VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...

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VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...
drouin secondary college news


                                                                     EDITION: 95
DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021           PAGE 13

VCE Music

October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14
                          We value: Achievement, Respect, Commitment, Community
VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...
Team Report                                   Elizabeth Godwin Diane Croft          Rob Monk          Michael Wilson Susan Gilmore

Welcome back to Term 4 for all members of the school                 These will be student free days so all staff can actively
community. As we return to onsite learning this term, we can         participate in this training. This program will continue in 2022
reflect on the accomplishments of a term in which most students      with more intensive focus on this work which will expand staff
have studied remotely. Throughout the term staff, students and       professional knowledge, competence, skill and effectiveness.
their families have maintained a focus on their studies and
endeavoured to complete their work whilst remote. This success       LOOKING AHEAD TO 2022
is due to the dedication of all community members to the
                                                                     The course selection process for students in 2022 is nearing
continuation of learning for the students across the college.
                                                                     completion. We thank all families for their support of this
As we continue to navigate the regulations of COVID 19 we will       process. Students will be notified later this term of the subjects
be ensuring that we implement covid safe practices, including:       they will be studying next year.
  • Ventilation - the college will continue to encourage             As we continue to work toward the rest of Term 4 I encourage
    ventilation in classrooms by opening doors, windows or           all students to approach work diligently and utilise the support
    moving outdoor where possible                                    of staff as we complete the 2021 school year.
  • COVID safe steps - prioritising key practices including
    physical distancing, hygiene, testing when required, and         VALE TERRY MARKS
    the wearing of face masks.                                       We were saddened by the recent passing of our friend and
                                                                     colleague Terry Marks. Terry has for many years supported
  • Cleaning - the maintenance of ongoing cleaning of high
                                                                     the indigenous students and community as well as the whole
    touch surfaces, provision of hand sanitiser across the school.
                                                                     Drouin Secondary community in her role as KESO. During this
Looking ahead in Term 4, the focus for all will be to reengage       time, she has worked tirelessly to ensure that students have
in the learning and ensure that the community reengages to           access to core programs to enable these students to reach
onsite learning positively. In our first week, our VCE students at   their potential. Terry’s dedication was evident as she worked
Year 12 and those studying a Year 12 subject completed the           alongside all staff to enrich the opportunities for students. Her
General Achievement Test (GAT). Congratulations to all students      contribution went beyond the Drouin community as she also
on their conscientious approach to this external assessment.         assisted me in the development of key programs at Officer
All Year 12 students have now completed their onsite classes         Secondary College and the community art program where she
as they continue to prepare for the external exam process. We        shared her knowledge and experiences to broaden students
wish all students the very best for this exam period.                understanding of indigenous culture. Her infectious sense
Our Year 12 teachers have also been working diligently to            of humour, laugh and absolute commitment to her role will
understand and implement the Consideration of Educational            always be remembered. Terry was positive, fun, would talk to
Disadvantage process which aims to replicate the results students    everyone she saw when she dropped in - saw us as her school
would have achieved had we not been impacted by COVID19.             as she went to DSC herself as her own kids did. On behalf of
                                                                     the college, I send our sincere condolences to her family and
                                                                     friends at this sad time.
                                                                     STAFF UPDATES
The college has committed to completing targeted professional
                                                                     Welcome to the staff who have joined us in Term 4, Ms
development which builds staff capacity and equips all staff
                                                                     Whitney Churchill, Mrs Anda Parker, and Ms Emmy Sin,
with a range of strategies that enable their students to learn
                                                                     Congratulations to our IT Trainee Tristian Wilden on completing
and reach their potential. In Term 4 staff will commence over
                                                                     his traineeship with us and securing a position in the energy
two days the Berry Street Training Program which provides
                                                                     industry. Mrs Allen, Mrs Moss, Ms Davies and Mrs Gunning are
strategies for teaching and learning that enables teachers to
                                                                     on leave and we wish them well with their adventures.
increase engagement of students. The two days this year are:
  • Wednesday 3rd November                                           Elizabeth Godwin
  • Tuesday 14th December

                                               DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...
In the coming weeks, we will email families about DSC Course        2022 BOOKLIST ORDERS ONLINE
Selection, Booklists and other important information for 2022.
                                                                    Like last year, booklist orders are to be placed directly with
                                                                    Campion Education online. Paper copies of the booklists will be
COURSE SELECTION                                                    available at the General Office.
Starting with the Year 12s for 2022 and working down the            Early English Booklist orders for the novels required for English
Year levels, students will receive a link via email to view their   Level 400/500, VET and VCE Units 1-4 in 2022, are due by
allocated classes for 2022.                                         Friday 5th November for delivery in the week ending 19th
An up-to-date mobile and email address are essential for us to
maintain contact with you. You can update your contact details
via the Sentral Parent Portal or download a Student Details
Update Form and return it to the front office.

