Church of St. William - 4 th Sundayof Easter April 25, 2021 -

Page created by Victor Soto
Church of St. William - 4 th Sundayof Easter April 25, 2021 -
Church of St. William   4th Sunday of
                           April 25, 2021
Church of St. William - 4 th Sundayof Easter April 25, 2021 -
Church of St. William
                                    6200 Rising Sun Avenue
                                                                                       Keep holy the Lord’s Day
                               Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111             All Catholics are encouraged to come to church for Mass on
                                                                            Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, however, if you are
CHURCH IS OPEN                                                              sick or unable to attend, you may follow the Mass through
Monday thru Friday (6am to 1pm); Saturday (8am-6pm); Sunday (7am-9pm)       digital means. Our church livestreams Mass on Sundays at
                                                                            9:00am (English) and 10:30am (Spanish).
Pastor                         Rev. Alfonso J. Concha (Fr. Al)                
Pakistani Community            Rev. Tariq Isaac (Parochial Vicar)
Retired (Resident)             Rev. Augusto Concha (Fr. Gus)                                  SUNDAY                          MON—FRI
Haitian Community              Rev. Eugene Almonor, O.M.I.                                    Vigil 5:00pm (Saturday)          6:30am
Deacons                        William Moser, Felipe Cruz                                     7:30am, 9am, 12pm, 8pm          12:00pm
Superior / Hispanic Ministry   Sr. Rose Patrice, IHM
PREP Coordinator               Julia Thillet                                                  10:30am - Spanish
Secretaries                    Caroline Guy, Judi Schein, Danilsa Ysabel                      4:00pm - Urdu                SATURDAY
Business Manager               Timothy Babbage                                                5:30pm - Creole                8:00am
Music Director                 Ken Houser
Facilities Manager             John Meehan

Office Hours
                                                                               Sacrament of Confirmation
Monday thru Friday 8:45am—3:30pm (closed 11:45am-12:30pm)                        Church of St. William
Rectory: 215-745-1389                Fax: 215-745-8432                     Saturday ~ September 11 at 5:00pm
Convent: 215-745-3513                PREP: 215-745-1389                         Archbishop Nelson Perez
Website:                                      We invite children, teens and adults in our parish who have
Email:                                   not received the Sacrament of Confirmation and are eligible to
                                                                           please contact Fr. Al at 215-745-1389 or email him at

BAPTISM (Lower Church)                                                     Why be Confirmed in the Catholic Church?
Spanish: 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:00PM
English: 2nd or 4th Sunday of the month at 1:00PM                          1. You will be receiving one of the seven sacraments
                                                                              and a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Pre-Baptismal Instructions (Rectory Basement)
Spanish: 2nd Wednesday 7:00PM
                                                                           2. By receiving this sacrament, you are accepting re-
English: 1st Sunday at 1:00PM                                                 sponsibility for your faith and destiny.
                                                                           3. The Holy Spirit will give you an increased ability to
For information or scheduling a Baptism, please email Deacon Bill             practice your Catholic faith in every aspect of your
Moser (English) or Sister Rose (Spanish) at the following:                    life and witness Christ in every situation.                                          4. This sacrament will bring you the privilege of being
                                                                              a full member in the Catholic Church.
Bishops are Ordinary ministers of Confirmation. Archbishop Nelson
Perez will administer the Sacrament on Sept. 11, 2021 in our                                 Sunday ~ May 2
church. To register for adult confirmation class, call the rectory.                     9:00am & 10:30am Masses
(Confessions are heard at the front side altar only)
Saturday:                4:00—4:45PM
Eve of Holy Days:        4:00—4:45PM
Eve of First Fridays:   After 12:00 Noon Mass only
For personal request, contact the Rectory.

