Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu

Page created by Terrance Hines
Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu
Welcome to Brig

University centre César Ritz
Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu
Dear Students,                                                  Brig                                                             Switzerland

I understand how you must be feeling as the time is             University Centre César Ritz is located in the city of Brig-     Founded in 1291, Switzerland has almost always been           The transport and tourism infrastructures are among
approaching where you will be leaving your accustomed           Glis, the largest German-speaking town in the Valais             politically neutral and is now the most politically stable    the best in the world, making it very easy and
environment to join us at University Centre César Ritz in       region. Brig is easily reached by intercity trains and just 20   country in the world. The safe environment, natural           comfortable for visitors to travel around the country.
Brig, Switzerland.                                              minutes from the Italian border town of Domodossola,             beauty, cleanliness, cultural and linguistic diversity, and   Switzerland is centrally located in Europe, giving
                                                                two hours from Milan and less than two and a half hours          Swiss reputation for excellence and professionalism           students the opportunity to visit and experience other
                                                                from both Geneva and Zurich.                                     add to the experience.                                        European countries.

                                                                The town of Brig is ideal for tourism on a local scale,
                                                                is a departure point for travelling to Italy, France and         Small Country, Big Heart                                      Switzerland and Tourism
                                                                Germany as well as other destinations in Europe.
                                                                                                                                 Consisting of 26 can-                                                                           Considered as the
                                                                Brig offers social, cultural, historical and educational         tons       (or      states),                                                                    birthplace of tourism,
                                                                facilities in a small, concentrated area. Nearby tourist         Switzerland is located                                                                          people      from      all
                                                                attractions include Zermatt, the Simplon Pass, Saas Fee,         in the heart of Europe                                                                          over the world visit
                                                                the famous Glacier Express leading to St. Moritz, and the        and surrounded by five                                                                          Switzerland for its
                                                                Aletsch glacier.                                                 countries: Italy, France,                                                                       natural beauty and
                                                                                                      www.brig-belalp.ch         Austria, Germany, and                                                                           outstanding     quality
The faculty, staff and I are looking forward to welcoming                                                                        Liechtenstein. The total                                                                        of service. This tiny
you to Brig and happy to have you studying with us in                                                                            population is approxi-                                                                          nation has 5,600
the coming months.                                                                                                               mately 7.6 million, of                                                                          hotels that provide
                                                                                                                                 which twenty percent                                                                            accommodation        for
In order to facilitate your travels, relocation and your life                                                                    are expatriates. The                                                                            more than 35 million
in Brig, Switzerland, and at University Centre César Ritz,                                                                       largest       cities      in                                                                    guests every year!
we have developed this “Welcome Brochure” to give                                                                                Switzerland are: Zurich                                                                         The Swiss hospitality
you some helpful information about travelling to Brig                                                                            (centre for business                                                                            industry    not    only
and living in Switzerland.                                                                                                       and finance); Basel                                                                             welcomes many in-
                                                                                                                                 (cultural        c apit al );                                                                   ternational     visitors
                                                                                                                                 Geneva (home of the                                                                             but also employs a
                                                                                                                                 United Nations and                                                                              truly     international
                                                                                                                                 I nter nati o nal      Red                                                                      work force. This is
                                                                                                                                 Cross); Bern (capital                                                                           reflected in Swiss
                                                                                                                                 of the country); and                                                                            hotel management
                                                                                                                                 L ausanne (Olympic                                                                              schools in terms
                                                                                                                                 c apit al ). A lthough                                                                          of the curriculum
                                                                                                                                 Switzerland is a very                                                                           offered and the mix
                                                                                                                                 small country, four                                                                             of the student popu-
                                                                                                                                 languages are spoken:                                                                           lation. In a country
                                                                                                                                 German in the north                                                                             that has some of the
Ronan Fitzgerald                                                                                                                 and east; French in the west; Italian in the south; and       most prestigious hotel management schools in the
Managing Director, César Ritz Colleges                                                                                           Romansh in the south-eastern region.                          world, the quality of the country’s human resources is
                                                                                                                                                                                               second to none, ensuring an extensive supply of highly
                                                                                                                                                                                               qualified staff for the industry.
                                                                                                                                 Culture and Leisure
                                                                                                                                 Switzerland’s mountains, valleys, lakes and glaciers                                         www.myswitzerland.com
                                                                                                                                 offer students year-round opportunities for outdoor
                                                                                                                                 activities such as skiing, skating, paragliding, rafting,
                                                                                                                                 sailing, mountain biking and horse riding. World-
                                                                                                                                 renowned exhibitions and festivals take place
University Centre César Ritz is located in the city of Brig-                                                                     throughout the calendar year satisfying all cultural
Glis, the largest German-speaking town in the canton                                                                             tastes in music from pop to jazz to classical. In short,
of Valais.                                                                                                                       Switzerland offers an extensive range of sporting and
                                                                                                                                 cultural activities.

University Centre César Ritz is located in the city of

Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu
Dear Students,                                                  Brig                                                             Switzerland

I understand how you must be feeling as the time is             University Centre César Ritz is located in the city of Brig-     Founded in 1291, Switzerland has almost always been           The transport and tourism infrastructures are among
approaching where you will be leaving your accustomed           Glis, the largest German-speaking town in the Valais             politically neutral and is now the most politically stable    the best in the world, making it very easy and
environment to join us at University Centre César Ritz in       region. Brig is easily reached by intercity trains and just 20   country in the world. The safe environment, natural           comfortable for visitors to travel around the country.
Brig, Switzerland.                                              minutes from the Italian border town of Domodossola,             beauty, cleanliness, cultural and linguistic diversity, and   Switzerland is centrally located in Europe, giving
                                                                two hours from Milan and less than two and a half hours          Swiss reputation for excellence and professionalism           students the opportunity to visit and experience other
                                                                from both Geneva and Zurich.                                     add to the experience.                                        European countries.

