Page created by Andrew Simpson

                              Version 07/2020


  4-5 SERP+ in brief

  6-9 Studying in SERP+

          6   Arrival

          7-9 Insurance

          10 Tuition fees payment

12-41 Partner Universities

      (Enrolment, Accommodation, Campus life, Daily Life)

         12-23 Studying at Paris-Saclay University

         24-29 Studying at the University of Genoa

         30-35 Studying at Adam Mickiewicz University

         36-41 Studying at the University of Porto
SERP+ in brief

    First Year (M1)
    • Start of the first semester: beginning of September
    • Winter holidays (Christmas-New year): 2 weeks
    • End of January: end of the first semester
    • First week of February: mobility to the other country for the 2nd
    • Easter holidays: 1 week
    • Summer school: 2 weeks

    Second Year (M2)
    • Start of the third semester: end of August
    • Winter holidays (Christmas-New year): 2 weeks
    • Start of the internship: February
4   • Master thesis defense: end of August
    • Graduation: end of August


Head Office (France)

Coordinator: Prof. Sandrine Lacombe
M1 coordinator: Prof. Laure Catala
M2 coordinator: Prof. Nicolas Rabasso

Université Paris-Sud, Building 440 (room 237, 2nd floor)
91405 ORSAY cedex - France
Phone: +33 1 69 15 51 25
Email: master.serp@universite-paris-saclay.fr

Italian Office

Coordinator: Prof. Mario Rocca

University of Genoa, Dipartimento di Fisica
Via dodecaneso 33, 16146 Genoa, Italy
Phone: +39 10 35 36 392
Email: rocca@fisica.unige.it

Polish Office

Coordinator: Prof. Bohdan Skalski

Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Chemistry
Ul. Grunwaldzka 6, 60-780 Poznan, Poland
Phone: +48 82 91 351
Email: bskalski@amu.edu.pl

Portuguese Office

Coordinator: Prof. Eduardo Marques
University of Porto, Departamento de Quimica e Bioquimica
Rua Campo Alegre 687
4169 - 007 Porto – Portugal
Phone: +351 220 402 538
Email: efmarque@fc.up.pt
    Buddy programme and pickup                order to introduce the professors, the
    service                                   programme content, the methodology
                                              and the evaluation modalities.
    The buddy programme is meant to
    improve the quality of welcoming ser-     Social events
    vices offered to new students. The
    tutor is named by the local coordi-       Social events will be organized at
    nator in each country. The students       each university for a better integration
    can also benefit from the buddy pro-      in your new environment and foster
    gramme of each partner university.        the cohesion of the group. We will
                                              invite you to participate in these activi-
                                              ties, including cultural visits, collective
    Various activities with your tutors:      games in activity parks or trips.
    • Help for the subscription to the
    public transport service, internet ac-    Online tools
    count, mobile phone subscription          Whatever the country you will study
6   • Visit of the local area close to your   in, you will have access to two online
    accommodation                             tools.
    • Visit of the campus
    In order to facilitate the arrival in     At the beginning of the course, you
    the first country (semester 1), a         will receive your codes to access the
    pick up service by a taxi company         intranet of the master «Dokéos». You
    will be proposed. To benefit from         will find in it many important informa-
    our support, you will be asked to         tion: teaching materials, administra-
    send your arrival details to the          tive information, alumni information,
    SERP+ office.                             internship and thesis proposals, ect.
    Please be aware that it might not
    be possible to organize a pickup          The link to the platform is also avai-
    service during the weekend or too         lable on the website.
    early in the morning / late at night.     Gradebook
                                              Your grades will also be accessible
    Welcome meeting                           through an online gradebook. Access
                                              codes will be sent at the end of the
    At the beginning of each semester, a      first semester.
    welcome meeting will be organized in
                                            The service can be contacted 24/7:
Expact&Co Company                           Tel. +32 2 669 0880 (24/7)
                                            help@expatinsurance.eu (24/7)
                                            Please note that in case of hospitali-
The SERP+ consortium will                   zation, you will not have to pay. The
contract a private insurance for            company will directly pay the hospital.
each student.

It covers unexpected medical ex-            In all other cases, the costs will be
penses. It also provides accident co-       reimbursed:
ver and protects against some costs
arising from civil liabilities (a kind of   In order to receive the reimbursment,
third-party insurance which is requi-       the students must fill a claim form.
red in many European countries). The        This form, together with the original
insurance will also provide you with        invoices (medical center – pharmacy)
assistance if you lose your passport,       must be sent to the company:
tickets or other travel documents.          Expat & Co - Noordkustlaan 12/6-7 -
However, it is not a comprehensive-         1702 Groot-Bijgaarden - BELGIUM.
travel insurance.                                                                     7
                                            Claim forms: http://www.expatinsu-
You will receive your insurance             rance.eu/en/CLAIMS
certificate by email before the start
of the programme, as well as the            For any question:
general conditions of the insurance.        claims@expatinsurance.eu
You should read it carefully in order to
know which risks and health problems        Always give a copy of your insu-
are covered:                                rance in your wallet!

In case medical care has to be
reimbursed, you must contact per-
sonally the insurance company.
The contact details can be found
on the insurance certificate.

