Prepared PVSchools 2020-2021 School Year - Paradise Valley ...

Page created by Ryan Ingram
Prepared PVSchools 2020-2021 School Year - Paradise Valley ...
                                 D       Prepared
                                         Prioritizing the Health
                                         of Our Community
                                         2020-2021 School Year

District Administrative Center:
 15002 N. 32nd St., Phoenix, AZ 85032
 602-449-2000 
Prepared PVSchools 2020-2021 School Year - Paradise Valley ...
Message from PVSchools Superintendent
                                                                                           Governing Board
    We have been diligently planning and preparing for reopening for the                   Anne Greenberg
    2020-2021 school year, while ensuring the health, safety, and well-being               Governing Board President
    of our students, staff, and community.                                                 Julie Bacon
                                                                                           Governing Board Member
    Countless individuals have invested their time and expertise to develop a
                                                                                           Nancy Case
    plan which provides educational choices for our families and safe learning
                                                                                           Governing Board Member
    environments. In addition to increased health and safety measures for a
    return to face-to-face instruction, the plan includes contingency scenarios            Susan Matura
    should it be necessary to move instruction online or delay opening.                    Governing Board Member

                                                                                           Sue Skidmore, Ed.D.
    To meet the various needs of our students and families, PVSchools is

                                                                                           Governing Board Member
    offering a full spectrum of learning choices. Options include: full-time,
    in-person learning for PreK-12 (PVTraditional), a hybrid model mixing

    both in-person and online instruction for K-6 (PVFlex), an online model
    with real-time instruction for K-8 (PVConnect), and full, self-paced online
    instruction for K-12 (PVOnline).

                                                                                           Jesse Welsh, Ed.D.

                                                                                           Troy Bales, Ed.D.

    Our decisions guiding our reopening plan have been guided by the latest
    recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Arizona

    Department of Education (ADE), the Maricopa County Department of
    Public Health (MCDPH), state and local governments, and input from
    thousands of PVSchools families, educators, staff, and community
    members. We recognize that circumstances and guidance related to
    COVID-19 may continue to evolve throughout the coming school year,
                                                                                           Assistant Superintendent
                                                                                           Human Resources

                                                                                           Dan Courson, Ph.D.
                                                                                           Assistant Superintendent
                                                                                           Curriculum and Instruction

                                                                                           Laura Felten
                                                                                           Assistant Superintendent
    and we will continue to adapt our plan to respond to those changes.                    Business Operations

    Thank you again for your patience and support as we collectively                       Steven Jeras, Ed.D.
    navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to                             Assistant Superintendent
                                                                                           Leadership - Elementary
    welcoming you back to school.
                                                                                           Andre Long
                                                                                           Assistant Superintendent
                            Sincerely,                                                     Leadership - Secondary

                            Jesse Welsh, Ed.D.

1                                                            PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Prepared PVSchools 2020-2021 School Year - Paradise Valley ...
Choose Your Path Back to School
To meet the various needs of our students and families, PVSchools is offering a full spectrum of learning
choices for the 2020-2021 school year. Each of the models is contingent upon interest and staffing.

 PVTraditional                PVFlex                        PVConnect                      PVOnline
 PreK-12 In-person            K-6 Hybrid of                 K-8 Virtual                    K-12 Virtual
 • Preschool-Grade 12         In-person & Virtual           Real-time Instruction          Self-Paced
 • 5 full days per week       • Kindergarten-Grade 6        • Kindergarten-Grade 8         • Kindergarten–Grade 12
 • Enrolled in PVSchools      • 5 full days per week        • 5 full days per week         • 5 full days per week
 • Preventive safety          • Internet connetion          • Enrolled in PVSchools        • Enrolled in PVOnline
   measures                     required                    • Internet connection          • Internet connection
 • PVSchools teachers         • Blended model that            required                       required
                                provides both in-

 • PVSchools instruction,                                   • Opportunity to transition    • District device provided
                                person and virtual            back to in-person class
   curriculum resources,        learning experiences on                                    • PVSchools teachers
                                                              at start of each grading

   assessment                   alternating days
                                                              quarter                      • Social-emotional support
 • Social-emotional support   • Students will be doing
                                                            • District device provided     • Accommodations

 • Specials and electives       independent learning on                                      and support services
                                alternating home days       • Live real-time instruction     provided
 • Accommodations
                              • Students will attend          at designated times
   and support services                                                                    • Specials and electives

                                alternating 2 or 3 days       during the day
                                per week on a consistent    • PVSchools teachers
 • Recess breaks
                                schedule A/B (Monday/       • PVSchools instruction,

 • Modified extracurricular     Tuesday/Wednesday and         curriculum resources,
   activities and events        Thursday/Friday)              assessment
 • Modified athletic          • Allows for physical         • Social-emotional support
   participation and            distancing by reducing
   schedules                    the number of students      • Accommodations and
                                in the classroom              support services provided
                              • District device provided    • Limited specials available
                              • Students may transition     • May participate in
                                to in-person, PVConnect       modified extracurricular
                                or PVOnline learning if       activities
                                and when available
                              • Opportunity to transition
                                back to in-person class
                                at start of each grading
                              • May participate in
                                modified extracurricular
                              • Social-emotional support

Families will be asked to confirm a learning option by July 13 in order to plan and staff learning choices

