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Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship Words from the Director cational projects. We were also delighted at Bad Orelson, Germany, will guarantee to partner with the National Holocaust more exposure for our films, and more Monument Council on a special event to educational opportunities. Thus, CHES honour the launch of the monument. The survivors’ testimonials will be available to National Holocaust Monument’s inaugu- millions more people. ration on September 27 was a momentous CHES committee members have also occasion for Canada and especially for been busy developing stimulating and Ottawa; we congratulate everyone who meaningful programs for Holocaust was involved in making it a reality! To Education Month (HEM). I invite you all further emphasize this milestone, CHES to check out the upcoming events and join believed it was fitting to hold a special us in November. evening program with speakers from the As we turn our thoughts to HEM, we Monument’s Council. You can read more are reminded of the sad passing this past Mina Cohn about it in this newsletter. spring of a dear friend, Holocaust survi- We are also very excited that our vor and educator, David Shentow. David O ur spring and summer turned out to be very productive, full of activities in pursuit of new ideas, new contacts, and Survivors’ Testimonial Project videos, which were completed last fall, were added in August to the online main collection devoted a great deal of his time sharing his painful memories with the young gen- eration. His gentle humanity touched us a vision for the future. There is so much catalog of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial all. His message: “though we might never to report it is hard to know where to start. Museum (USHMM). Increased searches truly understand the Holocaust, we must We welcome the opportunity to cooperate of the museum’s collection over the past 10 teach it to make sure it is never forgotten” with the Azrieli Foundation on future edu- years and USHMM access to the archives inspires us all. We will greatly miss David. Powerful Lineup of Holocaust Education Month Events By Toby Herscovitch to bring their level of influence up a the Azrieli Foundation Elin Beaumont; notch. Titled “Descendants of Holocaust Defence Attorney Lawrence Greenspon; T he upcoming programs of the Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES) during 2017 Survivors Speak Out: Memory, Identity and Emerging Narratives”, the focus will be on identifying and strengthening the and University of Ottawa Professor of History Jan Grabowski. Canada’s Ambassador to Norway and Canada’s rep- Holocaust Education Month (HEM) voice, narrative and role of descendants resentative on the International Holocaust this November focus on the theme in carrying on the legacy of the Holocaust. Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), Artur Immigration and Refugees: Then and Understanding that the story of the Wilczynski will transmit opening re- Now, which is more meaningful than ever Holocaust did not end with their parents/ marks by video. Descendants of Survivors in the aftermath of growing anti-Semitism relatives, many descendants believe they Forum, will be on November 14 7:00 pm, and racism in North America and beyond. have a moral obligation to share these Kehillat Beth Israel, 1400 Coldrey Avenue. Following is an overview of the flagship stories in new ways, to prevent hate crimes This event is for descendants of HEM programs and additional special and work towards achieving greater hu- survivors. events. man harmony. In the words of Rabbi A. Sponsors of this event are KBI, CHES, Holocaust Education Month will be I. Kook: “I don’t speak because I have the and the Azrieli Foundation. RSVP re- launched Nov 9 with a presentation by Dr. power to speak; I speak because I cannot quired: chesatcarleton@gmail.com Avinoam Patt (see full article p. 12) remain silent.” The event will feature a As part of our theme this November we Following the success of last year’s 2nd panel of prominent descendants of sur- are Remembering John Hirsch in rec- Generation Symposium for descend- vivors. They include Israel’s Ambassador ognition of his contributions to Canadian ants of survivors, where they expressed to Canada Nimrod Barkan; Education Theatre on the 70th anniversary of his ar- a strong desire to reconnect and share Outreach and Program Facilitator, rival to Canada as one of 1123 Holocaust or- their experiences, this year’s event aims Holocaust Survivor Memoir Program of phan refugees. This special program with 10 Newsletter of the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies
Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship actor Alon Nashman, who will perform We Learn?” Keynote speaker Robbie was born in Czechoslovakia. He survived excerpts from Hirsch, Peter Herrndorf, Waisman, one of those orphans now living Bunalager (Buna) slave labor camp (a sub- CEO of the National Arts Centre, actor in Vancouver, will share his dramatic story camp of Auschwitz) and Buchenwald con- Marilyn Lightstone, and others, is a tribute and the importance of community involve- centration camp. The public is welcome. to the life of John Hirsch. John Hirsch was ment in his absorption into Canada. This conversation will take place at the born in Hungary and survived the war in Similarly, CBC journalist Judy Trinh, University of Ottawa; Simard Hall, room Budapest. Hirsch arrived to Canada at the who arrived in Canada as a refugee with 506, 60 University Private, in cooperation age of 17 in 1947 through the War Orphans the Vietnamese “Boat People,” will de- with the Vered Jewish Canadian Studies Project of the Canadian Jewish Congress. scribe her journey to Canada and how the Program, University of Ottawa. Hirsch was adopted by Alex and Pauline local community made her family feel wel- On November 20, 10:00 – 11:30 am, Dr. Shack of Winnipeg. It was in Winnipeg come in their new country. Elin Beaumont Pamela Walker will host a conversation that Hirsch started his theater career. His of the Holocaust Survivor Memoirs with survivor Judy Young Drache in love for the arts and his creativity as a Program at the Azrieli Foundation will her Women’s History Class. Judy was born director quickly won him recognition in reflect on a new online interactive expe- in Budapest, Hungary. While her parents Canada and beyond. rience that invites users to explore the were sent to Auschwitz, she survived as This program takes place, November 16 firsthand accounts of Holocaust survi- a hidden baby. Students will watch the 7:00 p.m., National Arts Centre, O’Born vors published in the Azrieli Series of survivor’s testimonial beforehand. This Room. Holocaust Survivor Memoirs. conversation will take place at Carleton Remembering John Hirsh is co-spon- This program is co-sponsored by Temple University, University Centre Room 182, sored by NAC, and CHES. Israel, Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish in cooperation with the Department of Teachers’ Workshop Studies, Azrieli Foundation, and CHES. History, Carleton University. Temple Israel 1301 Prince of Wales Dr Registration is required, contact: chesat- On November 28, 11:35-12:55, Dr. November 23, 2017 4:30 – 8:30 pm carleton@gmail.com Deidre Butler will host a conversation The Teachers’ Workshop is one of the HEM: In Conversation with a with survivor Kati Morrison and screen linchpins of our Holocaust education plat- Survivor Series her testimonial in her “Introduction form, given that educators can carry our Two professors from Carleton University to Judaism” class. Kati was born in vital mission and messages farther and and one from the University of Ottawa Budapest, Hungary. She survived with the faster than one organization can do alone. will be welcoming a survivor to their help of her grandmother in a safe house This year will mark 70 years since the ar- classroom. With each survivor, the CHES’ and in the Budapest Ghetto. The public is rival of 1,123 Holocaust orphans to Canada survivors’ testimonials will also debut as welcome but please RSVP: chesatcarle- (from 1947 to 1949), after the closed doors educational tools for classroom use. ton@gmail.com policy of the Canadian Government that On November 7, 3:30 – 5:00 pm, Dr. This conversation will take place at existed between 1933 -1947 was lifted. Our Rebecca Margolis will host a conversa- Carleton University, Canal Building, room speakers will reflect on: “Immigration tion with survivor David Moskovic and 2202, in cooperation with the Department and Refugees Then and Now: What Can screen his testimonial. David Moskovic of Religion, Carleton University. Holocaust Education Month Launch Event in Memory of Kristallnacht. November 9, 7:00 pm. the Museum of Jewish Civilization in Kehillat Beth Israel Synagogue, Hartford. 1400 Coldrey Avenue His topic “From Destruction to Rebirth: The Return of Life in the Jewish DP U nder the theme of Immigration and Refugees, Then and Now, CHES will launch HEM in memory of Kristallnacht, Camps” will highlight the revival of survi- vors lives after the Holocaust’s devastation, and reflect on the potential power of refu- with a fascinating and timely presenta- gees, given the right conditions to recreate tion by the eminent Dr. Avinoam Patt, themselves. Philip D. Feltman Professor of Modern This event is in cooperation with Kehillat Jewish History and Associate Director Beth Israel Synagogue, the Zelikovitz at the Maurice Greenberg Centre for Centre for Jewish Studies, the Embassy of Judaic Studies, University of Hartford, Connecticut. Dr Patt is also Director of Continued on next page Dr. Avinoam Patt Newsletter of the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies 11
Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship the United States of America, Saint Paul Warsaw Ghetto Uprising,” to Professor Jan This lecture is hosted by Professor Yvan University, and the University of Ottawa. Grabowski’s class, Department of History, Mathieu, the Dean of the Faculty of Dr. Patt will present two other lectures University of Ottawa. Theology, St. Paul University. Graduate during his stay in Ottawa. On November 9, On November 10, 10:00 am, Saint Paul students and professors from institutions 4:00- 5:15 pm, University of Ottawa; loca- University; location TBA. Dr. Patt will pre- other than SPU are welcome but must tion TBA, he will speak about “The Jewish sent “After Auschwitz: Jewish Theological RSVP to chesatcarleton@gmail.com. Heroes of Warsaw: The Afterlife of the and Religious Responses to the Holocaust.” CHES Education and Remembrance Yad Vashem’s Ambassador of Change Program – CHES Contributes for Second Year. E ducation starts with the young and one of the best ways to reach this demographic is through the annual multi- cultural Ambassadors of Change Program, held this year on May 8 at the National Arts Centre, as part of National Holocaust Remembrance Day, led by Yad Vashem. “The ambassadors program provides an important opportunity for nearly 200 stu- dents of various faiths and cultures from Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal to meet survivors and to hear firsthand about their experiences during and after World War Caption goes here II,” says Mina Cohn, Director of CHES, which coordinated the attendance of 50 in a Q&A with the survivor and a theme- “Today was incredible!!” said teacher Ottawa students from various local high based exploration of the Holocaust. Crestina Pasco, Notre Dame High School. schools. The program challenges students to “It has meant so much to both myself and Students were divided into groups and a share their ideas about the dangers of the students to Continued be part of history in this on next page survivor within each group shared his/her intolerance in today’s world, propose very special way.” own family and survival story. The award- steps to promote acceptance and under- Afterwards, the students attended the winning Ottawa educator Patrick Mascoe standing in their own communities, and National Holocaust Memorial commemo- led this inspiring educational program. define their roles as responsible Canadian ration at the Canadian War museum. Following the testimony, students engaged citizens. Online Memorial Site on CHES Webpage T he Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES) will be launching a unique online Holocaust the Holocaust. “What makes this a first in Canada, and perhaps the world, is that it will let visitors “A second section also honours fam- ily members who were murdered in the Holocaust, without even a grave or tomb- Memorial Site www.carleton.ca/ches/ see at a glance the diversity of survivors, stone to mark their passing. We have the memorial to honour both survivors and particularly in Canada—by showing the responsibility to remember them and keep victims of the Holocaust whose descend- countries they came from, the cities in their names alive.” ants are (mostly) Canadian. Listings are which they settled, the devastating human The memorial site was conceived mainly by donation, helping CHES continue its losses they suffered, and the families they for descendants of survivors seeking new mission of promoting knowledge and un- painstakingly rebuilt,” said Mina Cohn, ways to ensure their ancestors’ trauma derstanding of the history and legacy of CHES Director. and struggle are not forgotten. This is 12 Newsletter of the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies
Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship especially crucial as new forms of anti- site’s online forms are easy to use, asking for Canadian descendants to list family Semitism and racism take root. The site for some basic information on the survi- members who survived and those who will be preserved on the CHES Carleton vor or victim, such as name, birthplace, perished, submissions by relatives and University’s website as a lasting trib- year of death, etc. Relatives can provide friends abroad are also welcome. ute to the courage and contributions of as much (or as little) such information as The CHES Holocaust Memorial Site will Holocaust Survivors, and to their family they know-every name is important-and be available in November. Once launched, members who were innocent victims of upload a photo too, if available. to add a listing, or visit go to www.carle- the worst genocide in human history. The While this is mainly an opportunity ton.ca/ches/memorial. CHES Speakers reach out E ducating students and the community at large about the history and legacy of the Holocaust is a year-round occupa- Speakers Bureau: As part of its mandate, CHES will continue to coordinate visits to schools School, invited Mina Cohn to present the testimonial project during an in-school PD Day in April. Joining him were 25 tion for CHES if it is to have an impact on in the Ottawa-Carleton area. To in- teachers, the school librarian, and the curbing the growth of antisemitism and vite a survivor visit: https://carleton. vice-principal. The presentation included racism. As such, CHES offers an ambitious ca/ches/resources/for-educators/ ten excerpts of the film testimony of our agenda of programs throughout the year. speakers-bureau-submission-form/ local survivors. A discussion on how to “For us forgetting