45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net

Page created by Jaime Foster
45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net
45 W ILUS W AY , I SELIN NJ 08830
GPS—USE 45 AUTH AVE., ISELIN NJ † Phone: 732-283-2300 † Fax: 732-283-3326
45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net
House Blessing
                                                  If you would like to have a home visitation or blessing, please call the Parish Office.
                                                  The Sacraments
                                                  SPONSOR LETTERS: Church law mandates that a sponsor for Baptism and Confirmation be
Parish Staff                                      an active Confirmed Catholic. An active Catholic is a parishioner who is registered, attends Mass
Fr. Deniskingsley Nwagwu, S.D.V.                  weekly, contributes to the support of the Church, is in a valid Catholic Marriage, and publicly
Administrator                                     leads a life compatible with Church teaching. We can only write letters of eligibility for
pastorofstcecelia@gmail.com                       parishioners who meet these criteria.
Fr. Cyril Adim Offiong, S.D.V.                    BAPTISM: Please contact the Parish Office for all information and to make arrangements. All
                                                  required information needs to be submitted before date can be set. Registration is required
Parochial Vicar
                                                  in order to attend a pre-baptism class with a $10.00 materials fee. The fee is non-refundable,
frcyrilstcecelia@gmail.com                        but is transferable with 48 hour prior notice of cancellation and rescheduling.
Deacon Anthony Pepe                               MARRIAGE: Make arrangements one year in advance of the proposed wedding date. One party
Permanent Deacon                                  must be a parishioner; call the Parish Office.
Kathleen Beglan                                   MINISTRY TO THE SICK OR HOMEBOUND: If any of your loved ones are in need of a priest
Office Administrator                              and need the sacraments, please call the Parish Office at any time. The priests are always on
kbeglan@stcecelia.com                             call! Regular communion calls to the sick, aged or homebound should be arranged in advance.
Jasmin Alfaro                                     ALTAR SERVERS
Parish Secretary                                  Children in grades 3 and up are invited join. Contact Ann Cecilia Trinh, Coordinator at the parish
jalfaro.stcecelia@gmail.com                       office 732-283-2300.
Sr. Anna Tran, SCC                                Our lady of Fatima Statue—Home Visit
                                                  If you are interested in having the statue visit your home, please call Carol 732-494-8697.
Aida Gamboa                                       RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES for grammar school students are held on Mondays from
Director of Music Ministry                        5:45 to 7:15 PM at the former St. Cecelia School Building.
                                                  R.C.I.A.: If you know anyone interested in becoming a Catholic or are baptized and want to
Maria Campos
                                                  receive other sacraments, please invite them to join RCIA! Call Anne Banks at 732-713-4502 or
                                                  Denise Kolibas at 732-634-8515.
mass Schedule                                     Devotions
Monday—Friday              7:00 & 9:15 am         CENACLE FOR MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS every Wednesday after 9:15 AM Mass.
Saturday              8:00 am & 4:30 pm           NOVENAS to St. Jude and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal after 8 AM Mass on Saturday.
                                                  DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET—Fridays after the 9:15 AM Mass.
Sunday               7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am
                                                  2,000 HAIL MARY’S every 2nd Saturday of the month, in the Chapel starting at 7:00 AM.
Spanish                           1:30 pm         ADORATION CHAPEL—Daily starting after 7 AM Mass to 4 PM. Please arrive before 4 PM for
First Friday’s—7:00 am & 7:00 pm, there is        admittance to church. When you come in the Chapel and the Tabernacle doors are closed, open
NO 9:15 am Mass                                   them. If you are the last one in the Chapel, please close the Tabernacle doors and shut off the
Holy day mass times                               light (make sure they are completely pressed down).
Weekday Evening before—Vigil 7 pm, day            FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION—6:00 pm Adoration followed by Holy Mass at 7:00 pm
of: 7:00, 9:15 am, 12:05 pm, and 7 pm. societies/organizations
                                                  LEGION OF MARY—Saturdays—9 AM, Conference Room
Parish office summer hours                        ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY—The Rosary is prayed before every daily/weekend Mass. The
Mon—Thurs        8:00am—4:30 pm                   meetings are the 1st Monday after 1st Sunday at 7 PM in the Church Conference Room.
                                                  ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCE— 2nd & 4th Mondays, 7:30 PM in the Parish Office.
                                                  music ministry
Saturday                                          CLASSICAL CHOIR—Practice Tuesday evenings from September—June at 7:30 PM in the
11:00 am—12:00 pm / 3:15—4:15 pm                  church. Coordinator—Aida Gamboa.
Gift shop summer hours                            Young Adult Formation Series
Gift Shop—732-283-1775                            The young adult formation series ages 18-35 will be held on the first Friday of every month
Monday—Thursday 10:00 am—1:00 pm                  following Holy Hour and Mass at St. Cecelia’s. There will be dinner, a talk, small groups and
Friday               Closed                       night prayer. Coordinator—Break Ministry.
Saturday             3:00 pm—6:00 pm              Social ministry office—732-283-0150
Sunday              10:00 am—1:00 pm              FOOD PANTRY is open for food pick-up TUESDAYS from 10 AM to 2 PM ONLY. Call or
