GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC PARISH - 27 Telford Avenue, Balmoral, Auckland 1041

Page created by Katie Henderson
GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC PARISH - 27 Telford Avenue, Balmoral, Auckland 1041
                        27 Telford Avenue, Balmoral, Auckland 1041
                     09 620-9515 [NB no “.nz”]
                 Good Shepherd Balmoral

                     FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER ~ 15 MAY 2022

          Kia ora koutou katoa                            The Gospel today begins with
        and a special welcome to                           “When he (Judas) had left…”
 the young people who are preparing for               Against betrayal is contrasted Jesus’
     the Sacrament of Confirmation.                glorification; against betrayal is compared
                                                  the intimate relationship of Jesus with God;
  The Easter season scriptures tell us of new        against betrayal is the command to do
      times and invite us to newness and a                    the opposite ~ to love.
renewed way of living. The Gospels are alive
      with Jesus walking, eating, teaching,        Jesus teaches the new commandment – to
chatting and challenging us. Today’s Gospel love one another. Jesus loves his own and his
        has us return to the Last Supper.       love for the disciples is the basis of their love
At the table Jesus gives us a model for living,   for one another. Even though to love God
        and he teaches and challenges us.        and neighbour is not a new commandment,
                                                                    Jesus says ~
     After he washes the disciples’ feet, and          “I give you a new commandment.”
giving an example of exemplary service, Jesus It is a new commandment because Jesus is
      prepares them for his own death and         the new covenant. From now on, his love
departure. He will be with the disciples only and our love in Him open up eternal life for
 a little while longer and that where He goes    us. We are in a new relationship with God
 they cannot come…. yet. He tells them He is             and we are living in a new time.
giving them a new commandment to love one                  Our challenge is to make the
  another and that it is by this love that they “new commandment of love” speak loudly of
         will be known as His disciples.        Jesus’ empowering, transforming presence in
                 John’s Gospel is                 our lives. To dare to love as he loves... even
         loaded with layers of meanings             though we may have every reason not to
      and no less so in this short passage.     love……..    A new commandment I give unto to
 We note that Jesus speaks these words just      you….    love one another as I have loved you!
    after Judas has gone out to betray him.                      Blessings, Bernard
GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC PARISH - 27 Telford Avenue, Balmoral, Auckland 1041
Please keep those preparing for the                          Adoration Prayer for Vocations
     sacraments of Confirmation and                         First Friday of the month - adoration and
          First Eucharist in prayer.                    benediction at the Cathedral of St Patrick’s and
 Each year as a parish we make this journey              St Joseph, 43 Wyndham Street, 7pm-8.00pm.
together, renewing our lives by reflecting on
  the life of the Spirit as we journey to the                  Unwritten; Young Adults Evening
  feast of Pentecost. The young people are              Join us for Unwritten, an incredible evening for
 preparing to be ‘Sealed with the gift of the           young adults! Taking place on Saturday 21 May,
                                                         6:00pm-9:00pm, Unwritten will be a night of
   Holy Spirit’. We consider the Gifts and
                                                       keynote speakers, praise and worship, adoration,
fruits of the Holy Spirit as we pray for these
                                                       reconciliation, and prayer. Spaces are limited, so
 children …. and importantly for ourselves.
                                                             grab your FREE tickets today! https://
                   Let us pray ~
 “Come Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of your faithful                     322536564547
        and kindle in us the fire of your love.
Send forth your spirit and we shall be recreated and
                                                              Liturgy and Ministry Coordinator
       you shall renew the face of the earth!”
                                                         The Diocese is seeking a Liturgy and Ministry
   The sacrament of Confirmation will be                    Coordinator to ensure that Diocese’s
      celebrated on Sunday 29th May                        commitment to the vision and spirit of
      5pm Mass – Ascension Sunday                                    Vatican II is upheld.
                                                                  Pastoral Worker to the
        GIFT… Grow In Faith Together                            Auckland Deaf Community
    A ministry for adults with an intellectual         The Diocese is seeking a Pastoral Worker to the
     disability . GIFT is celebrating Mass on              Auckland Catholic Deaf Community for
   Pentecost Sunday July 5 at 4pm here in the                        32 hours per week.
               Church. All welcome.
                                                                   Please visit our website
              Mass of the Neophytes                   –
This mass of welcome to new Catholics is a time         Diocesan Services – Staff Vacancies for the full
for all those who were baptised or received into             position descriptions of these roles
the Church to gather at St Patrick’s Cathedral for                    and how to apply.
           the bishop to welcome them.
            Sunday 29 May at 4.30pm.                          Life under COVID ORANGE setting
  All neophytes, their families and RCIA team            We are still being cautious and ask people to
          members are invited to join this                  wear masks while inside the church.
                  special occasion.                    While we have begun some singing at Mass you
RSVP numbers attending by Wednesday 18 May.                may notice we are not up to full singing
                       capacity just yet and continue to say parts of the
                                                       Mass. Its been wonderful seeing the church full
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity for 2022          again in recent Easter days. For those a little
 runs from 30 May – 5 June. Please join with us        apprehensive about crowds please note that the
 to celebrate together at this year’s Ecumenical          6pm Vigil is smaller in terms of numbers.
    Prayer Service on Sunday 12th June 2022,                 A reminder if you are feeling unwell,
     6:30PM |15 Culperry Road |Glendene |                             please stay at home!
     Host: St Peter’s Syrian Orthodox Church.
            Refreshments after service.                            Foodbank Donations
        Email                    Many thanks for your ongoing donations
                for further details.                                 to the Foodbank.
GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC PARISH - 27 Telford Avenue, Balmoral, Auckland 1041
Today’s Readings
           FIRST READING • (Acts 14:21b-27). The disciples gathered together to pray,
           To receive encouragement in the midst of difficulties, and to hear how God
                        was at work in their own lives and their own times.
        SECOND READING • (Revelations 21:1-5a). Amid all the pressures and difficulties of
            life, the word of God in this Easter season prepares us for the time when
                            there will be no more tears, no more death.
           GOSPEL • (John 13:31-33a, 34-35). The glory of God shone out in Jesus when
          he gave up his life for us, and rose from the dead. He invites us to experience
                             the joy of loving others as he has loved us.
             Next Sunday: Acts 15:1-2,22-29 Psalm 67 Apocalypse 21:10-14,22-23 John 14:23-29

