Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church

Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church
Mullins Messenger
 Mullins United Methodist Church
 4 North Mendenhall Road
 Memphis, Tenn. 38117-2698

 January 2021

          Two Special Services Scheduled in January
Dear Friends,
                                                 church. As you can imagine, our total
     Worship this month will see a couple        revenue was down in 2020. Our 2021
creative adjustments that will provide an        operating budget is as bare bones as it can
avenue to experience God’s grace in a fresh      get and still provide the means to carry out
way.                                             our mission. If you have not made your 2021
     First, on Jan. 3, we will have a            financial commitment, I encourage you to do
Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Service. A new         so. Even if you chose not to make a pledge, I
year is a great time to renew our                encourage you to give generously, so we can
commitment to live as faithful disciples of      have the funds to carry the gospel into our
Jesus Christ. The text of the service is both    community. Peace,
rich and challenging.                                                        Scott
     Second, on Jan. 17, we will honor the
ministry of Martin Luther King, Jr., with
ONE service at 10:50 am (No 9:00 am chapel
service that day). Our District                  Prayer & Planning
Superintendent, Dr. Deborah Smith, will
preach, and all musical selections will be       For New Year
written by African-American composers.                  What will the new year bring? We ask
With the ongoing work of racial                  for prayers and wisdom as we begin 2021,
reconciliation in our country, may we be         continuing our health protocols even as new
reminded of our place in that work.              vaccines offer promise for
     I hope you will join us either in-person    the future. A few of our
or online as we worship our Lord in spirit       leadership positions
and in truth, not just those two Sundays . . .   remain open and we hope
but every Sunday.                                some of you will consider where God may be
   Additionally, I remind us all of our need     calling you to serve in these challenging
to give financially to the ministry of our       times. Please feel free to contact the church
                                                 office if you want more information.

Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church
2              2                                         UPDATES
Challenges and Changes
   The pandemic of 2020 continues to impact    Friends and Followers Class
church scheduling and interactions, but it
presents new opportunities as well. Even            The Friends and Followers Class
amid the losses of fellowship, health and      continues to meet via Zoom. We meet on
finances, we are thankful for the Lord’s       Wednesdays at 8 pm for fun and fellowship
faithfulness in these times.                   and Sundays at 1:30 pm for Bible study. All
                                               are welcome!
Holiday Bright Spot                               The class just wrapped up a study on the
  Good news: 2020 gifts to United Methodist    book of Acts and is just getting into a new
Neighborhood Centers for Thanksgiving food     book titled, “The Story of God, the Story of
provided enough funds for Christmas as well!   Us: Getting Lost and Found in the Bible,” by
                                               Sean Gladding. If you have any questions, or
                                               want to join in on the fun, please reach out to
Mid-South Food Bank                            James Williams: 901-573-1711 or
    Thank you, everyone, for generous
contributions to the Mid-South Food Bank!
Mullins’ collection of $3,226 will provide     New Directions Class
more than 9,700 meals for families this
Christmas. What a blessing to our commun-          New Directions members meet via Zoom
ity’s most needy. God bless each of you.       at 1 pm on Sundays. The class most recently
             ---Sandra Rice and Julia Howell   finished an Advent study and is exploring
                                               options for the new year. For information on
                                               joining us please contact Charles or Kathy

                                               Lamplighter Class

                                                    The Lamplighter Class has resumed on-
                                               site meetings, but has relocated to the
                                               Fellowship Hall to enable greater social
                                               distancing. We meet on Sunday mornings for
                                               Bible Study from 10 to 10:40. For more
                                               information, please contact Brent Milton or
                                               Barbara Kercher.

Salvation Army Kettle Campaign                 Crossroads Class
    Kent Stratton and others in the Mullins
Community Orchestra supported the Salva-           The Crossroads Class also has resumed
tion Army’s 2020 red kettle campaign in        meeting on-site. Members just completed an
multiple locations. (You may have seen them    Advent study and are exploring study
featured on WREG TV news Nov. 11.)             options for 2021. For more information,
Thanks to all who participated!                please contact Julia Howell or Pat Mason.

Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church
Mary and Baby Jesus               Shepherd                        Innkeeper

Family Ministries
Christmas Celebration
Calls for Creativity
    Even though the Mullins nursery and
children’s Sunday classes remain suspended
during the Covid pandemic, we continue to
look for creative ways to
celebrate our faith with
the younger members of
our church family.
   A special on-site
activity took place Saturday, Dec. 12, when
children could practice social distancing and
watch a Christmas movie, “The Star,”
together. They also enjoyed decorating
cookies at individual stations, and              homemade fort. Looking ahead, a Valentine
participating in photographs for our             exchange and an Easter egg hunt are just a
Christmas video. (If you did not see our video   few of the activities we are planning.
on Christmas Eve, be sure to check it out on          Please watch for developments as we
Facebook.)                                       continue to adapt to changing times!
       In January, we will begin “Fort                                   ---Tammy Mullins
Fellowship”! We will meet weekly via Zoom
for a Bible story and a craft, in our            “Joy to the world, the Lord is come”

Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church
Maanza a Leza Update

                                          Thank You Note From the Headmaster
                                          of the Sichebeya Elementary School:

                                              “We’re very grateful for your
                                          support, Maanza a Leeza. We have
                                          permanent school toilets for the first
                                          time. God bless you all. I thank you.”