Hours may vary, please call before you come.      email stcecelia.socialministry@gmail.com for food requests/appointments for pick-up. OTHER
                                                  SERVICES provided by the Social Ministry Office.
                                                  Church etiquette
All parishioners are asked to register at the
                                                  Upon entering the church, make the sign of the Cross and bless yourself with Holy Water and
Parish Office. Family members over the age of
                                                  genuflect before you sit. Come to Mass early enough not to disrupt and leave late enough
18 should register as individuals. To receive a
                                                  not to insult the Lord. The Mass does not end until the final song has been completed. Be
letter of recommendation you should be
                                                  mindful to turn off your electronic devices and quietly put the kneelers up and down during the
registered for at least three months.
                                                  Mass. Dress modestly and appropriately as you would for a special occasion.
45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net
Mass Intentions:                                            Responsorial Psalm
                                                              The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs
              July 24—August 1                                                    — (Psalm 145).
the intentions for the weekend will                                    Readings for the Week
 be said at the 4:30 pm vigil, 7:30 am,                       Monday:    Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106:19-23;
    9:30 am, and 11:30 am Masses                                         Mt 13:31-35
                                                              Tuesday:   Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103:6-13;
SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                      Mt 13:36-43
SATURDAY—VIGIL MASS—7/24                                      Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5-7, 9; Mt 13:44-46
4:30 PM Anamarie Pablo req. M/M Niel Santiago                 Thursday:  Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11;
                                                                         Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42
SUNDAY—7/25                                                   Friday:    Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37;
7:30 AM LIVING & DECEASED OF THE PARISH                                  Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58
9:30 AM *Sam Roglieri req. Tony & Jackie                      Saturday:  Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12
         *Jozef Kumor req. Kumor Family                       Sunday:    Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Ps 78:3-4, 23-25, 54;
11:30 AM *Cassandra Vitale req. Chubbuck Family                          Eph 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35
         *Mary Taylor Moyle req. Mom & Dad                             Questions of the Week
1:30pm   SPANISH MASS                                         Question for Children: How do you share with others
MONDAY—SS. JOACHIM AND ANNE—7/26                              what you have?
7:00 AM Special Intention for Thomas Beglan req. Mom, Kathy   Question for Youth: Generosity is key to today’s
9:15 AM Jan “John” Werner req. The Werner Family              Gospel. What do you have that you should be sharing
                                                              with others? Think of your possessions, your talents, and
7:00 AM Claire Burns req. Pat Maliniak                        your time. How can you use these for the good of others?
9:15 AM Francis McGuire req. Catherine, Robert & Family       Question for Adults: In what ways do you generously
                                                              provide for the needs of others who have little or nothing?
7:00 AM Claire Burns req. Rose Johnson
                                                                     Sick Relatives & Friends
                                                              Mirabella Parota, Cathy (Napiorski) Harris, Jamie Nestor, Joseph Jonathan
9:15 AM Marvin Mullin req. Maureen Wyzykowski                 Cem, Ryan Michael, Lena Zimbardo, Nicole C. Rossi, Marieta M, Samuel &
                                                              Rose M., Marina Gomez, Gloria Reichley, Shawn Ekatan, Alberto Batista,
THURSDAY—ST. MARTHA—7/29                                      Thomas, Amanda & Christine Porcelli, Ligia Riezenman, Kat T., Marilyn Rentko,
7:00 AM Claire Burns req. Mike Kitson                         Robert & Mary Maurer, Raymond Kneckel, Craig Soper, Gail Rezmerski,
9:15 AM Robert Kelly req. Finnigan Family                     Howard Chubbuck, Martin & Diane Petrucci, Anita Pintozzi, Ellen Morales,
                                                              Kayla Chrostowski, Rose Cappiello, Olga Barritta, Arnold & Luisa Franco,
FRIDAY—ST. PETER CHRYSOLOGUS—7/30                             Franklin Pfeifer, Jr., Steve Colligan, Alberto Castillo, Frank Honkisz, Nikki
                                                              Honkisz, Maria Julia Perez, Ann Fitzsimmons, Wiletta Boswell, Elaine Dziuban,
7:00 AM Mark Benson req. Paul & Rose Johnson                  Peggy Sheridan, Richard Dzivban, Eileen Donovan, Kevin Lyman, Joyce Ann,
9:15 AM Robert Fitzgerald req. Fitzgerald Family              Barbara Dee, Cathy H., Eliana Taveres, Diane Campolargo, Rafael Rosario,
                                                              Carol Casino, Jacqueline Voelkel, George & Betty Whitehead, Virgina Fraser,
SATURDAY—ST.IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA—7/31                           Jack James Coyle
8:00 AM Cassandra Vitale req. Chubbuck Family
                                                                      In Loving Remembrance
SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                            Let us remember all our departed brothers and sisters,
SATURDAY—VIGIL MASS—7/31                                       especially Franciso Russo and Peter Kenny, asking
4:30 PM Joseph & Mary Haborak req. Beverly Schroeck                God to reward them with eternal joy and peace.