                                                        Readings for the Week
                                              MON Acts 14:5-18 Psalm 115 John 14:21-26
                                              TUES Acts 14:19-28 Psalm 145 John 14:27-31
                                                WED Acts 15:1-6 Psalm 122 John 15:1-8
                                                THU Acts 15:7-21 Psalm 96 John 15:9-11
                                               FRI Acts 15:22-31 Psalm 57 John 15:12-17
                                               SAT Acts 16:1-10 Psalm 100 John 15:18-21

 Marriage and Family Life invite you to explore              Kids Korner & Parent Ponderings
        life, faith and meaning through                 Kid Korner:
                Alpha for Couples                                 download/kids-kormer/
   starting in July. Expressions of interest                        Parent Ponderings:         
  Do you know someone who is blind or visually
impaired who would appreciate access to books           Joshua meeting notice Date: Wed 25 May
   on faith topics and inspiration? Perhaps you        7.30pm, Venue: St Josephs Centre, Takapuna
 could put them in touch with the Xavier Society         There will be a presentation on the topic:
   for the Blind that provides braille and audio               'What will Heaven be Like?"
       books free. See their website https://          A warm invitation to all men to come and find or email               out and meet Catholic men in a spirit                      of friendship and fellowship.

          We remember those who have died recently, and those whose
           anniversaries occur In May ... Eternal rest grant to them…
   Bridie Mortimer, Nadja Tollemache, Francis & Perpetual Rodrigues, Juvelin Añana, Seba Farry,
Kay Vlcek, Maggie Rego, Bonnie-Joy Shanahan, Des Sayegh, Ann McArdle, Coral Kiely, Anna Thorpe,
     Francesca Goodwin, Joachim D'Souza, Vito Franco Donohoe, Sonya Vessey, James Doran,
     Ferguson Corcoran, Bernard Kelly, George Galley, Kay McCrae, Iris Macedo, Alida Wilson,
Maraia Magnus, Henry Gedye, Vito Donohoe, Mary Malcolm, Henry Gedye, Mary Nord, Laura Pohl,
       Irene Somerville, June Holmes, Mary Hepburn, Ursa Modrich, Elton Duthie, Jack Egan,
    Merlyn Khairaz, Noelene Gubb, Sarah Condon, Ross Tuffs, Clement Bryer, Patrick Steadman,
      Annie Stone, John Wilcox, Louisa Purdie, Herman Thomsen, Sydney Oliver, John McCabe,
      Valerie Burns, Thomas Prendiville, Hanorah Ghent, William Morton, Terence McDonnell,
   Robert Wright, Gerald McAuley, Paul Magee, Ailsa Johnson, Pauline Gardiner, Thomas Wright,
Michael O’Sullivan, Verna Claney, Mary Gapes, Andrew McGann, Kenneth Kruse, Florence Wolfgram,
                             Cecily Murphy, Doreen King, Henry Newton
There are forms in the church porch if you                          Enrolment at
           would like to join the                                  Good Shepherd
 planned giving programme using either                                 School
       envelopes or setting up an
    automatic payment/direct credit.                         Please phone the school
                                                              office on 620 4962 for
            Sunday Masses                      further information or download the
          Saturday Vigil: 6pm                     forms from the school website
           Sunday: 9.30am               
          (Filipino Community                         School visits welcome.
       now based at St Benedict’s)
       Weekday Liturgies
                                                      The first educators of faith are
  Monday Liturgy of the Word 9am
      Tuesday to Saturday                is a
        (including Public Holidays):             wonderful depository of family-friendly
             Mass: 9.30am                    material for the domestic Church. It comes from
              Saturday                              the Bishops’ Conference National
             Mass 9.30am                               Centre for Religious Studies.
                                                       New materials are continually
 Wellness reminder—if you are sick                       being uploaded. Explore!
         please stay home
                                                          YOUNG ADULTS
                                                Outreach – for people 18-30s - For more
                                             information contact Rochelle on 022 309 2022.
    Parish Priest: Msgr Bernard Kiely
                                               Auckland Catholic Youth and Young
       Secretary: Frances Macedo
                                                        Adult Ministry:
                                                      Felicity | Rochelle | Joey
      Monday, Wednesday, Friday
                                                  Contact Rochelle on 022 309 2022
             10.30am to 2pm
     09 629 6515 during office hours
      CHURCH & HALL BOOKINGS                           Parking at
                                                          Good Shepherd
   GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH SCHOOL                For health and safety reasons we need to              provide access for emergency vehicles to
          Principal: Jane Hahn                     the School, Church, classrooms                    and the Hall at all times.
                                                                Please park considerately
         St Benedict’s Newton
                                                                 when coming to Mass.
                                                                KEEP ACCESS WAYS FREE.
      Chaplain: Fr Mario Dorado ofm                                No Double PARKING
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