2                                                             PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Introduction and Background
In order to develop recommendations regarding reopening of school
                                                                                   SCoRe Membership:
for 2020-2021, the Superintendent’s Committee on Reopening (SCoRe)                 Mitch von Gnechten
was formed through a formal committee call. The group consists of                  Director Student Services -
representatives from stakeholder groups.                                           Secondary - Facilitator
                                                                                   Brandon George
Guiding Principles                                                                 Director of Transportation -
The guiding principles of SCoRe were to ensure:
                                                                                   Lora Herbein
    • The safety and well-being of all students, staff, and community.             Director of Student Services -
    • Meaningful teaching and learning for all students and staff.                 Elementary - COA
    • Fidelity of the continued operations of the District                         Susan Chubrich-Seep
                                                                                   Teacher at Horizon High School
SCoRe was tasked with developing recommendations for parameters                    - PVEA
and guiding principles to implement based on three scenarios:                      Leah Knaeble
    • Schools begin on time and remain open.                                       President of PVEA - PVEA
    • Schools begin on time and need to close due to a second wave of              Melissa Molzhon
      COVID-19 cases.                                                              Principal of North Canyon High
    • School opening is delayed due to increases in COVID-19 cases.

Due to limitations within state statutes and department of education

                                                                     F T           School - PVP
                                                                                   Jerry Withers
                                                                                   Principal of Campo Bello

regulations, hybrid models of instruction were not extensively                     Elementary School - PVP
considered. The recommendations for parameters and guiding                         Michelle Courtright
principles were aligned with the information provided by the Center

                                                                                   President of PVSEA - PVSEA
for Disease Control (CDC), Arizona health experts, and guidance from
the Arizona Department of Education (ADE).                                         Shawn Webster

                                                                                   ESP Shadow Mountain High
SCoRe reviewed a variety of resources in the development of their                  School - PVSEA
recommendations, including, but not limited to:                                    Lori Berman
    • Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) K-12 District Reopening                  Parent - UPC
      Checklist, Hanover Research                                                  Kea Carota
    • Schools Decision Tree, Centers for Disease Control                           Parent - UPC

    • Considerations for Schools, Centers for Disease Control                      Melissa Schwartz
                                                                                   Parent - UPC
    • PVUSD Pandemic Flu Protocols, PVUSD
                                                                                   Jessica Wani
    • Return to School Roadmap, Opportunity Labs                                   President of UPC - UPC
    • Guidance on Return to the Workplace, Gust Rosenfeld
    • Roadmap for Reopening Schools, Arizona Department of
    • Protocols for Reopening, Udall Shumway

3                                                            PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Health and Wellness
Face Coverings
    • Students and staff will be required to wear cloth masks or face shields where 6 feet social distancing
      between staff and students is not possible.
    • Any student who has difficulty breathing or who is incapable of physically removing the face covering
      on his/her own will not wear cloth face coverings, and alternate methods of protection will be discussed
      by parents and staff. Cloth masks should not be worn when students are engaging in physical activity.
      Students who refuse to comply with the safety protocols adopted for in-person learning will be
      assigned to an online learning program pursuant to A.R.S. 15-841(F).

Hand Hygiene
    • Frequent hand washing/cleaning will be encouraged at regular intervals throughout the day with both
      soap and water or hand sanitizer. Instructions for hand washing include:
           •   Using soap and water, scrubbing for 20 seconds, and rinsing.
           •   Using paper towels to dry hands, turn sink handles, and open doors, then safely discarding.
    • Using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
    • Handwashing stations will be installed at the entry to cafeterias in all elementary and middle schools.

School Campuses and Classrooms

                                                                     F T
    • Hand sanitizer stations will be installed in lobbies and building main entries.

    • Where possible, student seating will be arranged to maintain social distancing. Desks will be faced in
      the same direction, rather than facing each other, or students will sit on only one side of tables, spaced

                                    D R
    • Each student’s belongings will be separated from others’ and in individually labeled containers, cubbies,
      or areas.
    • Assigned seating in classrooms will be implemented to assist with contact tracing.
    • Where possible, social distancing will be maintained in open areas, such as hallways, stairwells, gyms,
    • Students will be encouraged to bring their own water to minimize use and touching of water fountains.
    • To limit exposure to other students and staff, recess will be separated by classes and grade level cohorts.
    • Signage will be posted in all rooms and common areas explaining hygiene practices to prevent spread.
    • Where possible, adjustments to drop-off and pick-up routines will be made to facilitate social
      distancing. Staff will escort young students into and out of the building. Families are asked to remain in
      their vehicles or wait outside.

Health Screening
    • Students should stay home if they feel ill or are exhibiting symptoms of respiratory infection.
    • Parents and guardians should assess their child’s health daily prior to heading to school or the bus stop.
    • At the beginning of each day as students enter the classroom, teachers will informally screen students
      for respiratory symptoms. If the teacher has concerns, they will contact the school nurse prior to
      sending the student to the Nurse’s Office.

4                                                             PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
• Students will be reminded of proper respiratory hygiene, including:
           •   Avoiding touching the eyes, nose, and mouth.
           •   Covering the mouth when coughing.
           •   Covering the nose when sneezing and safely discarding tissues.

Visitors on campus
    • All visitors and volunteers will be required to wear cloth masks if interacting with staff and students.
    • All visitors and volunteers must follow all posted safety protocols.

Enhanced Cleaning
    • Additional cleaning staff at each campus will be hired for routine cleaning of restrooms, drinking
      fountains, lunchrooms, and common areas throughout the school day.
    • Continued air quality will be maintained by cleaning all HVAC unit coils and changing air filters as

Response to Reported Cases
    • CDC protocols regarding reported cases and specific guidance from the Maricopa County Department
      of Public Health will be followed.

    • School nurses will follow established screening protocols, and will consult with public health officials to
      determine how best to handle students and staff who display or develop COVID-19 symptoms.