                                                                                    Bread & wine
7:30 AM LIVING & DECEASED OF THE PARISH                       In memory of Jan “John” Werner req, Werner Family
9:30 AM *Jerry Retkwa, Sr. req. Jerry Retkwa, Jr.                            Sanctuary candle
         *John Recondo req. Maria Palang                                        In memory of Marvin Mullin
11:30 AM *Robert Kuzma req. Eileen & Joe Dahlgren                                req, Maureen Wyzykowski
         *Mary Moyle Taylor req. Mom & Dad
45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net
45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net
July 18 2021              July 19, 2020

                                                                                giving back to God
         To date, the total amount collected is                                                      In-pew       $ 8,342.50   In-pew       $ 7,590.50

                                                                     O ff er i ng
              $10,355 of our $30,000 goal.                                                           Faith Direct $ 2,864.25   Faith Direct $ 2,844.75
  Your continued generosity and support is greatly
needed to make this a successful raffle. Extra booklets                                              Total        $11,206.75   Total        $10,435.25
are available on the table in the atrium or in the Parish
                         Office.                                                                     Improvement Fund ‘21      Improvement Fund ‘20
                                                                                                     In-pew       $ 2,747.00 In-pew     $ 2,070.00
                                                                                                     Faith Direct $ 752.00 Faith Direct $ 760.00
                                                                                                     Total        $ 3,499.00 Total      $ 2,830.00
                                                                                                           2021 Bishop’s Annual Appeal
                                                                                         To date, the Development Office has received pledges
                                                $10,355                             totaling $57,237.50 and payments totaling $54,082.50 from 279
                                                                                     parishioners. This Represents 89.4% of our $64,000.00 goal.

                                                                                                        RELIGOUS EDUCATION NEWS
                                                                                 IT IS TIME TO REGISTER YOUR CHILD OR CHILDREN
                                                                                 FOR THE UPCOMING RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YEAR.
                                                                          If you have not re-registered your child/children for upcoming Religious
                                                                                       Education classes, please fill out the form and
                                                                           send it back to us. If you need a registration form, it is available on the
                                                                                        St. Cecelia website or in the Church’s office.
        July Wedding Anniversaries                                                           Complete and return it to Sr. Anna.
           Edward & Jessica Ulaky, 15 yrs
         Berenice & Jaime Jumao-as, 15 yrs                               St. James School in Woodbridge is accepting registration for the 2021-2022
         Frank & Michelle Padovano, 20 yrs                             school year. We are enrolling students in grades PK3 to 8th. The school office is
            Juan & Ann Montoya, 20 yrs                                open Tuesdays from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon. In person tours are available or check
           David & Michelle Brett, 20 yrs                               our school website (https://www.sj-school.org/) for a virtual tour. Come see why
          John & Leviths Augustine, 20 yrs                            St. James School is the very best place for your child. For more information contact
        Vincent & Kimberly McGowan, 25 yrs                                                 our school office at 732-634-0500 x301.
        Donald & ChristineTafilowski, 30 yrs
             Jorge & Soo Salazar, 30 yrs