                                                                The town of Brig is ideal for tourism on a local scale,
                                                                is a departure point for travelling to Italy, France and         Small Country, Big Heart                                      Switzerland and Tourism
                                                                Germany as well as other destinations in Europe.
                                                                                                                                 Consisting of 26 can-                                                                           Considered as the
                                                                Brig offers social, cultural, historical and educational         tons       (or      states),                                                                    birthplace of tourism,
                                                                facilities in a small, concentrated area. Nearby tourist         Switzerland is located                                                                          people      from      all
                                                                attractions include Zermatt, the Simplon Pass, Saas Fee,         in the heart of Europe                                                                          over the world visit
                                                                the famous Glacier Express leading to St. Moritz, and the        and surrounded by five                                                                          Switzerland for its
                                                                Aletsch glacier.                                                 countries: Italy, France,                                                                       natural beauty and
                                                                                                      www.brig-belalp.ch         Austria, Germany, and                                                                           outstanding     quality
The faculty, staff and I are looking forward to welcoming                                                                        Liechtenstein. The total                                                                        of service. This tiny
you to Brig and happy to have you studying with us in                                                                            population is approxi-                                                                          nation has 5,600
the coming months.                                                                                                               mately 7.6 million, of                                                                          hotels that provide
                                                                                                                                 which twenty percent                                                                            accommodation        for
In order to facilitate your travels, relocation and your life                                                                    are expatriates. The                                                                            more than 35 million
in Brig, Switzerland, and at University Centre César Ritz,                                                                       largest       cities      in                                                                    guests every year!
we have developed this “Welcome Brochure” to give                                                                                Switzerland are: Zurich                                                                         The Swiss hospitality
you some helpful information about travelling to Brig                                                                            (centre for business                                                                            industry    not    only
and living in Switzerland.                                                                                                       and finance); Basel                                                                             welcomes many in-
                                                                                                                                 (cultural        c apit al );                                                                   ternational     visitors
                                                                                                                                 Geneva (home of the                                                                             but also employs a
                                                                                                                                 United Nations and                                                                              truly     international
                                                                                                                                 I nter nati o nal      Red                                                                      work force. This is
                                                                                                                                 Cross); Bern (capital                                                                           reflected in Swiss
                                                                                                                                 of the country); and                                                                            hotel management
                                                                                                                                 L ausanne (Olympic                                                                              schools in terms
                                                                                                                                 c apit al ). A lthough                                                                          of the curriculum
                                                                                                                                 Switzerland is a very                                                                           offered and the mix
                                                                                                                                 small country, four                                                                             of the student popu-
                                                                                                                                 languages are spoken:                                                                           lation. In a country
                                                                                                                                 German in the north                                                                             that has some of the
Ronan Fitzgerald                                                                                                                 and east; French in the west; Italian in the south; and       most prestigious hotel management schools in the
Managing Director, César Ritz Colleges                                                                                           Romansh in the south-eastern region.                          world, the quality of the country’s human resources is
                                                                                                                                                                                               second to none, ensuring an extensive supply of highly
                                                                                                                                                                                               qualified staff for the industry.
                                                                                                                                 Culture and Leisure
                                                                                                                                 Switzerland’s mountains, valleys, lakes and glaciers                                         www.myswitzerland.com
                                                                                                                                 offer students year-round opportunities for outdoor
                                                                                                                                 activities such as skiing, skating, paragliding, rafting,
                                                                                                                                 sailing, mountain biking and horse riding. World-
                                                                                                                                 renowned exhibitions and festivals take place
University Centre César Ritz is located in the city of Brig-                                                                     throughout the calendar year satisfying all cultural
Glis, the largest German-speaking town in the canton                                                                             tastes in music from pop to jazz to classical. In short,
of Valais.                                                                                                                       Switzerland offers an extensive range of sporting and
                                                                                                                                 cultural activities.

University Centre César Ritz is located in the city of

Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu
How to Get to University Centre César Ritz

    By Car from: Geneva/Lausanne/Montreux/Sion                                                                     By Plane
    • Take the A9 motorway direction Brig/Simplon until its end                                                    There are three major international airports in Switzerland:
    • Drive on the main road for approximately 22 km direction Brig                                                Geneva, Zurich and Basel. Geneva Airport is the closest to the
    • Take the A9 motorway, pass the Gamsen Tunnel and take the exit Brig-Glis                                     school. Flight reservations need to be made well in advance
    • At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit direction Simplon (Furka, Grimsel, Nufenen, Naters)                     of your starting date, in particular if you start your semester
    • Drive on Überlandstrasse for about 2 km, keep to the right-hand side and exit at Brig-Glis.                  in January (just after the Christmas and New Year holidays),
    	At the roundabout, take the first exit and drive about 100 m, pass over the speed bumps
                                                                                                                   or in July (European summer holidays) as many flights are fully
      and then turn left in front of University Centre César Ritz
                                                                                                                   booked early in the year.

    By Car from: Zurich or Basel/Bern/Lötschberg car train                                                         All three airports have their own railway station with
                                                                                                                   a regular service to the city of Brig. Each start of term, a Welcome
    • Take the A1 motorway direction Bern                                                                          Desk is set up directly in front of the “Arrivals” exit at Geneva Airport.
    • Merge onto the A6 direction Interlaken/Thun/Bern-Ostring                                                     It is open from 8:30 to 23:00 hrs. Friday until Sunday prior to the start
    • Merge onto the 223 towards Kandersteg to take the Lötschberg car transport train across the Alps             of term. Senior students will welcome you at the desk, help you buy
      to Goppenstein. The journey through the tunnel takes less than 15 minutes; trains run every                  the train ticket and ensure you take the correct train to Brig.
      half an hour and it costs CHF 25 per trip
    • Once at Goppenstein, exit the train, turn right at the first stop and keep driving down the mountain.
    	You will then arrive at a village called Gampel-Steg
    • Drive through the village (you must turn left while always remaining on the main road) and cross over                                                                By Train
      a bridge to a roundabout
    • Turn right at the roundabout and follow the directions mentioned above as this is the same road that                                                                 Switzerland offers an efficient network of train connections. Trains
      leads from Geneva                                                                                                                                                   from Geneva Airport usually depart once per hour. Direct trains
                                                                                                                                                                          take approximately two hours and thirty minutes to Brig and cost
                                                                                                                                                                          approximately CHF 60.
    By Car from: Milan (Italy)/Simplon Pass
                                                                                                                                                                          Zurich Airport also has an integrated railway station with
    • Take the A8/Autostrada Dei Laghi (partly toll)
                                                                                                                                                                         excellent service to Brig. Running from 6:00 until 21:00
    • Merge onto the A8/A26 direction Genova-Gravellona Toce (part tollway)
                                                                                                                                                                         hrs. trains take approximately two hours and thirty minutes
    • Merge onto the A26/Autostrada Genova Voltri-Gravellona Toce, follow the signs Gravellona Toce/SS33 Del
    	Sempione (Simplon Pass)                                                                                                                                             to arrive at Brig and cost approximately CHF 85. Beware there is a
    • Cross the border into Switzerland. Drive to Brig-Zentrum exit 35. Turn right onto the Neue Simplonstrasse.                                                        strong possibility that you will be required to change trains. Please
    	Turn left over the bridge, drive straight on Gliserallee to the next roundabout and take a right turn.                                                             consult the train ticket agent who usually will be very happy to help
    	Soon the university will appear on your left-hand side, just after the speed bumps                                                                                 you.

                                                                                                                   rain schedules normally change once per year even though in most cases the changes are not significant. Please visit
                                                                                                                   the website of the Swiss Railways (www.rail.ch) to check for updated departure and arrival times. There you will also
                                                                                                                   find interesting information about travelling in Switzerland by train, student passes, European connections, etc.

        France                                        Luzern
                                                                                            Austria                Half-Fare Train Pass
                                                                                                                   We highly recommend you to buy the half-fare train pass. This
                                                                                                                   allows you to travel anywhere in Switzerland at half the regular
                    Lausanne                                                                                       price of a ticket for a train, bus or boat. If you buy the pass upon
                                                                                                                   arrival in Switzerland it will immediately save you fifty percent
                          LE BOUVERET                                                                              on your trip from the airport to Brig. The pass costs CHF 165
                                                                                                                   per year.

                                                                                                                   Combined with the half-fare card, you can also buy the “Voie 7” pass that allows you to travel in second class for
                                                                                                                   free after 19:00 hrs. You must be between the ages of 19-25 to be eligible for this pass and it costs CHF 99 per
4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5
Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu
How to Get to University Centre César Ritz

    By Car from: Geneva/Lausanne/Montreux/Sion                                                                     By Plane
    • Take the A9 motorway direction Brig/Simplon until its end                                                    There are three major international airports in Switzerland:
    • Drive on the main road for approximately 22 km direction Brig                                                Geneva, Zurich and Basel. Geneva Airport is the closest to the
    • Take the A9 motorway, pass the Gamsen Tunnel and take the exit Brig-Glis                                     school. Flight reservations need to be made well in advance
    • At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit direction Simplon (Furka, Grimsel, Nufenen, Naters)                     of your starting date, in particular if you start your semester
    • Drive on Überlandstrasse for about 2 km, keep to the right-hand side and exit at Brig-Glis.                  in January (just after the Christmas and New Year holidays),
    	At the roundabout, take the first exit and drive about 100 m, pass over the speed bumps
                                                                                                                   or in July (European summer holidays) as many flights are fully
      and then turn left in front of University Centre César Ritz
                                                                                                                   booked early in the year.

