CCC News - Charleston Country Club

Page created by Regina Stone
CCC News - Charleston Country Club
CCC News
Charleston Country Club                                                                                          February 2019

  New directors were seated and ap-
pointed to the Charleston Country
Club Board at the first meeting of
the year Jan. 21.
  To fill three board vacancies, Presi-
dent Gary Hinds appointed, with
Board approval, John Smith, Gary
Haddock and Blake Coffey to serve
one-year terms as provided by the
club’s bylaws.
  They join newly elected members
Curt Schaefer, Dennis Pluard and
Brad Tribble, who were elected to
three–year terms Oct. 18. Jeannette
Clark, who also was elected in Octo-
ber, resigned for personal reasons.
She had been on the board, serving a
one-year appointment before the
                                          Indoor competition
election.                                 Paul Wieck drives a shot into the screen as teammate Bill Applegate watches recently during Indoor
  The six join Bernie Buttram and         Golf League play in Cart Shed #1. League play is the fourth week of an 11-week schedule. See story
John Ryan who are beginning their         on page 3.
third year of their terms on the
Board. The Board has one vacancy.         Alcoholic drink prices going down
  In its first action of the year, the      Members will pay less           All domestic beers will          will add $1 to the price.
Board sent to the Golf Committee a        for alcoholic drinks in          cost $2.50 instead of              Ultra liquors will cost $9
motion to relocate the Pro-Shop to        2019.                            $2.75 and all premium             and all doubles will add
the Vista Room.                             With the change to a           and imported beers will           $2 to the drink.
  Board members said they believe         new Point of Sale system,        sell for $3.25 instead of          Martinis using rail liquor
the move has merit because it would       the Kitchen, Bar and             $3.50.                            will cost $5, call $6 and
put the club’s main service on one        Pool Committee has low-           Members will pay $3 for          premium liquors $7.
floor, like most clubs.                   ered the price of all alco-      a glass of house wine and           Other drink prices are:
  They said the move could cut em-        holic drinks at the club.        $5 for a glass for pre-           rail mule drink, $4; call
ployee costs by sharing employee re-        The committee made             mium wines. Wines also            $5, premium $6;
sources such as having the day-time       the move to give mem-            will be sold by the bottle.       Long Island Ice Tea,
bartender assist the Pro-Shop. The        bers a benefit for belong-        All mixed drinks will            Margaritas, Bloody
move also would better acclimate vis-     ing to the club by making        cost $3 for rail liquor, $4       Marys, Manhattans, Old
itors and guests to the club and per-     drink costs cheaper than         for call liquor and $5 for        Fashions White Russians
haps encourage some to join.              other bars and restau-           premium liquor. Special           will cost $5 for rail, $7 for
                                          rants in the area.               mixes, such as Red Bull,          premium liquor.
      (Continued on page 2)
CCC News - Charleston Country Club
CCC News                                                                                                                     Page 2

   CCC News
is published monthly by the
                                   Murder mystery dinner needs you
Board of Directors. If you           A murder mystery dinner is      tant principal for the past 17    dessert. During dessert, bal-
have items of interest for the     planned for Feb. 9, if enough     years, is vying for the princi-   lots will be passed out and at-
newsletter contact John Ryan,      members sign up in time.          pal position since the last       tendees will be challenged to                      An audience of 50 is re-        principal was killed in a         guess “who dunnit.” The
      Contact info:                quired for the Central Illinois   bizarre peanut crushing acci-     winner will receive two free
President                          Stage Co. production to go        dent.                             tickets to the club’s Prime Rib
Gary Hinds                         forward.                            McFly is sure this is her       Buffet.             Interim House Manager Joe       time. However, the school           5 to 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15,
                                   Allen said he will take reser-    board is set to name 1985         Prime Rib Buffet: Come
Kitchen, Bar, Pool and En-         vations up to the day before.     star quarterback Biff Chatta-     out and celebrate love and to-
tertainment Committee              Thus far more than 20 people      hoochee the new principal.        getherness the day after
John Smith                         have RSVP’d for the dinner.       What could go wrong?              Valentine’s Day. The buffet                      The “who dunnit” play will        Cocktails start at 6 p.m. and   will feature fresh carved rose-
                                   be performed around a three-      guests will be encouraged to      mary roasted prime rib,
                                   course dinner. Cost is $30 for    mingle with the cast to pick      broiled Atlantic salmon, side
Course, Pro-Shop, Sports
                                   singles and $50 for couples.      up clues. Act 1 will run from     dishes, full salad bar, creamy
and Pastime Committee                The plot of the show re-        6:45 p.m. to 7 p.m. followed      lobster bisque and a dessert
Bernie Buttram                     volves around the 1985 class      by salads. Act II runs from       bar.
Roland.buttram@yahoo.              reunion of Franklin Pierce        7:20 to 7:40 followed by din-       Sunday, Feb. 17: Breakfast
com                                High School. Alumnus Jen-         ner. Act III runs from 8:45       and Brunch will be offered.
                                   nifer Grey McFly, the assis-      p.m. to 9 p.m. followed by
Finance, Membership,
Maintenance Committee
Dennis Pluard

Board members
Gary Hinds
Bernie Buttram
John Ryan
Curt Schaefer
Brad Tribble
Dennis Pluard
John Smith
Gary Haddock
Blake Coffey

Course Superintendent                                            Kim Schaefer eats a taco salad Tuesday, Jan. 29, during Taco
Dan Ochs Jr.                       Taco Tuesday                  Tuesday at the club. Join us on Tuesdays for $1 tacos and $1                                              domestic beers.