    • Isolation rooms will be set up within health offices for students or staff who may be sick.

Nutrition and Wellness

    • Cafeteria entries and service lanes will be marked for social distancing.
    • ID scanners will be implemented to eliminate use of keypads.

    • When possible, procedures for lunch will be adjusted to allow for social distancing, greater spacing,
      and to reduce interactions, including adding additional lunch periods at middle and high schools and
      staggering lunches at elementary schools.
    • Schools will continue to follow practices and procedures that comply with public health guidelines such
      as food handling, food preparation, cleaning and disinfecting, and food and drink dispensers.

    • Bus staff and students are required to wear cloth masks on buses.
    • Visible signage will be placed at the entry to each bus and students will be reminded not to ride if they
      are symptomatic.
    • Students will be asked to comply with social distancing guidelines when waiting at the stop, during
      boarding, and while exiting the bus.
    • Seating charts will be utilized with siblings to be seated together and “neighbor” seating to provide
      consistency in seating and minimize movement within the bus.
    • Buses will be sanitized between runs and at the end of the day.
    • Families are encouraged to transport their children to school to reduce the number of students on a

5                                                             PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Social-Emotional Well-Being
    • Students’ social-emotional well-being will be assessed when schools reopen, with additional support
      provided for students showing signs of mental health concerns, including trauma.
    • Schools will incorporate trauma-informed practices and social-emotional learning into classroom
      instruction in a manner that supports equity and inclusion and reflects cultural responsiveness.

Events and Field Trips
    • Large group gatherings, such as school assemblies and book fairs will be suspended until further notice
      and resumption will be reevaluated at the end of the first quarter.
    • Field Trips will be suspended until further notice and resumption will be reevaluated at the end of the
      first quarter and opportunities for virtual field trips will be explored.

                                                                   F T

6                                                           PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
The following are the Operational Checklists to be followed prior to and during the reopening of schools for
the 2020-21 school year.

Reopening Plan Scenario #1: Schools Open on Time
The following recommended checklist items are to be acted upon prior to and during the reopening of
schools for the 2020-21 school year. This checklist is to be utilized in the event that schools begin on time
and remain open. It is assumed that alternative school schedules will not be put into effect and maintenance
of social distancing will be done to the greatest extent possible.

District Leadership
    Monitor the latest information regarding COVID-19 and its   Define roles and allocate responsibilities for reopening.
    mitigation.                                                 In consultation with the CDC, ADE, Maricopa County
    Establish regular communication with relevant agencies at   Department of Public Health and, based on the PVUSD
    the federal, state, and local levels.                       Pandemic Influenza Protocols, establish the criteria and
    Monitor for any changes to guidelines for reopening         protocols for closing and reopening an individual school
    provided by state agencies.                                 due to a reported case of COVID-19.
                                                                Engage with the CRT to evaluate the 2019-2020 school

    Continue to convene and consult with the COVID-19
    Response Team (CRT) and the Superintendent’s Committee      closure as an after-action exercise.
    on ReOpening (SCoRE) to plan for and provide input on the   Ensure that departments complete Continuity of

    reopening process in conjunction with department leaders.   Operations Plans as annex to the District Emergency
    Set objectives and establish a timeline for reopening.      Response Plan.


7                                                               PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Health and Wellness
    Review and revise health policies and practices as needed      Provide instruction to staff and families regarding
    and communicate any changes in health policies and             respiratory hygiene:
    practices to students, families, and staff.                       Avoiding touching the eyes, nose, and mouth.
    At the beginning of each day as students enter the                Covering the mouth when coughing.
    classroom, have teachers informally screen students for           Covering the nose when sneezing and safely discarding
    respiratory symptoms. If the teacher has concerns, they           tissues.
    should contact the school nurse prior to sending the
                                                                   Provide instruction to staff and families for handwashing:
    student to the Nurse’s Office.
                                                                      Using soap and water, scrubbing for 20 seconds, and
    Ensure posters are in place at the entry to each classroom        rinsing.
    to assist with identifying symptoms.
                                                                      Using paper towels to dry hands, turn sink handles, and
    Provide training for staff related to identification of           open doors, then safely discarding.
    COVID-19 symptoms and management of safety measures               Using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
    to minimize transmission.
                                                                   Provide instruction to staff and families for how to wear
    Require all staff to self-assess their own health for          face masks.
    symptoms of respiratory infection daily and not report to
    work if there are any indications of illness.                  Maintain social distancing of six feet between staff and
                                                                   students, where possible. In situations where social
    Establish safe procedures for any basic health screenings      distancing between staff and students is not possible,
    (e.g., annual hearing, vision).                                require staff and students to wear cloth masks or face

    Provide school health personnel with any necessary             shields.
    personal protective equipment (PPE) in alignment                   Any student who has difficulty breathing or who is
    with identified needs (e.g., gloves, goggles, face shield,         incapable of physically removing the face covering

    procedural masks).                                                 on his/her own will not wear cloth face coverings, and
       Require use of hand sanitizer or hand washing prior to          alternate methods of protection will be discussed by

       entering the health office.                                     parents and staff. Cloth masks should not be worn
                                                                       when students are engaging in physical activity.
    Provide school staff working with medically fragile
                                                                       Students who refuse to comply with the safety
    students, as identified in individual health plans, with any