  Ash's Music Talents Recognised
                        The Drouin Secondary College                and mentoring/shadowing opportunities with artistic and
                        community has long been aware of the        production staff.
                        musical talents of College Captain and
                                                                    Ash also received high praise for her solo performances
                        VCE Music student, Ash Murdica. Now
                                                                    in this year’s RockFest competition. With RockFest going
                        that talent has been recognised by the
                                                                    virtual again this year due to COVID, Ash recorded two
                        broader music industry.
                                                                    tracks on the electric guitar. The judges were certainly
                         Ash is the recipient of the 2022           impressed with Ash’s talent with
    Newsboys Foundation Regional Music Award. The Award             feedback such as “You absolutely
    is a music specialist prize for applicants who live, and        nailed jaw is on the floor”
    attend a Victorian Government school, in rural or regional      for her rendition of Yesterday by
    Victoria. This prize is designed to enable talented students    The Beatles and “This is a fantastic
    to benefit from musical tuition and other opportunities that    performance, the skill required
    otherwise may not be open to them.                              to play this is right up there” for
                                                                    Pantera’s Cowboys From Hell.
    There was a substantial amount of preparation to apply
    with Ash submitting a recording of herself playing piano        Congratulations to Ash on these
    and writing about her achievements in her submission.           wonderful accolades. We are
    The prize includes a fully subsidized week of travel and        sure these will not be the last
    accommodation in Melbourne, lessons with a top music            of this talented young artist’s
    teacher, concert tickets for the Melbourne Recital Centre       achievements.

                                            A big thank you to P. Hornby &
                                            Son Sawmillers for donating the
                                            timber to build vegetable boxes for

                                            the Lifeskills garden. The College
                                            appreciates the support of our local
                                            community in helping us to deliver
                                            these programs to our students.

                                                 DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...
             Simple Machines
This term in Science, 7H have been
learning about forces and simple
machines, and the mechanical
advantage that simple machines can
give us.
To apply this knowledge we
constructed catapults using icy pole
sticks and rubber bands, helping us
to examine levers in action.
The rain held off so we headed
outside to test our catapults, and to
see which pair could send their mini
marshmallow the furthest. Well done
to Tamekah and Tom, our winning

                                        DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...
VTAC REMINDERS                                                     VTAC Payments
                                                                   To be considered for 14th January offers for Round 1 and
Register for the Results and ATAR Service                          subsequent rounds, payments must be made by 20th December
Any students studying Unit 3 & 4 subjects can access their VCE     (4pm). Only paid applications will be forwarded to institutions
results once they have registered with VTAC, you will need your    to be considered for an offer.
VCAA student number to register. Here is the link to register           TRAINEESHIPS AND APPRENTICESHIPS
The closing date for changes of address and payment to             INFORMATION SESSION
receive a ATAR statement by mail (Victorian current Year 12s
                                                                   Last week the Baw Baw Latrobe LLEN held an online
only) is Monday 6th December (5pm).
                                                                   Apprenticeship/Traineeship evening. It contained a lot of
VCE Results and ATAR are released online on 16th                   useful information for students and parents across a number of
December (7am).                                                    different industries. Staff, students, parents can watch anytime
                                                                   by clicking the following link:
Change of preference can be made until 4.00pm on
Monday 20th December. Careers staff are available to meet          ACCESS MONASH MENTORING PROGRAM
with students and/or parents to discuss options once ATARs
are released. Contact the Careers office by phone or you can       In Year 11 or 12 in 2022? Thinking about university after you
contact us by email: or          graduate? Join the Access Monash mentoring program and                                   learn more about what comes after VCE!