For urgent matters (only emergen-
cy or hospitalization), you should
call them immediately!
Insurance details

                                                • your name,
     We remind you that beneficiaries           • date of the transfer,
     of the Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus            • amount of the transfer,
     scholarship do not have to pay the         • to whom the transfer was made (the
     tuition fees.                              name of the university should appear),
                                                • the transfer reference (code or num-
     In all other cases, tuition fees must be   ber).
     paid to the University Paris-Saclay,
     irrespective of the mobility path cho-
     sen.                                       Amount of the tuition fees:

     The payment must be done before            Academic Year 2020-2021
     enrollment at the university (before
     the beginning of September).               Second year students (M2)
                                                Partner country: 6400 €
     The payment must be done by bank           Programme country: 3400 €
     transfer with the following condi-
10   tions:                                     First-year students (M1):
                                                Partner country: 6575 €
     1) The transfer     must be made in        Programme country: 3600 €
                                                Students who do not have the Eras-
     2) The transfer purpose should indi-       mus Mundus scholarship must
     cate: “Tuition fees SERP+ master (+        in addition pay the «Student and
     your name)”                                Campus Life Contribution» (CVEC).
     3) You should provide us with a clear      thing1s-you-need-to-know-about-the-
     receipt of your bank with, at least, the   new-student-and-campus-life-contri-
     following information:                     bution-cvec-0

            Banking details

            Owner: Agent Comptable – Université Paris-Saclay
            Orsay 91405 FRANCE

            Bank: Trésor Public - 91000 Evry FRANCE

            IBAN: FR76 1007 1910 0000 0010 0294 065
            BIC: TRPUFRP1

     Paris-Saclay University is located in the south of the Paris region.

     With of 48,000 students, 9,000 professors and lecturers, and 11,000 technical
     and administrative staff, Université Paris-Saclay is a driving force for the deve-
     lopment of its territory and one of the best institutions in France.

     The university maintains a close relationship with leading research organiza-
     tions such as CNRS, INSERM, INRIA, INRA and CEA, as well as the French
     “Grandes Ecoles” such as Ecole Polytechnique, Supélec and HEC.

     Find us on the map : https://bit.ly/2UDONJJ
ENROLMENT AT THE                          Once you are registered, you’re
                                          student ID card will be issued. This
UNIVERSITY                                card will be required for your exams
                                          and to borrow books in the library.
Enrolment will be done at your arri-      But it is also a payment method! You
val at the university.                    can use it in the cafeterias, snack
                                          and soft drink machines, or printers.
Documents needed (prepare co-             You can pay with your student card
pies!):                                   at all the cafeterias and restaurants
• Identity card or Passport (EU) /        located on the Campus. You can
Passport and visa (non EU)                load credit on your card online via
• 2 passport photographs                  www.izly.fr
• Acceptance letter
• Certified translation to French         French social security
or English of your birth certificate
(+copy of the original document)          Registration to social security is free
• Certified translation to French or      and mandatory for all students in
English of your Bachelor/Master di-       France, whether French or interna-
ploma (+ certified copy of the original   tional.
document)                                 As soon as possible after your aca-
• Insurance certificate (Expact&Co)       demic registration, go to                 13
• Tuition fees payment receipt (for       https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr
self-financed students only)              (available in French, English and

     How to get an accommodation in a student hall of residence?

     The housing application procedure is managed by the CROUS (a state-body
     managing student residences).

     What’s the procedure?

     1. The SERP+ office asks you to choose between different accommodation
     options and informs the CROUS.

     2. The CROUS contacts you by email and sends you a “Housing proposal”
     (“proposition d’accueil”).

     • You log in to www.etudiant.gouv.fr (tab “Inscription”)
14   • Click on the tab “Vous Logez” and “CitéU”
     • Accept the offer
     • Pay by credit card the booking deposit

     Upon reception of your housing proposal, you will only have six days to com-
     plete the registration and pay the booking deposit. After this deadline,
     your booking will not be guaranteed.

     If you decide to reject the offer, you will have to find your own alternative

     4. The CROUS confirms your payment and sends your accommodation num-
     ber and housing certificate by email.
Accommodation offer                    Résidence Les jardins de Fleming

Please note that sheets and blan-      Description: 14 - 18m² - Own kit-
kets as well as plates and cutlery     chen and bathroom
are not provided.                      Price: 325 – 416 €
                                       Deposit (to be refunded at the end of
Résidence de l’Ile                     your stay): 300€

                                       21 rue André Maginot
                                       91400 Orsay
                                       Telephone: +33 1 69 18 97 77
                                       E-mail: residence.fleming@crous-

                                       From Monday to Friday, 8:30 – 12:00
                                       and 13:00 – 16h30
Description: 18m² - Own kitchen
and bathroom                           http://www.crous-versailles.fr/loge-
Price: 360€                            ment/residence-les-jardins-de-fle-      15
Deposit (to be refunded at the end     ming/
of your stay): 250€

14 rue du Docteur Collé - building
91440 Bures-sur-Yvette
Phone : +33 1 69 15 77 02