was never an use the testimonials in class followed. option, remembering is a novel Dani Taylor organized a special pro- and necessary act,” Elie Wiesel gram for Yom Hashoah at SRB high We continue to bring survi- school. We were especially touched to vors’ voices to area schools, learn about her resourcefulness. Minutes either in person or through before the program was about to start, film. Promoting the Survivor when Dani realized that Vera Gara, the Testimony Recording Project in survivor guest speaker, was unable to local schools became a natural attend, she decided to use Vera’s recorded step for the Centre for Holocaust testimony instead, which is available on Education and Scholarship the Centre for Holocaust Education and (CHES) once our project was Scholarship website. What a wonderful completed in November 2016. Mr. and original way to use this new educa- Kati Morrison Jan 2017 visit to Immaculata Catholic Singfield, principal of Symmes tional film testimony. Dani is one of three High School Junior-D’Arcy McGee High students who helped us promote the pro- ject for the FutureFunder campaign in April 2016. Elly Bollegraaf and Kati Morrison, both child survivors, were busy during the month of May and June visiting four area high schools sharing their stories of survival with the students. An interview by Hallie Cotnam on CBC Radio, Ottawa morning, with Mina Cohn, Director of CHES and Tova Clark, one of the 10 survivors featured in the Testimonial Project, was a direct result of an article by Lesley Barry on the Carleton Homepage in June. To read the article visit: http://carleton.ca/our-sto- ries/story/ottawa-holocaust-survivors- testimony-project. To listen to the inter- view visit: https://carleton.ca/ches/2017/ Tova Clark, Mina Cohn and Hallie Catnam at the CBC May 2017 cbc-radio-holocaust-testimony. Newsletter of the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies 13
Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship With CHES, Holocaust Education Stays Strong Year Round By Toby Herscovitch topic was Reflections on Child Holocaust the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies, Survivors: A Personal Perspective. As Library and Archives Canada, and the the keynote speaker, Krell touched on his Embassy of Israel. CHES has been over- Tribute to the New National own experiences as a child survivor, and whelmed by the reaction to this event – two Holocaust Monument his work delving into the memories and weeks prior to the event every seat was A key highlight this fall was the special CHES event, From Vision to Reality: In Honour of the Inauguration of the insights of other survivors. CHES also presented the premiere screening of its Ottawa-based Holocaust Testimonials taken and CHES had a waiting list. We are touched by the response. To listen to the recording of the evening event go to https:// National Holocaust Monument, held on with two short excerpts of local child carleton.ca/ches/from-vision-to-reality/ September 27 at Library and Archives survivors Raoul Korngold from France Canada. The event, fully booked with over (now living in Vancouver) and Kati Descendants of Holocaust 300 participants present, left a power- Morrison, who survived with the help of Survivors Group ful impression on all who attended. The recent completion of the Monument is truly a “monumental” achievement for her grandmother in the Budapest Ghetto. A full half-hour video featuring Tova Clark’s testimonial was screened at the D escendants of Holocaust survivors in Ottawa met on June 11 to connect, share experiences and find new ways to Canada, which until now was one of the end of the evening. Ms. Clark was born pass on the lessons of the worst genocide only Western nations without such a in 1939 in Opeln, Germany. Her family in human history—especially now that so symbol or museum honouring the vic- escaped Germany in the nick of time, many of their parents and other eyewit- tims and survivors of the Holocaust. The to reach Shanghai, China, where Tova nesses are no longer alive. The informal CHES program featured: Rabbi Daniel lived during her formative years. To see gathering was held at the home of second- Friedman, National Monument Council the complete half hour testimonial films, generation descendant and CHES member Chair, who spoke about The National please click here www.carleton.ca/ches/ Batia Winer. Some 30 people attended, Holocaust Monument: A Heritage for ottawa-holocaust-survivors-testimonials/ mostly children and grandchildren of All Canadians; and Dr. Robert Krell, full-length/#1. survivors. Psychiatrist and Founding President of The event was held in cooperation with Five key themes emerged as the guests Vancouver’s Holocaust Centre, whose the National Holocaust Monument Council, shared their reasons for participating. Descendants of Holocaust Survivors recently gathered to launch a new group in Ottawa to connect, share experiences and promote Holocaust education. 14 Newsletter of the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies
Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship 1. Descendants want to find their At CHES, we believe that Holocaust Most of the articles and content for the own voice within the Holocaust education is just the start; what YOU do CHES section were provided by Toby narrative. matters! Getting involved with CHES and Herscovitch. 2. Descendants feel a sense of obliga- speaking out to help eradicate antisem- tion to our ancestors, to help create itism and racism helps us make Never U.S. Holocaust Museum a better world from the ashes of the Again truly meaningful. For more infor- Adds Ottawa Testimonials Holocaust. mation about the Descendants’ Group or We are excited to announce that the 3. Descendants wish to carry on the future events, please contact chesatcarle- United States Holocaust Memorial legacy of survivors’ families, includ- ton@gmail.com Museum, through its National Institute ing helping their own offspring un- for Holocaust Documentation, recently derstand their family’s history. CHES Committee update created a record for the CHES website 4. Descendants want to ensure that they also can eventually speak about the Holocaust in schools, since most T he Center for Holocaust Education and Scholarship is pleased to wel- come Toby Herscovitch as its new com- and Holocaust testimonials, in its library catalog. This is one of the most extensive records of Holocaust documentation survivors are no longer alive or well mittee member. Toby is the daughter in the world, making the CHES mate- enough to do so anymore. of survivors who grew up in Montreal. rial available to millions worldwide. The 5. Participants from families who She has a deep interest in Holocaust documents can be accessed directly via rarely or never spoke about the education. Toby is a freelance writer and this link: Collections Search catalog or by Holocaust have a thirst for more avid volunteer, for Holocaust education searching the main collections catalog at: information and connections to oth- through CHES and for women’s and chil- www.catalog.ushmm.org/vwebv/holdings ers with a similar history. dren’s services through Na’amat Canada. Info?searchId=66&recCount=50&recPoin The new Descendants Group reflects the Toby is married and the mother of two ter=1&bibId=259235. needs expressed in a recent CHES survey sons. We want to thank Toby for her The archivist included the names of all of nearly 100 descendants in Ottawa. It creative ideas and for initiating and de- the interviewees, Carleton University, revealed three main goals: connecting so- signing the unique online new Memorial Centre for Holocaust Education and cially to create a shared community; prop- Site. The committee represents a broad Scholarship, and Ottawa in the catalog de- agating Holocaust education; and learning range of professionals with educational scription, so researchers will have multiple about themselves and their shared history. and community experience. ways of finding the Ottawa testimonials. U of O Holocaust scholar says he’s a target of Polish ‘hate’ campaign: CHES sent a letter of support for Dr. Grabowski Dear Dean Dr. Jacque Fremont, Grabowski’s research and his reputation addition, the attempt to suppress new On behalf of the Centre for Holocaust without any basis in fact—as was re- research on the forms the collaboration Education and Scholarship based at cently reported in the Ottawa Citizen and took by crying “slander and falsification” Carleton University (part of the Zelikovitz Canadian Press. distorts the truth and undermines the im- Centre for Jewish Studies), we extend our What’s more, the League’s slanderous portant lessons the world can learn from strong support for eminent historian and attack on reputable academic research the Holocaust as well as the potential for professor Jan Grabowski of the University strikes at the very fabric of academic advancing human progress. of Ottawa and for his valuable scholarly freedom and democracy, affecting every Professor Grabowski is to be commend- work on the Holocaust in Poland. His past university and professor here in Canada ed for seeking the facts about Poland’s research in this field has received interna- and abroad. role during the Holocaust and we are con- tional awards and extensive praise by top Given the well-documented historical fident that the University of Ottawa will Holocaust scholars. facts about collaboration with the Nazis continue to stand by him and speak out We are dismayed by the growing by many nations of Europe, and the wide- against those who denigrate the quality campaign of the Polish League Against spread anti-Semitism in those countries, and honesty of his research, and threaten Defamation (some of whom are directly Poland--where over three million Jewish his safety. affiliated with the Polish Government) citizens were murdered--was clearly not Sincerely, to undermine the credibility of Professor exempt from this shameful history. In Mina Cohn Newsletter of the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies 15