    By Car from: Zurich or Basel/Bern/Lötschberg car train                                                         All three airports have their own railway station with
                                                                                                                   a regular service to the city of Brig. Each start of term, a Welcome
    • Take the A1 motorway direction Bern                                                                          Desk is set up directly in front of the “Arrivals” exit at Geneva Airport.
    • Merge onto the A6 direction Interlaken/Thun/Bern-Ostring                                                     It is open from 8:30 to 23:00 hrs. Friday until Sunday prior to the start
    • Merge onto the 223 towards Kandersteg to take the Lötschberg car transport train across the Alps             of term. Senior students will welcome you at the desk, help you buy
      to Goppenstein. The journey through the tunnel takes less than 15 minutes; trains run every                  the train ticket and ensure you take the correct train to Brig.
      half an hour and it costs CHF 25 per trip
    • Once at Goppenstein, exit the train, turn right at the first stop and keep driving down the mountain.
    	You will then arrive at a village called Gampel-Steg
    • Drive through the village (you must turn left while always remaining on the main road) and cross over                                                                By Train
      a bridge to a roundabout
    • Turn right at the roundabout and follow the directions mentioned above as this is the same road that                                                                 Switzerland offers an efficient network of train connections. Trains
      leads from Geneva                                                                                                                                                   from Geneva Airport usually depart once per hour. Direct trains
                                                                                                                                                                          take approximately two hours and thirty minutes to Brig and cost
                                                                                                                                                                          approximately CHF 60.
    By Car from: Milan (Italy)/Simplon Pass
                                                                                                                                                                          Zurich Airport also has an integrated railway station with
    • Take the A8/Autostrada Dei Laghi (partly toll)
                                                                                                                                                                         excellent service to Brig. Running from 6:00 until 21:00
    • Merge onto the A8/A26 direction Genova-Gravellona Toce (part tollway)
                                                                                                                                                                         hrs. trains take approximately two hours and thirty minutes
    • Merge onto the A26/Autostrada Genova Voltri-Gravellona Toce, follow the signs Gravellona Toce/SS33 Del
    	Sempione (Simplon Pass)                                                                                                                                             to arrive at Brig and cost approximately CHF 85. Beware there is a
    • Cross the border into Switzerland. Drive to Brig-Zentrum exit 35. Turn right onto the Neue Simplonstrasse.                                                        strong possibility that you will be required to change trains. Please
    	Turn left over the bridge, drive straight on Gliserallee to the next roundabout and take a right turn.                                                             consult the train ticket agent who usually will be very happy to help
    	Soon the university will appear on your left-hand side, just after the speed bumps                                                                                 you.

                                                                                                                   rain schedules normally change once per year even though in most cases the changes are not significant. Please visit
                                                                                                                   the website of the Swiss Railways (www.rail.ch) to check for updated departure and arrival times. There you will also
                                                                                                                   find interesting information about travelling in Switzerland by train, student passes, European connections, etc.

        France                                        Luzern
                                                                                            Austria                Half-Fare Train Pass
                                                                                                                   We highly recommend you to buy the half-fare train pass. This
                                                                                                                   allows you to travel anywhere in Switzerland at half the regular
                    Lausanne                                                                                       price of a ticket for a train, bus or boat. If you buy the pass upon
                                                                                                                   arrival in Switzerland it will immediately save you fifty percent
                          LE BOUVERET                                                                              on your trip from the airport to Brig. The pass costs CHF 165
                                                                                                                   per year.

                                                                                                                   Combined with the half-fare card, you can also buy the “Voie 7” pass that allows you to travel in second class for
                                                                                                                   free after 19:00 hrs. You must be between the ages of 19-25 to be eligible for this pass and it costs CHF 99 per
4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5
Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu
Dress Code                                                                                       Don‘t Forget

                 César Ritz Colleges Switzerland expects all students to dress and present           Generally most items are available in town or in the region and you will
                 themselves in business attire. When students are scheduled in class or are          be able to purchase whatever you need. You will notice, however, that
                 participating in formal or special occasions, business attire must be worn by       the prices are usually more expensive than they would be in your country.
                 everyone, unless announced otherwise. This includes the college name badge
                 and pin which should be worn at all times with business dress. Examples of
                 business dress are provided below, but the overall appearance of a student
                 should be discreet, conservative and professional.                                  What to Bring
                                                                                                     • At least two business suits to wear to class,
                 Outside of these hours, on weekends from Friday after class to Sunday night,          training, interviews and special occasions
                 during holidays when there are no classes and during the summer break,              • Minimum of five long-sleeved shirts or blouses with a classic collar
                 casual dress, including jeans, t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops may be adopted         and a couple of ties/scarves
                 but students are expected to ensure that garments are in good taste and in          • Wool scarf, hat, gloves, winter jacket and snow boots
                 good repair (for example, no ripped jeans).                                           (it can be very cold in winter)
                                                                                                     • Sports clothes and shoes
                                                                                                     • Pyjamas, nightdresses, bathrobe and slippers
                 Male Students                                                                       • Laptop computer (if you own one it is advisable to bring it along)
                                                                                                     • Dictionaries
                 You should wear dark suits with matching trousers (blue, grey, brown or             • Calculator
                 black), a classic collared long-sleeved shirt and a tie. Cardigans/pullovers worn   • 220 volts round prongs/European connector
                 under jackets are permitted as long as they are v-neck and the tie is visible.
                 You should also bring black leather shoes with laces, and black socks.              The school also encourages you to bring your country’s traditional costume
                                                                                                     and/or formal dress for special events or functions.
                 You must have your hair cut to the regulated length above the collar and
                 not coloured. "Skin-head” type haircuts are not allowed due to their
                 unprofessional look and the connotations involved with such haircuts.
                                                                                                     Other Items You Might Choose to Bring
                 Earrings and piercings of any kind are not permitted. You must be clean-            • Small travel radio, iPod and alarm clock
                 shaven at all times or have a well-trimmed beard or moustache when you              • Hair dryer (220 volts)
                 come to classes or special events. During the term, you may not start growing       • Beach towel (Switzerland offers great opportunities to swim
                 a beard or moustache, or dye your hair.                                               in the summer and in winter, trips are organized to thermal spas
                                                                                                       and heated swimming pools in the area)
                                                                                                     • Ski or snowboard equipment (there will be plenty of opportunities
                 Female Students                                                                       during your stay to enjoy the slopes and it is also possible to rent ski
                                                                                                       equipment for the day or the entire season)
                 You should wear "clean line" skirts/dresses/trousers with coordinating/             • Hiking boots (the Alps offer great opportunities for hiking)
                 matching jackets and a blouse or top. No skirts/dresses should be more than         • Any other sports equipment (e.g. tennis/squash/badminton racket,
                 7 cm above the knees. No t-shirts, polo shirts and/or transparent clothing are        golf clubs or bicycle) N.B. bicycles must be insured and registered
                 allowed. Cardigans/pullovers worn under jackets are permitted as long as              annually and the school does not supply a storage room
                 they are v-neck. You should also bring plain, black closed leather shoes with
                 a small heel, and skin-coloured stockings.                                          We also advise you to bring several passport photos as these will be required
                                                                                                     for a variety of membership cards and passes.
                 You should refrain from wearing excessive jewelry or the use of extensive
                 make-up, perfume and hair colour. Piercings are limited to one per ear.
                                                                                                     What NOT to Bring
                 Visible tattoos are unacceptable.
                                                                                                     For safety reasons, you are not allowed to keep or use ironing equipment or
                                                                                                     cooking appliances in your room (e.g. kettles, heating elements, rice cookers,
                                                                                                     toasters). Kettles to boil water and microwaves are available in the residential
                                                                                                     areas. Pets are forbidden in the living quarters provided by the school.
                                                                                                     Also, it is forbidden to bring or possess firearms, knives or any weapons
                                                                                                     and illegal drugs. Drugs issued on prescription by a registered doctor are
                                                                                                     permitted. Possession and consumption of alcohol is forbidden on campus
                                                                                                     except in the Food and Beverage outlets. Students are not permitted to bring
                                                                                                     alcohol, purchased externally on to the campus. You do not need to bring
                                                                                                     your own linen, as they are being provided on campus.

