The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran

Page created by Greg Gonzalez
The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran

               Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald

  St. Michael Lutheran Church
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 178
                 Unionville, PA 19375-0178

Physical Address: 109 E. Doe Run Road
                  Kennett Square, PA 19348

      Rev. Stuart W. Luce, Bridge Pastor
        Ryan Peteraf, Music Director
      Marisa Weisskopf, Office Manager

        Office Phone: (610) 347-1696
     Office Email:

              In-Person Service: Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:30 am
       Livestream Service: Sundays at 10:30 am on
                            Sunday School: 9:15 am
The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran
A Note from Pastor Stuart
                                 “Why I'm Glad St. Michael Needs Money”
                          During the month of November, we will be focusing on the topic of generosity
                          and the financial health of our congregation. Years back I read the article
                          below by Don Linscott, whose company, Generis, helps churches raise funds
for causes they care about. His personal pain and brutal honesty have forever altered my way of
thinking about church finances and it might for you as well.
                                                                                            -Pastor Stuart

“I wish we didn’t talk so much about money,” is a comment I have often heard while working with
churches to raise funds for their important purposes. I understand the sentiment but hold an opposing
viewpoint. In fact, I hope my church always needs money. Here is why.

My son, Lance, was born before it became acceptable for the father to be present in the delivery room.
(A fact for which I have always been grateful!) I waited in the hallway just outside the delivery room.
At precisely 4:13 p.m., I heard the unmistakable cry of a newborn baby, Lance’s first sound. The nurse
emerged with a smile and said, “You have a baby boy.” Only a new father can know the wonder of
those words! The wonderful glow of fatherhood was soon dimmed, however, when I was asked to visit
the business office of the hospital. They wanted me to pay for Lance! In fact, it seemed to me that my
child might be held hostage until the hospital bill was settled. I wrote the check paying all the expenses
in full, freed my family, and we made our escape. That check turned out to be only the first of hundreds,
maybe thousands, I would write on Lance’s behalf.

Children are expensive. There was formula and food to buy. Doctor visits and vaccinations assaulted
my banking account. Diapers and toys took their toll. And clothes were a constant drain. Just when he
would get a good wardrobe, he would grow a smidgen, and we would have to start all over. As Lance’s
age and size increased, so did the expenses. Soon, it was baseball gloves, Nike shoes, and uniforms.
Then he needed glasses for his eyes and braces for his teeth. And then, disaster struck. Lance became a
teenager! Now it was cars, electronic gadgets, and cool clothes. Then came college. Lance had always,
and only, wanted to be an architect. To me, it seemed he would be in school until he was forty‑two
years old. Expenses soared! Tuition, books, and drawing tools led the long list of essential expenditures.
But of course, just like loving fathers everywhere, I was happy to be able to help him, and I did all I
could to support his growth and his dreams. I never thought of these expenses as “sacrifice.” I was his
Daddy and was prepared to give everything possible toward his life and dreams.

And then, one day, Lance died. On a bright, beautiful, and horrible Halloween Day, twenty-one-year-
old Lance was buried in his church’s little country cemetery. That afternoon, I walked away from his
grave, and since that day, I have never spent another nickel on Lance. That is how I learned it. Death is
cheap. Death can be sustained without expense. It is living that is costly. It is growth that is expensive.
Our dreams, visions, and hopes require resources. Death doesn’t! And that is why I am glad my church
needs money. A living, growing, thriving church will always require the continual, consistent, and
conscientious financial support of its members. And that’s the church I want to belong to.

                    Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald                             2
The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran
St. Michael 2022 Stewardship Appeal Launch
Our Stewardship Team is pleased to announce the launch of the St. Michael 2022 Stewardship Appeal-
“Forward Together In Faith, In Hope, In Love”. This Appeal starts during the first week in November
with the mailing of our traditional Campaign “kick-off” letter and pledge card. It will formally run
over the three (3) subsequent weeks with ongoing stewardship communications and dedicated Sunday
Worship Services on November 7th, 14th & 21st.

This Campaign comes at a time of transition, change, and uncertainty, not only within the walls of our
Church, but extending to our Community and the greater surrounding World. Despite these challenges,
today we find ourselves blessed as a Congregation in many ways.

As our journey together at St. Michael moves forward, we choose joy…... grateful for God’s
faithfulness, hopeful for our future, and demonstrating our love for one another & our neighbors. And
along our journey's path, we are reminded of God's Presence and His abundant gifts through the fruits of
the wonderful work of the ministries of St. Michael.

Of course, this work is made possible only through the generous sharing of time, talents, and treasure by
the Members of our Congregation.