Offers and Dates                                                   Benefits:
Offers are emailed to applicants on the day of release and
are available in their VTAC account from 2pm the same day.           • Receive individual mentoring from an experienced
Supplementary offers commence from February Round 1                    Monash student
(applicants who have given permission and have not received          • Gain insight into university life
an offer in a previous round may be eligible to receive a
supplementary offer).                                                • Clarify future goals
                                                                     • Explore your study and career options
  • January Offer Round Domestic - 14 January 2022
                                                                     • Gain support and study tips from your mentor who has
  • February Offer Round 1 Domestic - 1 February 2022
                                                                       completed VCE
  • February Offer Round 2 Domestic - 8 February 2022
                                                                     • Exclusive access to some Monash programs
  • February Offer Round 3 Domestic - 14 February 2022
                                                                     • Make new friends and expand your network
  • February Offer Round 4 Domestic - 18 February 2022
                                                                   Find out more and apply now to be an Access Monash mentee:

Drouin Secondary College is delighted to share the news that       ensured that students, who may have fallen behind or become
the Victorian Government is continuing the Tutor Learning          disengaged, receive the help they need. In 2021, the TLI has
Initiative (TLI) in 2022. This initiative is designed to address   enabled Victorian government schools, and qualifying non-
the continued impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on student          government schools, to engage over 6,400 teachers as tutors.
learning and engagement in Victoria.
                                                                   Drouin Secondary College would like to thank all the tutors,
The extension of the initiative will allow Drouin Secondary        teachers and families who were involved in supporting our TLI
College to continue to provide our students who need it most       program in 2021. We forward to continuing Drouin Secondary
with targeted TLI learning support in the 2022 school year.        College’s TLI program in 2022 to provide small group learning
                                                                   support that will enable our students to flourish now and in the
Despite the continued challenges Drouin Secondary College          future.
and schools across Victoria have faced this year, the TLI has

                                               DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...
Psychology 400
What do neurons use to talk to
each other? Cell Phones. *Cue
Term 3 and remote learning
definitely got on some people’s
‘nerves’ but not the Psychology
400 classes. With remote
learning, our Psychology team
said farewell to Ms Davies and
welcomed our new team member
Mrs Hoy. We also began the
exciting topic of the Brain and
Nervous System!
During remote learning our
classes worked extremely hard
and both classes had great
attendance. We began with the
brain and students were asked to
create a ‘Balloon Brain’. Students
used a balloon to label the lobes
and cortices of the brain, but
some balloons didn’t last too long
after attacks from cats, siblings
and puppies (Frankie – Ms Croft’s
dog being the main culprit!). That
is remote learning for you!
It was great to be able to return to
school in Week 2 of Term 4 and
to finally see everyone’s faces
again. Both classes used this time
to have lots of fun and moved
on to the topic of the nervous
system. Students were then asked
to recreate and label a neuron
with lollies! Most students worked
extremely hard and fast to create
their neuron as the end goal was
to be able to eat the lollies for
The results of both these activities
were incredible but most of all it
was a great feeling to be back
in the classroom and learning
face to face. A big thanks to Mrs
Hoy who had to meet her class
for the first time remotely and
worked tirelessly to keep our 400
Psychology classes engaged.
And, just like the myelin around
the axon, that’s a wrap!

                                       DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...
  2021             2022                                                          Date Return
                                    Parent            Date Payment                                         Date to Collect
 Current        Future Year                                                     Netbook 2021
                                  Contribution          Due 2021                                           New Netbook
Year Level         Level                                                        for reimaging
                                                      Payments open
                                  New Netbook
     6                7                              at start of Term 4,                --                    Feb 2022
                                                         Due 9 Dec

     7                8                $70                  3 Dec                    3 Dec                  10 Dec 2021

     8                9                $70                  3 Dec                    3 Dec                  14 Dec 2021

                                  New Netbook                                  During Nov/Dec            IT will advise when
     9               10                                     23 Oct
                                     $300                                        IT to advise            ready for collection

                                                                               During Nov/Dec              During Nov/Dec
    10               11                $70                  1 Dec
                                                                                 IT to advise                IT to advise

                                                                               During Nov/Dec              During Nov/Dec
    11               12                $70                  1 Dec
                                                                                 IT to advise                IT to advise

                                    Retain for                                 Return to IT to be        IT will advise when
    12               Exit                                      --
                                   personal use                                    reimaged              ready for collection

 A reminder to students and parents that normal classes will        Parents who elect not to send their students on the day
 not run on Monday 1 November. The College will conduct             should follow normal absence procedures by providing
 a special program for students wishing to attend school.           parent permission via a phone call or via Sentral. If you
 The special program will be similar to previous years and          have any questions or queries regarding the special
 consist of three 100 minutes sessions for students at each         program feel free to contact the College for clarification.
 year level.