                                                                       protocols adopted for in-person learning will be
    necessary PPE.
                                                                       assigned to an online learning program pursuant to
    Provide staff that work with students with an IEP with more        A.R.S. 15-841(F)

    significant needs with any necessary PPE as recommended            Where possible, arrange student seating to maintain
    by the Special Education Department. Utilize nurses to             social distancing guidelines.
    provide training to staff for use of procedural PPE.
                                                                       Keep each child’s belongings separated from others’
    Update health records for students in alignment with               and in individually labeled containers, cubbies, or areas.
    HIPPA and FERPA requirements.                                      Assign seating in classrooms to assist with contact
    Establish isolation rooms in each Health Office for students       tracing.
    or staff who may be sick.                                          Where possible, maintain social distancing in open
    Establish partnerships with community providers to supply          areas, such as hallways, stairwells, gyms, playgrounds.
    additional medical services, as needed.                            Evaluate current schedules and structures to facilitate
                                                                       social distancing.
    Require students and staff to stay home if ill or exhibiting
    symptoms of respiratory infection.                                 Evaluate adjustments to drop-off and pick-up routines
                                                                       to facilitate social distancing.
       Establish screening protocols, assign appropriate staff,
       provide necessary PPE, and consult with public health           Evaluate procedures for recess to limit contact to
       officials to determine how to handle persons who                cohorts of students.
       display or develop COVID-19 symptoms.                           For K-6 schools that departmentalize at intermediate
       Establish processes for staff involved in screenings to         grades, evaluate alternatives to reduce interactions.
       report findings to school, district, and public health          Maintain social distancing for staff meetings. If not
       officials in alignment with medical privacy laws.               possible, evaluate use of virtual staff meetings.
    Post signage in all rooms and common areas explaining          Require visitors to campus to wear masks if interacting with
    hygiene practices to prevent spread.                           staff and students.
    Provide instruction to staff on how to clean and disinfect     Refer to the Health Office Student and Staff Operational
    objects and surfaces.                                          Plan for additional details.

8                                                                  PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
    Provide information and updates to students, families, staff,       Share instructions for ways to prevent spread (e.g.,
    vendors, and the community on:                                      handwashing, respiratory hygiene, social distancing).
       Current state of public health.                                  Respond to questions and other inquiries.
       District and school efforts to keep students and staff
                                                                        Include key information and resources on district and
                                                                        school webpages.
       Preventive measures stakeholders should take.
                                                                        Continue to provide communications to families in English
       Current effects on district and school operations
                                                                        and Spanish.
       Anticipated timeline(s) for district and school
       reopening.                                                       Leverage multiple communication methods, as
                                                                        appropriate, including mail, email, phone calls, text
       Key changes in district and school policies and practice.
                                                                        messages, traditional media (e.g. television, radio,
       Where to find services and support in the community to           newspaper) and social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter,
       meet basic needs.                                                Instagram, YouTube).
    Remind staff and students to stay at home if exhibiting

Curriculum and Instruction
    Review and revise curriculum maps and instructional                 Develop contingency plans to address:
    calendars. Monitor and adjust lesson plans as needed to                Continuing to provide instruction if a school(s) must

    reflect the impact of COVID-19-related school closures.                close for a short period of time due to a reported case
    Determine the need for further adjustments to curriculum               of COVID-19.

    and instruction based on common gaps in student learning               Continuing to provide instruction to individual students
    identified during analysis of academic data collected once             affected by illness or quarantine and/or family decisions

    schools reopen.                                                        not to resend to school.
    Include classroom teachers in curriculum planning and                  Evaluate extending absence flexibility to students that
    design.                                                                are ill or need to self-quarantine.

    Establish robust K-12 online learning opportunities                 Collaborate with postsecondary institutions regarding
    through PVOnline that include opportunities for teacher             delivery of dual-credit courses, College Board for Advanced

    interaction and support.                                            Placement (AP) offering, and/or International Baccalaureate
        Ensure scalability of option to accommodate the
        number of students desiring an asynchronous, online             Consult with postsecondary institutions and/or local
        classroom setting.                                              partners regarding delivery of Career and Technical
        Ensure that expectations, accountability, and                   Education (CTE) (e.g., mentoring). Develop plans for
        assessment are comparable to traditional, in-person             students to continue Career and Technical Education (CTE)
        learning.                                                       learning regardless of changes to school settings.
        Explore the potential need utilize leased content for           Explore additional extended learning opportunities, such
        specific grade levels and/or courses.                           as summer school and after-school programs, to mitigate
        Establish a methodology for parents to confirm their            learning loss, resolve incompletes, and support credit
        interest in selecting this option for instructional delivery.   recovery.
    Establish a K-6, synchronous learning opportunity, with             Inventory and identify any gaps in the district’s academic
    direct instruction provided via video conferencing, that            interventions and identify additional supports that can be
    includes opportunities for teacher interaction and support.         made available to teachers and families.
        Ensure scalability of option to accommodate the                 Identify diagnostic assessments for when schools reopen to
        number of students desiring an asynchronous, online             identify learning gaps and consider additional assessment
        classroom setting.                                              tools that can be made available to teachers, if needed.
        Ensure that expectations, accountability, and                   Identify learning loss for individual students and among
        assessment are comparable to traditional, in-person             special populations, such as: students with an IEP, English
        learning.                                                       learners, migrant and homeless students, foster youth,
        Maintain class sizes that are comparable face-to-face           socioeconomically disadvantaged students, or students
        classrooms.                                                     directly affected by COVID-19 and provide targeted
        Provides for teacher instruction and contact at various         interventions.
        times of the day.                                               For students with an IEP, review plans and make revisions if
        Establish a methodology for parents to confirm their            necessary to reflect any changes due to COVID-19-related
        interest in selecting this option for instructional delivery.   school closures or extended illness and/or self-quarantine.