6                                                                                                                                                                                       7
Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu
Dress Code                                                                                       Don‘t Forget

                 César Ritz Colleges Switzerland expects all students to dress and present           Generally most items are available in town or in the region and you will
                 themselves in business attire. When students are scheduled in class or are          be able to purchase whatever you need. You will notice, however, that
                 participating in formal or special occasions, business attire must be worn by       the prices are usually more expensive than they would be in your country.
                 everyone, unless announced otherwise. This includes the college name badge
                 and pin which should be worn at all times with business dress. Examples of
                 business dress are provided below, but the overall appearance of a student
                 should be discreet, conservative and professional.                                  What to Bring
                                                                                                     • At least two business suits to wear to class,
                 Outside of these hours, on weekends from Friday after class to Sunday night,          training, interviews and special occasions
                 during holidays when there are no classes and during the summer break,              • Minimum of five long-sleeved shirts or blouses with a classic collar
                 casual dress, including jeans, t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops may be adopted         and a couple of ties/scarves
                 but students are expected to ensure that garments are in good taste and in          • Wool scarf, hat, gloves, winter jacket and snow boots
                 good repair (for example, no ripped jeans).                                           (it can be very cold in winter)
                                                                                                     • Sports clothes and shoes
                                                                                                     • Pyjamas, nightdresses, bathrobe and slippers
                 Male Students                                                                       • Laptop computer (if you own one it is advisable to bring it along)
                                                                                                     • Dictionaries
                 You should wear dark suits with matching trousers (blue, grey, brown or             • Calculator
                 black), a classic collared long-sleeved shirt and a tie. Cardigans/pullovers worn   • 220 volts round prongs/European connector
                 under jackets are permitted as long as they are v-neck and the tie is visible.
                 You should also bring black leather shoes with laces, and black socks.              The school also encourages you to bring your country’s traditional costume
                                                                                                     and/or formal dress for special events or functions.
                 You must have your hair cut to the regulated length above the collar and
                 not coloured. "Skin-head” type haircuts are not allowed due to their
                 unprofessional look and the connotations involved with such haircuts.
                                                                                                     Other Items You Might Choose to Bring
                 Earrings and piercings of any kind are not permitted. You must be clean-            • Small travel radio, iPod and alarm clock
                 shaven at all times or have a well-trimmed beard or moustache when you              • Hair dryer (220 volts)
                 come to classes or special events. During the term, you may not start growing       • Beach towel (Switzerland offers great opportunities to swim
                 a beard or moustache, or dye your hair.                                               in the summer and in winter, trips are organized to thermal spas
                                                                                                       and heated swimming pools in the area)
                                                                                                     • Ski or snowboard equipment (there will be plenty of opportunities
                 Female Students                                                                       during your stay to enjoy the slopes and it is also possible to rent ski
                                                                                                       equipment for the day or the entire season)
                 You should wear "clean line" skirts/dresses/trousers with coordinating/             • Hiking boots (the Alps offer great opportunities for hiking)
                 matching jackets and a blouse or top. No skirts/dresses should be more than         • Any other sports equipment (e.g. tennis/squash/badminton racket,
                 7 cm above the knees. No t-shirts, polo shirts and/or transparent clothing are        golf clubs or bicycle) N.B. bicycles must be insured and registered
                 allowed. Cardigans/pullovers worn under jackets are permitted as long as              annually and the school does not supply a storage room
                 they are v-neck. You should also bring plain, black closed leather shoes with
                 a small heel, and skin-coloured stockings.                                          We also advise you to bring several passport photos as these will be required
                                                                                                     for a variety of membership cards and passes.
                 You should refrain from wearing excessive jewelry or the use of extensive
                 make-up, perfume and hair colour. Piercings are limited to one per ear.
                                                                                                     What NOT to Bring
                 Visible tattoos are unacceptable.
                                                                                                     For safety reasons, you are not allowed to keep or use ironing equipment or
                                                                                                     cooking appliances in your room (e.g. kettles, heating elements, rice cookers,
                                                                                                     toasters). Kettles to boil water and microwaves are available in the residential
                                                                                                     areas. Pets are forbidden in the living quarters provided by the school.
                                                                                                     Also, it is forbidden to bring or possess firearms, knives or any weapons
                                                                                                     and illegal drugs. Drugs issued on prescription by a registered doctor are
                                                                                                     permitted. Possession and consumption of alcohol is forbidden on campus
                                                                                                     except in the Food and Beverage outlets. Students are not permitted to bring
                                                                                                     alcohol, purchased externally on to the campus. You do not need to bring
                                                                                                     your own linen, as they are being provided on campus.

6                                                                                                                                                                                       7
Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu
Administrative Information

    Term Dates                                                                                                                     Medical Insurance
    2012 Winter         9 January     -   23 March                                                                                 The Swiss law on health insurance makes it compulsory for any resident in Switzerland, except European Community
    		Spring            9	April       -   22 June                                                                                  (EU) students, to be insured with a Swiss-based health insurance company. As a student resident (B) permit holder,
    		Summer            9 July        -   21	September                                                                             you will automatically enter into this category and will be therefore covered for health, accidents and travel during
         Fall           8 October     -   21 December                                                                              your studies, internships in Switzerland and abroad (worldwide coverage, except USA) by Allianz Worldwide Care
    2013 Winter         7   January   -   22   March
         Spring         8   April     -   21   June                                                                                The cost of the insurance for students under 30 years old is CHF 175 per month. For students above 30 years old, the
         Summer         8   July      -   20   September                                                                           cost of insurance is CHF 195 per month. If you are a Swiss or EU citizen, you have the possibility to keep your own
    		   Fall           7   October   -   20   December                                                                            insurance, provided that you can submit an insurance policy that is approved by the Swiss government. Please provide
                                                                                                                                   your EHIC card (European Health Insurance Card) upon arrival.
                                      Your Arrival
                                      University Centre César Ritz looks forward to
                                      welcoming you on Friday, Saturday or Sunday prior to the start of the term. The
                                      check-in process will commence on Friday at 9:00 hrs. at the student dorms, Themis
                                      & Xenius.