   • Years 7 to 9 students will complete activities which           CHANGES TO BUSES CUP DAY MONDAY
     include sport, computer activities and a movie.
                                                                    Please note Monday 1 November the Longwarry bus
   • Years 10 and 11 students will complete study hall              will be cancelled. This stop will be covered by Tonimbuk
     sessions to help them complete learning activities and         (Simcocks) and Iona (WBL) buses.
     study for their exams.
                                                                    Bunyip 3 will be cancelled and will be covered by
   • Year 12 students will already be in the midst of their         Tonimbuk & Bunyip 1 buses.
     VCE exams.
                                                                    Due to all private schools having a student free day both
                                                                    interchanges – Porter Place & Bennett Street will not be

                                          DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...
                                        FOR YEAR 10, 11 OR 12 2022

What better way is there to spend a                              There is an expectation that our VCE students already
                                                                 have a copy of these texts before these pre-classes begin.
summer than reading a good book?                                 Furthermore, over the summer holidays these texts need
                                                                 to be READ by all students commencing Level 400/500,
What better way is there to be prepared for a good school        Year 11 or Year 12 English. Teachers will set individual
year, than having read your new novels for the coming            expectations of students during these classes.
                                                                 In order to maximize your success, please make use of the
How can you set yourself up for a successful start in Year       Early English booklist which is available online via the DSC
10, 11 or 12?                                                    website under Booklists or directly access the Campion
HAVING YOUR TEXTS FOR THE START OF SENIOR                        website at (using the Resource List
SCHOOL ORIENTATION WEEK IS VITAL.                                Code JRQ3).
                                                                 Order online by Friday 5th November for home
Use the English Early Booklist to order your texts for English   delivery of your English books in time for Step Up and
400/500/VET and English Unit 1-4 classes.                        Senior School Orientation.
Each year, with our Step Up/Senior School Orientation pre-       Alternatively, look to purchasing the books secondhand from
starting classes, we focus on getting right into our texts for   a previous student, or
the upcoming year, some pre-knowledge and helpful hints as       elsewhere online. While most of our 2022 texts are not new
to how to approach a new text or novel.                          texts and you should be able to find second hand copies,
                                                                 often this not timely and it is important to have these texts for
                                                                 Step Up and Senior School Orientation.

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VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...
Here are some fantastic artworks from students participating in Inktober. If you want to participate please email Mr Hasley.

                                           DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
VCE Music - October is Mental Health Month! PAGE 14 - DATE: FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 2021 - Drouin ...
 Buxwear Uniforms are seeking a Manager for their           software Retail Manager, communicate via telephone
 Drouin Secondary College Uniform Shop for the              and e-mail, liaise with the school and Buxwear head
 following hours: Thursdays 12.45 – 6.30pm during           office, work independently, stock take, order stock, re-
 school terms; the 1st Saturday of every month and          stock shelves, problem solve, balance the till, do the
 every Saturday in November/December 9.15am – 1pm;          banking, produce trade day and monthly reporting,
 two Orientation days in December each year; plus           record keeping, manage staff, purchase basic office
 additional trading days in January prior to the school     supplies and maintain a clean work environment. A
 year commencing.                                           Working with Children's Check will be required.
 The successful applicant would ideally have a              Please submit your interest, including your contact
 friendly and welcoming manner and possess skills in        details, in writing via email to drouinshop@buxwear.
 the following areas: customer service, be able to fit or hand to the General Office by: Wednesday
 students for uniform, be able to use basic shopfront       3 November 2021 at 2.30pm

Sustainable School Shop
Drouin Secondary College families have the ability to       • Most trading will occur with other parents from our
buy and sell their second-hand textbooks, uniforms and        school
other student resources via the Sustainable School Shop     • Parents are well supported via Sustainable School
website                     Shop’s telephone (0438 743 444) and email help
The service is very accessible, it preferences our school     lines
first and then provides access to buy and sell items with   • The system is simple and easy to use - If you don’t
families attending other schools. Many schools use this       have a computer, internet access or an email
service. Access to second-hand textbooks, uniforms,           address, please call the Sustainable School Shop for
calculators, stationery, musical equipment, etc is            assistance
available all year.
                                                            • You can pre-arrange the transaction and then trade
For the best results:                                         after the texts are not required.
• Register on the Sustainable School Shop website and       Drouin Secondary College is providing this
  nominate the school                                       service so there is no cost for families. Each
• A subscription to the service will be provided to you     family that registers on the Sustainable School Shop will
                                                            be given a subscription, it’s free for families to use. For
• List your items for sale                                  an information flyer, click here.
• List wanted ads for those items you are looking to buy
                                                            As more families start to use this service the stocktake
• The school’s uniform and book lists are loaded into       list will grow. You can list books / uniforms now and
  the system to make listing ads easy                       write an availability date in the comments of your ad.
• The system matches the ads of buyers with sellers and     Click here to view the stocktake report for second-hand
  notifies the buyer via email                              uniform currently listed on Sustainable School Shop.
• Buyers contact sellers and arrange where and when         If purchasing second hand books, please ensure the
  to trade                                                  edition is exactly as specified on the booklist. The
                                                            best way to do this is to check the ISBN on the book’s