For more detailed information about these events Upcoming CHES EVENTS — Fall 2017 and the speakers, please visit: carleton.ca/ches/ events/2017-holocaust-education-month/ Event Date/Location Speaker In Conversation with a survivor November 7 Prof. Rebecca Margolis and David Moskovic, a Holocaust survivor and participant in the CHES 2016 3:30 – 5:00 pm Testimonial Project University of Ottawa; Watch David’s Testimonial Simard Hall, Room 125, 60 University Private RSVP required: chesatcarleton@gmail.com Lecture: November 9 Dr. Avinoam Patt, “The Jewish Heroes of Warsaw: The Afterlife of the 4:00- 5:15 p.m. Philip D Feltman Professor of Modern Jewish History, Associate Director at the Maurice Greenberg Warsaw Ghetto Uprising” University of Ottawa Centre for Judaic Studies, University of Hartford, CT Simard Hall, Room 222, 60 University Private RSVP required: chesatcarleton@gmail.com Launch of Holocaust Education Month: A Program in November 9 – 7pm Keynote Address: Memory of Kristallnacht Kehillat Beth Israel Dr. Avinoam Patt, ‘From Destruction to Rebirth: The Return of Life in the 1400 Coldrey Avenue, Ottawa Philip D Feltman Professor of Modern Jewish History, Associate Director at the Maurice Greenberg Jewish DP Camps’ All welcome to attend Centre for Judaic Studies, University of Hartford, CT . Doctoral Seminar. November 10th Dr. Avinoam Patt, “After Auschwitz: Jewish Theological and Religious 10:00 a.m. Philip D Feltman Professor of Modern Jewish History, Associate Director at the Maurice Greenberg Responses to the Holocaust.” Saint Paul University Centre for Judaic Studies, University of Hartford, CT Graduate students and professors from institutions location TBA other than SPU are welcome. Must RSVP: chesatcarleton@gmail.ca A Forum: Descendants of Holocaust Survivors November 14th Memory, Identity and Emerging Narratives: A panel discussion Speak Out 7:00 p.m. with Nimrod Barkan, Elin Beaumont, Lawrence Greenspon, Prof Jan Grabowski, Artur Wilczynski An event for descendants of survivors Kehillat Beth Israel 1400 Coldrey Avenue, Ottawa Registration required To register: chesatcarleton@gmail.com Remembering John Hirsch November 16, 7:00 PM Actor Alon Nashman will perform excerpts from the one-man play Hirsch, created and written by Alon John Hirsh was born in Hungary and survived the National Arts Centre, O’Born Room Nashman and Paul Thompson. Holocaust in Budapest. He arrived in Canada at the RSVP required: eton@nac-cna.ca The program will include reminiscences by Peter Herrndorf, CEO of the National Arts Centre, actor age of 17 in 1947, through the War Orphans Project Marilyn Lightstone, and others of the Canadian Jewish Congress. He was adopted by Alex and Pauline Shack of Winnipeg. It was in Winnipeg that Hirsch started his theater career which included years as Head of Drama at the CBC and Director of the Stratford Festival. His love for the arts and creativity as a director quickly won him recogni- tion in Canada and beyond. In Conversation with a survivor November 20th Prof. Pamela Walker and Judy Young Drache, a Holocaust survivor and participant in the CHES 2016 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Testimonial Project Carleton University, Watch Judy’s Testimonial University Centre room 182 Teachers’ Workshop 2017 November 23rd Keynote address: Immigration and Refugees: Then and Now. What 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. Robbie Waisman, a Holocaust orphan Can We Learn? Temple Israel 1301 Special presentation by Judy Trinh of CBC Ottawa, a Vietnamese Boat refugee, and Elin Beaumont of 70 years since the arrival of 1,123 Holocaust orphans Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa the Azrieli Foundation, with a new interactive educational program. to Canada. Registration required by Nov 9th, 2017. To register visit: http://bit.ly/chesteachers In Conversation with a survivor November 28 Prof. Deidre Butler and Kati Morrison, a Holocaust survivor and participant in the CHES 2016 11:35-12:55 Testimonial Project Carleton University, Watch Kati’s Testimonial Canal Building, Room 2202 RSVP required: chesatcarleton@gmail.com Carleton University supports a program called The Futurefunder as an alternate funding source for many of its programs. Membership on the The Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies (ZC) is fortunate to have four of its program listed on CHES committee is The Futurefunders website futurefunder.carleton.ca open to new members. These are Study Israel 2018 course, Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship, the Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies, and Developing Future Leaders Internship program To support CHES please Please note that Giving Tuesday is November 28, 2017 visit www.carleton.ca/ The university has made $250,000 in university matching funds available between 12:00AM- 11:59 EST, while funds last. ches/donate-to-ches Each gift made through FutureFunder.ca will be matched, dollar-for-dollar (up to a maximum of $1,000, or until our goal is met). please support the ZC and extend the power of your donations by going online November 28 to make your donations. 16 Newsletter of the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies
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