MATRIMONY ~ Weddings are scheduled on Saturdays at
11:00AM, 1:00PM, or 3:00PM in the Upper Church; 2:00PM in the
Lower Church. Couples intending marriage must contact our Pastor
at least six months prior to the intended date of marriage.
For required marriage preparation contact the rectory or                           Please keep the children in your prayers.
For wedding music contact Ken Houser, Music Director at                    SUNDAY COLLECTIONS ~ APRIL 18
                                                                           Sunday      $6,393             Easter       $495
ANOINTING OF THE SICK ~ Sacrament of healing and God’s                     E-Giving       290             E-Giving       50
blessings for those who are sick or in serious condition. Parishion-       TOTAL       $6,683             TOTAL        $545
ers in serious illness, please contact our parish priests. Anyone
unable to attend Mass due to illness may call the Rectory to make          Thank you for your continued support of the parish. Fr. Al
arrangements to receive Communion in their home.
Church of St. William - 4 th Sundayof Easter April 25, 2021 -
Fourth Sunday of Easter
                       April 25, 2021

FOCUS: We are God’s children; we are the flock of the
Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for us.                                                      of April 25, 2021

God loves us so much that we are not simply called God’s        Sunday, April 25
                                                                5:00pm (Vigil) Peter Feledick
children, but in fact are God’s children now. This love is
                                                                7:30am          James Hawe, Sr.
that of a good shepherd, who knows and cherishes his            9:00am          Harry Cotton
sheep, and who, unlike others, will sacrifice his own life      10:30am         Francisco J. Fernandez (birthday memorial)
for the safety of his flock.                                    12:00pm         Maria Huong Nguyen
                                                                8:00pm          James J. McNally
LITURGY OF THE WORD: In the first reading, Peter
proclaims to the elders that the cripple who has been           Monday, April 26
healed and saved was done so in the name of Jesus. This         6:30am         Sr. Dolores Ann Dennin, IHM
                                                                12:00pm        William Guy, Sr. (birthday memorial)
is the Jesus that they had crucified and whom God raised
from the dead. The First Letter of John says that through       Tuesday, April 27
the love of God we are now the children of God; what we         6:30am          Dolores Landgrebe (birthday memorial)
shall become is not yet revealed. In the Gospel, Jesus says,    12:00pm         In Thanksgiving
I am the good shepherd… who lays down his life for the sheep.
                                                                Wednesday, April 28
REFLECTION: There are a lot of voices out there that            6:30am       James McNally
                                                                12:00pm      Special Intention
can only distract and scatter us. Perhaps we’ve paid too
much attention to them at times in our lives. Through hard      Thursday, April 29
experience we have learned that they don’t have our best        6:30am          Collette Wettengel
interests at heart and if we listen to them, we are scat-       12:00pm         Aurora Cruz
tered. But the voice of the Shepherd, Jesus tells us, wants
to gather us. His voice can help us keep our wits about us      Friday, April 30
in an often-misguided world.                                    6:30am           Scott Rooney
                                                                12:00pm          Maria Zielinski (38th anniversary)
So we ask ourselves:
                                                                Saturday, May 1
•   Can I name the “false shepherds” I have listened to?        8:00am         Herbert L. Farrington (54th anniversary)
                                                                5:00pm         Camille D. Sztukowski
•   How did they mislead me?
•   Where and how do I listen to the voice of the Good                                Carmella Dick           Donna Griffin
    Shepherd?                                                                         Francisco Perez         Michael Wilson
                                                                                      Elizabeth Junod         Tim Esack
                                                                                      Linda Richardson        Shannon Esack
                                                                                      Josephine Starkman      Anna Clozio
                Please Pray for Priests                         Isabelle Schmidt      Adele Volpe              Matt Koreck
                        Dear Lord,                              River Fisher Ritter   Braydon Mulholland      Alonso Castillo
            We pray that the Blessed Mother                     Carol Petroski        Patricia McShaffry      Betty Harding
           wrap her mantle around your priests                  Abigail Hamilton      Robert McGrody          Frank Philips
               and through her intercession                     Vincent Florian       Gerald McLaughlin       Owen Hence
                                                                Elva McGuire          Joe Fenuto              Irene Coyle
            strengthen them for their ministry.                 Claire Gleason        Lisa Collins            Marge Simon
        We pray that Mary will guide your priests               Bill Sherwin          Theresa Sherwin         Joanne Zalisky
               to follow her own words,                         David Lee
              “Do whatever He tells you.”
     May your priests have the heart of St. Joseph,                            Please pray for the souls of the faithful
             Mary’s most chaste spouse.                                        departed, especially….
      May the Blessed Mother’s own pierced heart                                        Barbara Bryant
              inspire them to embrace all                                               Lillian Slavin
           who suffer at the foot of the cross.                                         Frank Stevens
                  May your priests be holy,
                                                                PREP ~ Parish Religious Education Program
              filled with the fire of your love
          seeking nothing but your greater glory                Please remember today is the dead-
            and the salvation of souls. Amen.                   line for Confirmation documents to be
                                                                handed to Fr. Al or delivered to the
              St. John Vianney, pray for us.                    rectory.
Church of St. William - 4 th Sundayof Easter April 25, 2021 -
Year of St. Joseph                                                   Second Collection
On December 8, 2020, Pope Francis declared a Year of St.             Next weekend (May 1 & 2), the second collection will be
Joseph “to perpetuate the entrustment of the whole Church to         taken up for Catholic Home Missions. Home mission
the powerful patronage of the Guardian of Jesus” and so that         dioceses are those Catholic dioceses in the United
“the faithful may daily strengthen their life of faith through the   States, its territories, and former territories that cannot
example of [St. Joseph].” Celebrating the 150th anniversary of       provide basic pastoral services without outside help.
Pope Pius IX’s declaration of St. Joseph as the Patron of the
Universal Church, this Year of St. Joseph is an opportunity to
                                                                     Basic pastoral services include Mass, the sacraments,
entrust ourselves more completely to the foster-father of Jesus      religious education, and ministry training for priests,
and spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.                               deacons, religious sisters, and laypeople. Right now,
                                                                     over 40% of dioceses in the United States and its terri-
                                                                     tories are considered home missions.
    Feast Day of St. Joseph the Worker                               Your prayers and financial support are greatly appreci-
                  May 1                                              ated.