9                                                                       PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Curriculum and Instruction (Continued)
     Continue to encourage teachers to communicate with               Refer to the Special Education Operational Plan for
     families about their child’s academic progress.                  additional details.
     Assist families with supporting learning at home by sharing      Refer to the Activities Course Operation Plan for additional
     instructional strategies and resources.                          details.
     Refer to the Fine Arts Department Operational Plan for           Refer to the Career and Technical Education Operation Plan
     additional details, including guidelines for rehearsals          for additional details.
     for fine arts programs and transportation to and from
     competitions and performances and for summer band or
     fine arts camps.

Professional Development
     Provide additional training to teachers to recognize             Offer teachers optional opportunities for professional
     and support students who are facing new/additional               development during the summer in Social Emotional
     challenges to academic success.                                  Learning (SEL).
     Offer professional learning opportunities for staff including:   Provide teachers with opportunities during the summer to
        Online and virtual instruction with robust instruction        collaborate with colleagues and share best practices and
        and accountability.                                           ways to address gaps in learning.
        Use of summer to train in order to build capacity to          Identify and compensate teachers to support peer-to-peer

        provide synchronous and asynchronous instructional            professional development for several days in June and July
        programs.                                                     to address both gaps in learning and to build capacity for

     Continue training on instructional technology to students,       the potential of future distance learning.
     families, and staff.

     Facilitate teachers’ efforts to share best practices for
     mitigating learning loss.

Grading and Assessment

     Communicate with the ADE regarding any changes that              Conduct initial evaluations or re-evaluations of students
     may occur to:                                                    with an IEP and English learners as required.
       End-of-grade, end-of-course, English language                  Develop plans to share assessment data with families and
       proficiency, and/or other assessments.                         indicate how their child’s achievement compares with
       Grading policies and practices.                                grade-level expectations.
       Promotion and retention criteria.                              In the event of the need for modifications to grading and/
     Confirm the status of AP, IB, ACT, SAT, and similar              or assessment, seek input from stakeholder groups.
     Communicate any adjustments to grading to students,
     families, and staff and provide updated academic and
     assessment calendars.

Curriculum and Instruction Resources and Support
     Facilitate teachers’ efforts to share effective strategies       Survey staff regarding potential instructional resource and
     and resources for online and offline forms of distance           professional learning needs (e.g., differentiating instruction
     learning, including building relationships with families and     and supporting special populations in the context of
     encouraging families to become involved in their child’s         distance learning) in order to:
     learning, in alignment with the Instructional Strategies and         Identify options to create additional instructional
     Tips by Quality Matters.                                             resources internally and/or acquire materials from
     Utilize surveys of students, families, and staff to identify         publishers.
     strengths and development areas related to the district’s            Offer professional learning opportunities aligned with
     distance learning efforts such as the recent district survey         staff needs.
     of teachers and SpeakUp data from students, staff, and

10                                                                    PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Social-Emotional Well-Being
     Emphasize the district’s commitment to support the PV            Facilitate staff efforts to share effective strategies and
     Community’s social-emotional well-being, highlighting the        resources for supporting students’ social-emotional well-
     district-level committee, training, and tools provided for       being.
     teachers and staff.                                              Encourage staff members who work with the same student
     Inventory and identify any gaps in the district’s social-        to communicate regarding students’ social-emotional well-
     emotional and mental health interventions.                       being.
     Plan re-engagement activities for staff and families.            Help support families at home by sharing how to talk
                                                                      about crises; recognize normal physical, emotional, and
     Determine how to assess students’ social-emotional well-
                                                                      behavioral responses to crises; and foster resilience and
     being when schools reopen, such as a brief behavioral
                                                                      other healthy coping strategies.
     health checklist, and further assess students who show
     signs of mental health concerns, including trauma.               Establish a process for responding to a student in crisis.
     Provide targeted interventions, as needed, and reassess          Dedicate at least one staff member per school, such as the
     student social-emotional well-being periodically to              psychologist or social worker, as a point person for mental
     determine the efficacy of existing interventions and the         health concerns.
     need for additional supports.
                                                                      Explore additional partnerships with community mental
     Provide guidance to staff on how to re-establish safe and        health providers to offer an expanded range of supports.
     secure classroom environments.
                                                                      Continue to provide students and families with referrals to
     Identify and offer additional SEL resources for teachers to      community organizations able to assist with basic needs

     incorporate into their instruction with the support of SEL       such as housing and meals.
     coaches and leaders.
                                                                      Include suspected COVID-19 status as a protected status in

     Evaluate the feasibility of providing safe spaces for            bullying/harassment, bias, and discrimination situations.
     students and staff to share feelings and experiences related
                                                                      Refer to the Social Emotional Student and Staff
     to COVID-19 and the school closures.

                                                                      Instructional Plan for additional details.
     Incorporate trauma-informed practices and SEL into both
     in-person and remote classroom instruction in a manner

     that supports equity and inclusion and reflects cultural
     responsiveness, making students feel safe and connected.