                                       Once you are in Switzerland and know a precise time of arrival in Brig, please call the
                                       Resident Assistant on duty on +41 76 313 22 22.

                                          For arrivals after the stated check-in dates, you will be charged an extra fee. Should
                                          you be unable to arrive during the days and times indicated, please contact the
                                           university immediately.

                                           Student Account
                                           On arrival at University Centre César Ritz, the student account of CHF 3,000 paid
                                           upon registration will be activated under your name at the university. This account
                                           is not subject to interest rates and may not be used for any personal expenses
                                           such as fines, outstanding bills or school fees.

                                            The student account of CHF 3,000 is usually sufficient for six months (i.e. two
                                            terms of study) for textbooks, any uniforms, medical insurance, visa fees and the
                                             annual charges of the cellphone and SMS/Internet mobile charges.

                                               n week three of each term, all students will receive a payment request of
                                               CHF 3,000 for the following term. This down payment must be made for the
                                               reservation of your room and course registration for the next term. This down
                                                payment will then be deducted from the payment request sent out in week 11         Doctors and Hospitals
                                                of each term.
                                                                                                                                   When you are at the university, to make sure that any medical treatment is covered by insurance, you
             Students leaving for an internship in Switzerland or continuing their studies at César Ritz Colleges Switzerland      must only go to doctors or the hospital in Brig. The hospital will accept minor emergencies, however,
    will be required to restock their student account.                                                                             severely injured patients must be admitted to the hospital in Visp, about 8 km from Brig. If you wish
                                                                                                                                   to see a different doctor you should make sure that the college’s insurance will cover the related expenses.
                                                                                                                                   In any case, you should make your own arrangements for transport. If possible, appointments should be made
                                                                                                                                   outside of class time.
    English Placement                                                                                                              During your internship, if you need to be hospitalized for a planned operation (e.g. surgery) you must be hospitalized
    All non-native English speaking students without an official TOEFL/IELTS score, including those who took the online            in the Canton of Valais. However, if it is an emergency, you can go to the hospital nearest to your in-training location.
    Oxford Placement Test will need to take an English Placement Test upon arrival. Should the score be below the
    required minimum level, you will be advised to enrol in the English Foundation Programme. Once the English level is            At all times, the Resident Assistants are able to provide assistance and further information.
    achieved, you will then be allowed to start the programme in which you have enrolled.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              9
Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu
Administrative Information

    Term Dates                                                                                                                     Medical Insurance
    2012 Winter         9 January     -   23 March                                                                                 The Swiss law on health insurance makes it compulsory for any resident in Switzerland, except European Community
    		Spring            9	April       -   22 June                                                                                  (EU) students, to be insured with a Swiss-based health insurance company. As a student resident (B) permit holder,
    		Summer            9 July        -   21	September                                                                             you will automatically enter into this category and will be therefore covered for health, accidents and travel during
         Fall           8 October     -   21 December                                                                              your studies, internships in Switzerland and abroad (worldwide coverage, except USA) by Allianz Worldwide Care
    2013 Winter         7   January   -   22   March
         Spring         8   April     -   21   June                                                                                The cost of the insurance for students under 30 years old is CHF 175 per month. For students above 30 years old, the
         Summer         8   July      -   20   September                                                                           cost of insurance is CHF 195 per month. If you are a Swiss or EU citizen, you have the possibility to keep your own
    		   Fall           7   October   -   20   December                                                                            insurance, provided that you can submit an insurance policy that is approved by the Swiss government. Please provide
                                                                                                                                   your EHIC card (European Health Insurance Card) upon arrival.
                                      Your Arrival
                                      University Centre César Ritz looks forward to
                                      welcoming you on Friday, Saturday or Sunday prior to the start of the term. The
                                      check-in process will commence on Friday at 9:00 hrs. at the student dorms, Themis
                                      & Xenius.

                                       Once you are in Switzerland and know a precise time of arrival in Brig, please call the
                                       Resident Assistant on duty on +41 76 313 22 22.

                                          For arrivals after the stated check-in dates, you will be charged an extra fee. Should
                                          you be unable to arrive during the days and times indicated, please contact the
                                           university immediately.

                                           Student Account
                                           On arrival at University Centre César Ritz, the student account of CHF 3,000 paid
                                           upon registration will be activated under your name at the university. This account
                                           is not subject to interest rates and may not be used for any personal expenses
                                           such as fines, outstanding bills or school fees.

                                            The student account of CHF 3,000 is usually sufficient for six months (i.e. two
                                            terms of study) for textbooks, any uniforms, medical insurance, visa fees and the
                                             annual charges of the cellphone and SMS/Internet mobile charges.

                                               n week three of each term, all students will receive a payment request of
                                               CHF 3,000 for the following term. This down payment must be made for the
                                               reservation of your room and course registration for the next term. This down
                                                payment will then be deducted from the payment request sent out in week 11         Doctors and Hospitals
                                                of each term.
                                                                                                                                   When you are at the university, to make sure that any medical treatment is covered by insurance, you
             Students leaving for an internship in Switzerland or continuing their studies at César Ritz Colleges Switzerland      must only go to doctors or the hospital in Brig. The hospital will accept minor emergencies, however,
    will be required to restock their student account.                                                                             severely injured patients must be admitted to the hospital in Visp, about 8 km from Brig. If you wish
                                                                                                                                   to see a different doctor you should make sure that the college’s insurance will cover the related expenses.
                                                                                                                                   In any case, you should make your own arrangements for transport. If possible, appointments should be made
                                                                                                                                   outside of class time.
    English Placement                                                                                                              During your internship, if you need to be hospitalized for a planned operation (e.g. surgery) you must be hospitalized
    All non-native English speaking students without an official TOEFL/IELTS score, including those who took the online            in the Canton of Valais. However, if it is an emergency, you can go to the hospital nearest to your in-training location.
    Oxford Placement Test will need to take an English Placement Test upon arrival. Should the score be below the
    required minimum level, you will be advised to enrol in the English Foundation Programme. Once the English level is            At all times, the Resident Assistants are able to provide assistance and further information.
    achieved, you will then be allowed to start the programme in which you have enrolled.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              9
Welcome to Brig www.ritz.edu
Stay Connected                                                         Bachelor
                                                                                                                                              Getting Settled
                                                      Operations and     Manager’s office
                                                      Student Affairs                       Placement office
                                         César Ritz                                                        Academic office
                                        dining room
     University Centre                                                                                                                        Students are housed in several single and double room
     Ground Floor                                                                                                                             university accommodation options in Brig. Themis &
                                                                                                                      Administration          Xenius is the largest of the student dormitories, located
                                                                                                                                              within five minutes of the university. All student rooms
                                                                                                                                              are non-smoking and cleaned and restocked with fresh
                                                                                                                      Dean’s office
                                                                                                                                              towels and linen weekly.