                                                                                                         Parish Picnic
             Juan & Norma Delid, 30 yrs
         Hamilton & Loriann Santos, 30 yrs
            Frank & Karen Paluzzi, 35 yrs
          Humberto & Edna Moreira, 40 yrs
          James & Susan Cosgrove, 52 yrs                                            Our annual Parish Picnic will take place
         Arnold F. & Luisa B. Franco, 53 yrs                                        September 12th, after the 11:30am Mass, rain or shine,
           William & Janet Stuppi, 54 yrs                                           on the grounds of the church.
        George & Elizabeth Whitehead, 63 yrs
           Michael & Mollie Difeo, 73 yrs                                           Volunteers are needed and if you would like
                                                                                    to help, please sign up at the parish
                         Break Ministry is excited to offer a                       office.
                         monthly young adult event for ages
                         18-35 every First Friday featuring a Holy
                                                                                     5 & under free
                         Hour, Mass, Dinner, Talk, Small Groups,
                         and Night Prayer. Those interested may                      6-12 $4
                         choose to attend online or in person at                     Adults $8
                         St. Cecelia's. The online session will                      Seniors $6 (65 & over)
only occur if at least 4 participants sign up by Thursday,                          Tickets will be sold at parish
August 5th. Come for the whole event or parts of the event!                         office or after Mass.
The next date will be Friday, August 6th followed by Friday,
September 3rd. To help us estimate how many people to                               *Bring your own wine & beer.
expect, please RSVP at this sign up form: https://                                  *Donations of paper towels, water & soda are needed.
breakministry.flocknote.com/signup/59914. Any questions or                          Drop off
concerns can be addressed to Kipsy                                                  donations at parish office.
45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net
Retrouvaille August 13 – 15, 2021
                  Stress In Your Marriage?
       Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage?
       Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse?
       Have you thought about separation or divorce?
       Does talking about it only make it worse?
  RETROUVAILLE is a Lifeline to Help Couples Heal and
Renew their Marriages sponsored by the Office of Family Life,
                 Diocese of Metuchen, NJ.

    RETROUVAILLE consists of a weekend experience for
   married couples (no group discussions) with six follow-up
sessions. The upcoming weekend is August 13 -15, 2021. All
   inquiries are confidential. For further information, please
           contact Rich Colasuonno 732-236-0671 or
              Annette Colasuonno 732-672-0748.
 Retrouvaille information may also be found on the Diocesan
     website at https://www.diometuchen.org/retrouvaille

                                                                     Silver & Gold Wedding Anniversary Celebration

                                                                 You are cordially invited to celebrate your 25th or 50th Wedding
                                                                     Anniversary with the Church of Metuchen and renew your
                                                                    marriage vows with Bishop James F. Checchio at a special
                                                                 Evening Prayer Service at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi
                                                                 in Metuchen on Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 3:30 PM. Couples
                                                                 who celebrated their Silver or Gold anniversary in 2020 are also
                                                                      invited to attend. Registration is required. Please register
                                                                         online at: https://www.diometuchen.org/silver-and-
                                                                      goldanniversary-celebration. If you are unable to access,
                                                                 please contact your parish secretary or the Family Life Office at
                                                                 732-562-1543 or amarshall@diometuchen.org. Registration will
                                                                   close on October 7, 2021. Although no fee is required, in the
                                                                  past many Jubilaria couples have given a donation of gratitude
                                                                  to the Church in memory of this special occasion. Donations of
                                                                 Gratitude may be made online at https://www.diometuchen.org/
                                                                          donation-silver-and-gold or calling 732-562-1543.
45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net
Third in a Series                                    I want to thank you and all the parishioners who attended my
                                                                                farewell mass and lunch. I am most
S.3 “The Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the
                                                                                grateful for the financial gifts that you
   World” The Seventh Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops con-
   vened in Rome in the fall of 1987, who guided by the teachings of the        gave to me. May God bless you for your
  Second Vatican Council, wished to translate the “rich ‘theory’ on the lay kindness to me in the gift cards notes of
   state (vocation)…into authentic Church ‘practice’“ (CL #2:10). St. John appreciation and monetary gifts. May
  Paul II in his Apostolic Exhortation CHRISTIFIDELES LAICI follows the God bless each one of you and please
    way marked out by that Synod of Bishops. Vatican II, he writes, had         be assured of my love & prayers for
  “prophetic significance” (CL #2:10). The Council’s contribution, “with its each one of you. I promise to pray for
 rich doctrinal, spiritual and pastoral patrimony,” is an ever valid reflection you all.
 “on the nature, dignity, spirituality, mission and responsibility of the lay
                             faithful” (CL #2.5).
                                                                                Gratefully yours,
 He will cite Vatican II seventy-one times, showing a preference for three      Sr. Mary Martha
  documents: APOSTOLICAM ACTUOSITATEM [The “Decree on the
 Apostolate of the Laity” – on the apostolic activity of the People of God];
 LUMEN GENTIUM [“Christ the light of all nations” on the Church]; and
 GAUDIUM ET SPES [“The Joys and the Hopes” – on the Church in the
                               Modern World].
 The Pope addresses this apostolic exhortation (CL) to each member of
the Church personally but more specifically the Pope has in mind, as his
  audience, the lay faithful. The Pope directs his words to lay men and
women who “are personally called by the Lord, from whom they receive a
       mission on behalf of the Church and the world” (CL #2.4).