From Monday to Friday, from 7:30 to
20:00 in building 233.
Résidence Jean Zay                      • Admission notice and payment
                                             • Copy of passport and visa for non-
                                             EU students
                                             • 3 ID pictures (with your name on
                                             the back)
                                             • “Civil liability” certificate: Expact&Co
                                             • “Student rent guarantee”: will be
                                             given by the SERP office
                                             • “Comprehensive household” insu-
                                             rance (within 2 weeks after your
                                             arrival). Option proposed: online in-
     Description: Individual studio - Pri-   surance (26,70€/year): https://www.
     vate kitchen and bathroom               assurances-etudiants.com/en/5349-
     Price: from 316 € to 537 €              student-accommodation-insurance-
     Deposit (to be refunded at the end of   prices-warranties.html
     your stay): 220€                        • Enrolment certificate (within 2
16                                           weeks after your arrival)
     The residence is located close to the   • Bank account details (within 2
     train station «La croix de Berny», on   weeks after your arrival)
     the RER B between Paris and Orsay
                                             You will also have to print and fill
     Contact                                 in the following documents:
     55 avenue du Général de Gaulle          • The internal regulations: http://
     92763 Antony                            www.crous-versailles.fr/wp-content/
     Phone: +33 1 86 67 10 00                uploads/sites/17/2014/05/RSigle-
     Reception                               • The information form: http://www.
     From Monday to Friday, 8:00 – 12:00     crous-versailles.fr/wp-content/
     and 13:00 – 16:30                       uploads/sites/17/2014/05/Fiche-de-
     July and August: until 16:00            renseignements.pdf
     http://www.crous-versailles.fr/loge-    • The charter for appropriate use of
     ment/residence-jean-zay/                IT and networks: http://www.crous-
     You will be asked to provide the        pdf
     following documents:
On the day of arrival, you should               If you arrive outside the opening hours
                                                of the residence : be sure to book a
be able to pay for the annual depo-
                                                place where to stay for one night !
sit and the rent of September. The              This will not paid by the master. The taxi
deposit you paid online will be                 service will be proposed for the way from
deducted from the total amount.                 the airport/train station to your hotel, but
                                                a second taxi service from your hotel to
                                                the residence will not be provided by the
Housing benefit (APL)                           master.
This benefit is designed to help the
students bearing the housing costs.             In addition, no taxi service will be
The amount you receive depends on               organized in the following situations:
your rent.                                      - Students arriving at Beauvais airport (it
                                                takes approx. 4h to reach the campus in
                                                Orsay from this airport)
                                                - Students travelling by bus
The SERP+ office will help you to               The taxi service will only be organized
                                                for the first semester, in order to help
prepare the online application.                 you with your first mobility experience.        17
Document needed: birth certificate
in French (English translation not              PAYMENT CARD
accepted).                                      You must have an international pay-
                                                ment card at your arrival (to pay for the
 ARRIVAL                                        first rent at your arrival for example). Cash
 A pick-up service will be organized            money is not always accepted.
 for newcomers. A taxi company will wait        You will open a French bank account at
 for you at the airport, at the arrival area,   your arrival but you will only receive your
 holding a sign with your name.                 new card after approximately 2 weeks.
                                                Do not bring too much cash money
 In case of delayed flight, they will do        with you. In fact, it is not possible to put
 their best to wait for you. However, if we     cash money on a French bank account
 have no information on your flight and if      without being able to justify the source of
 we cannot contact with you, they will not      this money. This is forbidden by law and
 be able to wait for several hours. So be       banks cannot accept it.
 sure to check how to go to the residence
 by yourself in case of any problem (see
 transport section). All residences can be
 reached with the suburb train “RER B”          We recommend you to have a phone that
 (direct train from Orly and Charles-de-        can be used in Europe at your arrival (at
 Gaulle Airports).                              least with internet).
BANK ACCOUNT                               CAMPUS LIFE
     Documents required to open an              Food at Paris-Saclay
     • Passport/visa                            • Resto U «Les Cèdres», Building
     • Accommodation certificate (to be         406, Monday-Friday, from 11:30 to
     asked at the reception of the resi-        13:30 and 18:30 to 20:30. Saturday
     dence)                                     from 11:45 to 13:15. (Menu 3.25 €,
     • University registration certificate/     Pizza 3.9 €)
     acceptance letter                          • Cafeteria «Le Tropical», Buil-
                                                ding 406, Monday to Friday, 7:30 to
     Note: Be aware that it can take
     several days for the account to be         • Resto U «Les Marais de Bures»,
     active. Therefore, you need cash           Building 230, Monday to Friday to
     money (Euros) or an international          13:30.
     credit card when you arrive in order       • «Café des Sports», Building 230,
     to pay for food, public transport, rent,   Monday to Friday
18   deposit, etc.                              • «L’Amphi», Building 332, Monday
                                                to Friday from 7:30 to 16:30.
     You will receive your credit card 1-2
     weeks after opening the account.           • Cafeteria «L’Expresceaux», Buil-
     This card can be used in Poland,           ding 237, Monday to Friday 8:00 à
     Portugal or Italy. Each type of credit     15:00.
     card has a specified monthly spen-         • «Food truck», in front of the buil-
     ding limit (ATM cash withdrawals/          ding 336, from 11:00 to 14:00.
     payments in shops). In consulta-
     tion with the contact person at your
     bank branch, you can provisionally         Library
     increase this limit to your situation.
                                                Building 407.
     Beneficiaries of the Erasmus+:
     Erasmus Mundus scholarship                 Monday to Thursday – from 8:30 to
     should send a copy of their bank           20:00.
     account details to the manager             Friday from 8.30 to 19:00
     of the master as soon as they
                                                Saturday from 10:00 to 17:00
     receive it. European students
     can receive the scholarship on             www.bibliotheques.u-psud.fr
     the bank account of their home
Most of the collection is kept in store   Once you’ve got your account, you
(reserves) and can be found on            can access student email and the
simple request. It allows you to bor-     university WiFi - Eduspot or Edu-
row 5 scientific literature documents     roam.
(including thesis) for 21 days (3
weeks), 5 books of general culture,
history of science, languages.            Eduroam is an international roaming
                                          service that can be used in almost all
                                          education and research institutions
University account activitation –         in Europe. With your codes from
Wifi                                      Paris-Sud university, you will be able
                                          to connect to the wifi in the other uni-
                                          versities in Poland, Italy or Portugal.
In order to activate your university
• Go to: https://adonis.u-psud.fr/acti-   Sports
• Enter you student number, date of       More than 50 different sport activities
birth and personal email                  are offered to the students.
• Fill in the fields Login and Password   Up to 3 sports for 25€ per year.           19
(can be find on your registration cer-    Registration online: https://sports.
tificate)                                 universite-paris-saclay.fr/
                                          You will have to provide a medical
Afterwards, you must change the           certificate.
default password.
• Go to the URL: https://adonis.u-         National Holidays
psud.fr                                    New Year’s Day: 1st January
• Fill in the fields Login and Password    Easter Monday: in March or April
(the default which been assigned to        Labour Day: 1st May
the user during the activation of the      Victory in Europe Day: 8th May
                                           Ascension Day: on a Thursday in April
• Click on the icon Connect                or May
• Click on the line “password” on the      Bastille Day - National Day: 14th July
left of your screen                        Assumption day: 15th August
• Enter the requested information          All Saints’ Day: 1st November
and validate the modification              Armistice Day: 11th November
                                           Christmas Day: 25th December
Banks                                   How to reach the University?
                                             Take the RER line B, direction
     The BNP Paribas bank is present on      “Saint-Remy Les Chevreuses”.
     the Campus on Wednesday, Thurs-         For the SERP+ office, stop at
     day and Friday, from 12:30 to 14:30.    “Orsay-Ville” station or “Bures-sur-
     Building 333, ground floor.             Yvette” station

