FEBRUARY 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page created by Calvin Patton
FEBRUARY 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
FEBRUARY 6, 2022 • Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
www.stgilesparish.org • 708-383-3430 • 1025 Columbian Avenue, Oak Park, IL 60302

                                                                                      DAILY MASSES THIS WEEK: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 a.m.;
                                                                                            Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 a.m.; Saturday at 8:00 a.m.
                                                                                   WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday at 4:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
FEBRUARY 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Carl’s Corner
                          Dear St. Giles Community,
                            The decision has been made and St. Giles                              The Parish of St. Giles
                          and St. Catherine - St. Lucy will be unified. This                     Columbian and Greenfield
                          decision was supported and finalized by                                   Oak Park, IL 60302
                          Cardinal Cupich. However, it was not his
                          decision alone. After months of conversation         Parish Center
                          with the grouping teams representing all four        1025 Columbian Avenue
                          Oak Park Parishes, the importance of the             Phone 708-383-3430 ................................... Fax 708-383-8644
                          location and ministry of St. Catherine - St. Lucy                    ................ E-mail: stgiles@stgilesparish.org
                          as a gateway to the west side and much                               .......................... Website: stgilesparish.org
                          needed resources and ministry there was
                                                                               Business Hours: Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m.— 4:30 p.m.
                          acknowledged by all. I am proud of our team          Evening reception: Monday thru Thursday, 4:30 — 8:00 p.m.
                          members for stepping up and agreeing this
was important and that we were willing to take a role working together
with the Catholic community we are a part of. Yes, St. Giles might have        Rev. Carl Morello, Pastor ................................................ Ext. 422
stood alone, but we wanted to stand with the community, all sharing in         Rev. Edward P. Salmon, Resident ................................. Ext. 308
the sacrifices and challenges of Renew My Church. We can stand tall            Rev. Thomas E. Unz, Resident ...................................... Ext. 313
and proud as a family of faith and as the beloved children of God.             Mr. John (Lois) Henricks, Deacon
  I am excited and a bit anxious about the challenges ahead. I trust the       Mr. Loretto J. (Carlotta) Madonia, Jr., Deacon (retired)
spirit to strengthen and guide us.                                             Mr. William (Abbie) Pouncy, Deacon
                                                                               Mr. John (Barbara) Walters, Deacon
  That being said, I want to share a beautiful quote from Henry                Sharon Bresnahan, Accounts Administrator .................. Ext. 420
Nouwen.                                                                        Matthew Brophy, Director of Parish Operations ............ Ext. 102
  “There is a great difference between successfulness and fruitfulness.        Nathan Johnson, Director of Youth &
Success comes from strength, control, and respectability. A successful           Young Adult Ministry ................................................... Ext. 421
                                                                               Sue Kaszynski, Director of Music and Liturgy ................ Ext. 423
person has the energy to create something, to keep control over its
                                                                               Carol Coleman, Senior Accountant ................................ Ext. 419
development, and to make it available in large quantities. Success
                                                                               Marci Madary, Director of Lifelong Formation. ............... Ext. 404
brings many rewards and often fame.
                                                                               Alex Ryan, Liturgy Coordinator ....................................... Ext. 403
  Fruits, however, come from weakness and vulnerability. And fruits are        Rachel Faulman, Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor ........ Ext. 401
unique. A child is the fruit conceived in vulnerability; community is the                          ............ E-mail: stgiles@stgilesparish.org
fruit born through shared brokenness; and intimacy is the fruit that
grows through touching one another's wounds.”                                  Lifelong Faith Formation
  As we travel a new road together, I ask you to join me in prayer,            and Religious Education of Children
remembering whatever the road ahead brings for our parishes and our            Phone 708-383-3430 ................................ Fax 708-383-8644
joined efforts in the larger community, we will remind one another that                            ...... E-mail: religioused@stgilesparish.org
                                                                               Christi Walkup, Faith Formation Administrator ............... Ext. 101
what brings true joy is not successfulness but fruitfulness!
                                                                               Peggy Plastina, .............................................................. Ext. 408
                                                                               Coordinator, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Have a blessed week ahead. With you a Christian. For you a priest.
                                                                               1034 N. Linden Avenue
                                                                               Phone 708-383-6279 ................................ Fax 708-383-9952
                                                                                                 .............. E-mail: office@stgilesschool.org
                                                                                                 ....................... Website: stgilesschool.org
                                                                               Meg Bigane, Principal ................ mbigane@stgilesschool.org
                                                                               Dennis White, Maintenance ...........dwhite@stgilesschool.org