                                                                                                            Wow! What a
                                                                                                           beautiful way to
                                                                                                            memorialize a
                                                                                                             loved one!

               We are looking to fill the
               plaza in front of the church
               with 7 more benches as
               what is shown in the

               If you would like to
               purchase a bench, in
               memory of a loved one,
               please call Kathy in the
               Parish Office.
45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net
        Sun                   Mon                  Tue                Wed                  Thu                    Fri                   Sat
                                                                                                                                  *9 am Leg. of Mary
                                                                                                                                  *11 am-12:00 pm &
                                                                                                                                  3:15-4:15 pm
                                                                                                                                  *3pm Class. Choir
                                                                                                                                  *7:30 pm Rosary—
                                                                                                                                  via Zoom
                                                                                                                                  *Air Conditioning

25                       26                    27                 28                 29                    30                     31
*12:30—Baptism           *7:30 PM Rosary—via   *7 pm Classical    *7:30 PM Rosary—   *7:30 PM Rosary—via   *PARISH OFFICE         *9 am Leg. of Mary
*7:30 PM Rosary—via      Zoom                  Choir              via Zoom           Zoom                  CLOSED—SUMMER          *11 am-12:00 pm &
Zoom                                           *7:30 PM Rosary—                                            HOURS                  3:15-4:15 pm
*Air Conditioning Fund                         via Zoom                                                    *7:30 PM Rosary—via    Confessions
                                                                                                           Zoom                   *3pm Class. Choir
                                                                                                                                  *7:30 pm Rosary—
                                                                                                                                  via Zoom
                                                                                                                                  *Mission Cooperative

1 AUGUST                 2                     3                  4                  5                     6 FIRST FRIDAY         7
*12:30—Baptism           *7:30 PM Rosary—via   *7 pm Classical    *7:30 PM Rosary—   *7:30 PM Rosary—via   *PARISH OFFICE         *9 am Leg. of Mary
*7:30 PM Rosary—via      Zoom                  Choir              via Zoom           Zoom                  CLOSED—SUMMER          *11 am-12:00 pm &
Zoom                                           *7:30 PM Rosary—                                            HOURS                  3:15-4:15 pm
*Mission Cooperative                           via Zoom                                                    *6:00 PM Adoration     Confessions
Plan                                                                                                       *7:00 PM Mass          *3pm Class. Choir
                                                                                                                                  *7:30 pm Rosary—
                                                                                                           *7:30 PM Young Adult
                                                                                                                                  via Zoom
                                                                                                           Formation Series
                                                                                                           *NO Rosary—via

8                        9                     10                 11                 12                    13                     14
*7:30 PM Rosary—via      *7:30 PM Rosary—via   *7 pm Classical    *7:30 PM Rosary—   *7:30 PM Rosary—via   *PARISH OFFICE         *9 am Leg. of Mary
Zoom                     Zoom                  Choir              via Zoom           Zoom                  CLOSED—SUMMER          *11 am-12:00 pm &
                                               *7:30 PM Rosary—                                            HOURS                  3:15-4:15 pm
                                               via Zoom                                                    *6:00 PM Adoration     Confessions
                                                                                                           *7:00 PM Mass          *3pm Class. Choir
                                                                                                                                  *7:30 pm Rosary—
                                                                                                           *7:30 PM Rosary—via
                                                                                                                                  via Zoom