                                         DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
In the last week of Term 3, the Year 12 Food Studies class
looked a bit different with some students onsite and others
                                                              Students used equipment and techniques appropriately
                                                              in the preparation of food in a domestic setting. They
learning remotely via webex.                                  demonstrated understanding of the principles and practices
                                                              in the sensory evaluation of food products. They were able
Back onsite for Term 4, the Year 11s were testing out a hot
                                                              to compare and evaluate both a sweet and savoury variety
new quesadilla technique has us folding over backwards for
                                                              using sensory analysis and other measurements.
lunch. The TikTok/Instagram Tortillas Hack!

                                            DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
EVERY DAY COUNTS                                                    In Victoria school is compulsory for
                                                                    children and young people aged 6 –
SECONDARY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE                                         17 years

Going to school every day is the single most                        Student Absences
important part of your teenager’s education.                        The main reasons for absence are:
                                                                    Sickness – There are always times when students need to miss
Students learn new things at school every day                       school, such as when they’re ill. It’s vital that they’re only away
– missing school puts them behind.                                  on the days they are genuinely sick, and setting good sleep
                                                                    patterns, eating well and exercising regularly can make a big
School is better when your teenager
                                                                    Family holidays – It's vital that holidays are planned during
is there                                                            school holidays where possible, and not during the term. If you
                                                                    are planning to go on holiday during term time, make sure
Why it’s important                                                  that you talk to your school in advance, and work with them to
We all want our students to get a great education, and the          develop an absence learning plan.
building blocks for a great education begin with students           “Day off” – Think twice before letting your teenager have a
coming to school each and every day.                                “day off” as they could fall behind their classmates – every day
Students develop good habits by going to school every day –         counts.
habits that are necessary to succeed after school, whether in       Truancy – This is when students choose not to go to school
the workplace or in further study.                                  without their parent’s permission or skip out of school during the
Missing school can have a big impact on students academically       day. There can be many reasons for truancy; the best way to
and socially. It can affect their test results, including VCE &     address this is for schools and parents to work together.
VCAL, and, just as importantly, it can affect their relationships   While all absences can effect academic performance, DET’s
with other students, and lead to social isolation.                  statistics show that unexcused absences are a much stronger
There is no safe number of days for missing school – each           indicator of lower reading and maths achievement.
day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their         School refusal – School refusing children experience
educational outcomes.                                               significant emotional distress not only when going to school
Each missed day is associated with falling behind in subject        but also at the thought of going to school; they may be absent
topics and assessment tasks, and lead to fewer subject choices      from school for weeks or even months at a time. School refusal
and may impact on achievement in years 11 and 12 and post-          differs from truancy as children generally stay home with
school pathways.                                                    the knowledge of the parents and despite their best efforts
                                                                    to encourage their child to go to school. See: My child or
Getting in early                                                    teenager has anxiety

It’s never too late to improve attendance. Even in the middle       Being away from school for 1 day
years, when school can seem the most challenging for students
and when attendance rates can be at their lowest, going to          a fortnight equals missing 1.5 years
school more often can make a big difference. Every day counts.      over 13 years of school
Schools are there to help – if you’re having attendance issues
with your child, speak to your school about ways to address
those issues.