     Banks usually work from Tuesday to      If you intend to frequently use the
     Saturday.                               RER or Metro, buy a monthly pass
                                             (Imagine R card). It costs 37€/
                                             month. You can get the documents
                                             for the subscription at the Orsay-Ville
     DAILY LIFE                              station.

                                             More information:
     The Campus of Orsay (Faculty of
     Sciences) is situated in the south      E-map, plan your journey, fares, ect.:
     of the Paris region. You can reach      www.ratp.fr/en/
20   the Campus of Orsay with the RER
     line B (suburbs railway). This line
     runs through the centre of Paris with
     se¬veral stops in Paris centre sFrom
     all the stops in Paris, you have
     access to the Metro of Paris which
     takes you all over the city.
Groceries/Shopping                      Which company? Advices from for-
The residences do not come with         mer students:
kitchenware.                            Usually Bouygues, Free, and Sosh
Carrefour is a one-stop shop to get     have very good offers
all pots, pans, dishes and food. To     A useful site for students to compare
get to Carrefour from Orsay-Ville       the best plans: https://lebonforfait.fr/
station, take bus 3 to Les Ulis. From   comparateur.html
Bures-sur-Yvette station take bus 4
to Les Ulis. (Last stop of the both

For everyday grocery shopping, if
living closer to Bures-sur-Yvette,
Simply Market has a wide array of
foods, toiletries and miscellaneous
stationery items at an affordable         Emergency numbers:
price. The supermarket Franprix is
located in the city centre of Orsay.      It can be used for any life-threatening
Post office                               From fixed phones:
                                          Fire and rescue: 18
                                          Ambulance: 15
A post office is situated in the city     Police: 17
centre of Orsay and Bures-sur-
                                          112 is also a common emergency number
Yvette. They are marked with the          in all member states of the European
symbol of the national postal ser-        Union that can be used from mobile
vices “La Poste”. Stamps can also         phones.
be bought in Tabaco shops.

More information: www.laposte.fr

Cell phones
Where to buy a SIM card?
You can buy a prepaid SIM card in
supermarkets like Carrefour. Once
you have a bank account, you can
buy a SIM card online with a better
data plan.

     Genoa is located in the north west of Italy, in the region called Ligu-
     The University of Genova is organized in 5 Schools (Mathematics -
     Physical and Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences and Pharmacy, Social
     Sciences, Humanistic Sciences, and Polytechnic).

     SERP+ classes will take place in the Department of Physics, via
     Dodecaneso 33

     Key numbers:
     40.000 students
     2500 foreign students
     14 Doctoral Schools
Students who communicate their            • Bachelor or Master Diploma (origi-
arrival time at least four days before    nal or certified photocopy), authenti-
can be welcomed to Genoa and pic-         cated by the competent Italian Diplo-
ked up by fellow Erasmus students         matic or Consular Representation.
who already live and study in town.
These last will meet the newly ar-        • Official translation in Italian lan-
rived either at the airport or train or   guage of the above mentioned
bus station, and help them to reach       academic title (provided by the com-
their accommodation.                      petent Italian Diplomatic or Consular
                                          representation, or by an official
                                          translator and confirmed by the Re-
ENROLMENT AT THE                          presentation itself, or validated by an
                                          Italian Court).
                                          • Certificate (original) with the de-
Enrolment will be done upon arrival
                                          tailed courses and examinations
in Genoa, at the central offices in Via
                                          taken to obtain the bachelor degree
Benza 1 .
                                          (the authentication is not required
                                          nor the translation if the documenta-
Documents needed (prepare co-                                                       25
                                          tion is provided in English, French,
                                          Spanish or German).
• Identity card or Passport (EU) /
                                          • SEM3: tuition fees payment receipt
Passport and visa (non EU)
                                          (for self-financed students only)
• 2 passport photographs
                                          Once you have enrolled, you’ll be
                                          given the student ID card and the
• Acceptance letter
                                          UniGepass Key
• Insurance certificate – Expact&Co