To participate in our live streaming or view our recorded
videos, please visit our website, Facebook page or                       Mass Schedule                        Daily Evening
YouTube Channel listed below.                                            Monday - Friday: 7:00 am and         Rosary
                                                                         9:15 am
                                                                         Saturday: 8:00 am                    Please join us as
                                 www.stcecelia.com                       Saturday Evening Vigil Mass:         we recite the
                                                                                                              rosary daily via Zoom at 7:30 pm.
                                                                         4:30 pm
                                                                         Sunday Mass: 7:30 am, 9:30 am,       Use the following information to
                                                                         and 11:30 am
                                 St. Cecelia Iselin                      Live-Stream Schedule
                                                                                                              log into Zoom:
                                                                                                              Zoom.com / Join a Meeting,
                                                                         Daily Mass—9:15 am                   then:
                                                                         Weekend Mass—11:30 am
                                 St. Cecelia Church, Iselin                                                   Meeting ID: 841 1311 3175
                                                                                                              Passcode: U20J6Y
45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net
45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 - cloudfront.net
Bendición de la casa
Si desea tener una visita a un hogar o una bendición, llame a la oficina parroquial por favor.
Los sacramentos
CARTAS DE PATROCINADOR: Para ser un padrino o madrina en el bautismo y la confirmación, debe ser un católico
confirmado activo. Un católico activo es un feligrés que está registrado en la Iglesia, asiste a Misa semanalmente, dona a
la Iglesia, está en un matrimonio católico válido y públicamente lleva una vida consistente con las enseñanzas de la
Iglesia. Solo podemos escribir cartas de elegibilidad para los feligreses que cumplen con estos criterios.
BAUTISMO: Por favor llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia para obtener toda la información y hacer arreglos. Toda la
información requerida debe enviarse antes de que se pueda establecer la fecha.
MATRIMONIO: Haga los arreglos necesarios un año antes de la fecha propuesta para su boda. Una de las partes debe
ser feligrés; por favor llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia.
MINISTERIO A LOS ENFERMOS: Si alguno de sus seres queridos necesita un sacerdote y los sacramentos, llame a la
oficina de la iglesia en cualquier momento. ¡Los sacerdotes siempre están disponibles! Las llamadas de communion
regulares a los enfermos o ancianos deben organizarse con anticipación.
Estatua de Nuestra Señora de Fátima visita domiciliaria Carol- 732-494-8697
CLASES DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Maria Campos- (732)910-6195
CENÁCULO DEL MOVIMIENTO MARIANO DE SACERDOTES todos los miércoles después de la Misa de las 9:15 AM
en Inglés.
NOVENA a San Judas y Nuestra Señora de la Medalla Milagrosa después de la misa de las 8 am el sábado en Inglés.
CAPILLA DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA—Viernes después de la misa de las 9:15 AM en Inglés.
2,000 ORACIÓN DE LA MADRE MARÍA—cada segundo sábado del mes, en la Capilla a partir de las 7:00 AM en Inglés.
CAPILLA DE ADORACIÓN—Diariamente desde la misa de las 7 a.m. hasta las 4 p.m. Cuando ingrese a la Capilla y las
puertas del Tabernáculo estén cerradas, ábralas y encienda la luz de la derecha. Si es la última persona en salir de la
Capilla, cierre las puertas del Tabernáculo y apague la luz.
ADORACIÓN DEL PRIMER VIERNES—6:00 pm Adoración seguida de la Santa Misa a las 7:00 pm en Inglés.
LEGION DE MARIA—Sábados: 9 A.M., Sala de conferencias en Inglés.
SOCIEDAD ROSARIO ALTAR—El rosario se reza antes de cada misa diaria / de fin de semana. The meetings are the 1st
Monday after 1st Sunday at 7 PM in the Church Conference Room. en Inglés.
ST. CONFERENCIA VINCENT DE PAUL— Segundo y cuarto lunes, 7:30 PM en la oficina de la iglesia en Inglés.
ministerio de musica
CLASSICAL CHOIR—Las prácticas son los martes por la noche de septiembre a junio a las 7:30 pm en la iglesia.—Aida
Gamboa en Inglés.
Serie de formación de adultos jóvenes
La serie de formación para jóvenes adultos de 18 a 35 años se llevará a cabo el primer viernes de cada mes después de la
Hora Santa y la Misa en Santa Cecilia. Habrá cena, charla, grupos pequeños y oración nocturna. Coordinador—Break
Ministry en Inglés.
Oficina del ministerio social— 732-283-0150
La despensa de alimentos está abierto para recoger solo los MARTES de 10 a.m. a 2 p.M. Llame o envíe un correo
electrónico astcecelia.socialministry@gmail.com para solicitar comidas / citas para recoger y OTROS SERVICIOS propor-
cionados por el Departamento del Ministerio Social.
Etiqueta de la iglesia
Al entrar a la iglesia, haz la señal de la cruz y bendícete con agua bendita e inclínate antes de sentarte. Ven a misa
temprano. La misa no termina hasta que se completa la canción final. Tenga cuidado de apagar sus dispositivos
electrónicos y ponerse y levantarse tranquilamente de las rodillas durante la misa. Vístase de manera modesta y apropiada
como lo haría para una ocasión especial.
                                                                                  A ti, Señor, sus ojos vuelven todos
               La cantidad total recaudada es                                           y tú los alimentas a su tiempo.
           $10,355 de nuestra meta de $ 30,000.                                           — Salmo 145 (144):15
        Su continua generosidad y apoyo son muy                               Lecturas de la semana
 necesario para que este sorteo sea un éxito. Boletos de       Lunes:     Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Sal 106 (105):19-23;
rifa adicionales están disponibles en la Oficina de la Igle-              Mt 13:31-35
            sia. $ 5 por boleto y $ 20 por librete.            Martes:    Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Sal 103 (102):6-13;
                                                                          Mt 13:36-43
                                                               Miércoles: Ex 34:29-35; Sal 99 (98):5-7, 9; Mt 13:44-46
                                                               Jueves:    Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Sal 84 (83):3-6a, 8a, 11;
                                                                          Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42
                                                               Viernes: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37;
                                                                          Sal 81 (80):3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58
                                                               Sábado: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12
                                            $10,355            Domingo: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Sal 78 (77):3-4, 23-25, 54;
                                                                          Ef 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35
                                                                             Preguntas de la Semana
                                                               Pregunta para los niños: ¿Compartes con otros lo que tienes?
                                                               Pregunta para los jóvenes: La generosidad es la clave del Evan-
                                                               gelio de hoy. ¿Qué tienes que deberías compartir con otros?
                                                               Piensa en lo que posees, tus talentos y tu tiempo. ¿Cómo puedes
                                                               usarlos para el bien de otros?
                                                               Pregunta para los adultos: ¿De qué manera cubre las nece-
                                                               sidades de otros que tienen poco o nada?