                                                     2020 Progress Report
Completed VIP* Project!
                                               Thanks to all at Mullins for supporting
      *Ventilation-Improved Pit latrine
                                          Maanza a Leza. In spite of the pandemic
                                          which impacted schools around the globe in
                                          2020, Maanza continued its ministry in
                                          Zambia. A major accomplishment was
                                          completion of six ventilated toilets for the
                                          Sichebeya school with valuable guidance
                                          from Muna Muzyamba, the brother of Muka
                                          Kambol. Other highlights included tuition
                                          sponsorships for 16 students and stipends for
                                          villagers hurt by a 2019 drought. We are
                                          moving forward in faith! ---Brenda Carson

Midway during construction
                                              Name                           Date:

                                             André Duvall ................... 1
                                             Rick Crews ..................... 6
                                             Grace Dillender ............ 10
                                             James Taylor ................ 10
                                             Dan Eddins ................... 13
                                             Edna Williams............... 15
                                             Clint Trusty ................... 18
                                             Ellen Weaver ................ 19
                                             Brenda Carson ............. 20
                                             Nancy Eddins ............... 23
                                             Rachael Scarbrough..... 27
                                             David Williams .............. 31

Early excavation and site preparation      (If you know of additions or changes
                                           for this list, please notify the office.)

                                             (No known January anniversaries)
Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church
January Worship
    Weekly on-site services are recorded and
posted online each Sunday afternoon at
                                                          Recent Concerns:
January 3---Day of                             Agnes Sims                    Jean Sibley
Epiphany                                       Health care workers and first responders
A Covenant Renewal Service                     Covid 19 patients         New Vaccine Program
in the Wesleyan Tradition                            Elected officials of our country
  Scripture: Isaiah 60:1-6;                    (Please note: Copies of the complete prayer list
           Ephesians 3:1-12                    are available on tables at the church entrances.
                                               Please notify the office of additions or changes.)

January 10---Baptism of the Lord
 Message: “When God Speaks”
 Scripture: Psalm 29; Mark 1:4-11
                                               Our Presence
                                                                 Dec 6   Dec 13   Dec 20   Dec 27
January 17 – One Service 10:50                 9 am Chapel--------14--------12-------14--------N/A
                                               10:50 Service-------45--------55-------43--------N/A
Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
 Message: Dr. Deborah Smith preaching

                                               New Member Welcome!
January 24                                          Mullins extends a warm
  Message: “About Loving Our Neighbors”        welcome to Anne Phillips, who
                                               joined our congregation Dec. 20.
  Scripture: Leviticus 19:1-18;                Anne already is participating in the
             Matthew 22:34-40                  life of the church and we are
                                               delighted to have her officially join
January 31                                     us.
 Message: “It’s Not About the
 Scripture: I Corinthians 8:1-13

January Liturgist: Evan Alford
                                               2021 Flower Calendar
Ushers: Julia Howell, Johnny Welch, Bill       The Calendar for 2021 Altar Flowers is
Dugger, Vicki Rush, Shan & Molly Tracy         posted on the office window. Please sign
                                               up for dates in the coming year. You
                                               may also call the church office, 685-
Communion Offering:                            8253, and we will be glad to assist you. The cost
     Memphis Union Mission                     is $50 per arrangement.

Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church
January                                 Contact Information
                                                  Senior Pastor
                                                        Rev. Dr. Scott Alford
Meetings & Special Events:                    

        (emerging information)                    Director of Family Ministries
                                                        Tammy Mullins
Friday, Jan. 1--- Happy New Year!             

Sunday, Jan. 3---Epiphany                         Administrative Assistant
                 Wesley Covenant Service               Susan Tutt
Sunday, Jan. 10---Baptism of the Lord Sunday
                  Church Council, 2 pm
                                                  Financial & Membership Administrator
Sunday, Jan. 17---ONE Service only, 10:50 am
                 Dr. Deborah Smith preaching
                                                        Lisa Crawford
         Honoring the ministry of the Rev. Dr.
         Martin Luther King, Jr.
                                                  Director of Music Ministries
Monday, Jan. 18---Office Closed                         Tom Machen
Thursday, Jan. 21-- February Messenger deadline
                                                  Organist/Pianist/Director of Handbells
                                                       Andre Duvall
General Weekly Schedule:
9:00 am---Chapel Service (no chapel Jan. 17)
10:50 am---Worship in Sanctuary
                                                                Mullins Messenger
Various times---Sunday School
                                                       The Mullins Messenger is published
                                                   electronically the first of each month and
6:30 pm---Handbells (off)
                                                   posted on the Mullins web page. Printed copies
6:30 pm--- Scouts (vary)
                                                   are available through the church office. Please
                                                   submit articles to the office. Deadline for the
7 am-- Prayer Breakfast (off)
                                                   February issue is January 21.
10:30 am---Women’s Prayer Group (off)
5:30 pm---Fellowship Meal & Program (off)
6:45 pm---Chancel Choir Rehearsal (off)
6:30 pm---Mullins Community Orchestra (off)

        “You Crown the                                  No word yet on when UMW will be able to
                                                     resume circle or general meetings. Members
        Year with Your                               and newcomers may pick up annual pledge
                                                     cards in the church office or contact Kathy
          Goodness . . .”                            Carter to have a card mailed. Cards may be
                                                     returned to UMW basket in office as well.
                    ---Psalm 65:11                   Thank you!

Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church Mullins Messenger - Mullins United Methodist Church
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