CONSECRATION TO ST. JOSEPH                                           Church Envelopes
To help men live out the joy of Christ, and                          If you are a registered member of the parish and do not
to provide all members of the parish com-
munity with examples of virtue, prudence
                                                                     receive envelopes, please contact the rectory at 215-
and fatherhood, the Knights of Columbus                              745-1389. If you would like to become a member of St.
are encouraged to lead their communities                             William Parish, please call us to schedule an appoint-
in a consecration to St. Joseph during this                          ment to see one of the priests. We welcome you to join
year of St. Joseph. By this act of consecration, we ask for the      our parish!
aid and intercession of the foster father of Jesus Christ, St. Jo-
seph, who serves as a true model for every man. Preparing for
the Consecration to St. Joseph is not a single event, it is choos-   Bereavement Ministry
ing a way of life for oneself. Through this act, each participant    Maternity BVM Church is offering meetings to anyone who is
consciously chooses to be a beacon of God’s love, authentic          grieving the death of a loved one. People of all faiths and
masculinity, and to hold himself and his brothers to the standard    other parishes are welcome. Meetings will be held in the Rec-
established by St. Joseph, Chaste Protector of the Virgin, De-       tory Meeting Room (lower level of the rectory) at:
fender of the Universal Church and Terror of Demons.                         PLACE: Maternity BVM Church
This consecration can be done by an individual, a family, or an                         9220 Old Bustleton Ave. 19115
entire parish community. It is important to make spiritual prepa-             DATES: Wednesdays at 7:00pm
rations leading up to the consecration by learning more about                          April 28; May 5
St. Joseph and praying for his intercession regularly.               Please contact Eileen at 215-677-6582 if you plan on attend-
                                                                     ing or for more information.
                   Memorare to St. Joseph
     Remember, O most chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary,
                                                                                         Centennial Books are available
                    that never was it known                                              Please remember to pick up your FREE
                                                                                         book at the rectory if you had your
              that anyone who implored your help
                                                                                         picture taken by Lifetouch last year.
       and sought your intercession was left unassisted.
        Full of confidence in your power, I fly unto you                                 Additional books are available to pur-
                    and beg your protection.                                             chase for $10 each.
          Despise not, O Guardian of the Redeemer,                                       Call the rectory at 215-745-1389.
         my humble supplication, but in your bounty,
                  hear and answer me. Amen.
                                                                       IHM Center for Literacy and GED
                                                                       Registration for NEW STUDENTS
             Act of Consecration to St. Joseph                                    2021-2022
    O dearest St. Joseph, I consecrate myself to your honor          DATES:    April 26, 27, 28, 29
   and give myself to you, that you may always be my father,
      my protector and my guide in the way of salvation.             TIMES:    9:00am-11:00am & 6:00pm-8:00pm
             Obtain for me a greater purity of heart                 PLACE:    St. Bernard School, 7341 Cottage Street
               and fervent love of the interior life.                          Philadelphia, PA 19136