                                              DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
If your teenager is away                                           Top attendance tips for parents
If for any reason your teenager must miss school, there are
                                                                     • Schools want to work in partnership with parents – act
things you can do with your school to ensure they don’t fall
                                                                       early if you have any concerns by contacting your child’s
                                                                       school and asking for advice and support
  • Inform the school via your teen’s Form/Home Room
                                                                     • Remember that every day counts
    teacher or Year Level Coordinator
                                                                     • There is no safe number of days for missing school
  • Find out what work your teenager needs to do to keep
                                                                       – each day a student misses puts them behind, and
                                                                       can affect their educational outcomes and their social
  • Develop an absence learning plan with your teenager’s              connectedness
    teacher and ensure they complete the plan.
                                                                     • Talk positively about school and the importance of
Remember, every day counts. If your teenager must miss school,         attending every day
speak with your home room teacher or year level coordinator
                                                                     • Open and prompt communication with your child’s
as early as possible.
                                                                       school about all absences is a good idea
Openly communicating with your teenager’s school about all
                                                                     • Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments
absences is a good way to prevent attendance issues being
                                                                       during the school day or planning family holidays during
escalated to a School Attendance Officer. A School Attendance
                                                                       the term
Officer is a Department of Education and Training Regional
Director who has authority to follow up attendance issues.           • Seek help from your school if you are concerned about
Chronic or ongoing attendance issues that are escalated can            your child’s attendance and wellbeing. Schools want
lead to an Infringement Notice being issued to parent/s.               to work in partnership with parents to support student
                                                                       attendance and wellbeing.
If you’re having attendance issues with your teenager, please
let the year level coordinator, wellbeing coordinator, principal   Further information
or other relevant staff member know so you can work together
to get your teen to school every day.                              For more information and resources to help address attendance
                                                                   issues, visit:

                      DSC 2021 Proteus Student Magazine can be purchased for
                                                 $20 per copy online at
                            via the following link:
              Orders open Monday 4 October and close Friday 26 November 2021
                      The Proteus will be available for collection from the
                                  General Office in Feb 2022
                It’s easy - just follow the link and select one of the options below:
                    1. Collect Option - Collect from General Office in Feb 2022
                    2. Mail Option - Posted February 2022 (postage costs an extra $5.00)

                                               DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
UNIFORM                                                                                                                 DROUIN
As one of their community projects, Year 11 VCAL are                                                                        Drouin Cricket Club is seeking participants/players
organising a school uniform donation bin at the front                                                                       for our upcoming season for U/14's and U16's teams.
office. If you have any pieces of uniform you don’t                                                                         If anyone would like to enquire contact John Perry at:
need any more or that don’t fit, feel free to pop them                                                            
in, it will be greatly appreciated.
                                                                                                                            Season is due to commence sometime between
The clothes that are donated will be mended and                                                                             the 6th and 13th November 2021. Training is on
washed, then the clothes will be given to Wellbeing,                                                                        Thursdays from 4.30pm- 5.30pm. Family friendly
ready for students. This project will benefit low income                                                                    club. All are welcome.
families as well as the environment by recycling.

From the School Nurse
 October is Mental Health Month! Challenge yourself with the activities in the mental health month calendar
 ( Also, let’s all change the narrative and
 #GiveMentalHealthStigmatheFlick. Check out #YouthMentalHealth and #Live4Life. Being aware of our attitudes
 and questioning the authenticity of what we base our beliefs on is the pathway to giving mental health stigma the
 flick therefore creating a story that is based on truth, evidence, acceptance and recovery.

                                                         Mental Health Month
                                                         October 2021
                                                         Good mental health is when we can cope with the stressors of                                          Friday                  Saturday
                                                         our daily lives, participate in loving relationships, contribute to our
                                                         community, and work towards our goals. Everyone has mental health.
                                                                                                                                                       01                        02
                                                         And we can all benefit from looking after our own mental health and
                                                                                                                                                       Set a goal or intention   Pick a fun book and read
                                                         the mental health of our communities. Here are some ideas for ways
                                                                                                                                                       for this month. What      it throughout the month.
                                                         to reflect, have fun, and find connection through October.                                    does looking after your
                                                                                                                                                       mental health mean
                                                                                                                                                       to you?
                 Sunday                     Monday                      Tuesday                    Wednesday                      Thursday

         03                          04                          05                           06                            07                         08                        09
         Go on a walk you’ve         Get in touch with a         Send a message               Have your favourite           Consider unfollowing       Listen to your            Pick up an old hobby
         never been on before.       friend you haven’t          of appreciation to           meal for dinner.              or muting social           favourite song.           you enjoy but haven’t
         Choose a different          spoken to in a while.       someone who has made                                       media accounts that                                  had much time for lately.
         route, or visit a                                       a positive impact on                                       negatively affect your
         new place.                                              your life.                                                 mental health.