In the coming days, it is our hope that you and your family will find the various aspects of our 2022
Stewardship Appeal to be a source of inspiration. Inspiration which helps us reflect on our many
blessings and journey together at St. Michael. And inspiration which further causes us to prayerfully
contemplate how we can share our financial blessings this coming year in support of the Mission and
Ministries of our Church.

Thank you, in advance, for supporting the St. Michael 2022 Stewardship Appeal.

The St. Michael Stewardship Team
Steve Lacombe, Pastor Stuart Luce, Joe Martin, Lou Minella, Randy Stone, and Kristen Young
                   Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald                           3
The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran
Finance Committee Preliminary Goal
         Budget for 2022 is $485,000
The Finance committee was asked to provide a reasonable goal
budget for 2022 to assist the stewardship committee and the
congregation in its pledge drive this Fall. We used actual revenues and expenses for nine months
and estimates for the fourth quarter to come up with 2021. We applied inflationary increases for
building expenses, estimated salary and benefits for our new senior pastor, provided raises for
existing staff and added expense for a part time bridge youth director. The impact of all of these
items raises our expenses from $462,000 to $485,000 or an increase of about 5%.

Our current giving is down 3% from budget and about 10% from 2020. We are also
experiencing some loss in membership and have had a decrease in pledge units from 125 in prior
years to 95 this year (only 57% of 175 giving units). We are still hoping to make our 2021
revenue goal of $462,000.

We realize everyone has different financial circumstances with some doing very well and others
struggling as a result of the pandemic and other reasons. We ask everyone to prayerfully
consider their pledge and increase if they can to help meet our new goal. It’s very important that
you pledge. This is the only way we can make reasonable assumptions about our revenue and
thus set final expense budgets in consultation with our committees. Our goal is to increase
pledge units from 95 to 130 or to 75% of giving units. Please pledge.

Finally, it is our goal to also increase membership to help meet our financial goals. We believe
the new senior pastor and staff as well as the continued reopening of the church will attract new
members. In closing, we want to thank all of you for your contributions of time and talent to St.
Michael. Together we can continue to grow our church and spread Christ’s love to our

                   A Message from the Treasurer
As we approach the end of 2021, please be mindful that we will be changing our bookkeeping to
a new software system in 2022. If you have any outstanding checks in your possession, please
cash these in a timely way to help us clear the checkbook. Also, if you need to be reimbursed
for any expenses, please submit those requests no later than Friday, December 24. Thank you
very much for your help in this effort.
                                                                                   ~ Karen Liska

                  Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald                      4
The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran
KACS Thanksgiving Bags
As in previous years, St. Michael is supporting the Thanksgiving food effort at Kennett Area
Community Service (KACS). Along with a turkey, KACS will distribute a food bag with the
other necessities for Thanksgiving dinner. We would like to fill 200 of these bags. You are all
very aware of the great ongoing food needs in our community. Thanksgiving is a special time to
share our bounty. We are hoping each family can fill a few bags to allow us to reach our goal for
Empty bags can be picked up at the display at the back of the church or you can use your own
bag. The filled bags are due at church on November 14. Bags can be picked up and delivered on
Sunday before and after services or when the church office is open, Monday through Friday
from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm.
Each bag should be filled with the following items:
1 large container of chicken stock
1 bread/roll/cornbread mix (choice of one)
1 cake mix
1 container poultry seasoning
1 container cinnamon spice
2 lb. bag of flour
1 large can sweet potatoes
1 bag marshmallows
2 lb. bag of rice
2 cans mixed vegetables
1 can pigeon peas
1 container adobo seasoning (This is a Mexican spice - a Goya product)
Gravy packet
1 bag stuffing mix
If you would rather donate money, our committee will purchase the food and fill the bags. The
cost of each bag is approximately $25. You can donate money to the Thanksgiving Bags for
KACS effort by sending a check marked "Thanksgiving Bags" to the church office. There is also
a check box for Thanksgiving bags on the online giving form. We ask that monetary donations
be received by November 7 to allow time for purchasing the food and filling the bags. If you
want to drop the filled bags directly at KACS (136 W. Cedar Street, Kennett Square), you are
welcome to do so from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The bags should all be
clearly labeled St. Michael Thanksgiving Bags so we can keep track of reaching our goal of 200
As in the past, feel free to enclose a card in the bag with Thanksgiving wishes and thoughts.
We thank you in advance for your support of this Thanksgiving effort. Any questions, please
email Annette Bowers.
                  Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald                     5
The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran
Instead of a PILLOW FIGHT,
could we have a PILLOW FLIGHT
to Camp Dreamcatcher?? Patty Hillkirk,
Director of Camp Dreamcatcher, has                        Sixty Plussers
requested bed pillows for her in-person
campers in 2022. Camp Dreamcatcher is                   Ministry Transition
a non-profit agency serving HIV/AIDS
impacted youth and will hold a week for           The Sixty Plussers Ministry at St. Michael
them August of 2022.                              has been such a blessing for a number of
                                                  years. While we're still waiting for health
Please let me know and you can drop off your      conditions to be more favorable, it's also time
pillows at the church and I will see that Patty   for a leadership transition. Art Knechtel has
receives them.                                    been involved in this ministry since its
                          ~ Carolyn Wonderly      inception in September 2012 and is ready to
                                                  step out of this role. We are hopeful that one
                                                  or more individuals would be willing to
                                                  continue this great ministry. Art would be
         Vacation Bible School                    glad to share his previous information and
           2021 Donations                         "train" the next leaders of this ministry. If
                                                  you'd like to talk more about this, you are
Sincere thanks to the families of Saint           welcome to contact Art at his email or by
Michael and our surrounding community for         phone (610-388-6068) or you can also contact
their generous donations during our Vacation      Pastor Stuart by email or phone (610-804-
Bible School Olympics. During the week of         1740). Thanks so much for caring about this
August 2-6, 2021, we collected a total of         ministry and for perhaps thinking about
$407.00 as part of our daily free-will            helping to continue the fun and fellowship!
offering. This money was given for the
purpose of making purchases from the ELCA
Good Gifts Program.                                      Seekers Book Club
We are happy to announce that the following       The November meeting will be
items have been purchased:                        held at 12:30 pm on Thursday,
1. water well share                               November 18, at GUGU Asian
2. goat and chick flock combo                     Table, 928 E. Baltimore Pike,
3. stock a backpack                               Kennett Square. The book is
                                                  “The Rebirthing of God” by
We are all gold medal winners when we help        John Philip Newell.
                           ~ Charlene Stone

