INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools

Page created by Esther Scott
INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools
BOOKLET 2021-22
INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools

We created this brochure to answer common questions
about ACS Egham – everything from “what curriculum
options do you offer?” to “where are you located?”

Of course, no brochure could possibly say everything
about such a vibrant, inclusive school. To find out more,
including how our distinctive approach to education
ensures our students are ready for the rest of their lives,
we encourage you to visit us – either for an individual
tour or as part of one of our regular Open Days.

To arrange your visit, just email our admissions
department at
or call us on +44(0) 1784 430611.

INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools
INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools
ABOUT OUR SCHOOL                                    ADMISSIONS

ACS Egham is a day school for students aged         Application procedure
4 to 18, and the only school in the UK authorised   We operate a rolling admissions process that
to offer all four International Baccalaureate       enables students to join us in any Grade and
(IB) programmes, a renowned and challenging         at any time of the academic year, subject
international curriculum recognised by schools      to acceptance and availability.
and universities globally:
                                                    Our online application process takes a
•   IB Primary Years Programme (IBPYP),             holistic approach, assessing each candidate
    for ages 4 to 11                                individually by reviewing previous school
•   IB Middle Years Programme (IBMYP),              records, references, questionnaire answers
    for ages 11 to 16                               and standardised test scores. This helps us
•   IB Career-related Programme (IBCP),             understand the complete student, giving us a
    for ages 16 to 18                               real insight into who they are today and how
                                                    we can make them ready for tomorrow.
•   IB Diploma Programme (IBDP),
    for ages 16 to 18
                                                    Offer and acceptance of place
                                                    We ask that each application is accompanied
We are also accredited by the New England
                                                    by a non-refundable application fee, paid online.
Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC) to
                                                    If your application is successful we will then
offer a US High School Diploma with Honours.
                                                    contact you with an offer of a place for your child.
We are extremely proud of the fact that 52% of
                                                    To secure the place, we require a non-refundable
our graduating students achieved over 38 points
                                                    enrolment deposit, which we set against the
on the Diploma, putting ACS Egham amongst
                                                    second semester tuition fees. For more details of
the top IB schools and significantly improving
                                                    application fees, deposits and tuition costs, see
their chances of attending the university
                                                    the School Fees section of our website.
of their choice, anywhere in the world.

                                                    Practicalities for international families
                                                    We have many years’ experience helping
                                                    international families with the practicalities of
                                                    moving to a new country. Our Welcome Guide
                                                    provides useful information on settling in the UK.


ACS Schools is a registered charity with the              Calculating the bursary award
mission of advancing education for all. To help           Our financial awards are for up to seven years and
us achieve our philanthropic goals, we offer              range from 10% to 100% of the full tuition fees.
financially-assisted programmes in the form               In exceptional circumstances, these awards can
of bursaries and scholarships.                            also include additional school-related expenditure,
                                                          so students can participate in every aspect of school
Our bursary programme enables us to offer                 life. We calculate the size of each bursary, based on
places to talented students who would benefit             an assessment of parental income and other financial
from our world-class education, but whose family          assets, so we ask for appropriate documentation
circumstances make it difficult to meet our usual fees.   as part of each application. We review bursary
                                                          awards on an annual basis to ensure they reflect
These financial awards range from 10% to                  any changes in parents’ financial circumstances.
100% of our full tuition fees. All bursaries are          Our next in-take of bursary students will be in August
means-tested, with each award dependent                   2022, and we welcome applications from June 2021.
on the student’s individual circumstance.
In line with our values, we look for students with
enquiring minds, an international perspective
and a strong desire to make a difference.

We offer Middle School bursaries for students
aged 11 or 13 (Grades 6 or 8) and High School
bursaries, including the International Baccalaureate
Diploma Programme (IBDP), for students aged
16 (Grade 11). Students applying for the IBDP
bursary should display the ability to benefit from
an academically-rigorous programme.

Our criteria for awarding bursaries
We welcome applications from parents who
believe their child will benefit from our international
curriculum and who will make a real contribution to
life at ACS Egham. We ask only that candidate
pupils are resident in the UK and have the right to
remain. Following an application, we assess the
student information and financial data provided,
and reach a decision in the March prior to the
academic year of entry.