Activities and Events
For High School Athletics:                                            Locker rooms should not be utilized through the summer.
                                                                      Students should report to workouts in proper gear and
     Follow guidelines of Arizona Interscholastic Association         immediately return home to shower at the end of the
     (AIA) for competitive sports regarding practices,                workout.
     conditioning camps, competitions, and transportation. AIA
     Guidelines                                                       Workouts should be conducted in “pods” of students with
                                                                      the same 5-10 students always working out together.
     Until AIA guidance is provided regarding competitions,           Smaller pods can be utilized for weight training.
     athletic events will require individual approval by district
     leadership for student participation and fan attendance of       There must be a minimum distance of 6 feet between each
     competitions.                                                    individual at all times. If this is not possible indoors, then
                                                                      the maximum number of individuals in the room must be
     Summer athletic programing is to follow:
                                                                      decreased until proper social distancing or masks worn.
     There should be no shared athletic equipment (towels,
     clothing, shoes, or sports specific equipment) between
                                                                    For Middle School Festival Athletics:
                                                                      Limit the Fall Middle School Sport Festival program to
     Students should wear their own appropriate workout
                                                                      Intramurals only without Festival or All Stars until further
     clothing (do not share clothing) and individual clothing/
                                                                      notice and reevaluate ability to resume regular programs at
     towels should be washed and cleaned after every workout.
                                                                      the conclusion of the first quarter.
     All athletic equipment, including balls, should be cleaned
                                                                      Follow guidelines as set forth for high school athletics.
     after each use and prior to the next workout.
     No gathering of more than 10 people at a time (inside or

11                                                                   PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Activities and Events (Continued)
For Non-Classroom activities:                                            Evaluate conducting other activities such as orientations,
                                                                         curriculum nights, and open houses in alternative or
     Suspend field trips and student travel until further notice         modified formats that allow for social distancing.
     and reevaluate resumption at the end of the first quarter.
                                                                         For in-person events, consult with public health officials
     Ensure that before and after school programs follow the             to determine the necessary safety precautions based on
     PVUSD Reopening of Schools Plan.                                    current guidelines.
     Suspend large group gatherings, such as school assemblies           Refer to the Community Education Operational
     and book fairs until further notice and reevaluate                  plans addressing rental of facilities, including athletic
     resumption at the end of the first quarter.                         organizations and childcare programs, including Birth-4
     Evaluate opportunities to incorporate virtual                       years old and Mascot.
     extracurricular activities.                                         Suspend staff travel for professional development
     Suspend social activities such as dances and proms until            and other activities until further notice and reevaluate
     further notice and reevaluate resumption at the end of the          resumption at the end of the first quarter.
     first quarter.

Attendance and Enrollment
     Consider adjusting student attendance procedures for                Monitor for potential updates regarding FERPA/HIPAA
     excused and unexcused absences.                                     relative to COVID-19 and prepare for the possibility of

                                                                         contact tracing.
     Develop procedures for students and staff who do not
     report due to COVID-19 infection, quarantine, or safety             Adjust office and lobby procedures to promote social

     concerns.                                                           distancing and provide scheduled appointments for those
                                                                         who request it.
     Monitor and address student and staff attendance issues.

                                                                         Provide communications outlining any changes in
     Suspend perfect attendance programs for the school year.
                                                                         attendance and/or enrollment policies.
     Ensure Lead Nurses maintain an exposure log to determine
                                                                         Monitor state agencies for any changes in methodologies

     who to notify regarding positive cases.
                                                                         in calculating enrollment and average daily enrollment.

     Inspect facilities to assess need for repairs or modifications      Continue to maintain healthy air quality by cleaning all
     to prevent spread (e.g., place protective barriers around           HVAC unit coils and changing air filters as scheduled.
     secretaries, cashiers, and other staff who interact with            Secure supplies to prevent spread such as tissues, waste
     the general public; replace—or place protective barriers            baskets, paper towels, hand sanitizer, and soap.
     between—sinks in bathrooms, etc.).
                                                                         Provide hand sanitizer stations in lobbies and building
     Where possible, implement other measures to facilitate              main entries.
     social distancing:
                                                                         Provide handwashing sinks at the entry to cafeterias in all
     Arrange appropriate seating in classrooms, offices,                 elementary and middle schools.
     cafeterias, auditoriums, etc.
                                                                         Encourage staff and students to bring their own water to
     Turn desks to face in the same direction (rather than facing        minimize use and touching of water fountains.
     each other) or have students sit on only one side of tables,
     spaced apart.                                                       Evaluate the ability to replace traditional fountains with
                                                                         bottle filler units, where possible.
     Use individual student desks rather than common tables
     for students, if available.                                         Set entry protocols for district and school buildings to limit
                                                                         the number of entrances and exits used and continue to
     Maintain appropriate spacing in hallways, in stairwells, in         restrict visitors to a single point of entry.
     gyms, on playgrounds, etc.
                                                                         Evaluate the need to hire additional cleaning staff at
     Provide physical guides, such as tape on floors or sidewalks        each campus for routine cleaning of restrooms, drinking
     and signs on walls, to ensure that staff and children remain        fountains, lunchrooms, and common areas throughout the
     at least six feet apart in lines and at other times (i.e., guides   school day.
     for creating “one-way routes” in hallways).
                                                                         Refer to the Facilities Operational Plan for additional
     Evaluate adjusting drop-off and pick-up times.                      details, including frequency of cleaning on items and
     Have staff escort young students into and out of the building       surfaces, in alignment with professional standards.
     and ask parents to remain in their vehicles or wait outside.

12                                                                       PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
     Examine revenues:                                               Examine expenditures:
        Research changes in federal, state, and/or local funding.       Estimate and document COVID-19-related costs.
        Utilize federal, state, and/or local emergency funds.           Contact vendors to confirm ability to supply needed
        Consider the impact of anticipated enrollment changes.          items, and if so, timetables for future deliveries.
        Confirm types of activities permitted or required by            Create procedures to prioritize processing of purchase
        different funding sources.                                      orders for essential supplies.
        Explore new funding opportunities (e.g., grants).            Review and revise district and school budgets as needed.
        Examine changes in rental income from extracurricular
        events on our campus from field use, auditorium
        rentals, classrooms, etc.