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The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran
Christmas Tree
We hope you can join us on
Friday, December 3, to                          On Sunday, December 19, we will have a
decorate the Christmas tree!                    special cantata service at 9:30 am. Services at
                                                8:00 am and 10:30 am and Sunday School
                                                will not be held.
                  5th Annual St.
                 Michael Carols                                  The church office will be
                 and Beer Festival                               closed Thursday & Friday,
                                                                 November 25 and 26;
Save the date! Join us at Kennett Brewing                        Friday, December 24; and
Company (KBC) on Sunday, December 5, for                         Friday, December 31.
the 5th Annual St. Michael Carols & Beer
Festival! Food and beverages will be            The staff will be working from home the
available for purchase. Music will be           week between Christmas and New Year’s.
provided! Parking is available behind the       The office will be back to the usual schedule
Kennett Square Post Office and the alley will   on Monday, January 3. If you have any
lead you to KBC.                                pastoral care emergencies, please feel free to
                                                call Pastor Stuart at 610-804-1740.

                                                The familiar Christmas story
                                                tells us the sad news that
                                                they laid Jesus in a manger
                                                because there was no place
                                                for them in the inn. As the
                                                three new staff members at
On Friday, December 24, we will have            St. Michael, we have felt
services at the following times:                exactly the opposite! You have welcomed us
                                                and made us feel so much at home. From all
5:00 pm - Family Service                        three of us, a blessed and joyous Christmas!

7:00 pm & 9:00 pm – Traditional
Candlelight Service with Chancel Choir,
Jubilation Ringers, and Brass Ensemble