Divisions                                                Grade Placement
ACS Egham is organised into three divisions:             Children come to our school from a wide range
Early Childhood and Lower School for 4 to                of countries and schools. This table shows
11-year-olds, Middle School for those aged               the equivalent class age and curriculum for
11 to 14, and High School for our oldest students        different education systems.
aged 14 to 18. Each division is run by a highly
experienced principal, ably assisted by superb
teaching staff and support specialists.

                                                                                           IB EDUCATION
AGE         US / ACS EGHAM GRADES                                 UK YEARS                 PROGRAMMES

4           Pre-Kindergarten             Early Childhood          Reception                PYP

5           Kindergarten                 Early Childhood          Year 1                   PYP

6           1st Grade                    Lower School             Year 2                   PYP

7           2nd Grade                    Lower School             Year 3                   PYP

8           3rd Grade                    Lower School             Year 4                   PYP

9           4th Grade                    Lower School             Year 5                   PYP

10          5th Grade                    Lower School             Year 6                   PYP

11          6th Grade                    Middle School            Year 7                   MYP

12          7th Grade                    Middle School            Year 8                   MYP

13          8th Grade                    Middle School            Year 9                   MYP
            9th Grade (Freshman)         High School              Year 10                  MYP

15          10th Grade (Sophomore)       High School              Year 11                  MYP

16          11th Grade (Junior)          High School              Lower 6th /              IB Diploma
                                                                  Year 1 College           IBCP

17          12th Grade (Senior)          High School              Upper 6th /              IB Diploma
                                                                  Year 2 College           IBCP


Global perspective                                         Premier academic programmes
All ACS schools offer a unique educational                 The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a
experience for students aged 4 to 18,                      suite of integrated international educational
characterised by a bold international approach.            programmes for students aged 4 to 18.
At the heart of this experience is a commitment to         The IB’s four individual programmes encourage
providing exactly the right support for each student,      both personal and academic achievement,
so they thrive within our culture of high expectations.    challenging students to excel in their studies
As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion,      and in their personal achievements.
we support a wide range of student interests and
abilities, including the language requirements             Developed independently of national standards,
of globally-mobile students and their families.            the IB incorporates best practice drawn from
                                                           research and a global community of more than
Another distinctive feature of ACS culture is              5,000 top-performing schools, encouraging
our attitude to exams. We focus on assessment              students of all ages to think critically, challenge
for learning, rather than simply preparing for             assumptions and adopt a global perspective –
tests. We use high-quality data and feedback               with some students choosing multilingual learning.
regarding each student’s achievement to adjust
our teaching strategies, improve individual                Well-respected national and
performance and celebrate learning.                        international standards
                                                           The curriculum at ACS schools is informed by
The result is a flexible system that works for each        established standards that provide students
student, regardless of ability. At the heart of this is    with clear milestones to guide their academic
our rigorous academic programme, designed to help          development. Our standards are research and
highly-ambitious learners excel in widely-respected        evidence-based, helping prepare students for
international qualifications that support strong           the demands of university, career and civic life.
applications to the world’s top universities – including
the US Ivy League and the Russell Group in the UK.         By identifying and prioritising significant
At the same time, we encourage all our students            content, standards promote deep learning
to pursue individual passions and explore personal         that connects with the individual student’s
interests, with a particular emphasis on sport, the        knowledge and skills. Standards also provide
creative industries, business and enterprise.              a common language for parents, teachers and
                                                           students to discuss education topics, and enable
Put all this together and ACS schools deliver              students to transfer to other schools – national
transformational learning. We help students                or international – with the minimum of disruption.
help themselves, by teaching them how to learn.
We help them to become effective learners,
confident individuals and caring contributors,
ready for success in a changing world.