                                                                                                                      César’s Café

                                                                                                                                              Single Deluxe Rooms
                                                                                                                                              All single deluxe rooms have a private bathroom with
                                                                                                                                              a shower. In addition, all rooms are equipped with a
                                                                                                                      Receptionist’s office   refrigerator, pin-code safe, wired Internet connection,
                                                                                                                                              flat-screen satellite TV with up to 60 channels and for
                                                                                                                                              a good nights’ sleep, a 120 cm wide bed. All rooms
                                                                                                                                              are furnished with a desk, office chair and sufficient
                                                                                                                                              storage and cupboard space.
                                                 Main kitchen               Chef’s office             Reception

     Key System
     University Centre César Ritz is equipped with
     a central, state-of-the-art locking system. Every student
     receives an electronic keycard to access the campus

     When arriving at César Ritz Colleges Switzerland you will
     be required to purchase a cellphone which is connected
     to the César Ritz Colleges' network (configured only
     for use in Switzerland). You are allowed unlimited free
     calling to any of your fellow students. SMS, MMS and                                                                                                                                                  Resident Assistants
                                                                                                                                              Single Superior Deluxe Rooms
     data are also included. You will be provided with more
     information about the phone network upon arrival. .                                                                                                                                                   Resident Assistants (RA’s) are senior students living on
                                                                                                                                              These rooms have the same features as the single deluxe      campus whose responsibility is to enhance the overall
                                                                                                                                              rooms but are of larger size and the flat-screen TV sets     quality of residential life. They also act as liaisons between
                                                                                                                                              are larger. In addition, single superior deluxe rooms have   the administration and the student body. Please do not
     Mail System                                                                                                                              a DVD player, an easy chair and a 160 cm wide queen-         hesitate to contact the RA’s if you have any questions
                                                                                                                                              size bed. Some single deluxe rooms also have direct          about college, social or personal issues during your stay
     Parents and friends should address their mail to you as                                                                                  access to a large balcony.
     follows:                                                                                                                                                                                              at César Ritz Colleges Switzerland. The RA’s are here to
                                                                        Internet                                                                                                                           help you!
     First name and Surname (in English)                                Wireless Internet is available throughout the school. To              Laundry
     Student number (if known)                                          access the network, you will need to get the SSID name
     University Centre César Ritz                                       and password from the IT department upon arrival.                     Laundry facilities are located in each of the student
     English-Gruss-Strasse 43                                                                                                                 housing options. Washing machines, tumble dryers as
     3900 Brig                                                                                                                                well as ironing boards and irons are available for use by
     Switzerland                                                                                                                              students. Specific facility instructions vary depending on
                                                                        E-mail                                                                location.
     You may collect your mail at the Reception in the                  Upon arrival you will receive your own lifelong e-mail
     university building during weekdays.                               address to stay in touch with the César Ritz family.
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11
Stay Connected                                                         Bachelor
                                                                                                                                              Getting Settled
                                                      Operations and     Manager’s office
                                                      Student Affairs                       Placement office
                                         César Ritz                                                        Academic office
                                        dining room
     University Centre                                                                                                                        Students are housed in several single and double room
     Ground Floor                                                                                                                             university accommodation options in Brig. Themis &
                                                                                                                      Administration          Xenius is the largest of the student dormitories, located
                                                                                                                                              within five minutes of the university. All student rooms
                                                                                                                                              are non-smoking and cleaned and restocked with fresh
                                                                                                                      Dean’s office
                                                                                                                                              towels and linen weekly.

                                                                                                                      César’s Café

                                                                                                                                              Single Deluxe Rooms
                                                                                                                                              All single deluxe rooms have a private bathroom with
                                                                                                                                              a shower. In addition, all rooms are equipped with a
                                                                                                                      Receptionist’s office   refrigerator, pin-code safe, wired Internet connection,
                                                                                                                                              flat-screen satellite TV with up to 60 channels and for
                                                                                                                                              a good nights’ sleep, a 120 cm wide bed. All rooms
                                                                                                                                              are furnished with a desk, office chair and sufficient
                                                                                                                                              storage and cupboard space.
                                                 Main kitchen               Chef’s office             Reception

     Key System
     University Centre César Ritz is equipped with
     a central, state-of-the-art locking system. Every student
     receives an electronic keycard to access the campus

     When arriving at César Ritz Colleges Switzerland you will
     be required to purchase a cellphone which is connected
     to the César Ritz Colleges' network (configured only
     for use in Switzerland). You are allowed unlimited free
     calling to any of your fellow students. SMS, MMS and                                                                                                                                                  Resident Assistants
                                                                                                                                              Single Superior Deluxe Rooms
     data are also included. You will be provided with more
     information about the phone network upon arrival. .                                                                                                                                                   Resident Assistants (RA’s) are senior students living on
                                                                                                                                              These rooms have the same features as the single deluxe      campus whose responsibility is to enhance the overall
                                                                                                                                              rooms but are of larger size and the flat-screen TV sets     quality of residential life. They also act as liaisons between
                                                                                                                                              are larger. In addition, single superior deluxe rooms have   the administration and the student body. Please do not
     Mail System                                                                                                                              a DVD player, an easy chair and a 160 cm wide queen-         hesitate to contact the RA’s if you have any questions
                                                                                                                                              size bed. Some single deluxe rooms also have direct          about college, social or personal issues during your stay
     Parents and friends should address their mail to you as                                                                                  access to a large balcony.
     follows:                                                                                                                                                                                              at César Ritz Colleges Switzerland. The RA’s are here to
                                                                        Internet                                                                                                                           help you!
     First name and Surname (in English)                                Wireless Internet is available throughout the school. To              Laundry
     Student number (if known)                                          access the network, you will need to get the SSID name
     University Centre César Ritz                                       and password from the IT department upon arrival.                     Laundry facilities are located in each of the student
     English-Gruss-Strasse 43                                                                                                                 housing options. Washing machines, tumble dryers as
     3900 Brig                                                                                                                                well as ironing boards and irons are available for use by
     Switzerland                                                                                                                              students. Specific facility instructions vary depending on
                                                                        E-mail                                                                location.
     You may collect your mail at the Reception in the                  Upon arrival you will receive your own lifelong e-mail
     university building during weekdays.                               address to stay in touch with the César Ritz family.
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11
University Centre                                                                                                        Themis & Xenius

     César Ritz Dining Room                                      School Books                                                 Study Rooms
     The dining room is located on the ground floor              You are advised to buy your textbooks at the beginning       There are study rooms in the university building as well
     of the university building and is open Monday to Friday     of each term at the facilities provided by University        as the student dorms Themis & Xenius that are great
     for lunch and dinner. You can help yourself from a buffet   Centre César Ritz. A system of second-hand books has         for doing projects with a group or doing homework.
     line.                                                       also been introduced where textbooks may be available
                                                                 at half-price. There may also be an opportunity at the
                                                                 end of each term to return certain used books for a          Cosmos Lounge
                                                                 refund of half the purchase price.
                                                                                                                              The lobby/reception called “Cosmos” is located
                                                                                                                              on the ground floor of the Themis & Xenius
                                                                                                                              dorms and is staffed by students. It is more
                                                                                                                              than a reception; it is also a coffee lounge

                                                                                                                              where beverages and snacks are offered.

     Computer Lab                                                Library
     The computer lab, located on the second floor of            The library holds over 6,000 books and more than 80
     the university building, is equipped with 24 personal       journals and magazines. The largest collections are within   Kitchens are located in the majority of
     computers and all necessary software is installed           the gastronomy and hospitality subjects. The library also    student housing options. There are eight fully
     including standard programmes like MS Office and            offers electronic databases, DVD's and videos.               equipped kitchens with dishwashers located
     other hospitality-based packages. Each term you will be                                                                  at the Themis & Xenius building and available
     allocated 400 free printouts.                                                                                            for you to cook and dine with your friends.
                                                                                                                              You are, however, responsible for cleanliness
                                                                                                                              of the kitchen and utensils.