                                                                               McDonough Hall
                                                                               1101 Columbian Avenue (2nd Floor)

                                     2021 Saint Giles Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

                          PPC HOME PAGE URL: http://www.stgilesparish.org/pastoral-council/
                                CHAIR: Maudette Carr • VICE-CHAIR: Ed Siderewicz
                              MEMBERS: Pat Carew, Marci Madary, Kathleen Mullaney,
                                 Margaret Murphy, Alex Ryan, and Maria Samatas

FEBRUARY 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Spiritual Life & Worship
W         e Pray For . . .
            Those who are hospitalized or homebound,
                                                                                MASSES FOR THE WEEK
                                                                Monday, February 7
                                                                     6:30 — The Deceased of the Parish
 including: Patrick Ahearn, Patricia Austermuele, Phil          Tuesday, February 8
 Calabrese, Marlene Carey, Ray Cimms, Joseph                         8:30 — Mark Walsh
 Cirillo, Carole Conatser, Lucille Dalbis, Andrea               Wednesday, February 9
 Dickson, Mike Fenske, Jim Gallagher, Earl                           6:30 — The Sue and Joe White Family
 Gallermo, Grace Gryzlo Goodmanson, Alice                                    Joan Walsh
                                                                Thursday, February 10
 Gruszka, Steve Hazard, Deacon John Henricks, Karl              Saint Scholastica, Virgin
 Humowiecki, Gabriela Machado, Jim Madden,                           8:30 — Rosemary Whiston
 Virginia Madden, Carlotta Madonia, Christine                   Friday, February 11
 Malagoli, Mary Mamolella, Patricia McDonald,                        6:30 — Dr. Robert Hammer
 Sr. Louise Noesen, Phyllis Pappas; Amelia                                   Owen Petrzelka
                                                                             The Deceased of the Shaker Family
 Patterson, Gerrie Petrecca, Ron Posey, Bob Quane,              Saturday, February 12
 Hannah Rice, Kelly Richard, Mary and Paul                           8:00 — George Khoury
 Schleitwiler, Joe Sjostrom, Nina Stanley, Sarah                             Marie Albano
 Such, Sean Varner, Shirley Venerable, Terry                         2:30 — Wedding: Hailey Harrison and Kevin Kunkel
 Walters, Nancy Wesclitz.                                           *4:30 — Frank Senese, Jr.
           (Some names have been removed from our                            Barbara Bulla
                                                                             Dennis Cusack
   listing in the Arrow but are continuing to be prayed         Sunday, February 13
   for through the Prayer Circle. Others have received          Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
   a Prayer Shawl representing the prayers for healing               8:00 — Elizabeth and Sam Jantelezio
   by the Parish community.)                                                 Rose Jantelezio
           And for those of our family members and                           Louis and Elizabeth Toth
parishioners who have died, especially Joe Gagliardi.               10:30 — All Saint Giles Parishioners and Benefactors
                                                                *This Mass will be live-streamed from our website,

                                We are very pleased
                                    to welcome
                          the following new parishioners:
                                                                FEBRUARY 8, 2022 - THE FEAST OF SAINT JOSEPHINE BAKHITA

Ingrid and James LoPresti, Stephanie and Christopher
Dobecki, and Andrew and Alia Lepere.

BAPTISMS in our Parish
    “Little ones, the Christian
    Community welcomes you with
    great joy into our family of faith.”
Olivia Lynn Rodriguez, Michael
and Jennifer (Kmet) Rodriguez;
Christopher John Cadero, Jr.,
Christopher Cadero and Nelly Isabel
Martinez-Camacho; Joseph
Richard Laudadio, Thomas and
Claire (Friedlund) Laudadio.

                  WEDDING BANNS
   III   Hailey Harrison and Kevin Kunkel

FEBRUARY 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Life
                                                                  Our Weekly Sunday Offertory
                                                           For Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
                                                                         Thru 1/23 1/30 Wknd            YTD
                                                        At Mass            $211,664      $7,285        $218,949
                                                        By Mail              189,088      4,448          193,536
                                                        GiveCentral          255,733      5,322          261,055
                                                        Total Giving       $656,485    $17,055         $673,540
                                                        Budget               678,000     22,600          700,600
                                                        Variance +/(-)     ($21,515)   ($5,545)        ($27,060)
                                                          We are below budget this week. Everyone’s
                                                        faithfulness and generosity are appreciated and critical
                                                        to maintain and operate all we do here at St. Giles
                                                        Parish. The 2021 donation statements have been
                                                        prepared and are in the mail. If you have not signed up,
                                                        we ask that you consider joining many of your fellow
                                                        parishioners in using GiveCentral. The link and easy-to
                                                        -follow instructions can be found on the parish website,
                                                        www.stgilesparish.org. Contact Sharon in the Parish
                                                        Center at 708-383-3430 Ext.420 with any questions or
                                                        for assistance. We could not be here without you!