Blended learning                                        Renowned qualifications
As ACS schools move into an era that demands            The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP)
greater flexibility, the technology-forward,            The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) is an
blended learning-friendly curriculum designs are        academically-challenging programme that
flourishing. These models ‘blend’ where and how         ensures students aged 16 to 18 are ready for
learning happens between online at home and             success at university and beyond. It addresses
in person at school. In a blended model, learning       students’ intellectual, social, emotional and
happens both online (at a distance) and at school       physical wellbeing, and has gained recognition
(in person) together in a unified instructional         and respect from the world’s leading universities.
design. Online activities do not take the place of      IBDP students take responsibility for their
face-to-face instruction; instead, the two ways         own learning, developing critical and creative
of delivering and interacting with the curriculum       thinking as well as collaboration, research,
complement each another. They truly “blend”             self-management and communication skills.
to create an enriched and more personalised
learning experience – often driven by students’         The IBDP’s broad and balanced curriculum
own choices and changing needs.                         requires students to study six subjects during
                                                        their final two years of school – three at higher
Blended learning:                                       and three at standard level. The curriculum
•   Relies heavily on contemporary educational          includes languages, science, history, social
    technologies.                                       sciences, business management, mathematics
•   Roots teaching practices in contemporary            and the arts. IBDP results are based on a
    cognitive psychology (current understandings        combination of end-of-course examinations
    about how people learn).                            and externally-marked course work.
•   Supports on-campus learning, hybrid-flexible
                                                        In the IBDP’s signature Theory of Knowledge
    models of delivery (where students may be
                                                        course, students examine the nature of knowing
    learning in class and remotely at the same time),
                                                        and deepen their understanding of knowledge as
    situations in which groups may need to pivot
                                                        a human construct. IBDP students also complete
    quickly again to learning exclusively at home.
                                                        a major independent research project in the form
•   Is supported by an international network of good    of an Extended Essay, where they conduct
    practice in the Modern Classrooms Project.          in-depth research of one of their IBDP subjects.
•   Focuses on student mastery through
    personalised, self-paced learning structure.        The IBDP also encourages self-directed learning
•   Strengthens students’ academic self-                through its Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS)
    management skills.                                  element. Based on the idea of reciprocal service,
•   Develops students’ digital competencies.            CAS involves students taking part in a range of
                                                        activities alongside their academic studies – helping
•   Helps students develop a sense of responsibility
                                                        promote healthy lifestyles, original thinking and
    for their own learning.
                                                        active participation in local and global communities.

                                                        Importantly, the IBDP helps students gain offers
                                                        from prestigious universities around the world.
                                                        Higher education institutions in more than 90
                                                        countries accept students based on their IBDP
                                                        credentials, while many US public and private
                                                        colleges and universities offer credit or accelerated
                                                        courses of study in the light of strong IBDP results.

                                                        The IBDP is ACS’s most demanding and frequently-
                                                        chosen academic programme. It requires
                                                        commitment, resilience, excellent time management
                                                        and determination. In return, a growing body of
                                                        evidence shows the IBDP is excellent preparation
                                                        for university – ensuring students are ready for
                                                        advanced study, helping them achieve results that
                                                        go beyond anything they thought possible.

IB Career-related Programme                      Advanced academic courses
The IB Career-related Programme (CP) was         ACS High School Diploma
specifically developed for students who          All ACS students who successfully complete
want to engage in career-related learning        the relevant studies receive an accredited High
while gaining transferable skills in applied     School Diploma. As part of this, students choose
knowledge, critical thinking, communication      from an extensive range of traditional and
and cross-cultural engagement.                   contemporary subjects, to create stimulating
                                                 programmes of study that reflect their interests.
CP students undertake a minimum of two IB        Importantly for our American students, the
Diploma Programme (DP) courses: core studies     ACS High School Diploma meets the admission
and a career-related study. Career-related       requirements of US colleges and universities.
study supports the programme’s academic
strength and provides practical, real-world      À la carte DP courses offer advanced academic
approaches to learning. Core studies help        rigour in many subjects. Students can choose
students develop the knowledge, skills and       courses of study that specialise in particular
attitudes required for lifelong learning.        areas of interest and ability, or meet the
                                                 admission requirements of more narrowly-
Today’s careers make great demands on            focused national education systems.
graduates. The CP prepares students to meet
those demands in the form of self-confidence,
accomplished personal and professional skills,
an understanding of global languages and the
ability to make ethical decisions.

The Career-related Programme leads to higher
education, apprenticeships or employment.
CP components and the IBCP certificate
are increasingly valued as university
entrance credentials.