Human Resources
     Identify staff not returning for the 2020-2021 school year.     Develop contingency plans in the event of a lack of
     Create system for reassigning staff based upon:                 transportation staff or PPE for high risk positions such as
        Reassignment of existing staff based on instructional
        models selected and student enrollment. Human                In the event of a staff quarantine, illness, and/or leave,
        Resources to follow Bargaining Agreement language to         follow the Family First Coronavirus Recovery Act and the

        reassign staff as needed.                                    amended Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
        Staff identifying as vulnerable populations.                 Act (CARES) requirements, intersecting with ADA and FMLA
                                                                     for utilization.

     Utilize Reductions in Force as a last resort.
                                                                     Determine which staff will report and which, if any,
     Continue to provide instruction if a staff member is            will work remotely via instructional model based on

     affected by illness or quarantine and cannot return to          role and exposure risk, designating a Human Resource
     school for an extended period of time.                          administrator contact for each employee group.
     Determine potential increase in hiring needs based on

                                                                     Collaborate and consult with employee associations on
     class size for instructional models, cleaning needs of          issues related to collective bargaining agreements and
     schools and buses, and other areas.                             possible review contract language.

     Restrict allocation of additional positions to those required   Monitor staff’s social-emotional well-being:
     based on IEP needs.                                               Create opportunities for staff to engage in self-care.
     Establish recruitment and hiring processes with                   Reassess staff wellness periodically to determine
     consideration of virtual job fairs.                               the efficacy of existing and the need for additional
     Explore reallocation of duties among existing staff               supports.
     dependent on instructional models and with consideration        Refer to Human Resource Legal Guidance and the Human
     to Contracts/Bargaining Agreements, layoffs, or Reductions      Resources Standard Operating Procedures for Employees
     in Force.                                                       for additional details.
     Determine staff qualifying as medically vulnerable, such
     as due to age, compromised immune system, pregnancy,
     or being in a high-risk category due to pre-existing

Legal/Risk Management
     Confirm with relevant federal, state, and/or local agencies     Ensure the district and schools collect and report data and
     any changes in plans for site visits, reviews, or other         information in a FERPA and HIPAA compliant manner.
     processes for compliance or accountability purposes.
     Address potential COVID-19 related liability issues
     pertaining to students, families, staff, and/or vendors.

13                                                                   PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Nutrition and Wellness
     Evaluate procedures for lunch to allow for social distancing,   Inspect cafeterias and kitchens to determine need for
     greater spacing, and to reduce interactions, including          modifications to limit contact between and among staff
     adding additional lunch periods at middle and high              and students (e.g., table placement, seating arrangements,
     schools and staggering lunches at elementary schools.           protective barriers between workstations, protective
     Contact vendors to confirm ability to supply needed items,      barriers for cashiers, additional staff to monitor compliance,
     and if so, timetables for future deliveries.                    etc.).

     Determine need to adjust school menus due to supply             Implement ID scanners to reduce/eliminate use of keypads.
     issues or health and safety concerns.                           Continue to follow practices and procedures that comply
     Provide spacing in communal use shared spaces such as           with public health guidelines (e.g., food handling, food
     cafeterias if possible; otherwise, stagger use and clean and    preparation, cleaning and disinfecting, food and drink
     disinfect between use.                                          dispensers, etc.)

     Mark cafeteria entries and service lanes for social             Refer to the Nutrition and Wellness Operational Plan for
     distancing.                                                     additional details.

     Close equipment gaps among students, families, and staff        Set security guidelines for online instruction and remote
     in the event of additional school closures by implementing      work (e.g., no use of public Wi-Fi, use of VPN):

     one-to-one take home (bring back) devices as soon as                Use essential and thoughtful approaches in all online
     practical.                                                          activities found at, distancing.
                                                               , and

     Identify and collaborate with community partners for
     access to Wi-Fi for all students.                               Ensure privacy and security of Class 1, 2, and 3 data
     Explore possibilities of expanding Wi-Fi access to              and information pertaining to students, families, and

     neighborhoods.                                                  staff. Information can be found at and
     Continue using the online repository for any instructional

     resources the district created and/or acquired to support       Eliminate use of personal devices for work due to FOIA,
     distance learning via shared Google drives and on               privacy, legal, and liability risks to the individual and the                                       district.

     Continue to collect and analyze usage, incident, and            Review and revise district and school technology
     technical support data.                                         procedures and plans via District/School Emergency
                                                                     Response Team(s), the Information Technology Committee
     Schedule regular performance tests and conduct routine          (ITC) and the Data Governance and Cyber Security Task
     maintenance and publish on                Force.

     Provide bus drivers and other transportation staff with any         Install sanitizer units on buses.
     necessary PPE. Require staff and students to wear cloth             Clean and disinfect buses regularly.
     masks on buses.                                                     Sanitize buses between runs and at the end of the day.
     Place visible signage regarding symptoms at the entry               Deliver training for all drivers and aides prior to the
     to each bus and remind students not to ride if they are             beginning of school.
                                                                     Survey families to establish transportation needs.
     Implement other measures to prevent spread:
                                                                     Enforce requirements regarding students who are eligible
        Adjust bus schedules, stops, boarding and exiting            for receiving transportation.
        practices, capacity, and seating to comply with social
        distancing.                                                  Refer to the Transportation Operational Plan for additional
        Explore differing school start times among feeder            details.
        patterns to stagger student pick up and drop off times
        and create great rider capacity.
        Utilize seating charts with siblings to be seated
        together and “neighbor” seating to provide consistency
        in seating and minimize movement within the bus.
        Equip buses with tissues, waste baskets, hand sanitizer,
        and masks.