                                                                          ¡Atención! Es hora de inscribirse en clases de
                                                                                       educación religiosa
                                                                        Si no ha inscrito a su hijo en las próximas clases de
                                                                   educación religiosa, Complete el formulario en la Oficina de la
                                                                    Iglesia y devuélvanoslo o comuníquese con María Campos
                                                                                      (732)910-6195. Gracias.

                                                                                      Flores del Santuario
                                                                       Nos gustaría mantener la Iglesia siempre adornada con
                                                                               flores frente al Altar y por el Sagrario.
  Buscamos llenar la plaza frente a la iglesia con 7 bancos           Para hacer esto, necesitaríamos su ayuda. El costo de las
            más como se muestra en laFotos.                                   flores anualmente es de $3,500 o más.

     Si desea comprar un banco, en memoria de un ser                        Si desea contribuir mensualmente al Fondo de
      querido, llame a Kathy en la oficina de la iglesia.                   Flores, llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia por favor.

                                                                          18 de Julio, 2021               19 de Julio, 2020
                                                                          En Misa      $ 8,342.50         En Misa      $ 7,590.50

                                                                          Faith Direct $ 2,864.25         Faith Direct $ 2,844.75
                                                                          Total        $11,206.75         Total        $10,435.25
                                                                          Improvement Fund ‘21 Improvement Fund ‘20
                                                                          En Misa      $ 2,747.00 En Misa    $ 2,070.00
                                                                          Faith Direct $ 752.00 Faith Direct $ 760.00
                                                                          Total        $ 3,499.00 Total      $ 2,830.00
Julio/Agosto 2021
  Domingo                       Lunes              Martes              Miércoles                  Jueves              Viernes                  Sábado
                                                                                                                                             *9 am Legión de
                                                                                                                                             María en inglés
                                                                                                                                             *11 am-12:00 pm &
                                                                                                                                             3:15-4:15 pm
                                                                                                                                             *3pm Class. Choir
                                                                                                                                             *7:30 pm Rosario —
                                                                                                                                             a través de zoom en