Middle School Programme                              IB MYP Certificate
 Our approach to learning in the middle years        The IB MYP is an internationally-recognised
 emphasises intellectual curiosity, encouraging      celebration of achievement that provides additional
 students to look for connections between what       evidence to support university admissions.
 they learn in school and the world beyond
 the classroom. We develop communication,            Lower School & Early Childhood programme (PYP)
 intercultural understanding and global engagement
                                                     The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) nurtures
– essential knowledge for future global leaders.
                                                     and develops students aged 4–12, creating caring,
As students develop from childhood into
                                                     active individuals committed to a lifelong journey of
 adolescence, our Middle School offers a caring
                                                     learning. The PYP challenges students to think for
 and supportive environment that prepares
                                                     themselves. We encourage them to explore who
 them for High School, establishing good habits
                                                     they are and how they express themselves – to
 of mind that encourage lifelong learning.
                                                     discover where they are in space and time, how the
                                                     world works and how we can all share the planet.
Our Middle School curriculum framework is made up
of eight subject groups, known as the Middle Years
                                                      PYP studies are based on six subject areas:
Programme (MYP). Service in Action is an integral
                                                      language, social studies, mathematics, arts,
part of this. In the final year of the programme,
                                                      science and personal/social/physical education.
students complete in-depth research for a personal
                                                      Students also work and play with specialists
project, through which they apply what they’ve
                                                      to explore language, culture, art, music, and
learned and develop new skills, researching a
                                                      physical education. The whole school community
globally-significant topic of interest.
                                                     – especially parents – are viewed as valued
                                                      partners in learning, actively contributing to
The MYP builds upon the knowledge, skills and
                                                      a well-rounded educational experience.
attitudes developed in the IB Primary Years
Programme (PYP) and prepares students to meet the
academic challenges of the IB Diploma Programme
(DP), the IB Career-related Programme (CP) and
other advanced academic courses of study.

At the end of Grade 10/Year 11, eAssessments
provide opportunities for Egham students to
attain prestigious IB awards and externally-
validated learning outcomes. The MYP certificate
requires students to successfully complete a
two-hour on-screen examination in four subjects.
Students will undertake interdisciplinary learning
and submit ePortfolios – in language acquisition
and either design, arts or physical and health
education. They will also complete an externally-
moderated personal project and meet learning
objectives for service as action (sometimes
known as community service).

THE ARTS                                                 SPORT

Our Lower School stages an annual production             At Team Jaguar, our mission is to provide our
where all students are invited to audition.              students with a programme of high quality values-
Our most recent production was The Lion King.            driven sporting and recreational experiences which
Middle and High School do a number of                    promote active and healthy lifestyles and a lifelong
performances throughout the year, with recent            passion for sport. By providing diverse opportunities
shows including Cinderella, The True Story,              for participation, we aim to create the maximum
The Ethical Prince and a student-led                     opportunity for inspiration. The emphasis for our
interpretation of Alice in Wonderland.                   coaches and teachers is on ‘transformational’ growth
                                                         with a view to the sustainable, lasting and holistic
Grade 6 to 10 students have the opportunity to visit     development of each of our students, involving
London and watch a West End theatre production,          not solely performance but more importantly, their
with diploma students in Grades 11 and 12 also           values and character.
touring theatres and taking part in workshops.
                                                          The school offers a variety of sports teams, providing
The school participates in an annual International        competitive and recreational opportunities for our
Schools Theatre Association (ISTA) trip – sometimes       students. Our three “core sports” are volleyball,
in London, but usually in another European city –         association football and basketball – although other
where students take part in drama competitions.          “enhancement sports” are offered seasonally.
ACS Egham hosted this festival in 2018.
                                                         Sporting Calendar
 Music thrives at ACS Egham. We have a number
 of activities, including Voice in a Million at the      Autumn Volleyball, association football
 O2 Arena, Young Inspirations, Friendship Through               and cross-country
 Music and Young Musician of the Year programmes         Winter     Basketball, dance and
– as well as a number of musical groups, including                  recreational football
 our school band (Wall of Sound), rock band and
                                                         Spring     Track and field, badminton, tennis golf,
 ensembles including African drum, classical guitar
                                                                    touch rugby and ultimate frisbee
 and “plug-in” pop, not to mention the various choirs.
                                                         In order to provide challenge opportunities to
The Visual Arts team at ACS Egham teach
                                                         our competitive sports programme, the school is
students about art through research and inquiry
                                                         affiliated to the following sports leagues which
which along with studio practice, helps inform
                                                         involve seasonal competition and tournaments,
the art they make. In addition to running annual
                                                         locally, nationally and internationally:
art trips to the major London art galleries,
artists are invited into school to teach and
                                                         •   ISSA, ISAA (International)
demonstrate techniques, providing ideas for
new directions within a planned programme.               •   ISA (National)
                                                         •   LSSA (Local London-area)
Art is a lively and open-ended subject that
enables students to balance a sometimes                  Throughout the year, a Strength and Conditioning/
demanding academic workload with a little                Sports Rehabilitation expert is available to develop
more creative freedom. Art is an area in which           individualised support/performance programmes
students can grow, explore, create and learn.            for all of our athletes.
Whether or not the student intends to follow a
career in the arts, art classes facilitate thought,
discussion, reflection and creativity.