                                                               I will give thanks to you, O L   ,
                                                                         with all my heart,
                                                                    for you have heard the words
                                                                         of my mouth.
                                                                                        — Psalm 138:1

  Many parishioners have already received the
mailing from Cardinal Cupich inviting them to
contribute to this year’s Annual Catholic               Utilities Fund
Appeal. On behalf of those served by the                Utility costs have gone
ministries, parishes and schools that receive           up significantly for all,
funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your          St. Giles Parish included.
consideration and support this year and in past         So, a decision was made
years. The Appeal will formally take place on the       to add a Utilities Fund.
                                                        As a result, a green
weekend of February 19/20, when our parish will         Utilities Fund envelope
have the opportunity to listen to a recorded            will appear four times
message from Cardinal Blase Cupich. With your           throughout the year in
thoughtful pledge or gift, you will be answering        the monthly envelope
the call to help “Make all thing new… God’s             packet our parishioners
promise and our responsibility.”                        receive – February, April,
                                                        July and September.
                                                        A Utilities Fund option was also added to GiveCentral for
                                                        those who make their donations online. Thank you for
                                                        your consideration to help St. Giles Parish stay warm this
                                                        winter and cool this summer! Your generosity and
                                                        thoughtfulness are appreciated!

FEBRUARY 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Life
Religious Education Reflections                                                  Books of Pope Francis
                                                                                   As we start a new year in 2022 and
Welcome!                                                                         consider ways of dealing with global
  We will be welcoming Clark and Grant Dobecki into the Catholic Church          problems from a
through the sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, February 6, at the                   perspective grounded
10:30 a.m. Mass. Both boys attend St. Giles Catholic School: Clark is in         in Catholic faith, the
second grade and Grant is in kindergarten. We are grateful that they,            Lifelong Learning and
along with their parents Chris and Stephanie, are a part of our St. Giles        Adult Faith Formation
faith family.                                                                    Committee at
                                                                                 Ascension Parish in
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is                                               Oak Park invites you to a new series of
continuing to engage children and their                                          monthly online discussions on recent
faith lives.                                                                     books by Pope Francis. The first
  Both Level 1 and Level 2 pondered the                                          discussion will be on Let Us Dream:
parable of the Mustard Seed this month. The                                      The Path to a Better Future, to be held
children responded with delight when a tiny                                      on February 8 at 7:30 p.m. over Zoom.
seed was placed on their finger. They                                            Monthly discussions will be held online
contemplated the power that can cause                                            over Zoom on the second Tuesday of
something so small to become so great.                                           the month, through May.
                                                                                   In Let Us Dream, Pope Francis
                                                                                 advocates a reorientation toward
                                                                                 considerations of human dignity and
                                                                                 the common good. Pope Francis
                                                                                 considers the Covid pandemic as an
                                     Level 2                                     opportunity for change. “This is a
                                   also pondered a moral parable, the            moment to dream big,” he writes, “to
                                   Pharisee and the Tax Collector. The           rethink our priorities—what we value,
                                   children thought deeply about the prayer      what we want, what we seek—and to
                                   and behavior of both of these men, and        commit to act in our daily life on what
                                   the importance of how we interact with        we have dreamed of.” Reading and
                                   God and with each other.                      discussing this book with our Catholic
                                                                                 community could be the inspiration we
  The theme of prayer continued in the Level 3 atrium with a presentation        need as we start a new year amidst the
on our great prayer of thanksgiving, The Eucharist, and the moments and          weariness of dealing with the Covid
prayers that form the rite. The last presentation of the month was a more        pandemic.
concentrated meditation on one of those prayers, The Our Father.                   Registration is required. To