12                                                                                                                                                                                       13
University Centre                                                                                                        Themis & Xenius

     César Ritz Dining Room                                      School Books                                                 Study Rooms
     The dining room is located on the ground floor              You are advised to buy your textbooks at the beginning       There are study rooms in the university building as well
     of the university building and is open Monday to Friday     of each term at the facilities provided by University        as the student dorms Themis & Xenius that are great
     for lunch and dinner. You can help yourself from a buffet   Centre César Ritz. A system of second-hand books has         for doing projects with a group or doing homework.
     line.                                                       also been introduced where textbooks may be available
                                                                 at half-price. There may also be an opportunity at the
                                                                 end of each term to return certain used books for a          Cosmos Lounge
                                                                 refund of half the purchase price.
                                                                                                                              The lobby/reception called “Cosmos” is located
                                                                                                                              on the ground floor of the Themis & Xenius
                                                                                                                              dorms and is staffed by students. It is more
                                                                                                                              than a reception; it is also a coffee lounge

                                                                                                                              where beverages and snacks are offered.

     Computer Lab                                                Library
     The computer lab, located on the second floor of            The library holds over 6,000 books and more than 80
     the university building, is equipped with 24 personal       journals and magazines. The largest collections are within   Kitchens are located in the majority of
     computers and all necessary software is installed           the gastronomy and hospitality subjects. The library also    student housing options. There are eight fully
     including standard programmes like MS Office and            offers electronic databases, DVD's and videos.               equipped kitchens with dishwashers located
     other hospitality-based packages. Each term you will be                                                                  at the Themis & Xenius building and available
     allocated 400 free printouts.                                                                                            for you to cook and dine with your friends.
                                                                                                                              You are, however, responsible for cleanliness
                                                                                                                              of the kitchen and utensils.

12                                                                                                                                                                                       13
Getting Around                                                                                                       Within Walking Distance – Brig Town Centre

     Public Transportation                                                                                                Shopping                                                   Banks
     The Swiss public transportation system is wonderful and allows easy travelling within Switzerland and surrounding    Brig is a relatively small town, so all shopping areas     Switzerland is known to be the country of banks. In
     countries. From the campus, the train and the bus station can be reached in less than eight minutes walk.            are within easy reach by foot. Clothes, shoes, sports      Brig you will find a branch of all the major Swiss banks.
                                                                                                                          equipment, food, toiletries, stationery and electronics    Regular opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00
     For more information about train and bus schedules visit: www.rail.ch.                                               are all available. Shops and pharmacies are usually        to 17:00 hrs. ATM machines, however, can be found
                                                                                                                          open on Monday afternoon from 14:00 to 18:30 hrs.          in Brig and throughout Switzerland and money may
                                                                                                                          and Tuesdays through Fridays from 8:00 to 12:00 hrs.       be easily withdrawn any time of the day. In order to
                                                                                                                          and from 13:30 to 18:30 hrs. Saturdays, most shops are     open a bank account you must be in possession of a
                                                                                                                          open from 8:00 to 17:00 hrs. and on Sundays almost         valid B-Permit. Both UBS and Credit Suisse offer special
                                                                                                                          everything is closed except a small convenience store at   attractive deals for you upon arrival.
                                                                                                                          the train station and at petrol stations.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Cost of Living
                                                                                                                                                                                              Depending on your lifestyle and the country
                                                                                                                                                                                              you are from, you should budget a minimum
                                                                                                                                                                                              of CHF 400 per month for living expenses to
     Brig Town Centre                                                                                                                                                                          allow you to enjoy not only the school but also
                                                                                                                                                                                               the Swiss life.
                                          Train station

                         P                          office          MIGROS
                       & Xenius                       Alpina

       H   Brig
                                                              Credit Suisse

                                                             P   Weri
                       P     Glissmatte
                                                                                                                          Restaurants and Bars
                                                                                                                          Brig has many restaurants and bars offering a range
                                                                                                                          of cuisines and tastes from classical Swiss and
                                                                                                                          French Cuisine to Italian and Thai. McDonalds as
                                     University Centre                                                                    well as other take-away outlets are also available.
                                        César Ritz                                                                        Regular opening hours for restaurants are from
                                                                                                                          8:00 to 23:00 hrs. Hot food is regularly served
     Parking                                                                                                              from 12:00 to 14:00 hrs. and again from 18:00
                                                                                                                          to 22:00 hrs. Bars are usually open from 9:00 to
     Parking is subject to availability and located at the student dorms Themis & Xenius for a surcharge of CHF 300       24:00/1:00 hrs.
     (indoor) and CHF 150 (outdoor) per term.

     There is strictly no parking on school premises, including the secondary school next door and the private parking
     spaces adjacent to the building. You have two other options for parking at the university building:

     • Monthly ticket at the parking lot “Glismatte” (next to the university) for approximately CHF 40 a month
     • Monthly ticket for Garage-Parking “Weri” for approximately CHF 80 a month

     These tickets can be obtained at the local police (Stadtpolizei Brig) located at the Bauamt. Opening hours: 10:00-
     12:00 and 14:00-16:00 hrs.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
Getting Around                                                                                                       Within Walking Distance – Brig Town Centre

     Public Transportation                                                                                                Shopping                                                   Banks
     The Swiss public transportation system is wonderful and allows easy travelling within Switzerland and surrounding    Brig is a relatively small town, so all shopping areas     Switzerland is known to be the country of banks. In
     countries. From the campus, the train and the bus station can be reached in less than eight minutes walk.            are within easy reach by foot. Clothes, shoes, sports      Brig you will find a branch of all the major Swiss banks.
                                                                                                                          equipment, food, toiletries, stationery and electronics    Regular opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00
     For more information about train and bus schedules visit: www.rail.ch.                                               are all available. Shops and pharmacies are usually        to 17:00 hrs. ATM machines, however, can be found
                                                                                                                          open on Monday afternoon from 14:00 to 18:30 hrs.          in Brig and throughout Switzerland and money may
                                                                                                                          and Tuesdays through Fridays from 8:00 to 12:00 hrs.       be easily withdrawn any time of the day. In order to
                                                                                                                          and from 13:30 to 18:30 hrs. Saturdays, most shops are     open a bank account you must be in possession of a
                                                                                                                          open from 8:00 to 17:00 hrs. and on Sundays almost         valid B-Permit. Both UBS and Credit Suisse offer special
                                                                                                                          everything is closed except a small convenience store at   attractive deals for you upon arrival.
                                                                                                                          the train station and at petrol stations.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Cost of Living
                                                                                                                                                                                              Depending on your lifestyle and the country
                                                                                                                                                                                              you are from, you should budget a minimum
                                                                                                                                                                                              of CHF 400 per month for living expenses to
     Brig Town Centre                                                                                                                                                                          allow you to enjoy not only the school but also
                                                                                                                                                                                               the Swiss life.
                                          Train station

                         P                           Post
                                                    office          MIGROS
                       & Xenius                       Alpina

       H   Brig
                                                              Credit Suisse

                                                             P   Weri
                       P     Glissmatte
                                                                                                                          Restaurants and Bars
                                                                                                                          Brig has many restaurants and bars offering a range
                                                                                                                          of cuisines and tastes from classical Swiss and
                                                                                                                          French Cuisine to Italian and Thai. McDonalds as
                                     University Centre                                                                    well as other take-away outlets are also available.
                                        César Ritz                                                                        Regular opening hours for restaurants are from
                                                                                                                          8:00 to 23:00 hrs. Hot food is regularly served
     Parking                                                                                                              from 12:00 to 14:00 hrs. and again from 18:00
                                                                                                                          to 22:00 hrs. Bars are usually open from 9:00 to
     Parking is subject to availability and located at the student dorms Themis & Xenius for a surcharge of CHF 300       24:00/1:00 hrs.
     (indoor) and CHF 150 (outdoor) per term.