To further enrich our programme, we are developing       AFTER-SCHOOL
collaborative partnerships with the providers of other
                                                         CHILDCARE – JAG CLUB
sporting and wellbeing opportunities in areas such
as judo, karate, wheelchair basketball, ‘sportshall
athletics’, acro-dance, yoga and Pilates. Our high       Jag Club is our on-campus childcare for
quality facilities are also in great demand and we       Kindergarten to Grade 6, open Monday to Friday
regularly host high-profile national and international   after school until 6pm in our Lake building. This is
sporting events.                                         a great facility for working parents or anyone else
                                                         who needs after-school childcare.

                                                         The club is run by a highly qualified team who
                                                         provide a variety of wonderful options for students,
                                                         including cooking, science experiments, outside play
Our after-school Native Language Enrichment              and collaborative games. The team organises daily
(NLE) programmes support students learning away          crafts activities – including weaving, crochet, card
from their home languages and cultures. Students         making, macramé, painting and jewellery-making.
attend cultural exchange and language development        Jag Club also holds sessions in our Forest School,
classes in small groups led by teachers (and             located in our wonderful campus woodlands.
sometimes parents) with native language fluency.
Classes are designed to be fun and gently instructive,
inspiring a love for language and a lived experience
                                                         OUTREACH PROGRAMMES
of multilingualism. NLE promotes language
development, cultural identity; it builds community
and promotes international mindedness for today’s        We have a well-established programme of service-
highly mobile global families.                           learning alongside multiple partnerships with local
                                                         schools, charities, universities, and various industries.
                                                         Working regularly with local and international
                                                         partner schools through our service-learning
                                                         programme, our students learn to become caring
                                                         contributors and active citizens in their local and
As with all of our school programmes, our co-            global community. This includes annual expeditions
curricular delivery aims to evolve and reflect the       to different countries. These connections are a
needs and aspirations of our school learning             superb opportunity for ACS Egham students to
community. With our passionate and expert staff,         gain a different cultural perspective, by serving a
state-of-the-art facilities and beautiful, well-         community in a meaningful way. Students regularly
equipped grounds, we offer our students a wide           take part in projects that enhance life skills through
range of co-curricular activities. In Lower School,      collaboration with the community, achieving
these include outdoor games, football, choir, dance,     educational, environmental, and ecological goals. Our
gymnastics, fencing, basketball, judo, art, climbing,    students learn with humility, exploring humanity and
rock band, language and science clubs.                   how it varies worldwide by exploring other cultures.

In Upper School, our programme offers diverse            ACS Egham has a new long-term service-learning
sporting, academic, creative, cultural/language,         initiative, helping students expand their global
service/community and leadership opportunities.          awareness through action. Nepal was selected
These include our Team Jaguar sports programme,          because it meets all our trip criteria regarding
drama productions, NLE Language classes, climbing,       safety, local need, cultural interest and physical
individual music tuition, classical guitar ensemble,     challenges. The idea behind Project Nepal is simple
chess, rock bands, yoga, journalism, STEM, robotics,     but compelling: two communities helping each
Project Nepal, Model United Nations, Duke of             other. Through Project Nepal, the ACS Egham
Edinburgh Awards, bushcraft and Student Council.         school community aims to support Nepalese school
                                                         communities, while providing our students with the
                                                         chance to make a real difference.