                                                                                 participate, just send an email to
CGS Catechist Enrichment: The Joy of the Lord is my Strength                     llaffc@ascensionoakpark.com with
                     On Saturday, January 29, Catechesis of the Good             the name of the book in the subject
                   Shepherd Formation Leader Betsy Peterson spoke to our         line. You’ll receive a return email
                   local CGS catechists from both Ascension and St. Giles        before the discussion with a link for the
                   Parishes. Betsy’s effervescent personality spilled out onto   Zoom meeting.
                   those in attendance, rejoicing in the Goodness of God           For more information, links to obtain
and the ability to gather together.                                              the book, and details for the upcoming
                                                                                 monthly discussions on books by
  Betsy spoke about CGS’s use of Montessori’s spiral method of inviting          Pope Francis, go to
the children to deepen their understanding of the teachings of Jesus and         www.ascensionoakpark.com/apps/
their own faith life. She used the parable of the Pearl of Great Price           pages/athome.
(Matthew 13:45-46) as an example. In Level I the emphasis is on the                Reading the book is not required in
beauty and preciousness of the pearl. Level II children think about how the      order to join the discussions – feel free
merchant is an example of how to be in the world. Considering the beauty         to just come and learn about Pope
and value of the Kingdom of God is the focus of Level III. Each time with        Francis’s concerns and reflections on
the parable, the meaning expands.                                                the church and the world.
  All of us are on a journey to continually grow in our relationship with God
as we listen and listen again to the scriptures. But we pay attention with
open hearts and minds. Betsy reminded the participants, “When adults
and children listen together, they create a community, that community is in
the Holy Spirit.”
FEBRUARY 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Life
Dear St. Giles Parish,                                                   PRAYING FOR OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN THE MILITARY
   In January, the St. Giles Prayer Shawl                                Lord, bless ALL the men and women of our military as they
Ministry sent beautiful, warm items to                                 answer the call to serve our nation and defend our freedom. Keep
                                                                       them safe, especially those in harm’s way.
two missions on the Texas-Mexico
                                                                                   Thank you for your service to our country:
border and other items to the Chicago
Greyhound bus station immigrant                                                          Col Jason Brown – U.S. Air Force
                                                                             Cadet CPL Jacob M. Bukowski - U.S. Military Academy
program.                                                                               PV2 Tyler M. Bukowski - U.S. Army
   Because of some donations, we have                                             CWO3 Michael Camacho - U.S. Marine Corps.
                                                                                        Maj Alicia T. Delia – U.S. Air Force
a large stash of yarn, knitting needles, and crochet                            2ndLt Dylan James Fischer—U.S. Marine Corps.
hooks. If you knit or crochet and have time on your                                  IT1 Brian Greischar – U.S. Coast Guard
hands, in the coming months, we could provide you with                                Capt Jeremy Gruszka – U.S. Air Force
the materials and the patterns needed to make some                                    2d Lt Kyle Gruszka – U.S. Space Force
                                                                                     A1C Jennifer Ann Healy - U.S. Air Force
items. There is plenty of need. And no need to attend                               Cpl Andrew Lofgren - U.S. Marine Corps.
any meetings.                                                                           TSgt Tabatha Lugo - U.S. Air Force
   Please continue to pray for all those receiving an item,                             TSgt Alfredo Lugo - U.S. Air Force
                                                                                    Maj Michael Manning - U.S. Marine Corps.
whether a prayer shawl, a hat or scarf. All items are                              1LT Caroline O’Brien Lorenzini - U.S. Army
lovingly made and intended to provide warmth and                                   Sgt Maximilian Pentell - U.S. Marine Corps.
embrace the recipient through the prayers of a loving                                  SPC4 Matthew R. Piano – U.S. Army
St. Giles Parish and the presence of a loving God.                                    2LT Gino Riccardo Pintore - U.S. Army
                                                                                       1LT Michael E. Sullivan - U.S. Army
   We continue to provide shawls and lap blankets to the                                 SPC4 Thomas Treslo - U.S. Army
St. Giles community. To receive a shawl or lap blanket                     1st Class Cadet George Valaika - U.S. Air Force Academy
                                                                            3rd Class Cadet John Valaika - U.S. Air Force Academy
for a loved one, call the Parish Center office at                                   LCDR Devon D. Zych – U.S. Coast Guard
708-383-3430, or come by during business hours.
                                                                       If you have a relative or friend stationed in abroad or at one of our military
May you all be enfolded in God’s love,                                 bases in the United States, please send the name and rank of the military
Margie Rudnik, for the St. Giles Prayer Shawl Ministry                 person, and the branch of service, to the attention of the Parish Center.