Golf Pro                           President appoints directors to board
Logan Murphy                                 (Continued from page 1)                  In other action, the board:             It also may increase food and drink sales,         ■ discussed refinancing the current mortgage
                                   allow the selling of fountain drinks and pro-      to restructure debt;
The Board of Directors meets at    vide for better policing of the course.            ■ heard a report that the selling of timber
7 p.m. the third Monday of every
                                     During the past year, the Vista Room has         from the club’s property to Critchelow Log-
                                   been under utilized as wedding and party out-      ging has already generated $6,000 in revenue;
                                   ings have dropped off.                             ■ discussed how to handle delinquent pay-
CCC News - Charleston Country Club
CCC News                                                                                                            Page 3

Class A = 158
                                 Indoor Golf League is a hit
                                   The inaugural Indoor
Social = 102                     Golf League season thus
Seniors = 45                     far has been a hit.
                                   Eleven two man teams
Junior = 16
                                 just completed three weeks
Fellowship = 11                  of playing courses on the
Non resident = 6                 FlightScope in Cart Shed 1.
                                   While it’s not quite like
     2019                        playing on a real course, it
                                 is better than not playing at
 Golf Calendar                   all.
                                   “I really like doing this,”
 April 10: (Wednesday) Masters
                                 Bob Wagoner said. “I don’t
 Par 3 Tournament (9 holes)
                                 care if I shoot a hundred.
 April 30: (Tuesday) Start of
                                 At least I’m swinging a
 Men’s League
 TBA: Women’s League begins
                                   Each week the teams play
 May 5: (Sunday) One Man
                                 nine holes on famous            Terry Allen readies to make a shot.
                                 courses, such as Bay Hill,
 May 12: (Sunday) Mother’s
                                 Bethpage Black and Har-         get away with a lot more       putts. If a person is off the
 Day Family Scramble (9 holes)
                                 bour Town.                      (on the simulator) than on     green, he’s going to get a
 May 19: (Sunday) 3-Person
                                   “I love it,” Tony Logue       the course,” Curt Schaefer     three putt. Getting on the
 Handicap Scramble (open
                                 said. “It’s not golf but it’s   said. “But it’s tough to get   green within 10 feet of the
                                 swinging the club. I wish I     the distance right with        pin, a golfer probably will
 May 23: (Thursday) Couples
                                 could hit the club on the       wedges.”                       get a one putt. All others
                                 course like I do here. I hit     Brad Tribble agreed. “Id’     end with a two putt or a
 June 4: (Tuesday) Junior Golf
                                 it straighter” on the           rather be 100 out than 30      three put.
 June 8-9: (Saturday-Sunday)
                                 FlightScope.                    yards out. I have no depth       League members agree
                                   Some of the differences       perception on how hard to      that golfing on the simula-
 June 16: (Sunday) Father’s
                                 on playing on the simulator     hit a short wedge.”            tor is not the same as golf-
 Day String Tournament
                                 are swinging harder to get       Getting on the green is       ing on the course, but it
 July 13: (Saturday) Men’s
                                 distance and trying to fig-     important to keeping the       does allow players to get
                                 ure out how hard to hit         score down on the simula-      some practice in winter.
 July 17: (Wednesday) Ladies
                                 wedge shots into the green.     tor because the simulator        “It’s nice to just come in
                                   “You can swing hard and       automatically calculates       and swing,” Schaefer said.
 July 27-28: (Saturday-Sunday)
 Club Championship
 Aug. 10-11: (Saturday-Sunday)   Meet CCC staffers: This month Breanna
 Men’s Annual Event                                              Name: Breanna Watterson        and check out local bands
 Aug. 7: (Saturday) Mixed An-                                    Position: Bartender            at Mac’s Uptowner
 nual Event                                                      Months/years at club:          My dream job would be:
 Sept. 14-15: (Saturday, Sun-                                    Three months                   Tall Show host
 day) Ryder Cup Matches (CCC                                     Hometown: Farmer City          Favorite vacation/place
 Saturday)                                                       High School/College:           to visit: Gulf Shores
 Sept. 15: (Sunday) War of                                       Blue Ridge High School         One thing no one knows
 Roses (Men v. Women)                                            Eastern Illinois University    about me:
                                                                 What I like about job:         When I was 7, I was set on
Club’s numbers:                                                  The members and the sto-       becoming a unicorn
Pro Shop: 345-9711                                               ries they share with me!       When I grow up, I want
Kitchen/Bar: 345-6603                                            When not working I like        to: Travel to all the foreign
                                    Breanna Watterson            to: Binge watch Netflix        places on my bucket list
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