     There is strictly no parking on school premises, including the secondary school next door and the private parking
     spaces adjacent to the building. You have two other options for parking at the university building:

     • Monthly ticket at the parking lot “Glismatte” (next to the university) for approximately CHF 40 a month
     • Monthly ticket for Garage-Parking “Weri” for approximately CHF 80 a month

     These tickets can be obtained at the local police (Stadtpolizei Brig) located at the Bauamt. Opening hours: 10:00-
     12:00 and 14:00-16:00 hrs.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
Having Fun

     Student Committee                                                              Chaos Student Club
     The aim of the Student Committee is to represent the entire student body.      Open up to six nights a week, the Chaos
     The committee works closely with the Student Activities Coordinator            Bar is staffed by students. With its wide
     to promote and improve your quality of life. Some of the responsibilities of   selection of beverages, it is an excellent
     the Student Committee are to organize extracurricular activities and speak     place for parties and theme nights.
     on your behalf.
                                                                                    Located in the basement of Themis &
     Remember that you are encouraged to suggest activities that would interest     Xenius, Chaos hosts theme parties with
     you to the Student Committee or the Student Services. Chances are a fellow     DJs such as Apres Ski parties and 80’s
     student may also be interested. Get involved and                               nights. It also hosts more relaxed nights
     enjoy the experience!                                                          designed for you to mingle and game
                                                                                    nights from poker tournaments, guitar
     More activities may be found on                                                heros or Wii bowling championships.
     www.ritz.edu under News.

     Social Activities
     Events and excursions are scheduled
     regularly to help enhance your life outside
     the campus environment. This gives you
     the chance to develop your
     professional knowledge
     and discover the country
     where you are living
     through such excursions.
     Some of these include
     but are not limited to
     city excursions in and out
     of Switzerland as well as
     sporting trips.

     Theme nights and special
     events happen regularly.
     The most anticipated events
     include the Icebreaker party,
     the Iron Chef competition and
     the Sports day.

     Hot Places
     Brig and the surroundings offer other
     ways to enjoy your stay while at University
     Centre César Ritz. Several of the local bars
     transform into discos on weekends but
     you can also stay on campus at the Chaos
     Bar and night club. You may also appreciate
     going to the movie theatre that offers English-
     language films; and to other events in town.
     In the summer, you may be interested to take
     part in the Open Air Gampel Festival with its
     incomparable ambiance found not far away
     from Brig (www.openairgampel.ch).

16                                                                                                                               17
Having Fun

     Student Committee                                                              Chaos Student Club
     The aim of the Student Committee is to represent the entire student body.      Open up to six nights a week, the Chaos
     The committee works closely with the Student Activities Coordinator            Bar is staffed by students. With its wide
     to promote and improve your quality of life. Some of the responsibilities of   selection of beverages, it is an excellent
     the Student Committee are to organize extracurricular activities and speak     place for parties and theme nights.
     on your behalf.
                                                                                    Located in the basement of Themis &
     Remember that you are encouraged to suggest activities that would interest     Xenius, Chaos hosts theme parties with
     you to the Student Committee or the Student Services. Chances are a fellow     DJs such as Apres Ski parties and 80’s
     student may also be interested. Get involved and                               nights. It also hosts more relaxed nights
     enjoy the experience!                                                          designed for you to mingle and game
                                                                                    nights from poker tournaments, guitar
     More activities may be found on                                                heros or Wii bowling championships.
     www.ritz.edu under News.

     Social Activities
     Events and excursions are scheduled
     regularly to help enhance your life outside
     the campus environment. This gives you
     the chance to develop your
     professional knowledge
     and discover the country
     where you are living
     through such excursions.
     Some of these include
     but are not limited to
     city excursions in and out
     of Switzerland as well as
     sporting trips.

     Theme nights and special
     events happen regularly.
     The most anticipated events
     include the Icebreaker party,
     the Iron Chef competition and
     the Sports day.

     Hot Places
     Brig and the surroundings offer other
     ways to enjoy your stay while at University
     Centre César Ritz. Several of the local bars
     transform into discos on weekends but
     you can also stay on campus at the Chaos
     Bar and night club. You may also appreciate
     going to the movie theatre that offers English-
     language films; and to other events in town.
     In the summer, you may be interested to take
     part in the Open Air Gampel Festival with its
     incomparable ambiance found not far away
     from Brig (www.openairgampel.ch).

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                                                                                                                                 Swimming Pool
                                                                                                                                 As a student of University Centre César Ritz you have        From December until April, Switzerland provides the best
                                                                                                                                 free access to the outdoor pool in summer, which is          opportunities for winter sports in the world. There are
     We believe that giving you an opportunity to                 Fitness                                                        located within 10 minutes’ walk from the school. There       numerous world-class ski resorts, many of which are
     participate in physical activity allows you to fully                                                                        you will find a water-slide, a diving-pool and a beach-      located close to the school (Fiesch, Saas-Fee, Zermatt
     develop your potential. You will, therefore, have the        Themis & Xenius also have fully furnished fitness facilities   volleyball court.                                            and Crans Montana) and are easily accessible by public
     opportunity to take part in several sports and activities    that can be used free of charge.                                                                                            transport. Ski trips are organized by the school on most
     on campus even daily if you wish to do so. There are                                                                                                                                     weekends when snow conditions permit. In general,
     a number of different sports facilities in Brig.             If you are looking for a larger variety of equipment or        Golf Courses and Driving Range                               there is something for every taste including tobogganing,
                                                                  classes, you are welcome to purchase a membership at                                                                        skating, hockey, ice climbing and mountaineering.
                                                                  one of the local professional fitness centres.                 If you enjoy playing golf, you have the opportunity
     Team Activities                                                                                                             to practice for free at the driving range located a mere
                                                                                                                                 10 minutes’ drive from the campus.                           Summer Activities
     The student dorms Themis & Xenius provide                    Tennis
     a multi-use sports court where football, basketball,                                                                        Within an hour by train you have easy access to several      The mountainous region is beautiful and perfect for
     volleyball and badminton can be played. The Student          Indoor and outdoor tennis courts are available within          18-hole golf courses, as well as a 9-hole course.            outdoor adventures. There are many hiking trails in
     Services Department and the Student Committee                walking distance of the university.                                                                                         the Aletsch glacier area which is the largest and most
     organize sports activities throughout the year. More                                                                                                                                     fascinating river of ice in the Alps. You can also enjoy
     competitive athletes can join one of the local clubs.                                                                       Winter Activities                                            mountain biking, river rafting, horseback riding and
                                                                                                                                                                                              paragliding. Summer skiing is also available and very
     Next door to the university building, there are indoor/                                                                     Although Switzerland is kown as an all-seasons tourist       popular so real ski enthusiasts can quench their desire to
     outdoor soccer (football) field, volleyball and basketball                                                                  paradise, it is really during the winter months that the     ski twelve months a year on certain glaciers for example
     courts also available for use.                                                                                              country has a truly breathless array of delights on offer.   in Saas-Fee and Zermatt.
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