25                         26                    27                    28                    29                    30                        31
*7:30 pm Rosario —         *7:30 pm Rosario —    *7 pm Classical       *7:30 pm Rosario —    *7:30 pm Rosario —    *OFICINA DE LA            *9 am Legión de
a través de zoom en        a través de zoom en   Choir                 a través de zoom en   a través de zoom en   IGLESIA CERRADA           María en inglés
Ingles.                    Ingles.               *7:30 pm Rosario —    Ingles.               Ingles.               HORAS DE VERANO           *11 am-12:00 pm &
*Fondo de Aire                                   a través de zoom en                                               *7:30 pm Rosario —        3:15-4:15 pm
Acondicionado                                    Ingles.                                                           a través de zoom en       Confesión
                                                                                                                   Ingles.                   *3pm Práctica del
                                                                                                                                             coro en inglés
                                                                                                                                             *7:30 pm Rosario —
                                                                                                                                             a través de zoom en

1 AGOSTO                   2                     3                     4                     5                     6                         7
*7:30 pm Rosario —         *7:30 pm Rosario —    *7 pm Classical       *7:30 pm Rosario —    *7:30 pm Rosario —    *OFICINA DE LA            *9 am Legión de
a través de zoom en        a través de zoom en   Choir                 a través de zoom en   a través de zoom en   IGLESIA CERRADA           María en inglés
Ingles.                    Ingles.               *7:30 pm Rosario —    Ingles.               Ingles.               HORAS DE VERANO           *11 am-12:00 pm &
*Fondo del Plan                                  a través de zoom en                                               *6:00 PM ADORACIÓN        3:15-4:15 pm
Cooperativo de la Misión                         Ingles.                                                           *7:00 PM MISA en Ingles   Confesión
                                                                                                                   *NO Rosario               *3pm Práctica del
                                                                                                                                             coro en inglés
                                                                                                                                             *7:30 pm Rosario —
                                                                                                                                             a través de zoom en

8                          9                     10                    11                    12                    14                        15
*7:30 pm Rosario —         *7:30 pm Rosario —    *7 pm Classical       *7:30 pm Rosario —    *7:30 pm Rosario —    *OFICINA DE LA            *9 am Legión de
a través de zoom en        a través de zoom en   Choir                 a través de zoom en   a través de zoom en   IGLESIA CERRADA           María en inglés
Ingles.                    Ingles.               *7:30 pm Rosario —    Ingles.               Ingles.               HORAS DE VERANO           *11 am-12:00 pm &
*Fondo del Plan                                  a través de zoom en                                               *7:30 pm Rosario —        3:15-4:15 pm
Cooperativo de la Misión                         Ingles.                                                           a través de zoom en       Confesión
                                                                                                                   Ingles                    *3pm Práctica del
                                                                                                                                             coro en inglés
                                                                                                                                             *7:30 pm Rosario —
                                                                                                                                             a través de zoom en

Horario de verano de la Iglesia                                             Horario de Misas                        Rosario Diario
Lunes—Jueves: 8 am—4:30 pm                                                  Lunes-Viernes : 7:00 am and 9:15        Por favor únanse a
Viernes: CERRADA                                                            am en Ingles                            nosotros mientras
                                                                            Sábado: 8:00 am en Ingles               rezamos el rosario
Horario de verano de la tienda de regalos                                   Misa de vigilia del Sábado              diariamente a las
Lunes—Jueves: 10am—1pm                                                      4:30 pm en Ingles                       7:30 a través de zoom en Ingles.
Viernes: CERRADA                                                            Misas del Domingo: 7:30 am,
Sábado: 3 pm—6 pm                                                           9:30 am, and 11:30 am en Ingles         Utilice la siguiente información
Domingo: 10 am—1 pm                                                         1:30 pm en Español                      para iniciar sesión en Zoom:
                                                                                                                    Zoom.com / Join a Meeting:
Sábado: 11:00 am—12:00 pm / 3:15—4:15 pm                                                                            ID: 841 1311 3175
                                                                                                                    Contraseña: U20J6Y
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