 After enrolling at the University of Genoa, students will have to
 contact the Sass office to get information about the following neces-
 sary documents:
 • Codice Fiscale (Italian Tax code): the Sass has all the forms that
 you need to apply for a fiscal code and will help you to fill-in the
 application forms,
 • registration statement from the Registry office (for European
 students only),
 • residence permit (for non-European students only).
Accommodation                            canteen in the same building, and
     University dorms – choice                the possibility of buying the second
                                              meal at 2€.
     of preference for the SEM2               If this option is not chosen the
     students                                 canteen tickets cost around 6,00 €.
                                              The monthly rent has to be paid
     Students can be accommodated at          by the 15th of each month. Broken
     the Casa dello Studente, situated        months will be paid on a per diem
     at foot distance from the Department     basis.
     of Physics. An application by Ja-
     nuary 10th is needed and a deposit       Deposit: 500€/400€ must be paid
     must be paid (see below).                upon application and will be reimbur-
                                              sed at the end of the stay.
     Corso Aldo Gastaldi, 25                  Further information can be found
     16131 Genoa                              at www.arssu.liguria.it

     Description: single/double rooms         Opening hours:
     with private bathroom. Sheets and        The porter’s lodge of the dorm
     blankets are provided, with free         closes around 10 pm, but on the day
26   laundry, ironing and sheet replace-      of your arrival, you have to check in
     ment (provided by the residences)        by 14:00 in order to register.
     for all its guests. All residences are
     endowed with launderettes.               For the check-in, you will be as-
     The monthly rent includes also the       ked to provide the following docu-
     energy, heating, water and mainte-       ments (prepare copies):
     nance fees.                              • Passport /Identity document
     A cleaning company provides for          • Codice Fiscale (Italian Tax Code)
     the daily cleaning of every common       • University card / presentation
     space.                                   issued by the enrolment offices
     There is a LAN internet connection,      • Residence Permit/ Application
     study rooms, and a photocopy ma-
     chine.                                   Upon your arrival, you must be able
     There are no common kitchens             to pay the rent of the first month.
     available and no oven is permitted,
     but cold meals can be eaten in the       If you decide to refuse the offer,
     rooms. The canteen is inside the         you will have to find your own
     same building.                           alternative accommodation. It is
                                              possible to find rooms in shared flat.
     Price (2017): 250€/200€ per month,       Market prices are between 150,00€
     which become 350€/300€ with one          and 250,00€, all expenses excluded.
     meal per day (lunch or dinner) at the
BANK ACCOUNT                           office (in via San Vincenzo 4) to
                                       activate the discount in the uni-
The currency used in Italy is the      versity canteens with your ID
Euro.                                  student card.

Beneficiaries of the Erasmus           Library
Mundus scholarship will receive        The library is located on the 5th floor
their scholarship on their French      of the Physics Department
bank account opened during the
first semester.                        Opening hours:
                                       • 8.00-13.00 ; 14.00-17.00 Monday
You can open an account with an Ita-   to Thursday
lian bank, the closest at hand being   • 8.00-13.30 Friday
UniCredit Bank (see below).
                                       Another library is located on the 5th
Documents required to open an          floor of the Chemistry Department
account:                               Opening hours:
• Passport /Identity document          • 9.00-18:00 Monday to Friday
• Codice Fiscale (Italian Tax Code)
• University card / presentation is-
                                       University account activitation           27
sued by the enrolment offices
• Residence Permit/ Application
                                       Upon enrolling at the University of
                                       Genoa you will receive the UniGe-
CAMPUS LIFE                            Pass Uni, username and password.
                                       The UniGePass allows you to acti-
Food                                   vate your university e-mail address.

Servizio di Ristorazione – Casa        In order to activate your university
dello Studente - Corso Gastaldi, 25.   account:
Puggia – Viale Gambaro 54 (near        • Go to: webmail.studenti.unige.it/
the Physics Department)                servizio/

Opening hours: Monday to Friday,       All the students enrolled at the Uni-
from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 19:00     versity of Genoa can have access to
to 20:30.                              the internet with their laptops. The
Open on Saturday and during holi-      accesses are easy to found thanks
days. Closed on Sunday                 to the GenuaWifi logo displayed on
                                       the walls.
After enrolment at the university,
you should go to the A.R.S.E.L.
To access the wifi network, you           trains can be taken only once with
     should:                                   one ticket.
     • go to the university webpage: ge-
     nuawifi.unige.it                          You can also choose a weekly,
     • make a request to access the            monthly or annual card.
     GenuaWifi network typing your user-
     name and password UniGePass               The Departement of Physics can be
                                               reach with buses 16, 17, 43, 44, 45,
     You will be also given access to the      85, 86, 87 and bus 18 (stops very
     Eduroam wifi.                             close to it).