         10                          11                          12                           13                            14                         15                        16
         WORLD MENTAL                Go bird watching or frog    Think up a plan of what      Write a list of three         Try mind challenges like   Learn some calming        Challenge yourself to
         HEALTH DAY                  spotting. You can use       to do if you find yourself   things you’re grateful for.   a jigsaw puzzle, sudoku,   breathing exercises.      go a day without any
         Make your mental            citizen science apps like   doomscrolling.                                             or crossword.                                        screen time.
         health promise!             BirdCount or FrogID.

         17                          18                          19                           20                            21                         22                        23
         Get to bed early. Wind      Leave a positive review     Go on a walk without a       Follow along with a           Sing and/or dance.         Volunteer for a cause     Do something you’ve
         down with a cup of          for a local business you    destination in mind.         gentle yoga video.                                       you believe in.           been putting off during
         herbal tea, a warm bath,    enjoy like a restaurant,                                                                                                                    the week.
         soothing music, or          café, or shop.
         essential oils.

         24                          25                          26                           27                            28                         29                        30
         Have a dinner party with    Cook something you’ve       Go out of your way to        Use apps like StayFree        Get houseplant             Wear your most            Watch your
         friends or family, either   never had before.           take a picture or draw       or Freedom to limit how       cuttings from friends      cheerful outfit.          favourite movie.
         in-person or online.                                    something beautiful.         much time you spend on        to propagate.
                                                                                              social media.

         Pick a few of your
         favourite activities this
         month and aim to do
         them regularly.

                                      Find out more at

                                                                         DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
          The DSC Uniform Shop is located in the foyer of DSC’s Lyn Kelly Stadium/Gymnasium
   Standard trading hours are Thursdays 1pm to 6pm & the first Saturday of each month 9.30am to 12.30pm.
      The Uniform Shop will also be open each Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm until the end of January 2022.
    Year 7 Students 2022 - Please book a 30 minute fitting session by emailing
               If you have a Healthcare/Concession Card, please complete an application for the
                         SSR Year 7 Subsidised Uniform Package at your fitting session.
                              O C T O B E R & N O V E M B E R 2021
    MON                TUE              WED                    THU                     FRI                    SAT               SUN
Uniform Shop       Uniform Shop     Uniform Shop     Uniform Shop Open            Uniform Shop       Uniform Shop Open            xx
   Closed             Closed           Closed            1pm – 6pm                   Closed          9.30am – 12.30pm

                                               D E C E M B E R 2021
   MON                 TUE              WED                   THU                      FRI                     SAT              SUN
          1                               1                     2                        3                     4                  5
                                                                                                       9.30am – 12.30pm
     6                   7                8                    9                      10                      11                 12
                   Uniform Shop                          Uniform Shop            Uniform Shop            Uniform Shop
                    1pm to 6pm                            1pm – 6pm               1pm to 6pm           9.30am – 12.30pm

                   Year 7 2022                                                     Year 7 2022
                Orientation Day 1                                               Orientation Day 2
                 9am to 3.30pm                                                   9am to 3.30pm
     13                  14               15                  16                       17                      18                19
               STUDENT FREE DAY                          Uniform Shop            General Office              CLOSED
                   Staff PD Day                      (Last day open for 2021)        CLOSED
                   General Office                        General Office
                     CLOSED                             Closes at 4.30pm
    20                  21                22                   23                      24                      25                26
  CLOSED             CLOSED             CLOSED               CLOSED                  CLOSED                  CLOSED
    27                  28                29                   30                      31
  CLOSED             CLOSED             CLOSED               CLOSED                  CLOSED

                                                J A N U A R Y 2022
      MON                    TUE               WED                  THU                  FRI                    SAT             SUN
                                                                                                                1                 2
        3                    4                    5                6                      7                     8                 0
     CLOSED              CLOSED                CLOSED          CLOSED                  CLOSED                CLOSED
       10                   11                   12               13                     14                    15                16
     CLOSED            Uniform Shop            CLOSED        Uniform Shop              CLOSED             Uniform Shop
                        1pm – 6pm                             1pm – 6pm                                 9.30am – 12.30pm
       17                   18                19                  20                    21                     22                23
  General Office       Uniform Shop      General Office      Uniform Shop          General Office         Uniform Shop
      Open              1pm – 6pm         10am - 2pm          1pm – 6pm             10am - 2pm          9.30am – 12.30pm
   10am - 2pm
                       General Office                    General Office
                         10am - 2pm                       10am - 2pm
       24                   25                 26             27                28                29            30
  General Office       General Office        Public      Uniform Shop STUDENT FREE DAY       Uniform Shop
 8.15am – 4.30pm      8.15am - 4.30pm       Holiday        1pm – 6pm      Staff PD Day    9.00am to 12.30pm
                                                         General Office  General Office
                                                        8.15am - 4.30pm 8.15am - 4.30pm
         31           1 Feb                  2 Feb                                         Yea Year 7 Camp
STUDENT FREE DAY Year 7, 11 & 12         Year 8, 9 & 10                                 Mon 22 Feb to4 Feb 2021
   Staff PD Day     First Day              First Day