          After your example may I do all my actions                           Bring photo ID and wear a mask.
                  for the greater glory of God,
            in union with the Divine Heart of Jesus                  INFO:    215-338-3120
              and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.                      
              O Blessed St. Joseph, pray for me,                     
                                                                     COST:     $130 (September to May); $100 due at
                                                                               registration; balance due by Sept. 30.
Wedding Anniversary Mass ~ May 1 (5:15pm)
Married couples celebrating their 5th, 10th, 25th or 50th anniver-   Classes will begin Monday, September 13.
sary and newlyweds are invited to Mass at the Cathedral Basili-
ca of SS Peter & Paul on May 1, 2021 at the 5:15pm Vigil Mass        Testing for new students is Monday May 3, 4, 5, & 6.
celebrated by Archbishop Nelson Perez. Friends and family are        Times will be given at registration. If you have any
welcome and encouraged to attend. RSVP at 215-587-0500 or            questions, please call 215-338-3120 on Mondays
visit                                    through Thursdays, between 9am and 12pm.
Church of St. William - 4 th Sundayof Easter April 25, 2021 -
CONFESIONES: Todos los Domingo: 10:00 - 10:20AM.                           DOMINGO, ABRIL 25, 2021
BAUTISMO: Coordina con Diácono Felipe o Hna. Rosa                        CUARTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA
  2° Miércoles del mes a las 7:00 PM:    Charla                     Dia Mundial de Oracion por las Vocaciones
  3° Domingo del mes a las 12:00 PM:     Bautismo
   Certificado de Bautismo: Llamar la Rectoría 215-745-1389                  " YO SOY EL BUEN PASTOR "!
                                                                 Jesús se declara como El Buen Pastor ! El es el Pastor
Visitas y Comunión a los ENFERMOS y ANCIANOS:                    verdadero, auténtico, modelo y único. El se diferencia de
   Consulta con Padre Al. Asistente: Ida Jiménez                 los falsos pastores, porque está dispuesto a ' dar la vida '
ROSARIO: Domingo a las 10:00, antes de la Misa.                  por las ovejas. El pastor asalariado, cuando ve venir al
                                                                 lobo, abandona las ovejas y huye, y el lobo hace estra-
CÍRCULO de ORACIÓN:                                              gos y las dispersa. El Buen Pastor conoce a las ovejas y
  Los viernes en la Iglesia 6:30-8:30 pm                         es conocido por ellas. Así dice Jesus : "Yo conozco a mis
                                                                 ovejas y ellas me conocen a mi"! El llama a las ovejas por
Matrimonio: Cita con Padre Al
                                                                 su nombre y ellas le siguen porque conocen su voz.
Sacramentos para adultos: Charlas los domingos a las 9:00 am     Jesús crea una comunión de vida, una relación personal
                                                                 y amorosa con cada una de ellas. Aún más, Jesús como
   Consulta con Diácono y Nidia Cruz                             Buen Pastor, entrega su vida por sus ovejas ! Jesús nos
Clases de PREP: Tarea en hogar                                   ama tanto que siempre da su vida por cada uno de no-
                                                                 sotros. Cristo Jesús es El Pastor de todos los pueblos. El
                                                                 confió su misión a los Apóstoles, es decir, a su Iglesia
                                                                 que continúa la misión en el mundo entero." Rueguen al
                   Sacramento de la Con irmación                 Dueño de la mies, que envíe vocaciones a su Iglesia" dijo
                  Sábado, 11 de septiembre a las 5:00 PM         el Señor ! No dejemos de rezar por las vocaciones que
                   Celebrante: Arzobispo Nelson Pérez            necesita la Iglesia, es decir, todos nosotros !