                  Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald                   7
The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran
Music Notes from                          Annual Committee Reports
         Ryan Peteraf                             Attention All Team Leaders …
                                                  2021 yearend reports are due to
Chancel Choir, Jubilation Ringers,                Marisa in the Church Office by
and the Genesis Choir are all back                December 17th.
in rehearsals. We are so excited to
be resuming safely and look forward to the        Please format reports in a Word
exciting services coming up, particularly the     document and send by email.
Cantata Service, which is on Sunday,
December 19 at 9:30 am. This year’s Cantata
is titled “Christmas Dreams” and follows the
story of Jesus birth from an advent
“expecting Jesus” beginning to a more
Christmas “Jesus is finally here” style
message at the end. This will be a great
transition from the 4th Sunday of Advent into
our Christmas week. The Chancel Choir will        We are happy to share that Jessica (Lynch)
lead the singing along with two pieces sung       Reynolds and her husband Daniel Reynolds
by the Genesis Choir. There is a plethora of      gave birth to their first child (boy) Jayson
scripture readings that connect each musical      Thomas Reynolds on Wednesday Oct. 13.
movement which will be read by both lectors       Proud grandparents: Susan and Daniel Lynch.
and youth volunteers. Also, I am excited to       All are doing well.
share that we will have an 8-member
professional instrumental ensemble joining us
for this. Christmas Eve services will be led by
all three groups, with the Genesis choir
singing at the 5:00 service. I am very grateful
to be your music director, especially in these
times where we can get back to doing live
music again!                                      We welcomed into the world Ella Louise
                                                  DeRasmo, October 27, 2021. She was 7lbs
                                                  10oz and 21 inches long. Her parents are
Archangel Herald Deadline                         Joseph and Becky DeRasmo who are also
                                                  members at St. Michael. Baby, Mommy and
                 Please have your articles for    Daddy are all doing well after a long day
                 the January/February edition     yesterday.
                 of the Archangel Herald
                 submitted by mail or email       Oh yes … and proud grandparents Pastor
                 no later than December 17.       Rick and Karen DeRasmo are beyond
                 Thank you!                       ecstatic!

                  Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald                  8
The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran
Follow Me Program
As we resumed our worship schedule in September, we phased the
Follow Me Teams back into action. We have only engaged Greeters
and Lectors thus far and extend a word of thanks to all those who have greeted and read in the past two months.

Here is a reminder of where we are with the five typical Follow Me responsibilities:
• Greeting – We are utilizing one or more greeters at the front door. These people will greet members and visitors,
   without hand shaking, and guide them to the tables in the narthex where they may pick up a bulletin and communion
   supplies. Hand sanitizer, masks, offering envelopes, and an offering plate are also available on each table.
• Ushering – We are currently not utilizing ushers since we are not handing bulletins to worshippers, passing out
   fellowship pads, passing offering plates during worship, nor guiding everyone to the altar for communion.
• Lectoring – One person is being asked to read the lessons each Sunday. The church office will send out the readings
   during the week to the designated lector. As in the past, the microphone will be turned on and ready to go, and the
   readings will be on the lectern. The lector just needs to walk up to the lectern and read at the designated time.
• Serving Communion – Since we are not going up to the altar for communion, there is no need for Communion
   Servers to assist the Pastor at this time.
• Coffee Hosts – Since we have resumed wearing masks, we will not be serving coffee on Sunday mornings, so no
   coffee hosts are needed.

Since September 12, we have been providing two services, at 8:00 am and 10:30 am, and will continue with that through
the foreseeable future.

Mary Ann Knechtel will serve as Captain of the 8:00 Team for November and Janet Weber will serve as Captain of the
8:00 Team for December.

There have been some unforeseen challenges in providing Follow Me leadership for the 10:30 service for the next couple
of months. John and Peggy Fay, captains for the November 10:30 Team #3, prefer not to serve in that capacity going
forward, so Janet Weber will be managing that team in November, on a temporary basis. Lanny and Karen Lewis are
captains for the December 10:30 Team #4, but due to Karen’s recent health issues, they need some time off, so Janet
Weber will be managing that team in December, again on a temporary basis.

We have every hope that Lanny and Karen will resume their leadership of Team #4, but we need new captains to lead
Team #1 (formerly Judy Harkins) and Team #3 (formerly John & Peggy Fay).

Here are the Captains for the next couple of months:

                November                  December
8:00 AM         Mary Ann Knechtel         Janet Weber
10:30 AM        Janet Weber               Janet Weber

Here is a sneak peak of what will be happening after the first of the year:

                January                   February                 March                 April
8:00 AM         Boeni                     Mitchell                 Knechtel              Weber
10:30 AM        Wampler Team #5           Hanna Team #6            Fernandez Team #7     ???

After March, we will assess where we are with Follow Me and make any changes necessary.

Thanks to all who support and serve the Follow Me program. Your help is very much appreciated.

If anyone has any questions or comments about the Follow Me Program, please feel free to contact Janet Weber at 610-
869-3757 or