14                                                                   PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Reopening Plan Scenario #2:
Schools Forced to Close Due to Increase in COVID-19 Cases
The following modifications are to be made to the scenario #1 checklist in the event that schools open on
time but are closed due to a second wave of COVID-19 cases.
     Ensure Governing Board action upon proclamation                     End-of-grade, end-of-course, English language
     providing authority to the Superintendent.                          proficiency, and/or other key assessments.
     Assemble and meet with COVID-19 Response Team (CRT)                 Grading policies and practices.
     as part of emergency response and incident command.                 Promotion, retention, and graduation criteria.
     Ensure departments exercise Continuity of Operations            Confirm the status of AP, IB, ACT, SAT, and similar
     Plans (COOP) to maintain district functionality of essential    assessments.
     services:                                                       Maintain continuity and integrity of Signature Programs
         Identify essential and nonessential employees per           and/or other special academic programs and modify as
         COOP.                                                       needed. Identify additional support for those programs
         All essential service employees strictly abide by           and how to adapt in preparation for future closures or
         guidelines of health agencies.                              extended absences of students or teachers. (For instance,
     Communicate expectations for curriculum and instruction         AVID, CREST, DLC, International Baccalaureate, Immersion,
     to students, families, and staff. Expectations by school and/   Performing Arts (North Valley Arts Academies, Suzuki
     or grade level should be clear and consistent in the event      Strings) etc.
     of return to virtual learning.                                  Consider the need to expand or adjust course offerings

     Provide information and updates to students, families, staff,   to enable students to resolve incompletes, and recover
     vendors, and the community on:                                  credits, particularly for courses not offered every term/year.

         Current state of public health.                             Revisit the academic calendar and school schedules
         District and school efforts to keep students safe.          as permitted and needed based on changes in state
                                                                     guidelines and public health considerations.

         Preventive measures stakeholders can take.
                                                                     Assign an “Advisor” (teacher) at the secondary level to
         Current effects on district and school operations.          monitor individual student’s progress, grades, and the
         Anticipated timeline(s) for district and school             well-being. If an issue arises, the advisor would contact

         reopening.                                                  the school counselor to determine what support can be
         Key changes in district and school policies and practice.   offered.

         Where to find services and support in the community to      Establish contacts logs to verify that families have received
         meet basic needs.                                           communication and provided access to resources that
     Ensure robust curriculum and instruction:                       include mental health, food, and medical.
         Migrate teachers and students that enrolled brick and       Develop and implement a plan to continue to provide meal
         mortar to virtual learning format:                          service to families.
             Expectation of completed work by students.              Close all school grounds to public access and post signage.
             Frequent teacher interaction via virtual format.        Determine the ability to maintain Community Education
             Instruction consistent with provided time for           programs.
             planning.                                               Cancel all student travel, events, and middle school
             Teacher planning should start summer of 2020 to         athletics.
             prepare for the event of closure.                       Cancel all staff travel.
     Need for virtual attendance options:                            Cancel high school athletic seasons in progress.
         Contact log for distance learning (virtual) students.       Set expectations for remote work, adjusting regulations if
         Monitor and track student well-being/outreach.              necessary and with guidance from the Data Governance
     Ensure all students have retrieved their one-to-one district
     device.                                                             Seek equity among ESP essential and non-essential
     Continue to collect and analyze usage, incident, and
     support data for Instructional Technology.                      Identify education support staff that can provide and/or
                                                                     support virtual instruction.
     Set security guidelines for online instruction and remote
     work, such as no use of public Wi-Fi and logging in via VPN.    Utilize Special Education Operational Plan to support
                                                                     services and ensure compliance:
     Ensure student access to Wi-Fi, through community
     partners, hot spots, and alternative methods.                       Ensure that Virtual Learning addresses IEP and
                                                                         requirements thereof.
     Identify and provide academic support such as additional
     tutoring.                                                           Create opportunities for paras and/or licensed
                                                                         professionals to support virtual learning.
     Consult with state and federal education agencies
     regarding adjustments to:                                       Assist state health agencies with contact tracing.

15                                                                   PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
Reopening Plan Scenario #3:
School Opening is Delayed Due to Increase in COVID-19 Cases
The following modifications are to be made to the scenario #1 checklist in the event that school opening is
delayed due to increases in COVID-19 cases.
     Put Contingency Calendar into effect.                             Explore ways to financially bridge delayed start of school
     Communicate change of calendar and school start date to           and contracted days for employees.
     staff and families.                                               Provide electronic devices to new enrollees.
     Assemble and meet with COVID-19 Response Team (CRT)               Develop and implement a plan to continue to provide meal
     as part of emergency response and incident command.               service to families.
     Review and modify reopening plan relative to instructional        Maintain closure of all school grounds to public access.
     choices, greater social distancing measures, acquisition          Determine ability to start Community Education programs
     of PPE, etc. Communicate reopening plan to parents and            and communicate parents and community.
                                                                       Evaluate ability to conduct student travel, events, and
     Ensure that departments exercise Continuity of Operations         middle school athletics when schools reopen.
     Plans to maintain district functionality of essential services:
                                                                       Coordinate with the AIA to reschedule high school athletic
     Non-essential employees are to work remotely.                     seasons.
     All essential service employees strictly abide by workplace

     guidelines of health agencies.
     Continue to enroll students to the District.

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16                                                                     PVSchools Prepared: Prioritizing the Health of Our Community
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