                                                                          U:\-0 SHARED ADMIN FILES\Uniform Shop\\2022\Uniform Shop Calendar 2022
                                         DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
WEEK 4                                                             WEEK 10
Tuesday       26/10     Doctors in School                          Monday            06/12       Challenge Week for Years 7 to 9 Commences
                        College Council                                                          Year 8 Challenge Day

Wednesday     27/10     VCE Written Exams Commence                 Tuesday           07/12       Doctors in School
                        VCE English Exam                                                         Year 9 Challenge Day
                                                                                                 Grade 6 Orientation Day
                                                                                                 Grade 6 Parent Information Evening
Monday        01/11     Whole School Special Program
                                                                   Wednesday         08/12       Year 7 Challenge Day
Tuesday       02/11     Melbourne Cup Day Holiday                                                Year 9 into 10 Step Up Incursion Day

                        STUDENT FREE DAY - Staff                   Thursday          09/12       Year 9 into 10 Step Up Timetabled Classes
Wednesday     03/11     Professional Learning Day
                                                                   Friday            10/12       Challenge Week for Years 7 to 9 Concludes
                        General Office Closed
                                                                                                 Grade 6 Orientation Day
Friday        05/11     Wear It Purple Free Dress Day (TBC)                                      Year 9 into 10 Step Up Timetabled Classes

WEEK 6                                                             WEEK 11
Tuesday       09/11     Doctors in School                          Monday            13/12       Year 7 to 9 Activities Program

WEEK 7                                                             Tuesday           14/12       STUDENT FREE DAY - Staff
                                                                                                 Professional Learning Day
Tuesday       16/11     Doctors in School
                                                                                                 General Office Closed
Wednesday     17/11     Year 8 Live4Life Celebration Event (TBC)   Wednesday         15/12       College Presentation Evening 7pm (TBC)
                        VCE Written Exams Conclude                                               Year 7 to 9 Activities Program
                        VET Orientation Day (TBC)
                                                                   Thursday          16/12       Year 7 to 9 Activities Program
Friday        19/11     Year 9 First Aid Training (TBC)
                                                                   Friday            17/12       Last Day of Term 4
                                                                   * All activities and events are subject to current restrictions in place at that time.
Monday        22/11     Year 10 & 11 Exam Week Commences
                                                                   * Please Note: Some photos in this newsletter were taken prior to current COVID
                        Year 7 to 9 Exam Week Commences              Safe restrictions.

Tuesday       23/11     Doctors in School
                        College Council
                                                                      DATES TO REMEMBER
Wednesday     24/11     Year 8 MHFA Celebration Assembly (TBC)
                                                                      • Monday 1 Nov - Whole School Special Program
Friday        26/11     Year 7 to 9 Exam Week Concludes               • Tuesday 2 Nov - Melbourne Cup Holiday
                        Year 10 & 11 Exam Mop Up Day & Progress       • Wednesday 3 Nov - Student Free Day - Office Closed
                        Interview Day
                                                                      • Tuesday 14 Dec - Student Free Day - Office Closed
Monday        29/11     2022 Senior School Orientation Commences
                                                                      UNIFORM SHOP TERM 4
                                                                      During Term 4, the Buxwear Uniform Shop will open
Tuesday       30/11     Doctors in School                             every Thursday 1pm to 6pm and every Saturday
                                                                      9.30am to 12.30pm. Please use the QR code to
Friday        03/12     2022 Senior School Orientation Concludes
                                                                      check in, wear a mask and adhere to density limits
                        Last Day Year 10 & 11 Students
                                                                      as signed.

     2021 TERM DATES                                                     Contact Hours: 8.15am – 4.30pm

     Term 4: 4 October to 17 December 2021                               P: (03) 5625 1002
            @drouinsc                @drouinsecondary                    W:
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