     Sports                                    For more information:
     The university sport centre (C.U.S.)      www.amt.genova.it
     organizes many sport activities,
     and has also several agreements           You can also travel around Genoa by
     with museums, movie theaters, and         bike with the Bike Sharing Mobike:
     stores. You can find the whole list on:   www.bicincitta.com

     The CUS card can be requested by
28   all the students, its cost depending
     on the sport activity and facility cho-    National Holidays
                                                New Year’s Day: 1st January
     Documents required for registration:
     • enrolment certificate/student card       Epiphany: 6th January
     • medical certificate (it can be issued    Easter Monday: Monday after Easter
     at the C.U.S. medical centre)              Liberation Day: 25th April
                                                International Workers’ Day: 1st May
                                                Republic Day: 2nd June
     Via Monte Zovetto, 21
                                                Patron saint of Genoa (Saint John) 24th
     Opening hours: Monday to Friday:           June
     9.00-12.30 and 14.30-17.30                 Ferragosto/Assumption Day: 15th Au-
     Saturday: 9.30-12.30)                      gust
                                                All Saints’ Day: 1st November

     DAILY LIFE                                 Immaculate Conception: 8th December
                                                Christmas Day: 25th December
     Transports                                 St. Stephen’s Day: 26th December
     The cost for one ticket is 1.50€ and
     allows you to use buses and lifts for
     100 minutes, whereas metro and
Emergency numbers:
Bank                                  It can be used for any life-threatening
The nearest to the Physics Depar-     situation.
tement is a branch of the UniCredit
                                      From fixed phones:
                                      Fire and rescue: 115
                                      Ambulance: 118
Address: Corso Gastaldi 143/R         Police: 113
Working hours: Monday to Friday
8:20-13:20 and 14:30-16 :00-          112 is also a common emergency number
Saturday and Sunday closed            in all member states of the European
                                      Union that can be used from mobile
Post office
Many post offices are spread around
the city and are marked with the      Cell phones:
symbol of the national postal ser-    Where to buy a SIM card? Throu-
vices “Poste Italiane”. The closest   ghout Genoa, a lot of stores sell
post offices from the department of   SIMs of the major Italian carriers
Physics are located:                  (TIM, 3, Vodafone).
• Via Lagustena 78R
• Via Pisa 2


     Adam Mickiewicz University is located in the west-central Poland along
     the Warta river.

     Most of the campus branches are located in the brand new Morasko
     Campus. It has 15 faculties dedicated to sciences and humanities, and 3
     research centres.

     Key numbers:
     49000 students
     1500 foreign students
ENROLMENT AT THE                         BANK ACCOUNT
UNIVERSITY                               The currency used in Poland is the
Enrolment will be done at your arrival
at the university.                       Beneficiaries of the Erasmus Mundus
                                         scholarship will receive their scholar-
Documents needed (prepare co-            ship on their French bank account
pies!):                                  opened during the first semester.

• Declaration of acceptance         in   Two banks actually have the fa-
SERP+ (acceptance letter)                vour of international students in
                                         Poznań: DEUSTCH BANK and WBK
• BA diploma (legalized or with apos-    BANK (English spoken). For students
tille) (this can be done in Poznan       having BNP Paribas French account,
when you arrive)                         there is no comission at DEUSTCH
                                         Bank ATM machines if you use the
• Translation of the BA diploma into     unknown conversion rate which is
Polish, made by a certified translator   always the option you should choose.
(this can be done in Poznan when         This is by far the best way to with-
you arrive)
                                         draw money in PLN.

• Photocopy of passport                  Bank Polski offers also very good
                                         services with excellent conversion
• Valid visa or residence card           rates and almost all representatives
                                         can speak English.
• Insurance certificate (Expact and

• 1 colour photograph 35 x 45 mm;            1 Euro = 4.3 Złoty (zł)
the photograph must meet the requi-
rements applicable in the case of
Polish ID cards.

• SEM3: tuition fees payment receipt
(for self-financed students only)

Once you have registered, your
student ID card will be issued.
                                                 More information:         http://dsjowita.
     Accommodation offer                         home.amu.edu.pl/

     Students are accommodated at the            At your arrival, you should be able to
     Jowita residence. From this location,       pay for the first rent and the deposit.
     the city centre is located 15 minutes
     away by foot and the Campus can be          If you decide to refuse the offer, you
     reach by tram in 20 minutes.                will have to find your own alternative
     Dom Studencki Jowita,                       Private housing
     ul. Zwierzyniencka 7                        Remember to follow the following ad-
     60-81 POZNAN                                vices in order to smooth the process:
                                                 • Look for someone fluent in Polish to
     Description: single rooms and 2-bed         help you.
     rooms. In the residence, you will find      • Start your search before the start of
     a wide range of services like internet      the semester
     access, laundry (washing machines           • Be sure of the renting conditions
     have to be booked in advance from           (contract, bills…)
32                                               • Ever consider the transportation
     the reception), fitness room, restaurant
     (mainly for lunch). Bathrooms are sha-      network in order to avoid several mi-
     red even for single rooms.                  nutes in the bus over winter.
     There is one shared kitchen in each         • A modest room in a cosy
     floor (but you have to buy your own coo-    flat cost around 800 zł / month (bills
     king utensils).                             included)