CATERING                                            IB learners at ACS Egham strive to be balanced
                                                    and reflective. We understand the importance of
                                                    balancing different aspects of life – intellectual,
ACS Egham’s award-winning catering department       physical and emotional – to achieve wellbeing for
is operated in-house, enabling us to employ and     ourselves and others. We work to understand our
train all our own chefs. We take great pride in     strengths and weaknesses in order to support our
producing delicious, fresh and nutritious food      learning and personal development.
that appeals to our international community.
                                                    An age-appropriate programme of Relationships,
Our menus are always seasonal and follow            Sex and Health Education helps children and young
the School Food Trust’s nutritional guidelines.     people remain happy, health and safe.
We source all our fresh ingredients from
nominated and approved suppliers. Most of
our daily deliveries of vegetables, fruit, dairy
and meat come from local producers, so we           MENTAL HEALTH
can trace each meal from farm to fork.
                                                    As part of our overall commitment to wellbeing and
                                                    mental health, qualified school counsellors support
UNIFORM                                             students facing social-emotional, developmental
                                                    and personal challenges. Counsellors work with
                                                    school support teams, Designated Safeguarding
Our students don’t wear a uniform. We believe       Leads and curriculum experts to offer short-term
in the importance of independent thinking           individual and group assistance and education.
and creativity, and encourage our students
to make good choices for themselves.                In addition, ACS provides up to 6 sessions of
                                                    counselling intervention assessment by British
There is a dress code, which all ACS students       Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
are expected to follow.                             therapists for early identification and referral to
                                                    social services or private practice for longer-term
                                                    mental health support services.

At ACS Egham, we believe that social and
                                                    STUDENT SERVICES
emotional development is just as important as
academic achievement. We focus on the whole         ACS schools welcome students who need services
child, enabling us to support the development of    for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and
effective learners, confident individuals, caring   Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
contributors who are ready for whatever the         Students are challenged and supported in inclusive
future has in store.                                classrooms and specialist teaching environments
                                                    so that they can equitably access the curriculum.
Our Advisory Programme helps students set           Personalised learning accommodations and
goals, monitor academic progress,and take           assessment access requirements empower students
responsibility for their own learning. Students     to progress academically and strengthen their
develop relationships with trusted adults who       capabilities as life-long learners.
monitor their development and signpost the way
to additional support for academic challenges,      English Language Support is available for all
peer relations and crisis intervention.             ages, with proficiency requirements from Grade
                                                    8. For older students, EAL courses are offered.
Our extensive programme of after-school             ACS serves students with mild to moderate
activities supports students in pursuing their      learning needs at all Grade levels, both subject to
existing passions and developing new ones.          admission requirements and available spaces.

We are not able to support students with severe            •   University of the Arts London
behavioural, emotional, or learning difficulties;          •   University College London
or older students with very limited English.
                                                           •   University for the Creative Arts
                                                           •   University of Bristol
                                                           •   University of Durham
UNIVERSITY AND                                             •   University of Exeter
CAREERS COUNSELLING                                        •   University of Oxford
                                                           •   University of Sussex
ACS university and careers counsellors work with           •   University of Warwick
high school students to plan and manage the
application process for post-secondary studies.            United States
Through events (like career fairs), group meetings
                                                           •   Bentley University
and self-service information resources, counsellors
help students in Grades 9–12 develop personalised          •   Byrn Mawr College
plans of study, explore opportunities, and realistically   •   Colorado College
assess challenging university destinations that align      •   Columbia University
with students’ aptitudes and ambitions. Counsellors        •   Dartmouth College
assist students with local and international university
                                                           •   Georgetown University
applications for selective and highly-selective
institutions, and support students as they seek and        •   Harvard University
choose among admission offers. Counsellors support         •   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
students as they research university options, choose       •   New York University
courses, develop personal statements, explore
                                                           •   Northeastern University
careers, navigate the selection process and prepare
for standardised tests-paving the way for a smooth         •   Princeton University
transition to university.                                  •   Rice University
                                                           •   Rhode Island School of Design
                                                           • The University of Texas, Austin
HIGHER DESTINATIONS                                        • Tufts University
AND DEGREES                                                •   University of California - Los Angeles
                                                           •   University of California - Santa Barbara
                                                           •   University of Chicago
Our students attend a wide range of university
destinations including the following:                      •   University of Florida
                                                           •   University of Oregon
United Kingdom                                             •   University of Pennsylvania
•   Bath University                                        • Wake Forest University
•   Bournemouth University                                 • Yale University
• Cambridge University
• Cardiff University                                       Rest of the World
• City and Guilds of London Art School                     •   University of Calgary, Canada
•   Imperial College London                                •   McGill University, Canada
•   King’s College London                                  •   University of Toronto, Canada
•   MetFilm School (London)                                •   EDHEC Business School, France
• Queen Mary University of London                          •   Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
•   Regent’s University London                             •   Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands
• The University of Edinburgh                              •   Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
• The University of Manchester                             •   Bergen University, Norway

