  FIRST FULL WEEK OF SUMMER BREAK:
          Make it your LENTEN PROGRAM!!                        Monday, May 24- Friday May 28
            We meet in the Parish Center                       Meet at the BTC Youth Room in the Parish Office on each day
                “masks required!”
                                                               in which you choose to participate.
                                                               Most days will complete by 5 pm.
                                                               What to Bring?
Mark your calendars for Sunday, July 25- Thursday, July
29 for high school teen service week in Ellington, MO at the   A list of items to bring daily and dress code (if applicable)
WKO site in Reynolds County, one of the poorest areas of       will be provided.
our state. We have been taking teens here for many sum-
mers and our BTC school students have been collecting
toys for their Christmas outreach each season.
Applications are now available at the office, youth group                           Last Sunday, April 25, the St. Charles
and online.
                                                                                    Lwanga Center held their 37th Annual
                                                                                    Testimonial Awards Celebration. While
More information and forms to follow.                                               in this time of the pandemic it had to be
                                                                presented virtually, it was a wonderful opportunity to honor
                                                                many individuals and organizations within our Archdiocese
                                                                who are living the mission of Jesus Christ as leaders in our
2021:“RESTORED” Psalm 80:3
The Archdiocesan Office of Youth Ministry is planning
on safely opening up the annual Youth Conference for            Two of our B.T.C. parishioners were celebrated at this
High School teens this summer! Registration will be             event:
open March 25th but if BTC youth plan on attending,
                                                                Ted Heidemann, as our Adult Honoree, and Nydia Tate, as
we will have commitment registration soon. The two
                                                                our youth Honoree. We are very proud of all that you do,
available weekends are:
                                                                seen and unseen, to live out the mission of the Lwanga Center
July 9-11 & July 16-18, 2021 Forms now available!               as leaders in the faith, “doing small things with great love!”
Watch for more information here and on the parish
Website or call Jeff for more info----
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church

           In Honor of our Mothers                              First Holy Communion
                                                                       May 2, 2021
Since there will be no formal fundraising efforts
this year, the Pro-Life Committee recommends that                    Abigail Appel
we make a contribution to a Pro-life organization                  Chinemelum Arinze
this year.                                                          Kaylynn Brandon
                                                                      Zoe Collins
                                                                     Matthew Knapp
                                                                     August Moore
                                                                     Warren Moore
                                                                       Luke Nadeau
                                                                  Raegen Marie Reeves
                                                                     Natalie Sewell
               Mid-Life Singles                                       Ava Weyrauch
                                                                   Gwendolyn Wilder
            Are you looking for a renewed
            sense of connection and purpose
            during this pandemic?

       Register today for a life-changing
     REFLECT Catholic weekend retreat at
         King’s House Retreat Center
                                                                              Welcome to
      (20mins from downtown St. Louis)
                                                                           Blessed Teresa!
                  June 4, 2021

       Take a chance and get involved..                                      Matt Barnhart
             you won’t regret it!                                     has recently moved here from
                                                                       Florissant with his daughter,
        Including meals & single room               Matt is an IT project manager and Allison will
                                                    be in third grade next fall. Matt has been actively
                                                    engaged in CYC sports as a coach.
       Email:             We are happy to have them as part of the family!
         Call 314-283-0044 for details
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church


Colossal thanks to all who made this year’s auction
                                                            I was born in Ireland and received my college education in Dublin.
another huge success! Whatever way you joined
in, you made a difference! Special thanks to our         In 1963, I received an invitation to open a Montessori school in St. Louis.
anchors, Jeff Appel and Lizzie Lonero, for their         I married a St. Louis gentleman, and we were blessed with eight
work in promoting the auction as well as for the         children.
great job on screen!                                           We moved to Ferguson in 2008 and, of course, joined BTC
We also need to thank all those who worked diligently    where I am very happy (my husband went to Heaven in 2014). I feel
behind the scenes. (There are so many and you            privileged to be part of the Parish Council.
know who you are!) An event like this takes the
                                                              When I retired, I hoped to share my hobby and to meet some
love and involvement of a whole community.
                                                         local residents so I started a knitting group. We meet once a week
                                                         to knit, crochet, drink tea, and chat when circumstances permit- all
                                                         are welcome!