                       Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald                                      9
The Archangel Herald - St. Michael Lutheran
When is the finish line the starting line?
The Call Committee has had a busy fall! We recently completed our fourth interview with candidates interested
in our open pastoral position. While they are all qualified candidates, not all are a good fit for St. Michael.
With this said, I am delighted to report that the Call Committee believes one candidate not only possesses the
skills and experience the congregation told us are most important:
• Preaching and Worship
• Building a Sense of Community
• Youth and Young Family Ministry
• Pastoral Care and Visitation
• Christian Education
But also the gifts for ministry that we most value:
• Help people develop their spiritual lives
• Build a sense of community among the people with whom he/she works
• Be an effective communicator
• Be effective in working with youth
• Be able to share leadership and work in a team
To further assess this candidate, we have scheduled a two-day, face-to-face meeting with him later this month.
If this meeting confirms our preliminary assessment, we will recommend to the church Council that he serve as
our next pastor.
So far, this candidate seems as interested in us as we are in him. Of course, time will tell. If we can reach an
agreement, it is possible that we will have a settled pastor early next year. If not, we will have to begin the
search process anew.
I will update you on our progress next month. Until then, please pray that our discernment, and that of our
candidate, will be guided by the Holy Spirit.
                                                                   St. Michael’s Transition Process:
Jay Liska
Chairperson of the St Michael Call Committee               1.  Self-Study and Visioning
                                                           2.  Assess Pastoral Needs from the Congregation
                                                           3.  Develop ELCA Ministry Site Profile
                                                           4.  Form Call Committee
                                                           5.  Call Committee Begins Meeting
                                                           6.  Call Committee Develops Interview Questions
                                                           7.  Call Committee Receives and Interviews
                                                           8. Call Committee Checks References
                                                           9. Congregational Trial Sermon and
                                                               Congregational Vote
                                                           10. Farewell for Bridge Pastor
                                                           11. Welcome for New Pastor

                     Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald                                    10
Christmas Poinsettia Order Form
        In the United States, the flower most symbolic of the Christmas season is the
        poinsettia. Dr. Joel Poinsett, the first U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, who discovered
        it there and for whom the flower is named, brought it to this country in 1928. We
        will be placing an order for poinsettias and they will be placed in the church for the
        Christmas Eve services. What a beautiful gift in honor or memory of a loved one.

To honor a loved one with a poinsettia, please send your check payable to "St. Michael Lutheran Church" to
 the attention of the office, PO Box 178, Unionville, PA 19375, no later than Sunday, November 14.

I/We would like to order a total of __________ poinsettias at $16.00 each.

Color and Quantity: __________ Red __________ White

Total: $__________       Envelope: #__________

Please print names clearly. You can also submit your order online here: Online Order Form.

                                         In Memory of:

                                          In Honor Of:

                                            Given By:

                   Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald                             11
Thank you for organizing a food drive on behalf of        Your generous gift of $125 to Family Promise is
the Kennett Area Community Services (KACS).               already changing lives for those who are
Your donation of 1,311 lbs. will help feed the 400        experiencing homelessness. Thank you for your
families who come to the Kennett Food Cupboard            dedication to end homelessness in our community.
Program each month to access basic staples and
healthy nutrition in an atmosphere of dignity and         Renna Van Oot             Liberty Breen
respect.                                                  Executive Director        Development Manager

Leah Reynolds
Executive Director                                        Thank you so much for your generous donation of
                                                          $250 to YoungMoms! Your contribution directly
                                                          supports the vital work we’re doing with vulnerable
Thank you for your donation of $937.50 to the             young families in our community.
Kennett Area Community Services (KACS). Your
support provides essential, life-sustaining services to   Molly Henry
hundreds of local families in Southern Chester            Executive Director

Leah Reynolds                                             Thank you for your organization’s recent gift of $500
Executive Director                                        to Lutheran World Relief. When you love your
                                                          neighbors with your generous gifts to LWR, you
                                                          change lives in amazing ways.
Thank you for your donation of $720 to the Kennett
Area Community Services (KACS). Your generosity           Ambassador Daniel V. Speckhard (ret.)
helps provide food for the poor, emergency                Presdient and CEO
assistance for the homeless, and crisis services for
                                                          Thank you so much for your wonderful donation of
Leah Reynolds                                             $650 for LCH Health and Community Services. With
Executive Director                                        your generosity, we will be better equipped to fulfill
                                                          our mission of changing lives by serving southern
                                                          Chester County as the leading provider of integrated
During this unprecedented and unsettling time, it is      health and community services.
so uplifting to know that we can count on caring
people like you to help steady the lives of those in      Ronan W. Gannon
need. Thank you for your generous gift of $175 to         Chief Executive Officer
Lutheran Community Services, allowing us to carry
out our mission of helping individuals and families
address food, housing, and other essential needs with     Thank you for your gift of $187.50 to Good
dignity and respect.                                      Neighbors Home Repair. With your donation, you are
                                                          helping to restore hope to those in need. Thank you
Rob Gurnee                                                for working with us to serve low-income
Executive Director                                        homeowners.

                                                          Harold Naylor
                                                          Executive Director
                      Volume 5 | November Issue 2021 | The Archangel Herald                               12
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