     Price:                                      CAMPUS LIFE
     • monthly fee for in room 2-person - 415
     zł / deposit 415 zł                         Food
     • monthly fee in the room 2-bed after
     modernization - 495 zł / deposit 495 zł     Chemistry cafeteria
     • monthly fee in the room 2-bed after       This is the closest place to eat.
     modernization (with kitchenette) - 515 zł   Address: ul. Umultowska 89B
     / deposit 515 zł
     • monthly fee for a place in Room 1-per-    Biology cafeteria
     son - 525 zł / deposit 525 zł               University cafeteria (~5minutes away
     • monthly fee in the room 1-bed after       from Chemicum).
     modernization - 595 zł / deposit 595 zł     Address: ul. Umultowska 89
     The fee for stay guest in the night hours
     (per night) - 10 zł
Library                                   In order to move faster in the city
                                          and to be punctual, you could use a
There are branch libraries at all         very handy online application called
faculties, where you may find re-         Jakdojade, https://jakdojade.pl/poz-
sources relevant to your studies.         nan/trasa/

Faculty of Chemistry          Library     Moreover, the city is very bicycle
(CAUAM):                                  friendly. Although, it is not the best
ul.Umultowskiej 89b                       means to go to the university, you
Collegium Chemicum                        can get around the city easily using
                                          a bicycle. Very cheap used bicycles
For more information, visit the library   can be bought from street markets
website: http://lib.amu.edu.pl            on Sundays.

University account activitation –         Chemistry department.
Wifi                                      Stops:
                                          • OS. Sobieskiego: TRAM: 8, 12, 14,
You can sign up for your university       15, 16, N21 (Night tram), BUS: 74,
account on USOS web which is the          91, 98, 248 (Night bus)
AMU online portal:                        • Sobieskiego Dworzec: BUS: 51,
https://usosweb.amu.edu.pl                74, 85, 88, 90, 91, 93, 98, 235 (Night   33
                                          bus), 248 (Night bus)
The website is available in both Po-
lish and English languages.               Polish course (Collegium maius)
                                          Address: ul. Fredry 10
                                          • Fredry - Tram: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12,
DAILY LIFE                                14, 16, 17 ,
                                          • Zamek - Bus: 51, 63, 68, 69, 71,
Transport                                 237 (Night bus)

Several buses and trams head
directly to Morasko Campus. Howe-
ver, Tram is the most convenient
means of transportation as it stops
just 100 meters away from the cam-
pus entrance.
It is possible to buy a monthly pass.

More information: http://www.ztm.
Post office

     Many post offices are spread around
     the city. The biggest post office is
     located:                                   National holidays
     Urząd Pocztowy Poznań
     Tadeusza Kościuszki 77                     New years’ day: January 1st
                                                Easter: April 8th
                                                Labour Day: May 1st
     Office hours:                              Constitution Day: May 3rd
     Week 7:00AM to 8:00PM                      Corpus Christi: 9th thursday after Easter
     Saturday 8:00AM to 3:00PM                  All saints’ day: November 1st
                                                National November 11th Independence
     More information: http://www.pocz-         day
                                                Christmas eve and Christmas: Dec 25th
                                                / 26th.

                                                Cell phones:
34                                              Where to buy a SIM card? Official
                                                stores of phone service operators

                                                Operators recommended by former
      Emergency numbers:                        students:
                                                • Play
      It can be used for any life-threatening
      situation.                                • T-Mobile
                                                • Virgin Mobile
      From fixed phones:                        • Heyah
      Fire and rescue: 998
      Ambulance: 999
      Police: 997

      112 is also a common emergency
      number in all member states of the
      European Union that can be used
      from mobile phones.


     The University of Porto is currently the largest education and research
     institution in Portugal with 14 faculties (and other schools and centres)
     distributed in three campuses.

     The Faculty of Science (FCUP) is localized in the Campus
     3 in Campo Alegre. SERP+ students will have most of their classes
     in the Chemistry and Biochemistry department.

     Key numbers:
     32 500 students
     3600 foreign students
     84 Doctoral degree programmes
ENROLMENT AT THE                          Students are accommodated at the
                                          SPRU residence.
                                          Description: 15m² - Each room
Documents needed:                         has its own microwave, cooking
• Declaration of acceptance in            area, bathroom, heater, and cooking
SERP+ (acceptance letter)                 equipment. Cooking equipment is
• Passport                                provided. In addition, you will be pro-
• SEM3: tuition fees payment receipt      vided a thick blanket and two pillows.
(for self-financed students only)
                                          Other services: Internet, a cleaning
These documents will directly be          service on a weekly basis…
given by the SERP+ office to the
University of Porto.                      Price: 330 €

At your arrival, you’re student ID        Universitary Residence World
card will be ready. This card allows      SPRU Porto Campanhã
access to an extensive range of ser-      Rua do Monte da Estação - Porta B
vices. It incorporates contact and        - 4300-342 Porto
non-contact technologies that fulfil a    Tel.: + 351 225 198 700 - Fax: +351
variety of functions and give access      225 104 504                               37
to many services on campus (copy          E-mail: porto@spru.pt
machines, library loans, admission
control, etc.).                           More information: http://www.spru.
You can load credit on it in the ma-      pt/residence.cfm?langID=EN
chines at the faculty.
                                          If you decide to refuse the offer,
                                          you will have to find your own
ACCOMMODATION                             alternative accommodation.
                                          Other options: http://studathome.
Accommodation offer                       com/archives/property/