•   National University of Singapore                         ACCREDITATION
•   IE University, Spain

                                                             ACS Egham is accredited by the New England
Courses undertaken include:                                  Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and
• Architecture                                               is authorised by the International Baccalaureate
•   Biomedical science                                       to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma
•   Business management                                      Programme. The school holds memberships in
                                                             the European Council of International Schools,
•   Computer Science
                                                             the Council of International Schools and the
•   Drama                                                    Independent Schools Association.
•   English
•   Fine art
•   History
•   History of art
• Journalism
•   Law
•   Mechanical engineering
•   Media and communications
•   Neuroscience
•   Pharmacology


We’re proud to say that ACS Egham students
have a long tradition of achieving excellent exam
scores in the International Baccalaureate.

Many of our graduates go on to attend some of the            ACS Egham received an “Excellent” score across
most prestigious universities in the world, with the         all measures in the latest ISI Inspection.
majority gaining places at their first-choice institution,
including Russell Group and Ivy League colleges.
                                                             Please refer to our website for further details:
Our latest academic results can be found on our
website or requested
from our admissions team.


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Location and transport                              Door-to-Door service
ACS Egham is conveniently located close             All families living within the busing boundary
to London, major motorway networks, rail            area on the map can apply for Door-to-Door
connections and airports. The school is 10          busing. This service is not available for London
minutes from junction 13 of the M25. Heathrow       postal districts, however older students may
Airport is 15 minutes away and Gatwick Airport      take the train to and from Virginia Water,
is 45 minutes by car. When using a Satnav,          where a shuttle bus stops.
please enter the postcode TW20 0HS, which
will take you to the main entrance of the school.   Shuttle service
                                                    In addition to the Door-to-Door service,
                                                    selected buses will also pick up and drop off
                                                    children at designated points in the following
                                                    areas as part of their regular routes:

                                                    • Ascot                           • Twickenham
                                                    •   Brookwood                     • Virginia Water
                                                    •   Chiswick                      • West Byfleet
                                                    •   Hammersmith                   • Weybridge
                                                    •   Hampton Hill                  • Windsor
                                                    •   Richmond                      • Woking
                                                    •   Slough                        • Wokingham

                                                    Approximate one-way journey times*
                                                    • Ascot: 30 minutes               •   Richmond Shuttle:
                                                    •   Bracknell: 45 minutes             35 minutes
                                                    • Camberley: 45 minutes •             Sunningdale:
                                                                                          25 minutes
                                                    • Chiswick: 35 minutes
                                                                                      • Twickenham:
                                                    •   Egham/Englefield
Busing service                                                                          40 minutes
                                                        Green: 15 minutes
From your door to our door. ACS Egham                                                 • Virginia Water:
                                                    •   Hammersmith:
operates an extensive busing service for                                                20 minutes
                                                        45 minutes
families, to transport children safely and
                                                                                      • Walton: 55 minutes
efficiently between home and school.                •   Hampton Hill:
                                                        30 minutes                    • Weybridge: 50 minutes
•   Door-to-Door and Shuttle options                •   Richmond:                     • Windsor: 35 minutes
•   Experienced and safe drivers                        50 minutes                    • Woking: 45 minutes
•   Fees charged to recover costs only              *Subject to change and traffic conditions.

We understand the many challenges facing            For up-to-date busing fees please refer
both local and relocating families, and the         to our website
School Transport Co-ordinator will make every       admissions/fees or email us on
effort to arrange busing for your children from
their first day of school. In order to ensure the
process runs smoothly, we would appreciate          Open mornings and individual visits
your assistance by informing us of your home        You can book a place through our
address as soon as possible.                        website, email our admissions team on
                                                    or call us on +44 (0) 1784 430611
                                                    to arrange an individual tour.

Egham busing area

           Zone boundary

           Zone 1

           Zone 2

           Shuttle Service

           Shuttle Service

London Road (A30),
Egham, Surrey,
TW20 0HS, England

+44 (0)1784 430611

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