             Invitamos a niñ os, adolescentes y adultos de            CLASES de INGLES - 4 dı́as por semana
nuestra parroquia que no hayan recibido el Sacramento de                 IHM Literacy Center
la Con irmació n y que sean elegibles para ponerse en con-               Colegio St. Bernard
tacto con
                                                                           7341 Cottage St.
      Padre Al:
      o llamar a la Rectorı́a: 215-745-1389.                     Registración nueva:
                                                                 26,27,28, 29 de abril (con mascara)
                                                                 9:00 am – 11:00 am & 6:00 pm– 8:00 pm
        Formulario de Interés por Vacunas
                                                                 Costo por el año: $130
        El Departamento de Salud Pública de Filadelfia           ($100 cuando se registra / balancia de $30 el 30 de sept.)
está proporcionando la vacuna COVID-19 a todos los res-
identes de Filadelfia. Este formulario le informará al De-       Lleva identi icación con foto
partamento de Salud que está interesado en recibir la            Prueba para estudiantes nuevos: 3,4,5,6 de mayo
vacuna COVID-19 y se asegurará de que las personas con
mayor riesgo puedan recibirla primero.                           Información:
        Si no puede completar este formulario, llame al          215-338-3120 (Lunes a Jueves , 9:00am—12:00pm)
311 o al (215) 685-5488 o envíe un correo electrónico
a                                               Clases comenzarán el 13 de septiembre del 2021


                                                                                  Eventos Importantes
     Intención del Papa Francisco para abril
                                                                 Primera Comunión
Intención universal - Derechos fundamentals                              2 de mayo a las 9:00 AM y a las 10:30 AM
Recemos por aquellos que arriesgan sus vidas                     Ordinación al Diaconado: Roneld Saint Louis
luchando por los derechos fundamentales en dictaduras, en                8 de mayo en la Catedral
regı́menes autoritarios e incluso en democracias en crisis.
                                                                 Día de las Madres y Procesión Mariana
                                                                          9 de mayo

             CONSULTAS sobre la INMIGRACIÓN:                     Misa de Acción de Gracias a las Hermanas IHM
  HIAS       2100 Arch St. 3rd floor              215-832-0900           22 de mayo a las 5:00 PM
  Servicios Sociales Católicos: 227 North 18th Street,           Confirmación
                 215-854-7019 o 267-398-0343                             11 de septiembre a las 5:00 PM
  NSM: 2601 Potter St.                            215-279-7060
    $695.00     $95.00
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       Danielle A. Thomas, F.D., Supervisor                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dianne Campbell Thomas, F.D.
         James P. Brady, F. D., Parishioner                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Supervisor
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