The housing application procedure
is managed by the International
Students Office of the Faculty. You
will be contacted by email prior to the
beginning of the semester and will
be asked to apply online. A pre-pay-
ment will be asked in order secure
your booking.
                                              University account activitation –
     Food                                     Wifi

     Students can eat in SASUP restau-        After registration at the University of
     rants (Social Action Services of Uni-    Porto you will receive a username
     versity of Porto).                       and a password. This will allow you
                                              to activate your university e-mail ad-
     The price for a student meal at a        dress and to access the wifi network.
     canteen is between 2.50 € and 4€.
                                              You can also have access to Edu-
     Where to eat?                            roam wifi, with your French account.

     • “Cantina de Ciências” from 12:00       Sports
     to 14:00
     • “Cantina de Letras” from 12:00 to      The U.Porto Sports Centre (CDUP-
     14.00 and from 18:30 to 20:30            UP) organizes many activities. You
     • “Snack-bar de Ciências” from           can find the whole list on: www.cdup.
     08:00 to 17:00                           up.pt/
     • “Pão com Manteiga” Restaurant,
38                                            For more information on pro-
     just next to the faculty has a daily
     menu for 3.75 € from 12:00               grammes, prices, opening hours etc.
                                              you should go to one of CDUP’s ser-
     Library                                  vice points.

     The library of the Faculty of Science    U.Porto Sports Centre
     is located next to the mathematics       Rua da Boa Hora, 20, (Main office)
     department.                              4050-099 Porto, Portugal
     If you need to do a group work you       Phone: (+351) 22 207 4164
     can use the expositions classroom        E-mail: geral@cdup.up.pt / reser-
     (sala de exposições) in the ground       vas@cdup.up.pt (for booking ve-
     floor of the Chemistry and Bioche-       nues)
     mistry department.
     If you need to study until late, you    Emergency numbers:
     can use the computer science de-
     partment (departamento de ciência       It can be used for any life-threatening
                                             situation (ambulance, fire, and police).
     dos computadores) which is open all
     night long even on weekends.
                                             112 is also a common emergency number
                                             in all member states of the European
                                             Union that can be used from mobile
Medical services

A wide range of medical and psy-      All appointments must be boo-
chological support services are       ked in advance. Students should
provided by the Office for Medical    contact the U.Porto International
and Psychological Support: https://   Office.
                                      Gabinete de Apoio Médico e Psi-
Through this service, the students    cológico (Office for Medical and
can have free medical appointments    Psychological Support)
including in General Practice, Ob/    Rua dos Bragas, 151 - 2nd floor
Gyn, Psychiatry, Psychology, and      4050-123 Porto
other specialities. The Faculty of    Phone: (+351) 22 207 4160
Dental Medicine (FMDUP) also          E-mail: apoiomedico@sas.up.pt
provides affordable Dental appoint-   Opening hours: 9 am - 12.30 pm and
ments.                                2 pm - 5.30 pm

DAILY LIFE                                Post office

     Transports                                Many post offices are spread around
                                               the city and they are marked with the
     The Metro system of Porto has 6           symbol of the national postal ser-
     lines.                                    vices “CTT Correios”. The closest
                                               post offices from the university are
     Some important stations:                  located:
     • Campanhã: SPRU Residence                • Rua de Vilar 231
     • Casa da Musica: the nearest sta-        • Rua de Dom António Barroso
     tion to the Faculty of Science.
     • Bolhão: the main shopping avenue        More information: www.ctt.pt
     of Porto, Rua Santa Catarina.
     • Estadiodo Dragão: the nearest mall      Cell phone:
     from the residence (Dolce Vita).
                                               The Erasmus office usually provides
     Moreover, you can use CP trains and       SIM cards from the NOS company
     STCP buses.                               for students at their arrival.

     From the University, you can take         Advices of former students:
40                                             You can check at the NOS shop
     the bus 200 or 207 (common tou-
     ristic lines) until S. Bento CP station   (close to Casa da Musica) They
     and then catch a train to the Porto-      have a student plan that gives you
     Campanhã CP station.                      unlimited data for social apps (face-
                                               book, whatsapp, snapchat…) for a
     You can buy a monthly pass at any         low cost.
     “Loja Andante” (Casa da Musica,           http://erasmus.wtf.pt/
     Aliados, Campanhã...), they will          National Holidays
     ask for a copy of your passport and
     a picture. The cost of the card is        New years’ day: January 1st
                                               Carnival: 47 days before Easter Sunday.
     6€ and the fare is 30€/month (for 2       Good Friday: Friday before Easter Sunday
     zones) and presenting the student         Easter: Sunday, date varies.
     certificate, you get a 25% discount       Freedom Day: 25th April
     (22,75€ /month)                           Labour Day: May 1st
                                               Corpus Christi: 60 days after Easter
     More information:                         Sunday.
                                               Portugal Day: 10th June
     http://en.metrodoporto.pt/                Assumption: 15th August
     www.cp.pt/passageiros/en/                 Republic Day: 5th October
     www.stcp.pt/en/travel/                    All saints’ day: November 1st
     www.linhandante.com/                      Restoration of Independence: 1st
                                               Immaculate Conception: 9th December
                                               Christmas day: 25th December


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