                                                                                      Become a Member of Saint Giles
                                                                        Please fill out this form and drop it at the Parish Center
                                                                          Office at 1025 Columbian Avenue, or place it in the
                                                                           collection basket. You may also send an email to

THEOPHANIES                                                                Name:___________________________________
     Today’s readings recount three theophanies, or
particular manifestations of God’s presence. The prophet                  Address:__________________________________
Isaiah is caught up in a dramatic scene of heavenly                       City:________________ State:____ Zip:________
worship, with a royal throne, burning embers, and
seraphim singing, “Holy, holy, holy.” Isaiah is                            Home/Cell # ______________________________
overwhelmed. In the responsorial psalm, the assembly                       E-Mail:__________________________________
adds its own worship to that of the seraphim: “In the sight
of the angels, I will sing your praises, Lord” (Psalm                                          Please check one box:
     Paul reminds the Corinthians of his own experience                             I would like to register as a parishioner
of a post-Resurrection appearance of the Lord, making                                  and to receive the weekly e-news.
him an apostle, but one “born abnormally” (1 Corinthians
15:8), since he had no acquaintance with the earthly                                                         OR
Jesus. The first of those who did know the earthly Jesus
were surprised by fishing advice from the teacher who                               I only visit occasionally and would like
had commandeered Simon’s boat, resulting in an                                          to receive the weekly e-News.
extraordinary catch. Although less colorful than those of
Isaiah or Paul, this theophany was just as overwhelming.
                                    Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                            www.stgilesparish.org

FEBRUARY 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Say Good-bye to Clogged Gutters!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Most Complete
                                                                     Call during this program &
                                                                  receive a $50 restaurant gift card
                                                                                                                                                                                            • LeafGuard®
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                   End of the                                         with in-home estimate &                                                                                                 to clog or we’ll clean
                   Year Sale!
                                                                       free gutter inspection!
                                                                Consumer Disclosure/Award Rules: All participants who attend an estimated 60-90 minute                                        it for FREE*                                                                                 Directory of
                                                                in-home product consultation will receive a $50 gift card. No purchase is necessary. Retail
                                                                                                                                                                    • Seamless, one-piece system keeps out leaves,
                  75% OFF
                                                                value is $50. Offer sponsored by LeafGuard Holdings, Inc. Limit one gift card per household.
                                                                LeafGuard procures, sells, and installs seamless gutter protection. This offer is valid for
                                                                homeowners over 18 years of age. If married or have a life partner, both cohabitating persons
                                                                must attend and complete presentation together. Participants must have a valid photo ID,              pine needles, and debris
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Check It Out Today!                                       Catholic Parishes
                                                                understand English, and be legally able to enter into a contract. The following persons are not
                                                                                                                                                                    • Eliminates the risk of falling off a ladder to
                   LABOR!                                       eligible for this offer: employees of LeafGuard or affiliated companies or entities, their
                                                                immediate family members, previous participants in a LeafGuard in-home consultation within
                                                                the past 12 months and all current and former LeafGuard customers. Promotion may not be
                                                                extended, transferred, or substituted except that LeafGuard may substitute a gift card of equal       clean clogged gutters                                                                  • WILLS & TRUSTS • BUSINESS LAW
                                                                or greater value if it deems it necessary. Gift card and terms and conditions (https://www.
                                                                darden.com/gift-cards/terms-and-conditions) of such gift card will be mailed to the participant     • Durable, all-weather tested system not a
                   Offer does not include cost of material.
                    Discount applied by representative at
                         time of contract execution.
                                                                via first class US Mail within 21 days of receipt of promotion form provided at consultation. Not
                                                                valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount of any kind. Offer not sponsored or
                                                                promoted by Darden Restaurants and is subject to change without notice prior to reservation.          flimsy attachment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bob, Patrick & Daniel Ross
                           Offer ends 12/31/2021.               Offer ends 12/31/2021. **FOR BALT/DC GIFT CARD AMOUNT IS $25**

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Father & Sons Law Firm
                                                                                                                          *Guaranteed not to clog for
 Call today for your FREE estimate and in-home demonstration                                                            as long as you own your home,
                                                                                                                       or we’ll clean your gutters for free.                                                                                                 Bob@Ross.Law | Office in Inverness
 CALL NOW 708-462-6373                                                                                                                                                     Get it. And forget it.®                     WWW.ROSS.LAW • 847-358-5757
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FEBRUARY 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time FEBRUARY 6, 2022 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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