Dear Prospective Basketball Campers and Families,

We wanted to send you a friendly reminder that                                                  Thanks be to God
registration for our basketball camps is open but
space is limited! All information regarding our                                                    Marsha
basketball camps, including registration information,                                                 &
can be found here.                                                                                Jerry Wood
We will have COVID protocols in place for the safety
of all. Please feel free to share this information
with anyone who may be interested in attend-
ing. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
                                                                 are celebrating fifty years of marriage
to contact us! Thank you!
                                                                     next Saturday, May 8th
Coach Bennett
                                                                          at 4:30pm Mass.
Twitter: @CCPBasketball                                                We wish them many more!
Instagram: @CCPBasketball
TikTok: @CCPBasketball
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church
Don’t forget that we have TAP cards on sale!
                                                          BEARING FRUIT
You may send an order to school or email the parish
office and we will fill your order the same day.          Few of us, even when we meditate on the image of the vine
No email? Give us a call!                                 and branches, stop to really think about how God “prunes”
As you start your spring projects don’t forget we have    us. For some there is the danger of thinking that we are al-
Home Depot, Lowes and Menards gift cards.                 ready producing fruit for the kingdom, in deed and truth as
With graduation and weddings on the way we have           John says, perhaps raising a family, being active in our par-
Amazon and all major department stores available.         ish, and so on. But even those branches which are bearing
                                                          fruit, the Gospel tells us, can be pruned to produce still
Check out the parish website for an entire                more.
                                                           Today Saul, freshly “pruned” by his conversion, arrives in
Your purchase of TAP helps support our school.            Jerusalem and meets resistance. Since he had been perse-
                                                          cuting Christians, this was only natural. But even after he is
                                                          accepted and begins to bear fruit, he meets further adversity,
                                                          and his letters are filled with many accounts of how his trials
                                                          “pruned” him to produce greater fruit for the kingdom. Like
                                                          him, as long as we remain in Christ we will continue to bear
                                                          fruit and, when the will of the Father determines it is time to
                                                          prune us, the strength of the true vine must enable us to
                                                          endure it.

  The Quilters and the Men’s Club would like to
                                                          Let us love not in word or speech
  remind you that it’s not too late to buy raffle
                                                          but in deed and truth.
                                                          -1 John 3:18
                Call the parish office
                                                                                                              Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


                                                      Pantry Hours:
                                      Tuesday:    9:30a.m. –11:30 a.m. 120 N. Elizabeth
                                       Friday:    9:30a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 106 Church St.

                                                 If you need help we are here!
                                                  Please call 314-289-6101 Ext. 2503

                                         “Our Pantry is an Equal Opportunity Provider”
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church
Mass Intentions and Liturgical Ministries May 8-9                Mothers Day Weekend
                  4:30                                           8:15                                          10.30

   Ushers: Carolyn Randazzo                               Ushers: Carol Breckle                             Ushers: Marianne Marr
           Kevin McCabe                                            Mary Appel                                       Michael Kaseberg
           Connie Chavez                                           John Knowles                                     Marilyn Geiger
           Michael Noelker                                         Patrick Schwierjohn                              Char Taylor
   Lector: Michael Cunningham                             Lector: Suzann Cross                              Lector: Kathy Magrecki
   Cantor: Tim Grumich                                    Cantor: Laurie Steinmann                          Cantor: Catherine Hayek
   Priest’s Intention                                     Priest’s Intention                                Priest’s Intention
   Nancy Klaesener                                        People of the Parish                              All Mothers
                                                          Money Counters 2

Tuesday     May 4        Quilters             All Saints             9am-3pm                                   Church Cleaning
                                                                                                                   Team 2
Thursday    May 6        Quilters             All Saints             9am-Noon

                                                 We apologize that some shifting in our format
                                                    occurred in the 1st weekend’s bulletin.
                                                           The 8:15 Mass on Sunday
                                                             should have shown as
                                                              Dennis John Lance,
                                                            not, Money Counters.
                                            Although the money counters might also be deserving
                                             of prayer, please join in offering thanks for the life
                                                        Dennis as you pray this week.

                                                                                       In Our Thoughts and Prayers
                8:15 Daily Masses                                       Shayna Beasley                 Sharon Kramer                 John Schlereth
                                                                        Marie Bennett                  Lester Kramer              Patricia Schlereth
                                                                        Dolores Braun                   Jane King                  Richard Schwent
                                                                        Matilda Bryson                 Brock Loesche        Bob & Pat Sorenson
    Monday,               May 3           Hall
                                                                        Janet Cambell                  Steve Marsden                 Kateri Stalinksi
                        Joe Dafflitto
                                                                        Tim Cosgrove              Kathleen McAleenan                 Lillian Szczuka
    Tuesday,              May 4           Hall                          Jean Crowley                Anne Murphy                     Meghan Touhill
                          Carl Bell                                     Joe Funke                    Dick Murphy                    Meghan Touhill
    Wednesday, May 5                      Church                        Martin Gibbons              Declan Nelson                   Ignatius Touhill
            Samuel Horan                                                 Imarion Griffin               Anastasia Parres                Oscar Touhill
                                                                         Bob Hoffman                     Dave Proost                    Nancy Tracy
    Thursday,    May 6        Church
           Deacon Ralph Hayes                                            Daniel Huber                 Ralph Rockamann             Cecilia Vossmeyer
                                                                        Mike Jawahir                  Jeanette Rubak               Todd Widemann
    Friday,           May 7               Hall                          Irene Janowski                  Mary Serra               Dolores Weinmann
                    Ruth Everett                                        Delaney Knowles                Pearce Neikirk              Nicolene Rosene
                                                                        Theresa Asberry

                                                                        Lavay Davis                  Blaize Owens                 Andrew Wagner
                                                                        Anthony Deken              Joe Schmermund                 Daniel Weber
                                                                        Elizabeth Nagy            Anne Olds-Scott, USAF           Christian North
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church
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006039 Blessed Teresa of Calcutta                                                                                                                                                                                         For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church
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